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Electric mud is a modern procedure in a sanatorium. Alphabetical index

Mud therapy

Unlike drug effects using synthesized chemicals, causing side effects and unwanted effects, mud therapy is safe, but at the same time highly effective way treatment of many diseases. Healing mud – unique natural product. Mud therapy is one of the oldest ways to gain health. Therapeutic mud, or another name “peloids”, are silty colloidal sediments natural origin, accumulated at the bottom of reservoirs over a long period of time. The composition of colloids includes mineral salts, organic and inorganic substances, gases, microorganisms, antibacterial substances.

Main properties of medicinal mud:

  • Adsorption of microbes.
  • Antibacterial qualities.
  • High plasticity.
  • High heat-retaining qualities.

Main components of peloids:

  • Salts of magnesium, calcium,
  • Mud solution made from organic acids.
  • Saturated solution sea ​​salts(brine).
  • Solutions of organic, organomineral compounds.

The main genetic (by origin) groups of medicinal mud deposits, according to the classification of V.V. Ivanov and A.M. Malakhov (1963):

  • Peat deposits of medicinal mud;
  • Sapropel deposits of medicinal mud;
  • Deposits of silt sulphide medicinal mud;
    • Mainland;
    • Primorskie;
    • Marine;
    • Lake-spring.
  • Deposits of freshwater clayey medicinal silts;
  • Deposits of hill medicinal mud;
  • Deposits of hydrothermal medicinal mud.

For example, in Crimea the most common mud deposits are silt sulfide mud (type 3) and hill mud (type 4).

The tradition of being treated “on the waters” using mud therapy in Russia is long-standing; one of the well-deserved places for healing is the Saki resort.

Mud of Lake Saki have a number of unique properties, By healing power superior quality resources Dead Sea. Over many millennia, the most valuable organic and minerals in the form of natural colloidal organomineral formations that affect the human body therapeutic effect due to its plasticity, high heat capacity and slow heat transfer.

The healing properties of Saki mud have been known since the 5th century BC. The historian Herodotus mentions medicinal properties lake mud on the shores of Taurida in his works, in which he recommended treating the wounds of soldiers with the mud of Taurida. The history of the Crimean peninsula as a resort began precisely with the healing mud of Lake Saki. In 1807, the French chemist Felix De Serra analyzed the Saki mud. From this moment the development of Crimean resorts begins. Therapeutic effect Saki mud has been confirmed by many years of practice and enjoys fair confidence among the largest representatives of the resort industry of both Crimea and Russia as a whole.

One of the richest deposits of natural peloids is located near the city of Saki. The mud of the Saki basin belongs to the sulfide-silt types of sediments. They are characterized by the richest mineral composition, high saturation with gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide), which gives the mud a specific pungent odor. The colloidal solution also includes living microflora (types of bacteria and fungi) that produce acids, pigments, and organic compounds.

Mud of Lake Saki Structurally, it is a complex natural biochemical complex that has a diverse effect on the human body. The mud of Lake Saki contains a balanced complex mineral salts, microelements and biostimulants, including: silicon, aspartic, humic and a number fatty acids, lipids and phospholipids, carotecoids, amino acids, steroids, hormone-like substances, vitamins (A, B 1, B 6, B 12, C, D, E, F, PP), other vital necessary elements for human health. The silt mud of Lake Saki is oily, has elasticity, has a black color with a gray tint, a creamy consistency, and has the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The composition includes the following elements (main):

  • Brine.
  • Soluble and insoluble mineral, organic, organomineral compounds.
  • Microelements, hormones, penicillin-like and other substances.
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Steroids, large list amino acids.
  • Nutrients.

Mud has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, strengthens protective functions body and immune system, normalizes metabolism. A unique combination of organomineral complex, salt-saturated solution, microelements, biologically active substances and dissolved gases in conjunction with thermal or electrical effects, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, absorbing and regenerating effects with increased metabolic processes in affected areas of the body. Sulfide mud of Lake Saki stimulates restorative life processes in the human body. A feature of peloids from this region is their ability to increase the body’s energy levels, unlock the full potential of human strength, increase resistance to diseases, and provide anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and restorative effects. The silt mud of Lake Saki has a velvety, pleasant structure, and therefore it is easy to apply it directly to the body; it lies tightly on the skin and retains heat, which enhances the healing effect.

