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Point pain in the left abdomen. Treatment of pain in the left side of the abdomen. Pain in the left side in the lumbar region due to kidney pathologies

Colitis, or abdominal pain, is a common symptom of a number of diseases that are associated with dysfunction of organs located in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes the discomfort is minor, almost unnoticeable, and in some cases the pain is so intense that it prevents you from leading your usual way of life. To identify the cause of such sensations, it is necessary to determine their localization and characteristics - cramping, pulling, cutting pain syndrome etc. What does discomfort on the left side in the lower abdomen mean?

The area located in the lower abdomen above the left hip joint is called the left iliac region in medicine, and to determine the cause of the discomfort, one must understand the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this area.

On the left side below are the spleen, sections of the thick and small intestine, urinary organs, pelvic bones, ligaments and lymph nodes.

  1. Large/small intestine. In the left ileal region there are segments of the large intestine (sigmoid colon, loops of the transverse colon and the lower branch of the colon), and slightly below the navel is one of the sections of the small intestine.
  2. Elements of the urinary and reproductive systems. In the iliac region of the abdomen lies the left ureter, which takes part in the removal of urine from the kidneys, as well as reproductive organs among women.
  3. Left hip joint. The organ consists of bones, cartilage, nerve fibers, lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Based on this, all pathologies that cause discomfort in the iliac region can be divided into several categories, each of which occurs in patients with a certain frequency.

Table. The main causes of pain in the left lower abdomen.

Localization of the pathological processPossible diseasesFrequency
Female genital organsAdhesive disease, inflammatory processes in the appendages and ovaries, cysts, fibroids, unilateral endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy60-70%
IntestinesIntestinal infections, sigmoid colon diseases, Crohn's disease50-60%
Organs of the urinary systemPyelonephritis, pyelitis, nephritis, cystitis65-90%
Hip jointLesions of the pelvic bones, cartilage, nerve endings, lymph nodes7-15%

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to determine not only the intensity and characteristics of the pain syndrome, but also associated symptoms, as well as its connection with physical activity, food intake, bowel movements, and urination.

Intestinal causes

Intestinal diseases and pathologies are a common cause of discomfort in the left iliac region, and most often it is associated with pathological processes that occur in the large intestine.

Usually accompanied by defecation disorders and changes in the appearance of feces (bloody streaks, purulent impurities and mucus are observed in it), intensifies before bowel movement, with physical activity and shaking.

Unpleasant sensations in the left lower part of the abdominal region are also observed in such relatively rare disorders of the small intestine as malabsorption and celiac disease, which are associated with the inability of its membranes to absorb certain types substances. The pain is accompanied by bloating, gas formation and frequent loose stools.

Urological causes

Pathological processes of the urinary system cause pain in the left iliac region in 65-90% of cases. This sign can develop with expansions renal pelvis, pyelonephritis, stone formation in the ureters, Allen-Masters syndrome. In renal pathologies, pain is predominantly localized in the left lumbar region with irradiation to the left iliac; Pain is also possible with distal damage to the ureter. In addition, patients experience urinary disorders, fever, and discharge from the vagina or urethra.

If the pain is unusually severe, stabbing or cramping different character, is not relieved at rest, then we are most likely talking about renal colic or urinary tract obstruction. The main sign of such pathologies is satisfactory general state person, which does not correspond to the intensity of the pain syndrome.

Gynecological reasons

In women, pain in the left side is often caused by diseases reproductive system, most often inflammatory processes in the appendages, endometriosis, hemorrhages, neoplasms of the appendages and ovaries, torsion of the cyst. Gynecological pathology can be suspected in cases where discomfort is accompanied by cycle disruptions, painful menstrual bleeding, and vaginal discharge mixed with blood and pus.

In this case, it is very important to distinguish between acute and chronic course illness. In the first case, the pain will be of high intensity and accompanied by fever, fainting, severe weakness, and sometimes bleeding from the uterus. This condition develops when ectopic pregnancy, torsion of the cyst, hemorrhages in the ovary and other conditions that pose a direct threat to a woman’s life and require immediate medical attention.

Chronic processes occur with manifestations in the form of dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by mucopurulent discharge, and exacerbations of the condition can be associated with hypothermia, decreased immunity, nervous or physical stress. A similar pain syndrome is diagnosed with ovarian tumors, benign or malignant, mainly when they reach a significant size.

Pregnant women may also experience painful sensations from the lower abdomen, and they can be triggered by physiological reasons (sprained ligaments in preparation for bearing a child) or various pathologies.

Orthopedic reasons

Left-sided pain caused by orthopedic causes is less common than others, but they also cannot be completely excluded. Pathologies accompanied by similar symptoms include sprains, inflammatory diseases hip joint, pinched nerve endings and lymph nodes. Pathologies are accompanied by swelling in the area of ​​the affected tissues and stiffness of movement, and the intensity of pain increases with active movements and subsides at rest.

What to do if you have pain in the lumbar region?

The first thing to do when you encounter pain in the left iliac region - go to the hospital and undergo a full examination of the body. Taking analgesics or traditional methods eliminating discomfort, such as applying heating pads and ice packs to the sore spot, can not only blur the picture of the disease, but also lead to unpleasant consequences. In case of severe pain, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, fever and severe weakness, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible - they can be manifestations of serious illnesses that threaten a person’s health and life.

Video - Why does the left lower abdomen hurt?

When women experience pain in the lower left abdomen, they turn to a gynecologist. But this can also occur with other pathologies, namely, the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, spleen, etc. Topographically, in the left lower-lateral part of the abdomen there are: the left kidney and ureter, the spleen, part of the small intestine, part of the descending colon, its sigmoid Part. Pathology may also lie in them.

