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Dentistry. Clear and Accessible. Method of regeneration or growing new teeth instead of removed ones according to Norbekov, Shichko and developed by scientists

Researchers have studied jaw regeneration in cichlid fish and found levers to control this process [comments from a geneticist and dentist]

People's life expectancy is growing, and the issue of restoring teeth in an adult is becoming more and more pressing. The fewer natural incisors and molars are left, the lower the chances of equipping the jaw with crowns. Implantation of artificial teeth is associated with many difficulties, this huge pressure on the body, especially the elderly, and is not indicated for everyone. Well and removable dentures- such a joy. Therefore, scientists around the world are developing ways to regenerate teeth in order to get closer to the fulfillment of the main dream - growing natural teeth and, preferably, right in the human jaw.

The other day there was encouraging news from American biologists. Researchers studied the formation of teeth in freshwater fish cichlids and discovered genetic differences responsible for density, concentration and, in fact, the process of tooth growth itself. Then the scientists tried immersing fish embryos in various chemical solutions. Eventually, a combination of components was discovered that made it possible to regulate the development of tissues in the mouth and influence the appearance of teeth.

It is also reported that genes associated with tooth formation have been found in mice. Experts have suggested that a similar method could be applicable to humans: by influencing certain genes, it is possible to stimulate tooth growth, including in adults.


Geneticist: “Rinse aid” for teeth growth is not science fiction, but a matter of the distant future.”

Our babies’ teeth grow thanks to the work of certain genes, which “fall silent” in adulthood - this is how it happened during evolution,” explains Irina Zhegulina, a geneticist at the Atlas biomedical holding. - Theoretically, it is possible to stimulate such genes, but in order to grow teeth, many serious difficulties will still have to be overcome.

Firstly, although the human genome has been sequenced (decoded), in most cases it is not yet known which genes are responsible for what. And even though the list of genes associated with dental development is more or less defined, the mechanisms that regulate the activity of certain genes are not completely clear. In order to start the growth of teeth in an adult, it is necessary to know all the molecular and biochemical stages thoroughly. This should be the subject of deep study.

Secondly, it is not a fact that in order to grow a full-fledged tooth, it will be enough just to stimulate genes. An ordinary jaw bone will definitely not “transform” into incisors and molars. Surely, additional stem cells will be required as starting material.

At all, American biologists conducted experiments on embryos, and not on adult experimental animals. So a lot more research will be needed before it comes to humans. At the same time, there is data that gives hope.

For example, some people have developmental defects in which “extra” teeth grow in the jaw, including in adulthood. Studying this phenomenon brings us closer to the possibility of controlling tooth growth.

It is also known that the expression (activity) of genes can be influenced by various physical and chemical factors. For example, hares and other fur-bearing animals change their fur when the temperature drops environment And in a number of laboratory animals, by lowering body temperature, it was possible to slow down the metabolism and thereby extend life expectancy. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that in the future it will be possible to create a chemical solution that will “wake up” the genes responsible for the growth of teeth in humans.

However, we should not forget that often the cause of tooth loss in a person, especially in old age, is problems with the gums - periodontal disease. If this disease is “treated” by growing new teeth, then most likely they will also quickly fall out. So it is no less important to work on methods of radical healing - gum rejuvenation.

Dentist: “To grow a tooth, you need to force stem cells to divide in different directions”

Our tooth is a unique organ, originating from two germ layers (mesoderm and ectoderm), hard tissues (enamel and dentin) and a neurovascular bundle, recalls the department’s dentist therapeutic dentistry Clinical Diagnostic Center of First Med Nadezhda Bovanova. - Accordingly, in order to grow a full-fledged incisor or molar, scientists must force stem cells to divide in different directions, to a certain shape and size. So far this problem has not been solved.

In addition, like any organ, the tooth needs nutrition, which is provided by blood vessels. Therefore, it is also important to achieve the formation of these vessels and nerves.

Are these difficulties solvable? Medicine and dentistry in particular have come a long way, gradually finding new ways to create and replace lost organs, and this journey is not over yet. The scientific world is confident that creating a human tooth from a patient’s own cells is a real prospect.

What does it look like now

In the human body, cell renewal occurs throughout life to maintain the vital activity and performance of its tissues and organs.

Updates occur at different rhythms:

  • The epithelial cells of the stomach and intestines are completely renewed the fastest - every 5 days.
  • Skin heal on average in two weeks, with shallow damage completely restoring its structure without a scar.
  • The liver changes its cellular composition over the course of a year.
  • Even bones and muscles renew all cells over ten years.

And here Human teeth, having received an impulse to destroy, are included in this process and are destroyed to the very roots. Surprisingly, the roots almost never dissolve; they remain in the hole, and before prosthetics require their removal.


Why does the crown part of the tooth have no tendency to recover? Is it possible to achieve regeneration of hard tissues damaged by caries?

Japanese researchers took up the solution to this issue. Hokkaido Medical University was able to develop loose biomass, which includes fibrous proteins and phosphorus compounds. It was placed into carious lesions in experimental dogs, and dentin restoration occurred within two months.

IN given time innovations for replacing tissues destroyed by caries according to the described method are being tested in clinics and can completely change the approach to dental treatment in modern dentistry.

American researchers also have interesting new products of similar developments. They created miniature wireless devices that attach to the mouth and send ultrasound in the form of pulses to damaged tissue. It stimulates education healthy tissue in the area of ​​carious lesions. Scientists at Oregon State University (USA) have found the Ctip2 gene, which is responsible for the formation of tooth enamel, development nervous system and skin, and conduct experiments with it. But what to do if the tooth is removed? Today, prosthetics as one of the areas of dentistry has undergone rapid development, new materials and technologies are being introduced that make it possible to obtain good aesthetic and functional results, but an artificial tooth will never become a real living tissue.

Formation and eruption The tooth is an amazing organ. Only it has such an interesting feature - teething. No other part of the body breaks through the external tissues after birth and falls out after some time, being replaced by a similar structure.

Dental tissue develops from the rudiments, which are formed already at the 5-6th week of embryonic development. It turns out that the presence of teeth is so important that nature programmed their appearance at the very beginning. early stage human development.

Two rows of rudiments are immediately laid: milky and permanent. They, in the form of small bubbles, fill the entire space of the future jaws. Each tooth has its own timing of mineralization and eruption, and its own shape. Their development cycle has strict patterns.

Children's jaws are small, so dairy row consists of only 20 small teeth. As the jaw grows, baby teeth are successively replaced by 28-32 permanent teeth, which are intended to serve the owner for the rest of his life, which, however, does not happen very often.


The desire to get a third row of teeth has long excited the minds of scientists, prompting them to develop original theories, which can be divided into two groups that have completely different bases:

  • the first group is based on the possibilities of psycho-social reprogramming, allowing you to grow a tooth on your own, following the developed algorithm.
  • the second uses the latest advances in bio-engineering.

So far, both groups of theories are at the development stage, although adherents are already actively trying to implement them in practice.

These technologies are united by one common direction - the use in growing teeth from immature stem cells, which are responsible for renewing organs by turning them into specific ones.

Such cells are found in all tissues and are used by the body for regeneration processes as needed.


His technique in brief description as follows. Regeneration begins from the upper jaw:

  • A person builds in his mind a complete hologram of a lost tooth with the root and crown parts. Its structure is easy to find out in any reference book.
  • He mentally takes just one stem cell bone marrow any of the vertebrae and teleports it to the place of the missing tooth, placing it at the top of its root.
  • Then he imagines the process of division of this cell, constructing in his imagination a tooth frame corresponding to the specific one lost with the required number of roots and the proper anatomy of the coronal part.
  • Mentally returns to adolescence, when a natural bite was formed, and remembers the sensations (itching in the gums, joy from the appearance of a new tooth) associated with this.
  • It sets the mind to repeat the same work on other parts of the jaw, where there are also defects. For a practical guide to using this technique to restore teeth, watch the video:

Veretennikov technology

The method of another author, Sergei Veretennikov, echoes the basic principles of the technology considered, but differs in that it recommends restoring the dentition in the sequence in which it was formed in natural conditions:

  • first the lower central incisors,
  • then the upper central incisors,
  • lateral incisors,
  • behind them are the first small indigenous ones,
  • fangs,
  • second small radicals,
  • large molars.
  • In the space under each destroyed root, imagine a tiny white tooth as a germinating seed, remember the itching and painful sensations, which accompanied this process in childhood. Maintain this image for 3-10 minutes.
  • Mentally create a feeling of pressure in this space and maintain it for the next 3-10 minutes.
  • Continuing to imagine this regeneration, mentally pronounce the intention for the generation of new rudiments in the bone, also for 3-10 minutes (“a new shiny, strong tooth is forming in my jaw”).

Stolbov's principles

Another proponent of the theory of creating thought forms of new teeth for their appearance, Mikhail Stolbov, claimed that in this way he grew as many as 17, instead of those lost as a result of “hazing” in the army.

Here are its principles:

  • We must believe in miracles
  • Refuse bad habits(for example, smoking), wasting vital energy,
  • Get rid of excess weight as a sink useful energy,
  • Develop the habit of listening to your body and soul,
  • Grow teeth by creating their mental visualization (white, straight, beautiful, healthy).

Psychoanalysis Shichko

Candidate of Sciences biologist Gennady Shichko developed a psychological and pedagogical method of humanistic psychoanalysis for the treatment of various pathological addictions. It also turned out to be applicable for restoring lost organs in the jaw.

Shichko's technique is based on the analysis of truthful information and the possibilities of self-hypnosis before bedtime. The author believes that while falling asleep, a person can make adjustments to the subconscious with the help of written instructions in his diary.

For achievement positive result required:

  • a person's desire to change a situation,
  • no doubt about achieving results,
  • mandatory daily recording in the diary before bed of positive attitudes in the form of the statement “I will”, “I will achieve”, “I will receive”,
  • Keeping diary entries only from first person,
  • refusal to use the negative particle “not” (I won’t, I don’t want) in written statements, compliance with all recommendations of the developed methodology.

If you put into your subconscious the expectation of new teeth cutting through, it will happen.

To summarize, there are three main principles of this group of theories:

  • the ability to mentally return to childhood and adolescence - the time of formation of a natural bite;
  • mobilization of one’s energy-information field for teleportation of stem cells to the area of ​​the empty hole;
  • literally hourly attention to the process of formation of new teeth and its stimulation through massage to improve blood circulation in the jaws.


The list of achievements in this area is quite long:

  • An English researcher from King's College London, Paul Sharp, who also heads the company advanced technologies Odontis, created a genetic gel in 2002. When the drug is introduced into the bone tissue of the jaw, a new tooth is formed, corresponding in shape and size to its predecessor. True, its root develops poorly.
  • In 2007, Tokyo scientists grew laboratory mice teeth with a full crown part, but without a root.
  • At Osaka University, scientists were able to grow a new specimen in a dog in six weeks by introducing genes that control tooth growth into the bone. Later they successfully carried out the same experiment on a monkey.
  • In 2009, American experimenters achieved the growth of teeth with full roots in mice from stem cells. But the size of the grown organs turned out to be smaller than natural ones.
  • At the Texas Research Center with the help of genetic engineering We grew full-fledged teeth with roots in a test tube. Now they are studying the possibility of transplanting them into the jaw.
  • Chinese scientists have developed their own technology. They isolate stem cells from the urine of experimental mice and transform them into epithelial cells through genetic modification. They mix the resulting cells with mouse embryonic cells and plant them in the animals' jaws. After three weeks, an organ grows in the gum, anatomically and structurally similar to the tooth with all its tissues.
  • In Ukraine, at the Poltava Tissue Transplantation Center, geneticist Alexander Baranovich proposed his own technique. A substance from the cells of baby teeth is injected into the patient’s gums in place of the lost molar - and in just 3-4 months a new one appears!


In our country, laboratory experiments on growing teeth have not been described, but several large dental centers are already offering the implantation of stem cells into the gums for this purpose, guaranteeing a service life of up to 5 years.

Those who want to carry out such an experiment on themselves write a receipt of consent to the procedure and pay about 3 thousand euros for growing one tooth. If unsuccessful, a second attempt is made for 50% of this amount. In terms of price for services, cultivation is comparable to implantation, but looks more attractive. Our clinics have not yet accumulated data on the dangers and prospects of stem cell transplantation.


New technologies have not yet been sufficiently developed, so a number of questions arise: Is it possible to count on the usefulness of nerve fibers and blood vessels, if there is no connection with their network in dice? What will force stem cells in any technology of growing teeth to create the necessary structures in the right direction so that the root is in the bone and the crown part is outside? Instead of a full-fledged organ, wouldn’t it be possible to get a resemblance benign tumor Odontomas, in which all the dental tissues are simply randomly mixed? Will stem cells guess what shape and function of tooth is needed in a given area of ​​the jaw? So far there is no data on the effectiveness of all the described methods in practical medicine. Time will tell how effective they are.

According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life of 144 years each). On the morning of Svarozh in the summer of 7521 (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Considering the average life expectancy of the Russian population (about 70 years), all sensible people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And definitely not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Destiny (destiny), live in accordance with Dharma (prescribed duties), achieve high level spiritual development and do not violate the Law of the Universe, they live for several thousand years. Of course, such a life expectancy must be ensured good health and well-being.

