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Medical and health resorts of the world. Therapeutic mud at Russian resorts

One of the most important resources of the Czech Republic is the numerous life-giving springs of mineral waters, the power and healing properties of which people have been using for more than 600 years. At their location, cupolas arose, scattered throughout the Czech Republic. Diverse in composition, mineral waters and muds cure the most various diseases, returning to people from all over the world the most valuable thing in human life - health.

basis therapeutic techniques is drinking mineral water, procedures based on mineral waters and mud, therapeutic nutrition, physical therapy, massages, walks in the fresh air. Sanatoriums and hospitals in Czech resorts have necessary equipment to carry out the most modern treatment procedures. Reception is conducted by reputable specialists who use classical and original methods and treatment programs.

Regular trips to resort looking after your health is an opportunity to regain your youth, peace of mind, happiness and long life!


The cardiovascular system

Digestive tract

Diabetes, obesity (metabolic and endocrine gland disorders)

Disease respiratory tract

Peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis)

Musculoskeletal system

Kidneys and urinary tract

Gynecological diseases

Rehabilitation after a course of cancer treatment

● - main stream

● - additional directions


Primary medical examination

Follow-up medical examination

Final medical examination

Control tests of blood and urine. Further examinations are decided by the doctor according to indications.

Prescribing a drinking course of treatment, medical procedures, diets

Procedures are provided throughout the week, usually 2-4 per day. On weekends, treatment at resorts is not carried out or one procedure is provided on Saturday

You can purchase additional procedures in your sanatorium, or in resort clinics, the so-called Lazne. Here, within the resort, you can buy any procedures, including doctor’s examinations, for outpatients


We offer several options that you choose yourself:

Full board + treatment

Three meals a day (tomorrow, lunch and dinner)

Treatment (a set of procedures offered in this sanatorium as prescribed by a doctor)

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Half board + treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

Two meals a day (tomorrow - lunch or breakfast - dinner)


Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Accommodation in a boarding house with breakfast and outpatient treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

One meal (breakfast)

Ambulatory treatment

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Accommodation in a boarding house with provision of outpatient treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

Ambulatory treatment

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket


Diseases that arise in childhood must be treated at an earlier age. early stage so that the disease does not turn into chronic stage. In Karlovy Vary there is a children's spa hospital "MANES", and in Marianske Lazne "MIRA-MONTE", where it is possible to conduct a comprehensive medical examination with a prescription necessary procedures and treatment. The sanatoriums have created conditions for children to stay with their parents, who must also follow a daily routine. If you want to settle with your child in another sanatorium, then you can therapeutic purpose for a child, receive it in a children's sanatorium, and take all procedures in the sanatorium of your choice.


One of the main principles of treatment at the resort for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases is dietary food. In any sanatorium you will be offered several dietary menus to choose from.

Features of Czech national cuisine when cooking: adding vegetable oils, a lot of herbal and plant additives make the dishes for visitors to the resort unusual and unusual. Boiled pork and slightly hot spinach have their own unique taste and do not harm your ailments at all. Pork in the Czech Republic is low-fat and is a dietary dish. And moderate consumption of Czech national dishes in restaurants: dumplings with pork, fried pork ribs, boiled knee with sauerkraut, will allow you to appreciate the taste, color and enjoy the experience of Czech national cuisine. Of no small importance in modern approach to improve the health of the body has an increased amount of fiber in the patient’s daily diet. The table of any sanatorium or boarding house will offer you at least 3-4 types of salad, fresh vegetables and fruits. But trends in dietetics (the science of nutrition) are calling for even more fruits, vegetables and greens. The markets and markets of Karlovy Vary, at any time of the year, will offer you these products, from the most common to the exotic. Therefore, we recommend purchasing additional fruits and vegetables.


While staying at the resort, it is very useful to develop the habit of walking every day for 1.5-2 hours. Regular daily walking helps strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve digestion, and moderately increase metabolism. Evening walks are especially recommended for patients with sleep disorders. Czech forests are truly a God-given corner of peace and health. Fresh air, the alternation of all shades of green, yellow-purple colors of foliage in autumn - everything unusually relaxes the nervous system, makes you rejoice in beauty and appreciate every minute of life in a new way. There are specially designed routes in the resort forests.


Each resort has everything you need for a good holiday.

