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The main signs of Giardia in the body. How to treat Giardia in an adult: the basic treatment regimen, the best drugs and folk advice

Giardiasis is a fairly common disease that falls into the category chronic infections. The disease most often occurs in children, but adult patients can also suffer from it. It is recommended to promptly treat giardiasis in adults. The treatment regimen should be developed only by a doctor, which will ensure a high effect.

Basic treatment regimen for the disease

In order to directly influence pathogens, it is necessary to take appropriate medications. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the scheme. It consists of the patient undergoing three courses.

The first stage is aimed at eliminating internal intoxication, strengthening the immune system, and stimulating the enzymatic function of the intestines. During this period, the patient must strictly adhere to the recommendations for taking medications. During this period, the patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • sorbent medications: Smecta, activated carbon, Bilignin, Polysorb, etc.;
  • choleretic drugs, which are used to eliminate congestion in the gallbladder: xylitol, magnesium sulfate, sorbitol, etc.;
  • enzyme medications such as Festal, Panzinorm, Creon, Multienzyme, etc.

At the third stage, medications are taken, the action of which is aimed at strengthening immune system. In this case, everything possible must be done to prevent the development of the disease in the intestines. That is why patients are provided proper nutrition. They are recommended to eat berries, fruits, vegetables, dairy products in large quantities.

Also during this period it is necessary to drink tea, which is prepared on the basis of birch buds. Reception of this medicine must be done daily. The course of treatment using tea is one month. In order to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take probiotics and enzyme preparations:

  • Mezima;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Pancreasima;
  • Lacto-moon;
  • Bificola, etc.

This treatment regimen is the most effective in the treatment of giardiasis. That is why patients must strictly adhere to it in order to eliminate infection in the shortest possible time.

Therapy of chronic giardiasis in adults

If, with giardiasis, the patient is not provided with timely elimination of the disease, this will lead to the disease becoming chronic. It is characterized not only by a complex course, but also by treatment. The treatment regimen in this case also consists of three stages, but differs slightly in the drugs.

At the first stage, the patient is recommended to follow a diet. You should exclude from your diet foods that contain simple carbohydrates in large quantities. Also, do not consume dairy, sweet and flour products. The patient is recommended to eat boiled or baked vegetables and fruits.

Also, eliminating the disease at this stage involves the use of the following medications:

  1. Choleretic drugs that eliminate congestion in the gallbladder: Xylitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol.
  2. Cholespasmolytics, which help to relax biliary tract: Duspalina, Platifillina, Eufillina.
  3. Enzymes: Mezim-forte, Festal, Pancreatin.
  4. Enterosorbents: Bilignin, Reaban, Polyphepan, etc.

At the third stage, the patient’s body’s defenses are increased. For this purpose, bacterial preparations are taken: Acidophilus, Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, Colibacterin, etc. Also, patients at this stage are recommended to take enzymatic drugs: Pancreatin, Hilak-Forte, Mezim, Festal.

After completion of treatment chronic giardiasis in some cases, relapses may occur. That is why long-term monitoring of patients after completion of therapy is recommended.

Nemozol treatment regimen

To treat the patient, it is necessary to use only highly effective drugs. Also, the drug must be as safe as possible, which allows it to be used for any category of patients. One such medicine is Nemozol.

Important! Despite high level effectiveness of Nemozol, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications.

Taking the drug is strictly prohibited for the fairer sex during pregnancy. It is also not recommended to use the drug if the patient is diagnosed with retinal eye disease. If a patient has an individual intolerance to certain components of the drug, then it is not taken. Doctors are quite careful in prescribing Nemozol to patients who have been diagnosed with liver dysfunction.

The medication should be taken during meals. You need to take the drug once a day, one tablet of 400 milligrams. The course of treatment for adult patients is five days.

The medicine may cause side effects as allergic manifestations, itching, skin rash. Patients may also complain of dizziness. In some cases, an increase in body temperature is observed when taking this medication. Patients may also experience instability blood pressure. Quite a serious side effect is disturbances in kidney function.

