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How to treat purulent conjunctivitis in cats. Conjunctivitis in a cat: treatment at home

When a cat's eyes are watery, it is better to go to the veterinarian, as this is most likely conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis in cats is a fairly common disease that occurs not only in animals walking outside the home. Moreover, eye inflammation is a harbinger of various infectious diseases. In our article we will try to reveal the main causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease, and also talk about the main preventive methods.

There are many reasons for the development of eye inflammation:

  • Mechanical causes are eye injuries, the presence of foreign bodies.
  • Chemical causes are irritation resulting from contact with gases, vapors, and acids.
  • Infectious causes.
  • Transition inflammatory process from one area to another.
  • Allergens. A similar illness can arise from plant pollen or the host’s new perfume. In this case, it is necessary to observe what factor caused the irritation and eliminate it from everyday life.

Unfortunately, many owners, having discovered conjunctivitis in a kitten, are in no hurry to treat it at the veterinarian, but this ailment can be a harbinger of a serious infectious disease, and this cannot be done without consulting a veterinarian.

Main types of conjunctivitis in cats

Kittens have the following types diseases:

  1. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis. Symptoms of this type of disease: swollen eyes, lacrimation, which is initially clear and then becomes cloudy and thick. Discharge collects in the corners of the eyes in the form of lumps, which dry out after sleep and stick the eyelashes together. If you treat it lightly and don’t treat it acute conjunctivitis, then it will later become chronic.
  2. Chronic catarrhal– characterized by constant and weak discharge that accumulates in the corners of the eyes in the form of dried crusts, resulting in an inflammatory process in the eyelid area and hair loss.
  3. Purulent conjunctivitis. It rarely happens when purulent appearance The disease occurs in one eye; it mainly infects both eyes. At this time, the cat exhibits the following symptoms: sluggish appetite, painful sensations when blinking, fever, swelling of the eyelid, discharge of pus from unpleasant smell, the eyeball is red in color and extends beyond the orbit.
  4. Parenchymatous This type of disease is characterized by the fact that the inflammatory process involves almost the entire eye. Characteristic symptoms: swelling of the eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane, bleeding of the conjunctiva. If timely treatment is not started, parenchymal conjunctivitis can lead to complete blindness of the kitten.
  5. Follicular, is considered the most severe type of disease. With this type of disease, the eye narrows, pus leaks out, photophobia, spasm of the eyelid muscle, and pain on the eyeball appear.


In order to assign correct treatment The veterinarian must take a smear for analysis, this will help him determine the type of disease. Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, otherwise there is a risk of blindness and includes:

  • Typically, the initial stage of treatment involves washing with antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin, a weak solution of manganese.
  • On initial stage treatment of the disease begins with antibiotics in the form of drops or ointments, for example, sofradex, tetracycline ointment, chloramphenicol.
  • When pronounced swelling is observed, solutions of novocaine and hydrocortisone are used for instillation.
  • Silver-based ointments will be advisable when chronic form diseases, also at this stage antibiotics are prescribed in the form of ointments, films, emulsions.
  • You can also treat your eyes with a solution three times a day. boric acid, after which ointments with antibiotics, for example, tetracycline, are applied.
  • Treatment of a purulent or follicular type involves the administration of antibiotics in the form of injections; for these purposes it is better to seek help from veterinary clinic. Treat at home serious look conjunctivitis is not recommended, this is especially true in cases of severe pain when the cat is undergoing a novocaine blockade. This procedure, in addition to reducing pain syndrome contributes more imminent attack recovery.
  • Injectable immunostimulants often help treat eye infections in kittens.

In cats, both eyes should be treated, even if one is affected.

To prevent your pet from scratching its eyes, you can put a special collar on it.

How to help a kitten at home

Treating a kitten at home involves washing the eyes, and it should be done at the first signs of illness. If you do not have the necessary funds, you can use:

  • Tea, and it should be of medium strength, not freshly brewed, but yesterday. You should not use tea that is two days old, because bacteria will begin to grow in it.
  • Chamomile decoction.
  • Calendula decoction. Decoctions are made in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water.
  • Potassium permanganate. You need to use potassium permanganate with extreme caution, as you can burn your eye; the solution should be slightly pinkish in color.

Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease; after handling kittens, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


It just seems that conjunctivitis is a simple disease that can be easily cured with eye drops. In fact, this is a common misconception that can lead to blindness in kittens. As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it, let's look at the main methods of prevention:

  1. Regular examinations by a veterinarian will help to avoid the presence of infectious diseases, the symptom of which may be eye inflammation.
  2. Vaccinations against herpes, chlamydia, and calcivirus play an important role.
  3. Daily eye care will help avoid such troubles.

It has been noticed that pets who have conjunctivitis do not suffer from good care, that is, you need to love and care for the cat, and then he will please the owner great mood And good location spirit.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the inner mucous membrane of the eye, called the conjunctiva. If you notice that your cat is constantly trying to rub (scratch) the eye, which is swollen, watery profusely, and discharge from the mucous membrane accumulates in the corners of the eye socket, then purulent in nature, welcome to the vet – these are signs of developing inflammation.

Causes of conjunctivitis

The causes of inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the eye can be anything. Moreover, sometimes conjunctivitis is not a separate disease, but accompanies many systemic viral or microbial infections.

The main symptoms of inflammation of the conjunctiva

The clinical manifestations of conjunctivitis depend on the course of the disease:

  • acute the course is accompanied by a sudden onset and clear clinical signs of inflammation with copious discharge;
  • subacute the clinical course is slightly weaker than acute;
  • chronic the course is characterized by slow development, long course and mild clinical manifestations.

General symptoms of all conjunctivitis in cats:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes in the eyes, their active redness;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • various types of discharge - from mucous to yellow-green purulent;
  • the cat’s constant attempts to “wash” the eye or scratch (rub) it;
  • sour eyes after sleep, sticking with dried pus;
  • pain when blinking, squinting, fear of light;
  • sometimes a cloudy film on the cornea is visible.

By the nature of the eye discharge, you can easily determine the causative agent of the disease with further establishment of the initial cause of inflammation:

  • purulent discharge is due to the presence of a bacterial infection;
  • serous(cloudy and liquid) discharge accompanies viral infections;
  • mucous discharge is usually accompanied allergic conjunctivitis in cats.

If conjunctivitis is not a primary disease, then the clinic will be dominated by symptoms of another primary disease, and conjunctivitis will become concomitant.

One such example is chlamydial conjunctivitis in cats. Inflammation with feline chlamydia affects not only the organs of vision, but also the entire upper Airways- throat and nasopharynx. First, one eye becomes red and swollen, and after a few days the second one joins it. Redness progresses to increased blood flow to the conjunctiva. The brightest and most severe clinical symptoms appear between 8-13 days, then the symptoms subside over the next 2-3 weeks. With a weakened immune system, symptoms can persist for a very long time, despite treatment.

Diagnosis on similar conjunctivitis placed after laboratory microscopy of discharge from under the conjunctiva, during which chlamydia is detected. Treatment will be effective only if this type of bacteria is identified and specific antimicrobial drugs are used.

Types of feline conjunctivitis according to individual clinical symptoms

Conjunctivitis in cats, depending on clinical course, It happens:

  1. Bluetongue in acute course . The eye swells, there is lacrimation, which turns into the release of a thick and cloudy exudate (liquid). Discharge accumulates in the corners of the eyes, forming lumps, and after a long sleep they can stick together the cat’s eyelids due to drying. If such conjunctivitis is not treated, the acute form will become chronic.
  2. Catarrhal chronic. Discharge in the eyes occurs in small quantities, but regularly. They are often found in corners when they are already dry. Inflammation with edema are clearly expressed. Due to prolonged lacrimation, inflammation spreads to the eyelids until hair loss around the eyes.
  3. Purulent conjunctivitis often affects both eyes at once. In addition to the classic conjunctival clinic, the animal experiences a decrease in appetite, lethargy, low frequency blinking due to pain, jumps general temperature bodies, severe swelling eye sockets, clearly purulent discharge with a repulsive odor, bright red conjunctiva and the eyeball itself.
  4. Follicular conjunctivitis in cats, this is the most severe form of the disease. This form of the disease is accompanied by a narrowing of the eye itself; pus flows out from all sides due to eyeball, accumulating under the lower eyelid, and not just in the corners; swelling of the eyelids; severe redness of the mucous membrane and the eyeball itself; increased pain and muscle spasm century
  5. Parenchymal inflammation covers almost the entire orbit. In addition to swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, conjunctival bleeding is noted. If not provided timely treatment the cat may be completely blind.
  6. Allergic conjunctivitis differs from all other types in the absence of pronounced edema and profuse lacrimation With transparent discharge. If antihistamine therapy is delayed and the potential allergen is not eliminated this type Conjunctivitis can develop into any of the above.

The diagnosis is usually made by pronounced clinical signs diseases. In some cases it is carried out laboratory analysis ocular discharge to determine the exact pathogen to improve the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy.

First aid for a cat with conjunctivitis

If the owner suspects that his beloved mustachioed pet has developed conjunctivitis, the ideal help would be immediate appeal to a veterinarian. If this is not possible or you need to wait time, you can alleviate the animal’s condition at home.

Eye wash

The first thing to do is to gently rinse the affected eye with a faint pink solution of manganese or boric acid. With the same solution, cotton swabs or cotton pads are used to soften and carefully remove the resulting purulent dried crusts. For washing use:

  • pale pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Furacillin solution (0.5 g of powder per 2.5 liters of warm boiled water);
  • boric acid solution (0.5 tsp. boron powder per 1 glass of chilled boiled water).

Among traditional medicines, you can use weak infusions of chamomile or calendula to wash your eyes (1 teaspoon of herb is infused in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cooled to warm state). Can only be used after cleansing local drugs prescribed by a doctor.

To relieve pain under the lower eyelid, you can drip 2-3 drops of 2% novocaine (often available in a human first aid kit). This will not only numb the eyeball, but also relieve some swelling. Drip no more than twice a day.

That's it on my own first aid cat with conjunctivitis is over. You cannot self-medicate and put any drops into a cat’s eyes without knowing the exact cause of the infection. Treatment at home for conjunctivitis is possible only with medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

An incorrectly selected drug used for self-medication can distort clinical picture illness, which will further complicate the placement procedure correct diagnosis veterinarian

Is conjunctivitis contagious?

Conjunctivitis in cats is contagious, so contact of all pets with a sick animal should be excluded, and all manipulations with a sick pet should be carried out using medical gloves or after washing your hands thoroughly with soap.

Drug treatment of conjunctivitis in cats

Only a veterinarian can determine how to treat conjunctivitis in cats! Therapy is carried out on both eyes at once, regardless of the difference in their damage and even if one side is visually healthy.

  • The basic principle of treatment for all primary conjunctivitis is almost the same.
  • There is one difference: for purulent and follicular eye lesions, as well as chlamydia, general antibiotic therapy is carried out along with local antibiotic therapy - antimicrobials orally or intramuscularly.

If conjunctivitis is accompanying symptom any other disease, then none of the known medicines will cure it if the underlying disease is not eliminated.

First, the eyes are washed as described above, then medication assistance with conjunctivitis is:

  • Pain relief.
  • Corticosteroid therapy.
  • Local antimicrobial therapy (eye drops and ointments).
  • General antibiotic therapy.
  • Tissue therapy for protracted chronic processes.
  • Retrobulbar blockade (according to Auror).



Veterinary antimicrobial eye drops and ointments


1-2 drops in each eye 3-5 times a day for 7-14 days. Repeat the course after a week if the conjunctivitis is chronic.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: -

Price: 95-120 rub.


1-2 drops up to 4 times a day for a course of 7 to 10 days.

Side effects: -
Contraindications: individual reactions to gentamicin.

Price: 69-85 rub.


1-2 drops of solution in both eyes for 1-2 weeks.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: individual reaction to ciprofloxacin.

Price: 144-170 rub.


Place 2-3 drops into affected eyes 2-3 times daily for 5-10 days until symptoms go away.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: high sensitivity to the composition.

Price: 125-132 rub.


1-2 drops are dripped into the eyes 2-3 times a day for 8-12 days.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: intolerance to the composition.

Price: 112-135 rub.


1-2 drops into the eye, pulling back the lower eyelid, three times a day for 3 days.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: individual reactions.

Price: 200-240 rub.

Conjunctivin (ointment)

2-3 drops of liquid ointment are placed in the conjunctival sac three times a day for 7-10 days until the clinic completely disappears.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: individual sensitivity.

Price: 120-145 rub.

Lacrimin aseptic

2-3 drops are dripped three or four times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear (but not less than 5 days).
Adverse reactions: -
Contraindications: -

Price: 135-155 rub.

Misofen (ointment)

Not a large number of ointments are placed under the lower conjunctiva twice a day (every 12 hours).
Side effects: -
Contraindications: increased reactions to components.

Price: 306-355 rub.

Optimmune (ointment)

Up to 1 cm of ointment is applied to the cornea or under the conjunctiva after cleansing the eye every 12 hours. Duration of treatment is up to 5-7 days.
Side effects: increased lacrimation for better self-washing of the eyes, local reaction, swelling from an overdose.
Contraindications: fungal and viral infections.

Price: up to 2000 rub.

Tetracycline ointment 1%

A small amount of the drug is placed behind the lower eyelid and distributed over the lower eyelid with gentle massaging movements. inner surface eyes. Frequency up to 5 times a day for a week. It is advisable to wear a veterinary collar to prevent licking of the ointment.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: Do not mix with other topical ophthalmic medications.

Price: 45-65 rub.

Possible use of human eye drops:

  • Phloxal;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Levomycetin drops;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Tobrex;
  • Tobradex.

Human drops are not entirely ideal in dosage and may be highly specialized for the pathogens that cause conjunctivitis. Similar drugs most often caused side effects and allergic reactions. The purpose, dosage and course of treatment are prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Important: of all human drops, cats are prohibited from using Albucid (Sodium Sulfacyl) - in addition to severe local irritation, you can get a burn to the cornea.

General antibiotic therapy

Ciprovet (ciprofloxacin)

Intramuscularly at the rate of 5-20 mg/kg body weight, taking into account the severity eye infection. The dose is divided into 2 and administered at equal intervals per day. Course: 5-7 days. It is also used for chlamydial conjunctivitis.
Side effects: tissue dehydration (need to provide sufficient water).
Contraindications: pregnant cats, problems with kidneys and liver.

Price: 350-420 rub.


Effective against chlamydial infections. 2-10 mg intramuscularly once for at least 7 days. Orally - the dose is increased by 1.5 times.
Adverse reactions: long-term use may cause problems with the liver.
Contraindications: -

Price: 92-115 rub.


It works well for chlamydia, accompanied by conjunctivitis, as well as for eye damage of unknown etiology. Dose 5-10 mg/kg 2-3 times/day. (according to the severity of the disease). Course: 5-7 days. It is pre-diluted in 1-2% novocaine.
Side effects: local reaction at the injection site, allergies, hepatotoxic effects with long-term use and overdose.
Contraindications: pregnancy.

Price: 88-120 rub.

The above antibiotics can be purchased not only in veterinary pharmacies, but also in human pharmacies. Dosages should be maintained as in animal preparations.

Tissue therapy


Diluted 1:1 with 0.5% novocaine. 0.1 ml is administered subcutaneously and repeated after 7 days. Only 3-5 injections.
Side effects: -
Contraindications: do not use if you have liver problems.

Price: 95-110 rub.

Emulsified and denatured placenta (Placentol)

0.2-1 ml subcutaneously according to the cat’s weight for 5-7 days every 24 hours.
Adverse reactions: -
Contraindications: -

Price: 300-400 rub.

