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Somnology is a fairly young science, and many aspects of it still baffle scientists, from surprising disorders like sexsomnia to the question of why we need to sleep with dreams in the first place.

Somnologist Irina Zavalko told Theories and Practitioners about fragmented sleep and Kleine-Lewin syndrome, whether gadgets like Jawbone Up help you get enough sleep, and whether it is possible to extend the sleep phase at all deep sleep and is it useful to do this?

Time recently reported that nearly half of American teenagers don't get enough sleep. Is lack of sleep a disease of our time?

Indeed, attitudes towards sleep have changed in many ways - and at the end of the 19th century, people slept on average an hour more than we do now. This is associated with the “Edison effect”, and the root cause of this is the invention of the light bulb. Now there are even more entertainments that we can do at night instead of sleeping - computers, TVs, tablets, all this leads to the fact that we reduce our sleep time. In Western philosophy, sleep has long been viewed as borderline state between being and non-being, which grew into a belief about it as a useless waste of time. Aristotle also considered sleep as something borderline, unnecessary. People tend to sleep less, following another Western belief, especially popular in America, that those who sleep less spend their time more efficiently. People don't understand how important sleep is for health, wellness, - and normal performance during the day is simply impossible if you don’t get enough sleep at night. But in the East there has always been a different philosophy, it was generally accepted that sleep is an important process, and they devoted enough time to it.

- Due to the accelerated pace of life, have there been more sleep disorders?

It depends on what is considered a disorder. There is such a concept - inadequate sleep hygiene: insufficient sleep duration or incorrect, inappropriate conditions for sleep. Perhaps not everyone suffers from this, but many people all over the planet lack sleep - and the question is whether to consider this a disease, a new norm, a bad habit. On the other hand, insomnia is quite common today, which is also associated with the “Edison effect” that we talked about earlier. Many people spend time in front of the TV, computer or tablet before bed; the light from the screen shifts circadian rhythms, preventing a person from falling asleep. The frantic pace of life also leads to this - we return late from work and immediately try to fall asleep - without a pause, without a transition to a calmer state from such an excited one. The result is insomnia.

There are other disorders - apnea, sleep apnea, which appear along with snoring, which few people know about. The person himself, as a rule, is not aware of them if the breathing stops are not heard by relatives sleeping nearby. Our statistics are small in terms of the duration of the measurement, but this disease is probably also becoming more common - apnea is associated with the development of excess weight in adults, and given that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is growing, it can be assumed that apnea is too. The frequency of other diseases is increasing, but to a lesser extent - in children these are parasomnias, for example, sleepwalking. Life becomes more stressful, children sleep less, and this may be a predisposing factor. As life expectancy increases, many people live to develop neurodegenerative diseases, which can manifest as disordered behavior during the dream phase of sleep, when a person begins to manifest his dreams. This often occurs with Parkinson's disease or before symptoms begin. Periodic movement syndrome, the “ restless legs"When a person feels in the evening discomfort in the legs. This may be pain, burning, itching, which forces you to move your legs and prevents you from falling asleep. At night, the movement of the legs continues, the person does not wake up, but sleep becomes restless and more superficial. If periodic movement of the legs during sleep interferes with a person, then it is considered a separate disease. If it does not disturb his sleep - the person gets enough sleep, feels comfortable, does not wake up often at night, falls asleep peacefully, wakes up refreshed in the morning, then this is not a disease.

I wanted to discuss with you the strangest sleep disorders - the Internet mentions sleeping beauty syndrome, and the twenty-four hours on your feet syndrome (non-24), when a person sleeps 24 hours a day, and fatal familial insomnia, and sexsomnia, and overeating during sleep . Which of these lists are real clinical disorders recognized by science?

The last three are real. Sleep eating and sexsomnia exist, but are quite rare - this is a disease of the same kind as sleepwalking, but manifests itself in specific activity during sleep. Fatal familial insomnia is also a fairly rare disease, it occurs mainly in Italians, and is hereditary. The disease is caused by a certain type of protein, and this terrible disease: a person stops sleeping, his brain begins to deteriorate, and gradually he goes into a state of oblivion - either he sleeps, or he doesn’t sleep and dies. Many insomnia patients fear that insomnia will somehow destroy their brain. Here the mechanism is the opposite: first the brain is destroyed, and because of this the person does not sleep.

Daily cycles of sleep and wakefulness are theoretically possible. When scientists conducted experiments in a cave where there were no time sensors - no sun, no clock, no daily routine, their biorhythms changed, and some switched to a forty-eight-hour sleep-wake cycle. The likelihood that a person will sleep for twenty-four hours without a break is not very high: it will be more likely to be twelve, fourteen, sometimes sixteen hours. But there is a disease when a person sleeps a lot - the so-called hypersomnia. It happens that a person sleeps a lot all his life, and this is normal for him. And there are pathologies - for example, Kleine-Lewin syndrome. It most often occurs in boys during adolescence, when they enter hibernation, which can last several days or a week. During this week, they only get up to eat, and are quite aggressive at the same time - if you try to wake them up, there is very pronounced aggression. This is also a rare syndrome.

- What is the most unusual disease you have encountered in your practice?

I examined the boy after the first episode of Kleine-Lewin syndrome. But there is also a very interesting sleep-wake disorder that is not talked about much - narcolepsy. We know the absence of what substance causes it, there is a genetic predisposition to it, but it probably has autoimmune mechanisms - this is not fully understood. In patients with narcolepsy, the stability of being awake or asleep is impaired. This manifests itself increased sleepiness during the day, unstable sleep at night, but the most interesting symptoms are the so-called cataplexy, when in wakefulness a mechanism is activated that completely relaxes our muscles. A person has a complete fall muscle tone- if in the whole body, then he falls as if knocked down and cannot move for some time, although he is fully conscious and can retell everything that is happening. Or a drop in muscle tone may not completely affect the body - for example, only the muscles of the face or chin relax, or the arms fall. This mechanism normally works during sleep with dreams, but in these patients it can be triggered by emotions - both positive and negative. Such patients are very interesting - I had a patient who argued with his wife during an appointment. As soon as he got irritated, he fell into this unusual state, and his head and hands began to fall.

When do you think science talked more about sleep - in the last century, when it received excessive attention in connection with psychoanalysis, or now, when these diseases are increasingly occurring?

Previously, there was a more philosophical approach to everything - and the study of sleep resembled philosophical reasoning. People began to think about what causes sleep. There were ideas about sleep poison - a substance that is released during wakefulness and puts a person to sleep. They searched for this substance for a long time, but never found it; Now there are some hypotheses regarding this substance, but it has not yet been found. At the end of the 19th century, our great compatriot Marya Mikhailovna Manaseina, conducting experiments on sleep deprivation on puppies, found out that lack of sleep is fatal. She was one of the first to declare that sleep is an active process.

Many people talked about sleep then, but few supported their reasoning with experiments. Now a more pragmatic approach is being taken to the study of sleep - we are studying specific pathologies, smaller sleep mechanisms, and its biochemistry. The encephalogram, which was invented by Hans Berger at the beginning of the last century, allowed scientists to understand from specific brain waves and additional parameters (we always use eye movement and muscle tone) whether a person is sleeping or awake - and how deeply. The encephalograph revealed that sleep is a heterogeneous process and consists of two fundamentally different states- slow and REM sleep, and this scientific knowledge gave the next impetus to development. At some point, doctors became interested in sleep, and this process was triggered by the understanding of apnea syndrome - as a factor leading to the development of arterial hypertension, as well as heart attacks, strokes and diabetes mellitus, and in general to a greater risk of death. From this moment on, a surge in clinical somnology in medicine began - the appearance of equipment and sleep laboratories among specialists, most represented in America, Germany, France, and Switzerland. A somnologist is not as rare there as it is here, he is an ordinary specialist. And the appearance large quantity doctors and scientists led to new research - new diseases began to be described, the symptoms and consequences of previously known ones were clarified.

The importance of sleep was initially underestimated. Doctors most often ask their patients about everything related to wakefulness. We somehow forget that normal wakefulness is impossible without good sleep, and during wakefulness there are special mechanisms that keep us in a state of activity. Not all experts understand why it is necessary to study these mechanisms - the mechanisms of the transition between sleep and wakefulness, as well as what happens during sleep. But somnology is a very interesting field that still conceals many secrets. For example, we don’t know exactly why this process is needed, during which we completely disconnect from the outside world.

If you open a biology textbook, only one short chapter will be devoted to sleep. Of the doctors and scientists who deal with any specific function of the body, few try to track what happens to it in a dream. This is why sleep scientists seem a little isolated. No widespread knowledge and interest - especially in our country. Biologists and doctors practically do not study the physiology of sleep during their training. Not all doctors know about sleep disorders; the patient may not receive referrals for a long time. to the right specialist, especially since all our specialists are rare and our services are not covered by compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance system) health insurance). We do not have a unified system of sleep medicine in the country - there are no standards of treatment, no referral system to specialists.

Do you think that in the near future somnology will move from a special medical field to a general one, and it will be dealt with by a gastroenterologist, an allergist, and a phthisiatrician?

This process is already underway. For example, the European Respiratory Society included sleep apnea, its diagnosis and treatment in the list of necessary knowledge for any pulmonologist. Also, little by little this knowledge is spreading among cardiologists and endocrinologists. How good or bad this is is debatable. On the one hand, it is good when a doctor who has direct contact with the patient has a variety of knowledge and can suspect and diagnose the disease. If you do not ask a person with persistent arterial hypertension whether he snores in his sleep, you may simply miss the problem and the cause of this arterial hypertension. And such a patient simply will not go to a sleep specialist. On the other hand, there are cases that require deeper knowledge, a doctor who understands the physiology and psychology of sleep, changes occurring in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There are complex cases when consultation with a sleep specialist is required. In the West, a system is gradually emerging where people are referred to a somnologist only if diagnostic procedures and treatment selection made by broader specialists are not successful. But it happens the other way around, when a somnologist makes a diagnosis and refers a patient with apnea to a pulmonologist to select treatment. This is also an option for successful interaction. Somnology is multidisciplinary and requires A complex approach, sometimes involving a number of specialists

How speculative do you think the New York Times article is that white Americans sleep more overall than people of color? Are genetic and cultural differences possible here?

No, this is not speculation. Indeed, there are interethnic and interracial differences in both sleep duration and frequency. various diseases. The reasons for this are both biological and social. Sleep requirements vary from four to twelve hours per person, and this distribution varies among different ethnic groups, as do some other indicators. Differences in lifestyle also affect the duration of sleep - the white population tries to monitor their health to a greater extent, healthy image life. There may also be cultural differences - Western philosophy argues that you need to sleep less and that a successful person can control his sleep (decide when to go to bed and get up). But in order to fall asleep, you need to relax and not think about anything - and adhering to such a philosophy when the slightest problems with sleep, a person begins to worry that he has lost control of his sleep (which he never had), and this leads to insomnia. The idea that sleep can be easily manipulated - for example, by going to bed five hours earlier or later - is wrong. In more traditional societies there are no such ideas about sleep, so insomnia is much less common.

The desire to control one's life in our society seems to have become excessive. Do you recommend any sleep apps to your patients?

Devices for regulating sleep are in great demand and are common in modern world. Some can be called more successful - for example, running and light alarm clocks that help a person wake up. There are other gadgets that supposedly detect when a person sleeps more superficially and when more deeply, that is, they supposedly determine the structure of sleep according to some parameters. But the manufacturers of these devices do not talk about how the measurements are made; this is a trade secret - therefore their effectiveness cannot be confirmed scientifically. Some of these gadgets supposedly know how to wake a person at the most appropriate time. The idea is good, there is scientific data on the basis of which such approaches can be developed, but how they are carried out by a specific gadget is unclear, so it is impossible to say anything definite about this.

Many patients begin to worry about the information that these gadgets provide. For example, one young, healthy person, according to the gadget, only half of his sleep during the night turned out to be deep, and the other half - shallow. Here we must again note that we do not know what this gadget calls shallow sleep. Also, it's normal to stay awake all night. Typically, twenty to twenty-five percent of our sleep duration is dreaming sleep. Deep slow-wave sleep lasts another twenty to twenty-five percent. In older people, its duration decreases and it may disappear completely. But the remaining fifty percent may occupy more superficial stages - they last quite a long time. If the user does not have an understanding of the processes behind these numbers, then he may decide that they do not correspond to the norm and begin to worry about it.

But what is the norm? It just means that most people sleep like this. This is how norms are built in medicine and biology. If you are different from them, it is not at all necessary that you are sick with something - maybe you just did not fall into this percentage. To develop standards, you need to conduct a lot of research with each gadget.

Can we somehow prolong the phases of deep sleep, which are generally believed to bring more benefits to the body?

In fact, we don’t know much - we have an idea that deep slow-wave sleep restores the body better, and that REM sleep is also necessary. But we don't know how important the superficial drowsiness of the first and second stages is. And perhaps what we call shallow sleep has its own very important functions- related, for example, to memory. In addition, sleep has a certain architecture - we constantly move from one stage to another throughout the night. Perhaps it is not so much the duration of these stages that is of particular importance, but rather the transitions themselves - how frequent they are, how long they last, and so on. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about exactly how to change sleep.

On the other hand, there have always been attempts to make your sleep more efficient - and the first sleeping pills appeared precisely as a tool for optimal regulation of your sleep: to fall asleep at right moment and sleep without waking up. But all sleeping pills change the structure of sleep and lead to more superficial sleep. Even the most modern sleeping pills negatively affect the structure of sleep. Now they are actively trying - both abroad and in our country - a variety of physical influences that should deepen sleep. These can be tactile and sound signals of a certain frequency, which should lead to more slow wave sleep. But we must not forget that we can influence our sleep much more simply by what we do while awake. Physical and mental activity in daytime makes sleep deeper and helps you fall asleep easier. Conversely, when we are nervous and experience some exciting events immediately before sleep, it becomes harder to fall asleep, and sleep may become more superficial.

Somnologists have a negative attitude towards sleeping pills and try to avoid their long-term daily prescription. There are many reasons for this. First of all, sleeping pills do not restore the normal structure of sleep: the number of deep stages of sleep, on the contrary, decreases. After some time of reception sleeping pills addiction develops, that is, the drug begins to act worse, but the developed dependence leads to the fact that when trying to cancel sleeping pills sleep it gets even worse than before. In addition, a number of drugs have a duration of elimination from the body of more than eight hours. As a result, they continue to operate for next day, causing drowsiness and a feeling of weakness. If a somnologist resorts to prescribing sleeping pills, he chooses drugs with faster elimination and less addiction. Unfortunately, other doctors, neurologists, therapists, and so on, often treat sleeping pills differently. They are prescribed at the slightest complaint about bad dream, and also use those drugs that take a very long time to be eliminated, for example, Phenazepam.

It is clear that this is the topic of an entire lecture, and perhaps more than one - but still: what happens in our body during sleep - and what happens if we do not get enough sleep?

Yes, this is not even the topic of a lecture, but a series of lectures. We know for sure that when we fall asleep, our brain disconnects from external stimuli and sounds. The coordinated work of the orchestra of neurons, when each of them turns on and falls silent at its own time, is gradually replaced by synchronization of their work, when all neurons either fall silent together or are all activated together. During REM sleep, different processes occur, it is more similar to wakefulness, there is no synchronization, but different parts of the brain are used differently, not in the same way as in wakefulness. But during sleep, changes occur in all systems of the body, not just in the brain. For example, growth hormones are released more in the first half of the night, and the stress hormone, cortisol, has a peak concentration in the morning. Changes in the concentration of some hormones depend specifically on the presence or absence of sleep, others - on circadian rhythms. We know that sleep is necessary for metabolic processes, and lack of sleep leads to obesity, development diabetes mellitus. There is even a hypothesis that during sleep the brain switches from processing information processes to processing information from our internal organs: intestines, lungs, heart. And there is experimental data confirming this hypothesis.