An important basis for our health and wellness are healthy teeth. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its absorption by the body, not limited to digestive system. Teeth (with some simplification) can be compared to the stylus of a pickup in a player, with the help of which it recognizes and plays a recording from a record. The teeth penetrate the aura of food when chewing it and read from its biofield the “instructions” for using this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, living, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root vegetables...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to absorb and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides - are immediately rejected). If the food is not entirely healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield not completely healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instructions”, because her natural biofield was killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is polluted by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse eater, the karma of murder, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal pain and hatred of people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of their elders, are injected. living in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, teeth are destroyed very quickly from this.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them artificial prostheses. However, recently more and more information has appeared that a person who has given up dead and then not entirely healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated), is himself able to control the restoration processes in his body and grow in place of rotten and fallen teeth are new.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting dental restoration, it is advisable to find out real reasons their destruction, loss or illness in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor medical sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases arise for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal problems in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs of our physical body.

Ekaterina Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular, the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right - with other people around, with society.

Diagram of the connection between teeth and internal organs and vertebrae of the spine:

The right side of the visible bodies of Residents, People and Humans is connected with their Gods, and the left - with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female line of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Co-Knowledge with the Supreme Progenitor.

Watch a video about the regeneration of new, young teeth at any age:

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature has already tried and gave us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the most powerful and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Remember yourself, standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with the tooth. Remember this, because this is the first “button” that will “turn on” and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that here is another “button” that needs to be “pressed” to turn on the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third “button” is located in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor Rod. It needs to be “turned on” in constant mode so that it operates 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes to study every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth just like seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched,” how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Maintain your concentration on this for the first third of practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As your concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means everything is happening correctly.

4. Maintain your concentration on this for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and pineal gland brain (on the Third Eye), mentally saying the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick ones fall out, but the young and healthy ones grow up! At the same time, create a mental form of renewing your teeth - vividly imagining it, and then seeing it with your inner eye.

6. This practice must be done for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main rule of U-Spekh in this matter is the ability to feel your body.


The only reason for a negative result in this practice may be the fear of losing teeth and clinging to “everyday atheism” - the worldview of ignorant ordinary people who do not believe either in themselves or in the Gods, who do not trust the Universe. For example, allowing thoughts: “What if everything rotten teeth will fall out, but new ones will not grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. In this case, you don’t have to start. First, get rid of inferiority complexes.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as best as possible the feeling of healthy and strong teeth at this time of your life. To do this, you can use your photographs. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life... For example, how you gnawed on strong nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root vegetables.

2. It is necessary to enter Consciousness, implant thought forms of the embryos of healthy teeth into the places of your gums that you need. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow one by one (according to the above diagram). Subsequently, you need to constantly mentally admire healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Apply daily, or better yet, hourly greatest attention to the right place gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) the blood flow to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, jaw training. Hourly (every hour for 5 minutes) lovingly praise your gum cells for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth for a short time, then release them, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then growing them should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

These meditation moods for teeth growth will also help you.

How to grow new teeth (meditation No. 1):

Practice of regeneration of new, young teeth (meditation No. 2):

Dental regeneration (meditation No. 3):

After the successful growth of new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and good nutrition, as well as caring dental care. Just don't use toothpastes. IN as a last resort– chalk tooth powder is suitable. But it is better to use natural teeth cleaners, which can be learned from the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

Regarding the treatment of caries:

In the beginning, in theory, the caries itself should turn white, the dark plaque should be removed, and the cavity filled with dark energies, the visually black area of ​​the tooth, should turn white. First stage.

And when the dark energies are raked out from such cavities-areas, the tooth is cleaned of dark, dirty energies, this caries rot-rust goes away, you can begin to revive and restore it. This is already the second stage. You can fill a former diseased tooth with health energies, make balls, inject light etheric energies containing healing information, such ball programs to ensure that your teeth are healthy, white, strong, resistant to heat and cold, overheating and hypothermia.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with our own Fate (destination) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty death, puts the fulfillment of your Fate at risk.

At present, all sensible people must realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of Ancestors, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the community way of life, a conscious attitude towards Life and conscious behavior in society.

Growing new teeth! How I grew new teeth

Before understanding the technique of restoring teeth, I offer a little more information from dentists.

Teeth in dentistry are marked as follows:

Right side

Left-hand side

Primary teeth



Permanent dentition teeth

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In mammals, the change of teeth and the growth of the dentition occurs from front to back (first the central incisors, then the lateral incisors, canines, premolars, molars). That is, when you begin to restore - grow teeth, you need to do this in the same sequence, starting with the front teeth.

It is also possible that before starting restoration work, you should understand the causes of loss/disease of certain teeth.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor from the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that teeth react to internal problems in the body, each diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs.

“So, the liver is projected at the level of the lower canines, the condition of the pancreas can be judged by the small molars, and diseases of the joints of the legs can be judged by the front teeth of the upper and lower jaw. What is happening in the stomach or intestines can be judged not only by the teeth, but also by the condition of the gums. In most cases, those suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers develop periodontal disease. In addition, with a stomach ulcer, abundant tartar deposits necessarily appear on the teeth. Therefore, by opening your mouth in front of a mirror, you can get comprehensive information about what is happening inside your body. Depending on which tooth suffers from caries, you can judge which internal organ needs help. And if the same tooth hurts not for the first time, this indicates that the disease may have gone far enough, and measures must be taken urgently, and in addition to the dentist, go to another specialist.

If the process is not stopped, the diseased organ will again send its signals for help to the tooth. In turn, caries can cause constant migraines. Moreover, the tooth itself sometimes doesn’t hurt. Headache in such cases is attributed to anything - from the flu to a magnetic storm. This happens especially often when the teeth of the lower jaw become inflamed and the whole head somehow indefinitely hurts.

With caries in the upper jaw, the pain is more specific: inflammation of the fangs radiates to the temple, and of the chewing teeth to the parieto-occipital region. Dentists also encounter such “tooth” pain in which there is no trace of caries. And the reason for the unpleasant sensations lies in sharp jumps pressure, for example in hypertensive crises or attacks of angina.

However, teeth can tell not only about the diseases of their “owner”, but also about his character. For example, small and sharp teeth speak of deceit and malice, long ones - of anger and love for nourishing and plentiful food, protruding teeth - of greed, and large distances between the teeth are a sign of weak-willedness and even dementia. Those with large and strong teeth are lucky, as they portend long life and testify to the kindness and courage of a person. Straight teeth are often found in very good people. But if you have them a little uneven, don’t be upset - this is considered a sign of thoughtfulness.”


Reinhold Vol in her book “The relationship of teeth and tonsils with organs and physiological systems” provides several tables (http://lebendige-ethik.net/4-Odontontafeln_1.html) of the connection between teeth and organs, with endocrine system, with a spine. In particular, he reports:

Teeth-organ connections:

1st and 2nd teeth of the upper and lower jaws (bladder and kidney meridians)

Organs: kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra, genital organs, rectum, anal canal, anus.

