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What medications are prescribed for pregnant women? Free medicines for pregnant women. How to stock up on free medications during pregnancy

Law providing free vitamins to pregnant women in 2018

The Law on the Protection of Citizens' Health is accompanied by additional acts that clarify its effect. In relation to expectant mothers, a government decree has been issued to support the law on drug provision pregnant women (dated 06.10.2008, No. 987). It provides an indicative list of vitamins that should be provided without payment according to a special prescription from the attending physician.

In 2018, the list of vitamin complexes was supplemented with a list of preparations with microelements necessary for a pregnant woman: iodine and iron. Particular emphasis is placed on preparations containing folic acid. In 2018, free vitamins for pregnant women will be announced in the antenatal clinic by posting lists of medications recommended in accordance with regional programs. The government is considering a number of bills that clarify the list of important during interesting situation vitamins and other substances based on the latest scientific research.

Lists vitamin preparations for expectant mothers, who are supposed to receive them free of charge in 2018 and which will be issued without payment according to special prescriptions, you can take them from a specialist in the antenatal clinic.

How to get free vitamins

The main reason to inquire about free vitamins is a doctor-confirmed pregnancy. A woman chooses a clinic that is convenient for her or medical Center, where there is an antenatal clinic, and registers. All medical services are provided with a birth certificate issued by the clinic. The attending physician starts outpatient card, appoints necessary examinations at narrow specialists, laboratory and instrumental studies. Based on their results, it is determined which vitamins or microelements need to be replenished in the body of the expectant mother.

In order for a pregnant woman to be given vitamins for free at a pharmacy, the doctor must write out his prescription on a special prescription form. The doctor should also tell the patient about the list of vitamins given out without payment. With the prescription received from the obstetrician-gynecologist, you need to go to a social pharmacy, which, under an agreement with the clinic, has the right to give free vitamins to pregnant women.

Step-by-step instructions for getting vitamins during pregnancy

Free vitamins for pregnant women guaranteed government programs, for which funds are allocated to pay for them, and they are usually transferred to social pharmacies.

How to get free vitamins:

  • register with the antenatal clinic for pregnancy;
  • undergo examinations prescribed by your attending physician;
  • study the list of vitamins that are given out free of charge in your region (ask your doctor or look at information stands in the clinic);
  • Discuss with your doctor exactly which vitamins you need to take, how and how much;
  • ask your doctor to prescribe necessary vitamins on a special form to receive them free of charge;
  • Find out from the doctor a list of pharmacies where prescription vitamin preparations are issued;
  • at the pharmacy, give the pharmacist a prescription and receive the prescribed vitamins in return without payment.

If the right drug on this moment no, you need to ask the pharmacist to add your application to the waiting list and ask them to inform you when the medicine will be on sale again.

List of vitamins that pregnant women have the right to receive for free

Scroll medicines and vitamins that are provided to pregnant women free of charge are not the same in different regions. Firstly, it depends on the characteristics of the edge or area. For example, further north, more vitamin D is required due to short daylight hours in winter, and in central regions– more vitamin C to prevent colds. Secondly, what vitamins will get into this list and will be issued free of charge, depending on the amount allocated by the state to finance a particular region.

Indicative list of vitamins that are provided free of charge to pregnant women
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate
  • Beviplex
  • Vita Spectrum
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte
  • Vitatress
  • Supradin
  • Vitrum Prenatal
  • Iron fumarate with folic acid
  • Vitrum Superstress
  • Hexavit
  • Folacin
  • Iron-3-hydroxide polymaltosate
  • Teravit Antistress
  • Fenyuls Complex
  • Multi-Tabs Classic
  • Megadin
  • Microiodide
  • Multimax
  • Multi-Tabs Active
  • Multi-Tabs Prenatal
  • Polivit Geriatric
  • Revit
  • Revit-UVI
  • Selmevit
  • Teravit
  • Teravit Pregna
  • Tocopherocaps
  • Tocopherol acetate
  • Vitrum vitamin E
  • Ferretab complex
  • Complivit-Active
  • Iodomarin
  • Bio-Max
  • Tri-V Plus
  • Alpha-tocopherol-UBP
  • Potassium iodide
  • Complivit
  • Complimentary Mom
  • Maxamin forte
  • Maltofer
  • Vitrum Centuri
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E forte
  • Undevit
  • Undevit UVI
  • Folic acid
  • Elevit Prenatal
  • Glutamevit
  • Multi-Tabs Intensive
  • Megadin Pronatal

The list of vitamins provided free of charge for pregnant women in 2018 should be posted on the information stand in the clinic where a pregnant woman is registered with a gynecologist.

Where do they give vitamins to expectant mothers?

Typically, each public clinic or specialized antenatal clinic enters into an agreement to provide discounted medications with several pharmacies. This is convenient because it is easier for pregnant women to go to the pharmacy that is closest to their home. In addition, sometimes the necessary vitamins run out in one pharmacy, but are available in another.

At the appointment, the doctor is obliged to give the woman not only a prescription for free vitamins, but also a list of pharmacies where these drugs are dispensed. If the necessary vitamins are available, the pharmacist provides them to the pregnant woman, and keeps the recipe. When the prescribed drug is not available, the pharmacy worker makes an entry in a special deferred maintenance journal. And then for 15 days the pregnant woman should be provided with the vitamins recommended to her.

Additional information for pregnant women to obtain from your doctor

The legislation provides for pregnant women not only free vitamin complexes, but also preferential meals if the attending physician sees a need for this. In each region, on the basis of the health protection law (Article 52 of the Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011), a list of products and the right set documents to obtain them.

If a pregnant woman is not gaining weight well, or her attending physician has other concerns about her well-being, he will issue a medical report that a woman needs more good nutrition than she has now. This conclusion is issued in the 4th month of pregnancy. Based on it, the head physician of the clinic issues a prescription so that you can receive free products.

Usually we're talking about about receiving dairy and fermented milk products, vegetable and fruit juices, fresh fruits. Free add-on products may vary by region.

For more information about benefits on medicines and vitamins for pregnant women, see the video below.

Today we will talk about how to get free prenatal vitamins, a list of free medications and where you can get them.
Organism expectant mother From the first days of pregnancy, she begins to actively rebuild, works for two, and therefore needs additional vitamins and microelements.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, and for the fetus to develop normally, it is very important for a pregnant woman to consume increased doses of vitamins, minerals, as well as special nutrients.

But, unfortunately, such drugs are often very expensive and are beyond the means of many pregnant women. But don’t despair, because today, pregnant women are entitled to free vitamins from the state by law. Below you will find out how and where you can get them.

Free Vitamin Law

The state is constantly developing projects designed to improve the quality of life of the population and their health. That is why laws appear on providing citizens with free medicines and providing benefits.

Expectant mothers are precisely the category of the population whose protection and assistance is provided by the government as a priority. After all, it is healthy pregnant women who directly influence the future gene pool of our country.

Are pregnant women entitled to free vitamins from the state in 2017? Let's answer this question.

Vitamins for pregnant women

In its original version, the state law obliged to provide free drugs to all pregnant women and children in full.

But due to the increasing incidence of fraudulent activities and abuse by unscrupulous citizens, it was decided to clearly indicate and create a specific list of certain medications and vitamins that pregnant women need.

Prescriptions for free vitamins in the network of public pharmacies can be obtained from your gynecologist at your antenatal clinic at your place of attachment.

Vitamins given free to children

  • children under 3 years old;
  • Having contacted the pediatrician in his clinic, he writes out a prescription for the child indicating free receipt in a state pharmacy

How to get free vitamins

The bill requiring pregnant women to receive vitamins free of charge states that the issuance is agreed upon when indicated by the attending physician. And on a number of medicines a discount of up to 50% is provided.

But, unfortunately, in practice, pregnant patients often cannot receive vitamins for free due to a number of obstacles, for example:

  • the gynecologist simply refuses to provide a prescription for free,
  • the doctor does not prescribe vitamins because he does not see any indication for it,
  • sometimes doctors simply keep silent about the opportunity to get vitamins for free,
  • Sometimes medical workers dissuade pregnant women by manipulating them and telling them about the subsequent need to receive medicine for free if any illness occurs, which is illegal.

Therefore, expectant mothers need to take care of themselves; it is important to study the issue of receiving free medications in advance in order to know and understand their legal rights, and also not be afraid to demand from doctors the free medications guaranteed to you by Russian law.

A pregnant woman needs the protection and support of the state more than anyone else. She is entrusted with the enormous responsibility of preserving the life and health of the unborn child; she requires special conditions at work and when visiting the clinic.

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In this regard, it is necessary to clarify what is required by law for pregnant women.

What does the legislation say?

At the state level, a program to support pregnant women is being implemented, which is based on certain legislative norms:

  • “On benefits for citizens with children” provides for one-time payments at the birth of a child and monthly payments for child care.
  • "About standards medical care at normal pregnancy» defines a list of medical services and a list of medications provided to pregnant women free of charge.
  • Labor benefits and restrictions applicable to women in this position are set out in the framework (Chapter 41).

What are pregnant women entitled to free of charge in 2019 according to the law?

The law establishes what medical services and procedures a pregnant woman receives free of charge, what medicines and food products she is entitled to.

In the antenatal clinic and from the clinic

Medical monitoring of the health status of a pregnant woman is carried out within the framework of the “On Free Medical Care”.

Based on Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 662, a pregnant woman has the right to be constantly observed by a doctor, attend medical examinations with specialized specialists, and diagnostic studies and get tested.

Visiting doctors

During pregnancy, a woman visits a doctor free of charge for routine monitoring, and if the need arises, upon the referral of a therapist, she is examined by specialized specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dentist.

Analyzes and research

Pregnant women can, on a planned or emergency basis, free of charge:

  • take general and specific tests;
  • do a cardiogram and its interpretation;
  • conduct an ultrasound examination;
  • prenatal screening in each trimester of pregnancy to identify hereditary pathologies.

Manipulations and procedures

Manipulations and physical procedures intended for pregnant women:

  • intramuscular injections;
  • intravenous injections;
  • inhalations, electrophoresis and other physiotherapy procedures.

What vitamins and for how long?

  • Maternity benefit paid one-time for a period of 140 days (standard duration maternity leave– 70 days before the birth of the child and 70 after the birth) and is calculated on the basis of 100% of the average salary for the last two years.
    Based on this, the minimum amount of maternity benefit will be approximately 34,500 rubles. (minimum wage for four and a half months). Maximum amount will be no more than 266,200 rubles, since the Social Insurance Fund sets a maximum amount for transferring contributions every year.
  • Child care allowance, which is paid for up to 1.5 years, also depends on average earnings, in this case only 40% of the salary is taken. This fixed amount does not change and will be paid every month for one and a half years.

Benefits for non-workers

Let us consider in more detail the norms of maternity benefits prescribed in Federal Law No. 81:

  • Art. 9 Federal Law No. 81 - pregnant women are entitled to a benefit for early registration at the antenatal clinic (up to 12 weeks) in the amount of 500 rubles. depending on the region. This type benefits are assigned regardless of the place of study or work of the pregnant woman.
  • Article 11 of Federal Law No. 81 – a lump sum payment is assigned at the birth of a child in the amount of 16,350 rubles. Citizens can count on this benefit provided they submit documents within 6 months after the date of birth.
  • Article 13 of Federal Law No. 81 - a monthly benefit is provided for up to one and a half years, for the first child - in the amount of 3,065 rubles, for the second and subsequent ones - 6,130 rubles. Documents to receive benefits must be submitted no later than 6 months after the child turns 1.5 years old.

Registration procedure

It is best not to go to the social security department to apply for each benefit, because despite electronic queue, the situation there can be very tense, and immediately prepare a package of documents for processing maternity benefits.

You will need originals and copies of the following documents:

  • parents' passports;
  • SNILS of parents;
  • certificate of marriage and paternity (if available);
  • birth certificate of a child (first and second);
  • a certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child;
  • a certificate from the Employment Center (ECC) stating that benefits were not paid there;
  • a certificate stating that the benefit has not been previously assigned (if the parents live separately);
  • extracts from the work book;
  • statements of the established form;
  • personal account number where the benefit should be transferred.

Questions about benefits

Are there separate benefits for wives of military personnel (in military service)?

  • lump sum payment for pregnancy more than 180 days – 24,500 rubles.
  • payments for child care up to 1.5 years - 11,000 rubles.

Which of all these benefits can you get by being seen in a paid clinic?

All benefits aimed at receiving free medical care and medicines for pregnant women are sold only within government medical institutions.

Paid clinics do not provide such services free of charge and do not receive compensation provided for in the birth certificate, so observation in private clinics is paid for out of personal funds.

What to do if your rights are violated?

If you believe that your rights have been violated or are not fully respected, you have the right to demand the proper implementation of legal requirements.

It is no secret that the body of a pregnant woman is subjected to serious stress, because it feeds the baby in the womb. To ensure his normal development, to the expectant mother it is necessary to consume more vitamins and nutrients, which is not available to everyone due to the high cost of some drugs. Are pregnant women entitled to free vitamins by law, how to get them and where to find out the list of medications - you can learn about this from the article.

Features of laws in the field of providing free vitamins

At the state level, projects are being developed to improve the quality of service by medical institutions in order to improve the quality of life and health of the population.

Pregnant women are one of the categories whose health protection is a priority for the government, since the quality of the country’s gene pool in the future depends on this. Are pregnant women given free vitamins in 2017? Let's figure out who they belong to.

Vitamins for pregnant women

In its original form, the law prescribed the provision of free drugs to pregnant women and children in full. But in view of such permissiveness, cases of fraud and abuse also appeared, so at the level of the Ministry of Health it was decided to prescribe a specific list of funds that expectant mothers need. You can get coupons for free vitamins for pregnant women at the antenatal clinic or hospital from your doctor.

Vitamins for children

In the area of ​​providing medications to children, the law has not changed and today they are provided to all categories according to the following criteria:

  • Child under three years old;
  • When visiting the hospital, the pediatrician writes out a prescription on a form indicating free receipt.
  • You must contact government pharmacies.

How to get free vitamins

One of the bills stipulates that vitamins for pregnant women should be issued free of charge (2015-2017 law) when prescribed by the attending physician. In addition, a number of medications receive a discount of up to 50%.

In practice, patients face a number of obstacles: the doctor refuses to provide a free prescription, does not see the indicators for prescribing vitamins, is silent about this possibility, dissuades, manipulating the need to receive medications in the future if an illness occurs, etc.

Therefore, every woman needs to study this issue in advance in order to understand her rights and demand the free drugs guaranteed to them by law.

In addition to medications, patients are also equipped with a birth certificate, which serves as payment for services medical institutions providing services for managing the health status of a pregnant woman, childbirth, dispensary observation for the newborn. The certificate is not used when visiting a private (paid) clinic or consultation.

Step-by-step instruction

To receive vitamins for pregnant women for free in 2017, you need to read the instructions prescribing the procedure:

  • The woman determines the clinic, antenatal clinic or other institution where she wishes to undergo observation.
  • When pregnancy is detected or at any time, the woman visits the selected institution, where she is assigned a doctor.
  • The patient registers and receives a card. At the same time, her data is filled in and, in particular, the period of fetal development (we advise you to read the material - Benefit for early stages pregnancy).
  • The doctor conducts examinations, observations, and issues recommendations. If a weakening of the body or a lack of certain microelements is detected, vitamins are prescribed.
  • The doctor writes a prescription, which is marked “non-payable.”
  • The patient has the right to find out which vitamins are prescribed for pregnant women free of charge and to receive a complete list of them.
  • The patient is sent to a state pharmacy, which is obliged to dispense medications free of charge, in accordance with the law.
  • The pharmacist dispenses medications as prescribed and takes away the prescription so that it cannot be reused.

How it happens in practice

Guided by such principles, we should not forget that in practice everything happens somewhat differently. In particular, if a doctor prescribes paid medications, you need to remind about the law on the possibility of receiving free medications and vitamins for pregnant women. If you receive a refusal, you must write a complaint to the head physician of the institution or send it to the supervisory authorities.

In addition to contacting state pharmacies, the doctor can refer to others with whom they have signed a cooperation agreement within the framework of this project.

What vitamins are given to pregnant women for free - list

You can find out what free vitamins for pregnant women are provided at the antenatal clinic, clinic, or your attending physician. In addition, it is possible to request information from the authorities social protection. It is worth knowing that the list is different for each area. This is due to the characteristics of the regions, the situation in terms of the level of morbidity among the population, the degree of pollution environment, the presence of harmful emissions, etc.

Free vitamins for pregnant women subject to mandatory distribution in 2017 are included in the general list:

  • Alpha-Tocopherol-UBF.
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate.
  • Tocopherocaps.
  • Vitamin E
  • Zopelherz vitamin E forte.
  • Vitrum vitamin E.
  • Hexavit.
  • Revit.
  • Undevit.
  • Gendevit.
  • Bio-Max.
  • Beviplex.
  • Vitaspectrum.
  • Vitrum Prenatal, Superstress.
  • Complivit.
  • Iaxamine.
  • Glutamevit.
  • Megadin.
  • Multimax.
  • Multi-tabs.
  • Polivit Geriatric.
  • Selmevit.
  • Ferrovit.
  • Supradin.
  • Teravit.
  • Elevit Prenatal.
  • Tri-V Plus.

Having determined which vitamins are given free to pregnant women, you need to obtain a list of drugs that fill the body with missing microelements. These include:

  • Potassium iodide. Also drugs of this subgroup: Iodomarin, Microiodide, Iodine balance.
  • Folic acid, Folacin.
  • Iron fumarate + folic acid (Ferretab).
  • Iron hydroxide polymaltosate. Maltofer, Fenyuls Complex.

What else should the antenatal clinic say?

Having decided on the problem of whether pregnant women are given free vitamins and what to do if they refuse, it is worth finding out about some additional features prescribed by law. Yes, if available certain diseases, a pregnant woman has the right to receive free food. These include:

  • Lactase deficiency.
  • Diabetes.
  • Food allergies, hypovitaminosis.
  • Anemia, celiac disease, gestosis
  • Hypertension, thyroid problems.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract.

In addition, if weight gain is slow or it is detected to fall above the established levels, nutritional support is also prescribed, and not just free prenatal vitamins.

Video interview about getting free vitamins for pregnant women

Not everyone knows that pregnant women are entitled to free vitamins and medications. Women buy them at their own expense and then the money cannot be returned; we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the official list of vitamins that can be issued at the antenatal clinic.