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Who is issued a certificate to obtain a travel voucher for a child? Medical selection and referral of patients in need of spa treatment

1. Certificate for obtaining a voucher, form No. 070/у

The certificate contains information about the recommended season and the profile of the sanatorium. Certificate form 070/у (certificate for obtaining a voucher) is of a preliminary informational nature and is issued to the patient for presentation at the place where the voucher for sanatorium or outpatient resort treatment is issued. In case of allocation of a sanatorium voucher, the certificate of form 070/у remains with the organization that issued sanatorium voucher, as a medical basis for its issuance.

The choice of place for sanitary-resort treatment is carried out on the basis not only of the main disease, but also takes into account the contrast of climatic and geographical conditions, the presence of auxiliary diseases, travel conditions to the resort, the characteristics of natural, therapeutic factors and other conditions recommended by the resorts. Taking into account all factors, the attending physician indicates medical indications and gives recommendations regarding the conduct of sanatorium-resort treatment, and, if necessary, contraindications are described.

2. Sanatorium-resort card (form No. 072/u - for adults, form No. 076/u - for children)

The card contains information about the patient’s previous treatments (inpatient, outpatient), radiological, functional, laboratory tests and other studies, and also contains possible contraindications at spa treatment.

The presence of such information makes the treatment process as effective as possible when using climatic treatment factors in sanatoriums. At the end of the treatment carried out in the sanatorium, a return coupon for the sanatorium-resort card is issued, which describes the course of treatment carried out in the sanatorium and makes medical recommendations.

You can apply for a health resort card in advance, as it is valid for 2 months.

Please note that a sanatorium-resort card can be issued directly in some sanatoriums for additional fee. However, while the sanatorium-resort card is being issued, treatment for the underlying disease will not be provided by the sanatorium. We recommend that questions regarding the issuance of a sanatorium-resort card be coordinated in advance with our managers.

3. Civil passport (for children - birth certificate)

4. Compulsory medical insurance policy


6. Copies of main documents

  • passport
  • birth certificate
  • medical insurance

Documents for registering children to a sanatorium

1. Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological conditions

The certificate is valid for 3 days, is taken at the place of residence from the local pediatrician and confirms the fact that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients. This certificate is issued for all children who enter the sanatorium, regardless of whether they receive treatment or not.

2. Certificate of vaccinations

If you refuse vaccinations and medical withdrawal, you need a supporting document.

3. Power of attorney or permission from parents to accompany the child

To comply with the law Russian Federation When grandparents and other family members represent the legitimate interests of children and grandchildren (persons under 18 years of age), including when arriving together for a sanatorium-resort treatment and recreational holiday, it is necessary to have a notarized consent of parents, adoptive parents, and guardians.

We kindly ask you to bring all of the above documents with you in order to avoid misunderstandings when entering the sanatorium!

Vouchers to children's sanatoriums are provided for children from 4 to 15 years old. A certificate for obtaining a ticket to a children's sanatorium is issued to children of this age. If the child is younger or older than this age, and the mother and (or) doctors believe that the child needs sanatorium-resort treatment in a children’s sanatorium, the issue of his treatment in a sanatorium is decided individually with the management of the sanatorium where the child’s recovery is planned. Those. parents or the attending physician contacts directly the chief physician of the sanatorium and decides with him the question of whether or not the child can be made healthier in this sanatorium.

A child of the above age can recuperate in a sanatorium alone - then the voucher is allocated only to him or together with an accompanying person (mom, dad, aunt, etc.) - then the voucher is allocated to the child and the accompanying person and is called “Mother and Child”

To improve health in a sanatorium, a child must have indications: chronic illness in remission or other deviations in health status (functional, conditions after acute serious illnesses or injuries, tube turn. samples, etc.) and don't have for recovery in a sanatorium.

A document confirming that a child needs sanatorium treatment is a certificate for obtaining a ticket to a sanatorium in form 070/U

Certificate for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium using form 070/у Form free of charge

Certificate for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium using form 070/у How to obtain?

1.A doctor observing a child for his main disease(specialist doctor) must make an entry in the child’s outpatient record, which should indicate:

  • diagnosis,
  • that the child is recommended for sanatorium-resort treatment,
  • profile of the sanatorium (for example, ophthalmological, orthopedic, etc.),
  • recommended sanatoriums (name) or resorts (name),
  • season.

2. Based on this entry in the outpatient card, the local pediatrician issues a certificate that her child needs sanatorium treatment.

3. Next, the certificate is issued through the VK (medical commission), has a number, is registered in a special journal, signed by the head of the clinic and certified round stamp medical institution and is handed over to the mother.

The next question that parents have after receiving certificate 070/u

Where can I get a ticket to a sanatorium for a child?

At a children's clinic at your place of residence

Through children's clinics at the place of residence offer vouchers to local sanatoriums I, located within the city or region. Children's clinics and local sanatoriums have a direct connection. Sanatoriums distribute vouchers evenly among all children's clinics in the city or region.

Any mother can go to the local pediatrician and find out which sanatoriums the children's clinic can provide a voucher to.

If the profile of the sanatorium is suitable for the child and his outpatient card contains a record of the corresponding disease with recommendations from a specialist doctor on the need for sanatorium-resort treatment, then the mother can write an application asking for a voucher for the child. The mother can indicate the month of the year when she wants to improve the child’s health; if she is satisfied with any month, she can skip this item. After this, the child is registered in a special register in line to receive a ticket to the sanatorium. When the turn comes and the voucher is allocated, the local nurse contacts the mother by phone and invites her to receive the voucher and issue a sanatorium-resort card.

There is one subtlety here. Many parents want to improve their child’s health in a sanatorium in the summer, and only some agree to do this during the school year, and the number of vouchers allocated to the clinic by the sanatorium for each month is the same throughout the year. Therefore for the summer months high demand for vouchers, and less for the rest. If a mother really wants to send her child to a sanatorium in the summer, an application for this must be written in January, as soon as the new calendar year begins, and if the clinic accepts applications in advance - even earlier - all the details in this regard can be clarified with the local pediatrician.

At parents' place of work

Some employers care about the health of their employees and their children. Therefore, in the trade union committee of an enterprise, parents who are members of a trade union can receive a free (or pay only part of the cost, it all depends on the enterprise) voucher for a child or even a “Mother and Child” voucher. In some institutions, membership in a trade union is not required, and vouchers are distributed through human resources departments.

Here the situation is like this: the company purchases vouchers to sanatoriums and then distributes them among its employees.

If parents want to get a ticket to a sanatorium for their child, they must first find out which sanatoriums the company can provide a ticket to and whether it provides them at all. Then take a certificate from the local pediatrician at your place of residence stating that the child needs sanatorium-resort treatment, take it to the trade union committee or the human resources department and write an application asking to provide the child with a voucher, then wait for it to be provided.

In the Ministry of Health of the region

The regional Ministry of Health distributes vouchers to sanatoriums of Russian significance, i.e. in sanatoriums throughout Russia. To get a ticket to a children's sanatorium through the Ministry of Health of the region, you need to get a certificate from your local pediatrician to get a ticket to the sanatorium and an extract from outpatient card child. Then contact the Medical Care Organization Department and sanatorium-resort affairs of the Ministry of Health, write there an application for granting the child a trip to the sanatorium, provide documents for yourself and the child and their photocopies: birth certificate, insurance policy, mother’s passport. After this, the child will be put in line to receive a ticket to the sanatorium.

Parents should know that getting a free trip (only the travel is paid, stay and treatment in the sanatorium is free) to a sanatorium of Russian significance is possible, but not quick. You will have to wait for it for 1-2-3 years, and the application, certificate and documents will have to be updated every year.

In addition, vouchers are available throughout the year, and the greatest excitement is caused by summer season. Therefore, if the certificate for obtaining a voucher and the application indicate the summer months, but the parents do not agree to other months, you may not get the voucher at all. But you will be able to improve your child’s health for free from October to May (autumn, winter or spring) if you show patience and perseverance.

In the Social Insurance Fund

Disabled children have the right to receive free travel“mother and child” according to the profile of the underlying disease from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation once every two years. There are branches of this fund in every region. To obtain such a voucher, you need a certificate in form 070/U, which states that the child is disabled, and also notes the need to accompany him.

I hope now you can arrange certificate for obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium. Stay healthy!

    Appendix No. 1. The procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment Appendix No. 2. Form N 070/u-04 “Certificate for obtaining a voucher” Appendix No. 3. Form N 072/u-04 “Sanatorium-resort card” ( no longer valid) Appendix No. 4. Form N 076/u-04 “Sanatorium-resort card for children” (no longer valid) Appendix No. 5. Instructions for filling out form N 070/u-04 “Certificate for obtaining a voucher” (no longer valid) Appendix No. 6. Instructions for filling out form N 072/u-04 “Sanatorium and resort card” (no longer valid) Appendix No. 7. Instructions for filling out form N 076/u-04 “Health resort card for children” (no longer valid)

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004 N 256
"On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment"

With changes and additions from:

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsov.

M.Yu. Zurabov


* Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 10, 2001 registration N 2800

Registration No. 6189

Medical selection and referral of patients in need of sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department, or in his absence chief physician(his deputy) of a medical and preventive institution (outpatient clinic (at the place of residence) or a medical unit (at the place of work, study).

The doctor determines the medical indications for spa treatment and the absence of contraindications for its implementation based on an analysis of the patient’s objective condition and the results of previous treatment, data from laboratory, functional, radiological and other studies. In complex and conflict situations, a conclusion on the indications for sanatorium-resort treatment is issued by the medical commission of the medical institution.

The features of medical selection and referral for sanatorium-resort treatment of children, as well as the procedure for admission and discharge of patients are established.

Document forms N 070/у-04 "Certificate for obtaining a voucher", N 072/у-04 " Sanatorium-resort card", N 076/у-04 "Sanatorium-resort card for children" and the procedure for filling them out.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004 N 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium treatment”

Registration No. 6189

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication