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Types of medicinal mud, their properties and applications. How to use medicinal Chinese tampons MILLDOM

What is mud therapy? Types of mud therapy. Mud therapy: indications, contraindications. How to cure prostatitis, joint diseases, gynecological diseases, etc. with mud. How to treat yourself with mud at home


Mud treatment is not a new thing, it is effective way get rid of some cosmetic imperfections, as well as improve your health. Previously, you had to go to specialized resorts to undergo mud treatment. But now you can do it yourself, without leaving your home. Let's tell you more about mud therapy methods.

Stores and pharmacies have long sold packages of mud that need to be diluted in accordance with the instructions with water and then applied to the body or face. The procedure is simple, one might even say funny. But every person who decides to try mud treatment needs to understand that healing mud is a powerful natural preparation that affects certain areas of the human body. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you need to understand what you can do and what is undesirable.

For the purpose of recovery, you can try mud treatment at home, and if you need to cure serious illness, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Treatment with mud. Kinds

The procedure is simple: the mud is diluted to a paste-like state and applied to a specific area of ​​the body. Temperature healing mask, composition and duration of exposure - all this is adjusted in each specific case.

Therapeutic muds are different, they differ not only in appearance, but also in properties, as well as in composition.

Types of therapeutic mud:

  • sulfide silt – such medicinal substance is formed in the seas and oceans, in a salty environment. This mud is dark, almost black. Natural mud contains many useful substances, especially minerals;
  • sapropelene mud – collects at the bottom of a “stagnant” reservoir. The color of the mud depends on many conditions and can be blue, the color of dark olives, rich brown, black with a bluish tint. Such mud contains a lot of bromine, cobalt, iodine and others useful microelements. Used to treat many diseases;
  • Peat mud – formed in swamps and swampy areas. The color of this healing mud is dirty black, it contains a lot of organic substances.

Each type of mud is unique in its own way: in appearance, composition of useful substances, and area of ​​application. But they all start to “work” only when heated.

There are several ways to use mud:

  1. Taking mud baths. This treatment is practiced only in sanatoriums. The procedures help to increase the tone of the whole body, improve the condition of the skin, relieve pain, and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  2. Applications - mud is applied only to a certain area of ​​the body: these are wraps, masks, compresses, electrolysis. Exceptions: these are the neck, head and heart area. The duration of the procedure is determined in each specific case, but not more than 20 minutes. The number of procedures is also individual: on average it is 2-3 times a week or 2 days in a row, then a day off, etc. The course of mud treatment is about 10-12 procedures, and in some cases 18 may be needed.

Healing mud. How to properly treat

Regardless of the chosen treatment method and type of dirt, you must always follow these rules:

  1. Before applying therapeutic mud to a certain area, you must take a shower, but use soap, foam or other detergents, it is forbidden. Just need to rinse off warm water.
  2. If there are cuts or wounds on the skin, then these places need to be protected from dirt getting under the skin. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with ointment and rich cream.
  3. The procedure is not long, even despite this, you must try to relax and not think about anything. Then the body is at rest, the skin does not secrete fat and sweat. large quantities. It is necessary that each cell takes in as many active substances as possible.
  4. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to remove the dirt and rinse off the residue with water (but without soap or other detergents!). The skin should be soaked with a towel, without rubbing too much.
  5. After the procedure, it is advisable to relax and lie down for at least half an hour. Then you can return to your usual rhythm of life and go about your business.
  6. During the course of mud treatment, it is not advisable to use skin moisturizers, or frequently shower with gels, soaps or foams. It is important that a thin film of mud remains on the skin, which continues to work in between procedures. That is why it is enough to take a shower without soap. If you use detergents, the film is washed off and the effect of the procedure is minimized.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol-containing drinks or medications during mud therapy.

Mud therapy. Indications

This type of treatment and healing of the body has a fairly extensive list of indications, including:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • as rehabilitation therapy after injuries;
  • polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  • mud is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as genitourinary system(in most cases in men);
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • infections;
  • cellulite, dermatitis and other cosmetic indications;
  • excess body weight.

After the procedure, mud treatment is possible side effects: headache, dizziness, fever, itchy skin, weakness. If such signs are present, you should consult your doctor. An in-depth examination may be needed to rule out diseases that would prohibit mud treatment. And it is also likely that this type of dirt is not suitable for you.

Mud therapy. Contraindications

It is not advisable to start mud treatment without prior consultation with a specialist.

But you just need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • in case of any kind of bleeding, mud therapy is prohibited;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • during inflammatory processes, as well as at elevated body temperature;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • some neurological diseases, as well as physical and nervous exhaustion body.