You can see other medical tours and resorts. You should pay attention to the cities of Germany and Switzerland, where the alpine air alone will be a good medicine for residents of megacities and those who live in places with poor ecology.

You should also pay attention to health resorts Israel, the main one is the Dead Sea resort, which attracts people from different countries thanks to its healing air and water. The Dead Sea Resort in Israel is a resort where water and air have healing properties. This resort has a small territory and the opportunity to travel around the country.

Some people, when going on vacation, think about how to party harder, get a brighter tan, and have a blast on all-inclusive events and excursions. And for others it is important to lie like a turtle in the spa and get rid of nervous tic right eye, rejuvenate and become prettier, like Cleopatra, cure various ailments. For you, lovers of a relaxing and therapeutic holiday, this article was created - about the famous health resorts peace! Where is the best thalassotherapy? What is good about Czech mineral water? Which sea is waiting for you? black clay for velvety skin, and where can you meditate to the sound of rain and experience the magic of Ayurveda? Find out from my review...

They say that Tunisia has the best spa hotels in the world. And thalassotherapy is their main trump card. Treatment with seafood, as well as sea air and sea water itself, extracted from the depths, is prescribed for relaxation and boosting immunity, for insomnia, general fatigue, back pain, joint pain, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, tendon and muscle injuries, as well as in the presence of cellulite, which is hated by all women. Relax by the sea, restore strength, and also get fit and slim... Keep me seven! I’m packing my suitcase and flying to Tunisia for my new, firm ass :) Of course, when everything calms down there and security improves. It is here that the cost of thalassotherapy is significantly lower than in Europe.

Guests of spa centers located at many hotels are offered both two-day (weekend) and longer courses (4 - 12 days). You can choose seaweed wraps + manual massage and lymphatic drainage, enriching the body with oxygen in bubbling sea water, mud masks that tonic, moisturize and improve skin elasticity, salt baths and much more.

Recommended about Tunisia hotels with thalassotherapy centers

Hammamet: hotel complex Royal Azur Thalasso Golf 5*, Sol Azur Beach Congres 4* and Bel Azur Thalassa 3*, Nahrawess Hotel & Spa Resort 4*, Hasdrubal Thalassa 5*, Iberostar Averroes 4*, Vincci Lella Baya 4*.

Karlovy Vary: mineral baths for all diseases

The resort of Karlovy Vary, or Carlsbad, has become famous throughout the world for its many hot mineral springs that emerge from the ground from a depth of up to 2.5 km and have unique healing properties. The first baths appeared here in the 14th century. Peter I, who introduced the fashion for “water treatment,” and the entire Russian creative intelligentsia – composers, artists, poets and writers – visited here. A special, secular atmosphere reigns here to this day, horse-drawn carriages travel, exhibitions, concerts, festivals are held, and meetings of European aristocrats are held. The whole of September is the Dvořákov classical music festival Karlovy Vary Autumn.

What I mean is that sanatorium treatment in the enchanting Karlovy Vary can be combined with an interesting cultural and entertainment program, as well as walks in nature!

And almost all diseases are treated in Karlovy Vary: digestive organs, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, gynecology, neurology, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, skin ailments and much more. They also provide excellent disease prevention and overall health of the body. The effect of staying in Karlovy Vary is akin to a “reboot” and the feeling of lightness, freshness, and vigor lasts up to six months!

The most common procedures are balneotherapy (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl baths), swimming in pools with mineral water, drinking courses from various sources, mud therapy, shiatsu massage, electro and light therapy. Treatment can be organized in numerous resort SPA hotels with health centers and sanatoriums.

RecommendedSPA hotels and sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary

Improve women's health - at the thermal lake Heviz!

Heviz is the only healing lake in the world with a peat bottom, which is fed by 10 thermal springs. It is located in Hungary and is open for swimming all year round!

In the bathhouse in the middle of the lake, the water temperature is +30...32 in any season. There is never any wind here, there is greenery and flowering until late autumn.

The water in the lake is completely renewed every 3 days and has a calming effect, improves blood circulation, metabolic processes. The water of Lake Heviz contains radon, magnesium sulfate, calcium, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide ions, silicon. Holidays with swimming in the lake are recommended for people with diseases of the ENT organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system (spinal injuries, poor posture, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism), so do not be surprised by the large number of grandparents in inflatable rings and surrounded by beautiful lilies that were brought here from India. (Not grandmothers, but plants! :) Heviz is also popular among women with gynecological ailments, including infertility, and among men with potency problems.

The highlight of Heviz – not only healing water, but also miraculous mud from the bottom of the lake, which renews and rejuvenates the body.

The lake is located on the territory of a park-reserve. Dense steam over the lake and lush vegetation around create a special microclimate that enhances healing effect. There are not very many hotels in the town, about 20, mostly affordable 3* - 4*, there are also 5* with quite affordable prices for accommodation, which is good news. Their territories often have their own SPA centers, which will also offer wellness treatments, based on your requests.

Recommended hotels near Lake Heviz

Enjoy Ayurveda! Kerala - the center of Indian healing

Kerala in India is an emerald green state and the most popular destination among Ayurveda lovers. The resorts of Kerala invite for a wellness holiday not only those who want to overcome illnesses, but also to rejuvenate and restore strength. Ayurvedic centers at hotels offer different kinds massage, body immunization, therapy aimed at longevity, anti-stress programs. Here you can practice yoga and meditation, get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction, reset excess weight, cure back pain, joints, skin diseases.

Panchakarma therapy for 7/14/21/28 days is an ancient program for cleansing toxins (from those places in the body where they accumulate), rejuvenating the body and freeing the mind from stress and negative thoughts, opening subtle energy channels, harmonizing the whole body .

It is recommended to immerse yourself in the arms of Ayurveda precisely during the rainy season (from June to October), when humidity is high, and at this time nature is renewed, many medicinal plants and herbs are available. At the same time, you can save money by going to India not during the high season. And the sound of rain is the best way to get rid of fatigue and accumulated stress.

Recommended Ayurvedic Hotels in Kerala

Somatheeram Ayurvedic Resort 3* - located on a small hill near Kovalam beach. Among the famous procedures: pizhichil massage for nervous diseases, abhyangam procedure for obesity and diabetes, they are treated here and sports injuries, severe skin diseases, practice Panchakarma therapy. Attentive doctors and massage therapists, an experienced yoga instructor.

Chakra Ayurvedic Resort 3* - there are very few tourists in the off-season. Great doctors, massage therapists and yoga instructor. The hotel owner speaks Russian fluently.

Uday Samudra Leisure Beach 5* - in an excellent Ayurvedic center there is a Russian-speaking doctor who will select an individual treatment program for you. You can buy programs “Anti-stress”, “Beauty care”, “Neck and back treatment”, “Arthritis treatment”, etc.

Ayurveda Palace Kalari Kovilakom 5*. Rest and treatment here cost a lot of money. But I have already given much cheaper options, so I will allow myself to invite those interested to this unique place. If you are looking for real Ayurveda and want a boost of health and energy for the year ahead, then here you will be provided with maternal care and immense attention, so much so that you will leave with tears in your eyes.

You can also go to… Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village Resort 4*,

Health is the main wealth of a person. And more and more people are thinking about how to maintain their health. Therefore, they choose medical tourism, that is, combining relaxation with treatment.

But we are not always able to deal with it in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, leaving visits to doctors and all sorts of procedures for later.
In such a situation, the ideal solution would be a sanatorium holiday: an opportunity to have a pleasant vacation and take care of your health.
In this material we will look at the 5 best, from our point of view, destinations for a sanatorium holiday in Russia.

Kashin is a small quiet town, where a calm life, clean air and natural beauty invite you to relax. And that’s not the only reason you can improve your health here.

Thanks to its mineral springs, Kashin became one of the first balneological resorts in Russia. In addition to taking water inside and taking baths, peat mud treatment began in 1912.

The Kashin sanatorium has one of the largest hydromineral and mud bases among the resorts of central Russia. Mineral waters of various chemical compositions (sodium-magnesium-calcium sulfate, magnesium-calcium chloride-sulfate) are used for baths, irrigation and drinking treatment.

Sodium chloride brines (mineralization about 200 g/l), containing bromine (530 mg/l), are used in diluted form for baths. Peat therapeutic mud is used for baths, applications and other procedures.

The main natural healing factors in the Lipetsk region are the excellent climate, mineral water and healing mud. The springs, which are used by all sanatoriums in the Lipetsk region, contain a huge amount useful components for the body: sodium salts, iron, calcium and magnesium.

The water of Lipetsk mineral springs is characterized as low-mineralized sodium chloride-sulfate, weakly purified. Water also helps improve activity digestive system, and stimulation of its motor and secretory functions. This water is also often used for healing baths and other procedures.

Sanatoriums in the Lipetsk region offer recreation for both adults and children.

Here you can not only strengthen your immune system, but also cure many ailments and diseases, such as hepatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis and any metabolic disorders in the body.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

The Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts are located in the Caucasus, in the Stavropol Territory and unite four resort cities: Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk.

These healing places have been famous for a long time. Even in the time of A.S. Pushkin, nobles came to the waters - to spend time in decent society, also vacationers, and to relax with health benefits and improve their health.

Excellent opportunities to improve your health are provided by the sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk, which offer comprehensive treatment with mineral waters, medical procedures and beautiful foothill air, filled with the aromas of coniferous forests and foothill meadows.

Both adults and children's sanatorium-resort institutions in Pyatigorsk have won a high trust rating and a lot of excellent reviews from vacationers. The main diseases that can be treated at the resorts of Pyatigorsk are associated with childhood diseases, women's diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.

The main advantages of spa treatment are a complete change of environment, good rest and therapeutic effects under full control by experienced doctors.

The wonderful sanatoriums of Kislovodsk treat with natural factors and an abundance of various mineral waters, which have a wonderful effect on the internal organs of a person.

Zheleznovodsk sanatoriums, of which there are more than two dozen, provide excellent treatment opportunities. Zheleznovodsk itself is part of the Kavminvod group of resort towns and receives several thousand vacationers a year. It is the smallest of the group of resort towns, but also the cleanest and tidiest.

The main specialization of Zheleznovodsk sanatoriums is the treatment of disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the digestive organs and metabolic disorders. The city has a unique ecological situation, since all enterprises are located outside the city limits and do not pollute the surrounding air.

Even in the last century, the Essentuki sanatoriums gained fame as the most popular balneological and drinking resorts in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. Natural mineral waters, the sources of which do not dry out, are known throughout the world.

It is enough to mention the Essentuki-17 mineral water, which is prescribed to all those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Essentuki, all those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system seek treatment, and what mineral water does to the digestive tract is difficult to describe. Many leave with practically healthy organs.

The sanatoriums of the Volga region of Russia will provide excellent relaxation on the picturesque banks of rivers and lakes. In addition, most resorts offer special treatment programs for most serious chronic diseases.

In the sanatoriums of the Volga region you can not only have a wonderful rest, but at the same time improve your health. All institutions are equipped with high-quality equipment necessary for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases different organs and systems of the human body.

Sulfide waters are widespread in all regions of the Volga region.

Volzhskaya Matsesta - strong sulfide waters - is the main healing factor of the Chuvashia sanatorium, Cheboksary, Chuvashia. In the Saratov region, sources of sulfide mineral waters are located near the city of Engels.

Deposits of sulfide waters in the Saratov region are described in all pre-revolutionary publications on balneology as Stolypin waters (now the Chapaev resort).

Sodium chloride brines ( salt waters) with mineralization from 35 to 150 g/l were discovered in various regions of the Volga region at depths from 400 to 1500 m: Udmurt sanatoriums “Varzi-Yatchi” and “Metallurg”, “Mokasha” in Mordovia, “Tinaki” in the Astrakhan region. These waters are often characterized by a fairly high bromine content (100–130 mg/l).

Bromide chloride sodium brines are common in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the area of ​​the resort village of Green City.

Bromide brines with high bromine content - Prikamsky deposit in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan (Br up to 700 mg/l) and deposits in the area of ​​​​Serdobsk, Penza region (sanatorium "Polesie" Br 500-600 mg/l), - according to bromine content can compete with waters Dead Sea.

Sanatoriums in Crimea have a long history. Even 200 years ago, Russian scientists laid the foundations of sanatorium and resort treatment in Crimea. During this time, new sanatoriums were built, the comfortable buildings of which fit perfectly into the local landscape.

Magnificent nature, the gentle warm Black Sea, the lush greenery of the most beautiful parks - all this favors a long holiday season, which ends in late autumn. That is why holidays in Crimea are wonderful not only in the hot summer, but also in the soft warmth of autumn.

Holidays in Crimea are not just relaxation, but also treatment: in addition to the healing climate, there are healing muds of Evpatoria and salt caves health resorts of the South Coast.

Crimean sanatoriums have their own specialization. For example, the sanatoriums of Evpatoria and Sak are known as medical children's health resorts, sanatoriums and boarding houses on the southern coast of Crimea specialize in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. Crimean mineral waters are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

CZECH Karlovy Vary

The healing traditions of the Karlovy Vary spring - geyser - go back 600 years. Its hyperthermal water is highly effective in treating:
- Digestive organs: chronic gastric dispersion, gastric and duodenal ulcers, postoperative conditions, chronic catarrh stomach, chronic and acute gastritis, functional diseases intestines, chronic constipation, irritations of the lining of the stomach and intestines, inflammatory bowel diseases, gallbladder diseases and bile ducts With cholelithiasis or without it, postoperative conditions, conditions after acute inflammation liver, chronic hepatitis, steatosis, liver cirrhosis without complications, pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis), diabetes 1 or 2 degrees, cholecystitis;
- Metabolic disorders: disorder of fat (lipid) metabolism, metabolic disorder uric acid(gout), obesity, atherosclerosis, increased level cholesterol
- Musculoskeletal system: dysfunction of the spine and degenerative-dystrophic changes in large joints, pain syndromes of the spine and joints, osteoarthrosis and arthrosis of large joints, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spinal column
- Stress, states of mental emptiness;
- Periodontal disease;
- General strengthening, preventive and health-improving treatment courses.

Various stenoses, obstruction or infection of the biliary tract, liver failure and exacerbations of chronic diseases, clinical signs of circulatory disorders, frequently recurring bleeding, malignant tumors, epilepsy, hypertension over 110 mm Hg, tuberculosis, psychiatric diseases, alcoholism, substance abuse, pregnancy.


The balneological resort is located within the Polabskaya lowland at an altitude of about 190 m, on the right bank of the Labe River. Known since the 17th century. The main natural healing factor is carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate sodium chloride calcium waters, containing large amounts of carbon dioxide, magnesium, lithium, bromine. iodine, sulfur compounds, etc. Used for baths and drinking. Mud therapy is used. The resort treats:
- All heart diseases: angina pectoris, condition after a heart attack, ischemic disease, pathologies of the heart valves, congenital and acquired heart defects, heart defects of rheumatic origin, all conditions after heart surgery, treatment in preparation for heart surgery, disorders heart rate;
- Vascular diseases: circulatory disorders, cerebral vascular spasms, high blood pressure, diseases of the arterial and venous systems (including diseases of the arteries), limbs of sclerotic, inflammatory or other origin, inflammation of the veins, diseases lymph nodes, conditions after vascular operations;
- Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, obesity, high level cholesterol in the blood, lipid metabolism disorders;
- : pain syndromes of the spine and large joints;
- Some skin diseases: scaly lichen

Pregnancy, acute and infectious diseases, malignant tumors during treatment, as well as those progressing despite treatment; frequently repeated heavy bleeding of all types, inability to care for oneself independently in daily needs without outside help, as well as the inability to move independently, alcohol addiction, use of other substances, addictive and addiction.

Marianske Lazne

Since 1528, 40 mineral springs have been referred to as “restoring health” waters.
The resort treats:
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: metabolic diseases with joint damage, vertebral algic syndrome, painful functional disorders spine, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system and conditions after orthopedic operations (using a joint prosthesis), deforming arthrosis, arthritis without inflammation, problems from wear and tear of the spine and joints, juvenile scoliosis;
- Kidney and urinary tract diseases: non-tuberculous chronic inflammation urinary tract, chronic pyelonephritis, postoperative conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract, conditions after kidney transplantation, prostatitis;
- Non-tuberculous diseases breathing apparatus : chronic bronchitis, chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases tract, postoperative conditions of the lower respiratory tract, allergic rhinitis;
- Women's diseases >: inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, disorders of ovarian function and development of the uterus, postoperative conditions of gynecological interventions and operations in the pelvic area, primary and secondary sterility, infertility, menopausal syndrome;
-Oncological diseases: rehabilitation after a course of oncological treatment;
-Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in children aged 5 to 15 years: chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, urinary stones, urolithiasis, postoperative conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract;
-Gynecological diseases in girls aged 5 to 18 years: inflammatory conditions in the pelvic area, prevention of sterility and disorders due to abdominal surgery.

