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Cholesterol-rich foods table. What foods contain good cholesterol?


Cholesterol- a natural fatty (lipophilic) alcohol contained in the cell membranes of all animal organisms (except for nuclear-free organisms). Cholesterol is a valuable element of cell membranes; without it, cells cannot exist, so there is quite a lot of cholesterol in the human body.

There are two types of cholesterol - “good” and “bad”. LDL (LDL) or low density lipoprotein called “bad” cholesterol. High density lipoprotein or HDL (HDL)- called “good” cholesterol.

The total amount of cholesterol in the blood is calculated based on a blood test. If there is a lot of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, it will slowly accumulate on the inner walls of the arteries. Together with other substances, so-called plaques will be created, narrowing the arteries and making them less flexible. This disease is called atherosclerosis. Blockage of arteries by plaque can cause a stroke or heart attack. On average, 25-33% of cholesterol is carried by HDL or “good” lipoproteins. High HDL levels protect against heart attacks. Low HDL levels (below 40 mg/dL) increase the risk of heart disease.

Triglyceride- a form of fat created in the human body. High levels of triglycerides are often combined with low levels of high-density cholesterol, or “good cholesterol,” and this indicates that fat particles are entering the bloodstream, causing vascular disease. Therefore, high triglyceride levels should be perceived as a danger signal. One of the fatal mistakes people make about cholesterol is that they assume that all high-fat foods are high in cholesterol. Those who reduce their intake of various vegetable oils in order to reduce their calorie intake, as well as their fat and cholesterol levels, are doing more harm than good. Vegetable oil contains no cholesterol at all! Yes, it is 100% fat, but fat is important for us in order to effectively burn fat! It is enough to add omega-3 fats to your food, which are found in vegetable oil and fish, and the body begins to burn fat, like in the furnace of a steam locomotive!

In the human body, cholesterol is the “raw material” for the formation of steroid hormones, in particular sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Without cholesterol, it is impossible to form vitamin D, the deficiency of which causes rickets in young children. Ultimately, cholesterol produces bile acids in the liver, which are necessary for the digestion of fats.

Product, 100 g

Cholesterol, mg

Product, 100 g

Cholesterol, mg

Product, 100 g

Cholesterol, mg

Lamb without visible fat

Mayonnaise 1 tsp 4 g

Sour cream 30% 1 tsp. – 11 g




Horse mackerel

Beef without fat



Processed cheese

Goose with skin

Milk 3%

Pickled cheese (Adyghe, feta cheese), 100 g

Yolk of one egg

Milk 6%

Pickled cheese (Adyghe, feta cheese), 25 g

Lamb fat 1 tsp.

Milk 2% fat

Hard cheese

Lamb fat 100 g

Ice cream

Hard cheese (30% fat), 100 g

Beef fat

Ice cream

Hard cheese (30% fat), 25 g

Beef fat 1 tsp

Veal liver

Cottage cheese 18%

Pork fat 1 tsp.

Cream cake

Cottage cheese 8%

Pork fat 100 g


Fat cottage cheese


Low-fat fish (approx. 2% fat content)

Low-fat cottage cheese


Medium fat fish (approx. 12% fat)


Kefir 1%

Pork chop


Boiled sausage

Pork trimmed


Boiled fatty sausage

Cream 20% fat, 1 tsp. – 5g

Duck with skin

Raw smoked sausage





Egg white

Skinless chicken white meat

Butter 1 tsp.

Skinless chicken dark meat

Sour cream 10%

To stay slim and not be at risk for cardiovascular diseases, you need to monitor the level of cholesterol in your blood. A complete analysis of lipid parameters includes the content of triglycerides, lipoproteins and other lipids in the blood. For primary, preventive monitoring of your condition, it is enough to check general state blood for cholesterol levels. 5.2 mmol/l – normal cholesterol5.2-6.5 mmol/l – a person needs correction 6.5-8 mmol/l - a person belongs to the risk group 8 mmol/l - hypercholesterolemia Norm of cholesterol in the blood: - “good” – 1.6 mmol/l and above - “bad” – 3.4 mmol/l and below The time has come to understand the products and debunk (and maybe create new) ideas about their usefulness and effect on cholesterol levels in the blood. The cholesterol content of foods undoubtedly affects the cholesterol content in the human body. But we have already figured out that cholesterol performs not only negative functions, “good” cholesterol helps fight obesity and atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is part of intercellular membranes, participates in the production of hormones, and normalizes digestion and nervous activity. Therefore, switching to a vegetarian lifestyle is hardly worth it; you need to eat well, including more healthy foods in your diet. Foods containing cholesterol Meat, cheese, butter– Contain saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels. Soybean oil, corn oil, seafood, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products - contain polyunsaturated fats, they lower cholesterol levels. Olive oil, peanut butter, avocado and all types of nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol levels. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol per day, if possible, replacing foods containing saturated fats with foods containing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. saturated fat. So, we found out: - cholesterol in large quantities necessary for the body to function normally - cholesterol content in foods may vary, not all fatty foods are harmful Chicken eggs contain 275 mg of cholesterol, so eating 3 eggs per week is the norm for an adult. You can eat proteins in unlimited quantities; they do not contain cholesterol. Use a little trick: prepare an omelette from three whites and one yolk - tasty and healthy. Try to eat less pork and beef fat; lean beef and veal are excellent choices for those who want to fight bad cholesterol. Eat vegetables and fruits, they contain antioxidants that will help remove cholesterol from the blood. And the vitamins and microelements contained in them will add vigor to you and a healthy glow to your skin. Allow yourself some red wine, it lowers cholesterol levels and has a beneficial effect on heart function.

Reducing blood cholesterol

Of course, you can start using drugs like statins, but it is much safer to implement basic lifestyle changes that will help you lower your cholesterol:

    Reducing fats and cholesterol-rich foods in the diet

    Eating cholesterol-lowering foods

    Eating foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates. These are fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals

    Increasing your level of physical activity

    Maintaining a healthy normal weight

    Quitting smoking and alcohol

Now let's look at each point in more detail.


You shouldn’t immediately give up your favorite but harmful foods completely. Start making dietary changes gradually. So if you really like fatty foods, then:

    Eat it in small portions (for example, one cookie instead of three at a time)

    Find an alternative with less fat (for example, milk ice cream instead of a sundae)

    Find a complete replacement for your loved one, but junk food(for example, popcorn instead of chips)

These changes will already help you lower your blood cholesterol, but it will also help you prevent the development of diseases such as heart disease, high pressure, cancer and obesity.

Reduce your fat intake

The fact is that fat contains 2 times more calories than proteins or carbohydrates. So eating fat, regardless of its origin (saturated or monounsaturated), can in any case add extra weight to you. Animal fat (lard, butter, etc.) is especially harmful.