Nemozol belongs to the category of fairly effective medicines that help eliminate giardiasis. To avoid side effects, the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor who takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Trichopolum therapy

Trichopolum is often used to eliminate giardiasis in adult patients. It belongs to the category of antiprotozoal drugs and has antibacterial activity. The drug is released in the form of tablets. That is why it is taken orally, washed down big amount water.

The medication should be taken three times a day. A single dose of the drug is 250 milligrams or one tablet. Reception should continue for seven days.

Also, to eliminate giardiasis with trichopolum, another scheme can be used. In accordance with it, the patient needs to take three tablets of the drug in the morning and five tablets in the evening. The third option is to take eight tablets (2000 milligrams) in one day. The course of treatment according to this regimen should continue for two days.

Trichopolum has a high effect, but at the same time has contraindications. Patients are strictly prohibited from using the drug to eliminate giardiasis during leukopenia. At organic lesions central nervous system taking trichopolum is prohibited. It is not recommended to use the drug to eliminate giardiasis when liver failure. If the patient has increased sensitivity to Trichopolum, its use is not recommended.

Trichopolum is a highly effective drug used to eliminate Giardia in the human body. The drug should be taken in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

Use of traditional methods of treatment

A treatment regimen is widely used to eliminate giardiasis. folk remedies. Today, there are a huge number of recipes with which you can eliminate the disease in the shortest possible time.


In most cases, a balm is prepared from this product for adult patients. To prepare the medicine, you need to take several horseradish roots and thoroughly clean them from the soil. Horseradish is chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is added to glass jar and filled with boiled, cooled water. The medicine must be infused for three days. After this time, the medicine is filtered. You need to add honey to it in a 1:1 ratio. The tincture is taken three times a day, one tablespoon. The course is 10 days. Next you need to take a break for one week. After this, the course of treatment is repeated.

You must use garlic tincture. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of the product, peel it and grind it in a mortar. Transfer the resulting mass into a dark glass bowl and pour in 200 milliliters of vodka. The product must be placed in a dark place and left for a week. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used to cure giardiasis. A single dose of the drug is twenty drops. An adult should take the medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Quite effective in treatment of this disease are pumpkin seeds. To prepare a folk medicine, you need to take 200 grams of pumpkin seeds and grind them in a mortar. The resulting mixture should be placed in a glass container and 50 grams of honey and water should be added to it. The folk medicine is mixed as thoroughly as possible and taken orally. The medication is taken on an empty stomach one hour before meals. After this, the patient is recommended to take a laxative. Reception is carried out once a day for ten days.

Important! Despite high efficiency and security of funds traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Giardiasis belongs to the category quite serious illnesses that are difficult to treat. That is why it is necessary to treat the disease according to a scheme that is developed by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics patient and stage of disease development.

Factors causing the disease in adults are weakened immunity, decreased stomach acidity, long-term use antibiotics, poor nutrition, drug addiction. There are the following methods of transmission of giardiasis in adults:

  • Water – if a person drinks tap water, swims in bodies of water, or does not wash his hands after using the toilet;
  • Contact and household– if a person comes into contact with objects contaminated with cysts in the house: towels, dishes, toys;
  • Food – if a person eats unwashed foods.

The main symptoms of giardiasis

A distinctive feature of the disease is that it does not immediately manifest itself. The patient may notice the first signs only after 1–2 weeks. A person develops headaches, loses appetite, the skin becomes unhealthy in appearance, and an upset stomach occurs.

  • Acute – increased body temperature up to 38 degrees, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, rash on the body, loss of appetite, neurotic disorders;
  • Chronic – constipation or diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation, urge to vomit, coating on the tongue, pale skin, loss of ability to work, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, cutting or moderate abdominal pain;
  • Asymptomatic – the disease is mild, the person has no cause for concern.

