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It's pressing on the heart that it's better to drink. Calm the person, create free access of air. Is this the heart?

People suffering from heart disease are forced to frequently, and sometimes constantly, take various medications. Tablets for heart pain become their eternal companions and should always be in the medicine cabinet. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common in the world, which is why there are many pain relievers. Only a cardiologist can choose the right medications and determine their dosage, but the person taking them effective treatment must understand them. Not understanding the effects of some medications, people sometimes cancel them on their own, reducing the effectiveness of treatment, or even completely nullifying it.

Types of Medicines

Medicines for various pains There are many in the heart, but among them several main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Reflex drugs.
  2. Nitrates.
  3. Antiplatelet agents.
  4. Calcium antagonists.
  5. Beta blockers.
  6. Cardiac glycosides.
  7. Drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels.
  8. Thrombolytic drugs.

Let's take a closer look at each group of drugs for heart pain.

  • Reflex drugs

These are the well-known validol and corvalol. Many people facing heart disease mistakenly believe that validol and corvalol will help them in treatment. In fact, doctors have long proven the ineffectiveness of these drugs. Validol has a calming effect on the body and dilates blood vessels, but it will not help with angina pectoris. However, you should not immediately abandon its use. The fact is that during an attack of angina, a person not only has pain behind the sternum, but he experiences the fear of death, because sometimes the pain can be very severe. Validol will help reduce fear. Also, when taking nitroglycerin, which really helps to stop an attack, a person may experience headache and nausea, which are relieved by validol. This means that it can be used in conjunction with nitroglycerin.

Corvalol helps well with irritability, stress and neuroses, which can provoke an attack of angina. It dilates blood vessels, which means it improves nutrition of the heart muscle and is able to relieve pain syndrome. The downside is that a person only relieves pain, but its true cause remains unknown, which means that sooner or later it will appear again. Validol and Corvalol are ineffective on their own, but can be used as part of complex therapy. People whose profession involves reaction speed should take them with caution, as they cause drowsiness and slight dizziness. You should not drive after taking these medications.

  • Nitrates

Drugs in this group are most often used for heart pain. Nitroglycerin proved to be an excellent remedy for relieving an attack of angina back in the 19th century. Drugs in this group dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and relieving pain. They begin to act quickly and the effect lasts a long time.

Nitroglycerin is used sublingually, that is, under the tongue. Its action begins almost immediately, but if necessary, taking the tablet can be repeated, but no more than three tablets with an interval of five minutes. If after this the pain does not go away, it is necessary to call " ambulance", since this may indicate a beginning. Under no circumstances should you use 2-3 tablets at the same time. It should be borne in mind that nitroglycerin lowers blood pressure, and after taking it, you may experience headache, nausea, so it is sometimes recommended to use validol along with nitroglycerin. People prone to allergies sometimes develop a rash on their skin. Nitroglycerin should be used with caution in people with liver and kidney diseases, pregnant women, and those with increased intracranial pressure.

Because the cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common, doctors recommend that all people over forty years old have nitroglycerin in their first aid kit.

  • Antiplatelet agents

The most well-known representatives of this group of drugs are aspirin and cardiomagnyl. They improve rheological properties blood, that is, they dilute it, making it more fluid. Cardiomagnyl, in addition, relieves inflammation and also has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. It contains magnesium hydroxide, which protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of aspirin and prevents the appearance of ulcers.

To improve blood fluidity, drugs of this group change its coagulability, and therefore they should not be used by people prone to bleeding, strokes, ulcers gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomagnyl is well tolerated by most patients, but some people may have individual intolerance to aspirin, so only a cardiologist should prescribe drugs after examination.

  • Calcium antagonists

This is an extensive group of cardiac drugs that not only relieve pain, but also lower blood pressure. They relieve vasospasm and increase blood flow to the heart. A group of these medicines divided into two generations.

The first generation includes older, long-used drugs such as isoptin and nifedipine. Their effect on the body is short-lived, and therefore you have to drink 3-4 times a day, which is not always convenient.