The reproductive organs in the left lower abdomen are represented by the left appendages - the ovaries, fallopian tubes, their supporting ligaments, as well as the main organ - the left part of the uterus. Although other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are located higher - in the meso- and epigastrium, pain from them often radiates to the left iliac region. Their nature can be very different: sharp and dull, aching, stabbing, pulsating, cramping, constant or periodic, occurring only at night or during the day. For correct diagnosis diseases pain symptom must be correctly described and classified.

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    Causes of pain

    Painful symptoms in the lower left abdomen can appear with disorders of the genital area in the uterus itself and outside it, with pathologies of the urological organs, with intestinal problems, neurological disorders. For convenience, all types of pain are combined into 2 large groups: organic and functional. In the first case, the causes of pain are those in which the structure of organs is disrupted: all kinds of inflammation, blood supply disorders, dystrophic changes, etc. - they can be observed with pathologies of the genitals, improper installation of the IUD, diseases of the urinary tract, intestinal diseases, problems during pregnancy. Functional reasons pain occurs due to cycle disorders, ovulatory syndrome, blood stagnation due to the bend of the uterus, flatulence, etc.

    Pain is always a signal of trouble. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment with heating pads and analgesics can simply obscure the picture of the disease, and serious pathology will be missed. Pain may occur as a result of inflammation, dystrophic changes, at infectious lesions, muscle spasms, circulatory disorders. They can also be of a physiological nature, for example, during ovulation, pregnancy without complications. They do not require treatment and go away on their own. Pain syndrome of this localization is more typical for women of reproductive age; according to statistics, this occurs in every seventh woman.

    Classification of pathologies

    Pathologies of the listed reasons may be:

    1. 1. Gynecological - ectopic pregnancy, adhesive disease, any problems with the ovaries: cyst, torsion of its legs, apoplexy, tumors, fibroids, left-sided endometriosis.
    2. 2. Intestinal - intestinal infections, colitis, non-ulcer sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease, appendicitis.
    3. 3. Splenic - tumors, abscesses, volvulus of the spleen, infarction, wandering spleen.
    4. 4. Urological - pyelitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, nephritis.

    The most common diseases and their symptoms

    Pain in the lower abdomen can come directly from the affected organ at its location or radiate from others, distant ones. But at the same time, for example, intestinal diseases do not cause radiating pain, renal pathology always radiates to the lower back, thigh and groin; in gynecological patients, pain also radiates to the lower back, perineum, and rectum. It is equally important to know the initial appearance of pain at the very beginning: for example, with appendicitis, pain appears around the navel, then moves to the right and down. Main clinical manifestations gynecological pathologies can be considered: pain in the lower abdomen (intensified before menstruation), menstrual irregularities, leucorrhoea (often mucopurulent), infertility, itching in the perineum (with an inflammatory process), general fatigue and weakness, frequent urination.

    Ectopic disorders occupy pathological conditions vagina and appendages. These include left-sided diseases: endometriosis; adhesive disease, ovarian cysts, tubal or ectopic pregnancy, salpingitis and salpingoophoritis (adnexitis), syndromes - ovulatory and residual ovary.

    With endometriosis, there is increased uncontrolled growth of the uterine mucosa beyond its limits into other tissues and organs. At the same time, these cells can settle in other organs - pipes, ovaries, intestines. Endometrial cells remain functionally intact, therefore, being in other organs and undergoing changes characteristic of the usual menstrual cycle, they begin to cause bleeding. This, in turn, causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues, which is automatically accompanied by pain on the left side when localized on the left side. The process is more common in young women under 35 years of age. The symptoms are such that initially the pain appears as premenstrual pain, then it does not go away, becoming constant, manifesting itself during sex, urination, and defecation. Cycle disturbances are noted: menstruation may become scanty or, conversely, abundant.

    Adhesive disease develops with prolonged inflammation: with STIs and insufficient hygiene, infection penetrates into the genitals. Microbes multiply in the warm, moist environment of the vagina and can penetrate through the cervix into the uterine cavity, tubes, ovaries, even onto the peritoneum and bladder. Prolonged inflammation in these places leads to the development connective tissue, and adhesions occur. When there are adhesions in the tubes, a complication is often the resulting pregnancy, which in this case is ectopic. The same picture is observed after an abortion. The main symptoms include irregular aching pain in the lower left side.

    An ovarian cyst is formed as a result of hormonal disorders. Functional cysts(follicular and corpus luteum) resolve on their own, and non-functional ones can only be removed surgically. In this case, a nagging pain appears on the side of the lesion, menstrual cycle is also disturbed in the direction of shortening, while menstruation can be scanty or abundant. When the pedicle is twisted or the cyst suppurates, peritonitis usually occurs, which requires emergency surgery: the temperature rises sharply, nausea, vomiting, and intense, unabated dagger pain on the affected side appear.

    Not all women develop apoplexy; During ovulation, ovarian vessels may rupture, and blood may flow into the abdominal cavity and the ovary itself. Therefore, this pathology appears in the middle between menstruation. This happens with increased physical activity, after sex during the period of ovulation. If hemorrhage occurs in the abdominal cavity, the peritoneum may be affected, and symptoms of its inflammation may appear: acute, persistent pain, the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is positive. With heavy bleeding, anemia, a drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness may also develop. The condition requires urgent surgery.

    Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst can occur as a result of sudden movements or increased physical activity. If the leg is twisted only 90°, blood circulation is partially disrupted: only outflow venous blood, swelling of the cyst develops. If the torsion is 360°, no blood flows into the cyst at all, the pain becomes sharp, cutting, vomiting and fever appear, the lower back is also involved in this pain, and urination is impaired. The operation is necessary because The leg is not able to unwind on its own, necrosis occurs, and the cyst is completely removed.

    With salpingitis and adnexitis, the inflammation process develops in fallopian tubes, often involving the ovaries. It is caused by the penetration of bacteria, but can also develop after any manipulation of the genitals with insufficient sterility. Pain in the abdomen of a dagger type, with a return to the rectum. There is a lack of menstruation, fever, purulent discharge, dyspareunia, increased frequency of urination with pain. When it becomes chronic, the condition improves, but the pain remains, becoming aching and constant on the left side of the abdomen.

