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Card form 072 y 04. Sanatorium and resort card. Tests for a health resort card for an adult

Sanatorium - resort card(standard form No. 072/u-04) also known as SKK is a medical document indicating that a person has no contraindications for undergoing preventive or specialized treatment in a sanatorium or boarding house. Typically, a sanatorium-resort card is issued by a doctor at a local clinic if the patient presents an already purchased voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment. There are two options for purchasing this voucher - buy at official price for a period convenient for you, or grab a last-minute ticket for your arrival. In both cases, this voucher has a fairly short deadline before the start of the visit to the dispensary. This is due both to the vacation of doctors and staff, and to seasonality and the peak influx of vacationers. And most importantly, with your vacation or allocated free time.

Get a sanatorium-resort card in our medical center. The health resort card form is drawn up on one sheet and contains the front and back. The standard validity period for a health resort card is two months from the date of issue.

You can apply for a health resort card through our website:

  • No standing in line;
  • Receipt of a sanatorium-resort card in one or two days;
  • The design includes everything medical codes classification of diseases for which you want to be treated;
  • Favorable cost;
  • Free delivery within Moscow.

Registration of a sanatorium-resort card is a purely technical event that does not require deep knowledge in the field of medical legislation. All actions to obtain it are clearly regulated in the instructions for medical institutions. A candidate wishing to receive a card only needs to complete a series of sequential steps. The rest falls on the shoulders of medical workers. Minor changes regarding the procedure for filling out the card and its content were made in 2016. They affected not only tuberculosis patients, for whom the previously valid instructions were preserved.

Who can count on receiving a health resort card

Anyone wishing to undergo a course of sanatorium-resort treatment must undergo a preliminary medical examination and pass a minimum complex medical tests and undergo planned studies confirming that the selected resort/sanatorium is not contraindicated for the body in terms of climatic conditions or the effect on its body of medicinal factors used at a particular resort. These factors include:

  • The climatic zone in which the medical institution is located (resort, sanatorium, hospital);
  • A complex of natural factors through which it is achieved healing effect (mineral water, healing mud, radiation exposure, barometric pressure, solar radiation, a set of physical procedures used in a medical institution to enhance and consolidate the effect of staying at the resort).

Reason for receiving a card for an adult patient is a voucher to a sanatorium-resort institution. It is on its basis that the attending physician, who observes the patient at his place of residence, gives an opinion on the advisability of staying in this particular sanatorium, or recommends that the patient choose another place for rest and restoration of health, more suitable for him for medical reasons.

The procedure for issuing a sanatorium-resort card No. 072/u-04

The algorithm for obtaining a card can be described by sequential actions that the patient must perform.

Step 1. Contact the clinic at your place of residence/registration, the district clinic that has the patient’s card, or the attending physician by presenting a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment. A number of factors must first be taken into account:

The period indicated on the voucher. Please remember that issuing a card takes some time. Usually takes no more than one working week. In some cases, this period can be reduced to 2-3 working days if you contact a commercial medical institution which conducts necessary research in an expedited manner. This method of registration slightly increases the cost of the planned vacation due to the increase in the cost of paid medical services. Free issuance of a sanatorium-resort card is advisable in cases where there is sufficient time before departure to the sanatorium.

The need to undergo additional medical research or obtain advice from narrow specialists– if the patient suffers from diseases that may prevent them from staying at the chosen resort.

Step 2. Receive referrals from a therapist to undergo:

  • Fluorography (if due date latest research exceeds a year);
  • Electrocardiograms;
  • For girls and women, a gynecologist's opinion will be required. Pregnant women must have an exchange card for the antenatal clinic where they are seen at their place of residence;
  • If the patient is suffering allergic diseases or is it possible for him allergic reaction for any therapeutic factor used in the selected sanatorium for treatment - undergo allergy tests and get a conclusion from an allergist;
  • Take blood and urine tests. In some cases, a stool test for worm eggs may be required;
  • If the patient suffers from a chronic disease and is constantly monitored medical specialist narrow profile - obtain an opinion from the relevant doctor on the advisability of staying at the selected resort.
  • Patients who have ever been registered at a psycho-neurological dispensary will need to obtain a certificate of deregistration or a certificate of safety for staying in a sanatorium-type medical institution.

Step 3. After passing all the tests and obtaining certificates from the required specialists, hand over the package of documents to the attending physician personally. (IN modern conditions they go to a therapist in in electronic format). After studying the results, the doctor fills out the card form in accordance with the instructions. (On form No. 072/u, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on June 14, 2011 No. 215.)

Step 4. Certify the card with a round seal of the attending physician, who filled it out with a round seal medical institution.

What to pay attention to

When applying for a sanatorium card, you must remember that its validity period is extremely limited and depends on the validity period of the test results. Usually they do not exceed 10 days. Therefore, it is not advisable to issue a card a month before sending to a sanatorium. It will be invalid upon arrival at the resort. You may be required to take tests again at a medical institution at the location of the medical institution, of course on a paid basis and much more expensive than at your place of residence.

Obtaining a health resort card in form 072/u-04 is mandatory. Patients arriving at the resort without a properly issued card may be denied accommodation in a medical facility.

Download the health resort card for adults

1 Side

2 Side

One of the documents that you must have with you when arriving for a spa treatment is a spa card. What kind of document is this, who is it issuing, how can I download the form of this card current as of 2019? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Why do you need a health resort card?

If you have received a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, then you need to obtain a sanatorium-resort card. If the voucher was received for a child, you must obtain a sanatorium-resort card for children. But keep in mind that you will not be able to receive the card earlier than two months before its expiration date. You must receive the card from the medical institution that issued you a certificate to receive a voucher.

It does not matter which voucher you were given - free or on a general basis.

Card on paper and (or) in form electronic document filled out by an employee (medical worker) of a medical institution upon presentation of your voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment.

You must present your sanatorium-resort card along with your voucher at the place of treatment. In the sanatorium, a sanatorium book is created for you, designed to record data about the treatment performed and its effectiveness, as well as for recommendations on the regimen, medications, etc.

Upon completion of the treatment (expiration of the voucher), the sanatorium book and the return coupon of the sanatorium card are attached to the medical record and serve as confirmation of the fact that you received sanatorium treatment and its volume.

The form of the sanatorium-resort card consists of the card itself and a return (cut-off) coupon. In 2019, the map format has not changed.

Sample sanatorium-resort card (form) for downloading

There are two forms of the card - for adults and for children.

Both forms of the sanatorium-resort card were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n.

The card form for adults has registration form No. 072/u, and the card form for children has registration form No. 076/u.

Health resort card form for adults you can download for free. Please note that this card form fully complies with the format approved by the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Health.

Sanatorium-resort card form for children you can download for free . The proposed card form for children also fully complies with the format approved by the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Health.

We will tell you how to fill out a health resort card for adults in the next section.

adults ; — Sanatorium-resort card form for children

How to fill out a health resort card

The Card form consists of a Card and a return (cut-off) coupon.

Points 1 - 4 filled out on the basis of an identity document. The main document is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. But such a document can also be a sailor’s identity card, a military personnel’s identity card, a refugee ID, etc.

Points 6 - 13, highlighted in gray, are filled in only for those citizens who have the right to receive a set of social services, that is, for citizens who receive free trip. The list of categories of citizens entitled to receive a set of social services for filling out these items is given on the back of the “Certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment”, which the citizen submits to the Social Insurance Fund. These categories of citizens include disabled people, combat veterans, WWII participants and some other categories. Point 7 is filled out only if a citizen lives in a territory located near the border of another subject of the Russian Federation, indicating the code of this subject of the Russian Federation.

Points 15 – 17 The health resort card form is filled out on the basis of the patient’s medical record with mandatory coding of diagnoses.

Paragraphs 18 – 21 are filled out on the basis of the submitted voucher for sanatorium treatment.

If the card is issued on paper, it is certified medical worker and seal medical organization, on the imprint of which the full name of the medical organization is identified. Moreover, for a person entitled to receive a set of social services, that is, entitled to free sanatorium treatment, the card is certified by the signature of the head of the department or the signature of the chairman of the medical commission.

If the card is issued in the form of an electronic document, then it is signed using an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a medical worker.

Points 1 – 10 of the return (cut-off) coupon sanatorium card filled out by the attending physician of the sanatorium-resort organization. The coupon is certified by the signatures of the attending physician and the chief physician of the organization and certified by the seal of the medical organization, the imprint of which identifies the full name of the organization.

Sanatorium-resort card(form 072/u-04) is a medical document indicating that the patient has no contraindications for resort treatment, primarily for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors.

A sanatorium-resort card (form 072/u-04) is a medical document indicating that the patient has no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, primarily for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors (i.e., the profile of the sanatorium, geographic location, climate, season and other components of treatment will not be contraindicated for the patient).

A sanatorium-resort card, form 072/u-04, is issued free of charge at the clinic at the place of residence upon presentation by the patient of a voucher to a sanatorium or boarding house, after passing all necessary tests and carrying out the required medical examinations. According to current legislation, health resort organizations have the right to refuse treatment to patients in the absence of a health resort card. If the sanatorium-resort organization has the appropriate diagnostic and treatment facilities, a sanatorium card can be issued in the sanatorium itself, but, as a rule, this can take from 2 to 3 days, during which treatment cannot be applied.

Important! To obtain a sanatorium-resort card in a sanatorium, the following documents will be required: an outpatient card of the patient, a certificate of fluorography, a certificate from a gynecologist (for women).

Important! There are indications and contraindications for spa treatment. Very often, patients, not fully knowing their diagnosis, choose the treatment profile of the sanatorium based on complaints and pain symptoms, and they expect to issue a sanatorium-resort card upon arrival at the sanatorium. However, after examination in a sanatorium, the main diagnosis may not be confirmed. As a result, it turns out that the person arrived, paid money for the voucher, but cannot receive treatment, since it does not correspond to the profile of the chosen sanatorium.

The sanatorium card is filled out by a therapist according to the patient and on the basis outpatient card, the results of medical examinations and opinions of highly specialized doctors. The sanatorium card form 072/u reflects data on the patient’s complaints, duration of the disease, life history, and previous (outpatient, inpatient, including sanatorium-resort) treatment. Data laboratory tests, clinical, radiological and other studies are filled out based on medical documents with the obligatory indication of the date of the study. The sanatorium card indicates the main diagnosis for the treatment of which the patient is sent to the sanatorium, as well as the forms, stages, and nature of the course of concomitant diseases and pathologies. In the sanatorium-resort card, all diagnoses are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) - this guarantees that the sanatorium-resort card will be unambiguously interpreted medical personnel any sanatorium or boarding house and sanatorium-resort treatment will be prescribed correctly.

The main thing that should be in a sanatorium-resort card is:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. electrocardiogram;
  4. fluorography of the chest organs;
  5. for women - a gynecologist's report;

These 5 points are the most basic. At concomitant diseases the results of additional examinations and opinions of relevant medical specialists will be needed. For example, a patient suffers diabetes mellitus- You need a blood sugar test and an endocrinologist's report. If you have cholelithiasis, an ultrasound scan of the gallbladder is necessary. Was treated for cancer- There must be recommendations from an oncologist.

The health resort card form consists of the card itself and a return coupon. The card indicates the patient's last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, and address of permanent residence. In accordance with the presented mandatory policy health insurance, the patient identification number in the compulsory medical insurance system is indicated. If the patient has the right to receive a set of social services, then the sanatorium card indicates the codes of these benefits, as well as the documents on the basis of which these benefits are provided. According to the patient, information about the place of work, study, profession and position held is indicated.

A significant innovation is the introduction of standards for sanatorium treatment. For each specific disease a list of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures has been determined that the patient has the right to count on. If the treatment did not meet the standard of sanatorium-resort care, then the return coupon must indicate the reason for this discrepancy. In other words, doctors of a sanatorium or boarding house must indicate in the return coupon of the sanatorium card information about the treatment received by the patient and his state of health at the time of discharge, the results of the treatment, the presence of exacerbations that required the cancellation of procedures and, if necessary, recommendations for further continuation of treatment. The return coupon is filled out by the attending physician of the sanatorium-resort organization, certified by the signatures of the attending physician, the chief physician and the round seal of the sanatorium-resort organization, then handed over to the patient for return to the medical institution that issued the sanatorium-resort card.

Upon arrival home, the patient must provide to the medical institution that gave him the go-ahead to travel (at the place where the certificate was issued to the sanatorium), a return coupon from the sanatorium card and a sanatorium book with data on the treatment performed. The return coupon will be filed in the outpatient card, and the sanatorium book will be thrown away. Patients who have an outpatient card in hand can file a return coupon in it themselves.

To have a complete idea of ​​what a properly executed health resort card should look like, let’s consider a typical example of filling out a health resort card from a clinic.

How to fill out form 072/u-04 from the clinic?

In accordance with the instructions for filling out form 072/u-04, on front side form:

In the OGRN field: the OGRN code of the clinic must be entered (this number must correspond to the number of the clinic on round stamp, placed on the back of the form).

Sanatorium card number: three or four-digit number (eg 387/10) and date of issue of the certificate (eg November 15, 2010). The number may be a fraction, indicating the year of issue of the certificate followed by the fraction.

1. Attending physician: Doctor's name.

2. Issued: Patient's name.

3. Gender: The patient's gender is ticked.

4. Date of birth: patient's date of birth.

5. Address: permanent address and telephone number of the patient.

6. Medical history or outpatient card number: four-digit number (eg 1549)

7. Identification number in the compulsory medical insurance system: patient number in the compulsory medical insurance system, if available. (eg 886882 0073802244)

8. Benefit code: the benefit code must be indicated if the patient has this benefit. (this point is relevant only for disabled people: 081 - group 3, 082 - group 2, 083 - group 1)

9. Document certifying the right to receive the kit social services: The corresponding document (series, number and date), if available, must be entered. (this point is relevant only for disabled people, e.g. 002 005162 dated 06/17/2007)

10. SNILS: The insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS) of the patient must be entered, if available. (eg 024-072-886-88)

11. Escort: ticked if the patient requires an escort (this item is only relevant for disabled people).

12. Place of work, study: usually the place of work or study is indicated if the patient studies or works, if you do not work, then “does not work” should be written.

13. Position held, profession: Usually the position (profession) is indicated, if any.

Reverse side of the health resort card form.

Describe the general pattern that the content should follow reverse side Form 072/u-04 is not possible, so we will consider three options for filling out for three conditional groups of citizens:

1. Group. Young people who do not suffer from any diseases, and bought a ticket to the sanatorium only for the purpose of relaxation, provide a certificate with the following content:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, medical history, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: must be entered: no complaints, no pulmonic wheezing, corrhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this option there are no significant diseases, then, as a rule, the code for chronic gastritis is indicated (K29.3). This disease occurs quite often even in very young and practically healthy people. Paragraphs 16.2 and 16.3 are usually not completed.

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 1st group of citizens.

2. Group. Young people suffering from one chronic disease are sent to a sanatorium not only for relaxation, but also for treatment. In this option, the profile of the sanatorium-resort organization should correspond as much as possible to the disease indicated in certificate 072/у.

For example, the sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters specialize, as a rule, in gastrointestinal diseases. Consequently, this will be reflected in complaints and diagnosis:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, medical history, previous treatment, including sanatorium treatment: must be entered: complaints about periodic pain in the epigastric region, most often on an empty stomach, there are no pulmonic wheezes, cor rhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg. The abdomen is soft, slightly painful in the epigastric region. Stool and urine in N.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 0-1 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: without pathology. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 74 beats/min. normal half of EOS.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this option we are considering treatment in a sanatorium that specializes in treatment gastrointestinal diseases, then this paragraph naturally should indicate the code for chronic gastritis (K29.3). If the patient has any other chronic diseases, then their codes must be indicated in clause 16.3. (eg chronic bronchitis J41.0) - Clause 16.2 should not be filled in.

If the patient is sent to a sanatorium where bronchopulmonary diseases are treated, to treat chronic bronchitis, which worsens mainly in the cold season, then the following filling option is possible:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: must be entered: complaints of cough mainly in the cold season, pulm breathing with a hard tint, no wheezing, cor-rhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered here. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 0-1 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: without pathology. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 74 beats/min. normal half of EOS.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this case, we are considering treatment in a sanatorium that specializes in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, then the code should naturally be indicated in this paragraph chronic bronchitis(J41.0). If it is assumed that there are any other chronic diseases, then their codes should be indicated in paragraph 16.3 (for example. chronic gastritis K29.3) - Clause 16.2 is usually left blank.

17. Name of the sanatorium-resort organization: must match the name of the sanatorium-resort organization in the purchased voucher.

18. Treatment: most often we're talking about about spa treatment, therefore the corresponding item must be ticked.

19. Duration of the course: must correspond to the number of days of spa treatment indicated in the purchased voucher.

20. Voucher number: must correspond to the number of the purchased voucher.

Below should be the signature of two doctors (the attending physician and the head of the department).

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 2nd group of citizens.

3.Group. Elderly persons suffering from numerous chronic diseases, serving for sanatorium-resort treatment in order to receive effective treatment and significantly improve your health. Most people of this conditional group go to the so-called “general profile” sanatoriums, which, as a rule, specialize in treatment cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we will consider this filling option:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: should be entered: complaints of periodic pain in the heart, occurring more often during physical activity, increased blood pressure to 160/80 mmHg ., general weakness. , Ob-but: pulm-breathing with a hard tint, no wheezing, cor-rhythm. Heart rate-60 beats. min. ; BP-140/90 mmHg.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-120; Er-4.2;.; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-10 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 1-2 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: Emphysema, pneumosclerosis. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 62 beats/min. EOS deviation to the left, LV hypertrophy, diffuse changes myocardium.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because In this case, we are considering treatment in a sanatorium specializing in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, then the code for atherosclerotic heart disease (I25.1) should naturally be indicated in this paragraph. If there are any other chronic diseases, then their codes should be indicated in paragraph 16.3. (usually these include: chronic gastritis K29.3, cerebral atherosclerosis I67.2, chronic cholecystitis K81.1, etc.). Paragraph 16.2: this paragraph usually contains the code of the disease for which the disability was obtained (usually I25.1). If the patient does not have a disability, then this item will be empty.

17. The name of the sanatorium-resort organization: must match the name of the sanatorium-resort organization in the voucher you purchased.

18. Treatment: most often we are talking about sanatorium-resort treatment, so the corresponding box must be ticked.

19. Duration of the course: must correspond to the number of days of spa treatment indicated in the purchased voucher.

20. Voucher number: must correspond to the number of the purchased voucher.

Below should be the signature of two doctors (the attending physician and the head of the department).

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 3rd group of citizens.

* Always check that your personal information is correct on your health resort card!

Basic disease codes for form 072/u-04:

1. I10. Essential (primary) hypertension

2. I11.9 Hypertensive (hypertensive) disease primarily affecting the heart without (congestive) heart failure.

3. I20 Angina pectoris (angina pectoris)

4. I25.10 Atherosclerotic disease hearts with hypertension

5. I25.1 Atherosclerotic heart disease

6. I67.1 Cerebral atherosclerosis

7. J40.0 Simple chronic bronchitis

8. J45.0 Asthma with a predominance of the allergic component.

9. J45.1 Non-allergic asthma.

10. J45.8 Mixed asthma.

11. K29.3 Chronic superficial gastritis.

12. K29.4 Chronic atrophic gastritis.

13. K81.1 Chronic cholecystitis.

For free registration For a sanatorium-resort card, it is enough to go to the state clinic at your place of residence. To obtain a health resort card on a paid basis, you can use the services of any medical center.


Conclusion on professional suitability according to order 302n

Let's talk about the need for health resort cards and all the nuances of obtaining this certificate. After all, vacations, travel and trips can be very different. Sometimes it's a flight to warmer climes for the winter, closer to the ocean. Sometimes - the way to ski resort, in order to conquer the next snowy peak. And there are also different types tourism. And one of the very important ones is health!

A trip to a specialized sanatorium at a resort can be indispensable in the treatment or rehabilitation of the most various diseases, and - required element prevention.

I have no right to ignore this topic, and therefore I wanted to tell you how to get a sanatorium-resort card, which is necessary document on such a trip, regardless of whether you are traveling on a package or on your own.


What is a health resort card

A sanatorium-resort card (often simply referred to as Form 072) is a card that must be obtained at your clinic at your place of residence, certified by your attending physician before going to the resort.

This card contains your diagnosis and a number of basic examinations so that upon arrival, the resort doctor does not waste time on examination and can immediately prescribe treatment. This is extremely convenient, and also from a financial point of view. Examinations in sanatoriums are always more expensive, take from 1 to 3 days and are sometimes carried out on outdated equipment (this is especially true of old sanatoriums from the USSR era).

After treatment, before leaving home, the spa doctor will make notes about the procedures completed, how your body reacted to them and recommendations.

It is worth noting that data on diseases in the Russian Federation and Belarus are entered in accordance with the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) in the form of codes, and therefore there should be no problems with parsing handwriting or when receiving treatment in sanatoriums of another country. In Ukraine, ICD10 codes are often not indicated. Therefore, if you are going abroad, please indicate this to the person who will fill out the card so that he can issue it according to international standards.

Is it possible to do without it?

If you are traveling as a “savage”, but intend to undergo procedures, drink mineral waters, etc. as prescribed by a doctor - I strongly recommend getting this very card. Otherwise, a conscientious doctor will have to listen to your entire illness picture, starting from birth, study the tests that you bring... An unscrupulous doctor will simply prescribe standard procedures that can be harmful if there are contraindications.

If you are traveling on a trip to a sanatorium, then without a sanatorium-resort card a doctor will not see you and you will not be able to receive your procedures. It is also possible to refuse check-in.

Sometimes you can apply for a card already at the sanatorium. However, please note that this will take you several days and is not always possible. You need to check the availability of this opportunity on the official website of the sanatorium where you are going to go, or by phone. This service is paid in most cases, and whether you want to buy it on the spot or calmly arrange it in advance is up to you.

How to apply for a card

In Ukraine and Russia, obtaining a health resort card is very similar, they have similar procedures and even the same form numbers. The fact is that little has changed there since the days of unified legislation during the Soviet era.

In the Republic of Belarus everything is a little more interesting. There is a sanatorium-resort card for foreign citizens, but a separate document is provided for citizens of Belarus. The form is called 1 medical/u-10 “Extract from medical documents.” That is, citizens of the Republic of Belarus can receive both a sanatorium-resort card and an extract. It depends on various factors. Usually, doctors prefer not to bother themselves and you by issuing the usual card in form 072.

The sanatorium-resort card must be received no later than 10 days before the trip and no earlier than 2 months.

For an adult

IN Russian Federation The sanatorium and resort card is a completed form 072/у-04. You can download the form for free on our website. In Ukraine, this is form 072/o (we take it). Citizens of Belarus can download their version of form 072 here, or the same certificate 1 medical/u-10. All files are in PDF format, so you should have no problem printing these documents yourself, if the need arises, directly on your home printer.

You need to contact your clinic at your place of registration or your doctor. It is enough to have a passport with you, medical card and a trip to the sanatorium.

To obtain a certificate, you need to take tests. The limitation period for each is no more than 1 month.

Here is a list of the main tests you will need:

  • General blood analysis
  • General urine analysis
  • Blood sugar test
  • Fluorography or chest x-ray
  • Echocardiogram

It is worth noting that if there are grounds, the doctor may ask you to undergo additional examinations, for example - ultrasound, blood test for hormones, etc.

In addition, you will need to visit a number of specialists. If you have completed any of them over the previous 12 months, then you need to repeat them only at your own request.

  1. A narrow specialist in the area in which the resort specializes (for example, a gastroenterologist or neurologist)
  2. Gynecologist (for women)
  3. General practitioner or Family doctor(required before issuing the SKK!)

According to the results of these surveys, chief physician hospital fills out the first part of the sanatorium-resort card.

For children

A children's health resort card is only slightly different from an adult's and is issued at a children's clinic by a pediatrician. It needs to be completed for children aged 0 to 17 years inclusive, who are going to a sanatorium, resort or Kid `s camp. This process is preceded by a similar set of examinations as in adults.

  • In Russia, a children's sanatorium-resort card is form 076/u-04, the form of which you can download.
  • Citizens of Ukraine under 17 years of age need form 076/o and it.
  • Children and Belarus do not have their own version of the certificate; an adult version is filled out for them.

I wish you a pleasant holiday and successful treatment! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

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