3 tooth of the upper and lower jaws (gallbladder and liver meridians).

Organs: tooth on the right - right lobe of the liver, bile duct, gallbladder; tooth on the left - left lobe liver.

4-5 teeth of the upper jaw and 6-7 teeth of the lower jaw (meridians of the large intestine and lungs)

Organs: lungs, bronchi, trachea; teeth on the right - cecum with appendix, ascending colon; teeth on the left - left side transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon.

6-7 teeth of the upper jaw and 4-5 teeth of the lower jaw (meridians of the stomach and spleen - pancreas)

Organs: esophagus, stomach; on the right - the body of the stomach (right part), the pyloric part of the stomach, the pancreas, the right mammary gland; on the left - the transition of the esophagus to the stomach, the fundus of the stomach, the body of the stomach (left part), the spleen, the left mammary gland.

8 tooth of the upper and lower jaws (meridians of the small intestine and heart)

Organs: heart, small intestine; top right - duodenum(descending section, upper horizontal section); lower right - ileum; left upper - duodenum (jejunal flexure); lower left - small intestine and ileum.

L.G. Puchko in his book “Multidimensional Medicine” provides the following diagram of the connection between teeth and internal organs and systems:

Ekaterina Slobodskova also shares the opinion about the connection between teeth and the entire body (her book “New Teeth – Fantasy or Reality?” was published by the Alvara publishing house and is available for download at http://www.e-puzzle.ru). However, Catherine introduces some esoteric concepts into this relationship, in particular the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with the clan, with relatives, the right side - with other people around, with society.

The left side reflects time, the right - space.

The left side shows the state of life in general, the distant future, the right side shows immediate events. The upper teeth reflect the masculine aspect, the lower teeth the feminine.

Example: problems with the upper 6th tooth on the left may indicate problems in the relationship with the father or other male relative. We need to pay attention to this. But there shouldn’t be any certainty... everything is relative, you shouldn’t get attached to something specific. You just need to observe and draw your own conclusions.

Ekaterina Slobodskova clarifies:

The central incisors (teeth No. 1) reflect the state of a person’s physical body, its relationship with the physical plane of existence, its ability to build relationships at the first level.

How do you feel about your body? Can you easily walk by and take something from the table if someone is looking at you? Do you take enough care of it - is it not tired, do you often listen to it, do you know how to relax and just take a walk or just lie in the bath without going over problems in your head? You need to take care of your physical body as if you were taking care of yourself!

For dental problems #1, pay attention to how you treat yourself. At the right attitude a person, seeing his merits, feels love for himself, seeing his shortcomings - compassion and the desire to improve. When distorted, a person either adores himself to the point of passion, or hates himself to the point of self-abasement.

Relationships with people at the first level are called “recognizing another person’s right to exist, taking into account his opinion.”

The etheric body has a connection with the lateral incisors (teeth No. 2). Their condition depends on a person’s interaction with the etheric plane of existence, as well as on his ability to build relationships on the second level.

These relationships presuppose the ability to recognize the right of a loved one to comfort and convenience, the ability to take care of him, take into account his mood, understand him, and be lenient towards his shortcomings and weaknesses.

The condition of the fangs (teeth No. 3) depends on the state of the astral body, a person’s interaction with the astral plane of existence, and his building of relationships at the third level.

If a person does his job poorly, if the quality of his work depends on his mood, if he puts too much emotion into his work, then problems with the fangs may arise.

Relationships at the third level are characterized by the manifestation of feelings, people become desirable to each other, a person’s right to his business is recognized.

The mental body has a connection with the first premolars (teeth No. 4). Their condition depends on the correct interaction of a person with the mental plane of existence and on his ability to build relationships at the fourth level.

People living in the world of mental energies have the gift of persuasion and inspire trust. Problems with these teeth can arise when a person misuses the Power of the Word.

Words become Speech only when a woman speaks about what she does well, and a man speaks about what she understands well. If a woman who does not have children teaches others how to raise them, it sounds ugly and unpleasant to listen to. The same thing happens if a man doesn’t understand well what he’s talking about.

It’s even worse when people say swear words and swear words. Scientists have proven that swearing destroys the genome, and therefore the future. Swearing penetrates the human field into the lower world. These words, like stones, come back to a person and hit him in the teeth - then the situation may turn out to be such that the person’s teeth are knocked out.

Watch what comes out of your mouth - the same thing will come back to you later. A dirty word that comes out of a woman’s mouth will certainly be returned later by a man’s dirty deed towards her.

In relationships at the fourth level, mutual understanding and confidence in a loved one, truthfulness in relationships. People hold a place in each other's hearts.

The causal body has a connection with the second premolars (teeth No. 5). Their state reflects a person’s interaction with the causal plane of existence and his construction of the fifth level of relationships.

In relationships at the fifth level, people become each other’s destiny, they are interested in each other, they see the reasons for each other’s behavior. Every meeting is an event for them, every pleasure is sad when the one you love is not around.

The buddhial body has a connection with the first molars (teeth no. 6). Their condition depends on a person’s interaction with the buddhial plane, on his compliance with the laws and principles of existence, on his ability to bring relationships to the sixth level.

Teeth No. 6 appear at the age of 5-6 years behind the primary teeth. At this age a person reaches new level of his development - he grows up, the first contact of a person with his essence - male or female - occurs and its first distortions appear, which can lead to the destruction of these teeth.

At the sixth level of relationships, real life together begins: a man and a woman become one, they cannot live without each other.

If there are disturbances in the nirvanic body, the second molars may be destroyed

(teeth No. 7), and then all the other teeth.

Relationships at the seventh level are the beginning of Divine Love, from relationships the Mystery is born. This is something more than earthly love. There are no distortions there.

But the secret in a relationship must be maintained at all other levels. Your husband should not see you in curlers or with strawberries smeared on your face. And you shouldn’t wear makeup in front of him - how your face is created should be a secret. And if the husband walks around the house in tights and scratches his stomach, hiccupping after a hearty meal, then this is also unlikely to help strengthen family relationships.

Read more about this in the book by Ekaterina Slobodskova

In addition, it is quite interesting to study the problem of teeth from the point of view of Zoroastrianism, which Pavel Globa covers in his text “Dentoscopy”:

“What is a tooth from the point of view of Zoroastrianism? Every person's teeth are a link to their ancestors. Therefore, the best properties that he inherits from his ancestors or, on the contrary, the worst, demonic seductions, which are again inherited from parents to children, were determined by his teeth.

A person always gets his due: if he has grown all 4 wisdom teeth. If you have all your wisdom teeth, rest assured, you are getting only yours. It’s just that your karma and the karma of your ancestors are strongly intertwined with each other and they either protect you or vice versa, through them you also receive some bad manifestations, i.e. Bad problems are coming your way.

But if you don’t have wisdom teeth, not one in particular, then know that only in this case you are not really paying for yourself, you are paying for your fathers, then the children are really responsible for their parents, for their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. For all. It is believed that if there is not a single wisdom tooth, then a person pays for all ancestors in the ascending line.

If a person does not have a wisdom tooth only on the left side, it means that he pays for his ancestors only on his mother’s side.

If there is no wisdom tooth with right side- on the father's side. And on both.

After all, 32 teeth are also associated with the calendar cycle. A 32-year period, i.e. with the Keyvan cycle, with Saturn, with the Golden Age of man. Another key to teeth is the 32-year totemic circle.

There will be 3 keys to the characteristics of each tooth. The 1st key is the one I told you about - these are the 28 lunar mansions associated with the lunar mansions. And people who have only 28 teeth are extremely vulnerable people, like an open book. Their karma is not yet complete, not finished.

What is the 3rd change of teeth? The 3rd change of teeth is associated with the alchemy of the spirit, with your transformation. It will be given as a reward for a righteous life. It is believed that a person who has received the 3rd change of teeth is already changing his karma.

...In principle, the first teeth are given for education, the first teeth are, as it were, a manifestation of a person’s individuality. The second teeth are fate, rock. For the second teeth, we must pay our debts. And the third shift is associated with acquisition, with freedom. In theory, in the era of Gemini, we should have 3 teeth (the third change of teeth), as well as extra teeth, exceeding the number 32. But this does not happen.

So, the 3rd change of teeth is associated with transformation and those people who receive these teeth are considered to have been able to change themselves. And they receive the highest protection. They are working off their earthly karma. Such cases are described among some Christian saints, that in old age all their teeth were replaced and they were initially toothless, and then they again had strong teeth. Also described by Zoroastrian magicians.

Actually, as you may have guessed, 32 teeth are divided into 2 halves: right and left. For men and women these halves carry various information(16+16). The teeth must be examined in pairs. Be sure to compare them with each other.

The starting point of the teeth is the 2 upper front incisors. Countdown

It goes in two different directions. Top down. You should finish with the lower incisor. To the left and right. One will be clockwise, the other will be counterclockwise.

Some have remarked about the principle of the structure of teeth. Between the two upper incisors, between the two first teeth (from their starting point) there can be: they can be either fused, that is, connected, or there is a gap between them. This gap is used to determine the gap in the circle of the Zodiac. Plus, gentlemen, if you have a breakup, know that it counts bad sign. Not only does it very often give a tendency towards degeneration, but in addition to everything, the gap between the teeth indicates great confusion in a person’s karma and his initial tendency to double-deal. Such a person clearly lacks his own energy; he must replenish it at the expense of other people. Such a person needs other people, like some kind of biomass, like a reservoir for blood flow.

We have two pairs of incisors on each side, then there are canines, then small molars (there are two pairs on each side), then large molars (also two pairs) and a wisdom tooth. The wisdom tooth is completely special, at least I single it out as special. Generally two, but according to classical terminology - three. According to classical terminology in dentistry (I have a hard time remembering what a teacher at a medical school...) we have two incisors on each side, one canine, two small molars, two large molars and one more wisdom tooth on each sides. Total 8. You can also associate these 8 with 8 elements.

So, upper incisors. The 1st tooth is associated with overcoming fear. Fear and fearlessness. If the opposite incisor is more pronounced, harder, or if they are identical and practically fused, and rise above the nearest incisors, then the person can hardly be suspected of cowardice. A person with split incisors, that is, if there is a gap between them, can be suspected of cowardice.

Incisor number 2, upper, is associated with lies and deception. For women on the right side, for men - on the left side. A strongly protruding 2nd incisor reveals that you are an original liar, a deceiver (pointed).

Tooth number 3. Fang. This is evil power, this is self-affirmation. This is vanity and pride. If it sticks out very much and is completely opposite to the other, it is too pointed - terrible pride, self-assertion, mockery of other people, the desire to make slaves, to force others to serve.

Tooth number 4 - small molar, upper. This is a black magic tooth. Magic tooth. A terrible tooth, of course. So, black magic and white magic, also healing on the left side for women, on the right for men. Magicians have a tooth that should be somewhat pointed. Yes, this tooth, as a rule, is destroyed or knocked out. For example, I had these teeth knocked out. Yes, first they hit one side, then the other, and that’s what happened with knocked out teeth.

Tooth number 5, the second small molar, the upper one, is the tooth of double-dealing, double-belief or Manichaeism, substitution of concepts, “the sin of doubt and hesitation.” Just this tooth is a little uneven, these teeth are different from each other and especially just a little, at least a little larger, longer than the neighboring teeth, that’s it - a worthy admirer of the Manichaean has been found in your face.

Tooth number 6 - a large molar, the upper one - is meanness, betrayal. If these teeth are very pronounced or different from each other, then. one can find a traitor, a scoundrel, a traitor, an oathbreaker who sins against Mithras, against the sanctity of the treaty.

Tooth number 7 is the second molar, the upper one is the tooth of atheism,

Unbelief, sacrilege hence, mockery of holy things.

8th row - wisdom tooth. The upper wisdom tooth is faith. It is close to teaching and missionary work. They are very... quite close.

Now let's see how this plays out on the earthly plane. 8 lower teeth.

The 6th tooth of the bottom row will be a tooth of debris and dirt. The opposite, of course, is cleanliness. Chastity, purity, protection of the elements, love of animals. And in contrast, this is the desecration of the elements, the proliferation of khravstra, dirt, all this is connected with this molar. So, these teeth are our ecological teeth.

5 lower tooth, small molar, chewing teeth - teeth of greed. Greed, greed, money-grubbing, too much attachment to property.

Tooth number 3, fang - this is where the murder is. Or suicide. How to distinguish murder from suicide. If this canine is separated from other canines (lower canine), then most likely it is on its own, this person, that is, he is suicidal, is directed against himself. And if this fang is strong, sharp and rises above the others, but is closely adjacent to them, then most likely it is a killer.

Tooth number 2, the lower incisor, is the incisor of a lackey, a slave. And in contrast to freedom, free man. Freedom or equality. Tooth number 2, lower incisor, is theft. Thief (next to the fang). Not only a thief, violating the law of a merchant, profiting from someone else's property, but also, as a violation of an oath, a contract, deceived, appropriation of someone else's property.

Tooth number 1 incisor, lower. These two incisors adjacent to each other are associated with slavery and freedom. Here the completion of the cycle is natural: on the one hand, this is slavery, and on the other, this is a free person. On negative side the sin of servility, slavery, subordination to others, groveling, servility.”