To limit your fat intake in your diet, do the following:

    Bake, boil, stew, steam cook, rather than fry food

    Use a non-stick frying pan or saucepan with a thin layer of non-stick coating

    Add less fat, both vegetable oil and butter, when cooking

    Try low-fat foods in your diet, such as yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, etc.

    Reduce your consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, especially confectionery, flour and sausages.

Start with simple changes. For example, 3% milk will be replaced by 1% milk and so on. Here are some more simple rules and recommendations.


Eat no more than 2 eggs per week. If you like egg whites, you can eat them without restrictions (they do not contain cholesterol)

Sausages and meat

No options. Almost all types of meat, and even more so meat products, are very fatty and simply loaded with cholesterol. I recommend that you begin to gradually eliminate them from your diet.


As I said, replace full-fat milk with milk that contains less fat. The same goes for yogurt and cottage cheese. Instead of sour cream, use plain low-fat yogurt in your diet (it can also be used as a salad dressing). Reduce your consumption of cheese. If this is difficult for you to do, then choose at least one that contains no more than 9-10% (ricotta, light cheese, feta, tofu)

Vegetable oils, nuts and avocados

All of them, except palm and coconut, can be consumed without fear, as they contain mainly monounsaturated fats, which are cholesterol-free in nature.

Processed fats

The main sources are baked goods and confectionery products (donuts, sweet buns, cakes and cookies, which are simply loaded with saturated fats). They need to be abandoned! Find healthy substitutes such as fruit, honey.

Interesting to know:

About 60% of the saturated fat (and therefore cholesterol) in our diet comes from three foods:

    Meat and sausages

    Whole milk

Remember these foods and start cutting back on them.

Increase your intake of foods rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber

I don’t want to repeat myself, but let me remind you once again that these are fresh fruits, vegetables, bread from whole grain, cereals and legumes. All of them are low in fat, contain no cholesterol and are rich in complex carbohydrates.

Other healthy foods include oat bran, dried legumes and peas. Nutritionists recommend that your daily diet include:

    6-11 servings of grains (1 serving is 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup pasta or rice)

    3-5 servings of vegetables (1 serving equals 1 cup raw vegetables or 1/2 cup cooked vegetables)

    4-6 servings of fruit (1 serving is 1 medium apple, peach or orange, 1/2 cup berries or 3/4 cup juice)

Control your weight

If you weigh more than you need (your BMI is above 25-30), then you urgently need to start losing weight. To do this, reduce the number of calories you consume and increase your level of physical activity. Fortunately, when you cut out fatty foods and start eating more complex carbohydrates and fruits, you will automatically reduce your caloric intake. The formula for BMI (body mass index) is shown in the picture below.

If you tend to overeat, do the following to help yourself reduce your calorie intake:

    Eat 3 main meals, including breakfast and several small snacks

    In the morning and afternoon, your food should be low in fat.

    Try keeping a food diary to identify blind spots in your diet.

    Don't eat in front of the TV or computer

    Find substitutes for your favorite high-calorie foods

Physical activity

Physical education and various exercises will also help you lower blood cholesterol and will also promote weight loss by burning fat. It turns out that the benefit from this will be double!

Why you should start exercising:

    By reducing your calorie intake, you will be able to maintain muscle tone and burn more body fat.

    Sport speeds up the body's metabolism, which helps fight high cholesterol and excess calories.

    Exercise burns calories

    It's completely safe and natural

    You will start thinking about something else besides junk food!

Most people think that they have to work their butts off to get results and positive results. But that's not true. Exercises such as walking, running, swimming, etc. are sufficient.

Experts and doctors recommend getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day throughout the week. But that doesn't mean you have to run or swim 30 minutes a day. You can, for example, spend 10 minutes jogging in the morning and 10 minutes walking throughout the day.

The best exercises are those that work the largest muscles in your body, especially your legs. Examples:

  • A ride on the bicycle



I also recommend walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, cleaning the house more often (this is also physical activity), etc. On weekends, play bowling, tennis, football, or skiing with your family or friends.

However, before you include physical exercise in your daily routine, you should consult a doctor if:

    Are you a man over 40 years old?

    You are a woman over 50 years old

    You have risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease (you have high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, you smoke, etc.)

    You have some symptoms of heart disease (chest, neck or shoulder pain, difficulty breathing, weakness or dizziness during exercise)

“No cholesterol, no fat, minimal calories,” this phrase is now becoming a real bait for shoppers in grocery stores. Trying to change my health better side people try to choose foods that will not cause the development of atherosclerosis, and ideally, will be able to completely remove fat from the body. Low dietary cholesterol can become more than just a diet, but a treatment that must be followed.

Cholesterol and food

It is impossible to talk about this lipoprotein without touching on foods, because the condition depends on its amount in food. cordially- vascular system.

According to statistics, about 80 percent of all cholesterol is synthesized daily in the liver. The remainder must come from food.

Typically with food modern man consumes a huge amount of calories, and the cholesterol content in his diet is much higher than the recommended dose of 300-400 mg for a person of average build. That is why it is necessary to choose those products in which cholesterol does not exceed acceptable limits or is absent altogether.

List of cholesterol-free foods:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • fruits and berries;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • sweets.


Grains of any kind contain zero cholesterol, and the small part of fat that they contain is nothing more than healthy vegetable oils. Grain products have long been the main source of nutrition in many countries. Meanwhile, there is an opinion that the main product made from grains (bread) leads to obesity. This is not entirely true.

It’s not the bread itself that makes you fat, but what you usually eat with it. Rarely does anyone eat bread just like that, without sausage, cheese, pate or any other filling. By eating such sandwiches, you can get a considerable dose of cholesterol, but the bread will not be to blame for this.

By the way, it is much healthier to eat bread using whole grain flour, bran and other useful components, which significantly improve the nutritional properties of the product. Finding it on the counter is not that difficult. As a rule, it has a lumpy crust, and heterogeneous inclusions can be seen on the walls of such bread.

Legumes, seeds, nuts

Species of this plant group contain fats. So, 100 g of soy contains about 18 g of fat, which makes this product very high in calories and nutritious, which means that its consumption significantly increases the overall calorie content of the diet. However, those who have high cholesterol levels and are afraid of developing cardiovascular diseases, not worth it. Oil obtained from soybeans contains absolutely no low-density lipoproteins. Moreover, the active components of such fat, as well as the fiber contained in soy and all legumes, allow you to remove bad cholesterol and thereby reduce atherogenicity in the blood.

The easiest way to track how much fat a patient has consumed is to use a special table. At first, you need to count scrupulously and carefully, measuring and weighing food. In the future, the calculation of total calories will be faster.

