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How to treat Giardia in humans. Giardiasis. Acute and chronic giardiasis. Stages of treatment for giardiasis

From childhood, every child is taught the rules of hygiene, which include washing hands, fruits and vegetables. And this is not done without reason, since around the world every year several hundred million people become infected with Giardia. Where do Giardia come from, why are they dangerous, and where do Giardia live in the human body?

The pear-shaped body of Giardia is equipped with eight flagella and an attachment disk, with which they are attached to the fleecy walls of the intestine. Maximum size Giardia does not exceed 18 microns. And if they enter an environment not intended for survival, they are capable of transforming into cysts - a stationary form (spores), protected from an aggressive environment by a special shell.

In the human body, Giardia lives on average about 40 days, after which it moves to the large intestine, where the conditions for its existence are extremely unfavorable. Therefore, they turn into cysts and come out along with feces out.

IN environment cysts are able to survive in soil and water. At the same time, moist soil is favorable for them, where they are able to take a wait-and-see attitude for three weeks. When dropped into water, their lifespan increases to five weeks.

A special feature of cysts is their love of life. They are not afraid ultraviolet radiation, no chlorine. At an air temperature of -13°C, the viability of cysts is significantly reduced. Drying them in air for 24 hours, boiling them, or heating them to 60-70°C for 7 minutes can destroy them.

Features of the disease

Giardia enters the human body orally, just like worms, and when found in favorable conditions, they multiply very quickly. When cysts enter the intestines, their shell is destroyed and they transform into a mobile form, beginning to absorb nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Thus, they disrupt the functions of the intestine, inhibiting it motor activity, and depriving the body of vital necessary substances.

The active life of Giardia has a strong toxic effect on the body of an adult. Toxins attack the walls small intestine, reduce the amount of enzymes secreted by the pancreas and interfere with the absorption of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Methods of infection

  • Contact and household. The culprit in the development of the disease is most often non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, when people neglect to wash their hands after visiting the toilet or walking. Cysts can also end up on clothes, toys and dishes.
  • Water. As mentioned above, they are resistant to chlorine. Therefore, they can be present in chlorinated tap water, as well as in raw water taken from open reservoirs and used for domestic needs.
  • Pishchev. In this case, any products that have not been heat-treated pose a danger. These also include unwashed fruits, vegetables and berries.

Domestic and stray animals can be carriers of the causative agent of the disease, since cysts can move after getting on animal fur from the soil. But the main carriers are flies.

Signs of illness

Children aged 1 to 4 years are most susceptible to this disease. In this case, the disease itself can be completely asymptomatic. It can only be detected during examination for another disease. However, in children, the main manifestation of giardiasis is slow weight gain.

Symptoms of Giardia in adults are expressed in the following manifestations:

  • pain in the navel area;
  • feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of appetite accompanied by nausea;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • bad breath;
  • stool disorder, manifested in diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • foamy discharge during defecation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • swelling;
  • increased sweating.

It allows you to identify the symptoms of Giardia and prescribe treatment correct diagnosis. At the same time, the peculiarity of giardiasis is that its symptoms are identical to diseases affecting organs gastrointestinal tract. Sick people are often diagnosed with cholecystitis, duodenitis, enterocolitis and other diseases expressed in inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines and gall bladder.

In addition, intestinal lamblia, releasing toxins, provokes the development of symptoms reminiscent of signs of skin diseases and diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract.

Diagnostic methods

Most accessible method which makes it possible to detect Giardia cysts in adults and children is. However this study It is recommended to carry out weekly for two months, since Giardia cysts are not always present in the stool.

Other diagnostic methods are also used.

Complications of the disease

  • cholecystitis;
  • enteritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • changes in the structure of the pancreas;
  • dysbiosis.

For this reason, the patient will have to undergo three stages of treatment.

Products will help enhance the effect of the prescribed course of treatment traditional medicine. The most effective are tinctures and mixtures intended for internal use. When Giardia appears, take alcohol tincture from garlic, a mixture of honey and plantain, horseradish infusion, a mixture of flax seeds and cloves, as well. Positive results allows you to achieve oat tubage.

Prevention of infection

It is very important to both detect Giardia and undergo treatment, and subsequently prevent re-infection. To do this, you must follow certain rules.

  • When coming home from the street, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. This procedure should be carried out before each meal and after each visit to the toilet.
  • Before consumption, raw vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water and then rinsed with boiling water. This precaution will eliminate the possibility of infection.

  • You cannot swim in bodies of water with standing water. Such water poses a particular danger if it enters the oral cavity.
  • If there are animals in the house, it is necessary to periodically treat them for helminths.
  • Work with the earth personal plot you need to wear gloves.
  • The main carriers of the causative agent of giardiasis are flies. Therefore, you need to try to prevent them from entering the kitchen and in every possible way protect products from contact with them.

Given the significant degree of resistance of adult individuals to the manifestations of such infection, and their asymptomatic nature, most scientists are convinced that the number of Giardia carriers in the human population far exceeds official statistics.

Giardia prefers to reproduce in the small intestine.

The causative agent of giardiasis survives in two ways - in the form of trophozoids and cysts.

First can multiply rapidly, triggering symptoms that are alarming for giardiasis.

Second- these are ovoid roundnesses in which immature lamblia find peace and protection under aggressive pressure.

