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Where to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a child. Free trips to the Mother and Child sanatorium: health program at state expense

Many parents sooner or later wonder: is it possible to send their child for treatment or preventive rest to a sanatorium under a preferential program? There is only one answer - perhaps thanks to current laws. And there are many more ways to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a child than parents know.

However, there are some nuances here too. To get such a permit, you need to have the appropriate documents in hand and know where and, most importantly, when to apply. Often these procedures are long and tedious, but there is almost always a chance.

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for obtaining free vouchers to sanatoriums for children.

Obtaining a voucher at the clinic at your place of registration

The easiest and most accessible way for most parents is to contact the local doctor at the local children's clinic. Sometimes pediatricians themselves offer to take this chance if the child has obvious signs of this or that disease, but this happens less and less often - funding for clinics is only decreasing from year to year - you will have to find out for yourself.

It happens that a list of “free” vouchers is posted on information boards at the reception desk and in front of the offices of pediatricians or other specialized doctors. In some clinics, such information is available at the office of the director, from whom you can find out the conditions for obtaining a voucher and everything Required documents.

To receive a discounted voucher at the clinic, you need to collect the following documents:

    Application on behalf of the parent (samples provided);

    Completed by a pediatrician or other attending physician health resort card according to form No. 076/u-04;

    Certificate from a dermatologist confirming the absence of infectious diseases;

    Test results for enterobiasis (taken the day before the child’s departure).

After this, you just need to pick up the voucher and calmly send the child for treatment. However, you can go with him if the sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system, but do not forget that in any case all transport costs are paid by the parents.

Important: If for some reason the pediatrician begins to refuse the opportunity to provide a voucher, this issue must be resolved immediately with the head of the clinic. There are often cases when discounted vouchers are left “for their own”, which is strictly suppressed by the management.

Obtaining a voucher at the hospital

The method is possible for situations when your child needs rehabilitation after being in a hospital. In the same way, you can get a ticket for children who have been diagnosed serious illness, and for small patients who have undergone surgery varying degrees difficulties.

To do this, you need to contact either your attending physician or the head physician of the hospital. Since such vouchers are financed from the budget medical institution, then in open form information about them cannot be found - the issue of extradition is decided individually. But, if the child really needs specialized treatment, there is a chance to get a ticket.

To do this, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

    Parent's statement;

    Sanatorium-resort card form No. 076/u-04 (to be filled out strictly by the attending physician of the hospital);

    An extract from the medical history;

    Results of all tests taken during hospitalization.

There are cases when the hospital cannot provide a trip at the expense of budget funds, but can give a recommendation and conclusion about the need for treatment or rehabilitation of the child. The head physician will explain where you need to go with this package of documents. Most often, we are talking about the social security service or the social insurance fund.

Obtaining a voucher from the Social Insurance Fund

You can apply to the Social Insurance Fund without a recommendation from the hospital. You only need to remember one thing - this organization primarily works with beneficiaries - parents of disabled children, large families, and other categories of citizens.

However, if your child has a registered disability, then here, in addition to the sanatorium card and application, you will need to submit a document confirming the status of the disabled person. The same applies to the certificates of a mother of many children and other things. In addition, you will need to provide the child’s birth certificate and his passport, if he has already received one upon reaching 14 years of age.

The key advantage of this method of obtaining a voucher will be the opportunity to accompany the child and reimbursement of travel costs. Most often, this is a partial subsidy for the purchase of train tickets, but if the sanatorium is located in a neighboring region, and not several thousand kilometers away, then there is a chance of full reimbursement of costs. But we must remember that this scheme only works for disabled children.

The advantage of applying to the Social Insurance Fund will be the time it takes to consider the application. As a rule, they do not exceed 20 days, so you do not have to wait for approval or refusal for several months.

Obtaining a permit from the Office social protection population

An alternative option is to contact your local social security office. This option will take much longer in terms of collecting documents, but is much more effective in long term. Although here you will have to know your nuances.

The first thing you will need to do is come to an appointment with a specialist, whose main task is to determine not only the authenticity of the documents, but also to get in touch with the parent. The parent’s task is to make a good impression on the inspector, not demand too much, and be as polite as possible. If everything goes well, the matter will remain only with the documentary part.

In addition to the health resort card and application, you will need:

    Copies of both parents' passports;

    A copy of the child’s birth certificate and passport (if over 14 years old);

    Document confirming disability (if available);

    Document confirming adoption (for adopted children).

The work of the social security inspector with the family, if the voucher is approved, will continue until the child reaches adulthood. If the family is considered successful, the parents will be periodically called and set up meetings at which they will offer new travel directions.

Obtaining a permit from the district administration

But not only disabled children and orphans can receive preferential vouchers in Russia - almost every child has a chance to receive one if their parents apply to the district administration, at the place of registration.

The peculiarity of such vouchers is that these are not therapeutic, but preventive visits to sanatoriums and orphanages. Groups meet every few months and are divided into two types: for children from 4 to 7 years old, accompanied by one parent, or for children over 8 years old without an accompanying person.

Important: Free vouchers are given by the district government only for beneficiaries, and they are different in each region. In addition to disabled children and orphans, this often includes children who have lost one of their parents, victims of natural disasters and catastrophes, etc. Partially paid vouchers are available to everyone.

In this case, a package of documents is compiled individually for each child.

Free trips to a sanatorium - what to worry about? (opinion)

From time to time, on the forums of young parents, information appears that all discounted vouchers should be treated with caution, and that not all children are satisfied with the time spent in health centers. There are several reasons for such opinions.

Firstly, many parents are not satisfied with the food. Unfortunately, many sanatoriums have kept their menus according to the standards of 20-30 years ago, without taking into account the individual characteristics of children's metabolism, the insistence of nutritionists, and so on. If your child needs special food– this issue should be resolved long before sending for treatment.

Secondly, if you send your child to a sanatorium in winter or in the off-season, you need to take care of the right amount of warm clothes. Heating interruptions are one of the main complaints of parents who are outraged by the state of most Russian sanatoriums. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, but you can still protect the health of your child.

Thirdly, it is worth asking about the specifics of the sanatorium, and what groups of children are usually sent there. If your child has physical problems, low mobility and other diseases that set him apart from the group of apparently healthy children - parents advise him to think about whether he will be comfortable in such company?

Otherwise, parent forums assure that there is nothing to be afraid of. There have long been no problems with theft of personal belongings, as in the 90s, and the staff of sanatoriums treat children much better, taking into account their age and developmental characteristics.

Things to remember

    Vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment are issued to children and adolescents from 4 to 17 years old inclusive. In some cases, when neurological diseases It is possible to treat children from 2 years of age.

    A parent has the right to accompany a child for treatment in another city, but not every sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system. In this case, all living expenses fall on the shoulders of the parent.

    For some trips there are subsidies that partially cover the cost of travel. You need to ask about them yourself, since by default parents undertake to cover the entire travel costs.

    Before sending your child for treatment to another city, it is worth learning more about the sanatorium itself. Alas, most of them were built in Soviet years, and there have been no major repairs in them for at least 20 years.

    It is a myth that free vouchers are not issued in the summer. Despite high demand, many parents refuse vouchers for the reason high cost train tickets. It’s possible to take their place; all you have to do is submit an application as early as possible and wait.

    WITH full list sanatoriums that offer discounted vouchers can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health and in other open sources.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium treatment” medical selection and referral for sanatorium-resort treatment of citizens is carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department or a medical commission (for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance as a set social services) medical and preventive institution at the place of residence.

If there are indications and no contraindications for referral to sanatorium-resort treatment, the patient is issued a certificate to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment" (form No. 070/u). Medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment are determined by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 5, 2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists medical indications and contraindications for spa treatment.” If the patient has diseases included in the list of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment of the child population, on the basis of a certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment (form No. 070/u), an application is made in the sanatorium-resort treatment monitoring subsystem of the Russian Ministry of Health.

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2009 No. 14-5/10/2-4265 “On sending children for sanatorium-resort treatment to sanatorium-resort institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia” to sanatorium-resort Institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation send children from 4 to 14 years of age inclusive, including accompanied by a legal representative, from 15 to 18 years of age unaccompanied, unless the need for accompaniment is due to medical indications. Children aged 2 years and older are sent to sanatorium-resort institutions with a psychoneurological profile, accompanied by a legal representative.

When contacting the Moscow City Health Department regarding referral of a child for sanatorium-resort treatment in a sanatorium under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the following documents must be provided:

  • application from the legal representative of a minor to send the child to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • statement from the legal representative of the minor regarding consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a copy of the passport of the legal representative of the minor with information on registration at the place of residence;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • copy of the mandatory policy health insurance;
  • a document confirming the child’s registration in the city of Moscow;
  • a copy of the certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment (form No. 070/u);
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

The structure of Moscow city healthcare includes sanatoriums for children: general, bronchopulmonary, orthopedic, cardio-rheumatological, nephrological and gastroenterological profiles. All sanatoriums provide for the stay of children throughout the year.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium treatment”, medical selection and referral of patients in need of spa treatment, carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department. The presence of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment and the absence of contraindications for its implementation is within the competence of the attending physician and is determined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment.” The decision is made based on an analysis of the patient’s objective condition, the results of previous treatment (outpatient, inpatient), data from laboratory, functional, radiological and other studies. If there are indications and there are no contraindications for treatment, the following will be issued to the sanatorium: a voucher to the sanatorium; sanatorium-resort card for children (registration form N 076/у) and a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist confirming no contact with patients infectious diseases(for those attending educational institutions, a certificate of no contact with patients with infectious diseases from educational institution(kindergartens, schools).

In addition, the following documents of the child must be submitted to the sanatorium: birth certificate and compulsory health insurance policy (it is advisable to provide a photocopy of these documents).

Considering individual characteristics child, as well as the profile (specialization) of the sanatorium; in some cases, the decision on the possibility of a child’s stay is decided by a commission at the sanatorium.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of disabled people is a social service provided by the state at the expense of the regional budget.

Who is eligible for sanatorium services?

Characteristics of social services

The meaning of social benefits

A beneficiary who has a chronic disease has the right to collect all the necessary documents and apply for individual treatment. An important point When completing the referral, all validity periods of the papers will be observed.

The rehabilitation program may include physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, psychotherapy, manual therapy, physical therapy, mud therapy and reflexology.

Thus, a budget voucher gives the right to use free health services. Drug therapy, climatic conditions and special procedures significantly improve the health of persons with disabilities.

Additional service of the FSS of the Russian Federation

Since 2018, the FSS of the Russian Federation launched a new social project, allowing you to receive an electronic coupon for simplified issuance of a train ticket for travel to the place sanatorium treatment. The coupon itself is issued at the request of the beneficiary directly at the territorial divisions of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Then, with such a coupon, you can either go directly to the railway ticket office and receive a ready-made railway ticket there upon presentation of your passport. Or register e-ticket online through the website of JSC Russian Railways (www.rzd.ru), having previously registered there. in the latter case, everything can be done without leaving home.

All categories of beneficiaries who are entitled to free pass to the place of treatment using vouchers from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and regional executive authorities in the field of healthcare. Provided that the beneficiary has not refused the package of social services in in kind. Otherwise, he will only be entitled to financial compensation such an NSO.

People with mental and other illnesses, the disabled and the elderly, who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care, need constant care. But due to various reasons relatives cannot always give them due attention. Therefore, a decision is often made at the family council to place a sick and infirm relative in a psychoneurological boarding school.

Who will they take?

Often those who can live at home end up in psychoneurological boarding schools, but they “disturb” their relatives. Some “rent out their own” for the sake of square meters. At the same time, they manage to obtain all the necessary documents.

The state psychoneurological boarding school accepts men over 65 and women over 55 who have mental disorders, suffer senile dementia, recognized as incompetent, as well as adult disabled people (except for the third group) who need permanent outside help. But the elderly do not always get along with the young, so in boarding schools they try not to put people in the same room of different ages. The best option for those who are older, there will be a specialized psychoneurological boarding facility for the elderly.

How to get?

To get a referral to a psychoneurological boarding school, you need:

  • undergo an examination by a psychiatrist; if there are grounds, he will issue a referral to VTEK for recognition as disabled;
  • confirm incapacity through the court (the court will order a medical examination);
  • collect the following documents: passport, court decision on incapacity, medical card, insurance policy, document confirming disability, certificate of complete information about living conditions (total and living space, how many residents are registered in the apartment or house, who is the owner), a certificate from Pension Fund about payments, a certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • contact the department or department of social protection with a statement.

Social protection authorities, having examined the documents received by them, determine the applicant or a relative of the applicant to a psychoneurological boarding school.

An important point: psychoneurological boarding schools provide registration. Those who have permanent registration at their place of residence are registered in the boarding school temporarily. By at will, at the request of relatives and certainly with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (provided that the person is not the owner of the property), you can obtain permanent registration. You need to know that the non-privatized housing of a single pensioner goes to the state six months after registration in a boarding school.

What is the price?

Relatives will no longer be able to manage the pension; the previously issued power of attorney loses its force. The pension goes to the account of the institution where the incapacitated person lives. 75% of income goes to pay for hospital care, pay for some social services, tickets to museums, theaters, concerts, and the circus. Clubs and sections are free to attend. The balance, at the request of the pensioner, is transferred to his bank account or issued in person. He can spend this money at his own discretion, including on the purchase of clothes, a telephone, a laptop, books... By the way, after death, the accumulated funds, like real estate, are inherited by relatives.

Psychoneurological boarding schools in Moscow were among the first to provide paid services for those who want to live in more comfortable conditions, for example, in single or double rooms, receive additional physiotherapy, visit massage room and so on. But the elderly, in order to save money, are content with little. And many, on the contrary, like to live in rooms for four or five people.

There are private psychoneurological boarding schools. And it’s easier to get there - there are practically no queues. But many people can't afford it. The cost of living depends on the number of days spent in the boarding school, the comfort of the rooms, the services provided, mental and physical condition, nutrition. Most often, in this case, relatives pay for the services. Sometimes it's cheaper to hire a caregiver.

Voluntary or forced?

No one can place a patient in a boarding school without his consent. In the event that a person cannot make decisions due to illness, the court appoints a relative as a guardian, who, in turn, decides to place the patient in a boarding school and signs all documents. The application can be submitted to close relatives, guardianship and trusteeship authorities or representatives of psychoneurological departments. Applications from other persons and institutions will not be accepted.

Moving to such an institution is difficult for most. The staff does everything possible to ensure that the newcomer adapts to new conditions and does not feel abandoned. Much also depends on relatives, who are advised to visit those who love them as often as possible, no matter what.

IN psychoneurological boarding school citizens are accepted (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people of groups I and II over 18 years old who have relevant indications for registration in a psychoneurological boarding school.

If there are free places in a psychoneurological boarding school, persons suffering from mental disorders chronic diseases, can be accepted for temporary residence for a period of 2 to 6 months on a general basis.

Disabled people Patriotic War, participants in the Patriotic War and members of the families of fallen military personnel, as well as deceased disabled people and participants in the Patriotic War, are admitted to the boarding school on a priority basis.

Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” dated July 2, 1992, No. 3185-1 Article 41.Grounds and procedure for placing persons in psychoneurological institutions for social security.

(1) The grounds for placement in a psychoneurological institution for social security are a) personal statement person suffering mental disorder, or a person recognized as legally incompetent, b) conclusion of a medical commission(VKK) with the participation of a psychiatrist, for a minor under the age of 18 or a person recognized as legally incompetent, if such person due to his condition is not able to submit a personal application, and c) decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, adopted on the basis of the conclusion of a medical commission with the participation of a psychiatrist. The conclusion of the VKK must contain information about the presence of a person, depriving him of the opportunity to stay in a non-specialized institution for social security, and in relation to a capable person - also about the absence of grounds for raising the question of declaring him incompetent before the court.

(2) The guardianship and trusteeship authority is obliged to take measures to protect the property interests of persons placed in psychoneurological institutions for social security.

This Article 41 determines that the basis for placement in is:

A personal written statement from a person suffering from a mental disorder (in the case of an incapacitated patient, the statement is written by a guardian);

The conclusion of a medical commission consisting of at least three doctors, with the obligatory participation of a psychiatrist, on the state of legal capacity, as well as on the absence of grounds for raising the question of declaring him incompetent before the court.

If a person placed in a psychoneurological boarding school, The following documents are required:

a) a copy of the court decision declaring the person placed in a boarding house incompetent, certified in the prescribed manner.

b) an order from the guardianship and trusteeship authority regarding placement in a psychoneurological boarding school, indicating how decisions will be made property rights incompetent. The order is drawn up in the guardianship council of the district administration at the place of residence and registration of the patient.

Documents for registration in a psychoneurological boarding school:

1. An application written personally by the person entering the psychoneurological boarding school, certified by an employee of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the relevant district (USZN), and for persons in the hospital, by the attending physician. If a person is declared incompetent, then a statement from the legal representative (guardian).

2. An inspection report of the living, living and social conditions of the person entering the boarding school, certified by the State Social Insurance Fund, indicating the composition of the family members living together. An inspection report on the living conditions of single pensioners is drawn up with a mandatory visit to their home and clarification of their personal desire to be placed in a boarding house.

3. Certificate of disability groups I and II and an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued by the State Bureau medical and social examination(ITU).

4. Medical card for registration in a boarding home, certified by the seal of a medical institution at the place of residence (hospital), which contains the conclusions of medical specialists:




Gynecologist or urologist,

Phthisiatrician (indicating the date and number of fluorography or sputum examination on VK),

Oncologist (the entry “not registered” in the card is not accepted; a conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease is required),




Medical tests:

a) fluorography data is valid for a year;

b) analysis for HIV infection and RW (BC) - 6 months;

c) tests for markers of hepatitis B and C – 6 months;

d) throat swab for diphtheria and tests for intestinal group valid for 10 days;

e) for helminthiasis – within 10 days;

e) results tank. analysis for intestinal group and analysis for diphtheria no more than 7 days old.

5. Conclusion of the VKK of a psychoneurological institution (dispensary or hospital) with a detailed diagnosis and an indication of the recommended type of boarding home (please note that the conclusion must be complete with a detailed diagnosis attached on a separate form, signed by 3 members of the commission and certified by the seal of the dispensary ( hospitals) and personal seals of doctors.

6. Extract from outpatient card patient having mental illness and registered with a psychiatrist. (Issued in sealed form, certified by the attending psychiatrist and the head of the department of the psychoneurological institution).

7. Decision of the judicial authority on the state of legal capacity.

8. Resolution of the guardianship and trusteeship authority (for persons declared incompetent).

9. Certificate from the housing maintenance enterprise (extract from the house register) about the composition of the family, indicating the date of birth of each family member and family relationships.

10. Certificate of pension amount, including allowances, issued by the body providing pensions.

11. Departure address sheet issued by the passport and visa service.

12. A petition issued to a citizen by the social protection authority at the place of residence.

13. Individual program provision of social services and a voucher to a boarding house, issued by the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of residence. (Issued to the applicant or legal representative after the relevant decision has been made).

14. Copies of passport, pension certificate.

Anyone entering a psychoneurological boarding school additionally provides the originals:


Compulsory health insurance policy;

Pension insurance certificate;

Employment history;

Pensioner's ID;

UOV or JOB certificates.