    Residual ovarian syndrome is so called because when any surgery is performed on the ovary, a piece of tissue may remain when it is removed. Then pain occurs closer to the left iliac region, which requires repeated surgery.

    The exact etiology of ovulatory syndrome is unknown; its rare occurrence is a manifestation of physiology. It is not always observed and not for everyone. It is believed that with this syndrome, when a mature egg leaves the follicle, some of the blood enters directly into the pelvic cavity and irritates the peritoneum. Adhesions can also contribute to the development of pathology. In this case, there may be the following symptoms: pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back on one side, intimacy becomes painful, nausea, weakness, bloody scanty discharge from the vagina in the form of a few drops of blood. The development of symptoms occurs in the middle of the cycle; they do not cause great or severe discomfort and go away on their own. But if the ovary works according to this pattern constantly and regularly, you need to undergo an examination.

    Uterine reproductive pathologies. They include: adenomyosis (genital endometriosis), endometritis, fibroids, polyps, dysmenorrhea, improperly placed IUD.

    Adenomyosis is the growth and ingrowth of the endometrium into the myometrium. The cause may be heredity, hormonal imbalance, diagnostic curettage, IUD. Symptoms: premenstrual and menstrual pain, dyspareunia, hypermenorrhea, intermenstrual discharge, cycle disorders.

    Endometritis has infectious nature, the reasons are the same. With left-sided localization, pain is observed on the left side, as well as temperature, bleeding, and discharge with an odor. At chronic form inflammation in the lower abdomen causes constant aching pain, radiating to the lower back and sometimes to the rectum, the cycle is disrupted. On palpation, the uterus is always painful and tense; the woman notes a feeling of heaviness in the ovaries on the sides of the uterus.

    Myoma - benign tumor from muscle tissue. The reason is hormonal imbalance. Symptoms: mandatory components are cramping pain during menstruation, which are determined by the location of the tumor, cycle disorders, hypermenorrhea. Growing fibroids can put pressure on neighboring organs- bladder and rectum, disrupting their function.

    With uterine polyps, hyperplasia occurs, i.e. uncontrolled growth of the uterine mucosa - its endometrium. According to its structure, hyperplasia can be of several types - involving glandular tissue, mixed type etc., which appears due to hormonal imbalance. Promote the appearance of hyperplasia, infection, and curettage of the uterus. There are cycle disturbances, constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen moving to the affected side.

    Dysmenorrhea is the appearance of pain during menstruation, which is associated with sharp spasms of the uterus. They occur before menstruation 1-2 days before its onset; by nature they are sharp, pulling, cutting, and can radiate to the perineum, lower back, rectum. This is due to the fact that during menstruation in some women, the uterus contracts and rejects unnecessary endometrium, causing discomfort, which is quite painful in some women. This is considered physiological and does not require treatment. This can be observed with an abnormal location of the uterus, its infantility, low threshold pain sensitivity nerve endings, if the uterus swells greatly before menstruation and is located close to large nerve nodes, there is an IUD. In addition, age has some significance: in girls the process is much smoother.

    What else could it be?

    The manifestation of physiology will be the appearance of pain after abortion, the restoration of menstruation after childbirth and lactation. Pain during menstruation secondary symptoms may occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, myotic nodes, after gynecological operations.

    Pain in the lower abdomen can also appear during PMS - this condition develops in some women a week before the onset of menstruation and is characterized by increased nervous excitability, in which physical and psychological symptoms. In addition to abdominal pain, there may be: low mood, tearfulness, causeless anxiety, irritability, increased appetite, aggressiveness, fatigue, chest tightness, drowsiness or insomnia.

    The appearance of pain before menstruation, as a rule, occurs during the formation of the cycle and the development of the genital organs in young girls. Pain after menstruation is not normal, it can appear with endometriosis, endometritis, ovarian cyst, in this case it is worth visiting a doctor.

    An incorrectly selected IUD almost always causes algomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, pain in the lower abdomen and on the left if it is not installed correctly asymmetrically.

    If tumors are localized on the ovaries, then as they grow they begin to constrain neighboring organs and tissues and cause pain. They behave this way more often benign formations, at malignant symptoms, except for pain, usually does not occur until the onset of tumor disintegration and cancer intoxication. Pain on the left may appear on early stage tumors, they are cramping, and copious watery discharge appears. More often the picture develops during menopause.

    Deflection of the uterus can be congenital or acquired. In the latter case, this happens when adhesions and inflammation. The main complaints in this case are: pain in the lower abdomen, which can also be on the left side, hypo- or hypermenorrhea; problem of conception, dyspareunia.

    Intestinal disorders

    Very often, pain on the left is caused by pathology of the sigmoid colon, which is located in the left lower abdomen. Her anatomical structure contributes to this to a large extent. Its S-shaped shape means that feces easily stagnate in it without moving further. Nature provides this specifically for the formation of masses of feces, but at the same time it contributes to the occurrence of intestinal ailments. Against the background of stagnation, inflammatory and degenerative processes easily occur in this part of the intestine, and tumors appear. Left-sided lesions of the colon occur in 28%, and rectosigmoiditis in 54% of cases. Despite some differences in their etiology, the pathologies have many similar symptoms: unstable stools with a tendency to diarrhea, pain during and before bowel movements, mucus and blood in the stool, bad smell feces

    With an intestinal tumor, pain appears as the tumor grows, which is accompanied by bleeding, blood in the stool and other symptoms of general anemia.

    Intestinal infections can be different, there are quite a lot of them. They cause cramping pain in the abdomen, depending on their location. With them, general intoxication of the body often develops. This is due to the fact that any pathogen releases toxic substances during its reproduction.

    Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis can develop due to infections, nutritional disorders, taking antibiotics, hereditary factor, allergies. Pain in the left side of the abdomen intensifies after walking or when driving on uneven roads. With this disease, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the pain has a bursting character. It radiates to the lower sections: the left groin, perineum, and intensifies with exercise. At other times the pain is mild, common symptom tenesmus and stool instability occur.

    With Crohn's disease, cracks, fistulas, and adhesions appear in the intestinal walls. They are located in patches, segmentally. The pain appears before defecation and goes away after bowel movement. In advanced cases it becomes permanent.

    With appendicitis, pain occurs in the right iliac region, but the possibility of pain on the left is also possible - these cases are atypical, but they exist. The doctor’s task is to remember the atypical manifestations of inflammation of the appendix and correctly make a diagnosis where there is always a threat of peritonitis.

    Non-specific ulcerative colitis- chronic inflammation of the large intestine with ulcerative lesion its mucosa - starts from the rectum and spreads upward. The reasons are unknown. It manifests itself as rectal bleeding, diarrhea with mucus and blood, pain in the left iliac region, hyperthermia, weight loss and anorexia are noted.

    Diverticulosis of the large intestine is a pathology when protrusion pockets form in the intestinal wall, most often in the descending colon and sigmoid colon. Causes: obesity, constipation, flatulence, frequent use laxatives. As the pathology progresses, pain appears in the left lower abdomen, stool instability and flatulence.

    When localized on the left side, colon polyps cause pain on this side. Take place intestinal bleeding, stool disorders with alternating diarrhea and constipation.

    When localized in the sigma, colon cancer will produce pain symptoms in the left lower abdomen. They are dull, aching in nature, there are stool disorders, bleeding, tenesmus, flatulence, weight loss, and an admixture of pus and mucus in the stool.

    Spleen-related etiology

    Tumors, wandering of the organ, inversion, abscesses, etc. may be observed here. With many of them, the pain is characterized by its localization on the lower left:

    1. 1. Lympho- and myeloid leukemia - malignant tumors with the development of the process in lymphatic tissue. Symptoms include: increased temperature, decreased appetite and weight, aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, in the groin, pelvic bones and joints, lymphangitis, splenomegaly, etc. This pathology affects both children and adults.
    2. 2. A spleen abscess develops secondary to infections in other organs and systems; the infection enters the spleen hematogenously through blood vessels. If they are small in size and if they are isolated, they can heal on their own; in other cases, they can open into other cavities, including the abdominal one. In these cases, the pain becomes diffuse and peritonitis develops.
    3. 3. The cause of splenic volvulus is injury to the spleen, when the fascial ligaments holding the spleen are stretched. In this case, the pain is sharp, reaches the groin, other symptoms include constipation, flatulence, vomiting, nausea. The greater the torsion, the more severe the pain.

    Urological problems

    In the vast majority of cases, pathology urinary tract It has infectious origin. With pyelonephritis, the lower abdomen and lower back hurt, as a rule, radiating to the lower back and periodically pulling the lower back. The temperature may rise, nausea may occur, urination may be impaired, the nature of the urine may be: it often becomes cloudy, with flakes, and sometimes with an unpleasant odor. But the most basic symptom is a cutting pain in the lower abdomen.

    The urolithiasis is characterized by the formation of different compositions depending on the malnutrition of the stones. Stones can form in different parts of the urinary tract, depending on this and the pain will be localized accordingly. The main symptom of urolithiasis is renal colic: the pain is very intense, does not respond well to analgesics, the patient rushes about, the pain does not tend to subside. In this case, mictions become more frequent, become painful, and hematuria may occur. Pain can be triggered by physical activity, sudden movements, diet disorders, driving on uneven surfaces, jumping, i.e. everything that will move a stone from its place.

    Pain during pregnancy

    They can be divided into natural and pathological. We are talking about physiology when the embryo is attached to the left side of the uterine wall, on early stages produced in the body increased amount pregnancy hormone - progesterone, which relaxes the uterus. When enlarged, the uterus itself is also capable of projecting nagging pain in the lower abdomen. But if nagging pains give way to sharp ones, and blood discharge from the vagina appears, we may be talking about the threat of miscarriage. If there is a threat of miscarriage before 22 weeks, the pain becomes cutting, stabbing, and appears from contractions of the uterus. Pain may also appear in the back. Almost all pregnant women experience unpleasant sensations from different sides. This is explained by the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the surrounding space - all these pains can be attributed to obstetric pain.

    Another group of pain sensations is not associated with the fetus - these are non-obstetric causes. These include: ectopic pregnancy, premature placental abruption, threatened miscarriage; problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stretching of the supporting ligaments of the uterus, surgical pathologies. When a ligament is sprained, the pain is throbbing, tingling, and appears with sudden movements or turns of the body. They usually go away quickly and on their own.

    Threat of miscarriage - pain becomes sharp, in the form of contractions, occurs suddenly, without visible reasons. Discharge appears that should not exist. If bleeding occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

    Pain with premature placental abruption begins from the lower corner of the abdomen. This condition can develop after mechanical injuries, illnesses during pregnancy, or overload. Bleeding appears, blood pours into the abdominal cavity. Pain in the form of cutting, very strong. Aching, closer to the groin, may appear when the symphysis pubis diverges during pregnancy.

    A few more reasons

    Ectopic pregnancy - proceeds as usual at first. It is interrupted between 2-3 and 10-12 weeks, and a tubal abortion occurs. In this case, sharp paroxysmal, dagger-like pains appear in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the anus, weakness, bleeding, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, and due to blood loss, the skin becomes pale. When a tube ruptures, blood flows into the abdominal cavity, ambulance must be called immediately.

    Pain may also appear after sexual intercourse. If in this case it is the lower abdomen that is pulling, most likely there is moral dissatisfaction with unsuccessful sexual intercourse. Usually such pain is not severe and goes away on its own after the woman calms down. But if it becomes regular and persists, you need to go to the doctor.

    Diagnostic measures

    Considering this big choice There are many causes and pathologies, and many methods can be prescribed to identify them. But there are the main ones: x-ray of the abdominal cavity (standing, on the side, on the back), ultrasound, CT, MRI; you may also need an x-ray of the pelvis and spine, irrigoscopy. Endoscopic methods examinations: cystoscopy, colonoscopy, by gynecologists - laparoscopy. UAC, OAM, hCG analysis, and cervical mucus culture are taken.

    Special mention should be made about laparoscopy: the method is currently very popular, accessible and informative. Can identify all the causes of lower abdominal pain disorders. Laparoscopy is remarkable in that it can combine both diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. It is performed using a laparoscope, an endoscopic instrument. Unlike the traditional surgical incision in the anterior abdominal wall with quite disabilities, it is produced through small holes measuring 2-4 mm. The device is equipped with lenses that provide high clarity of the organ being examined, and a video camera that transmits the image to the monitor. Treatment is carried out after establishing the etiology of pain according to appropriate indications.

With the help of pain, the body signals the presence of certain problems. They can be ideological in nature, but in most cases they appear as a result of pathology. It is important to be able to recognize the disease in time and begin its treatment.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women on the left

Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of an infectious inflammatory process or other pathologies. To understand the cause that provoked the occurrence of pain, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​​​localization and the form of unpleasant sensations. Most often, women experience the following types of pain:

  • dull or sharp;
  • intense or weak;
  • pulling or aching;
  • constant or paroxysmal;
  • pulsating.

According to the group of factors that provoke the occurrence of pain, functional and organic varieties are distinguished. The first category includes an unpleasant sensation that occurs during menstruation or complicated ovulation. The second group includes various types of pathologies that cause inflammatory nature, diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems, as well as neoplasms in the pelvic organs. It is also necessary to pay attention to the frequency of occurrence of pain. If it does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Causes of pain depending on the nature

Diseases can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left genitourinary system, gynecological diseases, the use of contraception, as well as organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract. It is important to pay attention not only to the location of unpleasant sensations, but also to their nature. It can help you suspect the root cause of the pain.

The pain is sharp

If the pain is sharp, this may indicate the development of pathologies of the most important organs. Inflammation of the kidneys, acute pancreatitis, giardiasis or increase in size Bladder. Severe pain can occur in the event of a cyst breakthrough, or accumulation of purulent contents in the fallopian tubes.

Blunt pain

Pain of this nature does not lead to severe discomfort at the patient. However, a disease whose symptom is pain can pose a threat to a person’s health or even life. Often such pain occurs with inflammation of the spleen or irritable bowel syndrome. Other pathologies that affect this organ can also cause dull pain. Intestinal diseases are accompanied by nausea and a feeling of heaviness.

However dull pain may also arise as a result physiological reasons. Their appearance can be caused by overeating, increased physical activity, stomach upset or overexertion.

Nagging pain

Nagging pain often appears as a result of overexertion and hypothermia. A similar symptom is a sprain of the inguinal ligaments, hernias, chronic inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms also occur if a cyst develops, as well as with bleeding.

Aching and throbbing pain

Typically, aching pain occurs with various gynecological pathologies of the ovaries and uterus. Unpleasant sensations can occur at rest or during physical activity. In addition to them, blood discharge from the genitals may be observed. In some cases, painful sensations of an aching nature may indicate the development of a chronic condition, the appearance of a tumor, inflammation of hemorrhoids, intestinal defects, and varicose veins.

Disease of the spleen, ulcer and hernia can also present with a similar symptom. Often the above conditions are accompanied by nausea and flatulence. If throbbing pain occurs in the left side below the navel, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, pathologies of the urinary tract.

Cutting and stabbing pain

Stitching pain accompanies pathologies of the kidneys and intestines. It can occur during the passage of stones through the left ureter. Inflammation of joints, cartilage or lumbar region can also lead to the development of stabbing pain. Tingling in the lower left abdomen may indicate:

  • dysentery;
  • intestinal lesions;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Cutting pain also signals the formation of inflammatory processes. In this case, the discomfort intensifies during movement. However, the rule is not always followed. Cutting pain may occur during bleeding. The appearance of such a symptom during pregnancy is very dangerous. The condition in which it occurs can lead to miscarriage.

Strong pain

Emergence severe pain requires emergency hospitalization. You should not hesitate to call an ambulance if the pain is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, nausea, etc. In some cases, immediate surgery may be required. This is possible in the following situations:

  1. There has been an infringement. The condition occurs suddenly. Most often it occurs due to severe physical stress. Initially, the infringement may be manifested by nausea and loose stools. Over time, the rejection of gases stops and occurs. At this point, the patient's condition deteriorates greatly.
  2. Torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst occurred. Severe pain occurs as a result of poor circulation in the tumor. Blood stops flowing into the cyst. This leads to its death. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, and fever.
  3. Arose. When the disease occurs, hemorrhage occurs in the peritoneum. There is blood loss. In addition to severe pain localized in the lower abdomen, the woman feels weakness, dizziness, nausea, etc.
  4. There was sudden urinary retention. This can happen as a result of stones in the bladder or the development of cancer. The person feels the urge to urinate. He is tormented by the feeling that his bladder is full. The condition is accompanied by severe pain.
  5. Developed. A woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen. Pain usually appears on the right side. However, its atypical location can lead to discomfort on the left sides. The patient experiences nausea with. Sometimes fever occurs.
  6. Sometimes surgical intervention prescribed for inflammation occurring in the intestines. The pathology is accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence. Thus, the indication for surgery is intestinal obstruction.

