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Is silvering of teeth worth it for a child? Protecting teeth from damage. Indications and contraindications

How do Dental Fantasy pediatric dentists feel about teeth silvering?

Silvering teeth for children is a procedure that, unfortunately, is still offered to patients. Our doctors often see children with silver-plated teeth. The parents of these babies hoped for this method, but it was completely in vain - silvering did not protect them from caries. Dental Fantasy dentists take an unequivocal position: there is no point in silvering teeth. This is a useless procedure! To treat all types of caries (both initial and deep) in modern clinics, other methods are used - safe and effective.

What is silvering of baby teeth?

The essence of the method of silvering baby teeth: the doctor uses a brush to apply a silver nitrate solution to a specially cleaned tooth surface and leave it for several minutes. A film remains on the teeth, which should, in theory, stop the development of caries, because silver has an antimicrobial effect. But this, unfortunately, does not happen. The silvering method is painless, but will not protect against caries.

Is the procedure effective? Can there be indications for silvering of teeth in children?

Silver solution is effective only in the most initial stage carious process, in the stain stage, when carious microbes have not yet penetrated deeper, under the enamel. But in this case, modern clinics use other methods: remotherapy, ICON. The doctor will advise you on how to adjust your diet ( most important factor in the fight against caries!), select home hygiene products, and teach you how to brush your teeth.

If the disease is already inside the tooth, silver will not stop it, and the tooth will continue to decay. Silver does not restore the enamel structure and does not treat caries, but acts only as an antiseptic short acting.

What are the disadvantages of the technique and the most unpleasant consequences?

  1. This “treatment” causes teeth to turn black. And they remain like that until they are replaced by permanent ones. Children stop smiling because on the playground they are constantly asked the question, “What’s wrong with your teeth?”
  2. Since caries does not disappear anywhere, it continues to develop. But it becomes difficult to see due to the black surface of the tooth. The microbes lived under the layer of “black camouflage” and still live, infecting neighboring teeth.
  3. And if the defects are deep enough, then a caustic silver solution can burn the pulp, which causes sharp pain. If you are lucky, the nerve will slowly decompose inside asymptomatically, and soon a fistulous tract with purulent discharge will appear on the gum. Threatened permanent tooth, which has not even erupted yet, but is located inside, next to the abscess.

Is there an alternative to silvering baby teeth in children?

Eat! This is complete and modern treatment in advanced pediatric dentistry. What methods are used in Dental Fantasy instead of silvering:

  • Remotherapy. If the doctor was able to detect caries in the stain stage, then remineralizing therapy is prescribed - special gels that are applied to the teeth.
  • ICON method. Also effective in the initial stages of caries. Teeth are covered special composition with high penetrating ability.

ATTENTION: caries in the spot stage is difficult for parents to notice, but easy for a competent dentist. Therefore, come for preventive examinations every 3 months. So caries can be “caught” at the very beginning of the process and cured non-invasive methods, without a drill.

  • If caries has penetrated deep into the tooth, then the only competent treatment is to carefully remove the affected tissue with a drill and restore the tooth with a composite filling. If the tooth is very damaged - restoration with special children's crowns.
  • Important point- receiving recommendations from a doctor on nutrition, home hygiene, teeth brushing, home remineralization therapy.

How much does it cost to silver a child's teeth?

If you enter into a search engine the queries “silvering of teeth for children in Moscow”, “silvering of teeth for children price”, “how much does silvering of baby teeth cost”, you will see that this procedure is inexpensive. In Moscow clinics it is offered at prices ranging from 100 to 400 rubles per tooth. But we never tire of repeating that this money will be wasted - caries will not go away, it will only be disguised under a black plaque.

"They offered us silvering. Should we do it or not?"

Of course not! If the doctor suggested silvering to you, it means he does not know advanced treatment methods. Look for another clinic that uses more modern, safe and effective technologies.

Young children's baby teeth are more vulnerable to exposure external factors and caries than root caries in adults. If you have the slightest suspicion of dental disease in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to worry that the doctor will sit the baby in a chair and wield a “scary” drill. If you apply on time, carious formations have appeared on the children's enamel to a small extent, and there is no need for filling, you can resort to a modern method of treatment and prevention of diseases oral cavity- silvering.

What is the silvering procedure?

Many parents mistakenly believe that baby teeth should not be carefully cared for and treated, since over time they will still fall out and be replaced by molars. Problems with children's teeth can lead to complications in the development of permanent ones: malocclusion, infection of soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.

Silvering of baby teeth is a method of treating areas affected by caries that uses a silver coating. This substance is bactericidal and antiseptic effect, after its application, a protective film is formed on the teeth, which prevents the further development of caries and the spread of infection. Using this method, you can save your baby’s baby teeth until they fall out and are replaced with permanent ones. The appearance of the teeth before and after the procedure can be seen in the photo below.

Indications for manipulation

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Silvering of teeth is indicated in the following cases:

In what cases is it contraindicated?

The procedure is contraindicated if:

Advantages and disadvantages

Currently, there is no consensus on the silvering of teeth. Some dentists consider this procedure useful, while others, on the contrary, point out its disadvantages and believe that it is ineffective.

Pros of silvering:

  • the process of caries development can be stopped;
  • harmless for the youngest patients;
  • does not cause negative reactions and pain in children;
  • availability of silvering of teeth due to low cost (silver is much cheaper than gold materials).


  • after silvering, a black coating appears on the enamel of baby teeth;
  • the procedure is ineffective for medium and deep caries;
  • Before silvering, the child’s mouth and teeth must be thoroughly cleaned, which may be an overwhelming task for parents;
  • To obtain the desired effect, the manipulation must be repeated several times a year.

Stages of silvering of baby teeth in a child

Silvering of teeth is possible only at the most early stages carious lesions (dark or white spots on the enamel).

If you silver-plate deep affected areas, you can harm your child, since such actions in most cases lead to burns of the pulp. Consequently, silvered areas of dental tissue will cause severe pain to the baby.

Stages of teeth silvering:

  1. Thorough cleaning of teeth from plaque and food particles;
  2. applying a 30% solution of silver nitrate to smooth surface enamel and treatment of all affected areas with a cotton swab.

Unfortunately, silver nitrate is powerless against the effects of acids produced as a result of bacterial activity, so children need regular checkups dentist and, if necessary, repeat this procedure several times a year. The frequency of the procedure for coating children's enamel with silver depends on several factors: the age of the child, the quality of oral hygiene, and the type of feeding (natural or artificial).

In modern dental clinics Silver diamine fluoride is increasingly being used instead of silver nitrate solution. As a result of the interaction of this substance with enamel and dentin, silver phosphate and calcium fluoride are formed. They contribute to the destruction pathogenic bacteria and close the dentinal tubules.

Silver plating at home - is it possible or not?

Carrying out the procedure at home is strictly prohibited. Parents' arguments that the child is scared to go to the dentist's office will not help, but is more familiar at home, so they can do everything themselves.

  • Despite the fact that silver plating preparations do not pose any danger, no one is immune from allergic reactions.
  • Also, parents, without special knowledge and experience in dentistry, cannot correctly diagnose the degree of damage to dental tissues and silver them without fear of complications. When caries has affected the dentin, silvering will not only not have the desired effect, but can aggravate the situation and lead to the death of the pulp, which cannot be said about professional dental treatment.
  • It is difficult to prepare for the procedure at home. If cleaning is done poorly, the remaining plaque on the teeth may turn black, and its removal will become extremely difficult.

An alternative to this method

Dentistry is evolving every year, so it is not surprising that alternatives to the teeth silvering method are emerging. If there are contraindications to silvering teeth, or parents do not want blackness to appear on children’s enamel, the following methods are used:

  • fluoridation (remineralization) - treatment of teeth with fluoride-containing preparations (we recommend reading:);
  • ozonation - the effect of ozone on enamel.

Each of the presented methods has its pros and cons, so the choice should be based on weighing all the pros and cons. First of all, you should consult your dentist.


Fluoridation (remineralization) of baby teeth - modern procedure which is carried out for the purpose of treatment or prevention of oral diseases. The main goal of fluoridation is to replenish fluoride deficiency, strengthen the enamel and prevent its further destruction.

Fluoridation of teeth can be carried out using several methods: by applying fluoride varnishes, using individual trays, performing deep fluoridation, using electrophoresis (we recommend reading:). The procedure must be repeated periodically, since its effect will completely wear off over time.

Which method is better - fluoridation or silver plating? The first option has an undeniable advantage: the teeth do not turn black or take on a dark golden hue, their normal appearance is preserved appearance. The second method is more affordable.


Ozonation is carried out for the purpose of disinfecting the oral cavity, treating and preventing caries. They die under the influence of ozone pathogens, causing pathological processes. After ozonation, a special solution is applied to the treated areas, which not only prevents the re-development of caries, but also strengthens dental tissues and enamel (we recommend reading:). Ozonation is the most in a modern way treatment and prevention of diseases of primary teeth in children, but this is a “golden pleasure”, i.e. quite expensive. The procedure is almost 100% effective, does not cause pain and is absolutely safe for the baby’s health.

Doctor Komarovsky about silvering of teeth

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that silvering has a right to exist, provided that the procedure is carried out correctly. Evgeniy Olegovich draws the attention of parents to the following nuances:

  1. baby teeth are not cured of caries - the method promotes “preservation” of the infection;
  2. if several months have passed after the procedure, and the development of caries has not been stopped, it is required traditional treatment using a drill and fillings;
  3. if deep caries has developed in the oral cavity, it is better to remove the tooth;
  4. if the child is afraid of the drill and filling, you can resort to general anesthesia.

Silvering of baby teeth in children at the initial stage of caries development is not new. But this procedure is widely advertised, and therefore we receive a lot of questions from parents of young patients: what kind of procedure is this, is it useful or harmful, what are its advantages and disadvantages? This article is the answer to all these questions. Now we propose to figure out together whether such a procedure is worth doing for children, and in what cases it is justified.

Doctor, what is this?

Silvering of baby teeth is dental procedure To prevent caries in baby teeth, its essence is to treat the teeth with a substance based on silver nitrate. After use this method the surface of baby teeth receives antibacterial protection.

This procedure is often used to prevent caries in children who are terrified of dental intervention using a drill and dental instruments. The method is also used to treat patients under 3 years of age, so that they do not develop a fear of visiting the dentist.

Silvering of baby teeth is an absolutely painless and uncomplicated procedure that takes about 20-30 minutes. A solution of silver nitrate is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to treat the child’s teeth until the enamel turns dark gray or black. Depending on the specifics of the problem, treatment can be carried out one-time or in a 2-3 stage course, with an interval of 2-4 days. Repeated silver plating can be done after 4-6 months.

Please note that this procedure is not a full-fledged treatment, but prevention and a way to delay the development of caries until the moment when the child allows full treatment. It is effective for eliminating caries, but only in one case - at the stage white spot when caries is just beginning to form. This procedure is also used selectively to extend the life of the filling.

Silvering of teeth for children: benefit or harm?

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is worth using such a dental service. But if it is possible to fully treat a child’s teeth, then it is better to solve the problem this way!

In any case, this method has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • low price;
  • no discomfort in the child during the procedure;
  • silvering of teeth at the white spot stage gives a chance that baby teeth will survive until they are naturally replaced by permanent ones, and this will help to avoid orthodontic problems with bite in the future.


  • silvering of teeth in children is not a treatment, but a prevention, so it will not eliminate the problem if you need to put a filling or treat deep caries;
  • silver nitrate causes black spots on the teeth after the procedure; not every child is psychologically ready for such a change in their smile;
  • the method is not effective for chewing groups of teeth;
  • with deep caries, the substance can harm dentin, even causing pulp death.

It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of allergic reactions to the drug.

How much does it cost to silver teeth for children?

The price of this procedure, in contrast to full treatment of caries, is much lower. On average, the cost varies from 150 to 700 rubles. Before treating teeth, the enamel surface is thoroughly cleaned.

But is it worth considering this method How can you save money on caries treatment? Definitely not! This is an inexpensive method of prevention. But if you use it, ignoring alarming symptoms development of caries, then in the future you will have to spend 3-4 times more on treatment.

Silvering of teeth in children - there are contraindications:

  • somatic diseases and allergic reactions;
  • increased levels of fluoride in food and water, which can cause brown plaque to form on the teeth;
  • middle and deep stage caries.

Silvering of caries of baby teeth- psychological consequences

You should pay attention not only to physical health child, but also psychological factor. After silvering, the teeth, as mentioned above, turn black. Therefore, possible ridicule from peers can turn into a problem for the psyche of a sensitive or easily excitable child. Not every parent considers this a problem, but it is a possibility.

Is it worth doing silvering of teeth at home?

Despite the fact that you have learned that this procedure is quite simple and does not take much time, it is highly not recommended to treat your child’s teeth on your own. This is due to the specifics: only a specialist can determine the degree of damage to teeth by caries, take into account the presence or absence related problems. The surface of the teeth must be thoroughly cleaned; the preparation must not come into contact with the mucous membrane or tongue during treatment - otherwise there is a risk of burns.

Reviews from parents about silvering their child’s baby teeth

It seems that reviews from the Internet and communication with parents who have gone through this procedure even before contacting us, they will also give you valuable information on this topic. Check them out.

Julia : “I think whether to silver or not is decided, of course, by the doctor, but our EXPERIENCE is NEGATIVE. The silver was washed off the teeth very quickly. They were silvered again three more times. We missed the moment when our son started getting new ones upper teeth. And they were invisible, behind the black jaw. A main problem was that the remaining milk teeth, which were not silvered, were replaced in a timely manner, but the silvered ones remained in place. Naturally, a new upper row of teeth began to grow inside. It took surgical intervention, it was terrible. Thank God they were cured, everything is fine now.”

Tatiana : "By for unknown reasons The child’s teeth began to decay at about 1 year 5 months. They recommended plating it with silver. As a result, the teeth became black and continued to decay. About six months later, we saw a doctor, who cured the remaining stumps and grew teeth, and explained that silvering actually does not help with similar cases, but only aggravates the situation - fragile teeth become even more fragile..."

Alice : “I understand, of course, that everything depends on the condition of the teeth, on the choice of the doctor and his view on these things, but in my opinion, silvering should be done only if this is the only optimal choice. The need for silvering arose when we were 2 years old. The clinic offered to plat it with silver, and I agreed. In principle, the result is quite satisfactory, since the procedure is inexpensive. The only downside was that my teeth turned black. The silvering procedure itself takes only a minute. Two years later, the doctor recommended an alternative that did not cause darkening, but was more expensive. This fluoridation of teeth means there are no black spots.”

What alternatives are there to silvering teeth?

Features of caries early age is its very rapid progression, which often leads to tooth loss. Some parents do not consider this a serious problem, since temporary teeth should fall out soon anyway. But premature loss of primary occlusion elements can cause orthodontic problems in adults. Therefore, it is extremely important to stop the development of the disease as early as possible.

Silvering of baby teeth is a proven method for preventing childhood caries.

If you have time to silver the milk teeth at the white spot stage, you can avoid the spread of the process deep into the tissues and preserve them until the time of natural replacement.

What is silver dental treatment?

The method of silvering children's teeth is not new in dentistry. For many decades, doctors have been using this procedure to treat the initial stages of caries in young children.

Silver plating is not an entirely accurate term. Not pure is used for treatment noble metal, and its active salts. The composition of the medicinal product includes silver fluoride diamine. When it interacts with the inorganic component of the enamel, microscopic crystals of silver phosphate and calcium fluoride are formed, which seal the dentinal tubules and prevent penetration pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, silver ions suppress microbial activity.

The tooth surface treated in this way becomes much denser and more resistant to the action of acids that enter with food or are released by bacteria in the course of their life.

Today, the most common drugs for silvering teeth in children are the Japanese “Saforaid” and the Russian “Argenat”. They have a complex therapeutic and prophylactic effect on tooth enamel and are absolutely safe for the child’s health.

How are baby teeth silvered?

The silvering technique is simple and does not take much time. The tooth surface affected by caries is thoroughly cleaned of plaque and carefully applied with a cotton applicator. medicinal drug. That's all. This procedure does not cause any discomfort or negative reaction in the child.

How many times it is necessary to repeat the silvering process is decided individually in each case. Usually 3-5 procedures are enough, which are performed daily or every other day. Such courses are repeated every 4-6 months.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Like any other medical procedure, silvering of teeth has its own indications and contraindications for use.

This technique is indicated only if caries is detected at the spot stage in a child under 3 years of age.

Silvering has the following contraindications:

  1. Damage to dentin caries.
  2. The child has severe somatic diseases.
  3. Presence of a child allergic reactions on the constituent components of medicinal preparations.
  4. Age over 3 years, when it is possible to use other methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

To date, the opinions of pediatric dentists regarding the procedure for coating children’s teeth with silver are ambiguous. There are many supporters of this technique, since it has proven its effectiveness for decades. These include the famous doctor Komarovsky, who does not exclude silvering as a treatment option initial manifestations caries. But there are also its opponents, who point out a number of negative aspects.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the ability to stop the development of the carious process;
  • absence of negative reaction from the little patient;
  • Silver plating is not contraindicated in young children;
  • relatively low cost and accessible to everyone.

Disadvantages of silvering teeth:

  • the formation of black plaque on the tooth surface, which looks very unaesthetic;
  • It is impossible to use the technique for deep carious processes.

It is precisely because of such negative consequences in children school age It is not recommended to silver plate the front baby teeth, as this can cause psychological discomfort in the child and ridicule from classmates.

Is it possible to silver teeth at home?

The procedure for plating baby teeth with silver is simple and only takes a few minutes. So maybe it’s worth doing it at home, especially when the child is afraid to even go into the dentist’s office?

The answer to this question is a categorical no! Carrying out such a manipulation, although simple, is outside medical institution This is not possible, since preparations based on silver fluoride diamine are absolutely safe, but they can still cause an uncontrollable allergic reaction in a child.

Without special knowledge and tools, parents cannot independently determine the depth of the lesion. And if dentin is damaged, the procedure will not only have no effect useful action, but will also provoke the death of the pulp.

In addition, insufficiently thorough cleaning of the tooth surface will lead to plaque turning black, which will be almost impossible to remove.

Alternative to silver plating

Dentistry does not stand still. Outdated methods are being replaced by new technologies that make it even easier to keep children healthy.

If there are contraindications to silvering of teeth in a child and if the parents wish not to spoil the appearance of the smile, a number of other methods can be used:

  1. Fluoridation or remineralization is the treatment of enamel with active fluoride-containing preparations that form a dense mineral film on its surface and protect it from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. This technique can be used only after 3-4 years.
  2. Ozonation is the treatment of teeth with ozone, which has a strong antimicrobial effect. After the death of microorganisms, the processes of tissue destruction are suspended, caries does not progress.

You can give your preference to silvering or fluoridation, and perhaps ozonation, only after weighing all the pros and cons. Each method has its own pros and cons that need to be taken into account.

In any case, the dentist decides whether teeth should be silvered. Only after a thorough examination can the doctor determine whether it is worth stopping at this technique or whether more radical treatment is necessary.

The portal Stom-Firms.ru contains prices for silvering teeth in Moscow. Easy-to-compare tables show the cost of the most common dental services for children. Using the filter, you can select the area and metro station you are interested in, selecting the most suitable geographical option. Reviews about silvering of teeth left by parents of young patients will be useful.

Silvering saves children from caries

The method of silvering teeth is so popular because of its inexpensive price, long-term results and safety for the baby’s health. In dental practice, medications based on silver fluoride diamine are used, which strengthen the top layer of enamel and stop caries. Doctors recommend vigilantly monitoring the condition and color of baby teeth, and if cloudy white or yellowish spots appear, immediately visit the dentist.

Methodology and results of silvering

Caries in children from 1 to 3 years old is a real problem, because it is difficult to fully cure a tooth, the baby cries, breaks out and does not allow the doctor to work.

Silvering of teeth is carried out as a temporary measure, when the child gets older, it will be possible to safely manipulate sharp dental instruments and drills in his mouth. And until 3-4 years of age, it is better to get by with such treatment that you cannot get hurt. What are the advantages of the procedure and why is it useful? It's simple:

  1. Silvering teeth in children is effective and not painful. Prevention of further deepening of caries is carried out without anesthesia. Silvering of baby teeth is done quickly and does not cause any discomfort. The doctor uses a cotton swab or applicator to apply the medicine to the area affected by caries. Active substances The drug strengthens the upper layers of enamel - and that’s it, the child can go home. In total, the procedure takes from half an hour to an hour, depending on the perseverance of the baby.
  2. The drugs are certified and safe. Most often, pediatricians use the medications Argenate or Saforide. The safety of these medications for children has been confirmed by domestic and foreign clinical studies. When used correctly, medications cannot cause a chemical burn or cause any harm to the baby’s health.
  3. Treatment is strictly individual, and therefore effective. The dentist assesses the depth and location of carious spots and determines how many times the affected area needs to be treated in order to improve its condition as much as possible. According to the standard regimen, the medicine is applied 3 times every other day, and then 3-4 times throughout the year. You don’t have to go to the doctor often, because the protective composition is absorbed into the tooth, built into its tissues and stays there for a long time.

For primary and secondary treatment, it is best to visit the same pediatric dentist, so the doctor will be able to monitor the condition of the teeth over time.

Disadvantages and price of the silvering procedure

Parents are interested in what pitfalls such treatment has. Dentists make no secret of this and talk about the disadvantages of the procedure:

Silvering teeth in children costs on average 1,500-500 rubles per tooth; prices in clinics vary significantly. Alternative methods, for example, ozonation or fluoridation, are no cheaper, and provide fewer guarantees of a positive result.

When choosing dentistry, you need to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the experience of the attending physician. A competent dentist will perform a high-quality treatment with a silver solution and give parents sensible advice on further prevention of caries.