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Electronic queue for vouchers. How can you get a preferential queue for a trip to a sanatorium?

Not many pensioners know that they are entitled to receive free travel on Spa treatment. The procedure itself is not that complicated, but in our bureaucratic society, processing all the documents is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In our country there is special group citizens, which are called beneficiaries. They have some advantages over ordinary people. A variety of benefits relate to many areas of life, these can be benefits for paying rent, benefits for various taxes, benefits for travel to public transport and others. Beneficiaries include veterans and participants of the Second World War and other military operations, children without parents (orphans), families whose income is less than the subsistence level, people who survived the siege of Leningrad. But, ordinary pensioners in our country they also have a number of benefits. Moreover, the opportunities that are available to pensioners thanks to benefits are not inferior in variety to the above-mentioned categories of citizens.

The Russian Federation guarantees its citizens (including pensioners) a lot of social guarantees, and this position of the government has been supported for many years. And, therefore, benefits for pensioners should not be perceived as something supernatural, but should be treated as a norm of life. Read about what benefits pensioners have in our relevant section.

But to receive pension benefits, retirement age is not important; the main thing is timely application to the Pension Fund and registration of pensioner status in accordance with current legislation.

Which pensioners are entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium?

Receiving a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment is precisely one of the benefits that is entitled to any pensioner. By law, every pensioner has the right to receive a voucher and further free treatment in a sanatorium. This right can be exercised no more than once during the year. It is important to know that the state reserves for a pensioner not only the right to free sanatorium and resort treatment, but also the right to full reimbursement of travel expenses there and back. This happens if the location of the sanatorium is at a sufficient distance from the pensioner’s place of residence, and also if the pensioner himself cannot get to the place of treatment for health reasons.

What is needed to receive a free trip?

Obtaining a free voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment is a standard procedure, the stages of which are defined by law. But the bureaucratic side of the issue makes this procedure very difficult. Unfortunately, this procedure not developed to such an extent that, for example, you came to today social body, and tomorrow we packed our things and left for the sanatorium. As people say, you will have to “run around” and even “make a fuss.” A Russian person does not need to explain what such words mean.

The main obstacle is collecting a package of documents to submit to the social service. However, the government understands that elderly people apply for vouchers, so they are trying to simplify the registration procedure as much as possible. As for the package of documents, it consists of an identity document (passport), a pensioner’s ID (pension certificate, it is the main document confirming the right to benefits), a work book and, most importantly, medical report doctor about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Required documents

When collecting documents, take care of photocopies of your documents in advance, and it is advisable to have several of them, plus be sure to have the original document with you. When copying a passport, it is enough to stop at two pages - this is the page indicating the place of issue and your data, and the page with registration. When confirming your pensioner status, you will also submit a copy, but you must have the original document with you.

The focus of the sanatorium specifically on treatment makes it necessary to provide a certificate, which you must obtain at the clinic at your place of residence. It should indicate your diseases and recommendations for undergoing treatment in the sanatorium-resort area.

You must have 2 medical documents. The first document is a medical certificate in form 070\u (a special document to be submitted to the social authority when receiving a voucher), as well as a medical certificate in form 072\u, or in other words, a sanatorium-resort book . But, if certificate 070\u is mandatory when collecting documents for issuing a voucher, then health resort certificate(072\у) you can apply just before departure, if you receive a voucher. Both certificates are obtained at the clinic at your place of residence, and you are required to issue them without waiting in line. The mandatory presence of these certificates is necessary so that directly at the sanatorium you receive treatment that takes into account all the features of your diseases. That is, treatment must be carried out according to a personally drawn up program.

As noted above, a pensioner can use the right to sanatorium treatment once a year. But only if this right was not used for another reason. What does it mean? For example, you are both a pensioner and have a disability group, which means you are entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium both as a disabled person and as a pensioner, but you can only use one of the grounds. That is, if you used the right to sanatorium treatment as a pensioner, then you cannot use this right as a disabled person and vice versa. An important aspect is that treatment is provided to you once a year.

