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Fish oil for little ones. Doctor Komarovsky about fish oil for children

Fats are beneficial to our body in the same way as proteins and carbohydrates. These bricks can form a complete system only if all the components are present in the required proportions. In this article we will talk about such a dietary supplement as fish fat: what is it, what is it useful for and how to take it

Unique composition

If there is one thing we value medications and nutritional supplements for, it is for their composition and benefits. Fish oil has been valued for one hundred and fifty years. Its value lies in the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, A,. Fish oil also contains useful microelements: phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, bromine, calcium, selenium, which have beneficial effect on the human body.

In its natural form it can be found in fatty varieties fish: cod, salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sea ​​bass and eel. But fish is a rather expensive product, and it is not always possible to eat 350 g of fish per week. The expensive product was replaced by salvation from pharmaceutical companies - fish oil in capsules. We have long known about its benefits for children and adults, but there are a number of indications for which the use of this food additives very necessary.

But before considering the indications for use, we should find out why this food supplement is useful for the growing generation.

Benefits for children

Polyunsaturated fatty acid are useful for the child’s body in that they improve blood circulation (especially in the brain), promote the formation of normal metabolism and dilate the body’s blood vessels.

Due to these properties, these fatty acids also increase the level of concentration, help better absorb information and improve the child’s intellectual abilities.

Did you know? Polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulate in female fatty tissue, which is why there is an opinion that women with curvy hips have children smarter than their peers.

Thanks to the same omega fats, hyperactivity in children disappears. Perseverance develops and fine motor skills hands Children can learn faster and get tired much less.

Conducted studies on the intake of fish oil have proven the benefits of this supplement: children who were six months behind their peers in a three-month course of taking fish oil easily made up for this difference.

Omega fats are also very beneficial for emotional state child. Since these substances help synthesize serotonin (the hormone of happiness), children and adolescents who include fish oil in their diet suffer much less from disorders and depression than their peers who lack fatty acids.

This dietary supplement is also effective in the fight against. Omega fats break down harmful saturated fats and lower cholesterol levels, helping your child stay at a healthy weight. In addition to all this, fish oil also helps produce prostaglandins (fat-derived substances in the body that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract), which reduce the risk of reactions, increase immunity and reduce the risk of inflammation in the body. But don’t miss out on the benefits found in fish oil.

  • Vitamins of group A(known as retinol) are needed by the child to improve the accuracy of vision and to better cover the spectrum of colors. They also promote tissue healing and have a beneficial effect on human skin and muscles.
  • Vitamin D prevents weakness and fragility of the musculoskeletal system (), plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Vitamin E needed to prevent malignancies and is also important during puberty. For example, a deficiency of this vitamin in girls can lead to sexual dysfunction and infertility.

As we can see, there are many reasons to start giving fish oil to children. But let's find out who needs to include this substance in their diet and when.

Indications for use

Omega acids can be taken by children of any age. There are slight differences in the administration of this dietary supplement to older children, but all children can take it, in order to:

  • prevent the development of rickets and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • For normal height and development of a young organism;
  • exclude the possibility of problems with nervous and mental development;
  • reduce the baby's hyperactivity;
  • stop increased seizures;
  • to eliminate memory problems;
  • strengthen the immune system of children who often and without reason
  • reduce the body's reaction to allergens;
  • cure anemia();
  • prevent vision problems from developing;
  • normalize the child’s sleep and psychological state;
  • tidy up the concentration of blood vitamins;
  • fight obesity;
  • normalize the state of the cardiovascular system (especially important for heart defects);
  • heal burns and wounds on the body;
  • carry out prevention after acute respiratory diseases;
  • support the body in the postoperative period;
  • keep the skin's moisture level normal (do not let the skin dry out).

If any of these indications are present, fish oil will have a positive effect on the baby’s body. But before using this supplement, consult with your pediatrician so that he can determine at what age you can start giving the nutritional supplement, whether there is a need for this drug, and prescribe the correct dosage.

Which fish oil to choose

So, visually fish oil is a yellowish transparent oily substance with a characteristic fishy taste and smell. Nowadays, this nutritional supplement is most often obtained from the cod family, fatty ocean fish, by cold-pressing the carcass.

Important! Previously, this food supplement was obtained from the liver of cod fish, but with the deterioration of the ecological situation of the world's oceans, this method was considered incorrect: too many carcinogens and chemicals accumulated in the liver.

But you can still find fish oil on the shelves of pharmacies using the old method of extraction; they use relatively clean fish and have preserved it for a reason. The cod liver food supplement contains more vitamins A and D, but it is mainly taken by adults for no longer than three months. For children it is best to choose harmless way production So when you're choosing which fish oil to use in your child's diet, ask your pharmacist how it was extracted. The pharmacist must provide you with a certificate for the product, which indicates the method of extraction and the type of fish from which the oil was taken (salmon, seal lard, whale oil are also suitable).

A little about the form. We think that you remember those moments from childhood when your mother forced you to drink fish oil from a spoon. Few people were pleased with this action. Nowadays, you can find two main forms of release of the drug: in liquid form and in gelatin capsules. If you do not want to hear a sharp rejection of this useful supplement, then it is better to prefer capsules - when it enters the stomach, the gelatin dissolves, and your child does not suffer when swallowing fish oil. It is worth preferring capsules not only because of negative childhood associations; upon contact with air, fatty acids lose a number of their beneficial properties, and the efficiency of the liquid preparation is lower than that of the capsule one.

Important! To avoid loss of beneficial properties, a lot of vitamin E is added to liquid fish oil as a preservative, and excess is just as harmful as deficiency.

Sometimes pharmacies can offer you a nutritional supplement specifically for babies, the so-called “baby” fish oil. You should not immediately pay money for this drug; it is often additionally saturated with vitamins and sweeteners, which can have a detrimental effect on the child. If your pediatrician recommended this particular drug to you, you can purchase it.

Regarding the place of production. The best product is considered to be one made in Norway. This northern country has clean fishing. The coasts of Norway are freed from harmful influence production factories, and the water remains clean, and clean water is the key to the health of the fish that will eventually enter your child’s body.

Instructions for use

Now we will find out how children need to take the liquid drug and fish oil capsules. We will look at two categories of children who need to take this supplement: babies and older children. It is important to remember that only the pediatrician prescribes the dosage; refrain from improvising so as not to harm your child.

For babies

While your child is unable to swallow capsules and is on fish oil, give fish oil before feeding. You drop the prescribed dose into a teaspoon and give it to your baby, as a medicine for example. After this, start feeding. Most often, the course of therapy lasts one to one and a half months; if necessary, it can be repeated after a three-month break. Remember that it is especially important to observe the length of the course, the dosage of the drug and not skip doses to achieve the desired result.

For older children

So, older children can take both liquid and capsule forms of the drug, it depends more on their preferences, some children still like the taste of fish oil. Also, if your child cannot yet swallow a jelly capsule, then it is preferable to stick with a liquid preparation. It can be taken with meals, and if your supplement does not have a distinct smell or taste, then it can be used to diversify salad dressings. Remember that for children 2 years old and for children 5 years old, the dosage will be different; keep this in mind if you have two kids or your child requires frequent repetitions of the course of taking the drug. Fish oil can also be used for older children as a wound healing agent, for example, for burns.

Important! Remember, with any questions you have, contact your doctor, he will know how to help you and effectively treat your child.

Are there any contraindications

There is no silver lining. You should remember that an excess of any substance in the body can cause an imbalance in the entire system. However, so does the lack of substance. This happens with fish oil, it can also cause side effects and has a number of its contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to fish and seafood.
  • Food intolerance to fish.
  • High concentration of iodine in the body.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Too high concentration of vitamins in the blood.
  • Chronic inflammation of the pancreas in the acute stage.
  • Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder in exacerbation.
  • Tendency to low blood pressure.
  • in the active stage.
  • Thin blood vessels and poor blood clotting.
  • Presence of severe injury.
Because of these features, it is important to consult a doctor and examine your baby before starting to take fish oil.

Did you know? Consuming unsaturated omega acids during pregnancy helps reduce symptoms postpartum depression among women.

Is it possible to overdose

It is very difficult to overdose on fish oil. But it is possible to provoke hypervitaminosis in a child by long-term uncontrolled use of the drug. Fortunately, this side effect disappears soon after stopping the drug. It is also worth remembering that with a high concentration of fish oil, an exacerbation of chronic inflammation pancreas and gallbladder.

And one more thing - you should not give the child the drug on an empty stomach, such measures can provoke loose stools and pain in the stomach.

Fish oil for children: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Turning to Dr. Komarovsky with the question: how to give fish oil to children, we will hear that fish oil should be given according to doctor’s indications and if there is a lack of vitamin D. The doctor advises taking the drug as support for the musculoskeletal system if you are not able to often be on fresh air or there is no access to a synthesized vitamin without impurities. In the absence of contraindications, you can include this drug in your diet, because at reasonable concentrations it is not harmful to the body. But still, before making such decisions, consult your doctor.

We really hope that we helped you find answers to your questions about fish oil, be healthy!

For normal physical and mental development children need to use high-quality fish oil from natural raw materials. Fish oil for children helps fight various diseases and prevents the occurrence of pathological conditions.

For children, the benefit of fish oil is that it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. They enter the body only with food or in the form pharmaceutical drugs. These elements are important for a growing person, since a deficiency causes the following disorders:

  • endocrinological diseases;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • joint problems;
  • skin diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • blurred vision.

Thus, for children, the benefit of Omega 3 is to strengthen the body, enrich it with useful elements, treat and prevent various diseases.

The effect of these acids is enhanced by the following components included in multivitamin complexes:

  • vitamin D - strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of rickets, helps strengthen bones and tooth enamel;
  • vitamin A - improves protective properties skin, the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins;
  • vitamin E - an effective antioxidant that normalizes metabolism, improves vision, bone strength, structure of teeth and joints.

More often, the product is produced in the form of a capsule preparation that does not have the smell and taste of fish oil, which causes disgust in some children. Microelements, rosehip and sea buckthorn oil are added to the medicine.

Indications and contraindications

Taking fish oil is a proven way to help children suffering from frequent headaches. Doctors prescribe it to stimulate the immune system. Children catch colds less often, recover faster and recover from infections.

The product is given to children predisposed to. It increases the resistance of epithelial cells to the action of histamine and other allergic mediators, normalizes biochemical processes. Children taking this substance are less likely to suffer from manifestations of Quincke's edema.

If the baby is sick bronchial asthma, attacks decrease and proceed much easier. This is explained by the blocking effect of Omega 3 vitamins on the production of substances causing spasm larynx and bronchi.

It is useful to take fish oil for disorders of the central nervous system. These substances are especially indicated for the following problems:

  • restlessness;
  • absentmindedness;
  • anxiety;
  • mood swings;
  • poor memory;
  • sleep disorders;
  • motor disinhibition.

Children who regularly use the drug study better, absorb material more easily, and become calmer. The positive effect is associated with the supply of Omega-3, which is necessary for building neurons and improving connections between them.

The product has a positive effect on optic nerve and retina, helps restore and improve their functions.

Also indications for the use of fish oil are:

  • vascular problems, including those caused by cholesterol metabolism disorders;
  • early osteochondrosis, diseases of the joints and tendon-ligamentous apparatus;
  • tissue restoration after burns and fractures;
  • failure of calcium metabolism, fraught with the development of osteoporosis.

Taking children's Omega-3 helps improve skin, healthy nails and hair, normalize emotional status and the pace of physical development. The product can be used externally - it is applied to a burn surface or an open wound.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for children to take fish oil. The first include the following points:

  • allergic reaction;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, ulcerative necrotizing colitis;
  • decreased blood clotting, including hemophilia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • chronic renal and liver failure.

Relative limitations for the use of the drug are heart defects, accelerated closure of fontanelles, excess intake of vitamins and calcium, and prolonged immobilization due to severe injuries.

Possible harm from taking

Even the best quality drug can bring both benefit and harm. When prescribing Omega-3 to a child, doctors warn parents about possible development allergies - the baby develops a rash, itchy skin, sleep is disturbed.

Sometimes disorders of the digestive system develop: nausea, hiccups, stool disorders with a tendency to increased gas formation. This is especially common if the child takes the drug in liquid form.

With excessive consumption, the drug promotes weight gain.

At what age can you give fish oil to children?

The use of fish oil in capsules is possible for children from 7 years of age.

Instructions and dosage

To prevent diseases, fish oil should be taken annually for a month by each child until adulthood. If you have chronic diseases, experts recommend repeating the course of treatment at least 2 or 3 times a year.

By medical indications The instructions for use of the product allow for use for up to three months.

The dosage of fish oil for children is determined by the pediatrician and depends on the concentration of active substances in the drug, the age and health of the baby. Daily dose divided into 3 or 4 doses per day. The medicine should be taken with meals.

For children daily norm Omega-3 in liquid form depends on age:

  • up to 1 year - half a teaspoon;
  • 1-2 years - a teaspoon;
  • from 2 to 3 years - 2 teaspoons;
  • 3-6 years - dessert spoon;
  • over 7 years - a tablespoon.

The healing solution should be protected from light and stored in accordance with the instructions.

Capsules should be taken after meals with a drink warm water. The dose is determined by the doctor. A course of vitamins with Omega-3 for children with good tolerance and medical indications can be repeated after 3 months.

Criterias of choice

Fish oil is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, parents who have received a pediatrician’s recommendation to purchase this product often find themselves in a difficult situation, faced with the need to choose. To purchase the best fish oil for children, there are a few things you need to know.

Omega-3 preparations for children:

  • Solution - often causes a negative attitude due to its specific taste and smell. There is a risk of overdose. Advantages: large volume and low price.
  • Capsulated form does not have a fishy aftertaste, the amount of fat in the capsules is strictly dosed according to the age of the child. Negative point is the difficulty in swallowing that occurs in some babies.

The medication should contain only fish oil and gelatin, from which capsules are usually made. If you have chronic diseases, it is better to buy complex drug, including vitamins and minerals. The presence of flavorings and dyes significantly reduces the value of the medicine.

The standard for the release of the drug is 100 capsules. Content active element units of medication must correspond age norm, otherwise, to get the effect, you will have to give children more of the product.

The country that produces the product is important. Fat obtained from environmentally friendly raw materials is especially beneficial for health. The highest quality substance is considered to be isolated from the liver of cod caught in the coastal waters of Norway.

Review of drugs

The main producers of fish oil available to modern children are:

  • Russian Federation;
  • Scandinavian countries;

The Solgar company has proven itself well, using fish caught near Alaska. This area is considered ecologically clean, and the fish accumulate a lot of healthy fat due to the cold water. The most popular American products are: Omega-3 Fish Oil, Madre Labs. The downside is high price goods.


The Russian Federation is represented on the pharmaceutical market by the products of JSC RealCaps Kusalochka.

The benefits of this effective product for children's health:

  • a combined composition that includes, in addition to Omega-3, vitamins A, E and D, which enhances its immunomodulatory properties and improves the mental development of the child;
  • pleasant shape and taste - chewable capsules with a fruity aroma.

The drug is approved after reaching the age of three. Usually take 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Disadvantages include the presence of fragrances, which often cause allergies.


A special feature of the drug is the content of B vitamins, retinol, zinc, selenium, iron, bromine. The addition of xylitol and sorbitol makes the medicine sweet, which pleases children. Liquid fish oil of this type can be prescribed from the age of 1 month in a dosage not exceeding 2 ml per day.

The drug is also available in fish-shaped tablets with a pleasant lemon flavor and different colors.

Finnish fish oil Omega-3

The product is produced in the form of syrup , tastes good , and capsules shaped like fish. Taking the drug is especially indicated after operations and sports overload. It improves the quality and fluidity of blood. The rich composition of the medicine excludes the intake of other vitamins.

Many mothers give their children fish oil - pediatricians often recommend it, and the “parents” themselves remember how in childhood they took it without fail in kindergartens, hospitals, and sanatoriums. Anyone who just wants to purchase this product must immediately decide which one to choose.

How to choose baby fish oil

Fish oil is an oily yellowish liquid extracted from the liver and meat of cod fish and has a pungent odor. This supplement (dietary supplement) contains the following vitamins and important components:

  • vitamin A, which promotes normal cell division in the child’s body;
  • vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium and other important substances;
  • lipids necessary for the construction of cell membranes;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), which:
    • allow the brain to work correctly;
    • increase performance;
    • are a source of energy.

Until the age of 15–16 years, division, reproduction and maturation of the child’s cells occur - he grows. To do this, cells must receive a lot of building material, and this is precisely what is contained in fish oil.

By release form

Children's fish oil is produced in liquid form and capsules. At first glance, it is difficult to say which form is more suitable for a child.

In liquid form

Liquid fish oil should be chosen with the label “for children” - such drugs undergo more thorough testing, so neither their quality nor safety suffers. This supplement is deodorized, so it is not unpleasant to drink. But if the baby is not yet a year old or has a tendency to allergies, then try to find a product without fragrances.

Liquid fish oil should be made specifically for children

When purchasing, pay attention to the following features:

  • fat should be in a dark glass vial - omega-3s oxidize in light;
  • the bottle must be filled with the contents under the cork, since the air in the container provokes the start of the oxidation process of omega-3 acids;
  • the drug must be fresh.

The bottle with the contents should be kept in the refrigerator and always tightly closed. Thanks to this, the beneficial properties of the product will be preserved for a long time.

In capsule form

For the production of capsules, deodorized fish oil of good purity and a shell of edible gelatin, which quickly dissolves in the stomach, are used. The capsules can be chewed and do not taste bad. They have important advantages:

  • the ability to easily calculate dosage due to the fixed volume;
  • ease of use - can be taken on a trip, no greasy stains on clothes;
  • ease of storage - no need to keep in the refrigerator, protect from light if the drug is in a package;
  • attractive to children - the youngest of them usually refuse to take medicine from a spoon, but chewable capsules that resemble candy are interesting to them.

Chewable capsules remind children of candy, so they are eaten with pleasure

When choosing between liquid and capsule options, rely on the age of the child. So, it is better to give the drug in liquid form to children under one year old, and in capsules for children up to three years old. But older children can decide for themselves which form of fish oil they like best.

A few more words about the composition of fish oil

Wanting to make fish oil tastier and more aromatic, some manufacturers add to it:

  • flavorings. If they are natural, then they are practically safe for the child, since they can only cause allergies. For example, natural strawberry flavoring is obtained by pressing strawberries. If a child is allergic to it, then such a flavor is dangerous for him. But artificial flavors produced by chemical means can affect the liver;
  • sweeteners, which, in addition to allergies, provoke weight gain (due to high sugar content) and diseases (tumors, stomach problems). The safest is stevia, the most harmful are aspartame, saccharin, xylitol and sorbitol;
  • dyes. If they are natural, they can simply cause allergies, but artificial ones can provoke the development of cancer and other dangerous diseases(usually associated with the liver and stomach).

It is important what raw materials the supplement is made from, since fish oil may contain large amounts of heavy metals. Most often, this is typical for supplements produced in the countries of the South-Eastern region - it is better to refuse to purchase such products.

Good fish oil is obtained by purifying and processing low temperatures, because many people die due to heating useful components. Choose a package with the drug that indicates this method of processing and purification, or check with your pharmacist.

My children chewed fish oil capsules with the only additive - flavoring, and even then I was worried that it was included in the composition. But eating fish oil without it is completely impossible. Nothing bad happened to the children, I did not observe any allergic manifestations.

Popular baby fish oil products

Packages of fish oil supplements usually indicate the recommended age of the child for use. However, some manufacturers, playing it safe, overestimate its lower limit. Therefore, consult your pediatrician before taking the supplement you choose.

Table: popular fish oil products for children

Name Compound Release forms Indications Contraindications Child's age Price, rubles
  • fish fat;
  • lemon flavoring;
  • antioxidant
Liquid and capsules Used:
  • For proper development brain and nervous system;
  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • to protect the immune system;
  • to prevent osteoporosis and rickets;
  • V adolescence
  • allergy to the composition;
  • disorders associated with blood clotting;
  • serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract
From 0 years 1500–1700
Omega-3 Salmon fish oil Capsules
  • overweight;
  • atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol and other fats on internal walls arteries);
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
From 7 years From 300 to 2500
  • ocean fish oil;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • starch;
  • water;
  • natural flavoring;
  • natural dyes - riboflavin and carmine);
  • antioxidants (mixture of tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate)
Capsules Used to enrich the body with polyunsaturated omega-3 acids From 3 years 100–150
  • fish fat;
  • vitamin E;
  • gelatin
Capsules and liquid Used to enrich the body with omega-3 acids
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of liver and biliary tract diseases
From 3 years 100–200
Magic fish 100% fish oil Liquid in a bubble Used to enrich the body with omega-3 acids Individual intolerance From 1.5 years About 200
  • fish fat;
  • flavorings;
  • gelatin
Capsules As a dietary supplement to enrich the body with Omega-3 acids Individual intolerance From 3 years 100–150

Photo Gallery of Baby Fish Oil Supplements

Möller fish oil is allowed from 0 years of age Fish oil BIOcontour - capsules with different flavors for children from 3 years old
Children's fish oil Kusalochka sometimes contains flavorings
Fish oil Fish is allowed for children from 3 years of age

We drank Kusalochka and BIOcontour. My kids chewed the capsules with pleasure, calling them candy. They still ask me to buy them more. After taking these supplements, it seemed to me that the children became more active and their mood improved. I don’t know how much this is related to taking fish oil capsules.

It turns out that the choice of the form of fish oil depends on the age of the child. But it is still better to choose a drug that does not contain allergenic additives.

Fish oil is inexpensive, effective remedy to improve children's health. Children and schoolchildren do not really like this valuable product because of its specific smell and taste, but the benefits of liquid fish oil/capsules are enormous.

Regular use of this natural product is recommended for infants and older children. Rickets, increased nervous excitability, reduced immunity, depression, poor vision - this is not a complete list of problems for which fish oil is used in combination.

  • general information
  • Compound
  • Release form
  • Benefits and harms
  • Possible side effects
  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications
  • Price
  • Reviews from parents

general information

The useful product is obtained from the liver/muscles of large fish that live in cold ocean waters. The largest percentage of valuable fat is provided by cod, Norwegian salmon, mackerel, and herring.

From the liver of cod weighing about two kilograms, 250 ml of white fat is extracted, which is used for medical purposes. The main supplier of the valuable product is Norway.

The positive effect on various organs/systems is easy to understand if you study the components that make up the oily liquid. Vitamins, minerals, valuable acids have a beneficial effect on bones, muscles, nervous, circulatory and other systems.

Main ingredients in fish oil:

  • retinol (vitamin A). Accelerates cell regeneration, maintains the health of musculoskeletal tissue, mucous membranes, nails, hair, skin;
  • vitamin D. A sufficient supply of this valuable substance ensures complete absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which ensure strong bones. Young children need vitamin D to prevent rickets;
  • valuable minerals. The rich composition actively affects all systems. Fat from the liver and muscles of marine fish contains sodium, calcium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • valuable Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The lack of these ingredients disrupts the production of insulin, without which proper hormonal, lipid metabolism. Lack of insulin provokes problems with the digestive tract. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids support the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increase the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), and improve brain function.

Note! Some manufacturers enrich the oily liquid or add another useful component to the capsules - tocopherol or vitamin E. The substance has a positive effect on the health of skin, hair, nails, hormonal background, is a powerful antioxidant.

Release form

Previously, the natural product had only one variety: an oily liquid with a characteristic odor and specific taste. For this reason, most children tried in every possible way to stop taking this not very pleasant drug.

Now the situation has changed: taking a substance with active properties has become more comfortable. Children have to drink the traditional kind, but from the age of 7 they are allowed to consume fish oil in gelatin capsules, which contain valuable fat. The beneficial properties do not change, the size of the soft “container” is convenient for use. The child swallows the yellow-brown capsule without any discomfort.

Benefits and harms

Fish oil has long been successfully used in pediatrics. Regular consumption of oily liquid and capsules strengthens children's body, increases resistance to diseases.

Beneficial properties for children of different ages

What are the benefits of fish oil? Positive influence:

  • strengthening bones and dental tissue;
  • prevention/treatment of rickets;
  • decreased nervous excitability;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the condition of hair and nails;
  • disappearance of dry mucous membranes.

Find out more about the symptoms and treatment of gastritis in children.

Methods for treating laryngitis in children at home are described in this article.

These are not all useful properties. There are other positive points:

  • improved mood, decreased level of aggression;
  • is being restored healthy sleep, irritability disappears;
  • acute vision is formed;
  • the problem of seizures disappears;
  • treatment/prevention of obesity by reducing bad cholesterol levels;
  • excellent wound healing effect in the postoperative period;
  • restoration of the level of vitamins A and D in the body;
  • prevention of anemia (as one of the components);
  • memory improves.

Against the backdrop of a long list of positive aspects, one should not forget about caution and a rational approach to prevention and treatment. Fish oil cannot be considered a panacea and should not be prescribed to children with the best of intentions.

Possible side effects

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil; proper use rarely causes negative reactions. Problems arise when there is an overdose or individual intolerance to individual components. The information that a natural product can be harmful comes as a revelation to many.

Remember that if used incorrectly or without taking into account contraindications, the active product is harmful to the growing body. Negative reactions appear, new symptoms are added to existing ones.

Occasionally certain signs appear:

  • bad breath;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sensitization of the body.

In case of acute overdose, side effects are pronounced:

  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nausea;
  • loose stool;
  • dehydration;
  • yellow or orange spots on the palms and soles;
  • irritability;
  • soreness inside the bones;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • photosensitivity of the eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • increased fatigue;
  • muscle pain;
  • weight loss;
  • thirst;
  • drowsiness;
  • general discomfort;
  • frequent headaches;
  • convulsions.

Conclusion: It is imperative to strictly adhere to the dosage and frequency of use. Measure the liquid carefully and give a certain number of capsules per day. The opinion “the more fish oil, the stronger the bones will be” is fundamentally wrong. With this approach to treatment/prevention, parents will unknowingly only harm their child.

Learn more about allergic reactions in children. Read about food allergies here; about urticaria is written on this page.

Indications for use

This valuable product is prescribed for therapeutic/prophylactic purposes for the following problems:

  • lack of vitamins D and A, especially in the autumn-spring period;
  • bone fragility, rickets, poor muscle mass in children;
  • eye diseases;
  • for the speedy healing of broken bones, wounds, various types of ulcers on the body (oral intake);
  • prevention of rickets, to strengthen teeth and bones in children;
  • poor condition of the scalp;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes and skin;
  • erosion of the urinary tract.

Peculiarities of use in pediatrics

Before starting a treatment or preventive course, be sure to consult your doctor. The pediatrician will tell you suitable look(purified liquid or capsules), dosage, optimal duration of use.


  • liquid form is allowed at the age of 3 months and older;
  • capsules are suitable for children from 7 years of age.

Learn about how to treat and what it looks like allergic rash on the body of infants.

How to properly dress a child in the spring is written at this address.

Read here about how to make a gauze diaper for a newborn with your own hands.


Never prescribe fish oil on your own initiative or on the advice of your neighbors. Not all children are suitable for a natural product.

Many contraindications apply to adults. Sometimes children, often school-age children and teenagers, are diagnosed with serious diseases of various organs. There are absolute/relative contraindications.

You should not take fish oil of any kind in the following cases:

  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis (severe form);
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis;
  • increased sensitivity of the body;
  • chronic cholecystitis/pancreatitis;
  • excess vitamins A, D;
  • hypercalceuria;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Until certain diseases are cured, it is advisable to refrain from using capsules or liquid cod liver oil. Doctors do not recommend a useful product if a child is diagnosed with:

  • jade (regardless of shape);
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • decreased production of thyroid hormones thyroid gland;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • congenital heart pathologies.

Instructions for use for children

Capsules or liquid form are sold at the pharmacy. Always check the expiration date, buy a natural product from reputable manufacturers. If you doubt the quality of a substance, ask for a certificate.

Daily dose for children of different ages:

  • from 3 to 12 months – half a teaspoon;
  • from one to two years - a teaspoon;
  • from 2 to 3 years – 1 or 2 teaspoons is enough;
  • from 3 to 6 years – dessert spoon;
  • 7 years and older – a tablespoon.

Advice! Let's give it to the children oily product during a meal, when part of the dish has already been eaten, with your favorite porridge or cutlet to overcome the specific taste of the liquid. For infants who do not receive complementary foods, active substance give in the second half of feeding.

How to take fish oil capsules? Upon reaching the age of seven:

  • daily from 3 to 6 capsules. The older the child, the more capsules you can give;
  • After eating, prepare a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water. Explain that the capsule must be swallowed quickly so that the gelatin does not melt or stick to the mucous membranes;
  • The optimal course is 1 month. Then you need a break. The doctor will give further recommendations based on the condition of the little patient and the results of treatment.


The price of fish oil is acceptable:

  • capsules (from 30 to 100 pieces per package). Price from 96 to 190 rubles;
  • oily liquid in a dark glass bottle. Volume 50 ml, price from 60 to 130 rubles.

Reviews from parents

Many mothers know about the benefits of valuable fat and give their babies liquid form and capsules. Reviews about fish oil are positive. The result of treatment depends on the regularity of use: this point was noted by most women.

Cases of overdose are rare, because it is not easy to get children to drink more than the norm of a not very pleasant oily liquid. Always start with the minimum dose and gradually increase to normal. Mothers are advised to start taking it at three months so that the baby gets used to the taste of the healthy product.

It is better to give the oily liquid with a product that the child will happily eat regardless of the taste, for example, pour over a cutlet. Mothers are advised to talk to older children and tell them that their bones will be fragile and their hair will be thin if they don’t drink fish oil. It is important to explain, to find the best version of the story, and not to put pressure on the psyche, intimidating with dire consequences.

Another tip from moms: ask for a treat healthy fat. Try not to frown too much, say that you also want to have strong bones.