At untimely treatment invasion, the disease from an acute or asymptomatic form flows into chronic stage. If you sound the alarm in time, undergo an examination and treatment prescribed by a doctor, then it will take no more than 7 days to treat the problem.

Methods for diagnosing Giardia

There are times when specialists are unable to obtain accurate information about a disease from a stool test. Then the doctor prescribes additional methods research. To confirm the diagnosis, he can give a referral for the following tests:

  • Blood test - to detect antibodies;
  • Intestinal biopsy- a method by which you can find out whether the structure of the tissue has changed small intestine or not.

Treatment of giardiasis in adults

To eliminate the disease you need to go through complex treatment with the mandatory use of natural and/or synthetic (pharmacy) drugs, traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for lamblia

Positive results after treatment of giardiasis using folk remedies are achieved only if long-term use the above recipes. Minimum duration of use traditional medicines is 2 weeks.

Giardia tablets

  • Ornidazole. Has a sensitive effect on lamblia. Initially, the drug disrupts respiratory processes protozoa, as a result of which they die. The frequency of use of the medicine is determined by the doctor. The course of treatment is 1 week.
  • Tinidazole. The drug quickly inhibits the development of Giardia and destroys their DNA. You need to take 1 tablet before bed for 5 days. After completing therapy, the patient must take a blood test for the presence of Giardia. If these protozoa are identified during the study, then treatment with Tinidazole should be repeated.
  • McMirror. The drug is highly effective and has a strong antibacterial effect. Prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day. Macmiror differs from other tablets in its mild effect on the human body. It does not disturb the intestinal microflora; side effects after it are observed in rare cases.
  • Nemozol. This chewable tablets, adults are prescribed 1 piece (400 mg) per day, take 5 days. The drug is prescribed at the second stage of treatment, after cleansing the body with diet and enterosorbents.
  • Pyrantel. Giardia affects by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. The protozoa die quickly, do not remain in the intestines, and are excreted dead in the feces. The dosage of the drug is prescribed based on the patient’s weight: 10 mg of medication is needed per 1 kg of weight.

You should take tablets for giardiasis strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist. Each drug from the above has its own contraindications, as well as side effects. The tablets are toxic and are not recommended for use in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Natural remedies for Giardia

Shows high efficiency in the fight against protozoa medications plant origin. They are prescribed if synthetic products are contraindicated for the patient. Among the popular medicines of natural origin are the following:

  • Bactefort. It contains such plant components as: black currant leaves, primrose, licorice root, echinacea, meadowsweet flowers. You need to take the drug like this: 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (200 ml). Drink half a glass warm before meals twice a day.
  • Helmifort. A completely natural product that contains extracts of the following plants: laurel, rosemary, Manchurian walnut, as well as amaranth and bucco seeds. This Swiss drug is available in the form of drops. An adult should take 10 drops diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water, 2 times a day.
  • Intoxic. The drug contains bear bile, Djungarian ferula, sumac fruit juice, and auxiliary components. Take twice a day before meals.

Features of use natural preparations The problem is that they need to be taken for a long time – at least 1 month. Only in this case can a positive treatment result be expected. Listed natural remedies can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of giardiasis. The drugs are safe and can be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Diet for giardiasis in adults

Thanks to it, the patient will be able to create a critical habitat for these pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the number of Giardia will decrease. The following foods are prohibited from being included in the patient’s diet:

  • Sweets;
  • Sweet drinks, soda, kvass;
  • Flour products;
  • Sweet fruits;
  • Milk;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fried, smoked, pickled, salted, spicy dishes;
  • Fast food;
  • Vegetables that irritate the stomach and intestines.

For this disease, it is useful to consume kefir, yogurt, sour fruits and berries, fruit drinks and compotes from fresh berries no sugar, porridge with water. Raw foods must be doused with boiling water before consumption. Remember that proper nutrition during giardiasis is the key to a speedy recovery.