But, an option is possible when a pensioner can, without having a “double right,” go for treatment to a sanatorium more than once. This applies to cases where there are real medical reasons for the need for this type of treatment. Moreover, both vouchers will also be provided at the expense of public funds. The basis for repeated treatment within a year will be a referral from the attending physician with additional notes in the certificate.

In addition, the biggest obstacle may be the lack of a voucher itself. The deadline for you to provide a package of documents to receive a free trip does not always coincide with the availability of free places in the sanatorium where you will be sent. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn for quite a long time, which is why it was mentioned above that the certificate in form 070\u must be made immediately, since it is submitted as part of a package of documents, and health resort card may be issued later. But the fact of a long wait does not cancel your right to a voucher, and when it appears, or rather that you will definitely receive it, the social authority is obliged to notify you two weeks before your planned departure.

But even in this case social workers try to meet potential vacationers halfway in advance next year, compiling a list of people who would like to exercise the right to a sanatorium. Based on these data, the total number of vouchers that will have to be received by the social authority next year is calculated.

In any case, every pensioner must remember that the right to receive a free voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment is assigned to him by law and can be exercised within a year.

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In accordance with the federal law “On State social assistance", FSS representatives must resolve the tasks of providing certain categories of citizens with preferential vouchers to sanatorium institutions. Work on providing vouchers to beneficiaries is carried out on the basis of the provided medical indications. Receipt of such a referral is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

To whom is it provided?

The law defines a certain circle of persons who can count on preferential receipt vouchers to the sanatorium. The list of such citizens is as follows:

  • disabled people and WWII participants;
  • combatants;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • citizens injured as a result of the Chernobyl explosion;
  • disabled people of all categories;
  • disabled children.

To this list should also be added patients who must undergo further treatment after completing the main course of treatment. This benefit is determined by regional authorities and is provided on the basis of relevant documents confirming the patient’s condition.

Preferential vouchers for sanatorium treatment are provided only to non-working pensioners who belong to one of the above categories. Pensioners with a permanent job cannot qualify for such benefits.

Such vouchers may imply full repayment of all expenses for a vacation, including the cost of travel in both directions. In some cases, the voucher may cover only part of the cost. The discount can be 50 or 25% of the initial cost.

The preferential queue for a voucher to a sanatorium consists of various categories of citizens. The basis for obtaining a voucher is relevant medical indications, which must be confirmed by a certificate from a medical commission in the form No. 070/u-04. An example of such a document can be downloaded here

A referral to obtain such a certificate can only be issued by a local physician.

To obtain a certificate about the possibility of providing a preferential holiday in a sanatorium, you must collect a package of documents, which includes the following papers:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • certificate in form 070/у-04.

The application is drawn up according to the provided sample. An example of such a document can be downloaded from the following link.

If you provide a certificate that allows you to receive a ticket to a sanatorium on preferential terms, its validity is limited to twelve months. After the expiration of this time period, there is a need to re-collect all documents.

At the initial stage a citizen who, according to the law, is entitled to a preferential voucher must visit the clinic and consult with a local physician. Based on the preliminary examination, a conclusion is drawn regarding the presence or absence of contraindications to visiting the sanatorium. It is the doctor who prepares the certificate, which will be the basis for passing further treatment. This document must indicate the recommended institution, the profile of the sanatorium and the time of year recommended for the trip.

Next stage- visit to the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund. In this case, you must provide a package of documents that were described above. Additionally, you should also receive a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the availability of the package. social services which are provided for by law.

Two weeks are allotted for consideration of the submitted application, after which the FSS makes a final decision regarding the possibility of visiting the sanatorium for the purpose of undergoing rehabilitation. The voucher is provided fully completed and stamped with payment.

Upon receipt of the referral, the owner of the voucher is warned about the impossibility of using it by third parties. This is prohibited by law.

Two months before the start rehabilitation period In the sanatorium, the patient must apply for a health resort card. In this case, again there is a need to contact a local therapist.

The duration of stay in the sanatorium can vary from 18 to 42 days. The main criterion on the basis of which the length of stay in a sanatorium can be changed is the type of preferential category.

The applicants or their legal representatives. The latter are relatives or simply close people for whom the power of attorney was issued.

