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How do they give out vouchers to the sanatorium? Where do you get vouchers to the sanatorium? Obtaining a permit from the district administration

Sanatorium- spa treatment disabled people - a social service provided by the state at the expense of the regional budget.

Who is eligible for sanatorium services?

Characteristics of social services

The meaning of social benefits

A beneficiary who has chronic illness, has the right to collect all the necessary documents and apply for individual treatment. An important point When completing the referral, all validity periods of the papers will be observed.

The rehabilitation program may include physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, psychotherapy, manual therapy, physical therapy, mud therapy and reflexology.

Thus, a budget voucher gives the right to use free health services. Drug therapy, climatic conditions and special procedures significantly improve the health of persons with disabilities.

Additional service of the FSS of the Russian Federation

Since 2018, the FSS of the Russian Federation launched a new social project, which allows you to receive an electronic coupon for simplified issuance of a train ticket for travel to the place of sanatorium treatment. The coupon itself is issued at the request of the beneficiary directly at the territorial divisions of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Then, with such a coupon, you can either go directly to the railway ticket office and receive a ready-made railway ticket there upon presentation of your passport. Or issue an electronic ticket online through the Russian Railways website (www.rzd.ru), having previously registered there. in the latter case, everything can be done without leaving home.

All categories of beneficiaries who are entitled to free travel to the place of treatment using vouchers from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and regional executive authorities in the field of healthcare will be able to use this service. Provided that the beneficiary has not refused the package of social services in in kind. Otherwise, he will only be entitled to monetary compensation from such NSO.

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Treatment in a sanatorium today is not a cheap pleasure. Many people do not suspect that receiving a free sanatorium voucher is possible for almost any citizen who falls under the category of people entitled to social assistance at the expense of the state. Find out who is entitled to free access to the sanatorium, where to go to receive benefits and package necessary documents.

Who is entitled to free trips to the sanatorium?

The right to free visits to a state dispensary is a social service guaranteed by Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999, provided to citizens falling under a preferential category. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation No. 328 of December 29, 2004 determines the list of beneficiaries entitled to free sanatorium treatment:

  • disabled war veterans;
  • WWII participants;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel who have received an award for service in the army from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad, awarded the corresponding badge;
  • family members of disabled people and war veterans, who are currently no longer alive;
  • disabled people depending on the disability group;
  • disabled children;
  • persons who received radiation exposure in connection with the Chernobyl disaster.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for disabled people

Sanatorium treatment guaranteed Russian legislation for disabled people of all groups. In this case, the restriction on work does not matter, but disability group I is a priority. A referral to visit a dispensary is issued by a local doctor in the form of an informational certificate based on the availability of:

  • indications for sanatorium treatment;
  • no contraindications;
  • conclusions of the medical commission of the treating institution at the place of registration.

If there is a certificate, the disabled person, or the person representing his interests, should write an application, and then submit the application to the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund or through the MFC or the State Services portal. Employees of the institution can refuse only when submitting documents not at the place of registration or if the certificate contains contraindications for visiting the sanatorium. Taking into account the equality of citizens in receiving social services, the Fund’s department creates an electronic queue based on the date of receipt of the application, the number of which can be tracked independently.

No later than 21 days before arrival social institution issues a voucher to the citizen to visit the dispensary and receive necessary treatment. After receiving it, the person must contact the medical institution at his place of residence, where he must receive a sanatorium card of the established form, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The rehabilitation card is filled out in accordance with form No. 072/u-04. You should know that persons with disability group I can go to sanatorium treatment for free with an accompanying person.

Free trips to the sanatorium for children

There are several options for obtaining a free trip to a sanatorium for children, each of which has its own nuances. Through district clinics, discounted vouchers apply to federal sanatoriums general type and dispensaries specializing in a range of diseases. Parents should ask the head physician of the hospital or local doctor about their availability, and if they find what they need, they should:

  • fill out an application;
  • obtain a card in the prescribed form from the pediatrician;
  • get a certificate of absence skin diseases at a dermatologist;
  • obtain a certificate of contacts from a pediatrician and test results for enterobiasis;
  • get a ticket.

