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To receive benefits for spa treatment. Can all pensioners receive such referrals for free? Obtaining a permit from the district administration

Such establishments were popular in Soviet times due to their accessibility. Getting a ticket was not a hassle at all and cost mere pennies. In the 90s, health resorts were practically not in demand, so many changed their profile. Now the population again has the time and desire to take care of not only their careers, but also their own health.

To undergo a course of procedures at the health resort of your choice, you need to get a referral. First of all, together with the doctor, the purpose of visiting the sanatorium is determined, and after that, ways to purchase a voucher are sought. This can be done by shelling out a considerable amount from your own wallet or using funds state funds– FSS, . Using the first purchase option, you are unlikely to encounter any difficulties, but in order to receive free treatment you will have to collect more than one certificate. But it is still possible.

At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund

The Social Insurance Fund will pay for the trip only to the preferential category of citizens:

– unemployed disabled people of the first and second groups;
– WWII veterans;
- orphans;
- residents of besieged Leningrad.

For these groups of people, referral to sanatorium- spa treatment is issued without fail. But you should also remember that these institutions must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the frequency of stay in them is no more than once every 3 years. To get a referral, these people should see a therapist, get examined, get certificates and confirm their right to a preferential voucher from the social fund.

At the expense of compulsory medical insurance funds

Other citizens can also apply for a free referral; for this they must have. Here, free treatment will be offered due to the occurrence of certain events and circumstances. Often a voucher is provided for recovery after an illness.

Rehabilitation hospitals are carrying out a set of measures to resume the body’s activities as usual. Duration and intensity necessary measures depends on the severity of the disease and occurs in several stages. First, the patient’s condition is determined, then a rehabilitation program is formed, and finally an analysis of the effectiveness of the measures taken is carried out. The recovery plan usually includes massage, reflexology, physical therapy, and dietary food. The amount of assistance provided is determined by the structures supervising the territorial compulsory medical insurance program in a given region.

The first step to obtaining a voucher is to contact a therapist to determine your health status. The specialist will clarify the medical indications and contraindications for medical rehabilitation free of charge.

The following patient diseases may be denied treatment under compulsory medical insurance:

venereal diseases;
– need surgical intervention;
– helplessness;
– conduction disorders and heart rate;
– mental illness and alcohol or drug addiction;
– oncology.

Find out the indications for rehabilitation treatment, and you can also check the legality of the refusal to provide a patient with a referral by calling.

List of documents to be submitted to the commission:

compulsory medical insurance policy(copy);
– an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copies of pages with photo and registration);
– referral from the clinic;
– conclusion describing the diagnosis;
– ECG, examinations for NS, HIV, RW, HBs-AG;
– urine and blood tests;
– fluorography;
– conclusions of a gynecologist (urologist).

After reviewing the application, the commission members make a decision on the need for rehabilitation or refuse. It should be remembered that free vouchers are not issued to all health resorts in the country, but only to those that are listed in.

The duration of therapy is determined individually and ranges from 14 to 24 days. Those who want to improve their well-being should receive a sanatorium-resort card from the doctor in advance, which will record the indications for treatment, and subsequently the procedures performed and the results obtained.

Treatment under compulsory medical insurance has a number of limitations:

– observance of priority (in some regions up to four months);
– accommodation in multi-bed wards;
– carrying out therapy for only one disease;
– the maximum period of placement does not exceed 16 days, even if there are indications for longer therapy.

Despite some inconveniences, it is quite possible to get a free trip to a sanatorium. The main thing is to seek help from specialists in a timely manner and not to postpone solving health-related issues indefinitely. Be healthy!

Free treatment in a sanatorium under compulsory medical insurance and social insurance updated: October 25, 2018 by: Victor Viktorov

How to get a free trip to the sanatorium

(answers to the most FAQ)

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

What categories of citizens are entitled to free trips to sanatoriums?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), having
. Invalids of war,
disabled people,
disabled children;
participants of the Great Patriotic War(hereinafter - WWII),
combat veterans;
military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”; persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways; crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.)
2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). Provided to working citizens immediately after inpatient care, at the place of their registration. The list of diseases and the procedure for obtaining a voucher are determined by regional (local) regulatory documents. For Moscow residents, this is Moscow Government Decree No. 591-PP dated July 27, 2010.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments (for example, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UDP of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the Federal Tax Service, etc.) in accordance with departmental regulatory documents (not considered here, to obtain them you must contact your department).