Giardiasis infection mainly occurs through the fecal-oral route. Cysts in the feces of people and animals are carried outside. Displaying amazing viability, cysts persist in water bodies for several months and can withstand both freezing and heating up to 50°C. But they die in boiling water. Therefore, the infection can be acquired by drinking tap water or washing fruits and vegetables with untreated water.

Infections in infected bodies of water are common in summer. It is rare to become infected through household contact, but it is better to maintain hygiene to eliminate any risk. This will affect the treatment of the infected family member.


Clinical symptoms in patients infected with Giardia, it is distinguished by its complex polyformity, which has affected numerous classifications.

Taking into account the WHO classification, studying numerous classifications of Russian and foreign authors, taking into account the need effective system, this type of classification will be the most practical.

Giardia carriers- there is no actual disease, but there is transfer, isolation and invasion by giardia of everything around.
Giardiasis How concomitant disease with weakened immunity, with the addition of various infections.
Subclinical giardiasis- asymptomatic.

Giardiasis itself, manifest (clinical) - with an explicit clinical pathology. Which, in turn, is divided into its symptomatic varieties.

Clinical giardiasis

Infected patients may recognize the symptoms of giardiasis as a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs vary depending on different conditions. For example, on the number of pathogens, duration of invasion, age of the patient. It is impossible to talk about unambiguous symptoms. There may be suspicions of giardiasis when nonspecific symptoms (also found in other pathologies) are observed.

Manifest giardiasis occurs in 12-42% of all those infected with giardia, subclinical - 48%, asymptomatic - 26-29%.

Scientific research

An experimental study of volunteers demonstrated that the same doses of Giardia cyst infestations develop clinical manifestations in 60% of subjects. Diarrhea, abdominal syndrome, flatulence, fever and other symptoms appeared on days 3-10 from cyst inoculation, and they were cyclical, disappearing after the same periods in different subjects.

The number of cysts in the stool of infected people also did not appear to be constant. Signs of giardiasis could precede cysts by a couple of weeks. The disease manifest giardiasis could suddenly disappear after a month and a half, or it could exist in a dormant form for many years. Then the release of cysts was observed in intervals of 10 - 20 days.

Intestinal giardiasis

The central manifestations of the intestinal form of giardiasis are:

  • vague pain on the right in the epigastric region;
  • painful sensations in the navel area;
  • incoherent with food intake;
  • painful attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence, poor appetite;
  • fever with slight heat, belching;
  • steatorrhea (fatty stool, usually due to enteritis);
  • heartburn;
  • rubella-like or morbilliform rash;
  • anorexia, diarrhea (sometimes foamy).

Hepatobiliary form

Traditionally, it manifests itself as cholecystitis. Gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and pancreatitis are often associated. With giardiasis of this type, the main signs of infection are: pain in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, pain when palpating the gallbladder area, slight jaundice and itching.

Symptoms of toxic-allergic giardiasis

The toxic-allergic type of the disease is characterized by an increase in allergies (urticaria, Quincke's edema).

Doctors highlight the severity of prolonged allergosis in this type of pathology. It does not respond well to medication. Often accompanied by development atopic dermatitis with a continuously relapsing course. Joints may be affected.

Signs of asthenoneurotic giardiasis

With this type of symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract there are no or they are insignificant.

Therefore, the most important are: headache, nervous disorders, nervousness, weakness. Insomnia and manifestations of neurocirculatory dystonia also indicate that this is asthenoneurotic giardiasis.

Acute manifest giardiasis

This form in the complex of symptoms is characterized by a painful feeling around the navel, it can hurt right hypochondrium, together with symptoms of dyspepsia - vomiting, belching, bloated belly, loss of appetite, etc.

Painful sensations do not depend on the meal, they torment constantly with aching character, sometimes reaching acute attacks. Possible diarrhea with frequent bowel movements, up to five times a day.

Diarrhea often gives way to constipation. From liquid and foamy chair over time it becomes greasy and half-formed. Duration acute stage does not exceed a week, after which the patient recovers or receives a chronic or subacute form.

Chronic giardiasis

Launched forms Giardiasis is usually found in mature people and children school age. Chronic giardiasis is characterized by a relapsing course.

Giardiasis has the following symptoms:

  • poor health (loss of strength, headaches, pathological thinness, malnutrition, retarded physical development in adolescents);
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction (stool irregularity, aching abdominal pain, attacks of nausea, loss of appetite);
  • cholecystitis and colitis;
  • coated tongue;
  • uneven skin color (constipation);
  • “marble nose” (contrasting pallor of the nose);
  • allergic signs of giardiasis (skin itching, urticaria);
  • symptoms bronchial asthma and arthritis.

Giardiasis in women

If a mature man can be a carrier of Giardia without feeling any specific processes, Giardia in pregnant women can easily become a very dangerous disease, even if it has no visible effect on physiological comfort. Therefore, it is necessary to understand giardiasis, what signs indicate this invasion in women, what pathological changes it leads during pregnancy.

Symptoms of giardiasis in women

In order to have time to react effectively and apply all the techniques that preserve your own health and the health of the baby, we will study the features of female giardiasis.

A woman may complain:

  • for diarrhea ( loose stool without bloody impurities);
  • for slight heat around 37 degrees;
  • on skin symptoms(itchy rash, urticaria, neurodermatitis);
  • general malaise (fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite);
  • itching in the vagina.

Neurological symptoms

Chronic form Giardiasis in pregnant women is often accompanied by neurological symptoms(headache, mild dizziness, nausea and vomitus), as well as signs of general intoxication.

Treatment of giardiasis cannot be quick. The destruction of all Giardia, amounting to several million in the average adult patient, will require several courses drug therapy. How to treat giardiasis in a particular patient is best determined by a specialist during examination.

(cysts, or vegetative forms, or antigens in stool) is an indication for compulsory treatment, even if nothing bothers the person. However, self-medication is not recommended because most drugs have serious side effects.

If giardiasis in a patient manifests itself in severe gastrointestinal disorders, then go straight to destruction (scientifically - eradication) Giardia is undesirable, since due to the simultaneous death of many Giardia, it can intoxication will increase and the symptoms of giardiasis worsen. In case of severe giardiasis, it is recommended to carry out treatment in 3 stages:

  1. preparatory(goals: reduce the number of Giardia in the body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract),
  2. destruction Giardia (consists of 2 courses different drugs with a break of 1 week),
  3. final(goals: restore gastrointestinal functions, cure dysbiosis, normalize immunity).

If the identified lamblia in the patient does not cause clinical gastrointestinal symptoms, you can go straight to the stage of destroying Giardia (bypassing the preparatory stage).

Stage No. 1. Preparatory

The stronger the intoxication and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms, the longer the preparatory stage should last - from several days to 1 month.


Principles of nutrition for giardiasis:

  • carbohydrate restriction (sugars and lactose, which is contained in fresh milk), since carbohydrates are a nutrient medium for Giardia,
  • abundance of protein(proteins inhibit the growth of lamblia),
  • sour juices and berries are recommended, dairy products(excluding fresh milk), because acidic environment inhibits the growth of lamblia,
  • nutrition fractional (5-6 times a day), there should be no intervals of more than 4 hours between meals. Frequent use food promotes bile secretion, and bile has a detrimental effect on lamblia,
  • the diet should contain increased amount dietary fiber(norm per day for an adult 20-30 g), this can be achieved by adding to food bran.

Used table No. 5 according to Pevzner(intended for the treatment of liver and biliary tract diseases), however, it is modified by limiting the amount of carbohydrates and lactose.

  • porridge(buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, etc.),
  • low-fat varieties meat and fish,
  • low-fat soups with vegetable oil,
  • bread from whole grain or with the addition of bran,
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, acidophilus milk),
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs,
  • from sweets - honey, marshmallow, marmalade.

Excluded Products:

  • refractory fats (lard, margarine),
  • fat meat,
  • fatty fish,
  • strong broths,
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans),
  • eggs (no more than 1 per day is allowed as part of meals),
  • sweets (chocolate, candy, cakes, pastries, ice cream, carbonated drinks),
  • spicy seasonings,
  • mushrooms,
  • smoked meats


Most often on preparatory stage use enterosorbents:

  • (diosmectite, dioctite, neosmectin),
  • enterosgel.

Smecta It has natural origin(made from shell rock), absorbs and removes toxins from the body, pathogenic bacteria, excess bile acids and of hydrochloric acid. At the same time, smecta creates favorable conditions For beneficial bacteria, helping to get rid of dysbiosis. Smecta lines the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, providing a cytoprotective effect (protects the mucous membrane from adverse effects). It does not directly affect Giardia, but reduces their number in the intestines. Smecta is not absorbed and is allowed at any age (even newborns, during pregnancy and lactation).

Smecta sachets.

In case of constipation, it is prescribed lactulose (Duphalac, Normaze), which is allowed for pregnant women and lactation.

As prescribed by a gastroenterologist (therapist), after clarifying the nature of the bile excretion disorder (before and after a trial breakfast), the following may be recommended:

1) with reduced function gallbladder (leading symptom - prolonged pain in the right hypochondrium):

  • a diet with a sufficient content of vegetable fats (up to 80 g per day),
  • prokinetics: domperidone(5-10 mg 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals),
  • cholecystokinetics: solution magnesium sulfate 10-25% (1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day), solution sorbitol or xylitol 10% (50 ml 2 times a day);

2) with dysfunction (spasm) of the sphincter of Oddi(located in the wall of the duodenum and regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the intestine; the leading symptom is paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium or epigastrium lasting more than 20 minutes for 3 months or more):

  • low-fat diet (40 g per day vegetable fats),
  • restriction of choleretic drugs,
  • selective antispasmodic: hymecromon [odeston](200-400 mg 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals),
  • or non-selective antispasmodics: mebeverine (duspatalin), drotaverine (no-spa), trimebutine (trimedat).

The gastroenterologist may also prescribe:

  • according to the results of the coprogram - enzymatic drugs ( Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim-Forte, Creon),
  • with long-term giardiasis and liver damage from toxins ( increased level enzymes AlAT, AST, etc. in biochemical analysis blood) - hepatoprotectors (gepabene, legalon, karsil, LIV-52).

Stage No. 2. Destruction of Giardia

If the family has Small child with giardiasis, usually everyone is infected family members.

Used to treat giardiasis drugs of 3 groups:

  1. nitroimidazole groups: ornidazole, tinidazole. The previously widely used metronidazole is no longer recommended for use due to the high risk of Giardia resistance;
  2. nitrofuranic groups: . The previously used furazolidone is no longer used due to the high resistance of Giardia and frequent (40%) adverse reactions on the drug;
  3. benzimidazole groups: albendazole.

IN complex treatment Giardiasis drug may be added Enterol(fungi Saccharomyces boulardii), which also has some anti-giardiasis effect.


Trade names: Tiberal, Dazolic, Gairo, Ornisid, Ornidazole-Vero.
Available in film-coated tablets of 500 mg.

The effectiveness of ornidazole is about 90%.

Treatment regimens Ornidazole for giardiasis:

  • 1st scheme ( once): adults and children weighing over 35 kg are prescribed 3 tablets (1.5 g) once at night, children up to 35 kg - at the rate of 30-40 mg/kg (crushed form).
  • 2nd scheme (treatment within 36 hours): adults 1 tablet. every 12 hours 3 times.

Frequency side effects when taking ornidazole - about 15%. Most often there are:

  • dizziness, headache, drowsiness, rarely convulsions.
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea), perversion of taste, changes in the activity of liver enzymes (ALAT, AST),
  • possible allergic reactions and hematopoietic disorders (with long-term use).

Cannot be taken during pregnancy. During lactation, you need to stop breastfeeding.


Available in film-coated tablets of 500 mg.

According to its properties Tinidazole is similar to Ornidazole and has similar side effects. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The effectiveness of tinidazole is about 77%.

Treatment regimen Tinidazole for giardiasis:

  • adults are prescribed 2 g of tinidazole (4 tablets of 500 mg each) once,
  • Children over 12 years of age are prescribed at a rate of 50–75 mg/kg body weight once.


Trade names: McMiror.
Available in film-coated tablets of 200 mg.

Macmiror is highly active and, perhaps, the best drug today for the treatment of giardiasis for several reasons:

  • excreted by the kidneys (does not affect the liver) and therefore gives minimum of adverse reactions- only in 2% of patients,
  • also affects the intestines bacterial infections (salmonellosis, shigellosis and etc.),
  • effective against bacteria Helicobacter pylori and fungi of the genus Candida, which are frequent companions of Giardia.

Treatment regimen nifuratel:

  • adults are prescribed 2 tablets (400 mg) 2-3 times a day for 7 days,
  • Children over 2 months are prescribed 15 mg/kg body weight (not more than 400 mg) 2 times a day for 7 days.

Side effects Macmiroras are rare:

  • nausea, bitterness in the mouth;
  • allergic reactions ( skin rash, itching).

Nifuratel is able to penetrate the placenta and into breast milk, therefore not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Albendazole (albendazole)

Trade names: nemozol, gelmodol, aldazole, sanoxal.
Available in tablets (chewable or coated) of 400 mg (1 or 3 tablets per package) and in the form of an oral suspension of 20 ml (100 mg/5 ml).

Albendazole is notable in that it universal anthelmintic drug(against worms), which acts on all stages of helminth development (eggs, larvae, adults). Albendazole inhibits the uptake of glucose by helminths. A course of albendazole for giardiasis will also have healing effect at enterobiasis (pinworms), ascariasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, strongyloidiasis, taeniasis (pork tapeworm) and hymenolepiasis (dwarf tapeworm).

Treatment regimen albendazole for giardiasis:

  • adults: 1 tablet (400 mg) 1 time per day for 3 days (according to the instructions for the drug) to 5-7 days (according to recommendations in the literature). Thus, the average recommended course duration is 5 days. If the drug is poorly tolerated, it is permissible to limit it to 3-4 days. Taken orally after meals. The coated tablets are swallowed whole with water.
  • children over 2 years of age are prescribed at a rate of 10 mg/kg (according to instructions) or 15 mg/kg (according to the literature, but not more than 400 mg) once a day in the form of a suspension after meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.

Side effects albendazole:

  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, increased levels of liver enzymes (ALAT, AST),
  • headache, dizziness,
  • deterioration of hematopoiesis with long-term use,
  • allergic reactions: skin rash, itching.
  • promotion blood pressure, renal dysfunction.


Available in 250 mg capsules and 250 mg sachets.

Enterol provides harmful effect on lamblia. It was found that combined course use of Enterol with other anti-giardiasis drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment of giardiasis. Enterol combines well with antibiotics and other antibacterial treatment, however, I do not recommend combining Enterol with Nifuratel (Makmiror) due to the presence antifungal action at the last one.

Reception scheme Enterola:

  • adults and children over 3 years old - 1 caps. or 1 powder 1–2 times a day for 7–10 days.
  • children 1-3 years old - 1 capsule. 2 times a day for 5 days. Open the capsule and dissolve the contents in cool water, after which they give it to the child.

Well tolerated.

Enterol is contraindicated:

  • children under 1 year of age (the intestinal wall is still permeable to fungi),
  • people with permanent venous catheters (due to the risk of their colonization and the development of fungal sepsis).

Choice of drugs

The effectiveness of any drug for giardiasis is far from 100%, so it is usually used 2 courses of treatment with different drugs with an interval of 1 week:

  • (in some cases it can be replaced by ). Ornidazole is acceptable for children of any age, tinidazole - from 12 years of age.
  • - for children older than 2 months,
  • albendazole- acceptable in children over 2 years of age, but most safe in children over 6 years of age.

For the first course usually used or (depending on the patient's age). In a week to carry out second year can choose nifuratel or albendazole. Nifuratel is good complex action and high tolerance, but at this moment not sold in Belarus. Albendazole is wonderful because it simultaneously destroys the vast majority of intestinal helminths, the presence of which many patients do not even suspect.

Enterol can be used in parallel with albendazole or at the 3rd stage of treatment (see below).

Previously used drugs metronidazole And furazolidone Currently, they are not recommended for the treatment of giardiasis due to the high risk of Giardia resistance and the large number of side effects.

For reducing allergic reactions may be assigned:

  • cetirizine (Zyrtec) for children over 6 months,
  • fexofenadine (Telfast) for children over 12 years old.

To improve the tolerability of antigiardiasis treatment, some authors recommend Wobenzym, which has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic and immunomodulatory effects. Adults take 3-5 tablets 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals, children at the rate of 1 tablet per 5-6 kg of body weight.

Stage No. 3. Final

Existing disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract will not disappear automatically the next day after the death of Giardia. The body needs help: the stronger the disorders, the more actively we need to help.

Since Giardia are active consumers of vitamins, it is recommended complex preparations, including those that restore intestinal microflora, for example:

  1. steambifid contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, selenium, zinc, inulin and oligofructose. Recommended for adults and children from 6 months. Take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day with meals. Course duration is 1 month.
  2. bion 3 contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, D3, PP, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, as well as lactobacilli and two types of bifidobacteria for intestines. Recommended for adults and children over 14 years of age. 1 table each 1 time per day with meals for 1 month, swallowed whole and washed down with enough water.

If not previously accepted Enterol, then at this stage it is useful to be treated with it for 5 days (children 1-3 years old) or 10 days (adults and older children).

To stimulate and maintain immunity it is prescribed immunomodulators:

  • polyoxidonium(adults and children from 6 months) intramuscularly, orally, in the form rectal suppositories, locally (instill in the nose);
  • lycopid(adults and children over 17 years old are prescribed 10 mg tablets, children from 1 to 16 years old are prescribed 1 mg tablets).

Reminder. Make it a rule always read medication instructions that you are taking for the first time.

Prevention of giardiasis

Giardiasis occurs everywhere, so everyone should know about its symptoms. And first of all - parents of small children.

Measures to prevent giardiasis:

  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, rinse them with boiled water;
  • teach children hygiene skills;
  • to fight with bad habits children (biting nails, sucking fingers or pencils, etc.);
  • It is possible to have pets only when children are trained in hygiene skills and do not have bad habits.

    Pets need regular (almost monthly) deworming. If there is a dog or cat living at home, people should take preventive courses 2-3 times a year albendazole(for adults, a single dose of 400 mg tablet orally, and for children, a suspension at the rate of 6-10 mg/kg);

  • avoid eating outside;
  • do not swim in unknown bodies of water;
  • drink only boiled or bottled water (water from land sources can be dangerous);
  • Do not allow your child to play in the sand or soil unless you are sure that it is clean from animal feces.

For those who are too lazy to read.
If you carefully read all 6 articles of my series, you will not learn anything new.

18 comments to the note “No. 6. Treatment of giardiasis. Choice of drugs"

    Thank you very much. Very detailed and professional. Still, it is difficult for a non-physician to understand the abundance of schemes and other things. You really helped me with the choice, now my darling is calm that they prescribed everything correctly for us, and I will listen to you when choosing restorative drugs.

    I live in Israel. We don't have a cure for this. They say that when infected, the body itself creates unfavorable conditions for Giardia and they themselves leave the body. You just have to wait. And then there is no guarantee that an hour after the end of the second course of treatment you will not become infected with them again))). And the article is very interesting. Thank you.

    I don’t know about “self-healing”... We discovered Giardia in our child about a year ago. We went through a course of treatment with the whole family, a month later we were tested - it was positive ((We decided to wait a while and then a year later we took the test again and again we were not happy with the result. We will be treated again.

    Spontaneous recovery usually occurs in adults after 6 months. But there are many obstacles: reinfection(from a child or through water), carbohydrate nutrition with a minimum of proteins, reduced immunity, etc. If a small child is sick, most often all family members are infected.

  1. Everyone’s body is different - some people live with them all their lives and don’t even know about them, while others... My daughter was treated for three years for a bunch of different things. various diseases, in some cases they couldn’t even make a diagnosis. I am very grateful to the doctor who advised me to get tested for Giardia. Giardia was removed and the rest of the ailments went away on their own, even a common cold stopped bothering me. Treatment is necessary - it doesn’t seem fatal, but in general protective properties Giardia and their metabolic products undermine the body's health...

    I am very glad that I came across this article. Everything is outlined in detail, the pros and cons of the drugs... I have a 3.5 year old child. We get sick all the time, not a single virus flies past. As a rule, complications. Allergies, papillomas. The gastroenterologist said to test for helminths. Giardiasis was diagnosed in severe form. I hope that after treatment everything will gradually improve. We were completely desperate. Thank you for the article!!!

  2. Please tell me, how much sweets can I eat per day? Can I drink sweet tea during treatment?

    Sahara ( simple carbohydrates) should be limited because they provide food for Giardia and promote its growth. Whole grain bread, bran, apples (pectin) are recommended.

  3. Albendazole is not suitable for the treatment of patients with lactose intolerance, which occurs in approximately 40% of patients with chronic giardiasis. Lactose intolerance may go away after treatment within 2 months. Nifuratel provides a relatively small percentage of cure, so it can be chosen only if other drugs are not suitable due to side effects or contraindications.

    I would like to sincerely thank you for publishing this treatment regimen in detail. The doctors I came across in our clinics prescribed me no help, but yours helped!!! But I had to repeat it, because not all the relatives in the family with whom I had been in contact for a long time agreed to take the pills, after a while a re-infection occurred, I didn’t just take the immunomodulators... and again I took the course according to your scheme for the 2nd time and again everything returned to normal. I was lucky to find and read your diagram in time, because I was very, very extremely ill from a severe intestinal form and reduced immunity. Thank you very much, you literally saved a person from a very long lasting pain, powerlessness, despair and suffering by publishing this post!!

    It is not clear why at the 1st stage of treatment, when recommending an abundance of protein and limiting carbohydrates, the proposed diet includes cereals, bread, marshmallows, marmalade and honey? In theory they shouldn't be there. And at the same time, legumes are excluded. And what's wrong with fatty fish? Now, after the exposure of studies paid for by sugar corporations about the dangers of fatty foods and the neutrality of sugar, even corrupt nutritionists recommend for the same weight loss to lose weight on a fatty diet with the exception of carbohydrates. Suddenly, scientists, after kicking the public, noticed that the Chukchi somehow managed without cabbage and carrots, eating very fatty foods do not have problems with atherosclerosis. And at the same time, cows, elephants, etc. eating exclusively plant foods fat to the point of disgrace, contrary to the doctrine of vegans.

    2) You got something wrong about the “vegan doctrine”. Vegans give up meat primarily for ethical reasons, not because they want to lose weight. Obesity requires that you eat more calories than you expend. Whether these calories come from fats or carbohydrates is a secondary matter.

    3) Fatty fish in itself very useful product, it’s just that it may be too difficult for the gastrointestinal tract damaged by Giardia to digest.

    4) Completely eliminating carbohydrates from the diet is difficult and undesirable, so choose the least harmful ones. There's a lot in the porridge useful substances from cereals and there are no easily digestible sugars. Coarse and whole grain breads contain a lot of fiber, which acts as a sorbent. Honey - the most useful in composition natural sweetness, the main thing is not to eat it in large quantities (one teaspoon or a tablespoon per day is enough). Marmalade and marshmallows are included in the permitted ones for the reason that they are made on the basis of apple or other fruit puree and contain pectin sorbent, which removes toxins and even indirectly reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

    5) Legumes are excluded because they are difficult to digest and can cause flatulence (gas formation in the intestines) - on the topic pea soup there are many jokes. If you like legumes and they don't cause you problems, eat them to your health.

  4. Here are the instructions for albendazole-based drugs (indications for use):

    “Nemozol is used to treat patients suffering from enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm, trichinosis, toxocariasis, necatoriasis, strongyloidiasis and taeniasis. Nemozol is used to treat giardiasis in children.”


    “Aldazole in small doses is used for a short time in the treatment of patients suffering from intestinal helminthiases and the skin syndrome Larva Migrans, including such forms of helminthiasis as enterobiasis, necatoriasis, hookworm, taeniasis, hymenolepiasis, ascariasis, strongyloidiasis, clonorchiasis, trichuriasis and opisthorchiasis. In children, Aldazole in small doses is also used to treat giardiasis.”

    “Zentel is used for intestinal forms helminthiasis: enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, hymenolepiasis, taeniasis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, clonorchiasis, opistarchosis, giardiasis in children, also for the skin syndrome Larva Migrans - short-term treatment at low doses.”

    Moreover, the instructions for all drugs indicate that the dosage for children from 2 to 12 years old is 400 mg once a day, for 5 days. There is not a word in the instructions for these drugs about the treatment of giardiasis in adults. Can you comment on this?

    You can find it on the Internet different instructions to albendazole, including those where the treatment of adults for giardiasis is indicated. In principle, all medications that are approved for children can always be taken by adults (on the contrary, not always).

    Albendazole also helps adults and can be used in them. Here are links from reputable American sites.

    Albendazole is as effective as metranidazole in adults’ giardiasis. =
    = Albendazole is as effective as metronidazole for giardiasis in adults.

    One advantage of using albendazole in children is its efficacy against many helminths, allowing effective treatment of multiple intestinal parasites 207, 208. Another advantage is its relative lack of side effects. =
    = The advantage of using albendazole in children is its ability to act simultaneously on many helminths that are usually found in children. And albendazole has relatively few side effects.

    There is also an interesting table comparing the effectiveness of different drugs for giardiasis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC88965/table/T1/
    It is noteworthy that taking albendazole for 1-3 days is effective only in 24–81% of cases, while a 5-7-day course helps in 94–100% of patients. They also write that Giardia may develop resistance to albendazole.

  5. I wonder if urogenital giardiasis exists? On the Internet on this issue, the same text is circulating on dozens of sites, which says that yes, it exists. And on other sites they write that among protozoal infections of the genitourinary tract, only one is distinguished - trichomoniasis. In general, the information is contradictory.

    I believe that urogenital giardiasis does not exist. Giardia is adapted to live in the small intestine.

  6. Hello! We are from Austria. They don’t treat me either, they don’t even do tests. This is not recognized as a disease, because supposedly everyone has Giardia. For two years my son was prescribed hormonal ointments against severe dermatitis. Diagnosed with asthma. Until I sounded the alarm and took up literature. What a blessing that the publication of such materials is possible in the Russian Federation: in Austria, the Internet is fully regulated by law, doctors do not have the right to write such things. In August we are going to the Russian Federation to buy medicine against Giardia and worms, because we want to live normally. Thank you very much for the article! Better material It’s impossible to even imagine!

    Which drug to use for simultaneous treatment pinworms and lamblia?

    Albendazole. For adults, 400 mg 1 time per day for 3-5 days. Take after meals with water without chewing.

  7. How long should the diet be followed, for the duration of treatment or for a longer period?

    For the duration of treatment. Then there is no need.

  8. Why do you need to take a break of 7 days between the 1st and 2nd courses? Wouldn’t it be more effective after taking a course of Ornidazole to immediately continue treatment with Macmiror without any break?

    No, you can't do it right away. You have to wait a week for new lamblia to “hatch” from the cysts, then they can be easily destroyed. Giardia is difficult to reach in cysts.

  9. When taking medications, where active substance stands albendazole, on bioavailability, i.e. absorption, concentration and duration of action of the drug are affected by (increasing them):
    * 3 times - grapefruit juice(paradox, but other juices do not affect pharmacokinetics so much of this medicine);
    * 5-6 times - animals or vegetable fats in the amount of 43.1 g per meal (this is for 100% fat content; for a specific product it is necessary to calculate the fat content separately, for example, if the fat content of the reference product is 50%, then the dose = 86.2 g);
    * 7-8 times - “Mexican diet” - fried eggs with tomato and spicy tomato sauce chili, onions and separately with sausage + dessert in the form of a glass of milk.

    The drug should be taken during meals, with the required amount of water (for swallowing the tablet) or the juice mentioned above, or swallowed with saliva, if the individual properties of the pharynx allow this to be done without the risk of choking.

    At the same time, however, we must remember that the number of times the drugs listed above enhance and prolong the effect of drugs of the albendazole group (three, five or seven times individually, and even more when taken in combination), the same number of times they increase the DANGER side effects for persons for whom these drugs are contraindicated! Therefore, you need to start taking the medicine without the listed stimulants, including them in the diet ONLY if the body reacts normally on the first day after taking it on the drug itself.

    Well, don’t forget about individual allergic reactions to grapefruit, inability to digest fatty foods, intolerance spicy food etc., which may accompany the disease.


  10. It should also be remembered that grapefruit juice, thanks to the high amount of naringin it contains, has a pronounced fat-breaking effect, so when drunk together with fatty foods, he, in all likelihood, neutralizes its effect. Therefore, you should combine fatty (2) with spicy (3) food from exotic cuisine, the spiciness of which is reduced by fermented milk products (which is especially important for people suffering from diseases or temporary gastrointestinal disorders).

  11. The instructions for some drugs indicate the use of contraception, since the toxicity of the drug can affect the fetus during conception. The instructions for ornidazole indicate a elimination period of 5 days, and the connection with proteins is also noted - 13%. How long after taking the drug can you stop using contraception and not worry about the health of your unborn child?

    The half-life is the time during which the concentration of the drug in the blood decreases by 2 times. It is believed that for almost complete elimination of the drug, it is enough to wait 5 half-lives. After the 1st half-life, 50% of the initial concentration will remain, after 2 - 25%, after 3 - 12.5%, after 4 - 6.25%, after 5 - about 3%.

In most cases, this occurs when Giardia cysts enter the human body along with food. For example, with berries, fruits, vegetables and so on. The same applies to drinking water. Giardia can also easily enter the body due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.


Development of the disease

So, Giardia got into the stomach one way or another. Further developments depend on the number of cysts that have penetrated and the state of immunity of the infected person. The likelihood of developing the disease is high. The more cysts and weakened immunity, the higher the risk.

Effect on the human body

From the stomach, cysts are sent to the initial part of the small intestine. There they dissolve outer shell. Thus, the cysts reach their active vegetative form. Then their path continues into the brush border of intestinal microvilli. There, Giardia begins to actively feed on what should normally be absorbed. It's about about the following:

Thus, the vital activity of Giardia disrupts the formation of digestive enzymes. Because of this, there is a decrease in the flow of necessary substances into the blood. This also applies to ascorbic acid and fat-soluble vitamins. Gradually, the cells of the intestinal mucosa begin to break down. This process is accompanied by atrophy or inflammation.

  1. Abnormal stool.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Dysbacteriosis.

Main clinical manifestations

In most cases, the patient finds out that he is infected with giardiasis only after receiving the results of the appropriate tests (stool for cysts). Thus, a person may not even suspect that he is sick. In more complicated cases, the following symptoms are often observed:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Periodic diarrhea.
  3. Pain in the navel area.
  4. Losing weight.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Nausea.
  7. Pancreatitis.
  8. Signs of gastritis.
  9. Pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  10. Biliary dyskinesia.
  11. Signs of autonomic dysfunction.
  12. Increased fatigue.
  13. Sleep disturbance.
  14. Irritability.
  15. Periodic headaches.
  16. Quincke's edema.
  17. Hives.
  18. Uncontrollable itch.
  19. Eczema.
  20. Atopic dermatitis.
  21. Other manifestations of allergies.

It is also necessary to mention the existence of a mixed form of the disease.

Additional phenomena

The following symptoms also occur with giardiasis:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Inflammation of the eyelids that cannot be treated.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  5. Joint pain.
  6. Cardiopalmus.
  7. Anemia.

All of the above manifestations disappear only after full treatment giardiasis in adults. The drugs are selected by a specialist. In this case, independent therapy is not recommended.

Diagnosis of pathology

Features of the study of duodenal contents

Features of therapy

First stage

At this stage, treatment of giardiasis in adults lasts no more than two weeks. At this stage the following are applied:

  • Diet. It is designed to reduce the proliferation of Giardia. The consumption of refined carbohydrates is limited, and the patient’s diet includes: Lenten dishes and fiber.
  • Improving bile outflow. Herbs are often used for this. This treatment of giardiasis in adults can be carried out at home. The following applies:
  1. The drug "Phebihol".
  2. Corn silk.
  3. Immortelle.
  • Enterosorbents. They are designed to relieve signs of toxicosis. In this case, treatment of giardiasis in adults is carried out using the following:
  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Such drugs as "Polysorb", "Enterosgel", "Polifepan".
  • Antiallergic drugs are used:
  1. "Desloratadine."
  2. "Cetrin".
  3. "Diazolin".
  4. "Loratodine."
  • Enzyme preparations are used to improve digestion:

Second phase

In this case, it means taking drugs that affect protozoa. The following tools are often used:

  1. "Albendazole".
  2. "Fazizhina."
  3. "Ornidazole".
  4. "Metronidazole"

Also this stage provides for continued use of sorbents, enzyme agents and antiallergic drugs.

General aspects of therapy

Third stage

It is aimed at consolidating the achieved result. The third stage can last up to three weeks. It includes the following:

  • Taking pribiotics such as "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform".
  • Enzyme preparations.
  • Adaptogens.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Anti-giardiasis diet.

Complementary therapy

Modern treatment of giardiasis in adults

Treatment of giardiasis in adults with folk remedies

Pumpkin seeds can be very effective in treating giardiasis. You need to clean a whole glass. Next, the seeds are eaten raw at one time. In this case, you should try not to drink water for as long as possible. It is believed that if you eat three glasses of seeds, you can get rid of the disease in question. You can also use the following recipe: you need to chop one glass of garlic. All this fits into a half-liter bottle. The contents are filled to the top with vodka. Next you need to add crushed propolis (25 g). The medicine is placed in a dark place for a week.

Preventive measures

To prevent pathology, the following is necessary:

  1. Drink only boiled and filtered tap water.
  2. Conducting examinations of children and staff in closed, organized groups at least twice a year.
  3. If cysts are detected, carry out prophylaxis for each family member.
  4. Regular anthelmintic treatment of the home (if you have pets).

Giardiasis infection is one of the most dangerous in the world. This is due to the fact that many do not attach much importance to its treatment, thereby provoking destruction internal organs. Knowing the symptoms and timely detection of giardiasis will prolong your life.

A person can become infected with them through water, even chlorinated water, since chlorine is not a threat to them. Other causes and routes of infection with giardiasis:

  • fecal-oral route;
  • from a sick patient;
  • through dirty hands, vegetables, etc.;
  • swimming in contaminated bodies of water.

In addition, infection occurs through sand and dirty hands. Giardiasis in both humans and animals can occur in two forms:

  1. With loss of appetite, nausea, the appearance of various rashes and slight increase temperature.
  2. WITH mild form diarrhea and constipation, moderate abdominal pain, slight fever, enlarged liver and spleen may also cause a cough.

The prevalence of giardiasis is closely related to the degree of collective and personal hygiene, cleaning Wastewater etc.

Manifestations of the disease

Adults may not have symptoms of giardiasis, but they can still be carriers of the disease.

Symptoms of infection and signs of giardiasis in adults are expressed by duodenobiliary dyspepsia with impaired liver function. Sometimes the symptoms of giardiasis in women provoke neurotic manifestations. This is due to the high vulnerability of a woman’s nervous system.

As mentioned above, signs of giardiasis in adults are absent in most cases. However, we can observe, especially in people with gastroenteritis, acute manifestation severe diarrhea with abdominal cramps.

To understand how to identify Giardia, you need to know all the key symptoms in adults:

  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • mucus in stool;
  • diffuse abdominal pain;
  • abnormal bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation);
  • malabsorption of nutrients;
  • loss of appetite;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • skin manifestations (itching);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • physical and mental disability;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • weight loss.

If lamblia enters the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts the hepatobiliary role triggers a lot of complications critical for the body, namely Giardia in the gallbladder causes:

  • cholecystitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • enteritis;
  • colitis;
  • sometimes hepatomegaly;
  • bloating;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden weight loss.

In some patients, vomiting and nausea are the main symptoms. Symptoms usually appear approximately 7 to 10 days after infection.

Schools and kindergartens are at risk. But giardiasis in adults is four times more common than in children, even if this statement cannot be considered accurate. It's just that adults rarely go to the doctor and don't get regular checkups, unlike children.

What happens during infection

If the patient has poor functioning gallbladder or chronic diseases liver, lamblia can penetrate into bile ducts, bladder and liver. This is a danger, especially if you have hepatitis or other liver diseases. Giardia in infected patients provokes the rapid development of existing diseases.


To diagnose giardiasis, you need to know how to detect giardia. To do this, in addition to the presence of key symptoms, confirmation of the diagnosis is based on the identification of Giardia cysts in adults.

Microscopy methods:

  1. Flotation with a saturated solution of zinc sulfate, sugar, sodium chloride. This analysis requires a period of five days.
  2. The immunofluorescence method is considered the most sensitive method for detecting Giardia in adults.
  3. Determination of genotypes - requires the use of sensitive and specific diagnostic methods such as molecular biology.
  4. Bacteriological culture of stool reveals giardiasis in adults, the symptoms of which have already appeared.

Based on antiparasitic therapy and careful hygiene. Only the combination of these two methods makes it possible to destroy Giardia.