The second generation of drugs has a longer effect, you need to take them less often, but they are an order of magnitude more expensive. These are drugs such as amlodipine, lacidipine. Calcium antagonists are used for angina pectoris, high blood pressure, arrhythmias and their combination with the heart. Second generation drugs not only have more long-term action, but also safer and better tolerated by the body.

  • Beta blockers

Representatives of this group of drugs include anaprilin, atenolol and others. Beta blockers reduce the number of heart contractions, thereby reducing the heart muscle's need for oxygen. They are used not only for heart pain due to angina pectoris, but also for various arrhythmias and hypertension, thereby solving the issue of how to relieve heart pain and blood pressure. Another area of ​​their application is the treatment of myocardial infarction, as well as the prevention of its subsequent occurrences. These drugs should be used with caution in people with, bronchial asthma and for some other diseases.

  • Cardiac glycosides

This is an extensive group of drugs containing digoxin, extracted from the foxglove plant. It should be noted that digoxin is a poison, so only a doctor can prescribe cardiac glycosides. Why prescribe drugs containing poison to patients with heart pain? The fact is that drugs in this group increase the strength and frequency of heart contractions without increasing the myocardial oxygen demand. That is, they force the heart to do the same work, but with less energy.

  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs

The cause of many heart diseases is an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, the formation of cholesterol plaques and clogging blood vessels. The drugs in this group themselves will not help if you have heart pain, but they should be included in complex therapy heart diseases, as they improve the processing of cholesterol, reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaque and prevent blockage of blood vessels.

  • Thrombolytic drugs

They are used to treat heart pain associated with an attack of angina. They not only relieve pain, but also eliminate the cause itself - dissolve blood clots that impede normal blood flow.

First aid

To alleviate the condition before doctors arrive, emergency situation You can use the following products from your home medicine cabinet:

  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Validol.
  • Korvaltap.

Also, in case of a heart attack, doctors recommend taking an acetylsalicylic acid tablet, after chewing it. This will normalize blood clotting properties and speed up the absorption of other medications. Many patients are prescribed aspirin before bedtime to prevent myocardial infarction.

Admission rules

If your heart hurts, then in order to start treatment correctly, you need to consult a specialist. After the first attack, you should undergo a full medical examination and find out the cause pathological condition. For renewal maximum effect From treatment, doctors determine a comprehensive intake of medications. The dosage of drugs is determined based on the results of the cardiogram.

An overdose can lead to irregular heartbeat, weakness, loss of vision, psychosis and even collapse. Cardiac medications should not be taken with sleeping pills, B vitamins, nitroglycerin, alcohol-containing medications and diuretics.

Trying to relieve heart pain, many resort to the help of validol and corvalol. These medicines really calm you down nervous system, improve blood circulation and block mild pain. However, for serious attacks they will not bring relief.


All medications for heart pain have a number of contraindications that every patient needs to know about:

  • nitroglycerin and its derivatives are prohibited for shock, low blood pressure, glaucoma, high intracranial pressure;
  • glycosides should not be taken if there is a malfunction sinus node, stenosis mitral valve, cardiac muscle hypertrophy;
  • for complications after a heart attack and severe hypertension.

It is difficult to find a person who has never experienced pain in the heart area.

At this moment, the only question that arises in a person is this: if your heart hurts, what to do at home.

Because heart pain can be a sign of a fairly serious pathology, it is worth knowing what you can do at home.

This will help make it much easier general state and prevent serious consequences.

Actions depending on the type of pain

To understand what to do in a situation if you feel pain in the heart, it is worth understanding what kind of pain occurs, how it manifests itself and in what ways. available means when it occurs, you can use it.

Below we will discuss the most common cases and the main options and schemes of action.

In this case, you should not give in to panic and if such pain appears, you must try to completely relax all the muscles.

To do this, you can lie down or sit down so that nothing is squeezing. After taking a comfortable position, you should try to breathe deeply and slowly, trying not to touch the threshold of pain that may occur when breathing.