More than a hundred incoming letters were found in Mikhail Stolbov's mailbox. Basically these are requests to post the last chapter. There are several examples of successful self-healing of filled teeth. There are several references to the successful growth of new teeth, but “from a friend of a friend of a friend,” so I won’t include them here. Among the authors who claim that they have achieved the growth of new teeth, in addition to Ekaterina Slobodskova, it is worth mentioning Arkady Petrov with his “Tree of Life” technique, Sergei Veretennikov with his “Practices for the growth of new teeth”, Nadezhda Remizova-Babushkina with her Bio-energy-information health modules R.G. Shakaeva All these authors cite some techniques that, to one degree or another, can replace the recipe that was never voiced by Mikhail, or can be partially used.

To begin with, I will allow myself quotes from each technique, and then I will try to summarize them and bring them to a common denominator.

Arkady Petrov “Tooth regeneration technology”

“The goal of the work is to completely restore all teeth to normal using the regeneration method.

When there are no teeth, a person loses the taste for life.

We restore teeth with all receptors, with all sensitive endings.

We build a hologram not only of today’s tooth structure, but also of the future structure. From the present through the past: what teeth were like, what teeth will be.

The edge of the gum is the middle point of the figure eight (see Fig. 1).

Activation of the figure eight accelerates the growth of teeth and displaces all negativity from the place where the tooth is formed. You can transfer embryo information to figure eight. There is no negativity in the embryo. Development is proceeding only according to a positive scenario. The embryo itself removes all negative information.

We start the regeneration process through stem cells.

Using an impulse, we build a hologram of the root of a healthy tooth. To do this, we enter the chromosome with our consciousness, highlighting the energy-information frame of a healthy tooth, that is, its hologram, the dental anlage.

We take a stem cell from the vertebral bone ( spinal cord) and teleport it to the root of the tooth (see Fig. 2).

We give an impulse with consciousness from the Soul to build the cell stem. To do this, from the primary stem cell (1), we first isolate two cells (there are 3 in total), then two more cells (5) and three more cells (8). An embryo has formed.

Next, we enter the code: “differentiation” (i.e., the transformation, in the process of individual development of the organism, of initially identical, unspecialized cells of the embryo into specialized cells of tissues and organs). Then we give an impulse from the primary cell to isolate the 9th cell.

After the formation of the 9th cell, the division of stem cells begins to form dental tissues (Fig. 2).

We install source cells to speed up the formation of dental tissues. We activate them with an impulse of consciousness.

Install via thyroid gland connection of the restored teeth with those organs with which they originally had these connections. (Consciousness knows these connections).

From thyroid gland Silver-white threads appear on the restored teeth.

We transfer this whole situation to all the other teeth that need restoration...”

“...Each of you, in your imagination or control zone, will need to build a hologram of the missing tooth. You find which tooth you are missing. We start regeneration from the upper jaw. If there are all teeth in the upper jaw, then we begin regeneration from the lower jaw.

If someone cannot determine which tooth is missing. Because it happens that a person loses teeth very early. Then all the teeth shift, they change their position, and it turns out that it is difficult to determine the 6th or 7th or 5th tooth. And they have different structures.

Now there is a woman in the hall who is growing a tooth on the right side of her lower jaw - 5. But I cannot conduct this tooth as fractology, because... I hadn’t seen it before, but I saw it already erupting. And I need your status before teething. Sometimes teeth grow at 30, 40 and 50, this happened in my practice.

...Since we have embarked on the path of spiritual development, we will continue it, having received technologies for dental regeneration, we will continue this path of comprehending the world, comprehending ourselves as a part of the world.

Because the result cannot be achieved until we recognize ourselves as an element of the world, part of the world. And then, once, click and we get the result...

...Your task is to feel what is happening in the place where you have already outlined where TOOTH REGENERATION will take place.

I repeat that we started regeneration from the upper jaw; we take the stem cell from the bone marrow of one of the vertebral bodies.

We turn to our Divine consciousness and ask it: take my STEM CELL from the bone marrow of one of the vertebrae and TELEPORT to the border between the jaw and the missing tooth.

Consciousness is capable of the teleportation effect; all regeneration methods are based on this.

Next, with an impulse, we build a hologram of the TOOTH ROOT. WE BUILD A CAGE INTO THE TOP OF THE TOOTH. Our cells obey our consciousness, and chromosomes also obey our consciousness. We give an IMPULSE from the soul. The Energy of the Spirit and the Knowledge of the Soul enter the cell, enter the chromosomes.

So, we are now impulsively building a hologram of the root of a healthy tooth. To do this, we enter the chromosome with CONSCIOUSNESS and illuminate with energy the information frame of a HEALTHY TOOTH. Mentally we knock it out. The impulse touches 2 cells, touch this first cell - 2 more cells. Thus, we get 5 cells, touch the first cell - 8 cells.

Thus, an GERM was formed. This is the root bookmark.

Next we introduce verbal coding. Each cell knows what to build. A tooth is a complex formation; it is not just bone tissue. The tooth consists of enamel, there is DENTIN inside, and there is a root covered with cement. Inside the tooth there is a NERVOUS-VASCULAR BAND, which also has a complex structure. Consists of nerves, vessels, veins. Therefore, when we give a command to a cell (STEM CELL), TO EXTRACT 9 CELLS AND WITH THIS WE GO FROM THE INTERNAL TO THE EXTERNAL.

Because the tooth has both internal and external manifestations. Upper teeth and lower teeth have different structures.

The count starts from the midline, 2 central incisors, 2 lateral, 2 canines numbered 3,4 and 5 are premolars. The 4th premolar usually has 2 roots, but can also have one.

6,7,8 have 3 roots.

But 8 teeth, both upper and lower, are very variable. They can have 1,2,3 roots.

The lower teeth are distributed in the same way as the upper teeth. Teeth 6,7,8 are powerful chewing molars. These chewing teeth have 2 roots, except for 8, which, as I said, is variable.

Therefore, when you build a hologram of your regenerated tooth, strictly adhere to the specified number of tooth roots.

If it is the 4th tooth, then there are 2 roots, if it is 6, then there are 3. I talked about the BOOKMARK.

Does anyone have any feelings?

What is REGENERATION? This is a MINI RESURRECTION. After all, by regenerating the entire organ, the body simply rejuvenates.

Remember Petrov’s example, how one woman’s ovaries regenerated according to the laws of universal connections and causes of effects, her appendicitis and tonsils were regenerated, and she generally became rejuvenated and felt completely different. You know from the works of G.P. and Petrov that we have source cells and sink cells.

Look where your tooth was removed, here you have formed SPHEROSED HARDNESS, SPHEROSED TISSUE.

And here you have laid a delicate germ of 9 microscopic stem cells. It is difficult for them to break through and therefore source cells are placed around here. AND CONSCIOUSNESS itself KNOWS how many cells and how many of them to put to whom.

Now that the tooth was in its place, it was connected to a CERTAIN ORGAN.

Refer to this picture, all connections are drawn here. Please note that all teeth are connected to the gastrointestinal tract, because teeth are the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract.