Acute pain

Acute pain is often accompanied by severe bloating. They may indicate twisting of the cyst stalk, ovarian abscess, or acute. During the latter situation, there is a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition. It is accompanied by nausea and... The temperature rises. If appropriate therapy is not available, peritonitis may develop. Acute pain is also typical for the following pathologies:

  • Renal colic;
  • volvulus of the spleen;
  • inflammation of the digestive organs or sigmoid colon;
  • rupture of the fallopian tube.

Ideological reasons can also provoke phenomena. So, sharp pain on the left side of the lower abdomen may appear in an untrained person after physical exercise. In this case, therapy is not required. The discomfort will disappear on its own.

Pain during pregnancy

During pain in the left side or lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage or. The occurrence of the left side during pregnancy may also indicate the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • digestive disorder;
  • development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions;
  • the beginning of a miscarriage.

For more later pulling sensations become normal. They occur as a result of pressure from the uterus on other organs and muscle stretching. No therapeutic intervention is required.

If the pain is intense, acute and localized in the left side of the lower abdomen, this may indicate placental abruption. This alarming symptom requiring immediate assistance.

Diagnostic tests

If a woman experiences abdominal pain on the right side, she will have to undergo diagnostic tests. Only with their help will it be possible to find out the causes of pain. The doctor may refer the patient to undergo:

  1. General blood test. It will reveal the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes. If present, the analysis will show an increased number of leukocytes in the blood.
  2. . Allows you to determine whether pathology is present in the genitourinary system.
  3. Test for . The study is mandatory if there is even the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Ultrasound. It is the main source of information for finding out the cause of the appearance in women. During the examination, ectopic pregnancy, adnexal tumors or pelvic inflammation can be detected.
  5. Laparoscopy. Makes it possible to visualize the condition of the small pelvis as much as possible. This makes it possible to subsequently select the most effective treatment.

First of all, you need to contact a therapist or gynecologist. They will refer the patient to undergo diagnostic study. Based on the data obtained, the woman may be redirected to other specialists.

Treatment of pathology

Severe unbearable pain often requires surgical intervention. It may be impossible to get rid of them using any other method. The use of analgesics for pain relief is not recommended. This group of drugs has a large number of side effects and contraindications. If pain occurs during intestinal colic, the doctor may prescribe:

If pain occurs during menstruation, hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed. Their use must be coordinated with your doctor. Drug groups have side effects. Additionally worth considering existing contraindications for use. Can quickly relieve pain during menstruation rectal suppositories with belladonna.

Preventive measures

The best preventive measure timely contact with a specialist is recommended. It is much easier to treat the disease at an early stage. This will minimize the likelihood of complications. To prevent the re-development of intestinal diseases, you will need to follow a diet. Usually it's enough to stick to the rules proper nutrition. Prevention of diseases of the urinary system usually consists of maintaining good hygiene. Additionally, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Majority gynecological diseases at an early stage they are asymptomatic. Noticing them on your own is quite problematic.

Pregnancy should be completely under the supervision of a doctor. You need to register in a timely manner. A woman must undergo all preventive examinations. You should not refuse hospitalization, even if the doctor recommends it for preventive purposes or when there is a minor threat.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left is described in medicine as pelvic pain, which manifests itself in acute and chronic disease joints, internal organs, vessels.

If such a clinic bothers women, a doctor's consultation is required. Treatment is carried out after identifying the etiology of the syndrome.

Medical indications

Pain on the left side in the peritoneal area appears in a woman when various pathologies, after operation.

Nagging pain on the left requires consultation with a urologist, gynecologist, orthopedist and gastroenterologist. More often, women turn to a gynecologist for such a clinic.

According to statistics, nagging pain on the left side is observed in every 6 cases. On the left of the woman and man are located the following bodies that can cause pain in the lower abdomen:

  • spleen - considered an unpaired organ that performs immune defense. Portal system blood flow ensures reliable storage reserve blood in the spleen. At complete removal a person’s organ does not die, since all the functions of the spleen begin to be performed by other organs;
  • intestines – in pathology, intussusception, blockage, and inflammation are observed;
  • Compulsory medical insurance – uterus, birth canal, kidneys;
  • skeleton bones.

Etiology of pain syndrome

Nagging pain on the left side is a complex pathophysiological process.

With one disease, they can be of a different nature, periodically appearing on the left and on the left. right side belly of woman, man and child.

The symptom in question easily migrates to areas of the body remote from the source. Doctors identify the following etiology for the formation of pain:

  • impaired local blood circulation;
  • impaired cellular metabolism in the pathological focus;
  • inflammation;
  • dystrophy;
  • changes in organs of various etiologies.

Nagging pain develops in several stages:

  • preliminary unpleasant sensations appear in the area where the pathological focus is located;
  • the appearance of referred pain, the presence of a secondary focus, loss of relationship with the primary focus;
  • trophic disorders spread throughout the body of women, pathological process deepens, the source of pain expands.

Principles of syndrome classification

Pathologies that provoke the etiology of pain syndrome in women:

  1. Gynecological – VD, adhesive pathology, ovarian diseases.
  2. Intestinal – infection, colitis, appendicitis.
  3. Splenic – abscess, tumor, infarction
  4. Urological – urolithiasis, cystitis, nephritis, pyelitis.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by trauma or injury. In the first case, it is recommended to urgently relieve the symptom by drinking an anesthetic.

If pain in the lower abdomen is associated with pathologies of internal organs, drug therapy without a doctor is prohibited. You can temporarily stop the manifestation of the symptom by applying a cold compress to the lesion.

If dull aching pain appears in the lower abdomen and left side, a unilateral gynecological pathology is occurring in the woman’s body.

More often, such symptoms appear when the cycle is disrupted, during sex, with inflammation of the genital organ, endometriosis.

More often, inflammatory diseases occur with dull pain, high fever, weakness, and fatigue.

Dull pain also accompanies varicose veins, acute enlargement of the bladder, and hemorrhoids. A similar clinical picture is typical for inflammation of the lymph nodes.

A nagging pain syndrome manifested on the left is observed when purulent in nature pathologies of the pelvic organs. With this diagnosis, the syndrome is debilitating with low intensity.

Sometimes such a clinic is accompanied by inflammation of the scrotum, external male genital organ, hernia with sprained ligaments in the groin area.

Gradually increasing pain is characteristic of oncological pathologies developed against the background of irritation by the NG of a growing formation. In the presence of a serious illness, the intensity of other symptoms is taken into account.

If a patient has problems with the pelvic organs, the intestines become distended from gases, and cramps appear. At the same time, pathology can affect nerve endings.

A sharp pain symptom may indicate acute dilatation of the bladder and renal pelvis, inflammation or rupture of ligaments, or rupture of the ovary.

With pathologies of the intestines and kidneys, a stabbing pain syndrome may be disturbing, gradually acquiring a pulsating character. To eliminate this symptom, ulceration of the mucous membrane of the urethra and ureter is indicated.

Types of stabbing pain – shooting, associated with inflammation of the lower back, cartilage and joint. A stabbing pain syndrome occurs when the intestines expand due to increased formation of gases.

After defecation and urination, the symptom disappears. Stitching pain is a formidable sign that requires urgent assistance doctor This clinic is observed when an ovarian cyst ruptures.

Features of the clinical picture

If the lower abdomen is pulled on the left, and symptoms of a disease of an organ located in this part of the body appear, the pathology is at the first stage.

If the pain is reflected and radiated, a chronic disease occurs in the body of women.

Clinic of spleen diseases

If the syndrome in question is localized on the left, the patient has problems with the spleen. Oncological diseases accompanied by damage to the CS organs.

Doctors distinguish 3 clinical phases of the disease:

  • chronic;
  • progressive;
  • blast crisis.

In the first phase there is no pain. It appears with growth cancer cells. The most early sign this process is increased fatigue. Patients may complain of sweating and poor appetite.

Sometimes the pathology is accompanied by weight loss. If the spleen has increased in size, pain appears after eating. At this phase, an ultrasound and laboratory blood test are prescribed to identify pathology.

If the pathology progresses, it can be detected using physical techniques. The doctor deeply palpates the area in the lower abdomen on the left side, provoking pain.

In the next phase, women and men are bothered by aching pain in the bones and joints. At the same time, body temperature rises and blood clotting decreases.

Due to blockage of arterioles and small arteries, splenic infarction develops. The disease manifests itself as pain under the rib on the left. As pathogenesis develops, the symptom descends to the lower body.

The pain often intensifies when inhaling, coughing, or moving. Body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. The disease is dangerous due to massive bleeding.

To make a diagnosis, carry out instrumental diagnostics. With such clinical picture shown surgery, drug correction.

Against the background of congenital etiology, a child may be diagnosed with “volvulus of the spleen.” At the same time, an acute stomach is bothering me.

Pain occurs in the left groin area. It is often combined with a gag reflex and bloated intestines.

The patient's health deteriorates sharply. Partial twisting of the organ provokes periodic pain on the left side. In such a clinic, the patient needs urgent surgery.

Sluggish manifestation of pain syndrome is a reason for urgent clinical research.

Due to impaired blood flow, the spleen expands. A dull but paroxysmal pain appears on the left side, which easily migrates to the lower body.

With acute expansion of the organ, the veins become clogged. It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound.

A similar clinical picture occurs with inflammation of the spleen, which rarely manifests itself as an independent pathology.

More often, this is a secondary disease in which women, men or children develop fever, vomiting, and pain. Therapy is carried out after diagnostic complex treatment.

Against the background of purulent inflammation, a splenic abscess is diagnosed. If there are large or numerous abscesses that have opened in the peritoneum, the risk of peritonitis increases.

With this diagnosis, diffuse but severe pain appears, which radiates to the left side, appearing in the lower abdomen. At the same time, body temperature rises, well-being sharply worsens, and consciousness regresses.

Women may develop a splenic cyst, presented in the form of a cavity made of connective tissue. Inside the capsule is filled with mucous and watery contents. A cyst is the end of an abscess.

Small cysts do not provoke pain, but large cysts cause minor pain if you press on the left under the rib. Other pathologies of the spleen occur with a weak manifestation of the symptom in question.

Clinic for intestinal diseases

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left - intestinal damage. With malabsorption, the mucous membranes are unable to absorb food products. The pathology is acquired or congenital.

Expanding pain goes away after bowel movement. To reduce the nature of their manifestation, therapy with antispasmodics is indicated:

  • Burden;
  • Drotaverine.

An accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of women, men, and children. In newborn babies, pediatricians can identify celiac disease, which is gluten intolerance.

With this disease, the left side of the tummy hurts. Due to the disrupted digestion process, exhaustion quickly develops.

In the absence of treatment, the baby’s tummy grows, and the mucous membranes acquire a pronounced color.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates damage to the intestine. With RK syndrome, chronic pain appears in the lower abdomen. This pathology is more often diagnosed in middle-aged women.

The pathology worsens during menstruation and against the background of a hormonal surge.

In this case, there are no visible morphological changes in the walls of the organ itself. To eliminate the pathology, diet and drug therapy are indicated.

If the stomach hurts, and the pain radiates to the left side, the patient has “Crohn’s syndrome.” To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the accompanying symptoms:

  • poor appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea.

The syndrome can also affect other organs of the peritoneum, which provokes severe pain. UC is another pathology in which pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left. The exact etiology of the disease has not been established.

Scientists and doctors believe that the development of the disease is associated with problems in immune system. UC is characterized by paroxysmal pain of varying intensity. At the same time, joint pain may appear.

If polyps appear in the intestines, women or men experience severe pain in the lower abdomen.

At the same time, the process of water absorption is disrupted, making it difficult for food to pass through. Against the background of these phenomena, diarrhea gives way to constipation.

If the patient is in hospital for a long period of time supine position During the disease, current atony occurs.

With this diagnosis, peristalsis is disrupted, the intestines become swollen, rumbling and noises are disturbing, and bursting pain appears. Gases accumulated in lower section, provoke aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left.

With a cancer process localized in the intestines, pain appears, gradually increasing. If necrosis is detected, then it intensifies, growing around the focus itself.

Clinic for diseases of the genitourinary system

Women are often diagnosed with external endometriosis, in which pain occurs as myometrial cells grow.

If at this process the ovaries are affected, the symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen are similar to VD. If the left ovary is affected, the pain is aching, worsening before menstruation and during sex. At the same time, adhesions develop.

If the process is extended to the peritoneum, pain in the lower abdomen may be absent. When the fallopian tubes are affected, the syndrome manifests itself upon palpation of the uterus. Infertility and VB may develop.

If the pathology involves the cervix of the female reproductive organ, then the woman is bothered by persistent pain in the lower abdomen and uterus. The syndrome is associated with sexual intercourse and defecation.

The labia and vagina may be involved in the pathological process. The disease can be diagnosed visually by examining the patient.

Pain appears on palpation. At the same time, the woman cannot have sex, as the lower abdomen is very bothersome.

If during the examination the gynecologist reveals endometriotic nodules, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination.

This condition can cause dangerous complications. As the nodules grow, a nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen and uterus.

If other symptoms appear against the background of the symptom in question, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. When one pain syndrome manifests itself, a latent course of pathology is allowed.

In this case, instrumental and laboratory research is indicated. If the syndrome is accompanied by another clinic, differential diagnosis is indicated.

The diseases described above and the accompanying pain syndrome can be prevented by following the recommendations of doctors.

It is necessary to lead active life by doing moderate exercise daily. Shown in parallel good rest and healthy eating.

Useful video

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left may be a sign of the most various diseases, both in women and men. When this symptom appears, doctors recommend diagnosing it as soon as possible in order to identify the root cause of the disease and begin suitable treatment. Let us consider in more detail what provokes such a pain syndrome, and what consequences may arise from it.

Left abdominal area ( abdomen) in women has in itself left kidney, part of the intestines and reproductive organs.

Most often, pain in this area in women develops for the following reasons:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ovarian cyst.

Inflammation of the large intestine will manifest itself as aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left side. The pain can also radiate to the right side.

Treatment measures include compliance with special diet and taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are also very often accompanied by pain in the left abdominal region. Moreover, in this condition, patients often go to the doctor with fever and pain when urinating.

In addition to severe pain in the side, an ovarian cyst can cause nausea and vomiting. With such signs, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist for further diagnosis.

Important! An ovarian cyst is quite serious illness which can lead to dangerous complications. Often this pathology requires surgical treatment.

Pain due to gynecological pathologies

Aching pain in the side that radiates to the lower back can also be caused by the following gynecological pathologies among women:

  1. An ectopic pregnancy is usually accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (can be on the right or left). In this case, the pain will increase and become aggravated by defecation or simply by standing in a standing position. Also, the pain syndrome is often cramping in nature.
  2. Sometimes pain during intrauterine pregnancy develops due to rupture of the fallopian tubes. This condition occurs during intense physical activity or sexual contact. The danger of such pain is that it can be accompanied internal bleeding and lead to shock.

Important! Those most susceptible to ectopic pregnancy are women who have had this condition in the past, patients who use intrauterine devices or having inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

  1. A miscarriage can cause pain that radiates from the belly button to the left side. It is usually accompanied by bleeding from the genital tract. With such manifestations, the woman needs urgent hospitalization.
  2. Childbirth (prematurely started) can cause nagging, cramping pain in the left side, which radiates to the lumbar area.
  3. At premature birth A woman develops changes in the cervix. If these signs are expressed, then the onset of labor can no longer be stopped with medication.
  4. Placental abruption occurs during pregnancy. Signs this state there may be pain in the side, which radiates to the leg and lower back, increased tone of the uterus, bleeding and increased frequency of heart rate. Placental abruption can occur after an abdominal injury.
  5. Uterine rupture occurs with pathologies of manometry at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the woman is characterized by paleness, fainting, sweating and pain in the side of the abdomen.

Causes of pain in pathologies of the spleen

On early stages pathology of the spleen, pain can be localized precisely in the left part of the abdomen. Usually provoked this symptom following possible diseases of this body:

  • Lymphocytic leukemia is an oncological pathology that is accompanied by damage to the spleen, liver and lymph nodes. This disease can be acute or chronic. It is accompanied constant pain in the side, loss of body weight, exhaustion of the body and loss of appetite.
  • A splenic infarction develops due to blockage of the arteries in the organ. In this condition, necrosis appears near the thrombosed vessel.
  • Accompanied by splenic infarction nagging pain on the left side of the abdomen. In this case, the pain will intensify with porridge and movement. It may also occur elevated temperature and weakness.

Important! Splenic infarction is very easy to confuse with other diseases (infection, heart disease, etc.). For this reason, it is worth conducting detailed diagnostics.

  • Volvulus of the spleen is accompanied by twisting of the splenic artery and nerves, from which the patient may feel pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin.

The causes of this condition are considered to be injuries to the spleen due to a fall, accident or direct blow.

Moreover, quite often volvulus of the spleen is accompanied by vomiting, deterioration of stool and bloating. There is also weakness, pallor and sweating. The pathology is eliminated surgically.

  • An enlarged spleen occurs due to disruption of blood flow through the main vein, leading to inflammation.
  • A spleen abscess occurs as a consequence of the appearance of purulent inflammation in this organ. Symptoms of this disease include high fever, pain radiating to the left side abdomen, nausea and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being. If the abscess is not eliminated, it can lead to rupture and