Prevention of Giardia

In order to never encounter giardiasis, to always feel safe, to be confident in your health, you must follow preventive measures against this disease. They are aimed both at stopping the reproduction of protozoa in water and soil ( social level protection) and personal protection.

Of no small importance in the prevention of giardiasis is the timely detection of the disease and treatment of patients, as well as all family members with whom the patient has been in contact. It is also necessary to make children aware of the rules of hygiene, behavior on the street, in kindergarten and other places. Every person must observe the following preventive measures:

  • Pour boiling water over raw foods before eating;
  • Wash your hands, especially before coming from the street, in contact with animals;
  • Clean the house more often;
  • Do not swim in bodies of water;
  • Treat all family members who live in the house with a sick person;
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations, especially for those people who work with children, as well as in food industry establishments.

At the societal level, disease can be prevented by purifying, filtering, and controlling water. Also, specialists must regularly inspect enterprises, identify and eliminate violations of sanitary and hygienic standards. By observing the above preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting giardiasis.

Video: what Giardia looks like in feces under a microscope

The most popular and effective method detection of cysts and lamblia is a stool analysis. The material for analysis must always be submitted fresh; the result of the study depends on this. In the video below you can see enlarged Giardia cysts under a microscope.


Giardiasis is a serious problem that has reached a global scale. Although the disease does not threaten a person’s life, it undermines his immunity and disrupts the functioning of many organs and systems. Only when strict adherence hygiene rules, compliance with all preventive and therapeutic measures, you can avoid the disease and prevent complications from occurring.

It is a fairly common parasitic infection that can occur not only in children, but also in adults. The disease occurs due to the influence of parasites - Giardia, which are found in the human body in a mobile or immobile form.

Giardia are viable microorganisms that remain active in environment enough long time.

You can become infected with giardiasis if a person drinks insufficiently purified water. When using contaminated water from reservoirs for domestic needs, the appearance of this disease can also be observed. In some patients, infection occurs through household means.

Eating dirty vegetables may lead to the development of the disease. Cysts can be spread by rodents, pets and insects. Exist various reasons Giardiasis in adult patients, which is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. That is why a person needs to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Symptoms of pathology

Eating dirty foods is a route of infection.

At chronic form diseases in adult patients, a variety of disorders are observed.

Patients note that during the development of the disease they have foamy stools. Pathological process quite often accompanied by rumbling in the stomach and foamy stool. Patients with the development of giardiasis may experience belching or.

The person has almost no appetite. Patients claim that they experience constipation, which is replaced by diarrhea. The disease in most cases is accompanied by swelling and increased sweating.

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, there is an accumulation of toxins in the human body, which leads to the appearance of additional symptoms. Patients complain of dizziness and dizziness. They become anxious and irritable.

Seizures and cracks appear in the corners of an adult patient’s mouth. A person's skin becomes dry and pale. Some patients experience jaundice skin. Giardiasis may also be accompanied by insomnia, nervous disorders and depression.

When the disease lasts for a long time, the human immune system cannot fully fight infectious process. As a result of this there appear dystrophic changes colon, irritable bowel syndrome, and the liver is also affected. The symptoms of giardiasis are pronounced, which allows a person to determine it independently.

To identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.

Treatment regimen for the disease

Furazolidone is a drug for the treatment of giardiasis.

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to diagnose it.

For this purpose, fecal analysis and probing are carried out upper section, interotesta. Treatment of the disease should be carried out in several stages.

The first stage requires eliminating the consequences of toxicosis, which appears with the development of giardiasis. For this purpose, patients are prescribed a special one. During the first two weeks of treatment, patients are recommended to take choleretic pharmaceutical medications.

Also, treatment of giardiasis in adults at the first stage requires the use of traditional antihistamines, as well as enterosorbents. Thanks to this therapy, the body is cleansed of toxins that negatively affect it. Thanks to this approach to treatment, the possibility of unwanted effects is limited.

  • Ornidazole;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Albendazole;
  • Tinidazole.

The selection of a specific treatment is carried out by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. During this period, contraindications and the patient’s condition are taken into account.

The dosage and duration of taking the pharmaceutical medication is determined by the doctor in accordance with the degree of development of the disease. Simultaneously with taking these medications, it is recommended to take enterosorbents and antihistamine pharmaceutical drugs.

At the final third stage, the patient’s treatment is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Patients are prescribed multivitamin complexes, and. Also at this stage of treatment, patients are recommended to take herbal adaptogens and enzyme preparations. At this stage of treatment, the patient must follow a special diet.

The traditional medicine is produced in three forms - injection solution, syrup, tablets. Medicine is quite strong. Therefore, its prescription is made by the doctor, taking into account contraindications. If the patient has acute form disease, then he needs to take Metranidozole in large quantities for 5-7 days.

The treatment regimen for patients is quite complex. That is why only a doctor should be involved in its development.

Diet therapy and traditional medicine

Protein foods are very beneficial for the body.

To ensure maximum effective treatment giardiasis the patient must adhere to special diet.

At the third stage of treatment, patients are recommended to use lean fish, boiled lean meat, fruit and vegetable purees, fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. The patient's diet should also consist of baked apples, herbs, cranberries, and lingonberries. Among porridges, it is recommended to give preference to buckwheat, oatmeal, and pearl barley.

A person’s diet should not consist of pearl barley, buckwheat, rice, confectionery and sweets. The patient is also not recommended to eat White bread. To speed up the process

Giardia are the most simple organisms. They are larger in size than bacteria, but smaller than worms. Giardia is the cause of the most common disease today - lambiasis, manifested by disorders of the small intestine and liver damage. Everyone suffers from giardiasis - both children and adults.

Treatment of giardiasis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with the fact that the disease can become chronic.

So how to treat Giardia in order to completely get rid of them?

First stage

Its main goal:

  • eliminate gag reflexes;
  • increase general state immunity;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The duration of the stage is about two weeks. During this time, the following events are held for both adults and even children:

  1. Following a diet that prevents the development of Giardia. To do this, it is necessary to exclude or limit refined carbohydrates to the maximum, but it is better to exclude heavy foods altogether. Preference should be given Lenten dishes, fiber. It could be porridge baked apples, dairy products. Many people consider diet unnecessary in the treatment of giardiasis, but this is a big misconception. Reception necessary products nutrition will help restore peristalsis, and therefore improve the general condition of the patient.
  2. Taking herbs and medications choleretic action. This will help improve the flow of bile.
  3. Taking enterosorbents. You can relieve toxicosis by taking activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel.
  4. Taking antiallergic drugs. This number includes Desloratadine, Loratadine and others.
  5. Taking enzymes. This is necessary to improve digestion. The most famous enzyme preparations are Pancreatin and Creon.

Second phase

  1. Albendazole. The drug is taken once a day. Application time: 5 days.
  2. Fazizhin. For two days you need to take one tablet four times a day.
  3. Ornidazole. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes taking the medication either for one day or for a longer time, up to ten days.
  4. Metronidazole. Take this for adults medicine should be from 5 to 10 days. Frequency of administration: 3 times a day. Amount – 400 mg each time.
  5. Trinidazole. Most effective drug, which gives a 100% cure guarantee. Accepted once. Quantity – 40 mg, which is equal to 4 tablets.
  6. McMiror. You need to take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day. For seven days.

Third stage

This period is intended to consolidate the positive result and create conditions that prevent the development of giardiasis. The duration of the stage is from 2 weeks to a month. At this time it is necessary:

  1. Take multivitamins and adaptogens.
  2. Take enzyme preparations.
  3. Take probiotics. This is Linex, Bifidumbacterin.

Treatment of giardiasis cannot be done without following a special diet. It includes products that will help improve impaired peristalsis. This:

  1. Biokefir.
  2. Salads prepared with sunflower oil.
  3. Boiled meat. It is necessary to choose only low-fat varieties for cooking.
  4. Vegetable side dishes.
  5. Curdled milk.
  6. Ryazhenka.
  7. Tomatoes.
  8. Fruits, berries.
  9. Baked apples.
  10. Puree from zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots.
  11. Prune puree, dried apricots.

And here following products You should absolutely not eat:

  1. Pates.
  2. Sausages.
  3. Pasta.
  4. Cereals. But this number does not include buckwheat, rice, and corn.
  5. Baking.
  6. Whole milk.
  7. Food that contains preservatives and food additives.

You will have to follow the diet for quite a long time - from 4 months to six months.

Use of folk remedies

Of course, using herbs, seeds or plants alone to get rid of helminths in adults or children will not give the expected result, but it is quite possible to supplement the effect of medications. But, before you start using folk remedies, you should definitely consult with the doctor who is treating you, since it is difficult for an ignorant person to predict how medications will behave in combination with certain folk remedies.

You can be treated using:

  1. Birch leaves. To do this, they are placed in a glass container and filled with cognac. You need to insist for at least three weeks. Then you need to strain, add the same amount carrot juice, honey. You need to drink cognac-honey syrup before meals three times a day.
  2. Grind 25 grams of horseradish and garlic, add them to half a liter of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. The mixture needs to be shaken periodically. Take as in the previous version, but take a tablespoon. Drink with water.
  3. Rowan tincture, but not alcoholic, but water. To obtain the mixture, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over wild rowan in the amount of 1 dessert spoon and leave everything for a couple of hours. Then you need to strain the tincture and divide it into three portions. Take before meals.

Of course, the above recipes are only suitable for adults. But for children, along with the main treatment, you can use:

  1. Carrot juice. It should be drunk in the morning before meals.
  2. Pumpkin seeds. Minimum dose – 50 g. For older children, the number of seeds can be doubled.
  3. Bergamot. Or rather, his essential oil. You need 2-3 drops of oil, mix with a teaspoon of honey or sugar and eat on an empty stomach. Do this for 5-6 days.
  4. Dill-cumin preparation. You need to take both spices in equal quantities, grind them and give the child half a teaspoon three times a day.
  5. Pine cone jam. To prepare it, you need to fill the washed cones with water so that it covers them. Cook the pine cones over low heat for 8 hours. Then you need to remove the cones and add sugar. Take the same amount of it as the cones to get a mass similar in density to jam. A child should be given a tablespoon, for adults – twice as much.

The point is overdiagnosis of the disease. To detect giardiasis, a thorough examination of stool is necessary. But even the use of a microscope cannot guarantee an accurate examination result: lamblia cysts can be confused with cysts that constantly live in the intestines. To obtain more accurate results, it is necessary to undergo the examination several times.

A more accurate result will be given by a blood test that tests for antibodies to Giardia. But here again there are some peculiarities: even several months after recovery from giardiasis, every adult or even child may still have antibodies in their blood. Therefore, the examination must be carried out at intervals of several months.

From childhood, every child is taught the rules of hygiene, which include washing hands, fruits and vegetables. And this is not done without reason, since around the world every year several hundred million people become infected with Giardia. Where do Giardia come from, why are they dangerous, and where do Giardia live in the human body?

The pear-shaped body of Giardia is equipped with eight flagella and an attachment disk, with which they are attached to the fleecy walls of the intestine. Maximum size Giardia does not exceed 18 microns. And if they enter an environment not intended for survival, they are capable of transforming into cysts - a stationary form (spores), protected from an aggressive environment by a special shell.

In the human body, Giardia lives on average about 40 days, after which it moves to the large intestine, where the conditions for its existence are extremely unfavorable. Therefore, they turn into cysts and come out along with feces out.

In the environment, cysts are able to survive in soil and water. At the same time, moist soil is favorable for them, where they are able to take a wait-and-see attitude for three weeks. When dropped into water, their lifespan increases to five weeks.

A special feature of cysts is their love of life. They're not afraid of anything ultraviolet radiation, no chlorine. At an air temperature of -13°C, the viability of cysts is significantly reduced. Drying them in air for 24 hours, boiling them, or heating them to 60-70°C for 7 minutes can destroy them.

Features of the disease

Giardia enters the human body orally, just like worms, and when it ends up in favorable conditions, multiply very quickly. When cysts enter the intestines, their shell is destroyed and they transform into a mobile form, beginning to absorb nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Thus, they disrupt the functions of the intestine, inhibiting it motor activity, and depriving the body of vital substances.

The active life of Giardia has a strong toxic effect on the body of an adult. Toxins attack the walls of the small intestine, reduce the amount of enzymes secreted by the pancreas, and interfere with the absorption of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Methods of infection

  • Contact and household. The culprit in the development of the disease is most often non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, when people neglect to wash their hands after visiting the toilet or walking. Cysts can also end up on clothes, toys and dishes.
  • Water. As mentioned above, they are resistant to chlorine. Therefore, they can be present in chlorinated tap water, as well as in raw water taken from open reservoirs and used for domestic needs.
  • Pishchev. In this case, any products that have not been heat-treated pose a danger. These also include unwashed fruits, vegetables and berries.

Domestic and stray animals can be carriers of the causative agent of the disease, since cysts can move after getting on animal fur from the soil. But the main carriers are flies.

Signs of illness

Children aged 1 to 4 years are most susceptible to this disease. In this case, the disease itself can be completely asymptomatic. It can only be detected during examination for another disease. However, in children, the main manifestation of giardiasis is slow weight gain.

Symptoms of Giardia in adults are expressed in the following manifestations:

  • pain in the navel area;
  • feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of appetite accompanied by nausea;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • bad breath;
  • stool disorder, manifested in diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • foamy discharge during defecation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • swelling;
  • increased sweating.

It allows you to identify the symptoms of Giardia and prescribe treatment correct diagnosis. At the same time, the peculiarity of giardiasis is that its symptoms are identical to diseases affecting organs gastrointestinal tract. Sick people are often diagnosed with cholecystitis, duodenitis, enterocolitis and other diseases expressed in inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines and gall bladder.

In addition, intestinal lamblia, releasing toxins, provokes the development of symptoms reminiscent of signs skin diseases and diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract.

Diagnostic methods

Most accessible method which makes it possible to detect Giardia cysts in adults and children is. However this study It is recommended to carry out weekly for two months, since Giardia cysts are not always present in the stool.

Other diagnostic methods are also used.

Complications of the disease

  • cholecystitis;
  • enteritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • changes in the structure of the pancreas;
  • dysbiosis.

For this reason, the patient will have to undergo three stages of treatment.

Traditional medicine will help enhance the effect of the prescribed course of treatment. The most effective are tinctures and mixtures intended for internal use. When Giardia appears, take alcohol tincture from garlic, a mixture of honey and plantain, horseradish infusion, a mixture of flax seeds and cloves, as well. Positive results allows you to achieve oat tubage.

Prevention of infection

It is very important to both detect Giardia and undergo treatment, and subsequently prevent it from occurring. reinfection. To do this, you must follow certain rules.

  • When coming home from the street, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. This procedure should be carried out before each meal and after each visit to the toilet.
  • Before consumption, raw vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water and then rinsed with boiling water. This precaution will eliminate the possibility of infection.

  • You cannot swim in bodies of water with standing water. Such water poses a particular danger if it enters the oral cavity.
  • If there are animals in the house, it is necessary to periodically treat them for helminths.
  • Work with the earth personal plot you need to wear gloves.
  • The main carriers of the causative agent of giardiasis are flies. Therefore, you need to try to prevent them from entering the kitchen and in every possible way protect products from contact with them.