We will not restore these ties now. For those who don’t understand the sinuses, they are the maxillary and frontal sinuses. 3,4,5 are related to sines. If some organ is removed, then wait for the disease somewhere else, i.e. Some organ is not receiving enough of something, communication in the body is disrupted.

When I was studying at the institute, they said that the appendix is ​​not needed in the body, and at one time there was such a technology to remove appendicitis from infants so that there would be no problems in the future.

What is appendicitis? It’s very an important part in our body, firstly it is the prevention of dysbacteriosis, and secondly it stimulates the peristalsis of the large intestine. By removing appendicitis, you doom a person to constipation. In addition, appendicitis is a DEPOT OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. By removing appendicitis, we break this connection; by removing the tonsils, we break the Pirogov ring, we make the infection free for the upper respiratory tract. I experienced constant bronchitis myself.

At home, be sure to establish a connection between the regenerated tooth and the missing organ, and send, with the help of the Spirit, from the Soul to send an impulse to the small embryo, as if we were carrying children. And send LIGHT and LOVE to the ORGAN with which it is connected.

As a rule, teeth are formed by the age of 15. Arkady Naumovich recommends returning to that 15-year-old age, to that youth, REMEMBERING EXCITING MOMENTS. This return to our beautiful moments, to this youth, also helps to accelerate the regeneration process.

Next point. We instruct our consciousness to transfer regeneration from this tooth to all other teeth that are missing.”

Veretennikov Sergey – Practice of growing new teeth

The practice was given on September 15, 2008.

“After vision problems (see vision restoration practice), the problem of bad teeth is in second place in terms of prevalence. Of course, just as a vision problem is solved by wearing glasses, a dental problem is solved by wearing prosthetics. But is this the same thing as good young teeth? Of course not.

Nature gave us the opportunity to change teeth once in childhood, and it can give us this opportunity again and again if we “turn on” the same mechanism of tooth renewal again. All you need to do for this is to know which “button” to press so that your body understands what you want from it. This feature is currently sleeping and will continue to sleep until you enable it. Obeying a certain program - teeth change once in childhood, and then this “automatic” program ends and you, if necessary, need to launch it yourself with your mind.

Let me briefly describe how the growth of the first teeth and then the replacement of teeth with new ones occurs in childhood.

1. So, usually the first teeth appear about 5-7 months from the moment of birth, but from 3-4 months the child begins to feel the process of “nucleation” of teeth in the gums, he bites everything and periodically cries. The first to appear are the two lower central incisor teeth.

After some time, the two upper incisors erupt. Pay attention to this important fact - it will be important in my further narration of this practice.

2. Somewhere around the sixth year, the teeth begin to sway first, and then the teeth fall out in the same order as they appeared - first the two lower incisors, then the two upper ones, etc.

Notice that this whole process starts again with the two front incisors.

“Old” teeth begin to wobble because young, growing new teeth appear below - they destroy the roots of baby teeth and loosen them until they fall out. This is a simple and straightforward process. Which we all remember well thanks to the wisdom of Nature - through pain she conveyed to her children the memory of this process, as if telling us: “Remember Children, I know that you are in pain, but this is the only way to

You remember how new teeth grow, so that if you wish, you can remember this in the future and grow new ones, remembering this."

3. By the age of 12, teeth are completely replaced with new ones, and another program for the growth of new teeth is also implemented at the age of approximately 18 years, when wisdom teeth grow. And then history knows only the “accidental” activation of the program for the growth of new teeth, when new teeth began to grow in older people, who, by one or another unconscious action, “launched” this process, which is waiting in the wings and can be “launched” by absolutely anyone.

Description of the practice of growing new teeth

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - because... Nature tried and gave us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth, how you stand in front of a mirror with a thread tied to a tooth in an attempt to overcome your fear by pulling it out, etc. Remember this because this is the first “button” that will turn on and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now I will return you again to the description that I gave above - namely, to the place where I said that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This persistently tells us that here is another one of the “buttons” that needs to be pressed to turn on the process of tooth regeneration.

3. And the third “button” is, of course, in our consciousness. We must also turn it on permanently, because... We won’t be able to do everything that I write below all the time (all 24 hours).

1. So, I will describe what exactly needs to be done. Find 10-30 minutes to practice every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth, i.e. simultaneously under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these teeth exactly like seeds, i.e. about what has been planted and is already beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how the teeth “itched”, how painful it was, etc.

2. Maintain this concentration for the first third of the practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is an area approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As you concentrate - you may feel pressure in this area, this is good.

4. Maintain this concentration for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations that I described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (Third Eye), mentally saying something like the following phrase: “My teeth are completely renewed.” At the same time, keep the thought form of renewing your teeth, in which bad teeth fall out, and new young teeth grow in their place.

4. This practice must be done for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main criterion here is your ability to feel yourself.


The only reason for failure in this practice may be your fear of losing teeth and clinging to old ones. For example, thoughts such as “What if all the teeth fall out and new ones don’t grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc.”


“To form a 3-dimensional volumetric field of a new tooth with roots (having previously cleaned the place from EI dirt), and then gradually build up, root and strengthen this 3-dimensional volumetric field of a new tooth with different strong energies; at the same time, you can also direct the chewed energy there food (in particular feta cheese, cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, onions, etc.).

And then gradually adjust and align this new energy tooth to match the appearance of your healthy teeth already in your mouth. Not forgetting the shiny protective enamel coating!

As for the treatment of caries, I agree with this approach:

“In the beginning, in theory, the caries itself should turn white, the dark plaque should be removed, and the cavity filled with dark energies, the visually black area of ​​the tooth, should turn white. The first stage.

And when the dark energies are raked out from such cavities-areas, the tooth is cleaned of dark, dirty energies, this caries rot-rust goes away, you can begin to revive and restore it.

This is already the second stage.

You can fill a former diseased tooth with health energies, make balls, inject light etheric energies containing healing information, such ball programs to ensure that your teeth are healthy, white, strong, resistant to heat and cold, overheating and hypothermia. Having healthy normal teeth You can drink hot coffee and eat cold ice cream in chunks.

By the way, Frenklin suggested a good technique!

Find in the past, in adolescence, when a person was completely healthy, all his teeth were young and beautiful, a site, a place, a region, a zone where the memories and integral sensations of healthy teeth were localized! It is very easy to find this area in the past.

This section of the VIP is activated, filled, pumped up with good energies and integrated with the present. And then this integral design is constantly supported, like a health program, such as those done on a deuce. And then just fill this structure with different healthy energies!

But at the same time, be sure to ensure that the matrix of a healthy tooth in the program (made by you) is combined with the currently diseased tooth and is constantly filled with good energies.

Or you can introduce an implant, such a matrix, a copy from your own healthy tooth or someone else’s healthy tooth (you can also work with a photograph).

In this case, it is advisable to take into account as much as possible, copy the internal energy structure of a healthy tooth and fill it with different healthy energies, which can also be done from the object.”


As we can see, all techniques have several common points, which in order of priority are arranged as follows:

1. Mental teleportation in time. It is necessary in your imagination or in meditation to transport yourself to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. Imagine yourself at this time as best as possible, possibly using photographs. Remember as many exciting moments from this period of life as possible...

2. Work with the energy-information field. It is necessary to implant or transfer the “embryo” of a healthy tooth to the place we need. According to Mikhail Stolbov - giving the order to a tooth to grow. Subsequently, there is a constant mental visualization of beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Daily, or better yet hourly, maximum attention to the right place, constant stimulation (both physical and psychological), increased blood flow, massage of the gums with a toothbrush, jaw training. “Hourly (actually every hour for 5 minutes) work with gum cells. Jaw training: clench your teeth for a short time, then release, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.”

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then work should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are working on one or two teeth, then it doesn’t matter...


It is usually believed that growing new teeth in humans is something out of science fiction. And indeed, we are accustomed to the fact that the loss of our molars can only be compensated by installing prostheses.

However, science does not stand still and the regeneration of new teeth no longer seems incredible.

As is known, the facial bones and tooth buds in the fetus are formed from embryonic cells already in the first trimester of pregnancy and disruption of this process leads to a number of pathologies of the maxillofacial bones.

To know how to stimulate the growth of new teeth, you need to understand which genes are responsible for the formation of young tissue.

Dental tissue is created by the body through the mineralization of cells secreted ameloblastomas. Being epithelial cells, they play an important role in the formation of tooth enamel until the moment.

Research into this issue has revealed that the transcription of certain genes is responsible for the production of enamel.

Growing a new tooth is a complex but potentially possible process.

These same genes are responsible for the creation of dental tissue stem cells. That is, under certain conditions, there is a theoretical possibility of using these stem cells to grow new teeth.

Understanding exactly how certain gene mechanisms function will make it possible to recreate dental tissue for use in restoring jaw functions.

  1. First, one can observe the formation of the so-called dental plate, the presence of which is also expressed in an increase in the number of epithelial cells along the jaw line.
  2. From this plate, milk and molars subsequently grow.
  3. In addition, human genes are established. Until one tooth develops to a certain extent, the body does not allow others to grow, so as not to disrupt the integrity and health of the dentition.

Only after growing up new tooth, the growth of the next one begins. Thus, something like a free zone is created around each new sample, protecting it from changes in the direction of growth.

So far, human teeth only change sets once


However, studies have shown that it is possible to form dental tissue from epithelial cells that are not located at the site of the future dentition.

But the tool that can be used to signal these cells to develop into new incisors and molars located outside the dental plate is not yet known.

Also, to start the growth of young tissue, it is necessary special morphogenetic protein, which can be said to “receive” this genetic signal and amplifies it.

Genetic disorders that block the growth of new teeth can also lead to uncontrolled activity of this protein, as a result of which the incisors will form beyond the boundaries indicated by the dental plate.

The free space between the teeth is also explained by the fact that not only the dentition, but also the jaw develops and increases in size.

It is the genetic program for the development of the jaw to a certain size that removes the restriction on the further growth of teeth, giving them a signal that the jaw is sufficiently formed for teething.

It turns out that the question of how to grow new teeth at home depends mainly on understanding and copying the genetic program for the growth of new dental tissue and the development of jaw bones.

Theoretically, the ability to provoke epithelial cells to transform into the appropriate tissue and further grow will allow a person to regrow teeth.


So far, scientists have been successful in growing dental tissue outside human body, but from his cells. The specimen obtained in this way was successfully implanted and is fully functional.

Despite the fact that the issue of growing new nerves and vessels that should be carried into the tissue of a new tooth has not yet been resolved, the technology is promising.


Dental regeneration: myth or reality

Almost all people have problems with teeth, and most people face the need to restore them. Unfortunately, today there is no proven and reliable technology for growing teeth, so patients have to be content with and. However, scientists and practitioners from all over the world continue to look for ways that could make it possible to grow new teeth to replace the ones removed.

Latest Research in Cultivation

At one time, Japanese scientists tried to grow teeth from a specially processed piece of tissue created from stem cells. Of course, the experiments were carried out only on experimental mice and rats. The result was very impressive - scientists managed to create a full-fledged incisor right in the mouth of a rodent. According to the researchers, the element received all necessary elements– nerves, enamel, blood vessels and dentin.

However, scientists had to carry out a number of complex manipulations with mouse stem cells. The created embryo was placed in the well immediately after. At the same time, a fluorescent protein was introduced into the cells, with the help of which scientists monitored not only the growth process of individual structural elements, but also possible development foreign entities.

However, world experts in the field of dentistry and genetic engineering agree that the results achieved are too exaggerated, and the issue of dental regeneration remains open, especially since there is no direct evidence of the possibility of using this technology in humans. The fact is that the tooth is characterized quite complex structure. At the same time, enamel, dentin, blood vessels, nerves - all this should grow evenly and in a timely manner. It will not be able to perform its functions if it has the slightest deviation from the norm, for example, there is too much hard shell on it or an unnaturally large nerve bundle is formed inside.

The issue of regeneration bone tissue and dental pulp are also dealt with by specialists from the USA. They are learning this process in cichlids - a separate type freshwater fish. In the course of their research, scientists identified the presence of a special gene that is responsible for the formation of teeth. The experiments gave specialists the opportunity to take control of the process of row formation in fish.

So is it possible for an adult to grow new teeth? Today the answer to this question is clear - no. Unfortunately, there are no proven methods that would allow you to grow new young teeth instead of extracted ones, and especially on your own and at home. Despite the presence of reviews on the Internet about the successful practice of using certain techniques, in fact it is unrealistic to do this, regardless of age.

Known recovery techniques

Despite the fact that science has never found guaranteed methods grow teeth exist alternative techniques based primarily on spiritual practices and alternative medicine. So, for example, according to Bolotov, you can grow the elements of a series using various tinctures vodka with calamus and propolis. Garyaev, in turn, assures that deep work with the subconscious allows you to achieve your goals. However, it should be understood here that all these techniques exist only in theory and do not have any solid evidence.

Among the most famous unconventional methods The following theories can be distinguished:

Methods using ultrasound or laser

The method using ultrasound was successfully used by Harvard specialists. Rabbits acted as experimental subjects. The low-frequency pulses that the equipment transmits, in theory, help restore diseased and damaged teeth. Wherein this method involves an integrated approach to solving the problem, that is, using stem cells.

Despite the variety of existing techniques and numerous studies in this area, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to grow new teeth and how to do it remains clear - it is impossible to do this today. More answers on this topic can be found in the video below.