Products, 100g Fats Calorie content, kcal
Rye bread 0,7 214
Wheat bread 2,4 254
Baking 7,6 297
White cabbage 0,1 27
Olives 10,7 115
Tomatoes 0,2 20
Cucumber 0,1 15
Peas 1,2 303
Beans 0,1 58
Soybeans 17,3 395
Beans 1,1 310

Seeds and nuts. The reputation of seeds and nuts is somewhat tarnished by their high fat content, but you should not be afraid of the latter. Healthy monounsaturated fatty acids found in seeds and nuts are what a cardiologist patient needs to help reduce stress. Meanwhile, walnuts- the only products in this group that also contain omega-3 acids, and therefore the palm in terms of frequency of use in this list should be given to them.

Fruits and berries, vegetable oils, vegetables

It is wrong to say about all fruits that they do not contain fat. Perhaps the most popular fruit with high plant product fat content - avocado. There are about 15 g of fat per 100 g of product, but they are all polyunsaturated, which means they will not lead to the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Equally interesting information about olives. These berries are a rich source of oils, but all of them will not harm the cardiovascular system, and will even strengthen it. Polyunsaturated acids such as linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids will remove bad cholesterol from the blood vessels.

Vegetable oils. This product - a real find for manufacturers and marketers around the world. On almost every bottle label with any vegetable oil you can find the inscription “cholesterol free”, and this pure truth. However, stating such obvious things is equivalent to calling a lemon sour. Any vegetable oil does not and cannot contain cholesterol. Moreover, all components of this product actively combat its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

Things are somewhat different with vegetable oil that has been fried. With such heat treatment polymers of fatty acids are formed in the oil, which can cause an increase in cholesterol in the body, and all this - not to mention a large number of carcinogenic and toxic substances(acrolein, acrylamide, heterocyclic amines and peroxides) that can cause cancer.

Vegetables. They have no cholesterol at all, and therefore you can include them in your diet without the slightest fear of increasing the level of lipid components in the blood plasma. Moreover, this category of products, like no other, is rich in fiber, which helps remove fatty components from blood vessels and also normalizes digestion processes.

Dairy products and fish

Dairy products in their natural state contain cholesterol, which is the most dangerous bad type. Losing fat seems to reduce all the risks associated with low-density lipoproteins, but things are not so clear-cut. The fat content in such products is minimal, indeed no more than 1 percent. Meanwhile, numerous studies show that low-fat dairy products consumed regularly can cause significant metabolic problems. In addition, after degreasing, many manufacturers add stabilizers and other synthetic additives to the product, which negatively affect the entire body. It is enough to consume dairy products whose fat content does not exceed 2.5%, and then the patient will not observe a significant effect on the increase in low-density lipoprotein levels.

Both river and sea fish contain animal fats, which means they also contain cholesterol. To begin with, you should understand that all cholesterol in fish, with a few exceptions, is good. Fish oil contains unique polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, replacements for which are still difficult to find today. These fatty acids act as antagonists of bad cholesterol and remove it from the body, but, on the contrary, increase the amount of good cholesterol. That is why capsules with these active ingredients today are a mandatory part of the treatment of patients in cardiology departments. The exception is shrimp, which are recommended to be limited to persons suffering from atherosclerosis and plaques in blood vessels.

Tea, coffee, cocoa

- a drink that is completely devoid of any fat, which means it cannot contain cholesterol in principle. The famous tea tree oil is collected bit by bit from the leaves through distillation. The astringent taste of tea is due to big amount tannin present in this product. Tannin is a substance that binds everything around it. This applies to both fatty food components (including low-density lipoproteins) and beneficial microelements. It has been proven that when drinking tea, a person will not get iron from it, even if he eats a large number of meat.

Few people perceive coffee as a product for weight loss. Coffee is the most popular and affordable energy drink with which millions of people around the world start their mornings. Until recently, it was included in the stop list of products for people suffering from high cholesterol. It's all about its ability to increase blood pressure, which is usually elevated or at risk in this group of people. upper limit norms.

Today, scientists have rehabilitated coffee and even allowed it to hypertensive patients. In fact, independent studies have shown that regular, moderate coffee consumption even lowers plasma lipid levels. Both instant and natural ground coffee have no cholesterol. It contains a small amount essential oil, which can be easily checked by looking at the surface of freshly brewed coffee. A large number of organic acids (malic, caffeic, chlorogenic, acetic, citric) stimulate the functioning of all organs.

Cocoa is a product unique in its composition. On average, cocoa powder contains about 10 g of fat, but this fat is extremely healthy. Plant polyunsaturated fatty acids in combination with polyphenols act like a medicine. Properly prepared cocoa helps neutralize the fat that a person consumed before drinking a cup of this drink. It is important not to add large amounts of sugar and milk to it, so as not to reduce it beneficial features. Finally, doctors warn about the nutritional value of cocoa.

So, 200 g of a drink with milk and sugar is equivalent to 200 Kcal. We can say that this is not just a drink, but food, a healthy snack, and you shouldn’t add high-calorie sweets to it.


It seems that sweets are the product that people suffering from high cholesterol should forget about forever. This is not entirely true. If the patient has not developed diabetes, then eating sweets in reasonable quantities is acceptable and even healthy, it is only important to choose the right goodies. Thus, marshmallows or marshmallows with a low, almost zero level of fat, contain a certain amount of soluble fiber, which was produced in production by evaporation from berries and fruits. Of course, this proportion of fiber is very small, but it also works to remove fatty components from the body. Caramel can be considered less healthy, although it also does not contain cholesterol.

Finally, the fattest and in its own way a unique product in this group is halva, which is produced using sunflower seed components. As is known, vegetable oils are devoid of bad cholesterol, which means that the patient can afford this sweetness, of course, with the calculation of the total calories daily ration. Moreover, the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in halva will restore the balance of bad and good cholesterol in the blood plasma and reduce the atherogenic index.

But it’s better to avoid sweets with fatty fillings. Confectionery fat, which is the basis of such fillings, contains cholesterol and therefore poses a huge danger. It is very important to remember that even for a healthy person, sweets are a dessert that brings with it a large number of calories.

The table will help you calculate your daily caloric intake.

Products, 100g Fats, g Calorie content, kcal
Honey 0,2 308
Marshmallow 0,2 299
Marmalade 0,1 296
Caramel 0,1 296
Sunflower halva 29,6 516
Iris 7,5 367
Sugar 0 374
Sponge cake 20 399
Waffles with fruit filling 2,8 342
Wafers with fat filling 30,2 530
Puff pastry with cream 38,6 544

As seen, normal life with high cholesterol levels is still possible. Of course, the patient will have to fight for his health, but this fight can be pleasant and even tasty. Properly selected low content foods should be at the top of the grocery shopping list, and then there is every chance that quality of life will return to high level.

The word cholesterol is familiar to many, but with many terms available, few can boast of extensive knowledge in this area. In addition, there is a widespread belief that cholesterol is harmful, but the body needs it in certain quantities. In order to maintain the required concentration of this substance in the body, it is necessary to clearly understand what cholesterol is and what functions it performs in the body.

