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How to prolong youth? Simple ways to stop the aging of the body. Ways to stop body aging

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Every person would like to slow down the aging process, but does not know how to do it. It is quite obvious that we will not be able to stop them, but we can stop this process. This will require some effort. Until recently, scientists were sure that aging is inevitable and nothing can be done about it. However, it has now been proven that a person is able to control five factors, thanks to which the aging process can be stopped. Today we will tell you how to stop the aging of your body.

Let's look at all five factors, and when you learn to control them, you will immediately understand how to stop the aging of your body. Your age is not of fundamental importance and, having learned to monitor your body’s energy level, mobility, memory, sense acuity and muscle strength, you will be able to maintain health, thereby prolonging your youth.


If you want to prevent development oncological diseases, diabetes, heart disease and others serious problems health, you should monitor various inflammatory processes. As a result, they become main reason appearance large quantity diseases.

Inflammation is defensive reaction body for physical damage or presence in the body pathogens. Inflammatory processes are temporary, and then recovery occurs. The body sends leukocytes to places of tissue damage or infection, and this leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

When the immune system copes with the task, leukocytes are replaced by special anti-inflammatory hormones that activate the healing reaction processes. In medicine this process is called acute inflammation and after its completion, complete recovery occurs.

However, the body may not keep the inflammatory process under control, which leads to the destruction of cellular tissue structures. The inflammatory process becomes chronic, and it is this, according to scientists, that is the main cause of development serious illnesses eg Alzheimer's disease. Now it is difficult to say for what reasons the body loses control over inflammatory processes. However, all people who smoke are sedentary lifestyle life and cannot cope with stress quickly, are at particular risk.

Oxidative processes

Surely everyone, including you, has noticed how quickly iron can rust. The oxidation reaction occurs rapidly and during this process electrons are stripped from the molecules. Something similar happens in our body, but we cannot say that this reaction always causes harm. However, when oxidative processes proceed rapidly. Then the tissues are destroyed, and the quantity free radicals is growing steadily. Let us remember that free radicals are formed from oxygen molecules and, due to the absence of an electron, are extremely unstable. Antioxidants can fight these substances. Remember this if you want to know how to stop your body from aging.

Non-enzymatic glycosylation

Extremely dangerous for human body process. This reaction is activated at those moments when the molecules of protein compounds and sugar in the body combine, which leads to the formation of a mass that envelops internal organs. As a result, they lose their plasticity. Let's say that the heart muscle, under the influence of this mass, cannot continue to pump blood.

In addition, the processes of production of the substance AEG, which disrupts metabolism in cellular structures. This is another one possible reason development of serious diseases. For example, under the influence of AEG, red cells lose their ability to transport oxygen, and low-density lipoprotein compounds cannot be processed by the liver.


All people who want to know how to stop the aging of the body need to become familiar with the processes of absorption and distribution of micronutrients. These are extremely important reactions that occur in the cellular structures of tissues. This is primarily due to the production of DNA. This is a special molecule located in the nucleus of every cell that regulates its functioning.

If DNA does its job well, then cell mutation processes are impossible. When metabolic processes are balanced, the aging process slows down. With age, speed metabolic processes falls, which negatively affects the production of DNA, which can cause the development cancer diseases. To normalize metabolism, it is necessary to consume vitamins E and B in sufficient quantities.


If a person catches infection, then this indicates problems with the functioning of his immunity. Defense mechanisms must always be prepared to deal with various threats from pathogens. However, with age, immune cells can no longer perform their work as efficiently as they did in their youth. As a result, the person becomes vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria.

How to stop body aging - basic ways

  1. Support normal weight bodies. Your body weight must be within normal limits. Excess weight can be the main reason for the activation of inflammatory processes. Scientists have found that when body weight is reduced to normal, the concentration of CRP (C-reactive protein) in the blood will drop sharply. Based on the level of this substance, one can judge the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. Be active. Thanks to physical activity, you have the opportunity to maintain normal weight bodies. If you want to understand how to stop the aging of the body, then read the section on inflammatory processes again. With regular exercise, the concentration of CRP in the blood, which we just mentioned, also decreases. Only people leading active image lives can fight aging.
  3. Eat right. There is a lot of talk about nutrition now and this is quite justified. Scientists have proven that thanks to a well-designed diet, you can maintain your health. Add to this regular physical exercise, and you will get a powerful anti-aging recipe. Useful fatty acid For example, omega-3s can effectively suppress inflammatory processes.
  4. Eat only healthy carbohydrates. Your diet must include vegetables, grains, fruits - all these products contain plant fibers, which speed up the processes of toxin disposal and improve performance. digestive system etc. But from simple carbohydrates It’s worth giving up or at least limiting their consumption.

How to stop the appearance of wrinkles?

For most women, wrinkles and condition become more and more important as they age. skin generally. When wrinkles begin to appear, this indicates aging of the skin and loss of elasticity. At this point, you should begin to take more active care of your skin, as the aging process is rapidly gaining speed.

An excellent way to combat expression lines is a mask with egg yolks. To prepare it you will need two tablespoons of oat flour, sunflower oil(2 teaspoons) and egg yolk. After all these components are thoroughly mixed, the mask must be applied to the face.

If you begin to develop deep wrinkles, then you need to use vitamin E. This micronutrient can eliminate existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. With a deficiency of this substance, the skin loses moisture, which is one of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

To combat them, we recommend using oil solution vitamin E, which must be applied to existing wrinkles. He may also become an excellent remedy prevention if applied to the forehead, eye area and corners of the lips. It may also be useful in this situation olive oil, Although this product somewhat inferior in effectiveness to vitamin E.

Apply olive oil to your face every evening and leave for about half an hour. Also in Ancient Greece Aloe juice has been actively used in the fight against the aging process of the skin. The juice of this plant can cope with even the oldest wrinkles, and will also eliminate skin irritation. Another excellent way to maintain the youth of your skin is a decoction of dried chamomile flowers. To prepare it, you need to mix one tablespoon of flowers with two glasses of water, and then boil for ten minutes.

To skin long time To maintain your youth, you need to monitor your body weight. Moreover, now we are not talking about losing weight in order to achieve one standard of beauty known to you, but namely maintaining a body weight that is normal for you. Overweight negatively affect the entire body, including the skin.

In addition, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition and include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Thanks to this, the body will be able to independently cleanse itself of toxins and waste. If your digestive tract will be clean, then this is the first step towards healthy skin. Keep this in mind if you want to know how to stop your body from aging.

Try to always be in a good mood. Positive emotions not only pleasant to others, but will help you in the fight against aging. Joy hormones accelerate the production of collagen and thereby help maintain healthy skin.

How to stop aging, watch the video below:

How to stop the internal clock?

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  • "Skin is like a diagnostician. Look at your skin and you will see a reflection of your health."

Cosmetic treatments stop working on skin after age 40 because internal state skin cells begin to deteriorate sharply. And the reason for this process is increasing changes in hormone levels. Skin cells are saturated with hormonal receptors, especially on the skin of the face and neck. It is the neck and face that first feel the onset of old age. Fine wrinkles, sagging, pigmentation - these unpleasant phenomena inexorably say that youth is leaving.

Why does youth disappear?

Until recently, it was believed that the internal mechanisms of aging and aging under the influence external factors(stress, unfavorable environment, free radicals - cell destroyers, solar radiation, etc.) play approximately the same role in the wear and tear of our body. However, research last decades convinced scientists that the entire population external influences on the body does not exceed 30% in the causes of aging. The main violin in the inexorable process of extinction is played by decline. hormonal levels, which begins to increase from about 40 years of age.

Mother Nature took care of us until about this age. By the age of 40, we should already have fulfilled our main goal. natural function- to leave and raise offspring, our further fate, from the point of view of Nature, is no longer so important.

Each person has his own supply of sex hormones. Gynecologists are well aware that women, for example, have very different levels hormones. One can easily become pregnant at 45 years old, while the other has hormone levels that allow her to conceive a child only until she is 30.

Therefore, a woman, choosing hormonal methods contraception, you should think twice: after all, by artificially suppressing the level of hormones, it significantly shortens its period of youth and beauty! Very often in women who are addicted to hormonal contraception, cosmetic problems with the skin of the face, neck and hands appear after 30 years!

After all, without a normal hormonal background, an outwardly attractive and youthful appearance cannot be preserved. Androgens and estrogens control skin thickness, specific density, subcutaneous fat thickness, chemical composition, skin elasticity, its ability to stretch! By the way, the lack of androgens and estrogens is also the cause of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis and periodontal disease!

If the drop in the level of sex hormones occurs like an avalanche, then blooming woman in six months you can literally turn into an old woman! For many, this fact becomes a real life disaster!

How to recognize a drop in hormone levels? Cosmetic signs.

The first sign is the appearance of severe dry skin. At some point, after every wash, bath or shower, the skin becomes so dry that you want to constantly apply moisturizer. The elasticity of the skin decreases, longitudinal wrinkles appear. After all, estrogens control the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Less collagen means more sagging skin, more wrinkles and more visible pores.

Skin regeneration slows down. Healing of wounds and abscesses occurs very slowly. After all, in youth, a skin cell develops for 28 days, and in old age this period doubles. A clear sign of decreased levels of hormones (androgens) is sagging triceps and the appearance of folds on the knees. If you are about 40 and these signs appear, then it’s time to sound the alarm - your hormone levels are decreasing too quickly!

The same sign of decreased hormones can be frequent freckles, bad condition nails and hair on the head.

Hair often appears on upper lip. This is not happening at all because the level has increased male hormones. This level of women's has fallen too sharply. Temporary imbalance gives rise to "whiskers".

But the most unpleasant thing is that the face begins to “float”, and the contours of the face and body become deformed. The lips decrease in volume, and a so-called “purse-string” mouth appears. The contours of the nose and eyes become distorted, they become dull and sad. Often the faces of women with low level sex hormones become very similar, even if they are separated by decades!

This period is the most difficult in a woman’s life. She has to say goodbye to her old way of life forever and get used to a new body and face.

And the decrease in hormone levels is not limited to cosmetic results. Knocking after them excess weight and problems with cardiovascular system.

What to do? How to stop the aging process?

Firstly, do not be upset when you discover the first signs of a drop in your sex hormone levels. Once you know, you are already warned and can take countermeasures. If you remained to live in ignorance, then a sudden blow of fate in the form of catastrophic changes in appearance could strike you with extraordinary force, like that woman who grew old in six months.

Secondly, remember that you are quite capable of resisting the inexorable clock ticking your life.

The main thing that a woman can and should do after 40 is to help her body produce sex hormones.

Why produce? -- you ask. If hormones have such a direct effect on the youth of the body in general and the skin in particular, then if their production is insufficient, the simplest solution is to introduce artificial hormones from the outside. No, friends, it won’t work: by receiving hormones in the form of injections, our body reduces the already small amount of hormones produced independently: hormonal dependence is formed. This dependence is fraught not only in itself (after all, injections must be done every day!), but also possible complications, the most severe of which is oncology.

Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to helping your body.

The simplest and most important thing is not to reduce the intensity of your sex life. After all, if hormones are still in demand in your personal life, they will continue to be actively produced by your body! Also try to support physical fitness at a high level.

Second, help your body with vitamins that directly affect the production of sex hormones. First of all, this (in Latin - tocopherol - brings life), as well as B vitamins (especially folic acid), vitamins A and C.

Vitamins E, A (also beta-carotene) and C are also antioxidants, which means they prevent the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals - eliminating the remaining 30% of the causes of aging. Vitamins A, C and E are also rightly called cosmetic - after all, they help our skin remain elastic, hair strong, and eyes shiny.

It is clear that with age the need for additional intake of these vitamins only increases. Therefore, it is worth focusing on multivitamin formulas with increased content these vitamins.

By following these simple rules, you can prolong your youth for many years, postponing the onset of the autumn of life to the maximum possible extent. Your skin, eyes, hair will continue to radiate the power of life, and every birthday will remind you not of your defeat, but of your victory. Victory to the power of knowledge and strength of spirit!

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This is our conversation with Vladimir Anisimov, professor, president of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the council of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

The smart ones are lucky

“AiF”: - Vladimir Nikolaevich, is it possible to stop old age?

Vladimir Anisimov:- You can’t stop aging, but you can slow it down and thus extend your life up to 120 years. This age is inherent in the genes of humanity, it is described in the Bible, and this record has not been broken to this day (the Frenchwoman Jeannette Calment lived the longest - 122 years and 164 days).

“AiF”: - Why then do many people not live even half of this period?

V.A.:- They live. You might be surprised, but the number of 100-year-olds in Europe and the USA doubles every 10 years. Average duration Over the past 160 years, human life has increased annually by 3 months.

“AiF”: - But in Russia life expectancy is low...

V.A.:- Life expectancy is calculated based on deaths registered in the current year. Thousands of children die on our roads every year, there is high crime rate, and alcoholism. Add here explicit and implicit wars. And young people are dying everywhere. Due to this, the mortality rate is high. In our country, it is not the elderly who live less, but the young who die early. The German experience is interesting. When the country was divided into Western and Eastern parts, the mortality rate increased in the latter: socialism did not take care of people. When Germany was reunified in 1990, over the next 10 years the mortality rate in both parts became equal, and the number of centenarians in the former Eastern part increased sharply. Caring for people can quickly increase life expectancy.

Education is also important. Professors live longer. In the USA they found out that men who graduated from college live 6 years longer than their uneducated compatriots. This extends to their wives too! Men with a high IQ index have a longer life expectancy, but women with high level intelligence - on the contrary. They prove that they can do a lot - and experience stress that shortens their lives.

Cancer and immortality

“AiF”: - Scientists know how to prolong the life of animals. But not for people?

V.A.:- Indeed, the life of a nematode ( roundworm) with the help of gene transplantation it is possible to increase it by 6 times. The experimental mouse lives for 2.5 years, and its record is 1400 days. It is possible to extend the years, but at what cost? If we interfere with a person’s genes and prolong his life, we will provoke the appearance cancerous tumors. Why? Those genes that are involved in aging are also involved in the formation of cancer. These processes are inextricably linked. The stem cell, from which all organs and tissues of the body are built, has only two development paths. It can appear, develop, and then die off - this is aging. Or it can turn into an immortal cancer cell. After all, cancer is, in essence, immortality. If you take a tumor cell and graft it onto another creature, it will continue to develop in someone else’s body.

“AiF”: - Everyone remembers the fatal illnesses of actresses Anna Samokhina and Lyubov Polishchuk - according to rumors, stem cells were their cause...

V.A.:- They provoke the development of tumors in the body. In stem cells, genes that can regenerate organs (for example, restore part of the liver) work only for a very short period. Then the mechanism of turning the cell into cancer is activated. Therefore, manipulation with them is really dangerous. The same sheep Dolly, cloned from stem cells, quickly grew old and died, because in her genome she carried the entire burden of her mother’s diseases.

“AiF”: - What can you do for your body yourself?

V.A.:- Proven: The best way prolongation of life - calorie restriction. The peoples themselves set up an experiment on themselves: Japan, where they consume 1500-1800 kcal per day, is the leader in the number of centenarians. A common person will not survive on such a diet. He needs to eat more. But how can you get fewer calories? Now science is busy searching for mimetics - drugs that imitate conditions in the body caused by calorie restriction. That is, they influence genes and allow you to eat without restrictions, but at the same time not gain weight. Such drugs exist. Back in 1971, Leningrad scientist Vladimir Dilman proposed using antidiabetic biguanides for this purpose - substances that diabetic patients take to absorb glucose. Studies have confirmed that biguanides have mimetic properties, and also prolong life and significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. Swiss scientists reported last year that they can also be taken for prevention. premature aging.

Light mode is very important. Residents of the North are aging faster. And the severity of the climate is not the main thing. The nights in the northern regions are white. And light at night suppresses melatonin in the body - this vital hormone is produced only at night. It is enough to turn on a bright light for 15 seconds - and melatonin is suppressed. Therefore, during sleep, you should not turn on the light, computer, TV, or leave the night light on. Curtain your windows tightly. Those who work at night need to take melatonin. As well as everyone who has it lowered. This is determined by conventional analysis blood, urine. And, if there is not enough melatonin, you need to buy it at the pharmacy and take it in the fall and spring, when the light regime changes. In general, sleep is the most important component of health. Studies have shown that women who have insomnia 4 times a week are twice as likely to develop breast cancer! To be beautiful, you need to sleep at least 6 and no more than 9 hours.

“AiF”: - What about artificially prolonging youth: cosmetics, massage? After all, it works - people look younger...

V.A.:- If you plaster a building, but leave rotten ceilings, it will still collapse. You cannot deceive nature. In addition, we age unevenly and appearance is not everything. One person's skin ages faster, the other's internal organs. By the way, the rate of aging is genetically determined by 35%. The rest is all in your hands.

Proportion of people, % of adult population

Men Women
overweight obese overweight obese
USA 72 32 64 36
Australia 68 26 55 24
Britannia 66 24 57 25
Canada 66 25 54 23
Spain 63 19 45 16
Germany 60 16 45 16
Austria 57 12 43 13
Russia 47 10 52 24
Türkiye 49 12 46 19
Netherlands 53 11 42 12
Poland 52 13 39 13
Italy 55 11 36 9
Sweden 52 10 36 10
France 43 11 34 12
Switzerland 46 9 29 8
China 33 2 25 2
Japan 29 3 21 3

Aging is a natural and irreversible process. Scientists have been trying to find a recipe for eternal youth for many centuries. Gradually, science accumulates knowledge about entropy processes and learns to extend the active period of life. But a lot in preserving youth depends on the person himself.

Why do we grow old

Our body exists due to constant cell renewal. They are able to divide and create new generations of their clones. But this still does not stop the aging process. Why?

During the reproduction of copies in a cell, the division of the chromosome, which carries genetic information, occurs. But not all parts of the chromosome are capable of division.

At the tip of the DNA carrier there is a small region called a telomere. He plays important function– prevents other chromosomes, viruses and proteins from sticking to the chromosome, which protects the genetic information of the cell.

With each chromosome division, the telomere is mechanically shortened. In older people, this area is critically small. Cells that have completely lost their telomere are no longer able to reproduce their copies and therefore simply die.

This is the cause of aging - the body stops renewing itself.

Why does our body age unevenly?

Recent studies by American scientists have found interesting fact. It turns out that our body ages very unevenly. For example, the biological age of the mammary glands is always greater than the general biological age of their owner. The difference is 2-3 years.

But the cardiovascular system is younger than other organs of the body. And a whole 8-10 years younger. The reasons why this happens remain unclear to scientists. If rapid aging of the skin can be explained by direct contact with environment, then age-related fluctuations in the chest and heart remain a mystery.

According to numerous scientific observations, it is known that genetic data play an important role in slowing down the aging process.

Children of centenarians usually live and remain active longer than their peers. But also higher value It has correct image life.

Sport and physical activity rejuvenates the body

People who constantly and a lot of sports look much better than their peers who prefer a passive lifestyle. Sitting at work or lying down as a rest gives a signal to the muscles that they are not needed.

Without load muscle fibers gradually atrophy. The body becomes decrepit. Blood supply deteriorates, which automatically brings with it problems in the nutrition of all organs and tissues.

Therefore, if you want to look younger, start playing sports. Observations of the cardiovascular system and lungs of elderly people who began training in old age revealed that sport rejuvenates these organs. They are significantly updated after just six months of regular physical exercise.

Aerobic exercise is especially beneficial for the lungs, heart and blood vessels. This includes running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling and even brisk walking. It is important to push the limits of your body's endurance. Then his strength will grow, and his youth will last longer.

How to save joints

Good joint condition is maintained thanks to technical correct loads. Dangerous for joints incorrect positions, and lack of activity. You need to carefully monitor your posture. A varied, balanced diet is necessary.

After 40 years include different natural jellies in your diet. Bone decoctions from fish or meat - best dishes for the prevention of joint diseases.

How to stop skin aging

The skin ages quickly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. On her big influence provide bad habits like smoking and alcohol.

At any age, contrasting douches and a diet with big amount B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Mental work helps slow down the aging process

The brain is the most mysterious human organ. The most studied and the most unstudied. It would seem, what does he have to do with youth? But it also has the most immediate thing. People who engage in intellectual activities for a long time and for a long time remain active to unimaginable limits.

It is not uncommon to encounter scientists, lawyers, and teachers who, at a very advanced age, are not only still working, but are heads of huge organizations.

But what to do those of us whose profession does not require significant mental effort? Constant exercise will help you keep a clear head and a sound memory. This could be solving logical problems, mathematical or physical examples.

Will be extremely useful card games. Bridge and preference named by scientists as the most rejuvenating games. They are far ahead of even chess.

Probably the leading role here is played by a combination of mental work and communication with playing partners. So play for your health, have fun and stay younger.

How to eat to stay young

  • How older man becomes, the smaller the portions should be. After 40 years, you need to gradually reduce the amount of meat and fat you consume. Vegetable dishes form the basis of the diet. Nuts, seeds, and unrefined vegetable oils are added.
  • Cellulose. Contained in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Insoluble alimentary fiber cleanse the intestines and make them work at full strength. Fiber contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Buy ready-made fiber and take it according to the instructions. Change it from time to time. This month – oatmeal, next – wheat, and then flax, etc.
  • Water. One and a half, two liters of water per day - required rate. Our body constantly suffers from dehydration and therefore ages quickly. Water cleanses and nourishes tissues. Water is beautiful skin good mood and vitality.
  • B vitamins are involved in all vital processes. They are responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels, heart function, nervous system and much more. If their quantity is insufficient, a person loses his taste for life. Contained in offal, mushrooms, meat, legumes, green vegetables, and some cereals.
  • Fractional meals in small portions. Keeps the stomach in its natural size and allows the digestive tract to fully process foods and absorb nutrients.
  • Less sugar. Sugar promotes inflammatory processes and washes out of tissues healthy vitamins. It removes B3 - the vitamin of beauty, clean blood vessels and healthy nerves.
  • Less harmful and more healthy fats. Margarine, animal fats, full-fat milk and butter It is advisable to consume as little as possible. Lard repression is not necessary. It contains essential amino acids and good cholesterol. Include more in your diet fatty fish, sunflower, olive, flaxseed and other vegetable oils.
  • Eat in moderation, but enough. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Whether you want it or not, eat at least three times a day. All components are required healthy eating: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Consume more complex carbohydrates: whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. Eat less soft wheat pasta, potatoes, and white rice.
  • Include antioxidant foods in your diet. Antioxidants bind free radicals that destroy our body and remove them out. They can be found in colorful foods: carrots, beets, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, tomatoes, green vegetables, melon...
  • Replace whole fat milk fermented milk products with low fat content.
  • All types of teas, coffee beans, herbal teas– excellent antioxidants and rich vitamin complexes.
  • Meat is also needed. This is the main supplier of protein.

Why stress accelerates aging of the body

Stress competes for first place in premature aging poor nutrition and wins on all fronts. Women know that if you get too nervous in the evening, you will get extra wrinkles in the morning. Nerves are deposited in other places as well. The cardiovascular and hormonal systems are especially affected.

External aging due to excessive worries is, of course, sad, but this destructive effect stress is not limited. Negative experiences increase the likelihood somatic diseases. Stomach ulcer, diabetes, allergies, asthma- the list can be continued for a long time. Stress causes the body to wear out faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, learn to deal with stress:

  1. You need to get rid of stress factors in a timely manner. The job is not suitable - change it. People only call negative emotions- stop communicating. You should not forgive anyone for mistreatment, not even relatives. Everyone who dumps their anger on you devalues ​​you, demands that you sacrifice important interests and needs for them - unnecessary for you.
  2. Learn relaxation breathing techniques. They are the easiest to learn and help to overcome acute stress.
  3. Rest. Once again, get enough rest. Even the heart is at rest twice as long as it works. Always give yourself time to recover.
  4. Get yourself a hobby and pets. A hobby helps you turn your head off from everyday thoughts and brings a lot of pleasure. Pets are a source of positivity and energy that are always at hand.
  5. Walk a lot and drink water. Walks and others physical exercise saturate the blood with endorphins, and water flushes out stress hormones.
  6. Communicate a lot with positive people.
  7. Dose out the negative information coming from the TV screen.
  8. Think positively: the glass is always half full, not the other way around.

Face and posture - how to maintain youth

We determine a person's age by their face and posture. The good news is that many unpleasant and upsetting things are reversible. Flabby cheeks, wrinkles, hunched shoulders - everything can be corrected:

  • Ruthlessly remove from your life everything that works against you. A tyrant husband, a drunkard or a reveler is included first on this list.
  • The diet should contain vitamins B, E, A, C and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Restore correct posture. Distortions in the spine, a “widow’s” hump below the back of the head impair the innervation and blood supply to the muscles of the face, neck and skin.
  • Engage the muscles on your face. It is they, and not the skin, that are responsible for a clear, beautiful contour and the presence of most wrinkles. To do this use Asahi massage And special gymnasticsFacebook building or face culture.
  • Contrast washing will “wake up” the skin and increase blood circulation.
  • Use cosmetic three pillars: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, focusing on your skin type.

Follow the tips given in the article and always be young and beautiful!

Nobody wants to be old. Old age means sagging skin, gray hair, dull eyes, illness, loneliness and a small pension. And if science is unable to combat the last two circumstances, then they constantly promise to come up with something about the first three. Will high technology finally be able to stop the aging process and if so, how?

First we need to understand why we age in general. Even on such a seemingly obvious question, scientists cannot agree. There are a dozen theories of aging, but if you divide them into main directions, it turns out that some scientists believe that aging is a natural process that is programmed by certain genes (probabilistic theories of aging), which means they need to be found and reprogrammed, and others that this is a set of random errors and mutations in DNA, which means you need to understand what these mutations are and prevent them (the theory of programmed aging).

One of the first theories that belongs to the probabilistic type is the free radical theory, proposed in the middle of the last century by Dr. Denham Harman. According to it, mutations occur in mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondria are a kind of station in the cytoplasm of any cell, thanks to which so-called cellular respiration occurs. How is mitochondrial DNA different from normal DNA? In short, by its location. The DNA that is most often talked about is called nuclear and is located (as the name suggests) in the nucleus of every cell, packaged in chromosomes. It is better protected from various influences than mitochondria.

Apple Oxidation

Remember what happens to a sliced ​​apple when you leave it on fresh air. The apple oxidizes and looks so-so. The reason is oxygen. Free radicals (oxidants) are unstable oxygen particles. Molecules that have two paired electrons are considered stable, while radicals have either one electron or two unpaired ones. Therefore, they try to “steal” what is missing from their neighbor, which starts a chain reaction: free radicals oxidize lipids, proteins, polysaccharides and, in general, everything that can be oxidized.

It is believed that the oxidation process in cells irreversibly damages our mitochondrial DNA. Oxidative stress - mutation - destruction - aging. So what should we do? For every oxidant there is an antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals. Some antioxidants are synthesized by the human body and are also found in tea, cocoa, fruits, berries and nuts. They actually slow down the oxidation process. But do antioxidants slow down the aging process? To date, there is not a single scientific confirmation of this. The products listed are indeed useful, but for different reasons. Medicine is still searching for a miracle vaccine against free radicals. However, most likely, it’s not just them.

More recently, scientists from the city of Tsukube in Japan generally discovered that the sequence of mitochondrial DNA in cells connective tissue(fibroplasts) in older people is not changed. Although, of course, cellular respiration in the cells of elderly people from 80 to 97 years old was weakened compared to the cells of children under 12 years old. And here we come to the theories of programmed aging.

A team of scientists led by Ju-Ichi Hayashi suggested that it is not that mitochondrial DNA mutates, but that over time some genes in it seem to be turned on and off. That is, nothing irreversible happens to her. To check if this was true, they decided to practically turn back time. For reprogramming, that is, for returning cells to the embryonic stage, in 2012 John Gurdon and Shinyi Yamanaka received the Nobel Prize.

Scientists from Japan did the same. They returned adult fibroblasts from older people to a stem cell state, and then back again and saw that cellular respiration was restored. This means that the mitochondrial DNA of the fibroblasts was indeed not damaged. It’s just that some genes became inactive over time or, on the contrary, turned on. Then scientists found two genes, regulating the work of which they managed to establish normal work mitochondria. The GCAT gene and the SHMT2 gene regulate glycine production in mitochondria. Of course, this is still not a recipe for eternal youth and it is not a fact that this method will be widely used, but there is hope.