If the unpleasant sharp stabbing pain does not go away within 10 minutes, you should take Corvalol. You should not call an ambulance first, as sharp pain can result in quite serious problems.

Pain in the heart does not arise out of nowhere. It can be nervous stress, can be various pathologies. Only a qualified doctor who can prescribe treatment can understand the reasons.

Many doctors, when answering the question of how to understand that the heart hurts, advise paying attention to the burning sensation. Similar phenomenon quite often accompanies heart problems.

At aching pain in the heart it is worth taking aspirin and analgin, simply washing the drug down with a glass of water.

If the pain in the heart area when inhaling does not subside after about an hour, you should call an ambulance. While waiting for doctors, it is worth providing fresh air in the room, removing tight clothes, opening doors and windows, and taking the most comfortable position possible.

If painful sensations in the heart are accompanied by difficulty breathing, you should pull yourself together and stop worrying.

You definitely need to take sedatives, as well as medications to normalize your heart function.

Lying in a comfortable position and breathing deeply, you need to wait for an ambulance, due to which the professionals provided first aid for heart pain.

Regardless of the nature of the pain, you don’t need to leave everything to chance. Unpleasant sensations in the heart can be signs of quite serious illnesses Therefore, consulting a doctor and following his recommendations is very important.

Only a specialist will be able to explain what to do if pain in the heart occurs, answer the question of whether the heart can hurt constantly, and also prescribe competent treatment.

If heart pain occurs suddenly, you should immediately take certain first aid measures.

Reflexology helps a lot. To do this, you need to firmly squeeze and squeeze the little finger on your left hand, applying pressure from the nail.

The compression must be strong enough to cause pain.. After this, the finger must be slowly released over 5 seconds. This needs to be repeated several times until the pain in the heart disappears.

It is worth lying down by the window and by unbuttoning or removing clothes you need to ensure a flow of air to the chest and at the same time put a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue or drink 30 drops of Valocordin.

You should put a couple of mustard plaster on the sternum area and make hot bath for legs. If these methods do not help, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If you're worried pressing pain in the heart, any person is interested in the question of what to take, what medications can help in difficult situation and eliminate pain.

Every person who occasionally experiences pain in the heart area should have in their first aid kit the following medications:

Each of the above remedies can provide effective assistance at home. The most important thing is that these are medications that have been pre-approved by a professional.

If after taking the pill or drops there is no relief, you should call an ambulance. This will help prevent serious health problems.

Folk remedies for heart pain do not quickly positive effect unlike medications.

Their advantage is that the products can become ideal prevention, that is, their constant use will help prevent severe attacks when it is difficult to breathe and when severe pain radiates to the left hand.

For many centuries, people have used the gifts of nature in the process of treating and eliminating heart pain. Most of the recipes are widely used in the modern world.

Many of them cannot be classified as first aid; they are ideal preventive and therapeutic agents that give a positive and fairly lasting effect. Here are the most popular folk remedies.


If you consume two cloves of garlic every day, you can effectively prevent the manifestation and development of heart disease.

Eat this product not for people with stomach problems or established pathologies pancreas.


In the process of treating heart pain, a berry infusion from this plant helps well.

To prepare the decoction you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Hawthorn – 20 grams;
  2. Melissa – 15 grams;
  3. Water – 1 glass.

The grass is poured into a glass, filled with water and placed on water bath. It takes 20 minutes to prepare the decoction in the bathhouse, after which the composition is cooled and filtered.

You need to drink the resulting composition 20 ml before meals three times a day.. Treatment time is on average two days.

Many people prepare a tincture from this plant to eliminate heart pain.. To prepare it, the berries need to be filled not with water, but alcohol tincture and then leave for 14 days, preferably in a dark place.

Herbal collection

If pursued Blunt pain in the heart, it is worth using for treatment herbal tea based on components such as string, leaves of lingonberry, motherwort, hawthorn and chamomile.

Each herb should be taken in a volume of 20 grams and mixed thoroughly. The finished composition should be taken in a volume of 25 grams, poured into a glass and pour boiling water.

The product is infused for 4 hours and taken after filtering and cooling. You need to take the product 50 ml per dose, three times. Treatment time is approximately 14 days.

Wild carrots

This recipe is most useful because it can be prepared at any time. The medicine is drunk in the form of a tincture, and it can be prepared from 60 grams of seeds and 250 ml of alcohol or vodka.

The product is infused for three weeks and preferably in a place where the sun does not reach.

This tincture is ideal for prevention. For this purpose, you need to take the product in diluted form - 6 drops of tincture per 20 ml of water.

This dosage is taken three times a day and is very suitable for relieving hangovers. If the pain worsens, you can drink the product, three drops every 30 minutes.

Heather grass

An infusion based on this plant can quickly eliminate pain. To prepare the remedy, you will need to take 10 grams of dry raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and leave in a bathhouse for 5 minutes.

You need to take 50 ml of the product every 4-5 hours.

May lily of the valley

A recipe based on this plant has been tested over the years and centuries.

For cooking remedy will need to be taken liter jar and fill it about three-quarters with lily of the valley flowers. Vodka is poured into the container up to the neck and covered with a lid. The product must be infused for 20 days, then strained.

Before use, you need to infuse 20 ml in a glass of water. medicinal solution, that is, so that the proportion is 1:10. You need to take the composition three times a day, no more.

It is worth knowing that this plant is poisonous, so you need to take it very carefully and strictly according to the recommendation of a specialist.

These plants are not able to cope with pain, but are able to effectively calm the nerves. This will automatically have a positive effect on general treatment heart diseases.

The infusion is prepared quite simply. You will need to take 25 grams of raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. The composition can be taken after the product has been infused for an hour.

The medicinal infusion is taken before meals, 25 ml approximately three times.

Mint lowers blood pressure, corresponding to hypotensive patients similar treatment contraindicated.


The plant is ideal for stimulating the functioning of the heart. You need to take 100 grams of raw material and leave it in 400 ml of alcohol for a couple of weeks. The composition is taken approximately 3-4 times with a large spoon.


You need to prepare an infusion based on this plant. A tablespoon of valerian root is poured with boiling water in the amount of one and a half glasses and left for about 120 minutes. You need to drink the resulting product three times with a small spoon.

Other products

Lemon peel significantly improves heart function.

You can use mumiyo, but only according to the regimen recommended by your doctor.

Every evening you can drink tea based on violet flowers. Pumpkin juice with a spoon of honey helps very well.

All this will help strengthen the heart muscle, prevent disease and reduce the likelihood of acute pain.

To effectively prevent the appearance and development of the disease, it is worth using a variety of useful techniques, the main effect of which is aimed at strengthening the heart.

First of all, you should completely eliminate nicotine and alcohol.. Morning exercises and hour-long walks in the air have the most beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

Additional help for the heart can be provided special compounds. The most effective of them is chestnut tincture.

To prepare it, take 6 fruits of the plant and add a liter of vodka. The product should be infused for one month, shaking from time to time.

The resulting tincture should be taken 35 drops three times a day and before meals. The total treatment time should be at least 11 days.

One more effective means is natural honey . His daily use can significantly strengthen the heart. You need to take honey three times in a spoon. It is very important not to take honey at the same time as hot water or tea.

The use of these funds should be combined with such healthy products, How Walnut, raisins and bananas. To keep your heart functioning calmly, you should eat these foods. In this case there will be no interruptions.


It may seem that getting rid of heart pain is not difficult. This is a misconception.

Self-administration of medications can only provide temporary relief.

The heart should be treated only on the basis of consultation with a specialist and passing special courses medicines and folk methods.

It's not called the heart for nothing the most important body human - this is probably why even a slight pain in the heart causes mystical horror in us. And if you haven’t at least once put your hand to the left side of your chest and exclaimed “My heart hurts!” - you can consider yourself lucky. - the most common complaint at a therapist’s appointment, which can be heard from both a child and an adult. But where does this unpleasant phenomenon come from and how to treat it?

