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"Special dragee Merz": instructions for use, composition, reviews, analogues. Merz special dragee for hair: description and reviews

Latin name:Special dragee Merz
ATX code: A11A01
Active substance: Cystine
Manufacturer: Merz Pharma (Germany)
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

The drug Merz Special Dragee for hair, skin and nails was created to provide the body with everything necessary for health. It includes a set of useful healing substances that help normalize metabolic processes, improve immunity and get rid of the deficiency of useful microelements.

Even the strongest body needs regular support in the form of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Merz dragees will not only help maintain health, but will also have a rejuvenating effect. With it, the skin will acquire unprecedented softness, the hair will become lush and shiny, and the nails will be strong.

Indications for use

Merz is an extremely useful food supplement from a German manufacturer. It significantly complements daily ration, including a lot of healthy substances.

Advantages of the drug:

  • High value of contained substances
  • Efficiency
  • Natural ingredients.

The only possible disadvantage is that it is quite high market price, which averages 1000 rubles. Also, Merz is distributed only in the form of dragees, and oral administration limits the ability to absorb the substances contained.

For the drug Merz, the instructions for use are extremely simple and do not require compliance with complex regimens of use. The drug is recommended for use if available following problems with health:

  • Weak immunity
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements
  • Dry or excessively rough skin
  • Weakened condition (dystrophy) of hair
  • Brittleness and splitting of nails.

Are you tired of skin problems and want to restore its former softness? The Merz Anti-Age dragee product or the unique anti-aging formula of Merz Beauty will certainly help you! The composition of these drugs is created for the fastest and most effective recovery nutrition of the dermis.

Dragee Merz is a good quality drug that has been successfully used for many years to restore and nourish hair, improve the structure of nails and skin, along with such drugs as Pantovigar, Vitrum performance and others.

Composition of the drug

Merz special dragee is healthy vitamins for hair, skin and nails, collected into a single health complex.

The active substance of the drug is cystine (30 mg). Merz dragees for healthy hair also include other useful elements, such as:

  • Betacarotene (0.9 mg)
  • Retinol (1500 IU)
  • Thiamine (1.2 mg)
  • Nicotinamide (10 mg)
  • Pyridoxine (1.2 mg)
  • Ascorbic acid (75 mg)
  • Cyanocobalamin (2 mcg)
  • Riboflavin (1.6 mg)
  • Alpha tocopherol (9 mg)
  • Biotin (0.01 mg)
  • Colecalciferol (50 IU)
  • Calcium (3 mg)
  • Yeast (100 mg)
  • Iron (20 mg)

Just like the main substance, they are contained in doses recommended for daily use.

Treated properties

Each group of vitamins and minerals has an effect on a certain system human body:

  1. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and has a rejuvenating effect. Retinol, vitamin E and natural yeast take care of skin health. Iron is directly involved in the process of blood formation.
  2. Biotin is a substance responsible for the growth and development of hair and nails; its presence in the body is extremely beneficial.
  3. Cystine is directly involved in the processes of hair and nail growth and is extremely important for their proper development. It is for this reason that its content in tablets exceeds the amount of other useful substances.
  4. B vitamins are designed to speed up metabolic processes, provide the body's cells with energy.
  5. Iron promotes blood formation and has a beneficial effect on circulatory system generally.

Thanks to the yeast in its composition, the special dragee Merz Anti-Age is very popular among those suffering from rough and dry skin and has a positive action to the maximum short time. Merz vitamins are used for hair and nails. Already in the first month of taking the pills, thanks to biotin, brittle nails and hair will become strong and healthy, which is better than the consequences of hypovitaminosis.

Release forms

Merz is available in an easy-to-use form - a dragee. The rounded shape facilitates rapid movement along the esophagus to the stomach, where the breakdown and further absorption of active substances occurs.

Average price: 1000 rub.

Description of the dragee - each tablet has a pleasant light pink color; it is also distinguished by an unobtrusive taste that does not cause rejection when consumed.

Each product package is presented in the form of a glass bottle with a plastic cap, which is packed in a cardboard box complete with detailed instructions.

Mode of application

The Merz Dragee packaging comes with instructions for use. First of all, it is worth contacting her to understand how long and how to take Merz tablets.

The daily dose of the drug is 2 tablets - it is better to drink one in the morning and in the evening during or after meals. The amount is the same for both men and women. If other drugs are used together with Merz medicines or dietary supplements, before you start taking it, you should go to your doctor for consultation.

The course of administration depends on the body's need for nutrients. Since one package contains 60 tablets, you should drink the drug for at least 30 days. The instructions included in each package of the Merz Special Dragee product contain the necessary dosages.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can take pills without fear, but only after a doctor’s recommendation - any side effects as a result of test tests, no problems were identified. However, when simultaneous administration Caution should be exercised with drugs or foods rich in vitamin A - exceeding the dose may have a teratogenic effect.


Like any similar vitamin products (for example, Pantovigar or Alerana), Merz Edge dragees and similar properties have a number of restrictions on intake for a certain circle of people. In particular, if you are individually intolerant to any of the components of the drug, you should refrain from using it without first consulting your doctor.

Cross-drug interactions

To clarify the possibility of parallel use of tablets together with other drugs, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

It is possible that the immune system may reject individual components of the drug.


When used in the safe doses indicated, the risk of side effects is minimal. Since the drug contains a large amount of iron, you should not exceed the threshold values ​​for daily consumption. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing complications associated with excess iron in the body. Individual characteristics the body with an excess of vitamins and minerals can cause allergies.

Conditions and shelf life

The drug can be stored at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, away from children. The shelf life is 3 years, after which the product must be disposed of.


Merz, Germany

Price: from 2000 to 5000 rubles

Helps fight hair and nail problems. The active ingredients are yeast, calcium and thiamine. Pros:

  • Effective formula
  • Minimal contraindications.


  • High price
  • Not suitable for children.

Unipharm, USA

Price: 700 rubles

The active ingredient of the drug is ginseng extract, which helps the body weakened by hypovitaminosis to normalize metabolism.


  • Medication in the mid-price segment
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals.


  • Possible allergies
  • Not suitable for children.

Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia

Price: 250 rubles

The domestic drug Complivit includes a complex of all necessary for the body vitamins, primarily retinol. This microelement has antioxidant properties and promotes rejuvenation of body cells.

  • Includes all essential vitamins
  • Available without a prescription
  • An affordable multivitamin.
  • Possible allergic reactions
  • Not suitable for children.

Proper care of your appearance means maintaining internal balance in the body. Consumption of nutrients important microelements promotes good condition skin, nails, hair. Merz vitamins - German complex drug, designed to strengthen nails and hair, improve skin condition. These tablets are called “beauty vitamins.”

Instructions for use of vitamins for hair, nails and skin Merz

Beautiful skin A natural-looking hairstyle and strong nails are a sign of inner health. Multivitamins, properly selected, affect the condition of the body, general health. There are targeted drugs that deliver the necessary substances to a specific “address”. This can be said about Merz vitamins. If a specialist recommends this complex, you should not replace it with a more cheap medicine. Combination active ingredients in the dragee is selected to support the biological processes of cell growth and improve the skin.


Merz vitamins in poly rating vitamin complexes occupy a high place due to their composition. Betacarotene, which the pills contain, is converted into vitamin A, which is necessary for the skin, and improves blood circulation. hair follicles, this is important for hair growth. Substances of groups B and E act similarly. L-cystine - construction material for cells. Cholecalciferol - against hair loss, yeast has a positive effect on skin condition. Full list microelements are given below:

How to take vitamins for hair, nails and skin

Even best vitamins for hair will not be effective if taken incorrectly. The complex really prevents hair loss, stimulates the growth of new ones, awakens hair follicles from “hibernation”, but you don’t need to expect quick results. A lasting effect appears after 2-3 months of use. Hair vitamins with biotin, which include Merz, allow after long-term use make your hair thicker, give it a natural shine without cosmetics. Biotin has a positive effect on brittle nails, increasing the thickness nail plate, it takes time.

Merz special dragee

The pills should be taken one twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The package contains 60 pieces, enough for a month. This inexpensive drug, if you take into account the number of tablets, the composition of the complex and its effect on the body. The optimal course of treatment is 2 or 3 months, but in many cases it is recommended to take them for six months. Clinical treatments showed that the complex can be taken long time, taking breaks of 2-3 months every 6 months.

The study was conducted over six months and included 21 women. The effect of Merz vitamins on the skin, nails, and hair structure was studied. Participants in the experiment had to drink two tablets daily. After 6 months, the results were photographed and documented. It turned out that the complex has a particularly noticeable effect on the health of hair and skin. The condition of the nails has also improved, but the indicators are not so high.

Merz Special Anti-Age dragee

Vitamins for women over 30, developed by German scientists, contain the same beneficial substances as the main vitamin complex, but their proportions are slightly different. What makes this complex “anti-aging” is the presence of microelements that protect cells from premature withering. The components of Anti-Age Merz vitamins are needed for the formation of new elements of the structure of hair, nails, skin, and provide their nutrition. You also need to take this pill twice a day, the first in the morning, the second in the evening. There are 60 pills in a package.


Contraindications for use are only increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. All side effects associated with overdose. Sometimes people independently increase the number of tablets they take, believing that this way the drug will work faster. The content of all substances is selected taking into account daily needs body, taking the drug in large quantities than prescribed in the instructions, dangerous allergic reactions.

If you use the drug as recommended, there are no risks even for pregnant women. The product contains retinol acetate, large doses it is fraught with a teratogenic effect on the fetus (risk of deformities). The iron present in the complex also causes harm to health if overdosed. If you accidentally take a large amount of tablets, consult a doctor immediately.

Video about Beauty Merz

Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for beauty have become constant companions of every woman who takes care of her appearance. They help maintain health and youth, provide the body with necessary substances, and strengthen nails and hair. One of the most popular complexes is Merz vitamins, the composition of which is perfectly balanced.

Vitamins Merz – beauty and health in one preparation

Necessity of admission

The rhythm of life in a big city negatively affects a woman’s appearance. Unbalanced and irregular diet, lack of rest, stressful situations at work - all this is reflected in the condition of hair, nails and skin.

To solve this problem, developed special vitamins and biologically active additives(dietary supplements). They provide the necessary support to the body from the inside, strengthen immune system. The result of using vitamins for beauty is visible, literally.

Taking vitamins will help solve problems:

  • dull and brittle hair;
  • loss and slow growth curls;
  • peeling nails;
  • unhealthy complexion.

Vitamins should be taken twice a year, that is, in autumn and spring. On pharmacy shelves there are many drugs developed specifically for women. Merz vitamins are a leading combined agent for hair, skin, nails and the whole body.

When choosing vitamins, it is better to give preference to drugs whose effectiveness has been tested by time. Merz dragee was created in 1965, and since then the formula has only been improved.


The formula of Merz is designed specifically for female beauty and health. In the composition of the dragee:

  • antioxidants – slow down the aging process;
  • microelements that provide the necessary oxygen exchange between skin cells;
  • vitamins needed to strengthen roots and improve the structure of curls.

Among the main components of the Merz drug are B vitamins, biotin (“building material” for hair), as well as vitamin E, which is often called the “vitamin of youth”.

Taking pills will help get rid of dandruff and dull hair, strengthen the roots and protect the ends from drying out and splitting. Merz vitamins also have a positive effect on skin condition and nail strength.

Specifically for improving hair structure, Merz vitamins include:

  • amino acid cysteine, which awakens dormant hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth;
  • retinol (vitamin A), which protects the scalp from environmental influences;
  • ascorbic acid, which strengthens blood vessels and the entire circulatory system;
  • tocopherol acetate together with vitamin A protects against premature aging, normalizing the metabolic processes of scalp cells;
  • biotin and other B vitamins necessary to improve hair condition at the cellular level.

Composition of the drug Merz

Active components2 tablets contain:% of daily value
beta carotene1.80 mg37.50%
retinol acetate (vitamin A)3000 ME112.50%
thiamine nitrate (vitamin B1)2.40 mg171.40%
riboflavin (vitamin B2)3.20 mg200.00%
niacinamide20.00 mg111.10%
biotin0.02 mg13.30%
L-cystine60.00 mg -*
pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6)2.40 mg120.00%
cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)0.004 mg400.00%
Calcium D-pantothenate6.00 mg100.00%
ascorbic acid (vitamin C)150 mg249.90%
cholecalceferol (vitamin D3)100 ME50%
tokephorol acetate (vitamin E)18.00 mg180.00%
yeast extract200 mg -*
iron(II) fumarate40.00 mg285.70%

B vitamins have a positive effect on the condition nervous system person. Therefore, taking Merz tablets will help get rid of stress and normalize sleep.


Overvoltage is a constant companion of a person living in big city. The first thing that suffers from this is the hair. They are a kind of marker of everything that happens to the body. When a person is completely healthy, calm, and does not experience a deficiency of vitamins, the curls look alive and strong.

Hair can help determine your health status:

  • dull and lifeless curls indicate chronic fatigue and stress;
  • brittle and split ends – dehydration and lack of nutrients;
  • slow-growing or rapidly thinning hair is a reason to reconsider your diet and check the condition of the endocrine system.

Merz vitamins provide the necessary support not only to hair, but to the entire body as a whole. Acting from the inside, they directly affect the cause of hair “fatigue”, that is, stress, vitamin deficiency and free radicals.

The effect of using Merz dragees is not immediately noticeable. Improvement in hair condition occurs on average a month after starting to use the drug.

Admission rules

Buying Merz vitamins is not difficult. Dragee is very popular and is sold in almost every pharmacy. Before you start taking the drug, you must carefully study the instructions for use, which are included in the box.

One can of pills is enough for the full course of treatment, which is 1 month. Doctors often recommend increasing the drug intake to 60 days. Vitamins are taken twice a day, one tablet.

Taking the Merz vitamin complex

As a rule, only two courses per year are enough to support good health. However, you should not rush things by increasing the dosage of the drug in the hope of a quick effect. The composition of the pills is specially designed so as not to harm the body. A sudden intake of vitamins in large quantities can lead to poisoning or an allergic reaction.

Before you start taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the possible side effects, which are described in detail in the instructions for using the vitamin pill.

Auxiliary Help

Dull and lifeless hair needs help. Vitamins act slowly, and for the effect to be noticeable, two months must pass. This is exactly how long it takes for the body to absorb necessary substances, the process of renewal of curls has begun.

To help your hair, it is recommended to use masks based on cosmetic oils and fermented milk products:

  1. A mixture of burdock, castor, olive and coconut oil will provide the necessary nutritional support to normal and dry hair. The mask can be applied to all curls or used to moisturize the ends.

Hair masks - auxiliary help for hair
  1. A great moisturizing mask for oily curls is pure grape seed oil. It will improve the condition of your hair in just two or three applications.
  2. Another excellent remedy for oily curls is cosmetic clay and sour kefir. Preparing the mask is very simple, for this you need to slightly warm it up. milk product pour into a container with poured clay and mix thoroughly.
  3. A product made from full-fat homemade yogurt and two yolks is perfect for nourishing dry and normal hair. Thanks to this simple mask, your curls will become soft, manageable and silky.

A common cause of brittle and dull hair is dehydration. To avoid this, you need to drink 5–7 glasses clean water daily, not counting other drinks (tea, coffee, juices).

Drinking water is the key to beautiful and healthy hair

You can do a simple experiment. By drinking the right amount of clean water every day for a month, at the end of the period it will be noticeable to the naked eye how the condition of the hair and skin has changed.

Another secret of healthy and beautiful curls is proper nutrition. The female body required: whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits, dairy and dairy products. Merz vitamins will help transform your hair, however, about daily balanced diet should not be forgotten.

Indications and contraindications

Merz vitamins are intended for people who, for various reasons, do not receive the necessary nutrients and microelements in full. In addition, tablets are taken:

  • after suffering serious illnesses;
  • during seasons of acute vitamin deficiency (autumn and spring);
  • to improve immunity;
  • after treatment oncological diseases chemotherapy.

The list of indications for use can be found by reading the instructions. Merz vitamins are also indicated for people with constant physical activity, and to all those who are inattentive to their own diet. The composition of the drug is perfectly balanced and completely satisfies the body in the necessary substances.

Merz vitamins – essential nutrients and microelements

Merz vitamins will be an excellent first aid for hair after the winter cold. Just one course of using the pills will restore volume and strength to your curls, and also improve the condition of your skin.

Just like anyone else medicinal product, the pills have contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • simultaneous intake of other vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • childhood.

Simultaneous use of several vitamin preparations will not improve the effect, but on the contrary, may cause the development of hypervitaminosis. This disease leads to severe intoxication of the body and has serious consequences.

Video about vitamins

The video below explains which vitamins and nutritional supplements can be used to maintain health.

Merz vitamin complex is designed to support the human body. It saturates vitally essential vitamins, improves appearance and human health.


The Merz vitamin complex includes:

  • Yeast extract – 100 mg.
  • Calcium pantothenate – 3 mg.
  • Riboflavin – 1.7 mg.
  • Iron fumarate – 20 mg.
  • Colecalciferol – 50 IU.
  • Biotin – 0.02 mg.
  • Cyanocobalomin – 3 mg.
  • Ascorbic acid – 76 mg.
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate – 10 mg.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride – 1.3 mg.
  • Nicotinomide – 11 mg.
  • Thiamine mononitrate – 1.3 mg.
  • Retinol Acetate – 1550 IU.
  • Betacarotene – 0.8 mg.
  • Cystine – 31 mg.

Additional substances: Colloidal silicon dioxide, purified water, acacia gum, dye E 172, talc, sucrose, corn starch, dextrose syrup, indigo carmine, cellacephate.

Indications for use

The vitamin complex should be taken only after consulting a doctor. This complex must be taken in case of vitamin deficiency in the body. Vitamin deficiency entails serious consequences. These are: tooth loss, dull or gray skin, brittle nails, constant fatigue, feeling of lack of sleep and much more.


  • May cause an allergy to a specific vitamin.
  • If used incorrectly, there may be an incorrect overdose of vitamin A and D.
  • Pregnant or nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the complex. Because this can negatively affect the baby’s health.
  • If the body is saturated with vitamins. An excess of them can have a bad effect.
  • Contraindicated for children.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties are perhaps obvious:

  • Boosting immunity. Immunity will be ready for all kinds of attacks.
  • Hair becomes vibrant and grows with full strength.
  • Teeth stop falling out.
  • Nails grow quickly and have a healthy, shiny appearance.
  • Fatigue goes away. A person feels more cheerful and energetic.
  • No constant feeling lack of sleep.
  • The skin becomes healthy looking. And the eyes have a healthy shine.

It's nice to feel energetic, beautiful and healthy. What could be more important than that?


The cost of the Merz vitamin complex may fluctuate slightly. Usually the price is on average 800 rubles.


Nowadays, there are a large number of analogues. Pharmacies have big choice with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, there are separate specific vitamins or a whole complex.

  • Vitrum beauty.
  • Complivit.
  • Supradin.
  • Wellman.
  • Revalid.

The action of all these complexes is similar. They improve a person's external condition.

Instructions for use

You should use 1 tablet twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. It is not advisable to exceed the dose without consulting your doctor.



This is not the first year I have been taking these capsules. I want to say that this is just a find. After I gave birth to the child. My teeth began to crumble and my hair began to fall out. I felt a terrible lack of vitamins. My skin has become absolutely terrible. It was scary to look in the mirror. I never thought that this would happen to me. But unfortunately, this is the reality. After drinking Merz, a month later the results were obvious. Oddly enough, but this is true. My face acquired a vibrant appearance and color, and the peeling stopped. I was so delighted that I simply cannot describe. Happiness knew no bounds. These are really cool vitamins.


Great stuff. I use them all the time. Especially in winter. They help my face, hair and nails a lot. She didn’t believe that it would help like that. But now I'm sure that for me better than the complex can not found.


Good pills. They really help, keeping the appearance normal. I have two children. Each time after childbirth it was difficult to recover. My teeth constantly hurt and were falling out. I ate cottage cheese at large quantities, but that didn't really help. Until I started taking these miracle pills. I restored everything and even more. I look and feel even better than before.


I'm not young anymore. But vitamins are still required. And at my age they are needed more often. I don’t remember when I started taking these pills, but I know one thing. They really helped. Although I didn’t really believe it at first. It's good that everything turned out differently. I am very pleased. I recommend everyone to take care of their health.


Megacomplex. Simply unreal. As much as I drink, I am delighted with it. A long time ago my friend recommended it to me. At that time I still laughed and was skeptical. But in vain. Now I’m even glad that she made me drink them. My hair has become much more manageable, soft, almost silky. I'm happy as an elephant.


I love vitamins and completely trust my health, but only to proven ones. The doctor prescribed this complex to me. Having said that I seem to have a vitamin deficiency in my body. Yes, I myself have recently felt that something was wrong with me. My hair started falling out, just in clumps. My nails were constantly splitting. I was very afraid of being left without my long hair. It’s good that I found a doctor who helped me. And, of course, thanks to these pills. They work wonders.

In winter I always feel that something is wrong with my body. And, of course, they are immediately switched to tablets. In three weeks I can already see noticeable result. Yes, and I feel lighter. Therefore, I am completely satisfied with them.

I want to tell my story. They write here that the complex helps hair, teeth and skin. I bought it for my eyes. My vision began to deteriorate sharply. The ophthalmologist prescribed them for me. I didn’t even dream that they would help. What a surprise I was when my eyes stopped watering so much and getting tired. Right now I can read a book and a magazine. I feel much better and more confident. Thanks to the Merz vitamin complex.

Merz is a vitamin complex for women in the form of pills, produced in Germany. The drug contains many vitamins and minerals designed to saturate the body with the substances necessary for healthy growth skin, hair and nail cells.

Dragee Merz is designed specifically for women. Its rich composition allows you to establish metabolism in the body, while stopping structural and functional damage to the skin, nails and hair.

The complex contains the following vitamins:

  • Retinol – ensures the integrity of epithelial cells, improves blood circulation, gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • Beta-carotene – functions as an antioxidant;
  • – makes the walls of blood vessels less permeable;
  • – promotes tissue respiration;
  • – accelerates the growth of nails and hair;
  • - promotes good metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Merz also includes, which are indispensable for female beauty:

  • – improves carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • B5 – provides skin cells with moisture;
  • – promotes protein metabolism;
  • – helps in hematopoiesis.

In addition to all of the above, the composition vitamin supplement includes the following substances:

  • Cystine is an acid that helps strengthen the nail plate and hair growth;
  • – helps cells breathe;
  • Ferrous fumarate – normalizes the number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • Yeast extract is a source of amino acids and minerals, helps maintain healthy hair, nails, and skin.

Based on the rich composition, we can conclude that Merz really has good influence on the body, helping skin, hair and nails to be healthy.

Who should drink Merz and how to use it

Merz vitamins are intended exclusively for women. It is worth drinking them when it is necessary to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body. Typically, in autumn and spring, women notice a deterioration in the condition of their skin, hair and nails. Merz will enrich the body with vitamins and improve overall well-being and appearance.

The complex will also be useful when it is necessary to restore metabolic processes in a woman’s body. But his main direction of Merz dragees is complex treatment hair and nails.

The instructions for use warn that the daily dose cannot be increased in order to speed up the process of action of Merz tablets.

Dragee Merz for skin

Merz vitamins have a targeted effect on the skin, providing it with the proper level of hydration, nutrition and protection. Merz contains a complete set necessary elements, maintaining the integrity of epithelial skin cells, improving its blood supply, restoring elasticity and firmness.

The components included in Merz, such as vitamins C, A and E, are antioxidants and slow down skin aging.

Women who took Merz noted that their skin became more elastic and looked “rested.”

Dragee Merz for hair

Merz will be good for hair, as it contains beta-carotene, cystine and B vitamins. These substances promote hair growth, protect it, nourish and strengthen it.

Taking Merz gives the following results:

  • Hair becomes thicker and silkier.
  • Dandruff and itching, if any, will disappear.
  • Hair will grow faster.
  • Hair follicles that were inactive are awakened, and strands begin to grow even on bald patches.
  • The ends will stop splitting.
  • Your eyelashes will also be thicker and longer.

Women who took Merz to eliminate hair problems note that the drug helped them. My hair overall began to look more beautiful. Damaged hair acquired a healthy appearance, became more obedient and thicker.

Dragee Merz for nails

Merz contains components that are important for nails. This is biotin. They eliminate brittleness, accelerate growth, strengthen the nail plate and give a healthy shine.

From taking the drug, your nails will become noticeably stronger, due to which you can grow their length. They will stop peeling. Yellowness and spots will disappear.

Based on reviews from women who took Merz, we can conclude that without the use of any additional medications and vitamins, the nail plate becomes harder, it is no longer possible to bend it easily, and the detachment practically disappears.

Contraindications and side effects

There are absolutely many components in Merz various actions. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions before you start taking it. Merz is contraindicated when hypervitaminosis is observed in the body. The composition of the pills is already rich in vitamins, and excess will lead to negative consequences.

If a woman has an individual intolerance to any of the components in the vitamin complex, then she should not drink the pills.

As for pregnant women, Merz should be taken with great caution during this period, and it is better to consult a doctor. Studies have not proven a risk for pregnant women from taking Merz in recommended doses.

If a woman is already taking pharmaceutical drugs containing and, then taking Merz is contraindicated.

The simultaneous use of retinoids and Merz dragees is impossible due to an overdose of vitamin A. Therefore, at the time of taking the drug, it is worth excluding additional pharmaceutical supplements with retinol in the composition.

If the dosage is observed, there are no side effects. IN in rare cases An allergy to one of the components of the drug may occur: rash, itching, redness of the skin. Then you should stop taking the pills and it is better to consult a doctor after that.

Analogues of the drug

Dragee Merz in its composition can be called a unique drug. It does not have a complete analogue, but there are many other vitamin complexes with a similar composition.

The most popular analogues of Merz:

  • . One of the most popular and inexpensive vitamin complexes. But sometimes women note side effects in the form of vomiting and nausea, this is due to an overdose of vitamin A.
  • Vitrum beauty. The drug not only provides positive impact on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also generally helps to improve mood and well-being.
  • Revalid. A targeted drug for hair and nails. Trichologists confirm the effectiveness of the complex.

Why choose Merz

Merz dragee was developed back in the 60s, during which time many studies were conducted on the effect of the drug on skin, hair and nails. It has been proven that within six months of taking Merz vitamins, the roughness of the skin in women decreases by 48%, and its dryness by 78%; hair becomes stronger and thicker by 18%; An 18% increase in nail plate growth and up to 14% smoother, stronger nails were noted.

If you take the drug according to the instructions, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.

The average cost of one package of Merz dragees is from 700 rubles.