Retrobulbar blockade with novocaine according to Aurorov

The essence of the blockade is the injection of 3-4 ml of 0.5% novocaine into the space behind the eyeball, where muscles, fat and nerves are located through the eyelid. Only carried out by a specialist! A second injection is given after 4-5 days, but usually a single injection is enough. Gives a very good healing effect.

Feline conjunctivitis is a serious contagious disease that requires appropriate attention. The main point of timely treatment is to prevent the animal from losing its vision.

By getting a cat at home, you gain a friend. A friend who will love you for who you are, and in return ask only for care and affection.

Very important monitor your pet's health. So that he has proper nutrition, proper care, timely vaccination and so on. And monitor the health of your visual organs so that they do not develop various diseases- This an important part your concern. Otherwise, your pet may be at risk of diseases such as conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis in a cat

All people who have or have had cats have ever encountered a disease such as conjunctivitis - an inflammation of the conjunctiva. People call it sour eyes. The phenomenon is common and quite unpleasant. In addition, the consequences can be quite severe.

It is important to understand that any self-medication can lead to even more severe consequences. Therefore, even if there is slight suspicion that your pet is unwell, the best solution there will be a visit to the veterinarian!

So what is it? First of all, it is worth noting that conjunctivitis, as an independent phenomenon it is quite rare . Usually it can be a consequence of, for example, another disease, or mechanical damage eyes, or anything else. A veterinarian will help you determine more accurately.

Symptoms in a cat

Swelling of the eyelids is one of the most important symptoms of conjunctivitis.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Inflammation;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Tearing;
  • Blurred eyes;
  • Eversion of the eyelids.

Other symptoms may also appear, however, this is enough to sound the alarm.

Conjunctivitis in cats has a lot of a large number of species. These are, for example, catarrhal, purulent and others.

How and with what to treat conjunctivitis

Treatment for this disease is possible at home. It is quite rarely an indicator for hospitalization of an animal.

Cat having an eye examination at the veterinarian

At the first suspicion that your pet is not completely healthy, you need to contact a specialist who will already conduct a competent examination and do everything necessary tests and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

The course of treatment can be quite long and not always pleasant for you and your pet. But it is important to remember that these measures are necessary, and the health of your cat is yours. the main objective and care. After all healthy petbest indicator your love for him!

It is important to remember that no matter what type of conjunctivitis your cat has, Both eyes need to be treated ! Otherwise, recovery is not at all guaranteed. And the infection can spread to a healthy eye.

Two eyes are infected. In the case of one sore eye, the second is also treated and prevented.

The mandatory procedure in this case is regular rinsing eye antiseptics. Afterwards you can. Often prescribed antibiotics, in the form of ointments or drops. In severe cases, the veterinarian may prescribe a course of treatment with drugs that are administered by.

How to treat conjunctivitis at home

The market for veterinary drugs is now very extensive. And a wide variety of medications may be offered to treat your pet. Antibiotics, homeopathic, domestic or imported, expensive or cheaper.

First of all when choosing medications it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist. He will help you choose exactly the remedy that is best suited for your specific situation.

When treating conjunctivitis, it is also possible to use so-called folk remedies. Like, for example, tea leaves. But - in no case should you use such products on your own, without first consulting a veterinarian. And also, under no circumstances should they replace basic medications!

Ointment, drops, injections and complex treatment

Ointment for conjunctivitis

After spending everything necessary research and after performing tests, the veterinarian decides what exactly to prescribe to the cat in this particular case - ointment, drops, injections or complex treatment.

Regardless of stage, severity and type For conjunctivitis, your veterinarian may prescribe the following medications:

  • Furacilin;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Chamomile decoction (for a calming effect).

At the onset of the disease may be shown:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Sofradex.

These are products that contain antibiotics.

If the animal shows signs lesions of the eyeball, then novocaine or hydrocortisone is most often prescribed.

Also, when various types conjunctivitis, treatment with drops containing silver.

In the most complex and severe cases, an additional course of treatment with intramuscular injections is prescribed.

Summing up

Conjunctivitis is a very common disease in cats.

Due to the fact that conjunctivitis, unfortunately, is a fairly common disease, the likelihood repeated illness quite high. Therefore, it is still necessary to have a fairly clear idea of ​​how to treat it. This is also necessary in order to treatment at home was competent and effective.

So, here is a short list of drugs and their purposes:

  • Lidocaine and novocaine - for pain relief;
  • Dexamethasone and hydrocortisone - relieve swelling, reduce inflammation;
  • Floxadex, ciprofloxacin and sofradex - eliminate suppuration and its consequences;
  • TES-normine and aloe - help with chronic or sluggish forms.

In this case, serious treatment is required

Possessing, even if not very extensive, but structured knowledge and being able to use it in a timely and correct manner, you can help your pet no worse than any professional.

Folk remedies

We all know that folk remedies quite often prove to be no less effective than pharmaceutical drugs. That’s why we won’t forget about them.

Usually in folk medicine the following means are used:

  • Chamomile;
  • Tea leaves;
  • Almond oil;
  • Eyebright.

This is, of course, far from full list folk remedies. And almost everyone caring owner there are some little secrets in treatment that help his pet well.

Video about treating conjunctivitis in a cat using drops


To summarize, we can say that by following simple rules and remembering a small amount of information, help your pet It will turn out to be not so difficult. Of course, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and the general safety of your pet. It is necessary to closely monitor the cat's health, vaccinate, and so on. But none of us are immune. There is always a risk of getting sick, but the main thing is to provide competent and timely assistance.

Because conjunctivitis in kittens is so common, pet cat owners need to be prepared to address the potential problem. The causes of inflammation of the conjunctiva may be different, however, the disease is rarely considered as independent.

In most cases, this is a symptom and consequence of infection, mechanical or chemical trauma to the mucous membrane, damage to the body by helminths, or a reaction to allergens. Let's look at how not to miss the onset of the disease and what to do if conjunctivitis in a kitten occurs in severe form.

Symptoms of catarrhal conjunctivitis in kittens

Let's start with the fact that in cats, inflammation of the conjunctiva is classified into several types. Most often, acute catarrhal conjunctivitis is diagnosed, which without timely treatment can develop into chronic form.

Symptoms of acute catarrhal conjunctivitis in kittens:

Slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye;

Moderate lacrimation (at the beginning transparent, as inflammation intensifies - cloudy, thick);

Lumps and strings of mucus in the corner of the eye;

The skin of the eyelids is irritated, red;

Hair loss occurs at the site where the discharge gets on the skin;

During sleep, the discharge dries out, turns into crusts, and glues the eyelashes together.

Chronic conjunctivitis in kittens is characterized by moderate secretion of cloudy mucus, sticking to the eyelashes and the formation of crusts in the corners of the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is inflamed. The hair around the eyes falls out.

Purulent conjunctivitis in kittens: main manifestations

Without treatment, catarrhal conjunctivitis can turn purulent. This is a more severe form of the disease with an expanded symptom complex.

The main signs of purulent conjunctivitis in kittens are:

Discharge of a dirty yellow thick fluid from the eyes with a characteristic purulent smell;

General malaise, lethargy of the animal;

Refusal to eat poor appetite;

Fever body, fever;

Sore eyes;

Swelling of the eyelids;

Redness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

The cornea of ​​the eye may be involved in the inflammatory process with purulent conjunctivitis. With a complicated course of the disease, the mucous membrane swells, turns out, and sharply protrudes beyond the orbit.

Symptoms of parenchymal and follicular conjunctivitis in kittens

In the parenchymal form of the disease, inflammation spreads not only to the conjunctiva, but affects other parts of the eye. Because of this, purulent discharge not only comes out, but also accumulates inside the eye - under the epithelium of the conjunctiva.

The eyelids of a kitten suffering from parenchymal conjunctivitis become very swollen. There is noticeable redness of the mucous membrane of the eye. If you accidentally touch the inflamed conjunctiva, it begins to bleed.

If left untreated, parenchymal conjunctivitis causes complete blindness.

Follicular conjunctivitis is the most severe form of the disease. The inflammatory process involves the mucous membranes of the eyelids and lymphatic follicles located with inside third century.

Symptoms follicular conjunctivitis in a kitten:

Small red dots on the inside of the eyelids;

Protrusion of the mucous membrane of the eyelids;

Formation of a cloudy, dirty-gray film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyelids;

Soreness of the eyeball;

Narrowing of the eye;

Purulent discharge;

Blepharospasm (eyelids close for a long time);


Treatment of this form of the disease is complex and lengthy. Conducted exclusively under the guidance of a veterinarian. Extremely advanced cases may be required surgery.

What to do if a kitten has conjunctivitis: how to wash its eyes

The complex of therapeutic measures for any form of the disease includes eye washing procedures, the use of medicinal ointments and eye drops. All medications are prescribed by a veterinarian, but procedures are performed either on an outpatient basis or by the animal owner at home.

For washing procedures use antiseptic solutions(furacilin, potassium permanganate). Concentration medicine in a solution is tiny (1:5000), so preparing them yourself is not recommended. Exceeding the proportions of antiseptic can harm the kitten and aggravate the course of the disease, causing chemical burn inflamed conjunctiva.

It is safer to wash your kitten's eyes with black tea. The brew is made of medium strength, without adding sugar. It is better to brew tea the day before the procedure. It is not recommended to use fresh tea leaves to wash the eyes of a kitten with conjunctivitis.

TO folk remedies symptomatic treatment Conjunctivitis in kittens also includes decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. First of all, these are calendula and chamomile. Dry herbs are brewed in the proportion of 1 tsp. for 250 ml of boiling water. They insist for half an hour. Before use, filter and cool to 36 degrees.

Washing procedures are carried out every 3–4 hours. A decoction (antiseptic solution) is generously moistened with a piece of bandage and gently wiped over the kitten, removing all discharge and crusts.

Ointments for the treatment of conjunctivitis in kittens

Special ointments are used to treat acute catarrhal, as well as the initial stages of purulent and parenchymal conjunctivitis in a kitten. Mainly antibacterial drugs, such as Sofradex, Levomecitin, Tobrex, tetracycline ointment, Actipol.

Necessary medications can be purchased at veterinary pharmacy. If there are none, in agreement with the attending physician, it is allowed to use similar drugs, intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis in humans.

Procedures are carried out 3–4 times a day. Before installation, the kitten’s eyes are thoroughly washed.

The ointment is applied not with a finger or a bandage, but with a special glass rod with a rounded end. The wand is sterilized before the procedure. Squeeze a small pea of ​​ointment onto the tip. Apply under the eyelid in both eyes.

The procedure is unpleasant for the kitten. If he desperately resists, do not insist. You can simply apply the ointment to the lower eyelid - when you blink, the medicine will independently distribute throughout the conjunctiva.

What to do if a kitten has conjunctivitis: drug treatment methods

What does a veterinarian prescribe when diagnosing a kitten with conjunctivitis? These are painkillers (Novocaine, Lidocaine), decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone), drugs that reduce the intensity of purulent discharge(Sofradex, Ciprofloxacin, Floxadex).

Aloe and TES-normine are used in the treatment of sluggish and chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis. Solutions are instilled under the eyelid and silver-based ointments are applied. For swelling of the eyeball, hydrocortisone (0.2 ml) and a solution of novocaine (1 ml) are instilled into the eyes.

Treatment of purulent and follicular conjunctivitis in kittens involves injections of antibiotics as prescribed by a veterinarian, washing the eyes with a solution of boric acid, and using eye ointments with antibiotics.

The intensity and focus of therapy for conjunctival inflammation depends on the type, form, and severity of the disease. Cat owners should not take any action on their own. Treatment is prescribed after a detailed diagnosis veterinarian.

It is important to remember that for any form of conjunctivitis, both eyes of the animal are treated. Even if the inflammatory process occurs only in one of them.