With sleep deprivation, if a person does not sleep at least one night, performance and attention decrease, mood and memory worsen. These changes disrupt a person's daily activities, especially if these activities are monotonous, but if you put yourself together, you can get the job done, although the possibility of error is greater. There are also changes in hormone concentrations, metabolic processes. Important question, which is much more difficult to study, what happens when a person gradually does not get enough sleep every night? Based on the results of experiments on animals, we know that if a rat is not allowed to sleep for two weeks, then irreversible processes occur in it - not only in the brain, but also in the body: stomach ulcers appear, hair falls out, and so on. As a result, she dies. What happens when a person systematically lacks sleep, for example, two hours a day? We have indirect evidence that this leads to negative changes and various diseases.

What do you think about fragmented sleep - is it natural for humans (before electric light supposedly they slept like that) or vice versa, harmful?

Man is the only thing Living being who sleeps once a day. It's more of a social aspect of our lives. Although we regard this as normal, it is not normal for any other animal, and for human species, apparently too. Siestas in hot countries testify to this. Initially, it is common for us to sleep in separate pieces - this is exactly how small children sleep. The formation of a single sleep occurs gradually in the child, at first he sleeps several times a day, then sleep gradually begins to shift to the night hours, the child has two periods of sleep during the day, then one. As a result, an adult sleeps only at night. Even if the habit of sleeping during the day continues, then our social life interferes with this. How to modern man sleep several times a day if he has an eight-hour work day? And if a person is used to sleeping at night, any attempts to get sleep during the day can lead to sleep disturbances and interfere with normal sleep at night. For example, if you come home from work at seven or eight o'clock and go to bed for an hour to take a nap, then falling asleep later at the usual time - at eleven o'clock - will be much more difficult.

There are attempts to sleep less by breaking up sleep - and this is a whole philosophy. I have a negative attitude towards this, like any attempts to change the structure of sleep. Firstly, it takes us a lot of time to fall into the deep stages of sleep. On the other hand, if a person is used to sleeping several times a day and this does not cause any problems for him, if he always falls asleep well when he wants, and does not feel tired and groggy after sleep, then this schedule is suitable for him. If a person does not have the habit of sleeping during the day, but he needs to cheer up (for example, in a situation where he needs to drive a car for a long time or an office worker during long monotonous work), then it is better to take a little nap, fall asleep for ten to fifteen minutes, but not plunge into deep sleep. dream. Shallow sleep is refreshing, and if you wake up from a state of deep sleep, “sleep inertia” may remain - fatigue, weakness, a feeling that you are less alert than you were before sleep. You need to figure out what suits a particular person best at a particular moment, you can try certain options - but I would not religiously believe and unconditionally follow one or another theory.

- What do you think about lucid dreams? It seems like everyone around them is into them now.

Dreams are very difficult to study scientifically, because we can only judge them from the stories of dreamers. To understand that a person had a dream, we need to wake him up. We know that lucid dreaming is something different as a process from normal sleep with dreams. Technologies have emerged that help us turn on consciousness during sleep and begin to be fully aware of our sleep. This - scientific fact: People who lucid dream may give signals by moving their eyes to indicate that they have entered a lucid dreaming state. The question is how necessary and useful it is. I will not give arguments for it - I believe that this dream can be dangerous, especially for people with a predisposition to mental illness. In addition, it has been shown that if you practice lucid dreaming at night, deprivation syndromes arise, as if the person is not getting regular sleep with dreams. We need to take this into account, because we need sleep and dreams for life, why - we don’t fully know, but we know that it is involved in vital processes.

- Can lucid dreams cause paralysis during sleep?

During the sleep phase with dreams, including lucid dreams, it is always accompanied by a drop in muscle tone and the inability to move. But upon awakening, muscle control is restored. Sleep paralysis It is quite rare and can also be one of the symptoms of narcolepsy. This is a state when, upon awakening, consciousness has already returned to a person, but control over the muscles has not yet been restored. This is a very frightening condition, scary if you cannot move, but it passes very quickly. Those who suffer from this are advised not to panic, but simply to relax - then this condition it will go faster. In any case, real paralysis from whatever we do with sleep is impossible. If a person wakes up and cannot move an arm or leg long time- Most likely, there was a stroke at night.

One Bavarian city is developing an entire program to improve the sleep of its inhabitants - with lighting regimes, special schedules for schoolchildren and working hours, and improved treatment conditions in hospitals. What do you think cities will look like in the future - will they cater to all these specific needs for a good night's sleep?

This would be a good scenario, one might say ideal. Another thing is that it’s not for everyone people will do the same rhythm of work, each has its own optimal time to start the working day and duration of work without breaks. It would be better if a person could choose what time to start working and what time to finish. Modern cities are fraught with many problems - from bright signs and street lighting to constant noise and it all breaks night sleep. Ideally, you should not use TV and computer late at night, but this is the responsibility of each individual person.

- What are your favorite books and films on the topic of sleep? Where are they talking about dreams that are fundamentally incorrect?

There is a wonderful book by Michel Jouvet “Castle of Dreams”. Its author discovered paradoxical sleep, sleep with dreams, more than 60 years ago. He worked in this field for a very long time, he is well over eighty, and now he is retired and writes fiction books. In this book, he attributed many of his discoveries and those of modern somnology, as well as interesting thoughts and hypotheses, to a fictional person who lives in the 18th century and tries to study sleep through various experiments. It turned out interesting, and it actually has real relevance to scientific data. I highly recommend reading it. Of the popular science books, I like the book by Alexander Borbelli - he is a Swiss scientist; our ideas about sleep regulation are now based on his theory. The book was written in the 1980s, quite ancient considering the speed at which modern sleep medicine is developing, but it explains the basics very well and at the same time in an interesting way.

Who wrote fundamentally wrong about sleep... In science fiction there is an idea that sooner or later a person will be able to get rid of sleep - with pills or influence, but I don’t remember a specific work where this was talked about.

- Do somnologists themselves suffer from insomnia - and what habits do you have that allow you to maintain sleep hygiene?

Our wonderful psychologist who deals with sleep regulation and insomnia, Elena Rasskazova, says that somnologists rarely suffer from insomnia because they know what sleep is. In order not to suffer from insomnia, the main thing is not to worry about emerging syndromes. Ninety-five percent of people experience insomnia for one night at least once in their lives. It is difficult for us to fall asleep on the eve of an exam, a wedding, or some significant event, and this is normal. Especially if you suddenly have to rearrange your schedule - some people are very rigid in this regard. I was the luckiest person in my life: my parents adhered to a clear daily routine and taught me this as a child.

Ideally, the regime should be constant, without jumps on weekends - this is very harmful, this is one of the main problems of the modern lifestyle. If on the weekend you went to bed at two and got up at twelve, and on Monday you want to go to bed at ten and get up at seven, this is unrealistic. To fall asleep, you also need time - you need to give yourself a break, calm down, relax, don’t watch TV, don’t be in bright light at this moment. Avoid sleeping in the afternoon as this will most likely make it difficult to fall asleep at night. When you can’t sleep, the main thing is not to get nervous - I would advise in such a situation not to lie or toss around in bed, but to get up and do something calm: a minimum of light and quiet activity, reading a book or doing household chores. And sleep will come.

Who among us has not dreamed that his teeth would never hurt, and if a tooth had to be pulled out, then a new one would certainly grow in the place of the removed one. Moreover, there is no science fiction in this, since many sea and land animals have this ability - to change their teeth throughout their lives, for example, elephants, sharks and others. (website)

Surprisingly, this ability also breaks through in people. It breaks through, because sometimes older citizens actually suddenly grow new ones for the third time snow-white teeth, like in childhood, instead of dairy. Scientists have long been interested in this fact.

Can teeth grow a third time?

It turns out that there are many such cases, however, on the scale of our planet, this is a drop in the bucket. Unfortunately, the mechanism of such tooth regeneration is still unknown, although, according to the sages, people of previous civilizations, say, the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans, did not suffer from lack of teeth in old age, which is typical for modern people. However, they also knew how to levitate, teleport, read minds, move and lift objects with their thoughts (for example, the Mayan tribes did not know wheels, but they moved any loads and multi-ton stone slabs with fantastic ease that we can only dream of) and much more. But even today there are people capable of all this. There are also those lucky ones who experienced the third change of teeth...

Scientists go their own way in restoring teeth

Despite the fact that under special conditions a person is able not only to grow new teeth, but even to restore a lost leg or arm, not to mention internal organs, scientists are accustomed to approaching any problem not from the inside, but from the outside (they always get into house through the window). That is why today they are intensively looking not for opportunities to “wake up the human body,” but for artificial methods. The most promising in this direction seems to be the theory of restoring a gene lost by a person, which is responsible for the formation and constant maintenance of normal gums and teeth.

There are other directions too. However, before all these discoveries are implemented in practice, and even more so in full-scale implementation at the level of the entire planet, as they say, the distance is enormous, if that is even possible. Current generations are unlikely to be able to take advantage of the achievements of science in order to remain with strong and beautiful teeth until their death. Therefore, if you want to restore your teeth, then remember that in our world, saving a drowning person is always the job of the drowning person himself. You shouldn’t rely too much on science...

Wanted and grew new teeth

Mikhail Stolbov lost his teeth in the army in the late seventies of the last century. They were simply knocked out for him, since at that time hazing flourished in the Armed Forces of the USSR - real criminal lawlessness (very indicative in this case is the story of the world-famous healer and spiritual leader M. Norbekov, to whom in the army, at approximately the same time, old-timers completely The kidneys were knocked out, but he later restored them - read his biography).

While still in the army, Stolbov was given cheap dentures instead of his natural teeth, and he lived with them, replacing them whenever possible with better ones, but he never managed to get used to them. He was especially depressed by the tongue-tiedness that appeared for this reason. One day, by the will of fate, Mikhail found himself in the remote taiga. And at this time his gums hurt, so much so that he was forced to give up dentures and completely switch to ground and porridge-like food. The pain served as a huge incentive for him to search for how to restore lost teeth. This obsession eventually resulted in Stolbov having most of his teeth restored. This was a real miracle, but this fact is documented in medical practice.

Mikhail himself later wrote that first you need to believe in this miracle, then switch to a healthy lifestyle and diet (in this case, living in the taiga, far from civilization, helped him), because without accumulating the necessary energy in the body, nothing will come of it. And then you should learn to hear your body and try to see and feel how your teeth grow.

Remember when your teeth grew as a child?

Oryol writer and yogi Sergei Veretennikov believes that only with the power of thought can you launch a dental growth program in your body. And to do this, you first need to remember all the sensations that you experienced in early childhood when your teeth were growing. This is the first and most important button we press. The second button is to concentrate attention on the two lower front incisors, which are the first to grow in a person in childhood. And the third button - concentration of attention on the point between the eyebrows (on the third eye) with the thought - I am growing new teeth. And if you keep these buttons “on” most of the day, success is guaranteed.

The main enemies in this process are unbelief (by faith, what will be given to you) and fear, especially the fear that the new teeth will somehow interfere with the remaining ones (they will not interfere, it has been proven in practice). But the most insidious enemy is still human laziness, and not only in the matter of restoring teeth. It is she who forces us to resort to the services of doctors, although our most important healer is ourselves...