Disposable applications with therapeutic mud in combination with thermal compresses - innovative technology in mud therapy, allowing to obtain a high therapeutic effect in comfortable conditions. The design of the package, one of the sides of which is a non-woven permeable fabric, ensures free transportation of biologically active substances of therapeutic mud through the skin into the patient’s body, and a reusable hot thermal compress, gradually heating the application, transfers heat to a local area of ​​the body and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Exposure levels:

  • Temperature. The peloids slowly cool, gradually releasing heat to the body. The water in the mud mass has quite high temperature after forced heating, which is not felt at all by the skin. As a result of thermal action with a prolonged effect, tissues are heated deeper, blood flow improves, lymph and blood circulation is activated, focal inflammations are cleared faster. Painful sensations dull and gradually go away, oxygen exchange in cells improves.
  • Mechanical. Mud applied to an area of ​​skin activates the autonomic nervous system and sweating increases. The sweat secretion removes “toxins” and excess salt from the body, and intercellular drainage occurs. Outwardly this is expressed in smartness skin, elasticity, velvety, healthy skin color.
  • Chemical. All mineral components of mud, gases dissolved in it, ions of trace elements freely penetrate into intact skin and subsequent layers (tissues, muscles, organs, blood, etc.). Positive effect turns out to be on endocrine system (thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, etc.), provoking normalization of work, delivering microelements and vitamins necessary for functioning. This achieves a rejuvenation effect and increases energy potential.
  • Antimicrobial. The Saki region is rich in mud with a bactericidal effect. Using applications on wounds and lesions skin lesions a cleansing effect is achieved, wounds heal several times faster. Intracavitary application also shows positive lasting results. The presence of iodine, bromine, and zinc ions in the Saki mud causes fast recovery tissue structure, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, such as staphylococci, coli and others.
  • Adaptive . Mud activates the body's defense mechanisms, the immune system is activated, suppressing foci of the disease. The internal structure of life support comes into a balanced state and works to restore its functions. Saki mud has such a compensatory effect.

Indications for use of lake Saki mud

The healing mud of Lake Saki has a fine, homogeneous structure, viscous and plastic consistency, with a pronounced smell of hydrogen sulfide. Available in three versions:

  1. for general procedures (coarse);
  2. for general and intracavitary procedures (purified);
  3. for microapplications and cavity administration (fine cleaning).

For external use of medicinal silt sulfide mud from the Saki deposit (as prescribed by a doctor):

  1. Diseases nervous system :
    • Diseases and consequences of injuries and operations of the central nervous system.
    • Diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system.
  2. Diseases musculoskeletal system :
    • Rheumatic diseases of the joints with minimal activity of the inflammatory process.
    • Degenerative diseases of the joints and spine.
    • Diseases of periarticular soft tissues, osteopathy and chondropathy.
  3. Respiratory diseases:
  4. Digestive diseases:
    • Diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum; intestinal diseases; liver diseases; diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas; consequences surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Urological and gynecological diseases:
    • Kidney diseases and urinary tract: chronic pyelonephritis in remission, chronic nonspecific cystitis;
    • Male genital diseases: chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, etc.;
    • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs: salpingoophoritis, infertility.
  6. Skin diseases:
    • Chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, residual effects after burns and frostbite, scar changes, tissue trophic disorders and others.
  7. Ear, nose and throat diseases:
    • Chronic atrophic processes in the nose, chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, mesotympanitis, auditory neuritis, etc.
  8. Dental diseases:
    • Periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  9. Surgical diseases:
    • IN early dates after undergoing surgery for gastric ulcer and 12.p. intestines, cholecystectomy, after joint surgery, etc.

Mud wraps: indications, contraindications.

Mud wraps have gained incredible popularity due to their unique cosmetological effect; today they are offered not only by health institutions, but also by cosmetology centers. In particular, the mud wrap procedure is considered one of the most effective in the fight against cellulite; it helps to rejuvenate and increase skin elasticity. The procedure also has a pronounced healing effect; in many health centers and sanatoriums, patients are also prescribed mud wraps. Indications for the procedure may be as follows:

Mud wrapping is also actively used in postpartum rehabilitation; it allows as soon as possible restore skin elasticity. Numerous reviews of mud wrap indicate that it is not only effective, but also a completely safe health and cosmetic procedure.

Therapeutic mud is of natural origin, which makes body wrapping with mud as safe as possible. What is the main secret procedures? It lies in the complex mineral composition of natural balm; upon contact with the skin, the mud replenishes the lack of minerals and trace elements present in the body. However, any treatment and prophylactic procedure has some contraindications.

Mud wrap is no exception; the contraindications to its implementation are as follows:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • exacerbation infectious diseases;
  • uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts;
  • Availability open wounds on the skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Mud wraps can only be performed after prior consultation with a doctor and under the supervision of specialists. The complex mineral composition of mud determines a wide range of effects of the mud wrap procedure. It allows:

  • increase immunity;
  • has a peeling effect;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • increases vascular tone;
  • helps reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • slows down the aging process.

It is noteworthy that mud wrapping is also used for hair care, as well as for the treatment of baldness.

Mud applications: indications, contraindications

One of the most common spa treatment procedures is mud applications, they are actively used in the treatment of joints, dermatological and vascular diseases. The essence of the procedure is to apply therapeutic mud to a certain area of ​​the body; the mud application can be applied for 10 to 30 minutes.

  • diseases of the nervous system (including neuritis, radiculitis and neuralgia);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis and arthrosis);
  • diseases of the digestive system ( peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis and others);
  • urological and gynecological diseases;
  • respiratory diseases (including asthma and bronchitis);
  • ENT diseases.

The procedure of mud applications is also actively used during the period of post-traumatic rehabilitation; it can serve as a preventive measure for a number of common diseases. Mud applications can only be prescribed after consultation with the attending physician, since there are a number of restrictions for the procedure. Mud applications are not always appropriate in a health program; contraindications to mud therapy include:

  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • some diseases of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, heart disease);
  • respiratory failure;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • tendency to bleed.

Women during pregnancy should also undergo mud application procedures with caution. The number of contraindications to mud therapy is relatively small, which, along with the high efficiency of the procedure, allows it to remain a universal method of healing. The multifaceted indications for mud applications are due to the wide range of therapeutic properties of mud. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps stop inflammatory processes and tissue regeneration, and also regulates metabolic processes body.

Mud tampons: indications, contraindications

IN sanatorium treatment gynecological and urological diseases mud tampons remain one of the most common procedures. The effect of this procedure is always multifaceted, mud therapy is also used for infertility, it allows you to fight very serious diseases. Here are the main indications for this method of therapy:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases, including those caused by infection;
  • infertility, including those caused by hormonal disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • colpitis and endocervicitis.

Mud tampons are widely used in gynecology; Mud therapy is also useful for men who suffer from chronic diseases genitourinary system. Typically, vaginal tampons are recommended for women during menopause, when it is especially important hormonal balance.The effect that healing mud has on the body is multifaceted; it allows you to fight chronic infection and inflammatory processes, and also has a regenerating effect. In addition, mud therapy helps normalize the hormonal balance in the body - it stimulates blood circulation and regulates metabolic processes.

Healing mud promotes the regeneration of affected tissues, it is considered one of the best means in the fight against adhesions in the pelvis. Mud therapy allows you to cope with such a common ailment as female and male infertility, often the cause of these ailments are chronic infectious diseases and hormonal disorders. It is important to note that there are two types of mud tampons: vaginal and rectal. The treatment of male urological diseases is based on the use of the latter type of tampons; in some cases, rectal tampons can also be prescribed to women. Contraindications to this method therapies also exist, they should definitely be taken into account by anyone who has never tried mud therapy:

  • venereal diseases;
  • diseases circulatory system in the acute stage;
  • serious mental illness;
  • the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • the presence of purulent inflammation;
  • tuberculosis of the genitals.

Treatment with mud tampons in gynecology and urology. It's important to note that gynecological mud tampons are a very simple and painless procedure; the course of treatment usually involves 12 to 18 procedures. Healing mud is injected using a special syringe; the procedure usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, the tampon is removed by douching; in some cases, rectal and vaginal mud tampons can be used simultaneously.

Well-known sanatoriums in Crimea offer their clients to supplement mud therapy with other effective procedures, in the fight against gynecological and urological diseases Balneotherapy has proven itself to be excellent. Various types of therapeutic showers and healing baths will allow you to forget about chronic diseases for a long time. Safe mud tampons in urology used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases, including prostatitis and cystitis, such treatment has a minimum number of contraindications.

Galvanic mud: indications and contraindications.

G alvanic mud is one of the most common and widely used physiotherapy procedures in spa treatment, which gives excellent results in the fight against a wide range of diseases. The procedure is carried out using healing silt mud, which is extracted from the bottom of brine lakes. Rich in minerals and rare chemical elements Healing mud helps prevent inflammatory processes and regenerate affected tissues, and also has a regulating effect on the functioning of the metabolic system. As a procedure, galvanic mud is quite simple and resembles ordinary electrophoresis. The only difference is that the electrodes are applied on top of warm mud applications. They make it possible to increase the permeability of skin cell membranes, which causes high efficiency procedures. It can also be said that galvanic mud treatment is a kind of double procedure, since mud applications are independent and very effective. health treatment. The range of diseases for which galvanic mud is prescribed is very wide; the physiotherapeutic procedure is actively used in the fight against the most serious diseases. Severe arthritis and polyarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis and deforming osteochondrosis are just a small part of the complex diseases for which a unique physiotherapy procedure - galvanic mud - is effective. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (including plexitis, radiculitis, myelitis and consequences of encephalitis);
  • post-traumatic treatment of the nervous and musculoskeletal system;
  • different kinds cicatricial adhesive processes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system;
  • chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • dermatological diseases (some types of lichen, eczema and neurodermatitis).

No matter what healing method is most suitable for you, you must follow the basic rules when conducting a mud treatment session:

  • The skin should be clean, so it is recommended to clean it in the shower, without using detergents.
  • If there are open cuts or wounds on the skin, you need to treat them with disinfectant ointment or Vaseline to prevent the skin from becoming inflamed. Such manipulation is necessary before the procedure in order to protect damaged areas of the body from the activity of dirt, which in this case can cause harm.
  • Mud therapy involves maximum relaxation and no tension, as they say, calmness and only calmness. Otherwise, the surface of the skin will become covered with sweat and oil, making it difficult for the dirt to interact deeply with the skin cells. After a session of such treatment, you need to wipe your skin dry again with a towel and take a shower without soap.

The question may arise: why should you avoid detergents during mud therapy sessions, because after such manipulations there is an understandable need to cleanse the skin well? The thing is that after the procedure a thin film of dirt remains on the skin, which continues therapeutic effect even during breaks between sessions. If you wash it off, you can reduce the effect of the treatment. The same applies to the use of moisturizers - after all, after dirt, the skin will not be so receptive to them and the hydration will not spread to a sufficient depth.

It is strictly forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages during the mud therapy period. Since the usefulness of medicinal mud is difficult to dispute, it should be said about diseases that can be gotten rid of with their help. Therefore, the basic indications for the use of mud therapy are:

  • gynecological problems in women and urological problems in men;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  • the need for rehabilitation after injuries;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • nervous system dysfunction;
  • various stages of obesity;
  • indications from a cosmetologist (for the treatment of skin diseases).

It is important to know that this procedure, like any drug treatment, may be individually intolerable, and therefore you need to monitor the body's reactions after therapy. Treatment with medicinal mud is prohibited when:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • availability cancerous tumors any stages;
  • skin and local inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases and tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • some neurological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Among modern physiotherapeutic procedures galvanic dirt occupies a special place, it is one of the key procedures in health programs sanatorium "Poltava". main feature The procedure is that it is carried out using therapeutic silt mud from Lake Saki. It has a wide range of therapeutic properties, which is why galvanic mud is used to treat a lot of the most various diseases.

Saturated with minerals and rare chemical elements, silt mud has excellent disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and regulating effects. In combination with electrotherapy therapeutic properties silt mud are intensified, which makes it possible to create a very special and incredibly effective method of therapy. It is also important to note that the procedure is absolutely painless and takes only a few minutes, while the effect is simply amazing.

Typically, galvanic mud in the Poltava sanatorium is prescribed in courses that can include from 10 to 15 procedures. Physiotherapy can be prescribed only after a full examination and consultation with a doctor; despite its high effectiveness, the procedure has some contraindications.

A unique physiotherapy procedure, galvanic mud is available to patients of the most of different ages, it is equally safe and effective for both adults and children. In case we're talking about about strengthening children's health, such methods of therapy are especially relevant. When trying to get rid of one disease, it is very important not to cause unnecessary harm to the body. For many years now modern Crimean sanatoriums practice treatment with galvanic mud, the city of Saki and the health complexes located on its territory can be considered the most advanced in this direction. - this is an opportunity to swim after the procedures.

Indications and contraindications for galvanic mud.

Like any other method of physiotherapy, galvanic mud is prescribed only after consultation with the attending physician. As noted earlier, mud therapy has found application in the fight against a variety of types of diseases, in many cases it remains the most effective way to take care of health. The general ones are as follows:

Dermatological diseases (including eczema and neurodermatitis);
- chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (including radiculitis and the consequences of encephalitis);
- diseases respiratory system accompanied by chronic inflammation;
- adhesive processes.

Effective galvanic mud, the indications for which are given above, is also relevant when recovering from injuries of the musculoskeletal system; it has proven itself to be an excellent method postoperative recovery. However, like any other method of therapy, it is effective and is not always indicated. This is definitely worth considering for those who expect to enjoy spa treatment and undergo galvanic mud, contraindications to this physiotherapy procedure are relatively small.

It is not indicated for those who suffer from severe allergies or bronchial asthma, as well as patients with cancer pathology. In addition, electric mud is not indicated in the presence of decompensating conditions of the excretory, vascular, respiratory or motor systems. There are also general contraindications to mud therapy and electrical procedures, which are also worth considering.

One of the most modern species physiotherapy, which is based on the joint use electric current and healing mud. This combination of procedures makes it possible to repeatedly enhance the effect of therapeutic mud; under the influence of electric current, the body is more actively enriched with a number of important chemical substances and organic compounds.

A modern and universal procedure, electric mud is prescribed for the most different types diseases. Saturation of the body with potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, chlorine, manganese, iodine and bromine ions, as well as humic acids and a number of other mineral and chemical substances important for health - this is the main goal of a complex physiotherapy procedure.

Universal electric mud at the Poltava sanatorium is carried out using mud from Lake Saki, which is considered a unique and priceless natural balm. The organic, mineral and chemical compounds it contains are of great importance for health; independent mud applications and wraps also have a strong healing effect. In combination with other procedures, electromud therapy is indispensable; it is one of the most effective and modern methods recovery.

Electric mud therapy: indications and contraindications

Modern sanatoriums of Crimea, including the popular Poltava sanatorium, actively use electromud therapy to treat a wide range of diseases. Indications for taking a course of physiotherapy may be as follows:

- diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic spondylitis, post-traumatic treatment;
- diseases of the nervous system: various types of neuralgia, radiculitis, plexitis, cerebral palsy, consequences of injuries, neurocirculatory dystonia, professional neuroses;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension stages 1 - 2, ischemic disease heart disease, rheumatism, chronic venous insufficiency;
- diseases of the digestive system: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis, consequences of inflammatory processes and operations;
- diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
- respiratory diseases (including bronchitis and pneumonia);
- metabolic diseases (incl. diabetes, gout and obesity);
- diseases of the genitourinary system of men and women;
- skin diseases: chronic eczema, psoriasis, scaly lichen, furunculosis, trophic ulcers and recovery from skin injuries.

It's just common list diseases for which electromud therapy may be indicated in the Poltava sanatorium. The physiotherapy procedure, which lasts only 10 - 15 minutes, is indispensable for complex treatment a number of diseases. Recovery through natural factors, as well as physiotherapy, have long been considered one of the most effective methods health promotion. However, it is worth considering that for some diseases electric mud therapy is not indicated. Contraindications to undergoing it may be as follows:
- neoplasms and oncopathology;
- ronchial asthma and allergies;
- general contraindications to undergoing electrical procedures and mud therapy (including some diseases of the cardiovascular system).

In addition, physiotherapy should not be performed during exacerbation of diseases, as well as in a number of infectious diseases and acute inflammatory diseases. Electric mud therapy in Saki is effective assistance in healing using natural methods.

Galvanic mud therapy is a therapeutic method in which the patient’s tissues are simultaneously exposed to direct (galvanic) current and therapeutic mud. This is one of the most common methods of electromud therapy (see). First proposed in 1913 by A.A. Lozinsky and is still considered an effective way to treat patients. Compared to mud therapy, the combined method not only provides additional exposure to active physical factor, which is a galvanic current, but also contributes to the introduction of ions contained in dirt into the body, thereby increasing chemical component her actions. In addition, the method is quite economical, since its implementation requires a relatively small amount of therapeutic mud. To carry out the galvanic mud treatment procedure, native therapeutic mud is usually used, most often silt and peat. Non-pharmacopoeial and pharmacopoeial mud preparations obtained from mud are used in methods medicinal electrophoresis(see Electrophoresis of medicinal substances).
Along with the anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, galvanic mud therapy has a pronounced trophic effect, normalizes metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses, enhancing its immunobiological potential, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation in deep-lying organs and tissues.
To carry out galvanic mud therapy, therapeutic mud is heated in a thermostat or water bath to 38-40 ° C and placed in gauze or cotton bags the right size. The area of ​​a mud cake can vary from 100 to 400 cm2, and the thickness of the mud layer in it is 3-4 cm. Bags of mud are placed on the desired area of ​​the body. Current-carrying electrodes of a slightly smaller area than bags of dirt are placed on the bags. The electrodes are covered with oilcloth, on which bags of sand are placed. The patient is covered with a sheet or blanket. The electrodes are connected to the poles of the galvanizing apparatus. For galvanic mud treatment, both two (under both electrodes) and one mud cake are used. In the latter case, the mud cake is placed under an electrode (active), located in the area of ​​the pathological focus. In this case, a conventional hydrophilic gasket is placed under the second electrode. The polarity of the active electrode can be changed in the middle of the procedure or every other day. Changing the polarity of the electrode with a mud cake ensures that both cations and anions are introduced into the body from the mud. The current density during galvanic mud treatment is 0.03-0.06 mA/cm2, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment includes 10-15-20 procedures, carried out every other day or two days in a row with a break on the third day. After each procedure, the patient rests for 30-40 minutes. Sometimes, when performing galvanic mud therapy, filter paper moistened is placed under the mud cake. medicinal substance. The polarity of the electrode in this technique is determined by the polarity of the medication, and the technique itself is called “galvanic mud electrophoresis.”
Indications and contraindications for galvanic mud therapy are almost the same as for electric mud therapy in general.

The birth of electromud therapy

By noon on September 26, 1786 Sun rays dispersed the remnants of the morning fog. Luigi Galvani walked out of the anatomical hall of the University of Bologna onto the balcony. A light breeze touched the frog's leg suspended on a copper hook from the iron grille of the balcony. The paw trembled and contracted. Galvani checks repeatedly: it turns out that every time the “iron-copper-foot” chain is formed, a contraction of the foot immediately occurs. From that significant day, the birthday of electrophysiology, it took another 128 years of persistent scientific research so that in 1914 Alexander Aleksandrovich Lozinsky introduced into medical practice the method of “electrification through mud using electrodes”, when the patient is simultaneously exposed to direct electric current and ions removed from the therapeutic mud. Thus, a gentle method of mud therapy came into medical practice - electric mud therapy, which is most suitable for children, the elderly and weakened patients. And which is successfully used in our sanatorium “Yurmino”, Saki, Crimea.

Galvanic mud or electric balneo-mud treatment is difficult, but very effective

Electrobalneo-mud therapy, that is, the application of electrodes on top of the corresponding mud cakes, proposed by A. A. Lozinsky, was later successfully used by a number of domestic physiotherapists: S. D. Bassel, S. M. Petelin, S. N. Ardashnikov, M. S. Belenkiy , L. S. Vishnevsky, etc. This complex procedure has the effect of both local warm mud application and iontophoresis, that is, the transfer of healing elements of mud by electric current. For example, such as: ions of chlorine, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, sulfur, iodine, bromine, as well as biologically active components of organic compounds of Lake Saki mud - humic and fatty acids, vitamins and hormones that affect the action of adaptive systems and human metabolism.

The effectiveness of electrophoresis of mud preparations is explained by the ability to permeate the cell membranes of human skin. This makes it possible to successfully first improve the conductivity of nerves and enhance the processes of regeneration in them, that is, restoration - contrary to the general misconception that nerve cells are not restored. And then normalize metabolism and significantly accelerate the elimination of various inflammatory processes, reducing chronic pain and much more.

The procedure for electromud therapy does not look complicated from the outside: the therapeutic mud is placed in special hydrophilic bags, which are applied to certain areas of the body as prescribed by the doctor; an inductor disk is installed above the bag with a gap of 1-2 cm. All this happens at a mud temperature of 38-40 ° C and anode current strength 180-200 mA. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-12-15 procedures, performed every other day.

To summarize, we can safely say that electric mud therapy has a number of undeniable advantages and advantages over traditional mud therapy, if only because it is carried out using mud in smaller quantities, with more low temperatures therefore, it is easier to tolerate. This makes it possible to heal even children and elderly patients with concomitant diseases cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

What and how can be cured, or indications for the use of electromud therapy methods:

Physiotherapists at our sanatorium “Yurmino” successfully treat chronic inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system using the method of electromud therapy. Even such severe ones as arthritis and polyarthritis, deforming osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations.

In addition to the above, physiotherapists at the Yurmino sanatorium have achieved excellent results in curing the following diseases:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs
  • chronic diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system: radiculitis, plexitis, residual effects of encephalitis, myelitis, arachnoiditis, etc.
  • consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems
  • cicatricial adhesive processes of various localizations
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive system
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system
  • some skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly lichen, scleroderma, etc.

Alas, “electric mud” is not a panacea...

According to ancient Greek mythology, the god of medicine, Asclepius, was born dead. But Apollo gave him life and gave him to be raised by the wise centaur Chiron, who taught the future god the art of healing and philosophy. And then one day Asclepius, reproaching the centaurs for rioting and drunkenness, said that wine is not only a medicine, but also a poison. To paraphrase the god of healing, one can say that dirt is also both medicine and poison. It can heal many things, but some things cannot, that is, there are objective contraindications to electromud therapy. For example, the electric mud procedure is carried out very carefully when:

  • bronchial asthma and other allergic manifestations
  • decompensating conditions from the respiratory system, vasomotor, excretory systems

You should absolutely not use electric mud therapy if you have:

  • oncopathology and neoplasms
  • general contraindications for the use of mud or electrical procedures (including cardiovascular diseases)

Mud therapy should not be used in acute inflammatory processes or during exacerbation chronic diseases, uterine bleeding, inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system with severe hypertonicity and dysfunction fallopian tubes, with tuberculosis of any organ, infectious diseases in acute stage, and severe exhaustion of the body. Also contraindicated are various fungal skin infections: deep mycosis, scabies.