What is cholesterol and its concentration in the body

Cholesterol can be either food or serum. Dietary cholesterol is the cholesterol found in foods. The bulk of products containing this substance are of animal origin. The second type of cholesterol is what is found in our body - serum. It circulates throughout the body along with the blood. Cholesterol is divided into “good” cholesterol – HDL, which has positive action on the arteries, and the “bad” one is LDL, which clogs the arteries.

More than seventy percent of the cholesterol needed by the body is produced by the liver, and only thirty percent is obtained by the body from food.

The concentration of cholesterol in the blood of a healthy person should not exceed two hundred milligrams in one deciliter (mg/dL). When its content in the blood is up to two hundred and fifty ml/dl, there is a risk of vascular damage. A blood cholesterol level of more than two hundred and fifty mg/dl indicates serious illnesses cardiovascular system, liver, eyes or other organs.

The body must maintain a balance of “good” and “bad” cholesterol. The amount of HDL cholesterol should be at least forty milligrams per deciliter. When this indicator decreases, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system increases. In order to check the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, you need to take a test at the clinic. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach.

Functions of cholesterol

This substance is for our body building material. Cholesterol is found in cell membranes, neuron tissue and hormones. In addition, this substance is necessary as a source of energy for muscles, and it also performs the function of connecting and transporting protein.

Main functions:

  1. Participation in biochemical processes.
  2. Participation in the production of vitamin D, female and male sex hormones.
  3. Transport of substances throughout the body.
  4. Maintaining the required level of fluid in the cells.

Excess cholesterol

When the content of this substance in the blood is above two hundred milligrams per deciliter, its excess begins to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels that nourish brain cells, heart muscle, and organs abdominal cavity, legs, kidneys. Increasing over time, these body fat reduce the lumen blood vessels. This impairs blood flow. In addition, accumulations of cholesterol can form a clot, which over time can clog the vessel. The result of this can be a heart attack or stroke, partial necrosis of heart muscle tissue and brain cells.

How to keep cholesterol levels normal

The daily amount of cholesterol a person receives from food should not exceed the norm of three hundred milligrams. One hundred grams of animal fat contains about one hundred milligrams of cholesterol. Thus, it is clear that it is necessary to carefully monitor the consumption of foods with high cholesterol content.

It is necessary to exclude not only foods high in cholesterol, but also foods that contribute to its overproduction in the human body. These products mainly include large meat cattle, its offal, stewed meat, meat pates, chicken skin(almost all chicken fat is concentrated in the skin), sausages, frankfurters and sausages.

If you want to cook food that is low in cholesterol, follow these simple rules.

After cooking the meat broth, let it cool and remove the frozen fat crust. It contains a lot of cholesterol, which can settle on the walls of your blood vessels. Meat dishes should be partially replaced with vegetarian ones. Use more soybeans, beans, peas and many other legumes you find at the market. This will compensate for the lost protein from meat. Eating fatty fish, such as mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon, is beneficial. The content of essential fatty acids significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol, so it is recommended to consume no more than five eggs per week. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of butter, cream, full-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, and whole milk. Use more lemon juice, spices and herbs for salad dressing. If you cannot refuse mayonnaise, use only those made from vegetable oil.

Excessive coffee consumption also leads to an oversaturation of the body with cholesterol.

Causes and consequences of impaired cholesterol concentrations

The main diseases that lead to low level of this substance:

  1. chronic heart failure;
  2. excessive production of thyroid hormones, which leads to metabolic problems;
  3. decrease in hemoglobin concentration;
  4. infectious diseases;
  5. tuberculosis and other lung diseases;
  6. diseases caused by pathogens or toxins found in the body.

The reasons for the increased concentration of cholesterol, in addition to natural production by the body, may be smoking, low motor and physical activity, stress, poor diet, and hereditary predisposition.

Excessive amounts of cholesterol lead to the formation of plaques that can block blood flow in the vessels. The main danger of atherosclerosis is that it occurs without any symptoms until the vessel is fifty-seventy percent blocked. Only after this will the first symptoms appear:

  • pain in the heart muscle;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the legs when moving;
  • heart attack;
  • poor memory;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Elevated cholesterol levels may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  1. liver diseases;
  2. kidney disease;
  3. pancreatic diseases;
  4. diabetes;
  5. deterioration of the thyroid gland;
  6. obesity;
  7. deficiency of growth hormone.

How to lower cholesterol levels

Proper nutrition can limit the intake of cholesterol from food. But this will not always help reduce the level of this substance. What methods lower cholesterol levels?

Physical activity and increased mobility. This is the easiest way to keep blood vessels in good shape. Physical and gymnastic exercises, dancing and walking - all this can change the ratio of “good” and total cholesterol in your body for the better.

Product name Cholesterol content per 100 grams, mg Share of daily value in one serving, %
Chicken stomach
Egg (yolk)
Crabs, squid
Pork fat
Boiled lamb
Canned fish in its own juice
Caviar (red, black)
Boiled beef
Fat cheese 50%
Chickens, dark meat (leg, back)
Poultry meat (goose, duck)
Sour cream 30%
Boiled rabbit
Raw smoked sausage
Boiled lean pork
Medium fat fish
Lard, loin, brisket
Chickens, white meat (breast with skin)
Curd cheese
Processed cheese and salted cheeses
Sour cream 20%
Boiled sausage
Fat cottage cheese 18%
Ice cream sundae
Milk 6%, fermented baked milk
Ice cream
Cottage cheese 9%
Milk 3%, kefir 3%
Milk ice cream
Low-fat cottage cheese
Kefir 1%, milk 1%
Sour cream 30%
Kefir 0.1% fat.
Condensed milk
Egg white

Cholesterol is absent from vegetables and fruits. Thus, if its content in the body is high, become a vegetarian, eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. If you are low in cholesterol, add more meat to your diet.

Cholesterol is a natural fatty alcohol found in all living organisms. It is synthesized in the human liver and partially comes from consumed foods. In small quantities, it is necessary for the production of sex hormones and ensuring the reliability of cell membranes. However, an excess of this substance can lead to blockage of blood vessels and heart problems.

Foods rich in cholesterol

The main harm to the body comes from animal cholesterol. It is found in large quantities in lard and fatty meats: pork, lamb and waterfowl. It is present in smaller quantities in beef, veal, rabbit and chicken. That is why those who suffer from high blood cholesterol levels should avoid such foods or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Any fast food also contains bad cholesterol. Of particular danger are French fries and chips, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and any other sandwiches with meat cutlets and sauces. In addition to cholesterol, they also contain a whole complex of carcinogens and synthetic substances, which together have a detrimental effect on human health.