What will I have to pay when receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

When you receive a voucher through the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and a voucher for rehabilitation, you will be fully paid for a sanatorium-resort voucher for a period of 18-24 days to a sanatorium located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the cost of travel there and back. ABOUT medicines, which you take constantly, you need to take care of yourself and in advance.
Departments and departments establish the procedure for financing and the amount of payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of their employees and pensioners independently. For clarification on the procedure for providing benefits, you need to contact your department.

Which sanatorium will I be given a voucher to?

Not all sanatoriums accept patients on discounted vouchers.
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), you will be able to get a trip to sanatoriums that have entered into an agreement with the FSS. These are sanatoriums from different resort regions Russian Federation.
2. Patients who need follow-up treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). The voucher will be provided to a local specialized sanatorium that provides after-care services for such patients and is included in the list of local regulatory documents. The list is reviewed regularly. Most likely, you will be sent to a local sanatorium, because... this is the most rational for rehabilitation.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments are provided with preferential vouchers to sanatoriums belonging to this department or department.

What is the duration of the discounted voucher to the sanatorium?
Duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the package provided to citizens social services in a sanatorium-resort institution is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days. (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999)
For rehabilitation, vouchers are provided for up to 24 days. For this period, the patient is extended sick leave.

What do you need to do to get a free trip to the sanatorium? What documents are needed?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget)

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact the attending physician of a medical institution at your place of residence. In the presence of medical indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, the doctor will fill out a certificate for obtaining a voucher (Form No. 070/u-04), containing the following information: name of the resort, profile of the sanatorium, recommended season (valid for 6 months).
With this certificate and an application for a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
In addition, to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, it is necessary to submit: documents confirming the inclusion of a citizen in the appropriate preferential category (certificate, ITU certificate of disability, etc.); individual plan rehabilitation of a disabled person, a certificate confirming the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (issued at the pension fund branch), passport.
Within two weeks, the Foundation will inform you about the possibility of providing a sanatorium-resort voucher that corresponds to the declared treatment profile, indicating the date of arrival.
The sanatorium-resort voucher is issued in completed form with the seal of the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund and with the note “Paid for from the federal budget and cannot be sold.”
After receiving a sanatorium-resort voucher, but not earlier than 2 months before the start of its validity period, you need to obtain a sanatorium-resort card at the clinic that issued the certificate for obtaining the voucher.
After the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment (no later than 30 days), you need to return the return voucher to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off voucher to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets).
A free rehabilitation voucher is provided only to working citizens, at their place of registration, immediately after inpatient care.
The need is determined by the medical commission of the relevant medical institution in accordance with the PROCEDURE for sending workers to aftercare (rehabilitation) immediately after inpatient treatment to specialized sanatoriums (departments), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44
For a period of rehabilitation treatment The patient's sick leave is extended for up to 24 days.

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

Every retired citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive a free voucher for health improvement. It is fixed nearby federal laws and orders. But only a few use this. Firstly, not all pensioners know that they have the right to undergo free sanatorium-resort treatment, and secondly, not everyone wants to spend time “knocking out” this voucher, because, what can I say, sometimes you have to run around, to get it. So how can a pensioner get a free trip to a sanatorium?

Can all pensioners receive such referrals for free?

  • for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other military operations;
  • for invalids;
  • for residents of besieged Leningrad and a number of other preferential categories.

As for pensioners who are not included in any of these categories, for them the only prerequisite for receiving a free voucher is a referral from a doctor confirming the need health treatments. By the way, such free referrals can be issued not only to pensioners, but also to working Russians who need additional medical care after treatment in hospitals. In this case, the procedure for obtaining a voucher and the list of diseases that give the right to it are regulated by regional legislative acts.

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How to get a ticket: step-by-step instructions

In clinics, doctors are only in rare cases They themselves recommend that their elderly patients go for treatment to a sanatorium and write appropriate recommendations. Usually you have to ask them about it. Therefore, the first step to obtaining a referral should be a visit to your general practitioner at your local clinic.

  1. The local therapist must confirm that the pensioner’s health requires attention and care. He prescribes a series of tests, visits other doctors, and then makes recommendations about necessary procedures. Based on the results of the examination, the medical commission issues a certificate special form(070/U-04), which describes a person’s diseases, recommendations for his treatment and, accordingly, what specialization of sanatoriums he needs. The certificate is valid for 6 months. During this period, the pensioner must either receive a voucher or re-issue the document. The certificate itself does not give the right to undergo sanatorium treatment, but is a confirmation for social authorities. If a person has a disability, they may also be asked to obtain a certificate medical and social examination to determine what contraindications there are for treatment.
  2. Then we go to the local organ department social protection. You need to take with you a certificate, passport, SNILS, pension and other documents that provide benefits (you need to take both originals and photocopies of important pages of documents, so that later you don’t have to urgently look for where the copier works). Some regions also require a certificate of pension amount and work book, other information from Pension Fund. We write a statement, a sample of which we ask to show to the authorities, and a refusal of material compensation for this benefit (perhaps instead of a voucher, he gets an increase in his pension every year monetary compensation). By the way, both the pensioner himself and his legal representative can apply. Within 10 days after submitting the application, the pensioner must be informed by telephone of the queue number for receiving a subsidized voucher or refused to issue it.
  3. If the decision of the social authorities is positive, all that remains is to wait for the turn to come. It must be said that it can move quite slowly, since not all regions are successful in issuing vouchers. You can wait for your turn from several months to several years. When you finally have the voucher in your hands, you need to get a sanatorium-resort book or certificate (on form 072/u) from your doctor at the same clinic at your place of residence, which will indicate recommendations for treatment. The book is valid only if it is received no earlier than 2 months before the trip; it can be issued almost before the trip itself, since by law it is issued to pensioners out of turn; clinics must be aware of this and comply with legal requirements. You won't be accepted into the sanatorium without a book.. Please note that the voucher may not provide for the provision of medications necessary for treatment by the sanatorium. You should ask your doctor about this and, if necessary, obtain medications in advance. The voucher itself must have all the stamps and marks indicating payment from the budget. Tear-off voucher and sanatorium card We never throw it away or lose it. Upon returning home, the first one will have to be submitted to the social security authorities within a month, and the second one to the clinic where the card was issued.
  4. We take with us to the sanatorium the same package of documents, as well as a medical insurance policy, which will be needed to carry out treatment and preventive procedures. Disabled people of the first group have the right to request a second free trip for one accompanying person.

A subsidized voucher can cover not only the cost of staying at a sanatorium and undergoing health procedures, but also the cost of tickets for ground transport, and sometimes air (only economy class). If this was not initially provided for by the voucher, there should remain the possibility of subsequent reimbursement by the state, but only if the tickets and coupons are retained.

How long does treatment at the sanatorium last?

According to the law, a pensioner can purchase such a voucher no more than once a year. But there are exceptions, and if a person needs qualified health care more often than once a year, the state is obliged to give him such an opportunity.

The duration of treatment is usually calculated for a period of 18 to 24 days. It depends on the pensioner’s illness, medical recommendations, and the specifics of the sanatorium. The period may be longer, up to 42 days, if we're talking about on the treatment of people who have become disabled as a result of spinal cord or brain injuries.

How is a sanatorium defined?

In any case, a pensioner should not wait for a trip abroad. Referrals are issued to sanatoriums on the territory of the Russian Federation and usually in those areas or regions that are located nearby or adjacent to the pensioner’s point of permanent residence. Although this is not a prerequisite. Under the subsidized program you can visit Sochi, Crimea, and Altai. Everything will depend on the diseases that the pensioner suffers from. For example, people with illnesses are sent to Sochi gastrointestinal tract or skin, because local mineral springs are an excellent remedy for combating many diseases of these categories. And in Crimea, all conditions have been created, which cannot be said about Sochi, for the treatment of respiratory diseases (Crimean air even helps in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis). Most often people go there in the autumn, winter and spring, since in the summer everything is already full there.

Not all resorts are open to ordinary pensioners. Many health institutions belong to large commercial companies or government agencies, and you can get there either on a paid basis or with vouchers from your enterprises and trade unions. Subsidized vouchers are given only to those sanatoriums that have entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

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Vouchers for military pensioners

​Military pensioners, as well as reserve officers (who have served for at least 20 years in preferential terms), also need to first obtain a certificate from a medical commission and a medical and social examination report from their clinic. Further, the procedure for obtaining a voucher may differ slightly.

Preferential vouchers for military pensioners are issued directly to the Ministry of Defense, where a special department of sanatorium and resort treatment has been created. Therefore, you need to submit an application and a certificate from doctors to the Main military medical department Ministry of Defense or directly to the military sanatorium where the pensioner plans to receive treatment. Such tours, however, are not completely free, but they provide an opportunity to save: military personnel, as well as military widows, pay 25 percent of the actual cost. According to the order of the Ministry of Defense, benefits are also provided to members of military families (wives, children under 18 or 23, if the children are studying at a university full-time, years). They pay half the real cost. There is also a category of former military personnel who receive vouchers for free.

It is worth noting that sometimes commercial organizations provide pensioners with significant discounts on health improvement, up to 50, and sometimes more, percent of the cost of the voucher.

A trip to a sanatorium has an extremely positive effect on a person’s health, so you should be attentive to such an opportunity if it suddenly appears, and some people have the right to receive a trip completely free of charge. Let's take a closer look at the question: “Sanatorium and resort treatment - who is entitled to it for free?”

It is worth noting that even a working person can get a ticket to the sanatorium, the main thing is that he meets the requirements. Financing of such vouchers is carried out thanks to the Social Insurance Fund (abbreviated as FSS), but more on that a little later.

It is worth figuring out which citizens can count on being given a free ticket. Here are the main groups of people whose treatment will be sponsored by the Social Insurance Fund:

  • WWII veterans;
  • people who received the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • people who, during the Second World War, worked at facilities responsible for air defense, in the construction of various defensive structures, as well as military facilities located within the borders of the rear of the troops;
  • people who were included in the crew of transport vessels;
  • people who served from the very beginning of the Second World War until September 3, 1945, and the period must be at least 6 months;
  • people who were awarded medals or orders of the USSR for successful service, which was carried out during the period indicated in the previous paragraph;
  • disabled people.

This is where the list of people sponsored by the FSS ends, but those patients who have been discharged from the hospital but require continued treatment can qualify for a free trip to a sanatorium at the expense of the regional budget.

This opportunity is provided to every working person immediately after discharge to his place of residence. The list of diseases after which it is possible to receive a free trip is always determined by the regulatory documents of a particular region.

Also, people who work (or who worked, but ended it upon retirement) in some departments, for example, in the Ministry of Defense or in the Mayor’s Office can count on free spa treatment.

Will a person who receives such a voucher have to pay for anything on their own?

People often ask a question regarding additional payment for something when receiving a free voucher to a sanatorium. It is worth understanding that sanatorium-resort voucher (possible deadline- 18-24 days) in the situations under consideration is paid in full by the mentioned authorities. The sanatorium must be located on the territory of Russia, the cost of travel in both directions will also be paid for you, but you should still check the details with the FSS office.

Note! If you have any medications that you take regularly, you should take care of them yourself, since in the sanatorium there are no such medicines It might just not be there!

Which sanatorium will the voucher be provided to?

It is worth understanding that not all sanatoriums accept people with discounted vouchers. It is worth considering the situation based on the groups of people who have the right to free treatment in the sanatorium, here they are.

  1. People traveling at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. Those who receive payment for a trip from the Social Insurance Fund must enter into an agreement with this fund, which will indicate the sanatorium where you will go. In such situations, they give a ticket to treatment taking place in various resort regions.
  2. Patients in need of follow-up care after discharge from hospital. Those people who receive travel funding from the regional budget need further treatment. Most often, they go to a sanatorium that provides just such services, and most importantly, is located close to the place of residence of people discharged from the hospital.
  3. Employees of departments and departments. With this option, everything is simple, since people can only go to the sanatorium that belongs to a specific department or department, and this issue is considered individually.

How to get a ticket?

To receive a free voucher, you must contact your doctor. medical institution at your place of residence, where a specialist will fill out a certificate indicating the name of the resort, as well as information about the sanatorium and the visiting season recommended by doctors (we are talking about form 070/u-04).
  • passport;
  • certificates confirming membership in a specific preferential category, that is, a certificate or, for example, an ITU certificate;
  • an individual rehabilitation plan created by a specialist;
  • a certificate giving the patient the right to use a set of social services (this can be obtained from your Pension Fund office).

You will receive a response within 2 weeks; both the treatment profile and the recommended season will be considered. After a positive answer, you will need to receive a special card; this can be done at the clinic where you received the initial certificate. When you return from the sanatorium, you will need to return the coupon to the clinic.

Many parents sooner or later wonder: is it possible to send their child for treatment or preventive rest to a sanatorium under a preferential program? There is only one answer - perhaps thanks to current laws. And there are many more ways to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a child than parents know.

However, there are some nuances here too. To get such a permit, you need to have the appropriate documents in hand and know where and, most importantly, when to apply. Often these procedures are long and tedious, but there is almost always a chance.

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for obtaining free vouchers to sanatoriums for children.

Obtaining a voucher at the clinic at your place of registration

The easiest and most accessible way for most parents is to contact the local doctor at the local children's clinic. Sometimes pediatricians themselves offer to take this chance if the child has obvious signs of this or that disease, but this happens less and less often - funding for clinics is only decreasing from year to year - you will have to find out for yourself.

It happens that a list of “free” vouchers is posted on information boards at the reception desk and in front of the offices of pediatricians or other specialized doctors. In some clinics, such information is available at the office of the director, from whom you can find out the conditions for obtaining a voucher and everything Required documents.

To receive a discounted voucher at the clinic, you need to collect the following documents:

    Application on behalf of the parent (samples provided);

    A sanatorium-resort card filled out by a pediatrician or other attending physician according to form No. 076/u-04;

    Certificate from a dermatologist confirming the absence infectious diseases;

    Test results for enterobiasis (taken the day before the child’s departure).

After this, you just need to pick up the voucher and calmly send the child for treatment. However, you can go with him if the sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system, but do not forget that in any case all transport costs are paid by the parents.

Important: If for some reason the pediatrician begins to refuse the opportunity to provide a voucher, this issue must be resolved immediately with the head of the clinic. There are often cases when discounted vouchers are left “for their own”, which is strictly suppressed by the management.

Obtaining a voucher at the hospital

The method is possible for situations when your child needs rehabilitation after being in a hospital. In the same way, you can get a ticket for children who have been diagnosed serious illness, and for small patients who have undergone surgery varying degrees difficulties.

To do this, you need to contact either your attending physician or the head physician of the hospital. Since such vouchers are financed from the budget medical institution, then in open form information about them cannot be found - the issue of extradition is decided individually. But, if the child really needs specialized treatment, there is a chance to get a ticket.

To do this, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

    Parent's statement;

    Sanatorium-resort card form No. 076/u-04 (to be filled out strictly by the attending physician of the hospital);

    An extract from the medical history;

    Results of all tests taken during hospitalization.

There are cases when the hospital cannot provide a trip at the expense of budget funds, but can give a recommendation and conclusion about the need for treatment or rehabilitation of the child. The head physician will explain where you need to go with this package of documents. Most often, we are talking about the social security service or the social insurance fund.

Obtaining a voucher from the Social Insurance Fund

You can apply to the Social Insurance Fund without a recommendation from the hospital. You only need to remember one thing - this organization primarily works with beneficiaries - parents of disabled children, large families, and other categories of citizens.

Still, if your child has a registered disability, then here, except health resort card and applications will need to submit a document confirming the status of a disabled person. The same applies to the certificates of a mother of many children and other things. In addition, you will need to provide the child’s birth certificate and his passport, if he has already received one upon reaching 14 years of age.