Do not apply dirt to the area of ​​the neck, head and heart:

Treatment of various diseases with mud

In this block, let's look at the tactics of treating various diseases with mud:

  • mud treatment of joints - to alleviate the patient’s condition, as well as to early stage You can completely get rid of this disease using mud treatment. You can start the course only after the active process begins to decline, that is, after 1-2 months. The mud is applied to a specific area, covering 20 cm (maximum) of a healthy area of ​​skin. The duration of one procedure is half an hour, the course is a maximum of 16 applications. The course is re-prescribed after 4 or 6 months, depending on the patient’s condition. After one course of treatment with mud, the pain goes away and the exacerbation does not recur. Feedback from patients about mud therapy is positive: the joints stop bothering them, the pain gradually goes away, and the desire to move more appears. It is good to combine mud applications with bathing, which is successfully practiced in such popular mud spa resorts as Marianske Lazne, Montecatini Terme and the Mar Menor. Prices for mud therapy in these places are much higher than treatment within the country, for example, treatment with Tambukan mud or mud brought from Bear Lake. Contraindications for treating joints with mud: malignant tumors, severe diseases affecting the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, diseases in the acute stage;
  • Treatment of psoriasis with mud is successfully practiced both in mud baths and at home. The disease is complex and unpleasant; bright pink rashes appear all over the body, which can increase in size and then peel off. A thin layer of mud applications is applied to the affected areas. The temperature of the therapeutic mud should not exceed 42 degrees. The duration of 1 procedure is about 30, maximum 40 minutes. You need to take mud every day for 1.5 weeks, then take a break. If the disease manifests itself in the cold season, then warming the affected areas of the skin with ultraviolet rays is added to the treatment. In the warm season, it is useful to combine treatment with swimming in sea water;
  • treatment of arthrosis with mud is treated in the same way as the treatment of joint diseases. Positive Action provide mud from Saki Lake, many patients noted improvement after treatment with Saki mud;
  • Treatment of prostatitis with mud is also very effective, as is the treatment of other diseases. There are 3 forms of treatment for this disease: internal procedures (introduction of special tampons - mud tubes) into the rectum; applications of silt sulfide mud - mud temperature is 42 degrees maximum, a soft plastic mass is applied to bottom part abdomen, in the form of panties, the patient is wrapped in a warm blanket and left for half an hour; the use of microenemas in the rectum - mud therapeutic mass ( medicinal product“Biol”) is diluted with water (1:3), heated to a temperature of 38 degrees, and inserted into the rectum with a douching bulb. Contraindications: acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the body, vascular and heart diseases, malignant tumors, blood diseases, infections (acute stage), tuberculosis;
  • Mud therapy in gynecology has been successfully practiced since ancient times. The main purpose of applying mud to the lower abdomen (mud panties) was to cure infertility. But now various women’s diseases are successfully treated with mud: menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalance, decreased libido, menopause. The “mud panties” treatment method is very effective: the number of procedures is 10-15, the duration of one session is 20 minutes, the maximum temperature of the mud is 46 degrees (the minimum is 37 degrees). As an auxiliary therapy, many sanatoriums use, along with this method, a brine bath. The second method of treatment with mud is tampons, which are inserted into the vagina (temperature 56 degrees, mud is wrapped in gauze), the tampon is inserted with a special syringe for 24 hours. AND rectal application mud – after the enema, prepared mud or tampons are introduced into the rectum (diluted with water, heated to a certain temperature). It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, because dirt for such treatment methods women's diseases used is cleaned, wiped, and has passed bacteriological control.

Mud treatment at home

At home it is used to treat the mud of the Dead Sea and Lake Saki. The product must be of high quality and proven (powder purchased at a pharmacy or clay brought from healing sources.

If the mud was brought from a healing source, then you need to do the following:

  • The dirt was collected, cleared of solid impurities (pebbles, shells), ground, and hot water was added to form a liquid slurry. Then you can add more mud or water to adjust the thickness and temperature of the medicinal product;
  • to treat the dirt, you can pour a solution of chloramine (3%) into the mass, then the dirt must be thoroughly rinsed with water (boiled!), and placed on a sieve lined with gauze. After that, the dirt must be dried by laying it on a layer of polyethylene. Drying dirt in the sun is prohibited. The prepared product must be placed in plastic bags, tied tightly, and stored for 6 months. Before use, such mud must be doused with boiling water;
  • before using any dirt (such as taken from medical institution), the raw materials must be heated in a water bath so that the temperature of the cake is from 30 to 40 degrees.

At home, mud can be used to improve the condition of facial skin. The mud is applied to the skin in the form of a mask in this way:

  1. The mud needs to be diluted (if you bought the powder at the pharmacy) hot boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream. The temperature of the mud mask should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. The mass is applied with a brush or spatula, covering the neck and décolleté area.
  3. Application layer – 2 mm, exposure time – 15 minutes. The mud should not dry out, so the mud mask should be moistened with water from time to time.
  4. You can wash off dirt with water or tonic. The cream can be applied only after 20 minutes, when the skin has rested a little.
  5. For oily skin The mud exposure time increases by 10 minutes.

Using mud you can get rid of dandruff and oily seborrhea: the mass heated to 42 degrees should be applied to the scalp, left for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. You can use shampoo if you really need to wash your hair.

Warm mud applications at home can also be performed after heavy physical activity: for this, the mud cake is heated to 42 degrees, placed on sore spot, which needs to be wrapped in plastic wrap and then wrapped in a towel or blanket. The procedure lasts from 20 to 30 minutes, then the cake needs to be removed and the remaining dirt should be washed off with warm water. In the same way, joint diseases can be treated at home.


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Get your hands in order: nails should be cut, trimmed, hands washed. If desired, use a clean fingertip. Take a comfortable position to insert the tampon. To do this, either squat, sit on the toilet, or place one foot on the toilet, whichever is most comfortable for you. The procedure for inserting a therapeutic tampon is not much different from inserting a regular hygienic feminine tampon.

Open the package with the tampon and take out the ball. There is a thread wound around the stem of the ball - tampon - a pull cord; it needs to be unwound.

Insert the MILLDOM tampon into the vagina 7 cm deep. Move the MILLDOM tampon along the back wall of the vagina, place the MILLDOM tampon behind the cervix, which can be felt along the path of the tampon. In this place, the MILLDOM tampon is firmly fixed. If you cannot find this place, leave the MILLDOM tampon in the vagina at the back wall at a depth of 7 cm. The MILLDOM tampon will still lock in place and begin its work. When the MILLDOM treatment tampon is placed, the end of the cord should be on the outside. It will be needed in three days, when medicinal tampon MILLDOM will need to be removed.

Scheme for using tampons

Each MILLDOM therapeutic tampon must remain in the vagina for three days. After this time, remove the tampon by pulling the string - the lanyard.

Douche the vagina with a water infusion of chamomile. One or two liters is enough.

The vagina rests for a day.

We put in the next (second) MILLDOM tampon a day after the first one was removed.

Each MILLDOM therapeutic tampon costs three days.

The break between tampons is one day.

Each time we insert only one tampon.

Time when medicinal tampons should not be used

You cannot put medicated tampons on the days of menstruation, 7 days before menstruation, and within 3 days after menstruation.

This means that in order to insert the first tampon, we wait until menstruation ends, count three days and insert the first tampon.

So, in one month you can put 4 therapeutic tampons. There will be 7 days left before the next period, when the woman will rest, the vagina will recover and prepare for the next period of treatment with tampons.

Who should not use tampons?

Therapeutic tampons should definitely not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, virgins, women awaiting surgery, people with allergies (herbal components can cause allergies), with caution for women with high blood pressure. Tampons should not be used by people with diabetes.

Tampons should not be used in postoperative period, after an abortion earlier than 2 months.

How many tampons are included in one course of treatment?

One course of treatment is six MILLDOM therapeutic tampons. Since you can only use 4 tampons per month, we put the remaining two tampons in the next month. If a woman purchased tampons for 2 courses, then she will place them like this:

1 month – 4 therapeutic tampons;

2 month – 4 therapeutic tampons;

3 month – 4 therapeutic tampons.

Sexual life during treatment with MILLDOM tampons

Sexual activity of women during treatment is prohibited. Still, if a woman cannot avoid sexual intercourse, then the only thing possible time for this there will be a time when the MILLDOM therapeutic tampon has already stood for the prescribed time - three days. During this time, the epithelium in the vagina was renewed. The MILLDOM tampon must be removed and the vagina syringed. After a few hours, if absolutely necessary, the woman can have sexual intercourse. But we warn you that although the epithelium has been renewed, sexual intercourse can be painful and traumatic. If a woman treats infection, then sexual intercourse is possible with a condom.

What happens when the first tampon is inserted?

When the first tampon is placed, the first thing that happens is the beginning of the spread of medicinal components. The vagina becomes dry. One of the tasks of tampons is to renew the epithelium of the vagina and uterus, to draw out the breeding ground pathogenic microflora, formations, mucus, intercellular fluid, particles of polyps...

Possible swelling of the labia. It is practically very difficult to penetrate the vagina. If a woman decides to check how the tampon is positioned and whether it has moved out of place, then this should under no circumstances be done. Since the epithelium is being renewed, any penetration into the vagina will be traumatic; for the same reason, sexual intercourse is unacceptable during treatment. We recommend that you touch the labia with caution when washing, so as not to cause discomfort. If a woman avoids these recommendations, then, as a rule, she has severe pain at the entrance to the vagina, it hurts for a woman to sit...

