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Tooth extraction - what to do, how much does the gum hurt, how to relieve swelling? Is swelling after tooth extraction normal or not? When to sound the alarm

Some dental interventions are accompanied by forced injuries oral cavity. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction and how to remove it?

In most cases, gum swelling is the main post-operative problem causing serious discomfort to the patient.


The main cause of edema is a deep mechanical effect on the tissue. The tooth is always removed from the root, but with the use of anesthesia the patient does not experience pain. After extraction, the next day, when sensitivity is restored, the gums swell (sometimes, as with), which can affect the entire face. Such a change in tissue is a forced reaction of the body to an injury or the beginning of the development of complications.

Extensive tissue swelling is often caused by sutures placed after sawing out a destroyed molar. If during the healing process there is no purulent abscess, it subsides within five days.

When the swelling itches, it can be caused by a reaction to the injected anesthetic. In most cases it is caused by novocaine, since it active ingredients have a pronounced allergic effect. Immediately after tooth extraction, swelling quickly spreads to adjacent healthy areas.

The cause of delayed edema, which occurs after a few days, can be. It develops due to the loss of a barrier blood clot that protects the socket from the entry of food and liquid elements. Usually its elimination is associated with mechanical action, after which the inflammatory process begins.

If the operation was too traumatic, development may occur. The extent of the swelling will depend on its size.

The tumor develops as a result of a hematoma. Typically, the accumulation of blood in the tissue is caused by careless damage to the vessel. If the dentist touches a vessel, internal pain begins.

Another reason for the development of edema and its persistence for a long period is non-compliance with general recommendations dentist necessary during the rehabilitation period.


How many days does the swelling usually last?

It all depends on the patient’s age category, the body’s ability to tolerate injury, the complexity of extraction and individual characteristics. In most cases, after tooth extraction, swelling begins to subside on the third day.

How long does swelling last in a normal situation without the occurrence of diseases during severe surgical interventions? When the entire base of the tooth is destroyed and the crown is affected, the swelling is pronounced and lasts up to 7 days. The cause of the tumor in this case is cut tissue and detachment of the mucous membrane for better capture of the root.

How long does it take for the swelling to subside if a wisdom tooth was removed and suppuration began? Infection requires cleaning of the canals. Due to constant manipulation of the gums, swelling can persist for up to two weeks.

Sometimes the inflammation spreads to the eye area, which can cause decreased vision. Edema is joined additional symptoms in the form of increased temperature and deterioration of health.

How to relieve swelling after tooth extraction?

  • Usually pain occurs with swelling. They are caused by tissue tension and a minor inflammatory process. On the first day, it is recommended to take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  • If your cheek is swollen, cold compresses help. To do this, take a piece of ice, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the affected area. Exposure to cold long time Not recommended.
  • Will help reduce swelling special compounds for rinsing the mouth. IN pharmacy points solutions sold - , Chlorophyllipt, . You can use a proven home remedy - baking soda and salt.
  • If the use of solutions is not suitable, then you can use a special gel. Metrodent includes antimicrobial and disinfecting substances. Double action provides complex treatment and relieves swelling.
  • If complications from infection occur, it is important to take antibiotics. This can be done at home, but only as prescribed by a doctor. The most common antibacterial agent V dental treatment is Lincomycin. It is actively used for infections of bone tissue, joints and open wounds. The antibiotic is successfully used in the treatment of osteomyelitis and other bone lesions.
  • You can use it without fear folk remedies in the form of herbs. Special disinfection preparations are made independently, including pharmaceutical chamomile, propolis, calendula, sage and calamus root. These plants contribute to oppression pathogenic microflora, accelerate the removal of edema and healing of an open wound.
  • During the day, the patient is recommended to rest completely; it is better to refuse heavy physical labor.
  • Drinking alcohol is highly undesirable. Vasodilation activates blood flow, which increases swelling.
  • Rough or hard foods that injure the gums are excluded from the diet. It must be replaced with puree soups and broths. Product particles should not fall on the inflamed area of ​​the gum.
  • After complex extraction, eating is not recommended for several hours.
  • Drinking should not be cold, hot or heavy. The best option is a warm liquid without small particles.
  • During three days it is not advisable to take hot bath and do any manipulations that provoke a rush of blood into the vessels. This also applies to taking medications that thin the blood.
  • must be carried out carefully so as not to touch the clot in the hole.
  • Do not use anti-odor mouthwash. Its components can be irritating to the healing mucosa.
  • Rinsing the mouth should be done carefully so as not to provoke high blood pressure site of the extracted tooth.
  • Treatment or removal of other teeth should be carried out no earlier than seven days after another operation.
  • If possible, it is recommended to stop smoking tobacco and do not suddenly spit saliva.
  • If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics or other drugs, you cannot refuse to use them.

Video: rules for caring for the oral cavity after tooth extraction.

Possible complications

  1. Cellulitis - with this disease, a large part of the area swells lower jaw, the smell and taste of purulent contents appears in the oral cavity. Acute phlegmon is characterized sharp jump temperature and deterioration of health. Inflammation affects the connective and adipose tissue. At untimely treatment the abscess spreads to adjacent healthy areas. What to do in this situation? Since phlegmon develops rapidly, it must be treated with antibiotics. In case of advanced sepsis, it is carried out surgical intervention and treatment in a hospital setting.
  2. Osteomyelitis - from the affected gum, a purulent process moves into the nearby bone tissue. This disease is dangerous to human health and life. Severe manifestations of pathology lead to deformation of the jaw bone and tissue destruction. Acute osteomyelitis is characterized by fever, pain in the oral cavity when eating and opening the mouth. After visiting a doctor, the cavity in the gum is cleaned and drained. Antibiotics can be applied directly to the wound or taken orally. Constant antiseptic measures are carried out.
  3. Hematoma - when a blood clot occurs in the gum, treatment is carried out only by a surgeon. He will clean the hole with a special instrument, apply antiseptics and prescribe a course antimicrobials. Drainage is required to remove mucus and blood.

Why is it important to see a doctor if symptoms of complications begin? This can prevent health risks and speed up the patient's recovery process.

Extraction of third molars (wisdom teeth) – a complex invasive procedure surgery with a high risk of complications. After extracting a tooth from its socket, sutures are often required, as this type of extraction usually involves an incision in the gum. IN severe cases the doctor will remove the tooth in parts, and if the root system is complexly intertwined or the roots are too powerful, dissection of the periosteum may be required.

Removing a wisdom tooth is not an easy operation.

All these actions are different high degree tissue trauma, therefore complications after the extraction of wisdom teeth appear more often compared to the extraction of premolars and first/second molars. One of the most common complications is swelling and swelling of the gums. The pathology may be accompanied by severe pain, fever and hyperemia of the mucous membranes. If the gums are swollen after the removal of a wisdom tooth, you need to consult a dentist - if there is no timely treatment swelling may increase, and the inflammatory process may become purulent.

Why does a tumor appear?

Swelling and swelling of soft tissues after of this type intervention is a normal reaction of the body in response to gum injury. The likelihood of swelling increases in the following cases:

  • germs and bacteria entering the wound as a result of poor hygiene or ignoring the recommendations of the attending physician for preventive drug treatment;
  • using a toothbrush earlier than 8 hours after surgery;
  • consumption of hot food and drinks, improper disinfectant rinsing technique and other factors that contribute to the displacement of a blood clot or its loss from the socket;
  • smoking, drinking drinks containing ethanol And a large number of caffeine

Note! Even if a person strictly monitors hygiene in the postoperative period, follows a gentle regimen and follows all the doctor’s instructions, swelling can still form. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of a purulent-inflammatory process. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment, which may include taking medicines or use folk recipes with proven effectiveness and safety.

Is it possible to use cold?

One of the most common methods of combating swelling and soft tissue swelling is the use of cold compresses. They can be done without consulting a doctor only in cases where there is absolute confidence in the absence of purulent inflammation and cystic lesions of the root system nearby standing teeth. You can apply ice only on the first day after surgery. It is recommended to make compresses every 1-2 hours, and you can keep them for no more than 2-3 minutes - otherwise there is a chance that the chewing molars located nearby will get cold.

For a compress, you can use ice or any frozen product. Under no circumstances should you immediately apply ice to the inflamed area - first you need to wrap it in thick cotton or terry cloth. If shooting pain occurs during or after the procedure, you should stop treatment and contact your dentist. Apply this method Swelling can be combated for no longer than 24-48 hours.

Important! Under no circumstances should you heat inflamed tissues. This can lead to increased secretion of pus and the development of purulent inflammation of the periosteum tissue (periostitis).

The role of disinfection treatment for swelling of the gums

Quickly stop inflammation and provide prevention infectious processes can be done by rinsing with antiseptics. Preparations of this group have pronounced antimicrobial activity, destroy the synthesis of proteins in the cell membrane of microscopic fungi and viruses, as well as most strains of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. At local application These drugs are almost not absorbed by the mucous membranes and act only at the site of use.

Products based on nitrofural

Nitrofural is one of the most effective antiseptics for local and external treatment of wounds and various damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Despite the fact that nitrofural preparations are considered outdated in most European countries and are rarely used in medical practice, it cannot be denied that nitrofural (furacilin) ​​is as effective as most modern antiseptics. The most popular and affordable drug given drug group is "Furacilin". The product is available in the form of tablets, from which you can prepare a concentrated solution, or a ready-made solution for local and external disinfection.

"Furacilin" helps to quickly eliminate swelling caused by tissue inflammation and provides antiseptic treatment mucous membranes, preventing infection of the injured gum. For rinsing it is recommended to use water solution“Furacilin”, for the preparation of which you need to dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in a glass hot water. It is recommended to rinse your mouth 4 to 8 times a day for 5-7 days. A single dose of the finished solution is 100 ml.

Note! If the bleeding has not stopped yet after tooth extraction, Furacilin cannot be used. Patients with chronic forms allergic dermatosis.

Iodine preparations

Iodine is a chemical active element from the halogen group. An alcohol solution of iodine has a pronounced disinfectant, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect and can be used to combat inflammatory processes after removal of posterior molars and to prevent postoperative complications. You can prepare an iodine-based rinse solution yourself or buy it ready-made drug at the pharmacy.

At home, the composition for anti-inflammatory rinses is prepared as follows:

It is necessary to treat the oral cavity with rinses (in case of intense inflammation or severe pain, take baths) 4 times a day between meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days. If no improvement is observed on the third or fourth day of therapy, you should consult a doctor.

Important! About 9% of patients suffer from poor iodine tolerance, so if any symptoms of allergy or intolerance to the components appear, use of the solution should be discontinued. Symptoms of intolerance include: headache, severe nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdominal and epigastric space, sweating.

Other antiseptics that can be used to eliminate swelling and relieve the inflammatory process, as well as the scheme for their use, are listed in the table below.

Table. Antiseptics for swollen gums after wisdom tooth removal.

Name of medicineHow to useDuration of treatment
4-5 times a day (50 ml per rinse)7 days
3-4 times a day7-10 days
2-3 times a day5-10 days
2-4 times a day5-7 days

What to apply to swollen gums?

To relieve inflammation after extraction of a tooth with a complex root system, which includes wisdom teeth, doctors often prescribe medications local action in the form of ointments and gels. It is better to start using such products from the first day of the postoperative period in order to prevent inflammatory processes, but even if treatment is started after the swelling appears, gels with the addition of antiseptics and herbal components will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Preparations with the addition of natural ingredients

Such medications are considered the safest, as they do not contain potent ingredients and help to gently eliminate inflammation and swelling. The most effective means The gels “Cholisal” and “Mundizal” are considered to be based on herbal ingredients. In addition to the extract from chamomile flowers, they also contain lidocaine, which effectively copes with pain and helps make the recovery period easier.

Chamomile extract is also included in the combined gels “Dentinox” and “Kamistad”, which can be used both for the treatment of adult patients and the prevention of complications in postoperative period, and to relieve pain during teething in infants of the first year of life due to the lidocaine included in the composition.

Fully natural composition has Pansoral gel. It contains extracts of chamomile, calamus and sage, which help eliminate inflammation, strengthen gums and speed up wound healing.

Gels with antiseptics and antibacterial components

The most effective means of this group is “Metrogil Denta”, in which as active substance a combination of a local antiseptic (chlorhexidine) and an antimicrobial component (metronidazole) is used. The product can be used in childhood, starting from 6 years old. You need to apply it to swollen gums 3-4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 7 days.

In case of severe pain syndrome, the use of Solcoseryl dental paste is recommended. It has a pronounced wound healing effect, eliminates pain syndrome, improves the condition of the gums and quickly stops inflammatory processes, preventing infection of soft tissues.

Home Recipes

For moderate inflammation, when there is only slight swelling on the gum, recipes can help traditional medicine, the use of which is completely safe in most cases. This treatment can be recommended for children and pregnant women, but only for uncomplicated forms of pathology.

Elderberry decoction

Elderberry is a deciduous fruiting shrub that belongs to perennial plants. Red and black elderberries contain many acids and vitamins that are beneficial for gum health, as well as mineral salts, strengthening hard tissues teeth and preventing the demineralization process. Elderberry can be used fresh or dried – contents useful elements in both forms the raw materials are approximately the same.

To prepare an anti-inflammatory decoction you need:

  • pour a handful of washed berries (about 150 g) with 600 ml of boiling water;
  • place the container on low heat and cook for 30 minutes;
  • leave for 1 hour.

Use the prepared broth to rinse the mouth 3 to 6 times a day. The first signs of improvement are usually noticeable after 2-3 days of treatment. Total duration therapy – 10 days.

Oregano decoction

Oregano (forest mint or incense) – unique treatment plant, capable of coping with even severe inflammation. It contains natural antibacterial components, destroys pathogenic microbes and bacteria, and disinfects mucous membranes. You can buy dried oregano at a pharmacy or in stores selling health goods and products.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of oregano into 300 ml of boiling water;
  • cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes;
  • leave for 2 hours and strain.

Rinse your mouth up to five times a day for 5-7 days (if severe inflammation– up to 10 days in a row).

If no treatment methods help, and the patient’s condition worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor - such a picture may indicate purulent processes in the tissues of the periosteum (periostitis) or the formation of cystic growths on the root system of adjacent teeth. The doctor will prescribe X-ray examination and adjust the treatment regimen if necessary.

Video - What to do after tooth extraction

You can always encounter a situation where, after the removal of a wisdom tooth, your gums become swollen. Swelling is usually inevitable postoperative consequence. And it can be dealt with on our own, if, of course, you follow the dentist's recommendations. But if the swelling does not subside within 7-10 days, the gum tissue may have become infected. In this article we will figure out how to recognize the danger and prevent complications.

Regeneration (healing, restoration) of the gums after tooth extraction is always accompanied by discomfort and painful sensations. After all, any surgical intervention is, first of all, tissue damage. And their swelling after surgery does not always signal problems.

To survive postoperative period, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions, which we talked about in the article “What to do after wisdom teeth are removed.” And in order to have time to help yourself in case of complications, you need to be able to recognize dangerous symptoms. This, as well as its rules quick fix, we will train you.

Surgery always causes tissue damage

Due to rupture of the gum mucosa and its blood vessels, and nerve endings, ligaments and other soft tissues responsible for fixing the wisdom tooth, an inflammatory focus forms at the site of damage, and swelling damaged tissue. These phenomena are completely natural - this is how the body starts regeneration.

Common symptoms

In addition to swelling, inflammation of the gums and adjacent tissues is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bleeding, which should end within an hour and a half after wisdom tooth removal;
  • pain concentrated in the area of ​​damage and radiating to other teeth and different parts of the head;
  • redness of the affected area;
  • an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees;
  • a feeling of heat where the tooth used to be;
  • inability to open completely.

After surgery, the tooth socket becomes covered with a blood clot (thrombus). Now he, instead extracted tooth wisdom, protects tissues from infection. In some cases, the wound may be covered with a white fibrous film, and the gums sometimes become lighter. This is an option for healthy regeneration that is not associated with suppuration. The film cannot be forcibly removed. This will slow down the restoration of gums and other tissues and increase the risk of infection.

Wound infection and neglect

All of these symptoms are normal consequences of wisdom tooth removal. They should gradually decrease and completely disappear within a week.

If a tooth was destroyed or the gum was cut during the operation, this period may extend for another 2-3 days. Everything changes when an infection enters the wound and increases inflammation.

It is the infection of the damaged area that is indicated by severe swelling that does not go away for more than 7-10 days. Gum swelling is accompanied by acute, paroxysmal, throbbing pain, suppuration, bad taste And putrid smell from mouth.

The fibrous film becomes gray-green, body temperature can rise to critical levels of 39-40 degrees. Symptoms of body intoxication appear: dizziness, aches in muscles and joints, diarrhea (diarrhea), fatigue.

After wisdom tooth removal, gums may swell for a long time and for other reasons. Perhaps the dentist's recommendations were not followed exactly.

As a result, the inflamed and swollen gums received a new dose of irritation or damage. For example, hot or alcoholic drinks, smoking, solid foods, a toothbrush with hard bristles.

Other reasons

If the gums are very swollen and inflamed after wisdom tooth removal, the dentist may have performed the operation incorrectly. He overdried the damaged tissues with disinfectants, which slowed down their recovery due to the absence of a blood clot. Or used unsterile instruments.

It is possible that the doctor left a fragment of some dental instrument or part of a tooth in the wound. After all, the roots of “eights” are often very curved, which makes them difficult to remove. The residue constantly injures the gum tissue, which causes not only swelling, but also suppuration.

Any reason that causes swollen gums can lead to complications. For example, to the development of alveolitis - inflammation of the surface of the tooth socket, gumboil (periostitis) - inflammatory damage to the periosteum, osteomyelitis - purulent-necrotic damage to the jaw bone. Details in the article “Consequences of wisdom tooth removal.”

Complications are especially dangerous for people with low immunity. Without protection, it is difficult for the body to resist inflammation, and it quickly begins to invade neighboring areas of the mouth.

Don't panic - see a doctor

Postoperative actions depend on the condition of the gingival and adjacent tissues, as well as on sensations. If everything is normal, you need to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and wait for the damaged area to recover.

If the symptoms of infection described above appear, you should contact your dentist again. For acute pain they are taken out of turn. After examining the patient’s oral cavity and taking an x-ray, the doctor will determine exactly why the gum swelling does not subside.

If the cause of the tumor is a remaining fragment of an instrument or a piece of a tooth, the doctor must complete his work free of charge.

Not everyone has the opportunity to urgently go to the dentist. But this is not a reason to torment yourself with pain. Before meeting with the doctor, you can take painkillers: Solpadeine, Ketorol, Nise. Before using any medicine, you need to read the instructions and consult a doctor, you can by phone.

Additional actions

To enhance the effect, analgesic therapy is combined with anti-inflammatory therapy, which can relieve swelling of the gums. You can use “Parodontocide” in the form of a gel, spray or rinse solution. Among solutions, “Stomatofit” has also proven itself well, ointments – “Metrogil Denta”, sprays – “Tantum Verde”.

NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Piroxicam, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin can also help. They perform three tasks simultaneously: relieve swelling and inflammation, reduce temperature and relieve pain. Aspirin should not be taken from NSAIDs, as it can cause rebleeding from the wound.

At high temperature Antipyretic drugs will help: Paracetamol, Cefekon H, Panadol. You can relieve swelling and redness of the gums using antihistamines: “Zyrteka”, “Cetrina”, “Suprastina”.

Antiseptic help and prohibited actions

To stop the further spread of infection, you need to rinse your mouth with liquids containing antiseptics. For example, “Miramistin”, “Gexoral”, “Stomatidin”. Besides pharmaceutical drugs, you can use medications homemade: soda-salt solution, freshly squeezed potato juice, decoctions for medicinal herbs(calendula, sage, chamomile).

Instead of solutions, you can use lozenges, which also contain antiseptics. “Adgisept”, “Lizobakt”, “Strepsils” are suitable.

At severe swelling gums and suspected inflammation, do not use hot drinks and rinses, or warm up the site of wisdom tooth extraction. Otherwise, the infection will begin to spread quickly, causing other inflammatory diseases: stomatitis, periodontitis, laryngitis.

It is strictly forbidden to pick at the damaged area with toothpicks, a fingernail or other improvised means. Before visiting the dentist and while performing the treatment prescribed by him, you must stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor

Don't limit yourself to just the ones listed above. therapeutic methods. A visit to the dentist is necessary, because only he can find out the exact cause of swelling of the gums and prescribe adequate therapy. Inaction can cause complications: inflammation of large areas in the oral cavity, poisoning of the body with toxins. As a result, you will have to be treated in a hospital setting.

In case of severe swelling and infection of the gums, antibiotics must be used, the names and dosage of which should be selected by the dentist. Depending on the intensity of the process, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for local action. For example, sprays “Anginal”, “Olazol”, powders “Neomycin”, “Oletetrin”, which need to be poured directly into the wound. IN advanced cases antibiotics are prescribed for internal use: “Sumamed”, “Ampicillin”.

Procedural activities

Drug treatment is complemented by various procedures. If swelling of the gums is accompanied by suppuration, the dentist must sanitize the tooth socket - cleansing it of harmful contents: pus, dead cells, blood.

In advanced cases, drainage of the affected area will be required. A special tube or insert made of rubber or latex is inserted into the tooth socket where the wisdom tooth used to be. They promote the constant outflow of pus, lymph and blood from the wound. Thanks to drainage, the doctor can control the consistency and color of the fluid that flows out. The procedure helps reduce gum swelling and heal damaged tissue.

After sanitation and drainage removal, the dentist places sutures on the wound, tightening the edges of the gums. This reduces the risk of additional infection. Afterwards he prescribes anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and rehabilitation treatment. As well as physiotherapeutic procedures using laser, electromagnetic field, infrared or ultraviolet radiation.

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From this article you will learn:

  • Tooth pulled out, gums hurt: what to do.
  • why gums hurt after tooth extraction: reasons,
  • How many days should the pain last?

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Many patients complain that their gums hurt in the first days after tooth extraction. The pain is normal reaction body to injury, and therefore not severe, not prolonged pain is normal. However, pain occurs not only as a consequence of injury to the bone and gums, but also because inflammation of the gums could develop after tooth extraction.

According to statistics, inflammation and improper healing of the socket after tooth extraction occurs in 3-5% of cases (but this applies to teeth of any location except wisdom teeth). But it leads to the development of complications in approximately 25-30% of cases. This article will help you understand the cause of the pain, whether your tooth socket is healing properly, and what to do if it becomes inflamed.

Type of gums after tooth extraction (normal) –

How much does your gum hurt after tooth extraction?

How much the gums hurt after tooth extraction directly depends on the degree of trauma of the removal and whether inflammation of the socket occurred or not. Normal after easy removal the pain usually lasts for 1-2 days, and once it occurs, its severity should gradually decrease by the next day. Therefore, if your gums ache a little after tooth extraction, there is no need to panic right away.

Why does my gum hurt after tooth extraction?
strong pain After tooth extraction, it usually occurs when significant trauma is caused to the bone tissue around the tooth. This happens when removing a complex tooth, when the doctor is forced to saw out the bone tissue with a drill or saw through the crown of the tooth in order to extract the tooth in fragments. In these situations, severe pain may be justified, but even in these cases, it still often occurs due to doctor errors...

1. Severe pain after removal and surgeon error -

When a tooth has been removed, the gums hurt so much that even strong analgesics help little - the reason most often turns out to be the incompetence of the surgeon. Unfortunately, many surgeons do not strive to minimize trauma to bone tissue and gums during the removal process, which leads to severe pain. Below we list the main medical “flaws” in the process of tooth extraction -

  • When sawing out bone with a drill
    According to the rules, when cutting out bone around a tooth, the doctor must use a surgical handpiece, which supplies coolant to the drilling area. In 90% of cases in surgical rooms Tips without such cooling are used. As a result, the bone receives thermal burn and superficial necrosis, and the patient - sharp pains after removal.

    If you have had a bone cut out and your gums hurt after tooth extraction: what to do in such a situation will depend on the condition of the socket of the extracted tooth. If the clot is dense and there are no symptoms of inflammation other than pain, you should wait and take strong NSAID-based analgesics. If the socket is empty and there are signs of inflammation (see below), you need to go for a second visit to the dentist and clean the socket.

  • Movable bone fragments in the wound
    the surgeon may leave large, inactive bone fragments in the socket of the extracted tooth, which are formed when the tooth dislocates/rocks. Their presence can lead to severe pain and inflammation of the extracted tooth socket, as well as the need for a second visit to the surgeon to remove them.
  • Wrong removal strategy
    this is the most common mistake. The fact is that different doctors(due to the difference in experience and intelligence) - completely removed identical teeth differently. This leads to the fact that one surgeon can torment the patient for 1-2 hours, trying to use only forceps and elevators when removing and regardless of the trauma caused to the bone, while another will decide to immediately saw the tooth into 2 parts (removing them separately), and spending only 15-25 minutes on the entire removal.

  • The doctor did not stitch
    Before removal, the mucous membrane around the tooth is peeled off from it with a trowel, which leads to the fact that the edges of the mucous membrane around the socket of the extracted tooth will be mobile. Often, even seeing the need for suturing, surgeons are too lazy to do it. Ideally, at least 1 suture should be applied even after the removal of small single-rooted teeth, not to mention multi-rooted ones.

    Studies have shown that suturing the socket can reduce the intensity of pain by 30-50%, reduce the risk of developing inflammatory complications by up to 90%, accelerate wound healing, and almost completely prevent the loss of a blood clot from the socket and the risk of bleeding. I can recommend to you - always, before removal, ask the doctor to suture the hole (even if you have to pay an extra 250-500 rubles for 1 or 2 stitches). This will save you a lot of nerves.

  • If the doctor has not prescribed it, there is a high risk of developing inflammation of the socket and, as a result, severe pain. Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor, so you should go for a re-examination and complain about pain.

What to do in all these situations -

How long does the gum hurt after tooth extraction in these situations - normally, pain should last no more than 1-2 days after simple removal, and its severity should be mild or moderate. Moreover, pain, swelling (if it also appears) and others negative symptoms should gradually decrease. After complex removal pain can be severe and normally last 3-5 days, but starting from next day they will also begin to decrease.

If the intensity of the pain does not decrease within 2 days, if you feel bone fragments in the wound with your tongue, if you experience pain in the socket in response to cold/hot water, if a blood clot, if appeared bad smell from the hole... - you need to urgently go to the surgeon for a second appointment (without waiting for your gums to become inflamed after tooth extraction).

2. If the cause of pain is inflammation after tooth extraction

Quite often, patients come back again with complaints about constant aching pain, which do not decrease by bad smell from the hole, because their gums are festering after tooth extraction. If a patient experiences such inflammation after tooth extraction, treatment can only be carried out by contacting the dentist again.

When examining such patients in the oral cavity, you can see the following picture: the hole is filled with traces of necrotic disintegration of a blood clot and food debris, exposed bone in the depths of the hole, which is very painful when touched and when cold or hot water gets on it. This inflammation is usually called alveolitis of the tooth socket.

Inflammation after tooth extraction: photo

Sometimes the pain due to inflammation of the socket is so severe that even the strongest analgesics do not help. The duration of the pain can be from 10 to 40 days, and, as a rule, it ends only after treatment of the inflamed hole by the dentist. The most severe symptoms are usually observed with alveolitis of the wisdom tooth socket (there is also severe suppuration and swelling of the cheek).

Inflamed gums after tooth extraction: what to do...
It should be noted that suppuration of the gums after tooth extraction can develop both through the fault of the doctor and after incorrect actions of the patient (for example, you could rinse your mouth vigorously and rinse out a blood clot). will consist of cleaning the socket of the extracted tooth from necrotic decay of the clot and food debris, and placing special anti-inflammatory drugs in the socket.

Alveolitis (inflammation of the socket after removal): video
in video 1 you can see what classic alveolitis looks like, and in video 2 you can see what it looks like when pressing on the gums in the area of ​​both extracted teeth wisdom, pus is released from the holes.

3. Pain during hematoma suppuration –

Sometimes you have to deal with next situation– the blood clot in the socket of the extracted tooth is dense, there is no inflammation in it... but the patient can observe the following symptoms, indicating the formation of a hematoma and its suppuration –

Swelling of the gums occurs due to injury to soft tissues during dental procedures. A slight swelling that goes away on its own within a week is considered normal. If the gums are very swollen after tooth extraction and do not go away for a long time, then this is already an alarming sign. It is worth considering an immediate visit to the doctor.
It is possible that a few days after tooth extraction, the same place becomes swollen and there is severe pain, as well as an increase in temperature and general bad feeling. All these symptoms indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in soft tissues. To avoid serious complications, this question must be decide asap.

Tumor after tooth extraction: causes

A soft tissue tumor after tooth extraction can occur for various reasons:

  • Remaining tooth in the wound. At the end of the procedure, the doctor must check that there are no foreign objects left in the jaw.
  • Allergic reaction for pain relief. It is necessary to perform an allergy test in advance this type medicines. Whenever the slightest redness, the drug should be contraindicated to the patient. If it did happen adverse reaction, antihistamines will help relieve swelling.
  • Infection. In this case, there is pulsation of the gums, severe redness and inflammation. To prevent the onset serious complications, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Quite often, swelling is formed as a result of the removal of wisdom teeth. Because the procedure to eliminate them greatly damages the gums. Pressure increases in the capillaries of soft tissues and a sharp rush of blood occurs to the sore spot, thus causing swelling. Outwardly it looks like gumboil, but don't be confused these diseases to avoid complications.

How to relieve swelling?

When the gums are swollen after tooth extraction, cold compresses come to the rescue. They must be applied to the cheek. This will help reduce the swelling. You need to hold the cold object near your cheek for no more than twenty minutes, then take a break. Categorically Do not heat the sore spot.
If the swelling is large enough, but not burdened inflammatory process, the dentist prescribes medications to the patient that help reduce swelling. Further recommendations will include gentle and thorough rinsing of the mouth. However, you should not overdo it. Because you can thereby erode the protective blood clot necessary for rapid healing.
In cases where inflammation is caused by fragments remaining in the wound, they are removed and the pus is removed. Then the oral cavity is sanitized with special antiseptic solutions. In addition to cleansing the hole, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic medications to take orally.
The most common preventive method swelling of the gums after tooth extraction means abstaining from food and drink for several hours after the operation. It is also necessary to hold off on rinsing your mouth during the first day so as not to affect the clot in the hole with your tongue or foreign objects.

If, after measures taken the swelling has not gone away, you need to go to the clinic and contact your dentist. Because most likely the cause of a soft tissue tumor is the resulting inflammatory process.