In accordance with current legislation, citizens are not given the right to choose a tour according to the time of year or by the name of the resort. This decision is made by the attending physician based on the diagnosis of the disease.

Where to contact?

Submission of relevant documentation can be done different ways. An option is to contact the nearest FSS branch. In addition, potential applicants are given the opportunity to submit their application online. This becomes possible thanks to the portal of state and municipal services www.gosuslugi.ru.

The frequency of visits to the sanatorium for the purpose of rehabilitation on preferential terms is once every two years. In order to receive a discounted voucher, the applicant must first collect the necessary package of documents.

An exception to the rules are people with disabilities, as well as disabled children, to whom, by law, such vouchers can be provided annually. Subject to special medical conditions, vouchers may be issued even more often. It should also be noted here that disabled people and disabled children additionally receive another voucher for the person who will accompany them.

Important points

Since 2005, a system of monetization of benefits has been introduced in the Russian Federation. To receive a ticket to the sanatorium, the applicant must first write an official refusal to provide monetary compensation. The decision to provide a voucher or to refuse such assistance is made within a twenty-day period after submitting the relevant application. Subject to approval of the application, it will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

Russians who stand in a preferential queue to receive vouchers to a sanatorium are interested in how they are informed about the status of the queue. Our specialists explain all the nuances of this procedure in this article.

General information for preferential categories of citizens applying for a trip to a sanatorium

As every Russian knows, our country has a law on state assistance for certain categories of citizens. This assistance from the state also includes receiving preferential vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums. They are not provided just like that. This requires compelling reasons, namely medical certificates confirming the presence of any disease in the beneficiary. In addition, the queue for receiving such vouchers is formed in the order of registration of documentation, that is, it is “live”.

To whom can such discounted vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium? As already mentioned, these are citizens of our state who fall into one of the preferential categories:

  • disabled people (including disabled children);
  • WWII participants;
  • veterans who participated in battles;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, including affected citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad.

We should not forget about the category of those Russians who continue to treat their disease, but after completing the main course of treatment. As for pensioners, they can claim such a privilege only if they do not work in retirement. Otherwise, they will not be provided with a discounted voucher to the sanatorium.

This benefit for receiving a voucher to a sanatorium for rehabilitation is regulated at the legislative level by local regional authorities.

Preferential conditions for such a trip for sanatorium treatment are as follows (depending on regional conditions):

  • repayment of travel costs to the sanatorium (in both directions);
  • partial repayment of costs;
  • The discount amount for such redemption is from 25 to 50% of the initial cost of the discounted voucher.

How to apply for a discounted voucher to a sanatorium

To receive preferential treatment at a sanatorium, it is not enough to fall into a certain category of beneficiaries. By Russian laws You also need to prepare a package of official papers that will serve as the basis for obtaining the necessary travel document:

  • your personal documents: passport, pensioner ID, SNILS;
  • medical certificate about past illness;
  • statement in writing.

Having prepared all the papers, you should contact your local doctor at the local clinic, who, after the examination, will issue a referral for sanatorium treatment. This referral certificate must indicate:

  1. Recommended health facility.
  2. Sanatorium profile.
  3. Visiting time that corresponds to the season (for example, spring-summer).

Having received the appropriate referral from the attending physician, you should then contact the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund, where the final registration of such a benefit takes place.

How are beneficiaries informed about receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

The departments of labor and social protection. Thus, the website http://www.dszn.ru/ works for residents of Moscow. This is where you can get online information about the status of the queue for passage preferential treatment in a sanatorium. To do this, you need to enter your personal data:

  • date of birth (format DD.MM.YYYY, that is, 07/12/1975);
  • SNILS (format 000-000-00000).

Social Security Administration at the place of residence where the pensioner-beneficiary applied:

  • ten days from the date of submission of the application, informs the applicant about the decision made to provide a voucher or refusal with an explanation of the reason;
  • issues a referral for sanatorium-resort treatment, observing the priority;
  • notifies the applicant about his serial number in the lists of applicants for preferential health improvement;
  • upon return from the sanatorium, will require you to provide a tear-off coupon confirming the fact of treatment.