The first tampons contain the entire breeding ground for microorganisms. Therefore, especially on the first tampons, a woman may feel burning, itching, discomfort…. To remove these manifestations, we recommend that all women perform hygiene washing with chamomile water infusion 2 times a day. Chamomile not only disinfects, but also relieves burning, irritation, and itching.

Happens when complex treatment, for example, uterine polyps, bleeding may begin (this does not depend on the tampon placed). You need to wait out this period and then continue to put tampons again. May begin to come out during treatment intercellular fluid, if the woman has it. If a woman experiences pain during treatment with tampons, especially on the first tampon, and if, due to personal characteristics, the woman does not want to endure such discomfort, then we recommend occasionally using a painkiller that the woman usually uses to relieve pain.

Usually, if the MILLDOM tampon is placed correctly, and the woman does not penetrate the vagina when it is placed, she uses chamomile infusion as hygiene, then the placed MILLDOM tampon is practically not felt and often does not cause any discomfort, the woman may even forget about the placed tampon.

Remember, tampons cannot replace the medicine your doctor has prescribed for you.

Use tampons only for their intended purpose: topically in the vagina.

More detailed information about MILLDOM therapeutic tampons is available in our

To the most common types therapeutic mud include peat, hill, sulfide-silt and sapropel. This type of therapeutic mud, such as seaside and clayey silt, is no less valuable. They all found the best wide application in balneotherapy and are successfully used to treat diseases of various types. This article is devoted to where medicinal muds are located, what their properties are, and how to use peloids.

Behind last decades Thousands of mineral springs, more than 700 deposits of medicinal mud and at least 500 areas with favorable climatic conditions have been explored. In many resorts located in the south of Russia and in other areas, mud therapy is used as independent method and in combination with other methods of balneotherapy.

Today you have the opportunity to take therapeutic mud at home or in a beauty salon, spa center or physiotherapy office.

Composition and structure of therapeutic mud

Therapeutic mud(peloid)- a mineral sedimentary layer mined from the bottom of the sea or coastal zones and containing a large amount of organic and mineral substances.

Cosmetic muds- mineral and (or) organic substances natural origin, used for cosmetic procedures.

Healing mud- These are minerals. The therapeutic mud contains biologically active substances (oxides of iron, copper, aluminum, cobalt, amino acids, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, hormone- and vitamin-like substances). They have a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the thermophysical influence and organomineral composition of compounds. They have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. A special role belongs to the microflora contained in peloids, on whose vital activity the biological processes occurring in them depend.

The most common for medicinal purposes are silt deposits of salt water bodies - black sulfide muds that form at the bottom of sea estuaries, bays and continental salt lakes.

The structure of therapeutic mud is complex physico-chemical system, which includes three interconnected parts: mud solution (liquid part), coarse part (framework, skeleton) and fine part (colloidal complex). The bulk of salts dissolved in water consists of 6 ions: three anions (chlorine, sulfate and bicarbonate) and three cations (Na, Mg, Ca). The chemical structure of the mud solution is determined in the form of a formula, where the value of mineralization in g/l is indicated before the fraction, the anionic composition is in the numerator, the cationic composition is in the denominator, and the pH value is indicated to the right of the formula.

The mud solution consists of water and salts, organic substances, gases dissolved in it and is a derivative of water or brine (a highly concentrated solution of various salts) covering mud deposits. Impregnates the entire mass of dirt; characterized by different mineralization, ionic and gas composition, pH value.

The total water content of mud, or humidity, varies from 25 to 97% in different types. The mineralization of the mud solution also varies: from 0.01 g/l in peat and sapropels to 350 g/l in silt sulfide mud.

Diffusion processes constantly occur between the mud solution and the waters covering the mud, aimed at establishing an ion-salt equilibrium between them.

Gases in mud are contained mainly in a dissolved state. The source of their formation is biochemical processes, as a result of which hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane accumulate in the mud solution.

Gases and ions of some substances contained in therapeutic mud penetrate the skin. Muds characterized by higher mineralization or acidic reaction have a more pronounced effect on the course of many metabolic processes in organism. In this regard, highly mineralized and “acidic” muds to obtain therapeutic effect can be used for more low temperatures heating

The core of the mud (coarse part) includes silicate particles - gypsum, calcium carbonates and phosphates, magnesium carbonates and other salts, as well as coarse organic residues.

There are coarse muds, in which more than 50% of the core consists of particles larger than 0.01 mm (for example, the mud of Lake Saki) and fine composition, in which particles smaller than 0.01 mm predominate (for example, the mud of Lake Tambukan). The more fine particles there are in the dirt, the higher its quality.

Colloid complex (fine part) includes various mineral particles less than 0.001 mm in size, organic substances, complex inorganic compounds and organo-mineral compounds (iron sulfide, silicic acid, hydrates of aluminum oxide, iron and manganese, sulfur, etc.).

Adsorption medicinal properties dirt determines the possibility of removing pathogenic microbes, wound surface discharge and other pathological elements from the surface of the skin or mucous membranes during procedures, which is associated with the presence of tiny colloidal particles in them.

In a number of mud products (peat, sapropels, etc.), organic substances make up the main part of their skeleton and colloidal complex, due to which they have a higher heat capacity and have better thermal properties, which in most cases increase their therapeutic activity. These properties make it possible to prescribe applications of higher temperatures, which gives a good effect for certain diseases (especially chronic inflammatory ones).

The biogenic elements of medicinal mud include compounds of nitrogen, carbon, iron, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, etc., which help to successfully treat many diseases. A large number of microorganisms developing in peloids contributes to the formation of various highly active biological compounds in them, including those with a pronounced bactericidal effect. The presence of such mud microflora is associated with the direct antibacterial effect of therapeutic mud.

Classification of therapeutic muds and their types (with photos)

Exists international classification therapeutic mud, according to which peloids are divided into inorganic, organic, mixed and artificial.

Inorganic mud

1. Key:

  • thermal springs;
  • cold springs;
  • Sopochnye

2. Sedimentary:

  • estuary;
  • marine;
  • mainland.

Organic muds - sapropels and gittin:

Estuary and sea.


Peat mud:

  • Horse riding.
  • Lowland.
  • Earthy.

Mixed types of peloids (sulfide silt):

  • Weathering products of volcanic rocks (clayey silts).
  • Artificial peloids.

Therapeutic muds, based on their origin, which determines their properties and main compositional features, are divided into the following genetic types: hydrothermal muds; hill mud; sapropels; peat mud; sulfide silt mud; clayey silts; artificial mud.

For mud therapy, sulfide silt muds, sapropels and peats are most widely used.

Hydrothermal mud- these are semi-liquid clay formations that arise in areas of active volcanic activity (Kamchatka, Kurile Islands) as a result of leaching and decomposition of volcanic rocks by high-temperature gas-steam jets containing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Characterized by high temperature(up to +95 °C), acidic reaction and relatively low mineralization.

Where are the medicinal hill muds and sapropels located?

Sopochnye mud- are represented by semi-liquid, clayey formations of heterogeneous mechanical composition, resulting from the destruction of rocks released in gas-oil areas along tectonic cracks and the earth's crust by gases and pressure waters.

These muds are usually characterized by a hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium ion composition and optimal mineralization of the mud solution. They often contain high concentrations of bromine and boron.

The most famous deposits of this type of medicinal mud are in the areas of the Kerch and Absheron Peninsula, Southern Sakhalin.

Sapropel mud- These are silt deposits of a predominantly organic composition with a small admixture of minerals, formed mainly in fresh (less often in slightly mineralized) reservoirs as a result of the microbiological decomposition of algae and other plant and animal residues.

The color of sapropels can be olive, brown, gray, pink, black, and are characterized by high humidity and heat capacity, low mineralization of the mud solution.

According to the species composition of organic remains, sapropels are divided into algal and zoogenic, humus and peaty, clayey and calcareous.

They are mined in lakes of the tundra, forest-tundra and forest zones.

Properties of medicinal peat (peat mud)

Peat mud (medicinal peats)- formations of swamps, consisting mainly of decomposed organic matter and plant residues, accumulating as a result of the death of higher plants and their incomplete decomposition due to excess moisture and lack of oxygen.

Peat therapeutic mud is a thick, plastic mass from brown to black. The peat framework is formed mainly by organic material. The ratio of the amount of decomposed and undecomposed plant residues determines the degree of peat decomposition, which is the primary indicator of its suitability for medicinal use and should be at least 40%.

Based on the mineralization of the mud solution, medicinal peats are divided into freshwater and mineralized. According to the conditions of water-mineral nutrition of bogs, peats are divided into high-moor, transitional and low-lying peats.

High-moor peats have a number of advantages over low-lying peats; they have higher plastic properties and heat capacity, low ash content, and a higher content of organic substances.

WITH medicinal purposes Freshwater peats are used (deposits in Kashin, Kosino) and mineral peats, in the formation of which sulfate waters take part (deposits in Krainka, Kameri, Varzi-Yatchi), as well as acidic peats (Sapozhkovskoye deposit). Peat mud treatments are most widespread in the northern forest zone of the country.

In terms of physical properties, peat is close to other types of medicinal mud. Its distinctive property is the high content (from 20 to 95%) of organic substances - bitumen, water-soluble, easily hydrolyzed humic substances, lignin, etc.

The thermal conductivity and heat capacity of peat is less than that of silt mud, but the heat-holding capacity is much higher.

Peat treatment has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, desensitizing, biostimulating effect. The latter is closely related to the ability of peat to inhibit the oxidation of vital important substances(for example, fatty components - lipids) due to the destruction or blocking of various harmful products metabolism. This helps reduce or eliminate inflammation, stimulate regeneration processes, and heal wounds. Peat also has an antimicrobial effect.

Sulfide-silt therapeutic muds and places of their formation

Sulfide silt mud- these are organomineral finely dispersed silt deposits of salt water bodies with a significant predominance of mineral components, containing varying amounts of sulfides, in particular sulfur compounds of iron. The latter determine their dark gray, often black color.

Sulfide-silt therapeutic muds, as a rule, contain small amounts of organic substances. The ionic composition of sulfide sludge mud is very different: sodium chloride, sulfate-chloride, magnesium-sodium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate-chloride, sulfate and bicarbonate-sulfate calcium and magnesium-calcium.

According to the places of formation, sulfide muds are divided into lacustrine, continental, coastal and marine.

Lake-spring mud- deposits of salt water bodies (karst, ancient or dam origin), fed by underground mineral waters. They are characterized by different mineralization of the mud solution and a varied ionic composition (mainly sodium chloride or calcium sulfate).

Their deposits are known - Gabozerskoye, Staro-Russkoye, Paratunkskoye, etc.

Mainland mud- These are silty deposits of salt lakes of continental origin, characterized by varying sulfide contents. They have a black, dark gray, or less often gray color. Distributed in areas with arid continental climates.

The largest deposits of continental highly valuable mud are lakes Tambukan, Karachinskoye, Uchum, Shira.

Coastal mud and clayey silts

Seaside healing mud- these are deposits of coastal lakes formed as a result of the separation of bays (lagoons) from the sea or the flooding of the mouths of ravines flowing into the sea (estuaries). They are characterized by the highest sulfide content and, as a rule, high mineralization of the mud solution. As you can see in the photo, these healing muds are black and dark gray in color.

Deposits are known only along the shores of the southern seas.

Speaking about the types of muds, we must not forget about clayey silts - finely dispersed mineral sediments of modern or ancient (disappeared and buried) reservoirs with a low content of organic matter and the absence of iron sulfides.

The most famous deposits of this type of mud are near the city of Zlatoust (Satka mud).

How to use artificial therapeutic mud in mud therapy

Artificial mud is used in non-resort conditions in the absence of full-fledged natural therapeutic mud. Prepared from mineral and organic substances, salts and water (including mineral water). The resulting plastic mass acquires healing properties as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms introduced into it from organic components (plant residues, clay, etc.), or in the form of a pure culture of microbes (in laboratory conditions), or by adding a small amount of natural healing mud.

The resulting artificial peat and sulfide silt muds are a plastic mass, similar in properties to natural muds.

By therapeutic effect artificial muds are enough full-fledged analogue natural. They can be enriched with radon, hydrogen sulfide (or mineral waters containing these chemical products). How to use therapeutic mud obtained artificially? They can be prepared from clay and sand, mixing them with decoctions from medicinal herbs, as well as with powdered algae and use the same as natural ones. When using these therapeutic muds, mineral or sea water is added to them.

Action and use of therapeutic mud

The therapeutic effect of therapeutic mud on the human body consists of thermal, mechanical and physical factor. The severity of this effect depends not only on the initial state of the patient’s body, but also on the physicochemical properties of various types of mud.

When using therapeutic mud externally, all three active factors have an irritating effect on the receptors (thermo-, chemo-, osmo- and mechanoreceptors) embedded in the skin, causing powerful stimulation central nervous system. It is known that neurohormones produced by the hypothalamus stimulate the activity of the pituitary gland, and the hormones of the latter stimulate the activity of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, testes and ovaries.

Heated healing mud retains heat for a long time and gradually releases it to the body. Thanks to this, procedures are tolerated relatively easily at temperatures that would be unbearable in water conditions.

In addition to the thermal factor, which plays a major role in the mechanism of action of mud procedures, essential has chemical irritation of the skin, which is caused by the activity of the environment (pH), volatile substances (hydrogen sulfide, amine bases), inorganic ions (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron) and organic compounds, biologically active substances such as sex hormones, etc. It has now been proven that volatile substances, as well as elements contained in therapeutic mud that dissolve in lipids, including hormone-like substances, sulfur, amino acids, organic substances, penetrate the body through intact skin. The degree of permeability is directly dependent on the temperature of the mud, with an increase in which increases the permeability of the skin, blood circulation and improves microcirculation in it.

The sea washes away the suffering of people.


Methods of mud therapy - the use of therapeutic mud.

When exposed to therapeutic mud, they are used various methods depending on the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition.

The main and most known method called "Egyptian».