The key advantage of this method of obtaining a voucher will be the opportunity to accompany the child and reimbursement of travel costs. Most often, this is a partial subsidy for the purchase of train tickets, but if the sanatorium is located in a neighboring region, and not several thousand kilometers away, then there is a chance of full reimbursement of costs. But we must remember that this scheme only works for disabled children.

The advantage of applying to the Social Insurance Fund will be the time it takes to consider the application. As a rule, they do not exceed 20 days, so you do not have to wait for approval or refusal for several months.

Obtaining a voucher from the Department of Social Protection of the Population

An alternative option is to contact your local social security office. This option will take much longer in terms of collecting documents, but is much more effective in long term. Although here you will have to know your nuances.

The first thing you will need to do is come to an appointment with a specialist, whose main task is to determine not only the authenticity of the documents, but also to get in touch with the parent. The parent’s task is to make a good impression on the inspector, not demand too much, and be as polite as possible. If everything goes well, the matter will remain only with the documentary part.

In addition to the health resort card and application, you will need:

    Copies of both parents' passports;

    A copy of the child’s birth certificate and passport (if over 14 years old);

    Document confirming disability (if available);

    Document confirming adoption (for adopted children).

The work of the social security inspector with the family, if the voucher is approved, will continue until the child reaches adulthood. If the family is considered successful, the parents will be periodically called and set up meetings at which they will offer new travel directions.

Getting a ticket to district administration

But not only disabled children and orphans can receive preferential vouchers in Russia - almost every child has a chance to receive one if their parents apply in time to the district administration at their place of registration.

The peculiarity of such vouchers is that these are not therapeutic, but preventive visits to sanatoriums and orphanages. Groups meet every few months and are divided into two types: for children from 4 to 7 years old, accompanied by one parent, or for children over 8 years old without an accompanying person.

Important: Free vouchers are given by the district government only for beneficiaries, and they are different in each region. In addition to disabled children and orphans, this often includes children who have lost one of their parents, victims of natural disasters and catastrophes, etc. Partially paid vouchers are available to everyone.

In this case, a package of documents is compiled individually for each child.

Free trips to a sanatorium - what to worry about? (opinion)

From time to time, on the forums of young parents, information appears that all discounted vouchers should be treated with caution, and that not all children are satisfied with the time spent in health centers. There are several reasons for such opinions.

Firstly, many parents are not satisfied with the food. Unfortunately, many sanatoriums have kept their menus according to the standards of 20-30 years ago, without taking into account individual characteristics children's metabolism, insistence of nutritionists and other things. If your child needs special food– this issue should be resolved long before sending for treatment.

Secondly, if you send your child to a sanatorium in winter or in the off-season, you need to take care of the right amount of warm clothes. Heating interruptions are one of the main complaints of parents who are outraged by the state of most Russian sanatoriums. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, but you can still protect the health of your child.

Thirdly, it is worth asking about the specifics of the sanatorium, and what groups of children are usually sent there. If your child has physical problems, low mobility and other diseases that set him apart from the group of apparently healthy children - parents advise him to think about whether he will be comfortable in such company?

Otherwise, parent forums assure that there is nothing to be afraid of. There have long been no problems with theft of personal belongings, as in the 90s, and the staff of sanatoriums treat children much better, taking into account their age and developmental characteristics.

Things to remember

    Vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment are issued to children and adolescents from 4 to 17 years old inclusive. In some cases, when neurological diseases It is possible to treat children from 2 years of age.

    A parent has the right to accompany a child for treatment in another city, but not every sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system. In this case, all living expenses fall on the shoulders of the parent.

    For some trips there are subsidies that partially cover the cost of travel. You need to ask about them yourself, since by default parents undertake to cover the entire travel costs.

    Before sending your child for treatment to another city, it is worth learning more about the sanatorium itself. Alas, most of them were built in Soviet years, and there have been no major repairs in them for at least 20 years.

    What free trips are not issued in summer - a myth. Despite the great demand, many parents refuse vouchers due to high cost train tickets. It’s possible to take their place; all you have to do is submit an application as early as possible and wait.

    WITH full list sanatoriums that offer discounted vouchers can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health and in other open sources.