Nature of heart pain

The nature of heart pain is very diverse and depends on the cause of the pain. But it is perhaps not difficult to identify the main characteristics. So, there are pains:

Aching, pulling, stitching, squeezing, burning and piercing;

Concentrating on a specific area, radiating to the shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, neck, stomach or lower jaw;

Fast or long;

The pain may also vary in consistency and intensity. To understand the cause of pain and get rid of it, you need to determine which category your pain belongs to.


All heart pains are divided into two groups:

1) Anginal, that is, pain associated with a disease caused by coronary circulatory failure.

2) Non-anginal pain, the cause of which is inflammation, congenital heart disease or.

Anginal pain

Anginal pain is sometimes called ischemic or anginal pain; its source is insufficient supply to the myocardium. When a person is exposed severe stress or heavy physical activity, the body needs increased blood circulation. Usually the sensations in chest during attacks they resemble a burning sensation, squeezing or pressure, the pain radiates to the left arm, lower jaw and shoulder. The breathing rhythm is disrupted, and shortness of breath often appears. To relieve this type of pain, you don’t need much: take a couple of breaths calmly, relax and drink necessary medicine. However, if you feel incredibly severe pain, acute and pressure - just don’t panic! – this could be a myocardial infarction acute degree, and in this case, call an ambulance immediately.

Non-anginal pain

Causes: damage to the heart muscle (myocarditis), inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericarditis), damage to the peripheral nervous system and arteries. If you feel a prolonged, aching, stabbing, burning pain in the chest, which radiates throughout the left side of the body, it is worth taking painkillers.

Other types of heart pain

It often happens that the heart can hurt for a reason that is completely unrelated to the heart. In such cases, other organs are to blame, causing heart pain. mostly appear during sharp turns of the body, deep breath. Some diseases radiate to the chest, and therefore it seems to us that it is the heart that hurts. For example, pain can be caused by thoracic radiculitis, pathology of the costal cartilages, osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, neurosis or diseases digestive system. The heart can also hurt stressful situations, when muscles contract or change blood pressure.

How to relieve heart pain?

Emergency help!

Of course, when the slightest pain in your heart, you should consult a cardiologist. But what if it’s not possible to call a doctor, but you need to relieve the pain right now? If the pain occurs suddenly, you must:

— Stop the actions being performed;

- Sit or lie down, trying to calm down;

If the pain is pressing in nature, similar to angina pectoris, you should put a nitroglycerin tablet or a corvalment capsule under the tongue, drip Corvalol or valerian; access to fresh air will be useful;

If you feel acute stabbing pain in the heart, most likely, the diagnosis is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Standard advice in such situations is calm, patience and valerian;

If you suspect that the pain is due to increased blood pressure, take something fast-acting to lower the pressure, for example, Corinfar;

At sharp pain is likely to have an attack; such pain can be eased by sitting down and dipping your feet in hot mustard water, put validol under your tongue, take no more than 40 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin, and if this does not help, put a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue;

If this is your first attack and you do not know the cause and diagnosis, you should use medications very carefully! There is no need to be nervous, calmness and prudence help in any case. Take up to 40 drops of Valocordin, Corvalol or Validol. Use aspirin or analgin - you need to take both tablets with half a glass of water. Use nitroglycerin only when necessary; no matter what, it is a potent medicine.

If the pain doesn't go away long time, call an ambulance immediately and before arriving qualified assistance try to stay calm.

However, remember: if there was an attack of heart pain, and you extinguished it with medications, this does not mean that you need to forget and move on with your life! Pain in the heart does not occur spontaneously; it is a kind of signal from the body about the presence of serious problems. This, you know, is not a scratch on which you put a band-aid and expect recovery. It is unacceptable to self-medicate here unless you want to have a myocardial infarction and die. At the first opportunity, contact a competent cardiologist, otherwise major health problems will not keep you waiting.

Treatment of heart pain

To begin treatment, you should contact a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon and undergo a thorough medical examination. Firstly, it is worth doing an ECG - an electrocardiogram, it is indispensable in determining any heart defects. After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the course of treatment, which must be followed strictly. Heart disease is not a toy, so take care of your health and well-being!

Most people who are far from medicine believe that if heart pain occurs, they should use validol or corvalol. But validol is ineffective for an angina attack. With angina pectoris much best medicine for heart pain - nitroglycerin.

Heart pain often occurs behind the sternum during stress, sometimes it can be very strong, causing fear of death. During such an attack, it is necessary to place a tablet of nitroglycerin and validol under the tongue. If the first one expands the gaps coronary vessels, then the second relieves stress. Quite often, the use of nitro drugs causes headaches, and validol will help get rid of them or significantly weaken them. But validol almost cannot dilate blood vessels, so it makes no sense to use this drug alone.

Valocordin for heart pain

Valocordin, like its analogue Corvalol, is able to moderate developed irritability, neurosis, palpitations, and relieve insomnia, since it has a general calming effect on the nervous system. They are able to dilate blood vessels, which increases the blood supply to the myocardium, as a result of which the pain in the chest subsides. This is not to say that these drugs do not have side effects. Thus, their use can cause drowsiness, dizziness and sluggish reactions, so drivers should take them only after a doctor’s permission.

If heart pain is caused by severe cardiac pathology, then in this case emergency medical assistance. In these situations, the promptness with which the patient seeks help is extremely important, since his life often depends on it. But as the first first aid You can use appropriate medicine for heart pain.

Chest pain can be a companion to many diseases that are extremely life-threatening. When they occur in a person for the first time, he should immediately call a doctor who will try to establish their causes and prescribe appropriate treatment or refer the patient for additional examination.

What should you do if you have a heart attack?

Attacks of heart pain most often occur in people suffering from angina pectoris, and it develops against the background coronary disease hearts. Pain can occur against the background of emotional stress or significant physical activity. In this case, any work should be stopped immediately and try to calm down. You must sit down or take something else comfortable position and put nitroglycerin under your tongue. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to half a tablet, so as not to cause excessive weakness and headache. If you have normal tolerance to nitro drugs, you can take the whole tablet.

Nitrates act quickly, the effect becomes noticeable after 5 minutes.

If the pain in the heart does not subside, then it is useless to take a new dose, but you should immediately call a specialized cardiac care team.

When taking nitroglycerin, patients with vision pathologies such as glaucoma should be especially careful. Nitro drugs cannot be used with it.

Reception mode and required dosage determined only by the attending physician, and self-medication in such a situation can pose a direct threat to a person’s life, since time will be lost to identify the cause of heart pain.

In the presence of emotional stress, sedatives and sedatives. Because normal emotional condition helps relieve the patient's pain, then similar drugs also used in therapeutic activities. If the patient has hypertension as concomitant pathology, then it is very important to control his blood pressure level, reducing it if necessary with antihypertensive drugs.

Medicines for heart pain

ACE inhibitors

This group of drugs delays the production of an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. With their help, the condition of patients with myocardial damage and at the same time suffering from hypertension is monitored. It is also prescribed to those who have had heart attack patients so that their weakened heart can pump blood better. For the same purpose ACE inhibitors indicated for people with heart failure, in whom the heart is unable to pump enough blood to provide normal functioning body volumes. These drugs include captopril, lisinopril, enalapril, enalaprilat, perindopril, moexipril, etc.

Beta blockers

These drugs reduce the force of heart contractions and their frequency, due to which blood pressure decreases and the heart itself experiences less stress. They are used for high blood pressure, for heart pain, and help prevent relapses of new attacks. These include metoprolol, nadolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol, propranolol, atenolol, esmolol, etc.


Drugs in this group, which includes nitroglycerin, dilate the lumens of blood vessels, thereby activating blood flow and stopping heart pain. They are used for many types of coronary heart disease, for example, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris. In addition to nitroglycerin, nitrates include isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate.

Calcium channel blockers

They relieve vascular spasm, increasing blood flow to the heart. This group of drugs is used for high blood pressure and pain in the heart. One of these drugs is cardezim, which helps well with angina heart pain and can serve as a prophylaxis against some manifestations of angina symptoms. This group of drugs also includes diltiazem, nifedipine, nicardipine, verapamil, amlodipine, etc.

Drugs that reduce blood cholesterol levels

Designed to reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol. The cause of most heart diseases is overgrowth of the coronary vessels cholesterol plaques, which narrows their lumen. Taking these drugs prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart diseases develop more slowly, attacks occur less frequently and lose their strength. One such remedy is Zocor, which is recommended for patients with various disorders cardiac activity. This also includes trikor, lipantil, gemfibrozil, etc.

Thrombolytic drugs

Used for pain caused by an angina attack. At the same time, they eliminate both the symptom and the cause in the form of blood clots - blood clots that interfere with normal blood flow, and sometimes completely block it. The cheapest drug is streptokinase, and then in increasing price: urokinase, anistreplase and alteplase.

Additional treatments

The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the examination of the patient. It is based on cardiac drugs that have hypotensive, vasodilating, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive and metabolic effects. But they can be supplemented herbal preparations, helping to relieve pain together.

One of the best plants for the heart is hawthorn, which is included as a component in many natural preparations.

One of the preparations with hawthorn is kratal, which in addition to hawthorn contains taurine and motherwort. It is widely used in cardiological practice because it relieves pain with its calming and vasodilating effect. Wherein heartbeat normalizes, and myocardial nutrition becomes better.

Most people who have reached adulthood have encountered. Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical help.

A person may experience pressing, stabbing, squeezing, aching or sharp piercing pains. In many cases, they “give” under the shoulder blade, into the left arm, or to the corner of the lower jaw. The duration of the attack varies from one or two minutes to several hours, and sometimes the pain bothers the patient for several days in a row. Intensity discomfort often changes when changing body position and breathing movements. Pain in the heart can develop both with complete rest and with physical activity or psycho-emotional experiences. Based on the nature of the pain syndrome, the cause of its occurrence can be determined with a high degree of probability.

Important: the intensity of pain does not always correlate with the severity and severity of the pathology, but ignoring the appearance of this symptom is absolutely unacceptable! Just as it is unacceptable to take any medications for heart pain without consulting a cardiologist or therapist!

Why does my heart hurt?

Most common reasons The following pathologies cause chest pain:

  • IHD – (and are variants of its development);
  • rheumatic lesions;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • illnesses thoracic spine (kyphoscoliosis, etc.);
  • organ diseases digestive tract(in particular – the esophagus and stomach);
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • muscle diseases;
  • radiculitis.

Pain, the occurrence of which is directly related to the heart, can be divided according to its origin into two most important categories - angiosis and cardialgia. Angious(vascular) are a characteristic clinical manifestation various forms and stages of ischemic heart disease . Cardialgia due to inflammatory diseases organ, rheumatic lesions or congenital pathologies(vices).

Angiotic pain in the heart occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the myocardium and, as a consequence, oxygen starvation fabrics. The impetus for their development is often nervous excitement or physical labor. The nature of the pain is burning, pressing or squeezing. They are usually localized behind the sternum; Irradiation to the left arm, under the scapula and lower jaw is also quite typical. Often such pain is accompanied by shortness of breath. They usually go away after rest.

Important:establish the exact cause of the appearance unpleasant symptoms Only a qualified cardiologist can do this after a complete examination of the patient. Only after production accurate diagnosis may be assigned adequate therapy. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication!

Intense burning, squeezing or tearing pain is one of the signs of a heart attack - acute condition, in which, against the background of impaired blood supply, necrosis of a section of the heart muscle rapidly develops.

