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Laser coagulation of the retina. Laser coagulation of the retina: price, postoperative period, consequences

Laser coagulation of the eye retina refers to a surgical intervention using special equipment, without trauma and unnecessary incisions.

Benefits of laser coagulation

  • Using a laser, the retina is strengthened in a non-contact manner (no infection) without excision eyeball,
  • bloodless intervention,
  • no need for general anesthesia, which eliminates stress for the body,
  • treatment is limited to one day and does not require a recovery period.


This procedure is indicated for:

  • retinal dystrophies, including age-related,
  • vascular lesions,
  • some types of tumors
  • vascular pathologies of veins,
  • thrombosis of the central vein in the retina,
  • retinal detachment and rupture.
  • The procedure is effective in preventing the progression of pathologies in the fundus.


    The procedure cannot be performed if:

    • clouding of the ocular media,
    • severe hemorrhages in the fundus,
    • gliosis grades 3 and 4,
    • visual acuity below 0.1,
    • the appearance of new blood vessels on the iris.

    Application of laser coagulation of the retina

    Characteristics of the procedure

    The procedure is outpatient. The anesthesia used is drip, local. This type of anesthesia is well tolerated at any age, without loading the blood vessels, heart and other organs.

    On the day of retinal laser coagulation, the patient may experience some discomfort associated with pupil dilation, redness of the eye, and lacrimation. These manifestations disappear by the end of the day.

    The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. The patient then rests and, after being examined by a doctor, returns to to the usual way life.


    First, the doctor instills a solution into the eye to dilate the pupil. After this, he instills anesthetic drops. The patient's head is fixed to the apparatus.

    A special lens (three-mirror Goldmann lens) is lubricated with gel and inserted directly into the eye for direct contact with the anterior wall. Through the installed lens, the doctor looks at the retina. In this case, the patient should look forward without moving the eye.

    Carrying out the operation

    For the procedure, a laser unit from the American manufacturer OcuLight TX can be used. The coagulation device consists of two lasers. One for aiming - red, low-power. Another high power cauterization. Lasers are directed to the same point.

    First, the doctor sets Right place red dot of the aiming laser. After pressing the button, this place on the retina is cauterized with a powerful laser. The surgeon can monitor the operation using a stereo microscope.

    Laser exposure

    The principle of laser coagulation therapy is based on sharp increase temperatures from laser exposure. This leads to clotting (coagulation) of the tissue. Therefore, the operation is bloodless. The patient may feel a light touch of the lens and see light flashes from the laser beam. The video shows in real time how the operation itself takes place.

    Thanks to the extremely high precision of the laser, adhesions are formed between the choroid and the retina. In case of retinal damage (for example, tears), the laser connects the fragments using the “gluing” method.

    Postoperative period

    To provide normal conditions tissue growth and new blood vessels are important:

The eye is one of the most important organs feelings, so taking care of their health should come first with early childhood. But, despite all sorts of preventive actions, eye diseases are very widespread. In my opinion, retinal detachment is the worst thing that can happen to the eyes. After all, retinal detachment threatens vision loss without the possibility of its subsequent restoration.

The main reason for the development of detachment retina are its breaks. If such ruptures occur, the liquid vitreous flows under the retina, causing its detachment. The essence of laser coagulation of the retina is to eliminate these gaps.

Laser coagulation of the retina is performed under local anesthesia. Pain relief occurs after instillation of the solution into the eye local anesthetic. After this, a three-mirror lens is installed on the eye, which will allow the surgeon to direct laser ray to any part of the retina.

Further, the defect is limited to several rows of laser coagulants. In place of these substances, chorioretinal adhesions are subsequently formed. These adhesions will prevent the retina from further detaching from the underlying tissue.

Chorioretinal adhesions form within 10-14 days. Therefore, the outcome of the operation can be considered successful only after this time has passed. If the detachment does not become larger, you can hope for restoration of vision.

The procedure for laser coagulation of the retina is completely painless, but requires a lot of patience and perseverance from the patient, since the surgeon works on a very small area with pinpoint precision.

Laser coagulation of the retina is quite complex surgical intervention, which has its own complications and consequences.

Consequences and complications of laser coagulation of the retina

When using a laser, corneal edema may develop, which can lead to decreased visual acuity. This swelling usually resolves very quickly, so it is the mildest complication.

If the doctor has applied coagulants of large diameter, then sometimes part of the laser energy is transferred to the iris, provoking its inflammation. The consequences of this are deformation of the pupil due to the formation of posterior synechiae.

According to experts, the most serious complication is the closure of the anterior chamber angle, which provokes an increase intraocular pressure. This occurs with choroidal detachment and edema of the ciliary body, which is provoked big amount laser energy.

Some surgeons perform this operation with a narrow laser beam. This beam passes through the lens and naturally affects its tissue. The consequences of this are strictly individual, but some authors note the development of cataracts.

As for the retina itself, in addition to positive effect, the laser can cause microscopic hemorrhages and detachment elsewhere. Incorrect application of coagulants very often causes the development of macular edema and impaired perfusion optic nerve. The consequence of this is decreased vision, the presence of defects in the visual field, and loss of night vision.

Very often, laser coagulation of the retina is performed when new vessels of the optic nerve head are formed. A complication of this is nerve ischemia, which results in a sharp decrease in vision.

The retina is a multilayered formation that contains pigment epithelium and choroid. If coagulation is carried out with a narrow beam, then complications such as ruptures of Bruch's membrane and the appearance of hemorrhages in the vitreous body and retina are possible.

Most of the internal space of the eye is occupied by the vitreous body, so the laser beam in any case passes through this formation. The consequences of this are the appearance of hemorrhages, opacities, and contraction of the posterior limiting membrane. And as a result of the last complication - vitreous detachment.

After this procedure, the patient must be observed by a doctor for some time, since there are also long-term complications that arise some time after the operation. Such complications include progressive atrophy of the retinal pigment layer in the area of ​​coagulation.

So we talked to you on the website www.site about what it is laser coagulation retina, consequences, complications considered. Despite the large number of complications, laser coagulation of the retina is the most modern and most effective method treatment of retinal tears and prevention of retinal detachment.

Laser coagulation is surgical method treatment of thinning and ruptures of the retina, allowing to prevent its detachment, leading to and. The surgical procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and is easily tolerated by patients of any age. Its duration is about half an hour.

After the laser coagulation procedure of the retina, unlike normal operations on the eyes, the patient does not require a long period of rehabilitation. However, to achieve best result intervention, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of the recovery phase.

Features of the postoperative period

The effect of drops that dilate the pupil ends within 2 or 3 hours after the end of the procedure. Following this, the patient’s previous vision is restored. Sometimes during this period, a person experiences a feeling of irritation. These manifestations disappear spontaneously after a few hours.

After the operation, you should stop driving and wear Sunglasses. Refusal to drive a car and wearing tinted glasses are necessary until persistent chorioretinal adhesions form.
All recovery period After laser coagulation of the retina, it may take one to two weeks. During this time, it is necessary to adhere to a special gentle regime, that is, limit:

  • Activities associated with falls, vibration, shocks (including sports);
  • Visiting swimming pools, baths, saunas;
  • Work involving lifting or carrying heavy objects, bending the body;
  • Visual work at close range (reading, writing, computer);
  • Alcohol consumption, large quantity liquids, spicy and salty foods.

After the procedure of laser coagulation of the retina against the background of diabetes mellitus, there is a risk of new areas of detachment and the appearance of dystrophic vessels. Therefore, for six months, the patient is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist monthly for a preventive examination. For the next six months, the frequency of preventive examinations is reduced to one every 3 months. Then, if the course is favorable, preventive examinations are necessary every six months and a year.

Preventive examinations of peripheral areas allow timely detection of the emergence of new areas of degenerative changes in the retina, its thinning, as well as ruptures, and make a decision to perform preventive laser coagulation. This tactic significantly reduces the risk of developing retinal detachment and avoids vision loss.

Laser coagulation of the retina is a common procedure aimed at strengthening the retinal tissue. It is performed before laser vision correction and is necessary for patients who suffer from pathologies associated with degeneration or dystrophy of this element visual system. There are a number possible consequences this procedure.

One of the most common problems after laser coagulation of the eyes, retinal detachment occurs. Practical observations of ophthalmologists show that the problem may not manifest itself in any way, especially on initial stages after operation. It is for this reason that the patient must carefully follow all the ophthalmologist’s instructions and regularly undergo visual system diagnostics and fundus examinations.
It is important to understand that detachment after laser coagulation is dangerous because with strong stress on the body, for example, during physical activity, may cause sharp deterioration vision. Yes, on late stages myopia (myopia) occurs, and “flying spots” may appear before the eyes. If retinal detachment is detected in a timely manner, doctors perform extrascleral filling or repeated laser coagulation on the patient. Sometimes there is a need for partial or complete removal vitreous, the procedure is called “vitrectomy”.

How is the operation performed?

Before laser coagulation of the retina, the patient undergoes full examination visual system, and also passes necessary tests for the therapist. Preparation for surgery in private clinics can begin with hospitalization on the expected day of its implementation. In municipal medical institutions, it may be necessary to monitor the patient for a period of 3 to 7 days after detection of retinal detachment.

Before starting the process, the ophthalmologist makes local anesthesia and instills medications that dilate the pupil. After this, a special type of lens is placed over the eyes, which resembles a microscope eyepiece. It makes it possible to focus the laser beam and precisely direct it to the required area. During the operation, areas of protein destruction are formed, as well as gluing of the retina, this prevents its further delamination.

Laser coagulation of the eye takes place in sitting position, at this time a person feels the impact of the device, like bright flashes of light. In exceptional cases, this can cause dizziness and gag reflexes. In order for the patient to endure the process more comfortably, the specialist recommends concentrating on the second eye. The final formation of adhesions occurs in approximately 10-14 days, only after this period can one judge whether the operation was successful.

Laser coagulation is an absolutely painless process, the patient in rare cases may experience mild tingling.

Possible complications

Often, after surgery on the retina, swelling of the cornea occurs, which can cause a significant change in refractive indices of vision; a person begins to see objects blurry. However, swelling after coagulation subsides quite quickly, and vision is restored, so this complication is the mildest. There are cases when the ophthalmologist applies coagulants too big size during laser surgery, in this case the energy of the device can be transferred to the iris visual organ, which provokes the inflammatory process. As a result, the pupil is deformed due to the formation of posterior synechiae on the retina of the eyes; the consequence is corrected by repeated surgery. The most serious complication after laser coagulation of the retina, according to ophthalmologists, is the closure of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, the consequences this process- jumps in intraocular pressure that occur with choroidal detachment and swelling of the ciliary body under strong exposure to a laser beam.

There are cases when a specialist performs laser coagulation of the retina with a narrow laser beam, which passes through the lens and affects its tissue. The reaction can be individual; sometimes the patient develops cataracts after such laser surgery.

Also, microscopic hemorrhages and detachment may appear on the retina itself in another place. Incorrect application of coagulants to the retina often provokes macular edema and impaired perfusion of the eye nerve. The consequence is decreased vision, decreased ability to see in dark time days.

Laser coagulation of the retina is often performed during the formation of optic nerve head vessels. This is fraught with ischemia and sharp drop vision.
The retina is a multilayered formation containing the choroid and pigment epithelium. Therefore, if coagulation is performed with a narrow beam, then the patient may experience ruptures of Bruch’s membrane and hemorrhages into the vitreous body and the retina itself.
Hemorrhages, opacities, contractions of the limiting membrane and, as a result, detachment of the vitreous body are also possible, as the laser beam passes through this formation.
After laser treatment of the retina, the patient needs to be regularly observed by a specialist for some time, since anomalies can occur only some time after the procedure. These include progressive atrophy of the retinal pigment layer in the coagulation zone.

Indications for surgery

Laser coagulation is prescribed to people with such eye pathologies How:

  • retinal detachment or rupture (the eyes become vulnerable to any, even minor, stress);
  • macular degeneration;
  • mechanical damage retina, vitreous body, choroid;
  • congenital retinopathy (usually in premature babies);
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • pathological proliferation of disc vessels optic nerve and retina;
  • inflammatory processes in vascular system retinal hemorrhages;
  • defeat macular spot;
  • retinal abnormalities associated with obstruction of the central ophthalmic vein.

Contraindications for coagulation

Doctors will categorically refuse to perform surgery if the patient is found to have:

  • gliosis from the third degree and higher. This disease provokes the replacement of light-sensitive cells in the retina. connective tissue, there is a severe deterioration in vision;
  • severe retinal detachment;
  • hemorrhage in the eyeball. This restriction is temporary; if the hemorrhage resolves, the patient is allowed to undergo the procedure. Otherwise, it is necessary to treat the symptom and its root cause;
  • clouding of the vitreous, lens, or other areas of the visual system due to abnormalities, including cataracts. If the deviation is eliminated, then the operation can be performed.

Limitations during rehabilitation

In order to avoid as much as possible possible complications After coagulation, you should follow a number of rules for one month:

The term laser coagulation of the retina in medicine refers to a method of treating and preventing eye pathologies associated with degenerative changes in blood vessels or their ruptures. Such an operation can last from 15 minutes to half an hour.

The essence of the problem

The visual ability allows a person to enjoy the beauty of the world around him, to see loved ones and loved ones, which ultimately ensures the quality of life at the proper and familiar level. And it becomes very unpleasant when someone loses their sight, and irreversibly.

The most dangerous ophthalmological pathology is retinal detachment. It requires urgent surgical intervention. At the same time, strengthening the retina does not provide the patient with guarantees that visual ability will be fully restored.

Patients do not feel pain in the eyes. Only sometimes can you feel the contact of the surface of the visual organ with the lens. After the operation, the patient can immediately go home, since there is no need for inpatient observation during this period.

Sometimes, for a short time after laser coagulation of the retina, the patient may experience a flash effect. However similar condition fades away within a few minutes.

The essence of retinal coagulation is that areas with damaged vessels are separated using laser coagulants, which prevents negative impact such vessels on the inner lining of the eyeball, which perceives light, in the future. A similar method of surgical intervention is applicable to already developed flat retinal detachment.

Symptoms of eye pathologies

Experts identify the following symptoms of pathology:

  1. The occurrence of photopsia, in which flashes, sparkles or lightning appear in a person’s eyes.
  2. The following symptom is not always related to retinal detachment, but still occurs with this diagnosis. This condition is accompanied by flashing before the eyes of so-called flies, dots or threads.
  3. The appearance in the field of vision of an area of ​​turbidity that has a rounded shape. Similar phenomenon Experts call it a Weiss ring. This symptom in itself is not a cause for concern, but in combination with floaters before the eyes it is a sign of retinal detachment.
  4. Loss of visual acuity.
  5. Distortion of the contours and sizes of observed objects.

Quite often, the process of retinal detachment is asymptomatic. Therefore, it is very important to visit a doctor regularly, which will prevent or promptly diagnose the disease.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Currently, laser treatment for retinal detachment is the only possible and effective way treatment of the disease. Laser retinal strengthening is recommended in the following cases:

  • with peripheral or central dystrophy inner shell visual organ;
  • with retinal detachment;
  • in case of formation of various tumors;
  • with changes in blood vessels;
  • in case of central vein thrombosis.

Prophylactic peripheral laser coagulation helps prevent dystrophic changes. Such measures stop the peeling process.

Surgery is effective in preventing progressive changes in the fundus of the eye.

There are a number of contraindications to laser coagulation for certain diseases observed in the patient, when the likelihood of developing possible complications is too high. You cannot have surgery if:

  • a person experiences the development of hemorrhagic processes;
  • the transparency of the patient's optical media does not reach the required level;
  • it is impossible to perform surgery if the patient has pathological growth of blood vessels on the iris of the visual organ;
  • Treatment of the retina with laser coagulation is not recommended if a person has overgrowth fibrous tissue along back surface vitreous body (such pathological condition in medicine it is referred to as gliosis);
  • if the patient's visual acuity is less than 0.1.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding specialists are considering the possibility of carrying out such an operation on an individual basis.

Stages of surgery

Today modern medical equipment allows this surgical treatment retina in outpatient setting using local drip anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is safe, as it does not lead to stress on the internal organs. Moreover, such anesthesia allows the operation to be performed completely painlessly for the patient.

The entire operation can be divided into the following stages:

  1. After the anesthetics have begun to take effect, a three-mirror lens is installed on the patient’s eye;
  2. Using a laser, which creates high temperatures in the corresponding area, the eye surgeon uses a cauterizing action to seal or delimit the affected vessels and formations.

The special lens used helps the laser beam to completely penetrate any area of ​​the visual organ. A thin laser beam allows you to carry out the necessary manipulations with great precision, avoiding any errors. The doctor monitors the progress of the operation through a microscope.

After cauterization of the retina has been carried out, the resulting sutures firmly connect the retina with the nearby membranes of the visual organ.

This allows you to restore normal blood flow in postoperative period.

If we talk about the advantages of this method of treatment, then among them are:

  1. Prevention of the development of pathologies that can lead to a decrease in or complete loss visual ability.
  2. The speed of the operation and the absence of the need for hospitalization.
  3. In this case, blood loss and painful sensations. This can be explained by the fact that the rate of tissue coagulation under the influence of a laser is quite high.
  4. With such an operation there is practically no risk of infection of the visual organ.
  5. This surgery acceptable for any age and during pregnancy.

Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina is the only acceptable method of treatment for diabetes mellitus and in other cases when it is contraindicated complex operations or application general anesthesia. This method of treatment is optimal if a person has suffered from any serious cardiovascular pathology.

When exposed to a laser on the retina, the following consequences are possible:

  1. Short-term swelling of the cornea, when there is a decrease in visual ability for several days. Visual acuity will return to normal when the swelling subsides.
  2. During the operation, the eye lens is affected, which can contribute to the development of cataracts.
  3. Development inflammatory process in the iris.
  4. Visual ability deteriorates at night.

Apart from short-term swelling of the cornea, the likelihood of developing other complications is negligible.

In order to exclude the possibility of complications, there are some restrictions for the patient after laser coagulation of the retina, including:

  • heavy physical activity is not recommended;
  • the risk of head and eye injuries should be avoided;
  • It is prohibited to lift heavy objects.

If the patient is diagnosed diabetes, then after surgery relapses are likely, which implies the formation of new areas with developing detachment or dystrophic vessels. Therefore, after the laser coagulation procedure has been performed, patients are recommended to visit an ophthalmologist every month for six months to prevent possible consequences.

After the specified period, the frequency of visits to the doctor can be reduced to once every 3 months, and after that to once every six months.

Laser retinal strengthening is a modern, safe and effective way to prevent such serious illness eye, like retinal detachment. Be healthy!