The list of foods rich in cholesterol also includes eggs. Egg yolk is especially rich in it. If you have high cholesterol levels, you should not eat them at all. In other cases, the consumption of eggs should be limited to 3-5 eggs per week, since from them a person receives the lecithin necessary for the body. At the same time, it is better to eat eggs in the form of an omelet, hard-boiled or soft-boiled.

Enough bad cholesterol found in fatty dairy products: whole milk, butter, hard cheese, homemade sour cream and cottage cheese. It is also present in margarine. There is a lot of cholesterol in dishes such as fried potatoes and pies, cutlets, Fried fish and steaks.

How to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood

First of all, it is necessary to review the diet by excluding the above products from it or at least significantly reducing their consumption. Fried foods should be avoided altogether, and fatty meat should be replaced with nutritious and healthy sea fish. The latter product, by the way, contains protein, which is absorbed by the body much better than meat.

It is also useful to more often consume foods that lower cholesterol levels in the blood. These include: oatmeal and buckwheat, various nuts, prunes, legumes, pepper, vinegar and mustard. As well as some types of fish, such as tuna, salmon, halibut and sardines. It is also important to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Just fill them not with sour cream and mayonnaise, but with unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil.

As for drinks, it is better to exclude any coffee from the diet, and replace black tea completely or at least partially with green and herbal tea. It is also useful to drink more freshly squeezed juices and mineral water.

And, of course, exercise or even regular long walks at any time of the day will help reduce cholesterol, as well as giving up bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco.


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“Cholesterol – Enemy or Friend?”

Cholesterol. Who is he? Enemy or Friend?
According to experts, about 60% of adults in developed countries suffer from high blood cholesterol.

How dangerous is this, and how to keep it normal?

The answers to these questions are in the material of the general practitioner Valentina Grigorievna KUCHUBERIA.

Cholesterol is blamed for many sins. For example, in the fact that it causes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner surface of blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to atherosclerosis and its consequences - heart attacks, strokes, brain diseases, etc.

This is how the killer plaque grows, unnoticed!

In addition, to prevent atherosclerosis, it is important not only to monitor cholesterol levels, but also to pay attention to many other factors: heredity, infectious diseases, state of the nervous system.

And with cholesterol itself, everything is not so simple. Scientists have found that there are

There are two types of cholesterol – “good” and “bad”.

“Good” - or high lipoprotein HDL density(HDL, "Healthy")
- it must be kept normal, and

“bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein, LDL, “Lousy”)
needs to be lowered. It is the latter that can contribute to the formation of “plaque” on the walls of arteries and vessels.

But “good” cholesterol has the exact opposite effect.

But “bad” cholesterol, of course, in small quantities, is also necessary for our body.

Thus, studies in Denmark and Germany have shown that a component of blood plasma that can not only bind but also neutralize dangerous bacterial toxins is low-density lipoproteins, that is, carriers of “bad” cholesterol.

In other words,

“bad” cholesterol helps support the human immune system, but only if it does not exceed the permissible limit.

In general, cholesterol in our body ensures the stability of cell membranes over a wide temperature range.

It is necessary for the production of vitamin D, as well as various hormones, including cortisol, cortisone, aldosterone, estrogen and progesterone, testosterone.
In addition, according to the latest data, he plays important role in the activity of brain synapses and immune system, including protection against cancer.

Total cholesterol in the blood should be less than 5 mmol/l;
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol - less than 3 mmol/l;
High density lipoprotein cholesterol - more than 1.5 mmol/l;
Triglycerides - less than 2.0 mmol/l.

Be sure to know your cholesterol level!

So, you know your blood cholesterol level and now you must decide whether you need to change something in your life or not.

If you're at 240-250 mg/dL (or 6 mmol/L), it's worth considering whether you're eating right. Especially if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Emergency measures however, there is no need to do so.

280–300 mg/dL (7–7.5 mmol/L) is the threshold when it is necessary to take decisive action. But under no circumstances should you reach for medications – after all, in principle, you are still quite healthy. To stay that way, it is vital to change your lifestyle: move more, eat less and watch what you eat. You need to monitor your results monthly for the first 2-4 months to evaluate the effectiveness of your diet.

*No sandwiches. Try to sharply reduce your butter consumption, ideally switch to vegetable oil. This one step can often bring your cholesterol levels to an acceptable level of 240 mg/dL in just 2 to 4 weeks.

* Soy instead of cheese. It would also be good to give up cream, sour cream, fatty cheeses and eggs, and at the same time quit smoking. Switching to soy products is very beneficial. This protein diet, which and with overweight helps fight and replaces cholesterol-containing concentrated dairy products.

*For amateurs lard We must remember that it is very rich in cholesterol. Its consumption must be compensated: washed down with a small amount of alcohol and, paradoxically, eat vegetable oil and oily fish. It is good to eat lard with garlic: it helps to utilize fats faster.

* Maintain a balance of fats - saturated (animal), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated - there should be a third of them in the diet. In other words, every “eaten piece” of animal fat must be compensated with vegetable fats. You can do this: mix olive, sunflower (or corn) and soybean oils in equal parts and add this balanced mixture to salads, cereals and pasta. Walnuts, contrary to popular belief, do not help lower cholesterol. Coffee and strong tea are also harmful.

* If there is little HDL in the blood (high-density lipoproteins that carry cholesterol), the problem can be solved by moderate alcohol consumption (a glass of wine, a glass of beer, a glass of vodka per day).

If you have more than 300–320 mg/dL (8–10 mmol/L) cholesterol, it is best not to try to treat the problem yourself. A doctor must understand the reasons for such a serious violation.

If dietary cholesterol is to blame, the only thing that will help is diet. But there are other, more serious violations. For example, genetic: the gene responsible for lipid metabolism has broken down. But such defects, as a rule, make themselves felt in childhood and are very rare.

What foods contain “good” cholesterol?

In vegetable oils and fatty varieties of sea fish, such as tuna or mackerel. Therefore, you need to eat fish at least 2 times a week.

In nuts. Healthy: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios and pine nuts

In olives and any soy products

To keep cholesterol “normal”, you need to regularly eat foods containing “good” cholesterol, as well as fiber.

Don't forget about apples

Very useful for high cholesterol green tea it kills two birds with one stone - it helps increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood and reduces the levels of “bad” cholesterol.

Research shows that foods high in flavonoids help lower cholesterol levels by helping prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots. Flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids, are nutrients. Foods high in flavonoids: dark fruits and berries

A protective effect against “bad” cholesterol can be obtained by introducing lecithin and garlic into the diet.

Factors that increase cholesterol

First on the list harmful factors that increase cholesterol - fatty foods.
It is also necessary to avoid foods containing trans fats. These are the most dangerous species"bad" cholesterol. Trans fats are often hidden in baked goods, fried foods and fast food. Infatuation with eating fast food leads to the fact that cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels are already found in teenagers.
Drinking alcoholic beverages also has a very detrimental effect on fat metabolism. Among pathological drunkards there are much more people with high cholesterol in the blood than among abstainers. A slight relaxation is allowed in favor of natural dry red wine, which, according to experts, on the contrary, helps remove cholesterol from the body.
According to statistics, smokers also have higher cholesterol levels than non-smokers.

Cholesterol control

The daily intake of cholesterol should not exceed 300-500 mg.
Those who already know first-hand about heart disease and diabetes mellitus, should limit their cholesterol intake to 100 mg per day.

These tips will help you stay healthy and fit!

Nutrition for high blood cholesterol

How often lately have we heard the phrases: “You can’t eat this, it’s full of cholesterol!” or " This tool Great for lowering cholesterol levels...

Most people have a rather vague idea of ​​what cholesterol is.
Many people by this word mean any fat, both in various food products and in its pure form. Meanwhile, it is worth distinguishing between the so-called “harmful” fats (trans fatty acids) and essential fatty acids (another name for them is essential fats)

So what is cholesterol and why is it dangerous, and most importantly, how to eat if its level in the blood is really elevated? Is it possible to reduce cholesterol only through selection the right products nutrition without resorting to medications?

Let's try to understand these difficult questions...

Cholesterol- This fat-like substance(fatty alcohol), which is independently produced by the human body (up to 80%) and is extremely necessary for its normal life. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of hormones (for example, it is converted into the hormone progesterone, vitamin D, and is a precursor of corticosteroids), in the processes of cell formation (part of the cell membrane), digestion (the formation of bile acids) and performs many other important functions.

Most cholesterol is found in the blood, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and brain tissue. It is part of the membranes of all cells of the body. Many hormones are formed from cholesterol, and there is a lot of it in nervous tissue.

At the same time, several fat fractions of cholesterol are distinguished: the so-called “good” cholesterol – HDL (high-density lipoproteins), “bad” cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and triglycerides. To maintain health, it is necessary to constantly maintain high levels of “good” cholesterol and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol.

How do these two fractions of cholesterol differ from each other? Cholesterol itself is the same, but in the blood it is found in different complexes with other fatty and protein substances. The result is molecules that have more protein (HDL) and molecules that have less protein (LDL). The first microparticles are dense and compact; they help transport excess cholesterol to the liver, from which bile acids are subsequently formed, which are involved in digestion. Second microparticles bigger size, also having a lower density.
If there are too many cholesterol particles, then excess cholesterol accumulates in the blood. And then low-density lipoproteins can be called “bad” forms of cholesterol. Excess cholesterol “inhabits” the walls of blood vessels. Around these deposits forms connective tissue. These are atherosclerotic plaques that narrow the lumen of blood vessels and impede blood flow. Over time, the plaque opens like an abscess and a blood clot forms, which grows steadily. Gradually it closes, like a cork, the entire lumen of the vessel, which interferes normal circulation blood.
But there are also “good” lipid-protein complexes in the blood. They are called high-density lipoproteins - HDL. They remove cholesterol from places where it accumulates in the wall of blood vessels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
High cholesterol is one of the main causes of vascular disease and atherosclerosis, and blood clots can ultimately cause a heart attack or stroke (see. Stroke: Symptoms, first signs and first aid).

Cholesterol has two origins:

1. enters the body with food
2. synthesized in the liver.
The body has enough cholesterol that is synthesized by the liver. But humans consume large amounts of cholesterol through food. Its main source is fatty animal products.
If there are a lot of them in the diet, then the cholesterol level in the blood increases, and it turns from a necessary friend for the body into a mortal enemy.

It is known that the level of cholesterol in the blood serum is affected by four types of fats that we eat or, conversely, do not eat:

Trans fatty acids contains:

In overcooked dishes (with prolonged heating at elevated temperatures, the structure of fats changes, resulting in the formation of dangerous lipid peroxides, trans-isomers of fatty acids and free radicals);
- in margarine (it is obtained by hydrogenation of vegetable oils);
- food products based on hydrogenated fats.

Essential fatty acids are found in our everyday food and are divided into three large groups:

Saturated fats increase cholesterol levels in the blood. They are rich in fatty meats, butter, cheese and other dairy products. The less of these foods in our diet, the better.

Polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. They are found in soybean, sunflower, corn oil, fish and seafood, low-fat poultry and dairy products. Cereals, nuts and vegetables are also rich in them.

Monounsaturated fats also reduce cholesterol levels, and specifically the “bad” ones. This type of fat is found in olive and peanut butter, nuts and avocados, as well as fish and fish oil. A diet rich in them is healthier than a strict low-fat diet.

One subtlety is important: these fats should replace other fats rather than just adding them to food.
And, of course, you shouldn’t immediately give up fats in your diet, you just need to limit their consumption. It would be preferable to give up saturated fats (fatty meats - pork, goose, duck and others) and include polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils, nuts, fish) in your diet. Unsaturated fats help maintain balance between different fractions of cholesterol and shift the balance towards healthy cholesterol.

In order to lower blood cholesterol levels, doctors often recommend increasing physical activity, go in for sports, completely stop drinking alcohol and tobacco, as they significantly increase the risk of the occurrence and development of heart disease. To reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, various medicines(usually statins)

To prevent long-term and not always useful drug therapy, you need to monitor your health and proper nutrition.
There is a special diet based on a large amount of plant fiber and vegetables, which without drugs reduces the level of such cholesterol in the blood by 30%. In 6-8 weeks, you can significantly reduce high cholesterol just by adjusting your diet.

The main condition for success is to strictly adhere to the rules of the diet.

Basic principles of dietary nutrition for lowering cholesterol:

The main idea of ​​eating for high cholesterol is to control the way you prepare food and significantly reduce animal fats. After all, an elevated cholesterol level is a signal of a violation of rational nutrition, and the responsibility for it lies entirely with us.
Features of nutrition elevated level cholesterol is not a special selection of menu, but rather compliance with a number of food requirements.

It is necessary to remove from the diet foods prepared with margarine and other cooking fats: various cakes, pastries, muffins, cookies, chocolate and other confectionery products.

From fats, in addition to vegetable oils, you can eat low-calorie butter - within 2 teaspoons without top (two sandwiches with butter) you must eat because it also contains anti-cholesterol substances.
But it is better to use vegetable margarine. For margarines, for example, you can use Rama vitality and Rama olivio. This margarine is equally suitable for cooking and making sandwiches. You can fry it or put it in porridge instead of butter, which will be much healthier. In addition, "RAMA" is enriched with a complex of antioxidant vitamins A, C and D. It is better to buy soft margarines in jars. Because solid margarines have an unnatural fat structure. So replacing the usual butter with soft margarines is the right, rational path to health.