Cardialgia caused by inflammation of the myocardium or pericardium, as well as the rheumatic process, is usually quite long-lasting. They are diffuse, aching or stabbing. The typical location is to the left of the sternum. They tend to get worse when coughing and breathing excursions.

To decide what to take for heart pain, you need to make sure that the pain behind the sternum is precisely heart pain. After all, such sensations can provoke a variety of pathologies.

For chest and lesions cartilage tissue ribs are characterized by pain localized to the right or left of the sternum. Their intensity changes with deep inhalation, active exhalation, movements in shoulder joint, and changes in body position.

Aching, stabbing and clearly localized pain sensations are quite characteristic of neuroses. Intense pain in the intercostal spaces in some cases may be one of the first clinical manifestations herpes zoster.

Pain in the upper chest (closer to the neck and shoulder girdle) appears due to nervous disorders. One of the reasons expressed painful sensations in the chest - (muscle inflammation).

Note: specific feature Neuralgic pain is their unstable nature and changes in intensity with changes in body position.

Stitching or squeezing pain is sometimes provoked by flatulence. If pain behind the sternum appears soon after eating, or its development is associated with fasting, then perhaps the cause lies in the pathology of the stomach (or) or pancreas.

Note:Transient pain sensations can be caused by banal overeating.

What medications should I take for heart pain?

Angious pain due to an attack of angina pectoris

They last, on average, about 20 minutes and are relieved with Nitroglycerin (0.0005 g) or Nitrocor (1 tablet or capsule sublingually). An alternative drug in this situation is Nitromint (aerosol). Nitroglycerin for heart pain can be taken repeatedly, but no more than 3 times, and within a 5-minute interval.

It is important not to panic and try to calm down, since increased nervous tension often makes the situation worse!

Note:It must be taken into account that Nitroglycerin helps lower blood pressure. After taking it, weakness, sweating and headaches are possible. Under no circumstances should you take 2-3 tablets (capsules) at once.

The patient needs to unfasten or remove tight outer clothing. It is also necessary to ensure an influx fresh air into the room.

Validol has a reflex vasodilator effect, and Valocordin has a sedative effect; therefore, they will not help with angina pectoris.

Pain in the heart during a heart attack

When the pain does not go away for more than half an hour, it becomes unbearable, accompanied by suffocation, severe weakness, sweating and paleness. skin, as well as bluish lips and fingertips, this may most likely indicate the development of a heart attack. IN similar cases You need to call an emergency team immediately!

Nitroglycerin is almost useless for a heart attack. Before the doctors arrive, it is better to take 1 tablet of Analgin and Acetylsalicylic acid(0.5 g each), washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

The patient must be seated with his legs down (lying is not recommended) and allowed to dissolve the Validol tablet. For prolonged periods intense pain in the heart it is advisable to take drugs such as Corvalol or Valocordin (30-40 drops). Good effect give local warming and distracting procedures (hot foot baths with mustard or mustard plasters on the calf area). It is important to ensure complete rest for the patient.

  • Sorbitol;
  • Nitrosorbitol;
  • Nitranol;
  • Sustak.

Therapeutic effect of the listed pharmacological agents develops within 10-15 minutes.

Heart pain due to high blood pressure

If the pain syndrome appears against the background of increased blood pressure, you should urgently take an effective antihypertensive drug(for example – Corinfar).

In parallel with taking medications orally, rubbing with bee venom, as well as Efkamon and Bom-Benge ointment.

Pain due to cardialgia

For cardialgia (for example, against the background of mitral valve prolapse), Nitroglycerin is ineffective, but pain of this kind subsides after taking analgesics.

Pain in neurotic conditions

At neurotic states and the pain in the heart they cause can be taken (in the form of tablets or pharmacy tincture).

Often the attack can be stopped on its own (if we are not talking about a heart attack). Even if emergency assistance is not needed, in any case you need to call a local therapist to your home on the same day. It's important to pass full examination to establish true reasons the appearance of pain in the heart.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist