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How to get rid of insomnia on your own! Remedies for insomnia: home treatment methods

How to get rid of insomnia?

“Sleep is like a dove: when you calmly extend your hand towards her, she sits on it.
When you try to grab it, it flies away.”
Paul Charles Dubois
Swiss neurologist

There is practically not a single adult in the world who does not know what a bad dream is. Although modern medicine More than 80 types of sleep disorders are known, most often people, when describing their condition, say: “I have insomnia.” Let's figure out which sleep disorders are diseases and require qualified medical assistance, and in which cases a person can help himself with simple home remedies.
What is insomnia? Insomnia (insomnia) is a condition when a person is dissatisfied with the duration or quality of his sleep. Insomnia can manifest itself as difficulty falling asleep, Bad quality sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, difficulty falling back asleep after night awakenings and early final awakening.

However, not all sleep disorders are diseases requiring medical intervention. Physiological insomnia, which occurs as a result of deterioration of social and living conditions, in violation of the usual daily rhythms (change of work schedule to shift or night, when traveling and changing time zones), in connection with natural rhythms (menstrual cycle, phases of the moon, white nights) , as a reaction to psychosocial stress, and lasts no more than one week, is called transient insomnia and is a normal consequence of a person’s adaptation to new living conditions. Physiological sleep disorders are characterized by difficulty falling asleep, loss of the sensation of sleep, night awakenings and wakefulness, congestion of dreams, kaleidoscopic and unpleasant dreams. Correction of physiological insomnia consists in creating comfortable conditions for sleep, and compliance with circadian rhythms.

Some people experience so-called subjective insomnia: for such people it seems that they take a long time to fall asleep, and their sleep is shallow and of short duration. At the same time, studies show that their sleep is not disturbed, but only the subjective assessment of their sleep is changed.

Insomnia may result from other mental (eg, insomnia due to depression), neurological, or somatic diseases, taking certain medications (or stopping medications), or undergoing certain procedures. In these cases, only a doctor should treat insomnia. In the case of insomnia as an independent disorder, up to certain limits, it can be treated at home independently. However, in case of prolonged insomnia, you will also need to seek qualified medical help: international classification diseases (ICD-10) defines following criteria, by which it can be determined that insomnia has reached the stage of illness and requires qualified medical care:
1. Sleep disturbance occurs at least three times a week for at least one month.
2. A person is concerned about insomnia and its consequences, both at night and during the day.
3. Sleep disturbances cause stress (tension) that interfere with normal family, social or professional life.

You also need to know that manifestations such as recurring nightmares and horror with panic attacks are independent disorders sleep and require medical intervention. You should also consult a doctor if you experience night awakenings preceded by snoring or sudden snoring (sleep apnea syndrome), especially if you are overweight.

Thus, if insomnia lasts less than one month, is not accompanied by nightmares, horrors and panic attacks, does not cause serious disturbances in Everyday life and is not a consequence of other diseases, the result of taking medications or undergoing any course of treatment, you can try to correct sleep disorders with home remedies.

The approach to home treatment for insomnia should be comprehensive. Modern research show that non-drug methods Treatments for sleep disorders may be as effective or more effective than medications used to treat insomnia.

1. You should not use sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription. The effectiveness of sleeping pills varies depending on various types sleep disorders, and their uncontrolled use can cause more harm than good. Long-term use of sleeping pills can lead to drug addiction, for which you will also have to be treated. Most often, the use of sleeping pills for insomnia is characterized by therapeutic non-targeting. Chemical stimulation and inhibition of brain systems not involved in sleep mechanisms occurs, which modifies cortical-subcortical relationships and deforms the normal structure of sleep. The use of sleeping pills for one week can deform normal sleep for a period of up to 2 months. Sleeping pills reduce important stages (phases) of sleep responsible for processing and remembering information, for emotional response. Disruption of these sleep phases significantly worsens a person’s psycho-emotional state in daytime. If pharmacotherapy for insomnia is necessary, instead of sleeping pills, it is better to start treatment with the help of other groups of drugs that help restore the disturbed homeostasis of the body as a whole.

2. Alcohol should not be used as a sleeping pill. Alcohol intake, although it may subjectively “make it easier to fall asleep,” has a detrimental effect on the main stages of sleep, especially the “ REM sleep“, violations of which lead to a decrease in mood, the development of depression and the appearance of emotions not reflected in a dream, which lead to an increase in tension in daytime life. In addition, disruption of the alternation of normal sleep phases due to alcohol consumption at night leads to more frequent awakenings due to the need to go to the toilet, excessive sweating and headaches. Alcohol alters sleep patterns differently in alcoholics and non-alcoholics.

Alcohol in low or moderate doses, taken before bed by non-alcoholics, reduces sleep onset time, shortens REM sleep phases and increases sleep duration and phases slow sleep in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, due to the rapid metabolization of alcohol, there is an increase in sleep fragmentation, an increase in REM sleep phases and a decrease in slow-wave sleep phases. U alcoholics the time of sleep onset is shortened, but it is reduced total duration sleep and REM sleep. Sleep disturbances lead to decreased reaction speed and decreased productivity the next day.

Combination of Alcohol + Sleeping Pills = Deadly Danger!

Simple recipes for a good night's sleep:

Start getting ready for bed only when you feel sleepy: “sleep cycles,” when a person becomes sleepy, repeat once every hour and a half and last 5-15 minutes.

Sleep hygiene: The comfort of falling asleep is a clean, comfortable bed in a quiet and safe place. The comfort of falling asleep is the thoughts thought out during the day, the tasks completed. safety, completed tasks, well-thought-out problems. Those who bring their problems to bed sleep poorly. Sleep comfort is the absence of arguments and emotional conversations in bed. The bed exists only for sleep and sex. Spouses with different sleep needs should sleep in separate beds or rooms.
You can hang pictures on the bedroom walls (so that they are visible from the bed) depicting yawning or sleeping people or animals. Such pictures help to switch attention from daytime problems to sleep. It’s a good idea to change into pajamas at night, taking off your daytime clothes of problems and worries.
Reading lungs literary works at night, which does not pose new problems and does not remind of old ones, has a soporific effect. It is not recommended to read news and politics, watch movies and TV programs. Before going to bed, turning off the lights in the room, walk naked around the room for 2-3 minutes only in socks or slippers - this has a good distracting and calming effect.

One of the reasons bad sleep(Not deep dream, night awakenings, lack of feeling of recuperation in the morning) may be an allergic reaction to dust mites. Change the mattress, blanket and pillows, do a thorough cleaning of the bedroom, and flush the heating radiators. If it is impossible to change bedding, they should be washed weekly at 60 °C, or frozen outside or in the freezer for 24-48 hours. Such procedures will reduce the population of dust mites.

Meal for the night: devastated bladder and the intestines are the key to continuous comfortable sleep. Eating at night may make it easier to fall asleep, but it makes sleep much more difficult and deprives your cardiovascular system of rest. digestive system body. However, if food makes it easier to fall asleep, then you should not refuse it at all: drink a glass of warm milk with grated nuts or honey before going to bed.

Cooling the body before bed: For better sleep It is recommended to cool the body a little. You can go out into the cold air (street, balcony) before going to bed in light clothes, you can wipe your legs, abdomen, chest and back with a damp towel. You can wear wet cotton socks and dry woolen ones over them. You can fall asleep in pajamas that have been chilled outside or in the refrigerator, or in slightly damp pajamas.
Take a shower before bed and, without drying yourself, put on pajamas or a nightgown. Go to bed wet. The bed won't get wet, and by the time your pajamas are dry, you'll likely be asleep.

A warm (not hot) bath can be taken no later than one hour before bedtime.

If there are opportunities for water procedures no, then they can be replaced by rubbing-massage with a dry brush in the following order: right leg-left leg-right arm-left arm-chest-back.

Aromatherapy and sleep. You can decorate your bedroom by filling pillowcases or canvas bags near the bed with fresh hop cones, lavender flowers or passionflowers.

Music therapy before bed:

Rhythms and harmonics causing normalization of neurophysiological parameters and sleep.
Selection and testing by Zh.P. Dubinskaya:
I. Haydn Quartet “Lark” in D major op. 65, No. 5, part II - adagio cantibele.
M. Ravel From the suite “Tomb of Couperin” by Florian. Performed by E. Gilels.
M. Čiurlionis Works for organ Fugue-chorale in A minor. Fugue in B flat minor. Seven Preludes (4-7). Fugue in C sharp minor. In the forest. Sea. Performed by L. Digris.
A. Prokofiev. Natasha's Waltz from the opera War and Peace. Classical symphony part II. Pushkin's Waltzes.
N. Myaskovsky Symphony No. 27, part II.
N. Rakov Small suite for string orchestra.
A. Borodin Quartet No. 2.
N. Rimsky-Korsakov Three miracles.
P. Tchaikovsky Mozartiana.
F. Schubert Ave Maria (instrumental version).
J. Sibelius Sad Waltz.
R. Schumann Symphony No. 3, part II.
A Mendelssohn Overture Dream in summer night. Symphony No. 4, part II. Song without Words.
I. Bach Choral organ preludes.
William Bird Fantasia (organ).
J. Bull Pavana (organ).
G. Bem Chorale-prelude (organ.
B. Britten Simple Symphony.
G. Berlioz Fantastic symphony of the part “In the Fields”.
F. Couperin Harpsichord works.