According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life of 144 years each). On the morning of Svarozh in the summer of 7521 (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Considering the average life expectancy of the Russian population (about 70 years), all sensible people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And definitely not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Destiny (destiny), live in accordance with Dharma, achieve high level spiritual development and do not violate the Law of the Universe, they live for several thousand years. Of course, such a life expectancy must be ensured good health and well-being.

Healthy teeth are an important foundation for our health and well-being. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its absorption by the body, not limited to digestive system. Teeth (with some simplification) can be compared to the stylus of a pickup in a player, with the help of which it recognizes and plays a recording from a record. The teeth penetrate the aura of food when chewing it and read from its biofield the “instructions” for using this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root vegetables...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to absorb and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides - are immediately rejected). If the food is not entirely healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield not completely healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instructions”, because her natural biofield was killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is polluted by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse eater, the karma of murder, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal pain and hatred of people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of their elders, are injected. living in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, teeth are destroyed very quickly from this.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them with artificial dentures. However, recently more and more information has appeared that a person who has given up dead and then not entirely healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated), is himself able to control the restoration processes in his body and grow in place of rotten and fallen teeth are new.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting to restore teeth, it is advisable to find out the true causes of their destruction, loss or disease in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor medical sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases arise for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal problems in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs of our physical body.

Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular, the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine left-hand side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right - with other people around, with society.

Followers of “Rodobozhiy” know that right part The obvious bodies of Residents, People and Humans are connected with their Gods, and the left one is with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female line of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Co-Knowledge with the Supreme Progenitor.

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature (Foremother Lada in the image of the Goddess Perunitsa, Parvati - the First You) has already tried and given us the memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the most powerful and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Remember yourself, standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with the tooth. Remember this, because this is the first “button” that will “turn on” and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that here is another “button” that needs to be “pressed” to turn on the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third “button” is located in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor Rod. It needs to be “turned on” in constant mode so that it operates 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes to study every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth. and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth just like seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched,” how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Maintain your concentration on this for the first third of practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As your concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means everything is happening correctly.

4. Maintain your concentration on this for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and pineal gland brain (on Third Eye), mentally saying the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick ones fall out, but the young and healthy ones grow up! At the same time, create a mental form of renewing your teeth - vividly imagining it, and then seeing it with your inner gaze.

6. This practice must be done for at least a month.. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main rule of success in this matter is the ability to feel your body. It is advisable, before starting to restore teeth, to offer gifts and demands to God Haste on the fiery altar of the home Ancestral Altar. Offer gifts and requests to Lada-Mother, who guards your physical, mental and spiritual health.


The only reason negative result in this practice there may be a fear of losing teeth and clinging to “everyday atheism” - the worldview of ignorant ordinary people who do not believe either in themselves or in the Ancestral Gods. For example, allowing thoughts: “What if everything rotten teeth will fall out, but new ones will not grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. In this case, you don’t have to start. First, get rid of inferiority complexes with the help of one of the seminars and trainings of the Rodobozhie project that you like.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as qualitatively as possible the feeling of being healthy and strong teeth at this time in your life. To do this, you can use your photographs. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life... For example, how you gnawed on strong nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root vegetables.

2. It is necessary to enter Co-Knowledge with Rod, transfer from Navi to Reality and implant thought forms of the embryos of healthy teeth in the places of your gums you need. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow one by one (according to the above diagram). Subsequently, you need to constantly mentally admire healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Apply daily, or better yet, hourly greatest attention to the desired place of the gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) the blood flow to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, and jaw training. Hourly (every hour for 5 minutes) lovingly praise your gum cells for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth for a short time, then release them, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then growing them should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

After the successful growth of new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and good nutrition, as well as caring dental care. Just don't use toothpastes. IN as a last resort- chalk tooth powder is suitable. But it is better to use natural teeth cleaners, which can be learned from the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with our own Fate (destination) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty death, puts the fulfillment of your Fate at risk.

At present, all sane people must realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of Ancestors - Rodobozhiya, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the communal way of life, a conscious attitude towards Life and conscious behavior in society in order to become worthy Sons and Daughters of the Great Slavic-Aryan Gods and Ancestors.

According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog, human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life of 144 years each). On the morning of Svarozh in the summer of 7521 (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Considering the average life expectancy of the Russian population (about 70 years), all sensible people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And definitely not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Fate (destination), live in accordance with Dharma (prescribed duties), achieve a high level of spiritual development and do not violate the Order of the Universe, live for several thousand years. Of course, such a life expectancy must be ensured by good health and well-being.

Healthy teeth are an important foundation for our health and well-being. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its absorption by the body, not limited only to the digestive system. Teeth (with some simplification) can be compared to the stylus of a pickup in a player, with the help of which it recognizes and plays a recording from a record. The teeth penetrate the aura of food when chewing it and read from its biofield the “instructions” for using this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, living, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root vegetables...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to absorb and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides - are immediately rejected). If the food is not entirely healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield of not entirely healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instructions”, because her natural biofield was killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is polluted by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse eater, the karma of murder, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal pain and hatred of people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of their elders, are injected. living in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, teeth are destroyed very quickly from this.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them with artificial dentures. However, recently more and more information has appeared that a person who has given up dead and then not entirely healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated), is himself able to control the restoration processes in his body and grow in place of rotten and fallen teeth are new.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting to restore teeth, it is advisable to find out the true causes of their destruction, loss or disease in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases arise for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal problems in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs of our physical body.

Ekaterina Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular, the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right - with other people around, with society.

Diagram of the connection between teeth and internal organs and vertebrae of the spine:

The right side of the visible bodies of Residents, People and Humans is connected with their Gods, and the left - with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female line of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Co-Knowledge with the Supreme Progenitor.

Watch a video about the regeneration of new, young teeth at any age:

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature has already tried and given us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Remember yourself, standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with the tooth. Remember this, because this is the first “button” that will “turn on” and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that here is another “button” that needs to be “pressed” to turn on the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third “button” is located in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor Rod. It needs to be “turned on” in constant mode so that it operates 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes to study every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth just like seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched,” how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Maintain your concentration on this for the first third of practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As your concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means everything is happening correctly.

4. Maintain your concentration on this for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and the pineal gland of the brain (on the Third Eye), mentally saying the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick ones fall out, but the young and healthy ones grow up! At the same time, create a mental form of renewing your teeth - vividly imagining it, and then seeing it with your inner eye.

6. This practice must be done for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main rule of U-Spekh in this matter is the ability to feel your body.


The only reason for a negative result in this practice may be the fear of losing teeth and clinging to “everyday atheism” - the worldview of ignorant ordinary people who do not believe either in themselves or in the Gods, who do not trust the Universe. For example, the assumption of thoughts: “What if all the rotten teeth fall out and new ones don’t grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. In this case, you don’t have to start. First, get rid of inferiority complexes.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as best as possible the feeling of healthy and strong teeth at this time of your life. To do this, you can use your photographs. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life... For example, how you gnawed on strong nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root vegetables.

2. It is necessary to enter Consciousness, implant thought forms of the embryos of healthy teeth into the places of your gums that you need. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow one by one (according to the above diagram). Subsequently, you need to constantly mentally admire healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Every day, or better yet, hourly, apply the greatest attention to the desired place of the gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) the flow of blood to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, and train the jaws. Hourly (every hour for 5 minutes) lovingly praise your gum cells for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth for a short time, then release them, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then growing them should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

These meditation moods for teeth growth will also help you.

How to grow new teeth (meditation No. 1):

Practice of regeneration of new, young teeth (meditation No. 2):

Dental regeneration (meditation No. 3):

After the successful growth of new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and nutritious nutrition, as well as careful dental care. Just don't use toothpastes. As a last resort, chalk tooth powder will do. But it is better to use natural teeth cleaners, which can be learned from the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

Regarding the treatment of caries:

In the beginning, in theory, the caries itself should turn white, the dark plaque should be removed, and the cavity filled with dark energies, the visually black area of ​​the tooth, should turn white. First stage.

And when the dark energies are raked out from such cavities-areas, the tooth is cleaned of dark, dirty energies, this caries rot-rust goes away, you can begin to revive and restore it. This is already the second stage. You can fill a former diseased tooth with health energies, make balls, inject light etheric energies containing healing information, such ball programs to ensure that your teeth are healthy, white, strong, resistant to heat and cold, overheating and hypothermia.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with our own Fate (destination) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty death, puts the fulfillment of your Fate at risk.

At present, all sensible people must realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of Ancestors, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the community way of life, a conscious attitude towards Life and conscious behavior in society.

Baby teeth appear in a child in the first year of life, and over time they are replaced by molars. After this, only dentures can appear in the mouth. No matter how modern and beautiful they may be, they are no longer real teeth. It would be nice if instead extracted teeth doctors could grow real ones! Is this possible?

Attempts to grow new healthy teeth for humans have been made repeatedly. What came of it? What are the prospects for such a technique?

What genes are responsible for the growth and development of teeth?

A few years ago, there was a report in the press that Japanese scientists were able to grow new teeth. Indeed, such work was carried out. In 2007, mice became the owners of artificially grown young teeth. Their teeth performed all the necessary functions, but had no roots. It was only in 2009 that the real indigenous ones were grown.

How is this possible? Scientists from Zurich have found the gene responsible for tooth growth. They also discovered a region of the chromosome responsible for the development and formation of the crown. It turned out that the rudiments from which teeth develop are formed when the Msx1 gene works, and then correct position crowns is answered by another gene, Osr2. Its function is very important. With its anomaly, teeth grow in unexpected places and have a strange shape. The development of teeth is determined by the functioning of a part of the chromosome called Notch.

Is it possible to grow new molars to replace those removed in adults?

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Everyone knows that the cells of the human body are completely replaced at certain periods throughout life. Each type of cell takes a different time to renew. Epithelial cells of the stomach are renewed in 5 days, while in bone cells the process occurs within 10 years. Only the teeth, having begun to decay, “finish the job”, and only the roots remain, which have to be removed in order to install a prosthesis (we recommend reading:). Why does this happen? Why are the tissues of the coronal part not capable of regeneration?

No one has an answer yet. But the Japanese have learned to restore dentin in dogs by filling the carious cavity with a special biomass. It took 2 months to recover. Experiments in this direction are ongoing. Interesting results were also obtained in America: scientists have learned to stimulate the restoration of their own tissues in some animals using ultrasound pulses. When will it be people's turn?

It seems incredible that the appearance of a third generation of teeth in an adult. However, it happens that even without the use of special technologies, teeth can change. There are known cases when the change occurred in very elderly people. A new generation of teeth, the third in a row, has grown in people who have celebrated or are approaching their centenary. Where did these teeth come from?

Chewing organs develop from rudiments located in the gingival tissues. Usually, a baby develops two sets of rudiments at once: for baby teeth and for molars. However, even in the body of old people, rudimentary cells are preserved, which can begin to develop when certain conditions occur. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is extremely rare, but modern medicine is working to stimulate the process artificially.

Innovative technologies

Theoretically, teeth can be grown at any age, even for people over 50 years old. It is possible to change genetic information in order to activate the growth of a new tooth instead of an extracted one. However side effects Such effects are completely unpredictable, so such methods have no chance of becoming widespread in the near future.

Methods of influencing the gene responsible for the development of teeth have been tested on dogs and have given good results. However, according to expert estimates, to carry out similar procedures Doctors will begin treating people no earlier than in 20 years.

Stem cells

A promising method of regeneration is growing new organs from stem cells. Stem cells, using special stimuli, create new tooth Noah rudiment. Then scientists place the resulting blank in Right place and wait. The organ develops independently, and the use of native stem cells eliminates the possibility of tissue rejection.

Individual units of teeth have been learned to grow, but the difficulty lies in obtaining stem cells. This procedure is very painful. In addition, it was possible to grow a tooth only in laboratory conditions, and not in the human body.

They are trying to use stem cell-based drugs to initiate the growth of teeth to replace lost ones. In parallel, work is underway to program the size and shape so that the resulting organ is identical to its predecessor.


Low-intensity ultrasound pulses can awaken regeneration processes in bone tissue. If you apply them to a diseased tooth, this can lead to its restoration. With the help of such influence you can even grow a new dental unit at the site of removal. Reacts to impulses and bone gums starting to grow. This allows you to correct the underdevelopment of one of the jaws. Unfortunately, all these wonderful transformations so far only work well on rabbits.

Canadian scientists have developed an innovative device the size of a pea. Placing it on the gum helps strengthen it. Ultrasonic radiation reaches the tooth root, and deep massage produced by pulses promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Root restoration allows you to install dentures and not worry about their strength and durability. Unexpected side effect impact was the growth of a new tooth.

Laser exposure

There is an assumption that tooth regeneration will also occur under the influence of laser beam low power. Irradiation of stem cells should lead to the formation and growth of a new tooth. However, this technology is at the beginning of its development, has not been tested in humans, and it is too early to talk about its effectiveness.

Growing teeth instead surgical intervention and prosthetics - a long-standing dream of humanity. Attempts to find ways to grow new teeth have been made repeatedly. The lack of medical technology has led to efforts to regenerate teeth using mental influence.

Folk and shamanic methods of growing teeth at home

It’s not just scientists who are trying to get teeth to replace lost ones. This problem has been troubling humanity for a long time. Numerous healers and traditional healers There have been repeated attempts to develop techniques to promote dental regeneration. Fans of folk wisdom and various mental and spiritual practices are convinced that with the power of thought and the awakening of internal forces, people are able to grow a second generation of molars. Popular techniques are presented in the video.

Method of self-healing of teeth according to Norbekov

Mirzakarim Norbekov suggests carrying out the process of growing teeth by force of will yourself, at home. The essence of self-healing practice is to activate cellular activity using breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises are designed for a month. It is suggested to do them in the morning, starting with light breaths and ending with deeper ones - 10 times. Then the exercise is repeated in reverse order. According to Norbekov, after finishing gymnastics, you should concentrate on the area where the tooth should reappear. Before going to bed, you should also focus on this area, mentally imagining the union of cells and the process of formation and growth of the missing bone formation. After 2 weeks, a tingling sensation should appear in the selected area. It indicates that the process has gone in the right direction.

Self-hypnosis according to Shichko

In Russia, other home methods for restoring teeth through willpower are also known. One of them belongs to the biologist Shichko. Initially, the method was intended to relieve patients from pathological addictions. The biologist is confident that when going to bed, in a semi-conscious state, a person is able to adjust his subconscious, giving it the right direction. The methodology is based on the following basic principles:

Stolbov's technique

Mikhail Stolbov suggests using a similar method, claiming that he managed to grow 17 teeth to replace the lost ones. He recommends:

  • believe in the possibility of a miracle;
  • take care vital energy, refusing to waste it bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • for the same purposes, get rid of extra pounds;
  • learn to listen to your body and soul;
  • grow teeth using internal visualization, imagining the future result.

Veretennikov technology

The practice developed by Sergei Veretennikov proposes to grow new teeth, acting in a natural sequence. He suggests growing them, starting with the lower incisors and further in the sequence in which they grow in babies, right up to wisdom teeth. The practice requires half an hour a day.

Veretennikov advises imagining future teeth in the form of seeds located in the gums in conditions favorable for germination. Using auto-training, you should induce in the relevant areas sensations of itching, blood flow, warmth and swelling of the gum tissue. This process should take 10 minutes. Then it is recommended to concentrate on the incisors lower jaw. Sensations of squeezing and itching will mean that the growth process has begun.

The last stage is concentration in the third eye area. At the same time, it is necessary to convince yourself that “my teeth are growing young, strong and white.” The process must last at least 3 months. It is also suitable for replacing diseased teeth with new and healthy ones, but you just need not be afraid of losing old teeth.


Most experts are skeptical about the fundamental possibility of growing new teeth for a person. The behavior of stem cells cannot be predicted; there are no techniques to control their development. We cannot exclude the possibility of mutations that will not lead to the result that was expected.

Shamanic methods and folk wisdom They also don't give any guarantees. You can’t count on the power of thought; in any case, only a dentist can provide the most reliable help in this problem.