The essence of the Egyptian method is to use mud that is naturally heated by the sun during the warm summer months. Directly near the mud deposits, the patient is coated with a mud plastic and sticky mass at the site of damage to any organ, for example, a joint with “old” rheumatism. Then he spends some time in the sun, taking sun and air baths. At the same time, the dirt oxidized in the sun dries out, begins to become cracked and peel off from the skin, which is facilitated by sweating. After this, the patient bathes in a pond. It is more useful if the reservoir is salty, that is, mineralized, or, even better, in the brine water of a mud reservoir. A mineral or brine bath will be an effective continuation of the therapeutic mud procedure.

Another ancient method of applying solar heating mud is called " Crimean"whether" Kalmyk-Tatar" Its essence is also extremely simple. In the place where the mud was deposited, a shallow pit was dug in the form of a trench; by midday the mud was well warmed up under the scorching rays of the southern sun; the patient was placed in the pit and covered with a layer of mud on top. Then followed the same water procedure of washing off the dirt.

Hell The Egyptians who lived in the vicinity of Anapa could have adopted the mud therapy technique from the ancient Greeks, just as the Greeks adopted it from the Egyptians, but, most likely, they formed it themselves. It is known that the Circassians took mud procedures on the shores of Lake Chumbruk (the original name of the lake ra among the Circassians - Chumburka), located on the outskirts of Anapa. Moreover, two variants of peloid therapy were used. In one case, patients suffering various diseases organs of support and movement, were covered with silt mud up to the neck and lay for hours in the summer under the hot rays of the sun. In another, lake mud was thickly mixed in barrels with hot water, that is, they prepared a kind of mud bath, patients were immersed in them, as a rule, up to the neck, and remained there until the mud cooled. Local, local applications were also used, when the mud was applied in a thick layer only to the affected areas of the body, joints, and limbs. Apparently, the same methods were used to treat with silt and possibly hill mud in other places in Taman (Krasnodar Territory).

The Egyptian mud therapy method was not effective for all patients, as it placed a large burden on the cardiovascular system, leading to negative result treatment. Some patients experienced an exacerbation of the disease, and sometimes even the most unfavorable outcome. Therefore, the Egyptian method of mud therapy was replaced by new techniques: diluted baths, medallions and mud applications.

It was first used in mud therapy in 1839 at the Staraya Russa resort. With this method, therapeutic mud is diluted in a certain concentration in fresh, mineral or sea water, depending on the resources of a particular clinic, as well as on the therapeutic effect that needs to be achieved in the treatment of a particular patient. In seaside sanatoriums, they actively practice the cultivation of medicinal mud of sulfide-silt origin in sea water, since it is sea water that is the direct “parent” of this type of medicinal mud. It has been noted that dilute baths are quite easily tolerated by patients and are highly effective.

The use of mud baths is indicated for general cleansing of the body, as well as for pain in joints and muscles. of various origins, consequences of a stroke (paralysis, paresis), neuralgia, nerve pain), rheumatism, gout and other diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, ligamentous apparatus and other diseases.

To prepare mud baths, sulfide silt mud is first cleaned of solid parts (pebbles, large remains of shells, etc.), finely ground, diluted with hot water (preferably mineral) and the raw material is brought to the consistency of a liquid slurry, and then the temperature of the therapeutic mud is adjusted if necessary, its quantity.

Hot mud (at a temperature of 30 o C and above) is used only for partial baths or compresses.

Mud applications

Method mud applications was first introduced in the Caucasus, therefore it has a second name “ Caucasian method" it's the same main method modern therapy using therapeutic mud. This method can also be used if you plan to use it at home.

The essence of the method is that therapeutic mud, preheated to desired temperature, is applied directly to the diseased part of the human body or to the projection of the diseased organ, as well as to those parts of the body that have connections and interact with the diseased area, and can have a pronounced effect on it healing effect when applying mud applications.

Mud applications can be both general and local. For general applications, therapeutic mud is applied in a layer of 2-3 cm to the entire body of the patient, leaving only the head and heart area exposed. The more common local applications are applied only to a certain part of the body, depending on the disease: on the arms in the form of short or long (elbow-length) "", on the legs - "", "socks", "tights", on the hips - "", in the form of "", "shorts", on chest in the form of “ ”, also on the abdominal area on the projection zones of diseased organs - liver, stomach, intestines; in the form of "", for diseases of the spine - on the entire back or only on the sacral region.

Depending on the location of the mud application, the area occupied and the temperature of the therapeutic mud, a different therapeutic effect can be obtained.

Indications for the use of this method are a variety of diseases of the joints, movement organs, abdominal and chest organs.

Use the following temperatures of mud applications:

  • high (44-46 degrees) – usually at dystrophic diseases to limited areas of the body (joints, local spine)
  • moderate (40-42 degrees) – most common for diseases in remission;
  • low (36-38 degrees) – for diseases with reduced adaptive function of the body, weakened and exhausted patients;
  • slightly cold (34-36 degrees) are prescribed to patients with an insufficiently compensated condition or when the autonomic-vascular system is involved in the pathological process;
  • cold (up to 20 degrees) – with poor tolerance elevated temperature mud.

There are also the following techniques for applying therapeutic mud:

  • local (focal) – when the application is applied directly to the lesion;
  • parafocal - therapeutic mud is applied near the lesion to avoid a pathological focus;
  • segmental-reflex – when a mud application is applied to the projection of the corresponding spinal segment.

At intensive mud therapy- mud applications are applied for 2-3 days in a row, then the patient rests for one day. The temperature of the mud is 46-50 degrees, the duration is about 15 minutes, the course is 14-16 procedures.

At weakened mud therapy- applications lasting about 10 minutes are done every other day. The temperature of the mud is 38-40 degrees, the course is 10 procedures.

These parameters may vary depending on the type of disease and its intensity.

Thin-layer mud applications

Typically, mud applications are applied in a thick layer to the skin so that the thermal effect of the mud has the longest possible effect. But in 1996 a technique was developed thin-layer applications. The authors of the methods (A.P. Kholopov, V.A. Shashel, V.V. Plokhov and others) explain the effect of treatment by the effect on skin patient specific mineral and organic spectrum of mud (various microcomponents, microelements, organic compounds - amino acids, carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, enzymes, hormone- and antibiotic-like substances, etc.). At the same time, the thermal healing factor of mud during classical application in this technique is reduced to a minimum.

The authors found that the use of thin-layer application sometimes has an advantage over the classical method of peloid therapy. New technique eliminates the burden for patients on the cardiovascular and vegetative nervous system from the effects of temperature and mechanical factors on the body, which makes it possible to treat weakened patients after severe debilitating operations, with incomplete remission and in the attenuation stage of exacerbation of diseases.

In addition to traditional application methods of mud therapy, other methods of mud therapy are now widely used.

Method of simultaneous exposure of the body to therapeutic mud and electric current

This method was proposed by A.A. Lozinsky during his work in Kemeri in 1913, he subsequently introduced it to the resorts of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody. These methods include galvanic mud therapy, electrophoresis of mud solution, mud therapy in combination with inductothermy, etc. These procedures have a complex effect on the body due to the effect of therapeutic mud and electric current on skin receptors, as well as the entry into the patient’s body of therapeutically active chemicals contained in mud.

Hardware method

One of the effective methods of mud therapy is hardware. It belongs to the combined category, and is a combination of mud exposure with exposure to electric currents, magnetic fields, ultrasound, cold, vacuum. Electric currents, used for treatment, are quite diverse, which allows you to choose the most suitable combination with healing mud.

This combination not only enhances the effect of mud therapy, but also gives it a new quality.

Tampons with therapeutic mud

Tampons with therapeutic mud vaginal and rectal are used for gynecological diseases in women and a number of chronic inflammatory processes in men, as well as in diseases of the rectum. Mud therapy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and resolving effect, increases local immunity, has a pronounced analgesic and neurotrophic effect, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

This method is based on the direct effect of therapeutic mud on the pelvic organs and is indicated for gynecological diseases and prostate diseases. This is enough effective method, but mud for such treatment requires lengthy preparation. The mud - after heating - is injected directly into the vagina through a syringe or tube of suitable diameter. You can use disinfected synthetic bags, open on both sides. After the procedure is completed, the therapeutic mud is removed, followed by washing with acidified, salt or mineral water.

Rectal mud therapy is performed in the same way, but the intestines must be emptied before the procedure.

Good effect provides such mud therapy when combined with applications to the abdomen, perineum and pelvic area. It is recommended to apply mud in the form of “panties” or “half-panties”.

Dental applications

Mud dental applications used in clinical practice for the treatment of periodontal diseases. This makes it possible to improve tissue and cellular trophism, which leads to resolution inflammatory process in patients and reduce treatment time. For mud therapy, silt and hill muds are used, which have an alkaline reaction similar to the pH of the oral cavity. Sopochnaya mud, coming from the deep depths of a mud volcano, is almost sterile, in addition, it has a more concentrated mineral composition with a high iodine content.

Phyto-mud preparations

Original developments are of great interest phytomud preparations with inclusion in the hill mud medicinal plants, in particular seaweed, as well as techniques involving cryotherapy, massage, and physiotherapeutic equipment. With these methods, a significant reduction in the consumption of dirt for procedures is achieved. This makes it possible to use it not only in resorts, but also in outpatient and home settings.

When choosing methodological methods of mud therapy and its variants, one should proceed from taking into account the form of the disease, localization, phase and stage pathological process, presence of concomitant diseases, age.

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