Where to apply How to get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018, where to apply? This depends on the source of funding for the benefits provided to a certain category of citizens.

Find out your place number in the queue to receive a sanatorium-resort voucher


Each has a website where information about available places is posted. Veterans of law enforcement agencies can receive preferential vouchers if they are not working at the time of application.


The application is reviewed for 30 days, after which a response is given regarding whether it will be placed on the waiting list or rejected. Family members of military pensioners have the right to treatment with partial payment for the voucher:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • spouses;
  • children under 23 years old – students full-time training;
  • parents.

The formation of the queue of vouchers for 2018 began in November previous year.

The authorities responsible for distribution compile lists that anyone can view in person or online on the website.

Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population

Support for citizens who have reached retirement age on behalf of the state involves not only financial support, but also the provision natural species assistance, including vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts. The queue for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow is formed taking into account submitted applications from applicants and is subsequently subject to close monitoring on their part.
According to the law, such vouchers can be provided to citizens who have already retired and have submitted an application to the responsible authority. Let's take a closer look at who can receive such a permit in the capital region, how the order in which a referral is received is determined, and what an electronic queue is.

Queue for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow

Home Other By the end of the day labor activity people often accumulate a large number of diseases. Many people still want to talk to their grandchildren, work at their dacha, and see the world.
The state's social policy involves providing pensioners with vouchers to a sanatorium to receive medical and social rehabilitation. It’s worth figuring out who has the right to purchase them for 2018, how the queue is formed, what documents need to be submitted and where.

Conditions for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium for pensioners free of charge Before carrying out the planned sanatorium-resort treatment, you must obtain a certificate in form 070/u-04. You should visit a doctor at a city clinic.

Where to see the queue for spa treatment

  • residents of Leningrad who survived the siege;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, citizens equated to them who were exposed to radiation.

Pensioners who do not belong to any category, if they have a doctor’s referral, can receive social vouchers in 2018. To do this you need:

  • reaching retirement age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • does not belong to the categories of citizens who have social support;
  • official registration in Pension Fund RF;
  • do not have benefits provided to former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • not to work;
  • have a doctor’s certificate confirming the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Legal regulation To get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to know what legislative acts issues regarding the provision of benefits are regulated.

Rules for forming a preferential queue to receive a voucher to a sanatorium

Search". The form for informing about the status of the queue includes personal data:

  • applicant's surname;
  • his name and patronymic;
  • date of birth of the pensioner;
  • SNILS number (filled in according to the proposed template).

The system can provide information online, a few seconds after filling out the form. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

  • personal appeal to the visitor;
  • his SNILS number;
  • date of application for preferential treatment;
  • disease profile;
  • the place where the applicant is located among the total number of applicants;
  • serial number when registering.

Features of the preferential queue for military personnel and persons equivalent to them There are 37 sanatoriums assigned to the Ministry of Defense for military pensioners, where they can receive vouchers.

Find out the queue for a trip to the Moscow sanatorium

DEAR SITE VISITORS! This service of our website is intended for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services who have applied to the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund with applications for provision health resort vouchers. This service will allow you to find out your serial number in the queue to receive a voucher.


Data will be updated monthly. You need to enter the SNILS number in the format “xxxxxxxxxxx”, where instead of “x” there should be the numbers of your document without hyphens and spaces. You only need to enter numbers in the form fields; after entering, click the “Find” button.

This input format is required! Address: 693020, Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, st.
In this case, it is necessary to submit an ITU conclusion, which indicates the applicant’s disability group, and also contains a recommendation from the commission body on the need to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment. In some regions they require you to present a certificate of the amount of your pension benefit, however, in Moscow such a document is not needed. In the capital region it is allowed to replace the ticket cash payment. This right is formalized by application. The procedure for obtaining a free voucher The algorithm for obtaining a referral is quite simple and clear, however, it is best for applicants to first consult with a social security specialist.

Find out the queue for vouchers for sanatorium treatment in Moscow

  • a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense is undergoing rehabilitation in departmental sanatoriums.