The following option is possible for children requiring rehabilitation due to a serious illness or surgery. Parents should be offered a discounted voucher before being discharged from the hospital. If it is not possible for a medical institution to issue a voucher, employees must issue a conclusion indicating the need for treatment, a card of the established form to be provided to the sanatorium employees and advise on further actions.

The Social Insurance Fund primarily issues free sanatorium vouchers to disabled children. Parents should obtain a referral or opinion from the attending physician, then register and submit an application to the local branch of the Foundation for registration. Along with a free voucher to visit the dispensary, a coupon is issued that provides free travel to the location of the sanatorium and back. Except sanatorium card upon arrival at the dispensary, you must provide a document confirming your right to benefits.

For orphans and disabled children, a method of sanatorium treatment is provided through management social protection population. To receive a free visit to the sanatorium, the legal representative must register and provide a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • documents on the child’s social status;
  • medical report about the absence of contraindications and a certificate of form 070/u-04;
  • originals and copies of the child’s birth certificate or passport;
  • a copy of the medical policy;
  • copies of parents' passports.

It is also possible to send a child for sanatorium treatment free of charge through the place of work of one of the parents; you must write an application in the established form. It should be remembered that preferential vouchers at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund are available to categories of citizens whose circle is determined by federal law. Children from large and single-parent families and those who have suffered serious illnesses. A lawful refusal to issue a voucher is only the submission of documents not at the place of registration.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for combat veterans

According to Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, no more than once a year, combat veterans can visit a dispensary free of charge for treatment and recreation with free travel round trip. The duration of treatment is 18 days. The queue for a place in the sanatorium is formed based on the date of application. To obtain a voucher, a citizen must contact social protection at the place of registration, providing the following documents:

  • statements;
  • copies of passport;
  • certificates of combatants;
  • certificates of form No. 070/у-40;
  • certificate from the Pension Administration for the right to receive discounted voucher for the current year.

How can I get a ticket to the sanatorium for free?

Getting a free ticket to a sanatorium for an adult is not difficult. First, you should consult a doctor at your place of residence, who, if available, medical indications will issue a certificate of the established form. Fill out the application and, attaching a certificate to it, a document from the Pension Fund for the right social assistance, a document on a preferential category of citizens and a passport, contact the Fund or an authorized body.

In accordance with the priority, receive a completed voucher, after which, having visited a medical institution at your place of residence, you will receive a completed card, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The grounds for refusal of free sanatorium-resort treatment are submission of documents not at the place of registration and the presence of an established list of diseases.

Where to contact

Today you can get free sanatorium treatment through social or health insurance authorities. Only privileged categories of citizens, the circle of which is established by the Federal Law mentioned above, can receive a voucher at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. It is necessary to contact a therapist at your place of residence, undergo an examination, obtain a certificate and confirm your right to benefits from the social fund, and then wait for your turn to receive a voucher.

Free treatment through health insurance authorities is possible for all categories of citizens upon the occurrence of certain circumstances. As a rule, such a voucher is provided after past illness to restore the body's activity. An application for a free visit to a sanatorium is reviewed by a medical commission, after which it gives an opinion on the possibility of receiving free sanatorium treatment.

How to write an application

One of necessary conditions To receive sanatorium treatment is a correctly completed application to the Fund, social protection or authorized bodies, but for many this procedure is not easy due to legal illiteracy. When filling out the application in accordance with the document details, you must indicate:

  • name of the authority to which the application is submitted;
  • details of the person entitled to a free visit to the dispensary, indicating the place of birth;
  • number and date of issue of the certificate in the established form, indicating the institution that issued it;
  • passport details or identity document.

When submitting an application by a representative of a citizen, an incapacitated person or a minor, it must indicate:

  • Full name, date of birth and place in accordance with the passport;
  • full information about the representative's document;
  • information about the document confirming the authority of the representative.

Free travel for medical reasons

It is possible for a working person to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free for medical reasons. There is no need to write an application for its provision, since it is based on the fact of the inpatient treatment on rehabilitative grounds. The list of diseases for which it is possible to visit a sanatorium for free as a rehabilitation program:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes;
  • operations on the heart, stomach ulcers and gallbladder;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • orthopedic and traumatological operations;
  • endoprosthetics and re-endoprosthetics;
  • limb replantation,
  • operations for pancreatitis (pantheronecrosis),
  • pregnant women at risk.

Financial compensation

Legal right to receive preferential treatment not always feasible. Many people wait a long time for their turn, so most rely on monetary compensation. The law did not grant this right to everyone; compensation in monetary terms can be received by disabled people and WWII veterans, military personnel and members of their families, and disabled people for whom sanatorium treatment cannot be provided for health reasons. The remaining beneficiaries have the right to refuse this social service and declare to the regional branch of the Pension Fund their desire to receive it in monetary terms.


There are a huge number of different sanatoriums in Russia. However, not all older people take advantage of the opportunities provided by the state. The issuance of free vouchers to sanatoriums for pensioners occurs at the legislative level. Firstly, many are not aware that in our country pensioners have the right to preferential rest in a medical institution, where they can improve their health and simply relax. Secondly, not everyone knows how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a pensioner. In this article we will look at the conditions for obtaining vouchers to health institutions.

Who is entitled to

Any citizen of retirement age in our country can purchase a referral to a sanatorium completely free of charge. The reason for retiring does not matter: for long service or for health reasons. Vouchers to sanatoriums for pensioners with treatment are issued free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis, with the exception of:

  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War and disabled people.
  • Military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs participating in hostilities.
  • Rehabilitated persons who suffered from political repression.

How to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a pensioner

As mentioned earlier, every Russian citizen who is officially retired has the right to benefits. But how can a pensioner get a free trip to a sanatorium? To do this, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

1. Registration of a certificate at a medical institution.

The main condition for referral to a sanatorium is the presence of medical indications, which are confirmed by a certificate in form No. 070/u-04. It is necessary not only for those who apply for free treatment, but also for those who are planning a trip to the sanatorium at their own expense. The medical certificate must indicate: recommended procedures, direction medical institution, as well as the season of treatment. To get it, just contact your local doctor, who will refer you for testing. necessary tests and for examination by certain specialized doctors. If, in the opinion of the local therapist, the patient does not require treatment in a sanatorium, then in this case the citizen can contact the same medical institutions to the medical commission to reconsider this issue. It is worth considering that the certificate is valid for exactly one year. You need to get in line to visit a free sanatorium for pensioners.

This procedure can be done by anyone in a suitable way:

  • Submit an application on the government services portal in the “pension, benefits and benefits” section. The application review period is ten days.
  • Contact any multifunctional center in your city with the following package of documents:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

Insurance certificate or SNILS;

Any document that confirms the right to benefits;

Certificate of pension amount or work record book;

Medical certificate No. 070/у.

2. Write a statement.

You can fill out an application on the government services portal. This procedure will not be difficult, since there are ready-made templates. The application is reviewed within ten days.

3. After these stages, the pensioner automatically enters electronic queue to receive a voucher. You should be patient, as the waiting period ranges from a couple of months to several years.

4. When a referral to a health care facility is in hand, you must notify your local physician to issue a health certificate.

5. Now the pensioner can go to the sanatorium with all the documents that were necessary when applying for the voucher.

In case of disability, it is necessary to attach a certificate of disability and a conclusion to all of the above documents medical and social examination. And military pensioners need to supplement the main list with a military ID.

Under what circumstances can they refuse?

A patient may be denied a voucher to a free sanatorium for pensioners if he is diagnosed with the following ailments:

Every year the queue at the sanatorium for pensioners on free terms increases, so the waiting period takes a long time. To clarify the progress of your queue, you should take the following steps:

  • Approach the social security authorities with your passport, where the pensioner will be provided necessary information.
  • You can find out your place in the queue on the official website of the Social Insurance Fund, where you will need to indicate your SNILS number.
  • On any other site that provides queue information using an insurance account number.

As a rule, the distribution of vouchers occurs based on the region of residence of the pensioner. Also a key role is played by the medical report of the local therapist and referral to special institution, which deals with the prevention and treatment of certain categories of diseases.

Issuance of vouchers to various sanatoriums is carried out only within Russia. As for military pensioners, they are sent to departmental sanatoriums.

We propose to consider which sanatoriums are offering free trips to pensioners in 2018 in the Moscow region.

"Aksakovsky Dawns"

The medical institution is located on the shore of the Pavlovsk reservoir in an ecologically clean area. Pensioners are allocated cozy double rooms with all sanitary amenities. The main profile of the sanatorium is treatment cardiovascular diseases. Besides medical procedures There is a wide choice of entertainment here: Gym, swimming pool, table tennis, horse rental, billiards and much more.


The territory of the sanatorium is surrounded by alleys laid in coniferous and deciduous forests. The medical sanatorium specializes in the following areas: treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the musculoskeletal system, as well as nervous diseases. In a medical institution for pensioners, as part of a discounted voucher, a double room with all amenities is provided.

"Is it true"

This sanatorium is located in the ecologically clean village of Pravdinsky. The institution is intended for patients with cardiovascular diseases, problems nervous system with diseases of the respiratory system, as well as the endocrine and genitourinary systems.

In the evenings, vacationers will enjoy interesting cultural and entertainment events: dance programs, concerts, cinema, poetry evenings and much more.


This sanatorium is located in the Kashira district. It is surrounded by forest and located on the site of a former manorial estate. The sanatorium has residential block sections for 4 people (two people in each room).

Concerning medical services, then you can contact highly specialized doctors: therapist, dentist, cardiologist, psychologist, physiotherapist, and conduct ECG diagnostics. The following methods are used medical rehabilitation, such as heat therapy, massage, balneotherapy, electrotherapy, etc.


The sanatorium offers five meals a day and a special treatment package. It is famous for its local mineral water. Due to useful microelements, included in its composition, the use of such water helps to increase immunity, is a prophylactic for gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver diseases, helps cleanse the body of toxins and normalize metabolism.

The medical base is represented by the following departments:

  • Intestinal procedures.
  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic.
  • Urological.

"Lake Beloe"

The sanatorium provides vacationers with access to a swimming pool and a healing lake, three meals a day, and comfortable rooms. Main medical profile is the treatment of cardiovascular and nervous, gynecological and skin diseases, as well as restoration of metabolism.

Each of the above sanatoriums includes free travel to the medical facility and back.

It is worth considering that this list contains options for free trips to sanatoriums for pensioners in Moscow. To study the list of sanatoriums providing sanitary-resort treatment in other regions, you need to contact the clinic or the department of labor and social protection of the population of your city.

Vouchers for military pensioners

As for military pensioners, benefits for them are established on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Defense “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.” Thus, military pensioners have the right to a free sanatorium no more than once a year with an additional payment of 25% of the cost.

The state also pays half the cost of the trip to relatives of a military pensioner: spouse, children under the age of 18 and full-time students under the age of 23.

Not everyone knows whether a pensioner can get a voucher to a free sanatorium. The opportunity to relax and receive treatment in a sanatorium for free applies to persons of the following categories:

  • Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Hero of the USSR and Russia
  • Full Knight of the Order of Glory.
  • Full holder of the Order of Labor Glory.

Excursion programs for pensioners

The legislation does not provide for cultural events in excursion format for older citizens. Despite this, in many regions of Russia there are various types of social programs. This type of leisure usually takes place on a weekend. The duration of the excursion is from four hours to a day.

A pensioner can go to such an event at the expense of the local budget absolutely free of charge or with a small additional payment. Since the requirements for participation in such events in the regions may be different, you should contact the tourism development center of your city with questions of interest. But, as a rule, there are no special requirements for pensioners. Therefore, in most cases, one pension certificate will be enough.

Tours for seniors

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for vouchers for pensioners to free sanatoriums located abroad. But many large travel agencies are ready to provide pensioners with discounts and personal programs. It is worth considering that vouchers on preferential terms are usually provided out of season. Pensioners are accommodated in rooms of a low category (not higher than the "Standard" category), but for many elderly people this is not important. Quality care and provision of medical services are more important to them.

It should be noted that there are no free sanatoriums for Russian pensioners even in neighboring countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia). But they have the opportunity to relax in famous health resorts (which were once all-Union) with a discounted voucher.

As it turned out, the process of obtaining vouchers to a sanatorium on preferential terms is not difficult. All you need is desire and a little patience. Do not forget that a pensioner has the right to take advantage of a free voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment, which is assigned to him at the legislative level.

How to get a free trip to the sanatorium

(answers to the most FAQ)

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

What categories of citizens are entitled to free trips to sanatoriums?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), having
. Invalids of war,
disabled people,
disabled children;
participants of the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter - WWII),
combat veterans;
military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”; persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways; crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.)
2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). Provided to working citizens immediately after inpatient care, at the place of their registration. The list of diseases and the procedure for obtaining a voucher are determined by regional (local) regulatory documents. For Moscow residents, this is Moscow Government Decree No. 591-PP dated July 27, 2010.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments (for example, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UDP of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the Federal Tax Service, etc.) in accordance with departmental regulatory documents (not considered here, to obtain them you must contact your department).

What will I have to pay when receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

When you receive a voucher through the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and a voucher for rehabilitation, you will be fully paid for a sanatorium-resort voucher for a period of 18-24 days to a sanatorium located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the cost of travel there and back. ABOUT medicines, which you take constantly, you need to take care of yourself and in advance.
Departments and departments establish the procedure for financing and the amount of payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of their employees and pensioners independently. For clarification on the procedure for providing benefits, you need to contact your department.

Which sanatorium will I be given a voucher to?

Not all sanatoriums accept patients on discounted vouchers.
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), you will be able to get a trip to sanatoriums that have entered into an agreement with the FSS. These are sanatoriums from different resort regions of the Russian Federation.
2. Patients who need follow-up treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). The voucher will be provided to a local specialized sanatorium that provides after-care services for such patients and is included in the list of local normative document. The list is reviewed regularly. Most likely, you will be sent to a local sanatorium, because... this is the most rational for rehabilitation.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments are provided with preferential vouchers to sanatoriums belonging to this department or department.

What is the duration of the discounted voucher to the sanatorium?
Duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the package provided to citizens social services in a sanatorium-resort institution is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days. ( the federal law RF No. 178-FZ dated July 17, 1999)
For rehabilitation, vouchers are provided for up to 24 days. For this period, the patient is extended sick leave.

What do you need to do to get a free trip to the sanatorium? What documents are needed?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget)

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact the attending physician of a medical institution at your place of residence. If there are medical indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, the doctor will fill out a certificate for obtaining a voucher (Form No. 070/u-04), containing the following information: name of the resort, profile of the sanatorium, recommended season (valid for 6 months).
With this certificate and an application for a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
In addition, to obtain a ticket to Spa treatment it is necessary to submit: documents confirming the inclusion of a citizen in the appropriate preferential category (certificate, ITU certificate of disability, etc.); individual plan rehabilitation of a disabled person, a certificate confirming the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (issued at the department pension fund), passport.
Within two weeks the Foundation will inform about the possibility of providing sanatorium-resort voucher corresponding to the declared treatment profile, indicating the date of arrival.
The sanatorium-resort voucher is issued in completed form with the seal of the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund and with the note “Paid for from the federal budget and cannot be sold.”
After receiving a sanatorium-resort voucher, but not earlier than 2 months before the start of its validity period, you must receive health resort card, at the clinic that issued the certificate for obtaining the voucher.
After the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment (no later than 30 days), you need to return the return voucher to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off voucher to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets).
A free rehabilitation voucher is provided only to working citizens, at their place of registration, immediately after inpatient care.
The need is determined by the medical commission of the relevant medical institution in accordance with the PROCEDURE for sending workers for after-care (rehabilitation) immediately after inpatient treatment to specialized sanatoriums (departments), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44
For a period of rehabilitation treatment The patient's sick leave is extended for up to 24 days.

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

In some cases, labor veterans and other segments of the population are helped entirely by the state, and sometimes by the state, to purchase a voucher. partial support is provided. What can a pensioner count on?

Regulatory framework for providing free trips

Providing a social voucher for retired labor veterans to a sanatorium or other institution can be provided free of charge on the basis of a number of documents:

  • Chapter 2 Art. 16.

Is it allowed free trip to a sanatorium for a labor veteran? In addition to state legal documents, regional ones available in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, based on the capabilities of the region’s budget, will also help in resolving the issue.

It is also important to remember that subsidies are not provided on the basis of regional title documents, and some segments of the population are entitled to them only once a year.

Who can receive a subsidy to visit a health facility?

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, not every citizen has the right to a free referral for spa treatment. Among such persons it can be received by:

  1. Disabled pensioners who were injured during the Second World War.
  2. Elderly people who have worked their entire lives as military personnel, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other services, as well as citizens who took part in military operations during the USSR.
  3. Military from the automobile troops taking part in military operations in Afghanistan.
  4. Persons with the status of “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.
  5. Elderly people with various groups disability.

One of the most important conditions receiving benefits at a discount is the absence of work for a pensioner.

List of health institutions

Referrals can only be obtained to specialized sanatoriums that:

  • entered into a cooperation agreement with the Social Insurance Fund;
  • located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

They may also be sent to a sanatorium, where the citizen needs to continue treatment begun in a hospital. If the person applying for the subsidy is a former employee of the department, then the benefit is issued only to a specialized health care institution.

Requirements for those wishing to receive a ticket

In order to understand how to get a permit for a labor veteran to go to a sanatorium, you must initially meet the following requirements:

  • age (must be at least 55 years for women and 60 years for men);
  • recommendations from the treating specialist and honey. examination;
  • lack of official work;
  • belonging to one of the categories of beneficiaries;
  • monetization was not used for this subsidy - no.

Speaking about diseases for which pensioners and labor veterans can be issued a voucher, the list is quite extensive, and the leading role is played by the recommendation of a specialist, confirmed by documents.

Stages of registration, required documents

In order to find out how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a retired labor veteran, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. First, visit your doctor, who will give you a referral for a medical examination. After passing it, the pensioner must receive a specialist’s opinion that sanatorium treatment is recommended.
  2. After receiving a certificate in form No. 070/u-04, an elderly citizen must visit the USZN or a military commissariat, where he writes an application in the prescribed form and submits documents: a copy and original of a passport; a paper confirming that the citizen has the right to this benefit; SNILS; medical report a specialist, and sometimes a paper confirming a medical and social examination.
  3. After this, the person wishing to receive the benefit is placed in a queue, and as the queue progresses, the pensioner receives a document for a trip to the boarding house.


After the citizen submits the papers, within 3 weeks he receives an answer whether he will be given a subsidy or not. If the answer is positive sanatorium voucher for a labor veteran will be transferred according to priority or will be produced.

Due to the fact that Crimea now belongs to the Russian Federation, the queue for benefits has begun to move faster. This became possible thanks to the Crimean boarding houses that accept citizens on discounted vouchers.

It is also important to take into account that after a free voucher to a sanatorium is received, a labor veteran can re-submit new papers for a similar subsidy next year.

Nuances of preferential travel for various categories of citizens

The issuance of subsidies of this type for different segments of the population is regulated by law. This difference is one of the main ones when applying for a subsidy.


Retired military personnel have the right to a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium in accordance with Article 7, where it is stated that a military pensioner can once a year become the owner of a voucher, of the full cost of which 25% must be paid. If adult family members of a military pensioner received the benefit, they can pay 50% of the cost. If a widow applies for a subsidy, she pays from personal funds the same amount as her husband would have paid as a military pensioner.