Also better to exclude fried foods: potatoes, chicken, chops. It is better to choose lean varieties of meat, poultry or fish and cook them by baking in the oven or steaming. A little vegetable oil can be added to the finished dish.
Do not fry food, but boil, bake, stew, steam and grill

It is better to completely exclude various canned, smoked, salted foods from the menu..
Consumption should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible. semi-finished meat products- all kinds of sausages, frankfurters, briskets, lard and others.
You should also avoid foods such as mayonnaise, fatty sour cream, ice cream and desserts.

Increase the proportion of foods in your diet that remove cholesterol from the body - legumes(peas, beans, lentils). Try to combine grains and legumes, rice with lentils, peas and pasta go well.

To reduce cholesterol levels, it is recommended to take various fruits containing pectin are apples and other fruits and berries that form jelly when cooked. Soluble fiber, found in apples and jelly-forming fruits, absorbs cholesterol and removes it from the body.
Juices based on them, with the addition of pineapple, carrots, and lemon, are also useful.
You should definitely include two servings of fruits in your daily diet; fruits with skin and pulp are especially useful. At the same time, do not forget about citrus fruits - they are a must: tangerines, lemon, oranges.

“Sit down” on the apple and honey diet. Apples are excellent for lowering cholesterol levels.
Honey contains as many cholesterol-fighting antioxidants as apples. Dissolve four tablespoons of honey in a glass of water and take it every day as a medicine.

Dried fruits high in calories. The most useful for lowering cholesterol are raisins and prunes.

It is recommended to add dietary fiber to your food. They are rich in it All green leafy vegetables– cabbage, salads, greens. You can consume ready-made fiber in the form of powder (add to salads, soups, cereals) or bran. Fiber has excellent hygroscopicity, which allows it to absorb various human waste products, including cholesterol, from the intestines.
Fiber can be obtained for breakfast in the form of porridges (oatmeal, millet, rice and others), for lunch along with soup, bran and fruit, for dinner - with light salad and legumes. It is advisable to consume at least 35 g of fiber daily.

Vegetables– they should be eaten as often as possible, preferably every day. It is especially useful to eat them raw, without adding oil and fat, as well as cheeses and all kinds of sauces.

Include in your diet fish. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists recommend eating at least twice a week. sea ​​fish, at least 100 grams per serving. It contains not only useful microelements (phosphorus, iodine), but also the most important omega fatty acids regulating cholesterol levels, blood pressure and the viscosity of the blood itself, and therefore the tendency to form blood clots. The healthiest type of fish for a cholesterol-lowering diet is salmon, as it contains large amounts of omega-3. Choose different fish, but try to keep the omega-3 content high.

The liver of sea fish and their fish oil will also be useful. If you have an individual intolerance to smell or taste fish oil, you can use a capsulated drug, for example, in the form of dietary supplements.

Replace butter with vegetable oil, and preference should be given to unrefined and unrefined. It is better not to subject vegetable oils to additional heat treatment, but to use them in their pure form as a dressing for salads, porridge, and other dishes.
Most healthy oils(source of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 acids) are flaxseed, olive, soybean, cottonseed, and sesame seed oil.

Choose low-fat and low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, milk, cheese, kefir and others.
Reduce the consumption of fatty types of cheese (fat content should be no more than 30% in dry matter - Suluguni, Adygei, Ossetian, feta cheese, Poshekhonsky).

Eggs It is better to use only boiled. A chicken egg contains an average of 275 mg. cholesterol - almost the daily norm for an adult. A safe maximum is 3 eggs per week. Eggs should not be completely excluded, because they also contain anti-cholesterol substances (lecithin, etc.)
If you can’t imagine breakfast without eggs, eat only the whites - it’s the yolks that contain all the cholesterol.
For an omelette, use one egg with yolk for 2-4 whites. For baking, replace one full egg with two whites. In addition, you can now buy dietary eggs - with a cholesterol content that is 15-50% lower than regular eggs.

Nuts– an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Although they belong to fatty foods, a small amount of them in the daily diet is welcome. It is recommended to consume about 30 grams of various nuts during the day: walnuts, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, almonds, flaxseed and sesame seeds.
30 grams is approximately 18 cashews, 6-7 walnuts, 8 Brazil nuts or 20 almonds.

It is recommended to consume as much as possible all kinds of cereals and other whole (unprocessed) foods.
Use to lower cholesterol cereals– choose coarse and whole grain wheat varieties. They are rich dietary fiber. The most useful among grains cereals, buckwheat and dark rice.

Eat lean meats(all visible fat must be removed).

Don't drink scalding coffee. When coffee boils, substances are formed that increase cholesterol levels. A drip coffee maker that provides a low temperature for the drink is preferable.

It is beneficial to drink mineral water ( even with gases) , as well as green tea, which also has an antioxidant effect. You can drink various juices, just don’t buy juices in packages, they will not benefit the body, it’s better to make juices yourself from vegetables and fruits.

Don't forget red wine. One glass a day increases the level of “good” cholesterol. White wine has less effect. There are also small joys in restrictions: o).

Seasonings and spices– When following a diet to lower cholesterol, you can eat bay leaves, thyme, marjoram, parsley, tarragon, cumin, dill, basil, pepper and red pepper.

At the time of buying finished products containing fat: baked goods, cookies, chips - read the label what fat they contain, and exclude those that contain butter and coconut oil.
Also, when buying food in a store, be sure to read the label to ensure that it does not contain cholesterol.

It will be useful additional introduction in the diet lecithin– it helps reduce cholesterol levels and improve liver function.

Products with anti-sclerotic properties:

  • garlic - a clove of garlic - for breakfast and dinner,
  • eggplant,
  • carrot,
  • watermelon,
  • seaweed (use it dried instead of salt)


  • Fish
    Sardines, sprats, mackerel, salmon, herring - 2 - 3 servings of 200 - 400 g per week.
    Tuna, cod, haddock, flounder - unlimited.
  • Skim milk and cottage cheese, hard cheese
    Cottage cheese - 0% or 5%, milk maximum 1.5%. Likewise, all fermented milk products - kefir can be either 1% or low-fat.
  • Lean meat (lean pork, beef, veal, rabbit),
    poultry (turkey, chicken, chicken, just don’t eat the skin, it’s too fatty
    ostrich meat
  • Dark chocolate, jelly, mousses, milk desserts
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts)
  • Wholemeal bread, low-fat bakery products, pasta without eggs
  • Tea, weak coffee, fruit juices no sugar, mineral water


  • Sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil- you need to take into account that oil is a high-calorie product;
  • Ham, doctor's sausage, minced lean beef;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Cheeses of medium fat content, processed pasty cheeses;
  • Soy sauce, salt (no more than 5 g per day);
  • Marmalade, honey, syrups, marshmallows, sugar (70 g per day);
  • Alcoholic drinks.


For high cholesterol these products are strictly prohibited:

PS. The human body synthesizes from 1 to 5 g of cholesterol daily, and another 300–500 mg (about 20% of the total) comes with food. And while animals have the function of regulating cholesterol synthesis, humans do not have it. This means that if too much cholesterol enters the animal’s body along with food, its own cholesterol synthesis will stop. This does not happen in humans, which is why it is necessary to monitor its level in the blood.
According to the official recommendations of the European Society of Atherosclerosis, the “normal” cholesterol level for fat fractions should be as follows:

total cholesterol -< 5,2 ммоль/л
triglycerides –< 2,0 ммоль/л
HDL “good” cholesterol – > 1.0 mmol/l
LDL "bad" cholesterol -< 3-3,5 ммоль/л

Various studies have shown that the most favorable combination of lipoprotein levels of different densities occurs in those people who consume about 40-50% of various fats in their diet. This means that it is important to eat a balanced diet, as complete failure from fatty acids can lead to an imbalance between different fractions of cholesterol, which will reduce not only “bad” cholesterol, but also “good” cholesterol.

Of course, it can be very difficult to change your eating habits on your own; there is always room for temptation, so cholesterol-lowering foods should become familiar to the whole family. Then changing your usual diet will be much easier.
And be sure to exercise - at least walk more. And intense physical exercise (if you are allowed to do so) can lower cholesterol levels on its own - by burning calories in working muscles. During exercise, blood passes through the liver more intensively, and “bad” cholesterol is more actively converted into bile acids (which are excreted by the liver into the intestines, and from the intestines into the environment around us)
Based on materials from www.diets.ru, mudrost.mirtesent.ru, www.piliulkin.com

High cholesterol levels require avoiding a number of foods. This can be either complete avoidance or reduced consumption. The following is a list of the TOP 10 “great” but most unhealthy foods.

Many people are familiar with the fact that high cholesterol levels are unsafe for health. But not everyone knows what exactly needs to be done in order to avoid this and what to limit oneself to, in which foods the cholesterol level is high.

List of foods that increase cholesterol

To help, here is a list of foods that increase cholesterol in the human body.


At its core, margarine is a solid hydrogenated vegetable fat, that is, trans fat, which is very harmful to human health, no matter what combination it is used in. This should definitely be taken into account both by patients and completely healthy people. The sooner you give up trans fats, the better. Hydrogenated fats are a common cause of increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


A significant proportion of sausages are produced using pork, which contains huge amounts of cholesterol. There can be no talk of dubious additives at all, no matter in what form they come.

Egg yolk

Yolks chicken eggs is given one of the honorable places in terms of cholesterol content in foods. However, it has been scientifically proven that the degree of harmfulness of high egg cholesterol, for example, compared to meat cholesterol is clearly exaggerated. The advantages of eating yolks are much greater than the disadvantages. First of all, it is, of course, lecithin.


Despite the fact that caviar is a favorite delicacy of many people and a valuable ingredient for gourmets in addition to bread and butter sandwiches, it is a real treasure trove of cholesterol!

Liver pate

It is also an offal (a product that refers to the entrails of fish, meat, and poultry). In all offal products, without exception, the cholesterol content is significantly higher than in the meat of other parts of the animal’s body.

Canned fish

Fans of sprats or sardines in oil will have to slightly change their tastes, or indulge themselves exclusively on major holidays. As a consolation, we can say that fish canned in its own juice is not dangerous; it does not contain a lot of cholesterol. Alternatively, you can use tuna or cod in water, since the fish will contain omega-3 fatty acids.


Hard cheeses are characterized by increased fat content and cholesterol levels. That is why in the selection process you should give preference to low-fat varieties and stay 45-50% away from cheeses. You should not completely give up cheeses, since there is a need for calcium.

Processed meat

You should not overuse bacon, canned meat and other pleasures of life like processed meat, since it is not produced from “lean” pieces.

Fast food

Even when ordering a light Caesar salad, it is fast food that first comes under suspicion. This mistrust is completely justified, since fast food restaurants use fatty cuts of meat in their hamburgers. Frying is done in oil with a huge cholesterol content (animal fats).


Significant amounts of cholesterol are present in oysters, clams, mussels and shrimp. This is comparable to real animals, but not fish, which has significantly less cholesterol.

High cholesterol

If you take a closer look at the list, you will notice that the largest part of it consists of animal products. IN plant foods There is no cholesterol present, even if it is fatty. Therefore on products plant origin(For example, sunflower oil) labels from manufacturers such as “Cholesterol Free” look very funny. After all, it is not given to them to support it by definition.

For those who set the goal of reducing high cholesterol First of all, it is necessary to limit the use meat products. It is not at all necessary to become a vegetarian, but from now on you should start eating differently, no longer paying so much attention to meat. Reduce cholesterol through proper diet- this is actually a whole art.

One of the most common reasons for high cholesterol levels is poor nutrition. To save normal level You should know the main foods that contain cholesterol, and then start creating the right diet.

The normal cholesterol intake for humans is up to 300 mg per day. Therefore, to avoid its excess, you should limit your consumption of foods high in cholesterol.

A significant part of the above products are beneficial for the body, since they contain a lot of useful substances. You should not exclude meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs from your diet, but include them in your diet to a reasonable extent. It is much better to stop drinking alcohol excessively and replace it with coffee and cocoa green tea, or fresh juices. Any person who controls cholesterol levels should have a “black list” of foods that are not recommended for consumption.

Of course, cholesterol levels in foods cannot be considered accurate, however, they allow correct selection amount of cholesterol in food. The selection of the menu for each day is made with the presence of healthy and low-cholesterol products.

How to cook and what to cook

Those who love tasty and hearty food will have the hardest time. To reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, you should adhere to certain rules regarding cooking and eating foods containing cholesterol:

  • Before cooking, the meat is properly “processed”: visible fat or skin is removed (in the case of cooking turkey or chicken);
  • Fatty meat is replaced with lean meat; there is no need to refuse meat. we're talking about, but the varieties will have to be reconsidered;
  • Lard is excluded from the diet;
  • Refusal of concentrated broths (from bones);
  • Cooking: baking, high-quality boiling, steaming;
  • Limiting the consumption of fried foods;
  • Addition fermented milk products in the diet;
  • Transition of dairy products high fat content to low-fat, including cheeses.

By reducing the amount of foods that contain cholesterol, you should diversify your diet with new foods. These products contain as much fiber, vitamins and microelements as possible. First of all, we are talking about berries, vegetables and fruits, as they remove excess bad cholesterol from the body. At the same time, you can find out which fruits are good for diabetes, which is always important! And also, since a woman is most often involved in cooking, it is important for her to know what type of cooking.

For those who have decided to control their cholesterol levels, this should not develop into a pressing problem, just the conversation about foods will become more substantive. It will be enough to take such a measure as revising your diet in relation to the amount of consumption with a significant percentage of animal fat. Those who follow these simple rules will be able to avoid cardiovascular diseases with other problems with a significant degree of probability.