You need to know - sanatorium treatment for pensioners is free in 2018, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • The allocation of a voucher is possible once every two years;
  • disabled people can take advantage of the benefit annually;
  • if there are special medical indications, sanatorium treatment may be provided more often than once a year;
  • benefit includes free pass to the place and back - the pensioner purchases a ticket, and the payment is made by the state according to the documents presented;
  • list medical organizations taking into account specialization by disease, it is approved at the regional level.

Who can receive preferential vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018? The list of persons entitled to assistance from the state is stipulated by Federal Law-178.
The procedure for obtaining a voucher involves several important steps:

  1. The applicant goes to the local doctor and takes a referral for a medical examination.
  2. After undergoing a medical examination and receiving tests, the doctor issues a special conclusion about the need for sanatorium treatment.
  3. Having prepared a package of documents, the citizen is sent to social security or the military commissariat (if the applicant is a military man or an employee of law enforcement agencies).
  4. In case of a positive decision, the applicant for benefits is included in the queue for allocation of a referral to a sanatorium.

A decision on the application is made within 20 days, and the voucher is provided as the vacation progresses. Conclusion Moscow pensioners have the right to obtain vouchers to state-type sanatoriums if they have medical indications for this.

The service is provided only to those who have stopped working. Sanatorium treatment can be used not more than times in a year:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in hostilities from 1941 to 1945.

The right to receive a sanatorium-resort rehabilitation treatment pensioners have benefits:

  • employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system, the military, participants in international and local conflicts in Russia, the USSR, including those who are retired and in reserve;
  • military personnel who did not participate in hostilities in the Second World War, who served for six months, and who had orders and medals during this period.

Citizens of Russia who have documented their benefits can get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018:

  • military personnel of automobile troops, battalions delivering cargo in 1979-1989.

How to find out your turn? An important point is to obtain information regarding the progress of the queue for obtaining a voucher. You can find out the queue in several ways:

  1. The most understandable option is to visit the social protection department in Moscow and obtain the necessary information from a specialist, however, this method requires some time and a mandatory visit to the authorized department.
  2. To eliminate unnecessary waste of time and obtain the desired information, just go to the official website of the Moscow Department of Social Protection and use the special form to submit a request.

IN electronic document are entered:

  • Full name of the pensioner;
  • date of birth of the applicant;
  • SNILS.

A few seconds after submitting your application you will be able to receive full information about what place the applicant is in the general register of applicants for a voucher.

By the time a person ends his working life, he often accumulates a large number of diseases. Many people still want to talk to their grandchildren, work at their dacha, and see the world. The state's social policy involves providing pensioners with vouchers to a sanatorium to receive medical and social rehabilitation. It’s worth figuring out who has the right to purchase them for 2018, how the queue is formed, what documents need to be submitted and where.

Conditions for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium for pensioners free of charge

Before carrying out the planned sanatorium-resort treatment, you must obtain a certificate in form 070/u-04. You should visit a doctor at a city clinic. Local therapist:

  • will give directions for tests and examinations;
  • conduct a medical examination;
  • will evaluate the indications for carrying out therapeutic and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • determine the diagnosis of the underlying disease;
  • will note contraindications for health improvement;
  • will give recommendations for performing procedures;
  • will send the patient to a medical commission for a final resolution of the issue.

During the consultation of therapists:

  • a study of the medical history of the pensioner-beneficiary will be carried out;
  • the main diagnosis was assessed and accompanying pathologies;
  • the possibility of sanatorium recovery will be established, taking into account the location of a certain climatic zone;
  • results will be taken into account medical and social examination for invalids;
  • they will issue a certificate 070/у-04 with a validity period of six months;
  • make a mark in medical card;
  • will determine the profile of the institution for the treatment of the underlying disease.

To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to meet a number of conditions. Applicant for free wellness:

  • must have the age established by law for retirement;
  • officially registered with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • belong to a preferential category defined by law;
  • cannot continue to work - this will be an obstacle to receiving free treatment;
  • must not be a participant in other programs for beneficiaries, for example, separately for WWII participants;
  • a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense is undergoing rehabilitation in departmental sanatoriums.

You need to know - sanatorium treatment for pensioners is free in 2018, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • The allocation of a voucher is possible once every two years;
  • disabled people can take advantage of the benefit annually;
  • if there are special medical indications, sanatorium treatment may be provided more often than once a year;
  • the benefit includes free travel to and from the place - the pensioner purchases a ticket, and the payment is made by the state based on the documents presented;
  • a list of medical organizations, taking into account specialization by disease, is approved at the regional level.

Who can get discounted vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018

The list of persons entitled to assistance from the state is stipulated by Federal Law-178. the federal law determines the circle of pensioners who can queue for discounted vouchers to sanatoriums in 2018. The service is provided only to those who have stopped working. Sanatorium treatment can be used no more than once a year:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in hostilities from 1941 to 1945.

Pensioners with benefits have the right to receive sanatorium-resort rehabilitation treatment:

  • employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system, the military, participants in international and local conflicts in Russia, the USSR, including those who are retired and in reserve;
  • military personnel who did not participate in hostilities in the Second World War, who served for six months, and who had orders and medals during this period.

Citizens of Russia who have documented their benefits can get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018:

  • military personnel of motor troops and battalions delivering cargo to Afghanistan in 1979-1989;
  • citizens who worked at military facilities and transport ships during the Second World War;
  • those with a disability group, including children;
  • family members of deceased (dead) combat veterans, participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • residents of Leningrad who survived the siege;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, citizens equated to them who were exposed to radiation.

Pensioners who do not belong to any category, if they have a doctor’s referral, can receive social vouchers in 2018. To do this you need:

  • reaching retirement age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • does not belong to the categories of citizens who have social support;
  • official registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • do not have benefits provided to former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • not to work;
  • have a doctor’s certificate confirming the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Legal regulation

To get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to know what legislative acts regulate the provision of benefits. Social protection bodies of Russia are guided by Federal and regional laws, based on the realities of local budgets. The issue of providing benefits to people of retirement age is regulated by law:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal law on the provision of benefits;
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense - for military pensioners with benefits;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main legal document regulating the issue of providing benefits to pensioners is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” No. 178-FZ, in force since July 17, 1999. He stipulates:

  • the possibility of receiving a referral for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications;
  • full list available benefits for retirees;
  • conditions and procedure for receiving them;
  • category of persons entitled to free sanatorium and resort treatment.

A normative act defining the principles and procedure for the implementation of social measures to improve the health of pensioners is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004. The document stipulates:

  • treatment is financed by the federal budget;
  • the referral to the resort is of a declarative nature - occurs on the initiative of the applicant;
  • the pensioner presents documents - indications for treatment, belonging to a preferential category;
  • the need, after a course of rehabilitation, to present a coupon about the intended use of the funds - stay for treatment.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free in 2018

If sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is planned, the applicant must prepare a package of documents and deliver them to the territorial social security authorities at the place of residence. To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018, a citizen must:

  • formalize a refusal to receive money - compensation for state support, according to the benefits monetization system;
  • bring a package of documents to provide free sanatorium-resort treatment.

Social Security Administration at the place of residence where the pensioner-beneficiary applied:

  • ten days from the date of submission of the application, informs the applicant about the decision made to provide a voucher or refusal with an explanation of the reason;
  • issues a referral for sanatorium-resort treatment, observing the priority;
  • notifies the applicant about his serial number in the lists of applicants for preferential health improvement;
  • upon return from the sanatorium, will require you to provide a tear-off coupon confirming the fact of treatment.

Where to contact

How to get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, where to apply? This depends on the source of funding for the benefits provided to a certain category of citizens. Free referral is provided by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • the list of beneficiaries is established by Law No. 178-FZ;
  • financing comes from the federal budget;
  • For medical and rehabilitation activities, sanatoriums located in various resort regions of Russia are offered (referrals abroad are not provided).

You can submit an application and get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018 by visiting:

  • Social security authorities at the place of residence, MFC, if funding is provided by the regional budget. Vouchers are provided to restore the health of any pensioners after inpatient treatment. Preference is given to local sanatoriums.
  • The structures of law enforcement agencies - the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - which deal with social issues, preferential provision military retirees, organize financing. Treatment is carried out by departmental sanatorium-resort institutions.

Social protection bodies located by subject Russian Federation, solve the same range of issues, including queues for vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018. They are subordinate to the local administration and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Territorial social protection bodies may have the following names:

  • Department;
  • control;
  • department;
  • ministry;
  • Committee.


In order for a pensioner with benefits to receive a free voucher for sanatorium treatment, he needs to prepare. The events will not take much time. It is required to perform a certain algorithm of actions:

  • visit your doctor;
  • obtain certificate No. 070/U-04, establishing the need to undergo medical and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • prepare documents and their copies confirming identity, rights to receive a pension, benefits;
  • visit social protection authorities;
  • write an application for a trip;
  • wait for the outcome of the consideration of the issue.

What documents need to be provided

For social security authorities to accept an application for free sanatorium-resort recovery, the pensioner needs to collect a set of documents. Queuing up to receive a voucher is possible if you have a full set of required papers. You must bring:

  • application for a discounted voucher for treatment
  • a pension certificate confirming the registration of retirement, in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • SNILS.

In addition, social security authorities at the place of residence will require:

  • documents certifying rights to benefits;
  • certificate 070/U-04 about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment (its validity period is six months);
  • a health record issued by a physician at a local clinic;
  • additionally, if necessary, a certificate of dimensions pension provision;
  • conclusion of a medical and sanitary examination when drawing up a referral for the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Preferential queue for a voucher to a sanatorium in 2018

Social protection authorities accept applications and documents from all pensioners without exception who have rights to preferential sanatorium and resort treatment. To ensure equal conditions, the issuance of vouchers to citizens is carried out according to the queue. Applicants are registered based on the date of application. Electronic queue for sanatorium-resort treatment is formed if the applicant provides:

  • personal data on the disease profile, according to a doctor’s certificate;
  • information about the application and the valid date of submission;
  • PFR data on the social services provided.

How to find out your turn

A person belonging to the preferential category of citizens who has submitted documents to receive sanatorium-resort rehabilitation must find out the status of his queue. For this he has several options. A pensioner with benefits can:

  • visit the social security authority where you submitted your application and personally find out your queue number to receive benefits;
  • go to the website of the Social Insurance Fund branch by entering SNILS in a special field, find out your place among those wishing to receive a referral for treatment.

Pensioners and Moscow residents who have benefits for free sanatorium treatment and recreational activities can save time by going to the website of the city Department of Social Welfare. It has special form, which must be filled in and click on the “Search” button. The form for informing about the status of the queue includes personal data:

  • applicant's surname;
  • his name and patronymic;
  • date of birth of the pensioner;
  • SNILS number (filled in according to the proposed template).

The system can provide information online, a few seconds after filling out the form. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

  • personal appeal to the visitor;
  • his SNILS number;
  • date of application for preferential treatment;
  • disease profile;
  • the place where the applicant is located among the total number of applicants;
  • serial number when registering.

Features of preferential queue for military personnel and persons equivalent to them

There are 37 sanatoriums assigned to the Ministry of Defense for military pensioners, where they can receive vouchers. Each has a website where information about available places is posted. Veterans of law enforcement agencies can receive preferential vouchers if they are not working at the time of application. The application is reviewed for 30 days, after which a response is given regarding whether it will be placed on the waiting list or rejected. Family members of military pensioners have the right to treatment with partial payment for the voucher:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • spouses;
  • children under 23 years of age – full-time students;
  • parents.

The formation of the queue of vouchers for 2018 began in November of the previous year. The authorities responsible for distribution compile lists that anyone can view in person or online on the website. To receive a voucher, a military retiree must:

  • choose a sanatorium that suits your profile;
  • find out availability;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • receive a certificate in form No. 070/у-04;
  • provide a package of documents;
  • submit an application to the regional department for sanatorium and resort provision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The regulations for preferential treatment of military pensioners are determined by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333. According to the document:

  • free sanatorium vouchers are provided to Heroes of Russia, the USSR, full holders of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, and disabled people;
  • when flying to the place of treatment, an economy class air ticket is paid;
  • for road transport, a bus with soft seats is paid for;
  • in case of using a railway connection - a reserved seat ticket;
  • You can receive treatment once a year.