Light regime of the day and sleep. Melatonin is the “darkness hormone”: bright light reduces melatonin production in the body. When treating insomnia that is not a consequence of depression (!), it is not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time during the day, or visit a solarium, and in the evening, long before bedtime, it is necessary to significantly reduce the brightness of the lighting in the house, or curtain the windows.

Eye exercises before bed: Attach a black “sleepy” circle on the ceiling above the bed so that you can see it while lying in bed, but only so that you have to look at it by rolling your eyes up and looking over your forehead. Look at the “sleepy” circle before going to bed. This exercise causes pleasant fatigue to the eyes, the eyelids will become heavy, and soon you will have the strength to hold them in sleep: your eyes will close and you will fall into deep sleep.
Alternatively, before going to bed, you can roll your eyes to your forehead with drooping eyelids. This exercise causes drowsiness in anyone, even field conditions, and is used to quickly fall asleep.

Simple self-hypnosis for sleep:

Attention! Taking melatonin and the tryptophan diet are contraindicated when taking antidepressants.

Taking caffeine in any form reduces the production of melatonin in the body. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers and sleeping pills act in the same way: therefore, they long-term use disrupts the natural structure of sleep.

Correction of “sleepy” human behavior (cognitive behavioral therapy insomnia). According to medical research, a course of behavior correction for a person suffering from insomnia, reduces the time of sleep onset and improves its depth. Moreover, unlike medications, this technique restores the natural, complete structure of sleep and does not have side effects in the form of addiction or drug dependence. How do you need to adjust your behavior to restore proper sleep?
The first rule: the more you try to fall asleep, the worse your sleep will come. Therefore, simply methodically follow the recommendations below, without forcing yourself to sleep, and in no case reproach yourself for insomnia. Remember that in the world more than half of the adult population of civilized countries suffer from sleep disorders. The recommendations are divided into several blocks:

1. Creation of a conditioned reflex connection “Bed - sleep”:
A. One should go to bed only when a person is tired and feels sleepy. Tides of drowsiness occur every hour and a half and last for five to seven minutes.
B. The bed can only be used for sleeping and sex.
B. Get out of bed in the morning at the same time every day.
D. Get out of bed and go to another room if sleep has not occurred within 15 minutes. In another room you can do meditation or relaxation, breathing exercises and return to bed only when you feel sleepy again (in an hour and a half).
D. If you wake up at night and cannot fall asleep within 15 minutes, do the same as recommended above.

2. Sleep hygiene: Daytime naps or naps are not recommended. At least 8 hours before bedtime, all types of tea, coffee, tonic drinks, and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. Physical exercise (fitness) should also be completed 4 hours before going to bed. The last food should be eaten and the last cigarette smoked at least 4 hours before bedtime. In the evening before going to bed, it is permissible to drink only half a glass of warm milk. You can take a warm one before going to bed, but not hot bath(5-10 minutes), read fiction with pleasant content or listen to soothing music. It is necessary to avoid watching TV or any kind of video recordings, Internet surfing, or computer games before going to bed.

Before going to bed, you can use a distraction obsessive thoughts therapy: wiping your feet with a cold, damp towel, or going to bed in slightly damp pajamas helps. Before going to bed, it is recommended to walk around the bedroom in the dark with the lights off for 2-3 minutes.

3. Reducing time in bed at night.
The length of time spent in bed at night is gradually reduced by an interval equal to the difference between the entire time spent in bed and the time spent only sleeping, divided by five. For example, if a person is in bed at night for 8 hours, but only 6 hours of them are spent sleeping, then his time in bed is reduced by: 480 minutes - 360 minutes = 120 minutes divided by 5 = 24 minutes. Reducing sleep time is usually done by going to bed later, as most people fall asleep better at later times. If it is easier for a person to fall asleep at a more early hours, then sleep time is reduced by waking up earlier with an alarm clock. The length of time spent in bed at night should be reduced to a ratio of time in bed to sleep time of 0.9. The time spent in bed at night should not be reduced to less than 4 hours and 30 minutes.
As a result of using this technique, daytime sleepiness increases during the first or second week, and then the normal sleep structure begins to be restored. The duration of the sleep reduction course is 1-2 months. The method cannot be used while driving a vehicle or performing any operator functions.

4. Relaxation before bed. Intrusive and anxious thoughts in bed interfere with sleep. All thoughts that worry you should be thought through during the day and written down on paper. When you go to bed, remind yourself that all the problems for today have already been thought through, and you can allow yourself to sleep. There are techniques for stopping obsessive thoughts before bed and entering into sleepy state.

A. In bed, lying on your back, with your arms along your torso, close your eyes and begin to move your mental gaze from one palm to the other - accompanying it with eye movements with closed eyelids. Let your thoughts flow freely - after a while you will notice that there will be fewer thoughts, and then they will almost disappear. Continue the exercise until your eyes become tired. Then with eyes closed raise your eyes up to your forehead (as if your eyes are rolling back). You can feel yourself starting to fall asleep.

B. Lying in the same position on your back with your eyes closed, take a deep breath, inflating your stomach. - inhale air through the nose, inflating the stomach.
- hold your breath for 1 second.
- we exhale for a long time, as slowly as possible through the mouth (lips pursed into a tube), exhaling the air until the very end, until a feeling of “emptiness”. As you exhale, imagine that the air is wrapping you up, picking you up and lulling you to sleep.
- after exhaling, pause for 2-3 seconds and notice how with each exhalation your heartbeat slows down, it becomes lighter, and at the end of the exhalation drowsiness begins to appear.
- repeat 10-20-30 breathing movements and return to the normal breathing rhythm.
- now we do an exercise for the eyes: close our eyes as slowly as possible, even slower!
- as your eyes close, you may notice how your eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier.
- closed their eyes. Fine. Now, just as slowly, as slowly as possible, we open our eyes. We open it with force - even if the eyelids have become heavy and the eyes are sticking together.
- Fine. Now we slowly lower our heavy eyelids again.
- repeat the exercise with your eyes several times - while you are still able to open and close your eyes before falling into deep sleep. After several long exhalations, you will feel how calmer your soul has become, how your heart has begun to beat slower, and the muscles of your body have relaxed.

IN. Stopping thoughts before bed. Turn off all your electronic leashes. Feed the cat. Draw the curtains, get comfortable and close your eyes. Don't do anything - just watch your thoughts. Let them flow freely, but don't be tempted to "think" them. Let thoughts pass freely before you, like clouds in the sky. Watch your thoughts, just watch... Let them pass freely, like clouds in a gentle breeze. You may notice that the longer you observe your thoughts, the slower and calmer they flow. Slower and slower. You may also notice pauses between thoughts - these free areas of clear, bright sky inside your consciousness. Focus more attention on these empty spaces. Soon there will be even fewer thoughts, and they will flow even lazier. Try to feel this emptiness between thoughts. How do you feel? Was there a feeling of lightness and purity born inside? Or maybe you felt calm? Keep your attention on these pleasant feelings and notice what happens to you next.

5. Mental induction of sleep.
A. If you are good at visual thinking, imagine a pleasant and safe place where you have never been (it does not have to be a real place where you have often been). Start moving around in this fictional world, look at the details of the surrounding landscape, see who you might meet there...
B. Remember one of pleasant dreams which you have already dreamed about. Try to mentally restore all the details of one of the pleasant images of the dream. Now try to see what happens next in this dream...

Awakenings of the second half nights:
Remembering the last dream and “inspecting” it, artificial yawning, counting sheep or boards in the front garden, three-phase abdominal breathing (inhale-exhale-pause 5 seconds), taking a teaspoon of honey. Drink 1/4 cup of coffee immediately before bed (caffeine helps prevent awakenings in the third half of the night from 3-4 am).

Sleep deprivation: For insomnia with a short history, nighttime sleep deprivation has a good effect. Ask to work as a caregiver or volunteer nurse at a nearby hospital overnight. Most often one night shift will not leave a trace of your insomnia. Keep in mind that in order to properly restore sleep, the next sleepless night at night you need to go to bed as late as possible - ideally so that the duration of sleep is 1/2 of its usual duration.

We hope that the information provided about insomnia will help you improve your night sleep. And for the kids, you can tell a magical sleeping pill tale from the author of the site about How the Squirrel put the Badger to bed.

Attention! All articles are for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be used as a guide for diagnosing and treating diseases independently, without the participation of a doctor. Articles may contain errors and inaccuracies and are a reflection subjective opinion author. If you or someone you love gets sick: please seek help from a doctor and do not self-medicate!

What can trigger insomnia?

If you have problems with sleep, you should pay attention to what has changed in your life and what you should get rid of as soon as possible. Causes of insomnia can be:

1. Sudden severe stress.

2. Unstable work schedule (especially if day shifts are interspersed with night shifts).

3. Anxiety states, depression and other diseases nervous system.

4. Conflicts at home and at work.

5. Alcoholic drinks consumed in large quantities.

6. Products containing caffeine.

7. Hereditary factor.

8. Medicines, affecting blood pressure and brain activity.

Ways to get rid of insomnia

An organism that is physically tired during the day sleeps best. Therefore, if you have sleep problems, exercise or walking. You can do a short yoga routine, go for a run or dance. The main thing is that the exercises are performed not just before bedtime, but a couple of hours before it.

2. Light dinner a couple of hours before bedtime

It is equally difficult to fall asleep on empty stomach, and overcrowded. Therefore, you should make it a rule not to eat too much before going to bed. And for dinner the following are perfect: vegetable or fruit salads, porridge, fermented milk products. It is better to avoid meat and bakery products– they take a long time to digest, and the body spends a lot of energy on this.

If such a dinner was not enough and your stomach is growling demandingly, then right before bed you can drink a glass of kefir or warm milk with honey. Or eat an apple.

3. Bath procedures

A warm bath is an ideal way to relax the body. It is important that its temperature is not too high (no more than 37-38 degrees). You can add a few drops of relaxing agent to the water. essential oil(chamomile, lavender, mint or any pine), special foam, and candles should be placed on the sides of the bath. In such a pleasant atmosphere you will immediately fall asleep.

The best option is a massage of the back and collar area. But if in this moment If there is no one to help you, you can do a facial massage yourself, which is also very relaxing. It works like this:

You should sit comfortably, take a couple of deep breaths and exhales, and close your eyes.

Using your fingertips, you need to begin to smoothly massage the forehead area, the area around the eyes, temples, cheekbones, and chin. You should also walk lightly along the back of your neck.

5. Herbal tea

Instead of coffee or standard tea (black, green), you should switch to herbal tea. Mixes with mint, lemon balm, valerian, and motherwort have an excellent calming effect, promote relaxation, and help you fall asleep quickly.

6. Sleep mode

This is a very important point that should be addressed first if regular insomnia occurs. For human body It is very important that the time you get up and the time you go to bed is always the same. Then all internal mechanisms are adjusted to this order and do not fail.

7. Milk with honey.

This drink is one of the best natural sleeping pills. A glass of warmed (but not hot!) milk with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it immediately puts the body into “rest” mode. And thanks to the melatonin contained in milk, your sleep will be sound and healthy.

Doctors do not recommend treating sleep disorders that are not associated with somatic disorders with synthetic drugs. Most modern pharmacological drugs cause addiction and side effects. For children and pregnant women, pills for sleep disorders can cause irreparable harm. Homemade remedies for insomnia have the least contraindications. Non-drug treatments include herbal teas, aromatherapy, relaxing baths, soothing massage and other treatments.

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    Insomnia (insomnia) characterizes a condition in which there is late falling asleep and early awakening. Night rest is interrupted, its depth decreases. In medicine, insomnia refers to mental disorders and neuroses.

    Sleep disturbance can be complete or partial. This condition is provoked by overwork, mental arousal, and emotional stress. If a person cannot sleep for several days in a row, there is a risk of developing the following negative consequences:

    • depressive states;
    • decreased immunity;
    • deterioration in concentration, memory impairment;
    • loss of appetite;
    • dizziness and fainting.

    Treatment at home

    You can improve sleep for a healthy but easily excitable person with the help of the correct daily routine and recipes traditional medicine. Long-term insomnia diagnosed as a disease should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. In such cases, synthetic drugs are needed. Most of them cause side effects. Any remedy for insomnia of synthetic origin is not recommended for use for a long period of time. In old age, the dosage of drugs should not be high. It is recommended to take half the amount recommended in the instructions for the medication.

    If excluded somatic disease chronic course, experts recommend comprehensive treatment based on home methods. It is necessary to exclude spicy and smoked foods from the diet. It is not recommended to eat before bed, as digestive problems interfere good rest. You need to install correct mode day. 2-3 hours before bedtime you need to cancel active movements, it is best to take a bath with aromatic oils. Avoid watching TV and working with electronic devices.

    Helps fight sleep disorders various techniques relaxation. Yoga exercises or breathing exercises allow you to relax and fall asleep quickly. Listening to calm classical music will help. Moderate regular physical exercise eliminate manifestations of insomnia that occurs due to physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle). Taking vitamin and mineral complexes will help get rid of anxiety, increase performance and improve sleep.

    Don't go to bed irritated. Walking on fresh air and lack of strong or tonic drinks. Doctors recommend taking medications that provide mild hypnotic effect. They are harmless to health, but in combination with simple methods will help normalize your rest.

    Over-the-counter medications

    You can usually improve your night's rest without help. synthetic drugs. In most cases, a positive result can be achieved using folk remedies. Disorders not associated with severe nervous and mental disorders can be successfully eliminated with tablets containing melatonin.

    The drug Melaxen helps to cope with insomnia. The main active component of the drug is melatonin. It is an analogue of a hormone that regulates the processes of wakefulness and sleep in the human body. It is recommended to take 1 tablet of the medicine 40 minutes before rest. Dormiplant-valerian and Valerian-forte are indicated for sleep disorders due to nervous overexcitation. They should also be taken at night.

    Sanilux is an innovative remedy against insomnia for children starting from 2 years of age, which is produced on the basis of plant concentrates medicinal herbs. Drops normalize rhythms and stages of rest, allowing you to avoid psycho-emotional stress and irritability. When using Sanilux, the occurrence of sleep paralysis, seizures and apnea is absolutely excluded. The dosage from 2 to 12 years is 2.5 ml 2 times a day half an hour before meals for 10 days.

    Persen Night capsules are indicated to eliminate symptoms of sleep disorders associated with increased nervous excitability. For achievement maximum effect It is recommended to take 1-2 capsules 60 minutes before rest. Popular over-the-counter medications include Passiflora Extract and Doppelherz Melissa drops. Combined herbal compositions These drugs help eliminate insomnia and relieve symptoms of irritability. Depending on the systematic nature of the violations, it is recommended to take 30-40 drops per day.

    All over-the-counter medications help you fall asleep faster. Taking them promotes prolonged sleep without night awakenings. There is no risk of addiction to active components drugs. Medicinal compositions do not cause a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Insomnia medications that are approved for sale without a doctor's prescription do not affect mental development and performance do not provide negative impact on the cardiovascular system and do not provoke blood pressure disorders.

    Herbal preparations

    Decoctions and tinctures using medicinal fees. For short periods of insomnia, you do not need to drink medicinal products constantly. It is enough to use decoctions until the regime is restored for 2-3 days. Chronic pathology requires long non-drug treatment. Experts recommend continuing it for at least 5-6 months.

    Medicinal herbs are an alternative to medications.

    A calming remedy will help you quickly restore sleep. Herb tea, taken after each meal. To prepare it, mix crushed valerian, motherwort, peppermint and hop cones in equal proportions. The collection of these plants in the amount of 10 g should be poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The product must be filtered and taken ½ glass per day. If desired, you can dilute it with boiling water. Pharmacies sell ready-made Calming collection No. 2 recommended by doctors for the treatment of sleep disorders. Its composition is similar.

    At night, it is recommended to drink an infusion of motherwort herb with the addition of thyme and calendula. The components must be mixed together in equal proportions. For a single therapeutic dose, 10 g of the product is sufficient. You will need 200 ml of water and 0.5 teaspoons of honey. The composition must be boiled for 10 minutes and cooled to room temperature. Using similar rules, a decoction of mint, chamomile, lavender and valerian is prepared.

    Treating insomnia with honey

    Popular folk remedies prepared with honey. The following recipes are suitable for combating insomnia:

    1. 1. Honey with water. For 1 glass of warm liquid you will need 1 tbsp. l. natural product. The drink should be drunk immediately before bedtime. You can lubricate whiskey with lavender oil to enhance the effect.
    2. 2. Honey and Apple vinegar. To 200 ml of product you need to add 3 tsp. vinegar. This remedy is recommended to be taken 2 tsp. before going to bed.
    3. 3. Honey with kefir. For 1 glass fermented milk product add 1 tbsp. l. honey Medical therapy includes morning and evening receptions healing drink 50 g each. You can add 1 tsp. royal jelly.
    4. 4. Honey with bran. Cup wheat bran you need to pour half a glass of water. Add 0.5 cups of honey to the resulting mixture. liquid consistency. Every evening you need to take 2 tbsp. l. facilities. The course of therapy is at least 60 days.
    5. 5. Honey, Walnut, lemon. To 1 glass of lemon juice you need to add 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat honey and chopped walnuts. Everything should be moved and used as a remedy for insomnia, 1 tbsp. l.

    Honey is used to treat insomnia.

    It is important to combine effective methods relaxation and correct routine days with the intake of healing decoctions. Honey has a strengthening effect on the body, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and promotes falling asleep quickly.

    Treatment of sleep disorders in women

    In women during menstrual and climacteric syndrome are happening hormonal changes that cause sleep disturbances. Taking synthetic sleeping pills during such periods is not recommended. There is a risk of side effects. Harmless elimination of problems with falling asleep is possible through relaxing baths and aromatherapy.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding (BF), sleep may be disrupted due to hormonal and physiological changes. Accept medications harmful to the baby, so home remedies to combat the problem are the best option. Walking in the fresh air plays a primary role, balanced diet and the correct daily routine. You can use special herbal pads with lavender, lemon balm or mint.

    To combat insomnia, use pillows with soothing compounds.

Hi all! Insomnia is a ticking time bomb. It is unknown when it will explode and cause irreparable harm to health. Insomnia is uncomfortable and has serious consequences. But you can cope with this condition quickly and at home. But before you learn how to get rid of insomnia, it is important to understand how this problem arises.

At first, a person has difficulty falling asleep. Then short-term sleep disturbances are possible. But after a few days normal functioning the body will be hampered by physical and emotional exhaustion.

Why is insomnia dangerous?

If insomnia is left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications. The most unpleasant consequences– severe central nervous system disorder, psychosis, depression. Insomnia can also cause heart attack, stroke and other dangerous diseases.

Most people who have sleep problems experience severe irritability and apathy. A person suffering from lack of sleep gets tired quickly, forgets everything, has difficulty thinking and feeling physical weakness. All this negatively affects personal and professional life:

  • insufficient immunity;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • tremor;
  • dysthymia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you want to do without medications when treating insomnia and you are tempted only by folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor. After all self-treatment may be ineffective and run pathological process which will lead to somatic and mental disorders.

Signs of insomnia:

  • problematic falling asleep;
  • pregnancy;
  • constant awakenings at night;
  • difficulty falling asleep after waking up at night;
  • superficial sleep;
  • or sleeping pills to help you fall asleep;
  • difficulty concentrating throughout the day;
  • daytime fatigue, drowsiness, irritability.

Insomnia and its causes

People often suffer from insomnia in old age. But the problem can overcome both adults. There are two main causes of insomnia:

  • mental disorder(anxious thoughts, apathy, depression, mental stress);
  • physical discomfort (new environment, fatigue, uncomfortable sleeping place, chronic pain).

In any case, there is a suitable remedy for insomnia. And it's not pharmaceutical drugs, but ordinary herbs, massage and other remedies that are always at hand in every home.

Ways to get rid of insomnia

Of all the proposed methods, you can try everything and choose the best one for yourself. Or combine several methods to solve the problem as effectively as possible.

  • Before going to bed, do not turn on the TV, computer, tablet, phone - all equipment with a glowing screen. Any backlit electronics have a negative effect on the brain and reduce the level of a substance that is responsible for sleep (melatonin). The brain reacts to the screen as if it were daylight and does not want to tune in to sleep. Therefore, an hour before you plan to go to bed, turn off all equipment with a glowing screen.
  • Set a sleep schedule. Go to bed at a certain time every day. Develop this as a habit and do not deviate depending on weekends, trips and other factors. This will help get rid of insomnia and improve your working abilities more effectively.
  • Create a pre-bed ritual. For example, 30 minutes before your night's rest, brush your teeth or take a warm bath. You can read an hour before bedtime, drink soothing herbal tea. This will be a kind of signal to the brain that it is time to fall asleep.
  • Avoid overstimulating the nervous system before bed. Don't watch scary movies, don't read bad news, don't make trouble with your friends or loved ones. Doctors do not even recommend having sex before falling asleep. Be calm, relax and you will definitely be able to fall asleep.
  • Eliminate irritants. Too cold or hot blanket, inappropriate color scheme of the room, uncomfortable bed sheets or pajamas, a creaking bed, the light of lanterns through the window, children who sleep with you. Solve all these problems during the day and leave the night for rest. And clear your thoughts before you fall asleep. Leave everything until the morning.
  • If you can’t sleep, don’t lie there in vain. Wash the dishes, clean the cabinets, iron the laundry. You will get tired and after an hour you will be able to fall asleep without any problems.
  • Count to 100, change positions, massage your head, drink warm milk, ventilate the room - all this will help you fall asleep faster.
  • Adjust your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly, filling your cells with oxygen. This concentration on inhalation and exhalation will help get rid of extraneous thoughts and saturate the cells with oxygen.

Home Recipes

    • Dill. Boil two tablespoons of seeds in half a liter of Cahors and drink 2 tbsp before bed. l.
    • Valerian root. Grind 2 tbsp. l. Root and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes, leave and drink 1-2 tbsp before going to bed. l.

Clover. Dried or fresh flowers pour a glass of boiling water directly into the thermos. Let stand for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass of the solution before bed.

I’ve been interested in Eastern medicine for over 30 years now. A very interesting topic was touched upon here - “insomnia”. I have exactly the same problem - sometimes I suffer from insomnia, and lately my blood pressure has been jumping and I’ve been suggested to see a psychiatrist, no one wants to listen to me and understand. But over the years I understood the cause of insomnia. The whole point is what kind of food we eat. The whole point is that any medicines and herbal teas poison the body and it is impossible to turn the body of a woman, or especially a child, into a testing ground for drugs. Today we are faced with something that never existed before - these are GMOs - created artificial chimeras are neither plants nor animals. Normal woman or a child cannot digest food with GMOs, so they have such a reaction in the form of insomnia, allergies, or metabolic disorders - after all, how many overweight children are there now. What will happen to them in 10-20 years? I have compiled a small list of GMO products - this is rice from Krasnodar region(it’s good that you can still buy rice from India - only GMO cotton is allowed to be sown there), cabbage of late ripening varieties, strawberries of foreign varieties, potatoes (modified starch is included in 90% of medicines and tablets, for example in cheap blood pressure medicines for pensioners K*******l and E*******l-A**i are GMO potato or corn starch, i.e. I’ll explain with an example: a person sleeps little, his blood pressure rises, he takes medicine for blood pressure it helps him, but the tablet contains modified starch, which again makes him unable to fall asleep, his blood pressure rises again - due to the fact that he did not sleep, he again needs to buy tablets - it turns out vicious circle the pharmacists are very happy - this is mine own experience- my weight is just over 100 kg and one small tablet with a small crumb of GMO starch can knock me out on the spot, the same is the case with sedative P****n it contains modified corn or potato starch, but I have never taken it so I can’t say anything about its effect on my body, because the starch molecule is insoluble in water, alcohol, or air and how this can happen to the human body needs to be discussed on the forum, this question needs to be asked to scientists), tomatoes, peppers, soybeans and all its components (soy lecithin is added even to baby food, cookies, cakes, sweets, ice cream), soy protein is added to bread so that it can be stored for a long time and not spoil, in some foreign varieties of cheese, for example brand V***a, even the mold doesn’t know whether it can be eaten or not? But this cheese is stored for a long time at room temperature - those who are involved in the production and sale of this cheese are happy. Many people ask me the question, what is there now and what to feed small children? There are only GMOs around. I cannot answer this question and I only know two so far a way to determine whether a plant is GMO or not, maybe someone will tell you some other ways. Method No. 1 keep a diary and write down what the child ate and his state (drowsiness), mood, etc. Method No. 2, even a first-grader or first-grader can do an analysis for GMOs - it is advisable to do this under parental supervision. Need to buy in store universal remedy to destroy all types of weeds, such as T*****o or P*****p, and treat cabbage, for example, with this solution. The instructions say: .... phytotoxicity, the drug is phytotoxic to all plant objects upon contact with vegetative above-ground organs. Crop tolerance: general exterminator herbicide (there are no resistant crops to glyphosate except transgenic ones) To put it briefly, the human body is killed by those plants that it could not kill R*******m or T*****o and the attack is on the body of the most weak - women and the child. These two methods can and should be discussed on the forum. When I eat old varieties of peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, I don’t have insomnia, so now I can test baby food for the presence of GMOs. And separately, I would like to mention the hidden entry of GMOs into the body child with cigarette smoke - now 100% tobacco is GMO. On your forum, I would like to address those who themselves suffer from insomnia or their children suffer. My suggestion is to keep a diary and write down what the child ate, but here we must take into account that the food has not yet come out naturally the body will be stressed and, accordingly, insomnia. In the meantime, we are losing this war that transnational corporations have declared on us. Our children have no future, soon the sowing of GMO sugar beets will be allowed, so all sugar will be GMO sugar and you shouldn’t trust ours American friends who will smile sweetly at us and say we will cleanse it and it will be good. It will not be good. This will be GMO sugar. Part of the sunflower is already GMO and all sunflower oil will soon become oil from a GMO product. Soon the sowing of GMO wheat will be allowed and all bread and pasta will be from GMO. If anyone is embarrassed to discuss these issues openly on the forum, you can write to me in a PM. Some people are not even aware of the danger that threatens us all: diabetes, obesity, insomnia, allergic reactions to the components of GMOs, these are the most harmless reactions of the body. I think those whose bodies cannot assimilate GMOs will die, just as bees in America are dying now after tasting GMO HONEY, and those whose bodies can adapt will live. But these will no longer be people, but orcs, goblins, hobbits, gnomes, chimeras and other creations of science fiction writers. All their fantasies will become reality. It will be a completely different world. I do not set myself the goal of offending, humiliating or insulting anyone, it’s just all very Badly. Already now I can say that after planting GMO tomatoes, the soil becomes infected at the genetic level and where there used to be GMO tomatoes, strawberries grow with ugly leaves, roots and fruits, unfortunately I don’t know how to take photographs and post pictures on the Internet, but these mutations will soon will be noticeable not only on strawberries, but also on other plants, and will already be in every garden. I look forward to your criticism.