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How can ordinary pensioners without privileges go to a sanatorium for free? What treatment benefits are there for pensioners?

Not many pensioners know that they have the right to receive a free trip to Spa treatment. The procedure itself is not that complicated, but in our bureaucratic society, processing all the documents is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In our country there is special group citizens, which are called beneficiaries. They have some advantages over ordinary people. A variety of benefits relate to many areas of life, these can be benefits for paying rent, benefits for various taxes, benefits for travel to public transport and others. Beneficiaries include veterans and participants of the Second World War and other military operations, children without parents (orphans), families whose income is less than the subsistence level, people who survived the siege of Leningrad. But ordinary pensioners in our country also have a number of benefits. Moreover, the opportunities that are available to pensioners thanks to benefits are not inferior in variety to the above-mentioned categories of citizens.

The Russian Federation guarantees its citizens (including pensioners) a lot of social guarantees, and this position of the government has been supported for many years. And, therefore, benefits for pensioners should not be perceived as something supernatural, but should be treated as a norm of life. Read about what benefits pensioners have in our relevant section.

But to receive pension benefits, retirement age is not important; the main thing is timely application to the Pension Fund and registration of pensioner status in accordance with current legislation.

Which pensioners are entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium?

Obtaining a voucher for a sanatorium spa treatment This is precisely one of the benefits that any pensioner is entitled to. By law, every pensioner has the right to receive a voucher and further free treatment in a sanatorium. This right can be exercised no more than once during the year. It is important to know that the state reserves for a pensioner not only the right to free sanatorium and resort treatment, but also the right to full reimbursement of travel expenses there and back. This happens if the location of the sanatorium is at a sufficient distance from the pensioner’s place of residence, and also if the pensioner himself cannot get to the place of treatment for health reasons.

What is needed to receive a free trip?

Obtaining a free voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment is a standard procedure, the stages of which are defined by law. But the bureaucratic side of the issue makes this procedure very difficult. Unfortunately, this procedure not developed to such an extent that, for example, you came to today social body, and tomorrow we packed our things and left for the sanatorium. As people say, you will have to “run around” and even “make a fuss.” A Russian person does not need to explain what such words mean.

The main obstacle is collecting a package of documents to submit to the social service. However, the government understands that elderly people apply for vouchers, so they are trying to simplify the registration procedure as much as possible. As for the package of documents, it consists of an identity document (passport), a pensioner’s ID (pension certificate, it is the main document confirming the right to benefits), employment history and the most important thing, medical report doctor about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Required documents

When collecting documents, take care of photocopies of your documents in advance, and it is advisable to have several of them, plus be sure to have the original document with you. When copying a passport, it is enough to stop at two pages - this is the page indicating the place of issue and your data, and the page with registration. When confirming your pensioner status, you will also submit a copy, but you must have the original document with you.

The focus of the sanatorium specifically on treatment makes it necessary to provide a certificate, which you must obtain at the clinic at your place of residence. It should indicate your diseases and recommendations for undergoing treatment in the sanatorium-resort area.

You must have 2 medical documents. The first document is a medical certificate in form 070\u (a special document for submission to the social authority when receiving a voucher), as well as a medical certificate in form 072\u, or in other words, a sanatorium-resort book . But, if certificate 070\u is mandatory when collecting documents for issuing a voucher, then health resort certificate(072\у) you can apply just before departure, if you receive a voucher. Both certificates are obtained at the clinic at your place of residence, and you are required to issue them without waiting in line. The mandatory presence of these certificates is necessary so that directly at the sanatorium you receive treatment that takes into account all the features of your diseases. That is, treatment must be carried out according to a personally drawn up program.

As noted above, a pensioner can use the right to sanatorium treatment once a year. But only if this right was not used for another reason. What does it mean? For example, you are both a pensioner and have a disability group, which means you are entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium both as a disabled person and as a pensioner, but you can only use one of the grounds. That is, if you used the right to sanatorium treatment as a pensioner, then you cannot use this right as a disabled person and vice versa. An important aspect is that treatment is provided to you once a year.

But, an option is possible when a pensioner can, without having a “double right,” go for treatment to a sanatorium more than once. This applies to cases where there are real medical reasons for the need for this type of treatment. Moreover, both vouchers will also be provided at the expense of public funds. The basis for repeated treatment within a year will be a referral from the attending physician with additional notes in the certificate.

In addition, the biggest obstacle may be the lack of a voucher itself. The deadline for you to provide a package of documents to receive a free trip does not always coincide with the availability of free places in the sanatorium where you will be sent. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn for quite a long time, which is why it was mentioned above that the certificate in form 070\u must be made immediately, since it is submitted as part of a package of documents, and health resort card may be issued later. But the fact of a long wait does not cancel your right to a voucher, and when it appears, or rather that you will definitely receive it, the social authority is obliged to notify you two weeks before your planned departure.

But even in this case social workers try to meet potential vacationers halfway in advance next year, compiling a list of people who would like to exercise the right to a sanatorium. Based on these data, the total number of vouchers that will have to be received by the social authority next year is calculated.

In any case, every pensioner must remember that the right to receive a free voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment is assigned to him by law and can be exercised within a year.

Our articles

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other military operations, disabled people and military personnel have many benefits that are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But ordinary pensioners also have preferential rights, for example, they can go to a sanatorium for free. And we'll tell you how to do it.

Conditions for issuing a free voucher to an “ordinary” pensioner

Every retired person has the right to certain benefits, for example, to receive a free trip. Moreover, it does not matter what the grounds for retirement are - due to old age, due to incapacity for work, or due to working in hazardous work ahead of schedule.

You can only go to the sanatorium once every 12 months. But there are exceptions here too. True, they concern those persons who have a history of serious illnesses chronic. In such a situation, the initiative should come from the attending physician. Unfortunately, this is rare because budgets are limited.

The right to receive a voucher is used once a year. For example, a WWII veteran does not have the right to go to a sanatorium-resort treatment as a combat veteran, and then apply for a voucher as a “regular” pensioner.

You can only get a voucher if the pensioner does not work. However, he had not previously refused the package social benefits, does not receive financial compensation for spa treatment.

Where do you get your ticket?

The regional budget finances the receipt of vouchers for pensioners. Distribution is handled by local social security authorities. There is a waiting list to get a ticket. Of course, you won’t be able to get a ticket quickly, so you have to wait.

Certificate 070/U-04 and its purpose

An ordinary pensioner has the right to sanatorium treatment exclusively for medical indications. The basis for this is certificate 070/U-04. It is issued by a therapist at the clinic at the citizen’s place of residence.

Therefore, the first step to get a permit is to go to your GP. It is better to think in advance what disease you will treat, because the direction of the sanatorium depends on this.

Next, the therapist, after the pensioner contacts him, gives a referral for tests. It all depends on the region of residence. Sometimes several examinations are enough, and in some cases you will have to go through 5-10 specialized doctors to confirm the medical grounds (a trip to the doctors can take several months).

After this, you need to visit the social security authority and submit a package of documents. The following documentation will be required:

  1. SNILS.
  2. Certificate 070/U-04.
  3. Employment history.
  4. Passport.
  5. Pensioner's ID.

Sometimes social security asks additional documents. Therefore it's better full list find out in advance so as not to waste time.

Compensation of transportation expenses

The pensioner not only receives a free trip, but also has the right to compensation for travel expenses in both directions. To receive financial compensation, you must take your tickets to social security upon your return from the sanatorium. Within a month, the funds will be transferred to the pensioner’s account.

Social protection compensates not only for train tickets, but also for economy class plane tickets. But each region has its own limits, so it is also recommended to clarify this issue in advance.

About spa treatment

So, after receiving a voucher, a pensioner has many questions. We will try to consider the most relevant and exciting ones. The trip itself includes accommodation, meals and therapy. In principle, such treatment does not require additional financial expenses.

Additional expenses are possible in the following cases:

  • A social voucher involves accommodation of a pensioner in a standard room. But not everyone likes this; some are accustomed to an increased degree of comfort. To improve living conditions in the sanatorium, you need to pay extra. The social program does not compensate for this.
  • A lonely pensioner who does not want to live in a room with a stranger can move to a single room for additional fee from your pocket. Social security does not compensate for this.
  • The price of the tour includes a certain list of procedures. The pensioner is informed about this in advance. If there is a desire to undergo other therapeutic manipulations, then this is allowed, but only at your own expense.
  • Cash may be needed for leisure activities, for example, attending a concert, excursion, etc.

The travel dates cannot be changed. But no one prevents a pensioner from leaving earlier than the deadline or staying longer; if there are places available, they pay additional days stay in a sanatorium.

What to do if you have been issued a ticket, but you can’t go? In this situation, it is recommended to contact the social protection department and explain the reasons for such circumstances. Afterwards they hand over the unclaimed voucher - it is transferred to another pensioner. If there is a free reserve in social security, then the person still has a chance to go to a sanatorium; if not, he will have to wait until next year.

Upon returning from the sanatorium, you must provide tear-off coupons to social security. If you want to go next year, it’s better to write an application right away, since some people wait 7-10 months for a trip.

Pensioners belong to a vulnerable category of the population, therefore the state provides them with numerous benefits and allowances. This also includes treatment benefits for pensioners. Since pensioners usually have their only income as a pension, the size of which is considered small, they often simply cannot purchase necessary medications or pay for the services of medical organizations.

What treatment benefits are there for pensioners?

Benefits usually relate to the following areas:

  • purchase of medicines;
  • stay in medical or rehabilitation institutions;
  • staying in sanatoriums or resorts.

Medicines are issued according to a special approved list, which changes annually, and, as a rule, is supplemented with various medicines.

Features of receiving benefits for vacation in a sanatorium or resort

Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment are considered quite important and significant. Every retired person has the right to visit sanatoriums or resorts for treatment every year free of charge, and this opportunity enshrined at the federal legislative level.

All expenses that a pensioner will incur while staying in these institutions are covered by the state, and this even includes the cost of travel to or from the institution. However, this applies to situations where the sanatorium or resort is located at a fairly large distance from the pensioner’s home.

Compensation from the state is expressed in the following actions:

  1. full refund of the cost of tickets purchased for the trip;
  2. payment for special travel tickets intended for pensioners, and they are issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Even those expenses that are necessary for pensioners who cannot get to the institution on their own are reimbursed.

What benefits are provided to retired military personnel or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

These pensioners can take advantage of the benefits of receiving free sanatorium and resort treatment on the same basis as ordinary pensioners. However, certain specific differences can be identified, which include the fact that former military personnel or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are additionally provided with:

  • health improvement in institutions not only for pensioners themselves, but also for their spouses and children;
  • medical care in specialized organizations, and they can undergo treatment here or buy medications;
  • Dental prosthetics are completely free.

Additionally, they can count on special treatment benefits for military pensioners, which consist of receiving vouchers to special sanatoriums, which usually provide only paid treatment. However, they are not provided free of charge, but under the following conditions:

  • if the voucher is issued for oneself, then only 25% of its cost is paid by the pensioner;
  • if it is registered for a spouse or children under 18 years of age, then half the cost is paid;
  • travel to the sanatorium is fully compensated for both the pensioner himself and his family members;
  • sanatoriums should belong only to the military department, otherwise pensioners will have to pay for treatment in full.

Treatment benefits for pensioners in 2016 in addition to the opportunity to receive the necessary medicines absolutely free. You can also get various vaccinations for which you do not have to pay money.

Initially, you should remember that all older people must undergo a medical examination every 3 years, as well as receive vaccinations in accordance with the vaccination calendar.

All pensioners have the right to receive discounted medications, however, only when outpatient care. On the list free drugs contains about 440 items, most of them vital as well as expensive. Such support from the state is considered very important and necessary, since it allows necessary treatment without having to spend too much on it Money, which pensioners usually do not have in large quantities.

What additional benefits are provided?

Pensioners can also take advantage of the concessions established for them by regional authorities. The fact is that each region can establish its own benefits and allowances for different categories of the population. As a rule, free medical services or purchasing various medications with significant discounts.

Some regions allow pensioners to have their teeth treated for free.

Thus, for pensioners the state provides quite a lot of types of benefits that are related to treatment and rehabilitation, and such support is positively perceived by pensioners who do not have to spend a lot own funds for these purposes.

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TO federal beneficiaries relate:

  • disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations;
  • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad;
  • disabled children;
  • citizens exposed to radiation during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or during nuclear tests in the Semipalatinsk region.

Anyone wishing to receive a free annual voucher, regardless of category, must first obtain a certificate at the clinic in form No. 070/u. With this document you need to visit the FSS or MFC. To get a ticket to the sanatorium you will need:

  • Russian passport;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of place of registration;
  • compulsory health insurance policy (CHI);
  • employment history;
  • other additional information confirming the right to the benefit.

Citizens of this category receive referrals out of turn. To receive free sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners, a former military personnel must submit documents to the RF Ministry of Defense or the department of the RF Ministry of Defense responsible for the distribution of vouchers. The application is considered within 10 days. You must apply no later than a month before your planned arrival. Military pensioners include:

  • representatives of the penal system;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • military firefighters;
  • security guards of state paramilitary structures;
  • representatives of the prosecutor's office;
  • officers and soldiers serving under contract.

In addition to the standard documents for this category of beneficiaries, you will have to attach to the application a military ID and a pension certificate with a note indicating the right to social guarantees. If family members are traveling with the beneficiary, then documents confirming family relationships (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.) will be required.

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

A citizen must have a referral from the clinic for sanatorium treatment. The profile of a state medical institution is selected based on chronic disease diagnosed in a disabled person. Free trips to a sanatorium for pensioners with disabilities are issued upon provision of additional documents by the applicant.