Fish oil will be beneficial if you follow the rules of administration. Be sure to consult your pediatrician to find out if there are any contraindications. Give an oily liquid or capsules taking into account the age of your son/daughter, take into account the restrictions, remember about overdose, side effects. Regular use of this natural product will improve your health and support your growing body.

Video about the benefits of fish oil for children:

Many of us were “scared” of fish oil in childhood, although, however, they did not forget to explain that it is very useful for the child’s body. We did not agree with this statement, since there was nothing more disgusting than this fat for most boys and girls.

Today, fish oil for children is produced in very attractive forms - as part of fruit gummies, lozenges that smell like strawberries, raspberries, and vanilla. Therefore, there is no need to scare anyone with this very fat. Why, why and whether this product should be given to modern children is told by an authoritative pediatrician, Ph.D. medical sciences Evgeny Komarovsky.


Fish oil is a natural product obtained from the liver of cod fish. It is always liquid. The color ranges from light yellowish, almost colorless, to deep red-orange. This criterion depends on the liver of which species of cod fish it was obtained from. In addition, this product is extracted from fatty fish species that live in the cold northern seas - mackerel, herring.

Fish oil has a rather distinct specific odor - more or less strong, depending on the amount of clupanodonic acid it contains. The value of the product lies in the vitamin D it contains, as well as Omega-3 fatty acid. The latter promotes the synthesis of serotonin, the so-called “hormone of happiness”, and therefore the consumption of fish oil in food has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and psychological background.

In addition, Omega-3 reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, development of diabetes. Glycerides, which form the basis of the product, promote normal digestion and metabolism, which is the prevention of obesity, since glycerides are involved in the breakdown of fats that come with food. Vitamins improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails; in particular, vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium and normal bone growth.


Fish oil is the nightmare of all children growing up in the Soviet Union. Pediatricians of that time believed that children’s food did not contain enough polyunsaturated acids, and the incidence of rickets, due to a lack of vitamin D, was high. Therefore, the government at the highest level decided to introduce unprecedented in scope preventive actions. As a result, fish oil pure form with its characteristic smell and taste, it was forcibly given to all children in kindergartens and schools.

In 1970, these measures were suspended due to the fact that scientists came to the conclusion that the seas were polluted, and the product obtained from cod fish was not more environmentally friendly, and it did less good than harm. In 1997, this idea was abandoned, again allowing children to take fish oil, but no longer on a forced basis, but on a completely voluntary basis.

Komarovsky about the product

Why children were given fish oil in Soviet times is quite understandable, says Dr. Komarovsky. The incidence of rickets was indeed higher then. But this is connected not so much with a deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of Soviet babies, but with widespread artificial feeding with regular cow's milk.

Vitamin D is produced in the human body when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays (sunlight). It helps calcium to be absorbed. If there is not enough vitamin, calcium metabolism is disrupted, which leads to improper bone development.

The need to give fish oil was, first of all, due to the fact that vitamin D did not exist in any other form: there were no synthesized drugs, and not every region has enough sunlight to get the required amount of vitamin. In addition, feeding on cow's milk caused the leaching of calcium, because there were no adapted mixtures then.

This fully explains why fish oil was strongly recommended for infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Should women be given interesting position and for kids, fish oil today is a controversial question, which everyone must answer for themselves. In general, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, this is a very useful product; harm from taking it is possible only if the dosage is significantly violated.

Do children need it?

Despite the mass positive properties, the question of using fish oil for modern children is not so categorical. Indeed, today vitamin D deficiency itself is not such a common situation. For all children who are at risk due to the likelihood of developing rickets, pediatricians prescribe "Aquadetrim"– an aqueous solution of vitamin D, which is given in certain strict dosages. When administered to a child, it is enough to swallow one drop of the drug, which is much easier than drinking a whole spoonful of liquid and unpleasant-smelling fish oil.

In addition, the need for vitamin D is covered by eating adapted milk formulas, into which it is necessarily included by all baby food manufacturers.

Sometimes pediatricians prescribe an oil solution to their young patients of any age, including newborns. "Vigantol", which not only replenishes vitamin D deficiency, but also regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

Thus, there is no need to give your child fish oil. But if you want, you can feed it to your baby, the main thing is to choose the right product.

How to choose

Fish oil is not recognized official medicine, and therefore its production is not regulated by strict norms and standards. Buyers can only hope for the honesty of the manufacturer, who will not add anything unnecessary to it, and will thoroughly clean and filter the product.

There are several selection rules:

  • If your goal is to buy liquid fat, then be sure to look for the word “Medical” in the title. It is important that the purchased fat is not intended for veterinary or household use. This information, sometimes written in very small print, can be found on the label.
  • If you carefully consider your choice, you will notice that there are not only fish oil on sale, but also “fish” oil. This is not a typo, but two fundamentally different products. Fish oil contains more vitamins, fish oil contains more Omega-3. The choice is yours.
  • If you plan to buy fish oil in capsules, it is better to choose capsules made from fish gelatin. It is optimal to buy children's capsules in which manufacturers have added fruit flavors - they will make the eating process more enjoyable. In addition, the dosage of the product in such capsules is already designed for children's use.

The shelf life of fish oil is about 2 years. After this period, it loses the lion's share of its beneficial properties. For a child, it is advisable to choose products from time-tested and reviewed manufacturers. Of the foreign ones, these are Norwegian enterprises, and of the Russian ones, Murmansk fish factories.

Dosage for children

It is believed that the useful and safe dosage of this product for children under one and a half years old is calculated by the formula: 60 mg of fat per kilogram of the child’s weight. From one and a half years to 15 years, the daily dose is less, it is calculated by the formula: 30 mg per kilogram of weight. On average, a nursing mother needs about 300 mg of product per day. It is important to avoid overdosing on vitamin D.

The child’s body does not always receive all the necessary components for growth and proper development along with food. In this case, the use of natural preparations, which contain the required substances. These products include fish oil, a valuable source of vitamin D and Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial features

Fish oil, which is extracted from the liver and meat of fish of the cod family, looks like an oily liquid substance of a yellowish color with a sharp, characteristic odor. For centuries, this product has been actively used to improve health. In the Soviet Union, fish oil was compulsorily given to children in kindergartens, hospitals, and children's sanatoriums.

The growth and development of a baby begins in the mother’s womb, and before the child reaches 15-16 years of age, the cells of his body divide, multiply and mature at a high rate. From infancy to adolescence, metabolism has time to change qualitatively and quantitatively, and regulatory systems are intensively rebuilt several times.

In order for the cells of the body to maintain the necessary activity of division and maturation, they require a large amount of building material. In the process of building cell membranes, lipids are used; vitamin A is required for normal cell division; the absorption of calcium and a number of other important substances is significantly reduced without vitamin D. Fish oil contains all these important components.

This product is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which enhance brain function, improve performance, and serve as a source of energy, thanks to which the child develops and learns more actively.

With regular use of a fish oil-based drug, it is easier for children to cope with the workload at school. And at an earlier age, they quickly master basic knowledge and skills and develop well.

Fish oil for children is extremely beneficial because:

  • Unsaturated fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D, F, E.
  • Vitamin D promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, due to which it is necessary for strengthening bone tissue and proper formation of the skeleton. Deficiency of this vitamin in childhood leads to the development of rickets.
  • Vitamin A strengthens cell membranes. First of all, this is important for children prone to allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity cells. With a deficiency of vitamin A, visual acuity decreases, the mucous membranes dry out, the nail plates split and become brittle, and the hair splits.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, essential for proper muscle function. With its deficiency, blood clotting is impaired.
  • Phosphorus promotes the growth of bones, teeth, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys and central nervous system.
  • Iodine is involved in many processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At an early age, iodine deficiency provokes developmental abnormalities and mental retardation. Lack of iodine in children of primary school age manifests itself in the form of lethargy, apathy, decreased intelligence, and increased drowsiness.
  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for the formation of brain cells, strengthening the immune system, normal development and functioning of the cardiovascular system. A deficiency of fatty acids results in delayed growth and development of the child, increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

Indications for use

Experts classify fish oil as a product approved for use by children from the very beginning. early age. But you should not give the drug to babies without consulting a pediatrician, since the child may have contraindications.

Doctors prescribe Omega 3 fish oil for children in the following cases:

  • neuropsychological development disorders;
  • slow growth;
  • hyperactivity;
  • reduced immunity;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • memory problems;
  • lack of vitamins D, A;
  • increased irritability and sleep disorders;
  • presence of allergies;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • undergone surgery or long illness to restore the body;
  • increased dryness of the skin.

In all these cases, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of taking the drug.

Fish oil is good for infants and bottle-fed babies. The drug, in particular, is used to prevent rickets. A formula-fed newborn does not receive the fatty acids necessary for development in the regular formula.


The main contraindication is seafood intolerance. People with fish allergies should not consume fish meat itself or the fat contained in the meat or liver.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • hypervitaminosis (usually an increased content of vitamins is a consequence of improper or uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes);
  • renal failure;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • presence of ulcerative lesions duodenum, stomach.

Harm from taking the drug

Fish oil can cause an allergic reaction, especially if the drug is taken by a child under one year old whose digestive system has not yet established the production of the necessary enzymes.

In infants, even a minimal amount of the drug (prescribed drop by drop) can cause digestive upset, which manifests itself as loose stool. To reduce the risk of dyspepsia, fish oil is added to the baby’s usual food.

It is important to pay close attention to the amount of the drug that the child receives. An overdose of fish oil cannot happen, since the volume of fat itself is consumed in any case relatively small. The danger lies in an overdose of the vitamins included in its composition.

A sign of hypervitaminosis can be indigestion - the child often develops abdominal pain and nausea. Hypervitaminosis can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Negative manifestations stop when you stop taking the drug.

An excess of fish oil in the diet can cause the most serious harm to infants in the first months of life. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D provokes accelerated growth of bone tissue, as a result of which the fontanel on the baby’s head may close earlier than expected. This is fraught with a number of problems, including increased intracranial pressure in the child.

Instructions for use

Since fish oil is one of the pharmacological agents, it should not be consumed as a permanent dietary supplement. The drug is used as prescribed by a specialist. The course is designed for several weeks, during which the child’s body receives such an amount of vitamins and nutrients to compensate for their lack. The treatment process should be monitored by a pediatrician - he determines the duration of the course and dosage based on the needs of the child.

Manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules and liquid form. The liquid drug is convenient to give in minimal dosages; it is suitable for treating infants and children under 2-3 years of age. From the age of three you can give capsules.

You can start taking fish oil when your baby is one month old. Usually 3 drops of the product are prescribed twice a day. The volume gradually increases and by the age of one year reaches one teaspoon twice a day. By the age of two, fish oil is given two teaspoons twice a day.

If Omega 3 is used in capsules, their quantity per dose depends on the volume of the capsule. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the recommended doses for children of all ages.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, fish oil should not be given to children on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke digestive upset or an allergic reaction. This is especially important to consider if children use the drug in capsules.

Selection criteria, storage conditions

Liquid fish oil. When purchasing, carefully read the label. Buy your child only a product intended for children! Drugs “for adults” are produced according to different technical regulations; the manufacturer can reduce the cost of raw materials or technology, which affects the quality and safety of fish oil.

Baby fish oil is deodorized and therefore has no bad taste and smell. However, if your baby is under one year old or is prone to allergies, try to find a product that does not contain flavorings.

Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the bottle should be made of dark glass, since Omega 3 oxidizes when exposed to sunlight;
  • fat should be poured under the stopper - the less air in the container, the lower the risk of fatty acid oxidation;
  • The release date should not be too long ago; choose a drug with a reserve for the expiration date.

Store the bottle of fish oil in the refrigerator, tightly closing it each time. This will significantly slow down the oxidation process of fish oil with loss of beneficial properties.

Fish oil capsules, benefits and harms. For production, well-purified, deodorized fish oil and an edible gelatin shell are used, which easily dissolves in the stomach.

Capsules can be chewed. The advantages of the capsule form include:

  • strict dosage (the volume of capsules is fixed, which makes it possible to accurately calculate the dose of the medicine);
  • ease of use (you can take it with you on trips or long walks, there is no risk of greasy stains on clothes or surrounding objects);
  • complete absence of contact of fish oil with air thanks to the capsule and protection from light in packaged form (the drug does not require storage in the refrigerator, you can put it in a medicine cabinet);
  • quality guarantee (unlike a liquid product, a capsule drug is difficult to counterfeit and therefore not economically profitable);
  • attractiveness for children (children over the age of three often refuse to drink medicine from a spoon, but they eat capsules that resemble candy with pleasure).

Which option is better to choose, liquid or capsule? Depends on the age of the children. For infants, only the liquid form is suitable, while an older child may be able to give preference. However, we must not forget about potential harm capsule drug. Some manufacturers, in order to achieve the palatability of fish oil, add sweeteners, dyes, and flavors to the capsules.

When choosing fish oil, keep in mind that such additives are harmful to the health of children. In addition, the child begins to perceive fish oil not as a medicine, but as a delicacy, and may take the opportunity to eat an uncontrollably large number of capsules, as is often the case with children's vitamins.

Products from popular manufacturers

The use of supplements is not the only factor to consider when choosing fish oil. It is important what raw materials the drug is made from, since fish can accumulate a high concentration of heavy metals in the fat. For this reason, drugs produced in the countries of the Southeast region are not recommended.

Manufacturing technology is also important - a high-quality product is obtained by low-temperature purification and processing, since heating destroys a significant part of the beneficial substances contained in fish oil.

Deodorization allows you to almost completely rid a product of its specific taste and smell.

The following brands of drugs are popular on the Russian market:

  • Moller (liquid fish oil from the liver of the Norwegian teca, contains flavoring);
  • Finnish Omega-3 fish oil (capsule and liquid);
  • "BIOcontour" (capsule and liquid Russian drug, deodorized, without additives);
  • “Fish” (in capsule form, without additives);
  • “Magic Fish” (a Russian-made liquid preparation, without additives, the bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper cap);
  • “Kusalochka” (chewable capsules, contain flavorings).

A wide selection of drugs allows you to find fish oil suitable for a child of any age. But before purchasing a product for a baby, make sure that the manufacturer has indicated that the drug is suitable for children under one year of age. Some manufacturers, playing it safe, overestimate the lower limit permissible age Therefore, it is recommended to ask your pediatrician for the specific name of a suitable product for the baby.

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The human body, especially the growing one, needs omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and vitamins of groups A, D, E. Scientific research, which were carried out since the 70s of the last century in the USA and Canada, revealed the beneficial effects of omega-3 on the cardiovascular and nervous system, brain development, visual functions person.

Vitamins are the building blocks of life processes, helping metabolic function (D), protecting cells from harmful influences (E) and participating in oxidative processes, cell formation (A). These components must be supplied in sufficient quantities when eating, which is not always realized in practice. Fish oil for children is used to ensure normal growth and development of the body.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

IN modern world The benefits of fish oil for children are undeniable. However, it is necessary to know the dosage, contraindications and types of the drug. If it is possible to include sea fish rich in PUFAs in the child’s diet from the family of salmon, herring, mackerel, and eels 2-3 times a week, then the body will have enough vitamins and acids contained in it. But children do not always agree to consume such amounts of fish, or the family cannot afford the cost of a fish menu.

The substance consists of complex components:

  • polyunsaturated omega-3 acids;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

During Soviet Union fish oil was given to children in preschool institutions and at home. The main reason was the presence of vitamin D in the product, which is important for the normal absorption of calcium in the body of children. In the mid-20th century, there were no artificial vitamin D supplements.

When the skin comes into contact with ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced. A lack of this vitamin leads to developmental disorders bone tissue and rickets, especially among residents of northern regions, where there is little sunny days per year. To prevent skeletal diseases, liquid fish oil was given to Soviet children.

Fish oil can be either liquid or in capsules

What does a child's body need?

How is fish oil good for children and for what purposes is it intended? Let's look at the beneficial properties of this substance:

  • stimulation metabolic processes thanks to PUFAs, leading to a high-quality supply of blood supply and nutrition to the human brain tissue, giving positive effects in his intellectual development and learning new knowledge;
  • improving the ability to concentrate, attention and perseverance in children;
  • active production of serotonin reduces stressful situations– children are less capricious, harsh behavior disappears emotional swings in adolescence, mood improves;
  • frequent poor nutrition(pizza, fast food, hamburger, chips, etc.) leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood, which decreases in the presence of omega-3 acids, as well as normalization of a teenager’s body weight;
  • children's fish oil contains vitamin A, which improves the quality of color perception by the eyes and vision at dusk;
  • the body's immune functions improve (resistance to viral and microbial infections);
  • the participation of vitamin D in the normalization of calcium and phosphorus metabolism leads to the healthy formation of skeletal bone tissue and tooth enamel in children.

Can it be given to children?

It is believed that children not only can, but also need to periodically include PUFAs and vitamins in their diet. But in case good nutrition seafood, if the child does not suffer from diseases for which it is recommended to take the supplement, it is possible to do without the drug. Parents should consider this issue with their child's doctor before purchasing fish oil for their child.

The situation is a little different with newborn babies. Why do children need fish oil during infancy? The specialist prescribes the intake and dosage of the drug during artificial feeding, when the mother does not have milk, taking into account the level of closure of the fontanelles and other factors. A baby under 6 months of age does not consume solid food; the only option is liquid fish oil for children. Therapy is prescribed from approximately 4 weeks of age.


In order to know whether children can take fish oil, it is important to consider contraindications to its use. Many manufacturers do not indicate them completely. Let's consider the main ones:

  • decreased blood clotting (hypocoagulation) and hemophilia;
  • the drug tends to reduce blood clotting; it should not be taken before surgery or in the presence of non-healing wounds;
  • individual intolerance;
  • sarcoidosis of the lungs and other organs;
  • presence of increased levels of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria);
  • hypercalcemia;
  • gallbladder diseases, in particular chronic cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis);
  • presence of kidney disease (renal failure);
  • signs of hypervitaminosis in a child;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis);
  • long-term immobilization;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • acute liver diseases;
  • children under 3 months.

Parents' decision to use fish oil should be based on information about the benefits and harms of this product for children.

Which one is better to choose?

There is a large selection of dietary supplements and it is very difficult to know which fish oil to choose for children. The benefits of a substance depend on the maturity of its manufacturing technologies, so it is necessary to give preference to well-known large manufacturers.

For example, the Norwegian product is one of the most environmentally friendly, as it is extracted from fish living in clean water, uncontaminated by industrial facilities.

Which fish oil is best for children should be decided by their parents. There are two methods for making the dietary supplement - from fish liver (usually the cod family) or from fish fillet.

The product made by the second method will contain more PUFAs and less vitamins and microelements. Its advantage is the smaller amount of harmful impurities concentrated in the liver of oceanic fish.

Depending on the purpose of taking the supplement (replenishing the body with vitamins or fatty acids), you need to choose the type of product. It is better to buy liver fish concentrate from a manufacturer who purifies the product well and uses environmentally friendly raw materials.

The drug is available in capsules and liquid form. Fish oil capsules for children are odorless and retain their properties better and longer. The gelatin capsule easily dissolves in the baby's intestines and is taken with food. But there are age restrictions for children who can swallow the capsules. The youngest patients will have to be given a non-packaged product.

Now manufacturers offer a line of products - children's fish oil in capsules and unpackaged, with different flavoring sweeteners (their naturalness is verified in the product certificate). Sometimes it also includes a number of vitamins, so consulting with a pediatrician when purchasing such a drug will not hurt.

How to take capsules with health benefits?

Adults need to know how to take fish oil capsules for children. If a child does not like the taste of a substance (there are exceptions to the rule), then it is better to offer him a capsule type of dietary supplement.

The dosage and period for which it is prescribed depend on the purpose of taking the drug. For general prevention in winter or spring (with a lack of sun and vitamins), the supplement is drunk for a month. When treating anemia or other diseases, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs, sometimes for a longer period.

Currently, 2 types of drugs are produced with increased content vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids - this must be taken into account when purchasing a product. How to give fish oil to children and what type is up to adults to decide together with their doctors.


It is advisable to buy a capsule product intended for children because it is already packaged in single doses intended for the child. Before taking it, be sure to read the instructions and dosage of fish oil for children. The daily dose for children over 6 years of age is 1.5 - 3 g of the drug.

For infants from 3 months, the doctor prescribes a dose of the drug in proportion to the weight, gender and health status of the small patient. Usually a few drops twice a day, gradually increasing the dose. When the baby reaches 1 year old, you can give him 0.5 - 1 teaspoon per day or the appropriate amount of the drug in capsules, pouring it into a spoon. Accordingly, than older child, the greater the amount of supplement he is given. For children from 3 years old, the product is offered a dessert spoon 2 - 3 times a day, and from 7 years old - a tablespoon.

After 4 - 6 weeks of taking the drug, a break is usually taken for at least 3 months, then, if necessary, it is possible repeat course fish oil therapy in capsules with benefits for children.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The fresher it is, the best qualities will have. After opening, liquid fat must be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Capsules, too, are best stored in a cool, dark place to avoid loss of the beneficial properties of the drug.

Is there any harm possible?

Do children need fish oil, given the fact that it can bring not only benefits, but also harm? A dietary supplement cannot be useful for absolutely everyone, so it is used more often on the recommendation of a doctor, and caution does not hurt here. It should not be taken by people with allergic reaction to seafood, especially fish.

For people with increased level fat-soluble vitamin D, taking the drug may result in hypervitaminosis. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, excess amounts of which pass into and out of a person's urine, vitamin D remains in a person's fat tissue. The body becomes intoxicated with by-products that arise during the processing of excess vitamins of this group with the following symptoms:

  • pain in the head and weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • gastrointestinal disorder with possible nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite.

With prolonged exposure to hypervitaminosis, calcium deposits on the internal organs human (kidneys, blood vessels, heart, lungs).

An effective, popular, inexpensive means of maintaining the health of babies is fish oil. Omega 3 supplies the body with substances, polyunsaturated acids, which are not produced, but are important for the normal, full functioning of the child.

Useful qualities

Sometimes the child does not get enough food along with food. necessary substances for proper development. Then the question arises of which drugs to use as a dietary supplement. Natural and biologically safe active additives fish oil meets all requirements for the quantity and quality of healthy ingredients.

This unique combination of essential substances is not found anywhere else.

You can replace fish oil intake by giving your child 300 g twice a week sea ​​fish, feed him walnuts and high-quality vegetable oil. This is possible for older children; this method is not suitable for newborns.

The table clearly shows all the beneficial components contained in fish oil, their effect on the development of infants, as well as what the deficiency will lead to.

NameBody reaction
upon assimilationin case of shortage
Vitamin AStrengthens cell membranes, which is especially important for babies with allergic reactions.Visual acuity decreases, dry mucous membranes appear. Nails peel, hair breaks.
Vitamin DHelps absorb calcium and phosphorus, strengthens bones, and promotes normal skeletal formation.Rickets develops.
Vitamin ENeeded for normal muscle function. Reduces the risk of oncological degeneration of tissues, reduces the manifestation of allergies.Blood clotting is impaired.
IodineTakes part in all metabolic processes.Possible in young children mental retardation. IN school age Lack of iodine leads to decreased intelligence, severe drowsiness, and lethargy.
PhosphorusStimulates the growth of bone tissue and teeth. Needed for normal operation kidneys and nervous system.Anxiety, weakness, decreased cognitive activity.
Omega 3 fatty polyunsaturated acidsTake part in the formation of brain cells, the development and functioning of the heart, blood vessels, internal systems. Helps strengthen the immune system.There is growth retardation, decreased mental and physical development, decreased performance, and fatigue.
Docosahexaenoic acidTakes part in strengthening the central nervous system, retina, and normalizes blood supply to the brain.Provokes neurotic disorders, absent-mindedness.
Eicosapentaenoic acidSupports normal level digestive juice in the stomach, stabilizes the secretion of bile, strengthens the immune system.Attention is impaired, absent-mindedness, nervousness, and anxiety develop.

Application area

Breasts are allowed to consume fish oil from a certain time. A doctor can determine the need and time.

The indications are:

  • prevention of rickets;
  • poor memory;
  • attention deficit syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • lack of growth;
  • hemophilia;
  • eye diseases;
  • poor muscle mass gain;
  • frequent colds;
  • decreased vision;
  • poor immunity;
  • aggression and irritability of the child;
  • poor condition of the scalp;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • obesity;
  • treatment of skin damage;
  • dry skin;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Fish oil is essential for a newborn who is bottle-fed. After all, he does not receive useful substances, for example, fatty acids in milk formulas.

However, mothers should carefully study the labels on the jar with the mixture; the fact is that the manufacturer may include Omega 3 fatty acids in the composition, then additional intake of fish oil will not be required. Be careful to avoid overdose!


Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky speaks positively about the use of fish oil. However, it reminds us of the importance of following the dosage. Follow exactly the amount of the drug, dosage regimen, and duration of preventive treatment prescribed by your pediatrician.

According to the doctor, taking fish oil was relevant in the middle of the last century. For rickets, this was an ideal remedy, because there was not much variety in baby food. Currently, you have a fairly varied diet, spend a lot of time in the sun and fresh air, and there will be no need to supplement with fish oil.

However, it is not useful for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • stomach diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • excess vitamins A, D;
  • liver diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies to fish and seafood;
  • low blood pressure;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • poor blood clotting.

In infants, fish oil can cause allergies, because the digestive system has not yet begun to produce the necessary enzymes for digestion. Up to a year, the product is prescribed in the form of drops, but even such a minimal amount can cause digestive upset, for example. To avoid this, the supplement must be added to your usual food, which is already well absorbed.

You should start with a very small amount and carefully observe the baby’s body reaction. If everything is in order, I gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to the daily norm prescribed by the doctor.


A very important condition for children is compliance with the correct dosage. An excess of fish oil is unlikely, since a very small amount is consumed. The danger may be an overdose of vitamins contained in the supplement. With hypervitaminosis, abdominal pain and liver dysfunction are observed.

An overabundance of fish oil poses a great danger for infants under six months. Increased intake of vitamin D stimulates increased bone growth. This provokes the overgrowth of the fontanel on the head earlier due date, which can cause many painful conditions, for example, promotions.

For the little ones

Every mother wonders whether it is possible to give fish oil to her baby. This is decided by the pediatrician on an individual basis. It is necessary to take into account the development of the baby, the rate of overgrowth of the fontanel, the type of feeding, even the number of sunny days. Usually, a baby is prescribed the drug no earlier than one month from birth.

The standard dose is 5 drops in the morning and evening. At 6 months, the baby drinks a teaspoon a day. The dosage remains the same per year, only the number of doses increases. The drug is given during meals and can be mixed into salads and other dishes. No need to heat, should be added to already cooked products. From the age of seven you can switch to capsules that must be swallowed. The duration of treatment should not be more than three months.

Before you buy fish oil for infants, you need to understand what it is like. It is produced in liquid form, in the form of gummies and capsules. It is convenient to use liquid forms of Omega 3 for infants.

What is she like? This is a rather thick liquid of light yellow color with a specific fishy odor. Previously it was made from the liver of cod fish. But a large amount of toxins accumulate in this organ, so now children get a better quality product from the carcass using a cold press.

  1. Before you buy, you need to read the instructions about the method of manufacturing the product. The quality is indicated by fat prepared from ocean fish carcasses. But shark fish is considered a less safe supplier of oil.
  2. Norwegian fat is an environmentally friendly product. No pollutants were found in the seas of this state where fishing is carried out. Among Russian manufacturers, Murmansk companies have good products.
  3. The production of oil from fish is not strictly regulated because it is not a drug. That is why you need to buy a drug labeled “medical”. Otherwise, you can purchase a product for veterinary or household use.
  4. Fish and fish oils are commercially available. They differ in composition. Fish contains more vitamins, fish contains mainly Omega-3 fatty acids. The pediatrician should tell you which one is needed for an infant.
  5. When buying a drug, you need to look for one without flavorings. Often liquid fat is additionally deodorized to remove bad taste and smell. But synthetic fragrances can cause allergies in young children. Or opt for all-natural aromatic ingredients, such as essential oils.
  6. Also, the bottle should be made of thick dark glass, since fatty acids can oxidize under the influence of the sun. A responsible manufacturer pours fat to the brim, under the cork. After all, under the influence of oxygen, Omega-3 also oxidizes. For the same reason, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator, so the drug will retain its beneficial qualities longer.
  7. Do not take large bottles, most likely by the end of use the product will no longer be fresh and will lose its nutritional value. It is better to buy Omega 3 in a small container, no more than 100 ml.
  8. Please note that Omega 3 is in the form of triglycerides, not esters, so that the supplement is better absorbed by the child’s body and brings more benefits.

Popular drugs

There are many drugs on the market. Especially for young children, series are offered in liquid form. For example, Moller Kalanmaksaoljy is children's fish oil. Made in Finland, approved for use from six months because it contains flavoring.

According to reviews from parents, the drugs from Carlson Labs and Norsk BarneTran (manufactured in Norway) are considered the best. This is fish oil in liquid form. The first contains lemon or orange natural flavoring, the second contains herbal extracts.

Allergies are possible in infants; you should consult your doctor about the need to use these particular medications.

In Russia it is produced in liquid form “BIOKontur”. It is suitable for babies from one month old, as it does not contain synthetic additives. “Magic Fish” is also produced in our country and has no flavorings. There is a convenient dropper on the lid.

It is advisable to find words on the label that the drug is recommended for babies up to one year old. Most manufacturers produce the drug in the form of capsules and gelatin candies, which are designed for older children.


A small child needs a balanced diet. Breast-feeding provides the baby with everything necessary, and artificial feeding Taking additional medications for growth and development will be very helpful.

The third generation of fish oil is being produced. It is adapted for feeding babies and has a pleasant taste and aroma. Children enjoy using this nutritional supplement, which helps them grow healthy and smart.