Pregnancy, acute and infectious diseases, malignant tumors during treatment, as well as those progressing despite treatment, frequently recurring severe bleeding of all types, inability to independently meet daily needs without assistance, as well as inability to move independently, alcohol addiction, use of other substances that cause addiction and dependence.


Since 1910, braxiradium therapy has been carried out only in Jáchymov. This method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system is based on the use of microdoses of gamma radiation. Unique properties Jáchymov radon water is most effective in treating:
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: inflammatory: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthropathy, Reiter's syndrome, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, progressive polyarthritis; degenerative conditions after inflammatory processes in joints, arthrosis, post-traumatic conditions, diseases of the back and vertebral joints, vertebrogenic pain syndrome, diseases of muscles, tendons, extra-articular rheumatism, Dupuytren's contracture; osteoporosis, complications after injuries and orthopedic surgeries;
-Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, including inflammatory and post-traumatic origin, neuritis of rheumatic origin, complications after operations, radiculitis of inflammatory and traumatic nature;
-Peripheral arterial diseases: arteriosclerosis of peripheral vessels, vasoneurosis, Raynaud's disease;
-Metabolic disorders: neuritis in diabetes mellitus, gout, sharp forms uratic arthritis;
-Geriatric diseases: restorative and restorative treatment for the elderly (according to the method of Professor Aslan).

Contraindications Tumors, acute infectious diseases, active form tuberculosis, acute heart failure, acute psychogenic diseases

Frantiskovy Lazne

The history of the resort dates back to the 16th century, when mineral springs and carbon dioxide coming to the surface. began to be used to treat:
-Heart diseases vascular system : coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, post-infarction condition, heart failure;
-Treatment of gynecological diseases: adnexids, metritis, inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia, conditions after gynecological operations, infertility, childhood gynecological diseases;
-Hypertonic disease;
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: metabolic diseases with joint damage, vertebral algic syndrome (back pain), painful functional disorders of the spine, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system and conditions after orthopedic operations (using a joint prosthesis), deforming arthrosis, arthritis without inflammation, problems from wear and tear of the spine and joints, juvenile scoliosis;
-Diseases from metabolic disorders and endocrine glands: obesity, gout, constipation, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia;
-Rheumatism and its consequences: rheumatic cardiosclerosis, treatment of children with rheumatism.

Cardiovascular diseases in a state of decompensation, benign and malignant tumors, active tuberculosis, infectious diseases in acute period.


Hajduszoboszlo, Gyula, Sarvar

The spas of Hungary are known throughout the world as “a Mecca for rheumatism sufferers and a paradise for bathers.”

Thermal infusions at 75 C, mud, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy are beneficial for those suffering from the following diseases: polyarthritis, chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic neurological and gynecological diseases.



The resort is located 40 km north of the city of Plovdiv. The warm springs of Hissar with a total flow rate of over 4500 l/min were used by the Romans in the 3rd-4th centuries. AD..Po chemical composition and physical properties of water are characterized as alkaline, low-mineralized, high-thermal. sodium bicarbonate containing fluorine and radon and treats:
- Kidney diseases, chronic pyelitis and pyelonephritis; liver and gallbladder diseases, hepatitis, etc.
- Diseases digestive tract: chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, treatment of postoperative conditions; diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, lumbago, growths on the spine;
- Diseases of the nervous system: sciatica, neuralgia;
- Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.


Climatic and balneological resort at the foot of the Pirin mountain range at an altitude of 224 m above sea level on the banks of the river. Bistrita.

The climate is mild. close to Mediterranean. Winter is mild (January 2.4), summer is hot (July 24.6). Low-mineralized waters (49 - 83 C) are colorless, odorless with a pleasant taste, enriched with silicon and fluorine, and also contain trace elements of lithium, strontium, germanium, boron, etc. The main indications for treatment at the resort are nonspecific respiratory diseases (asthmatic bronchitis, chronic rhinitis, diseases of the organs of movement and support, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system.



Treatment with sea mud and mineral water, and the use of physiotherapy are uniquely combined with swimming in the Adriatic Sea. The Igalo Institute has modern methods of clinical and functional diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the movement organs; skin; gynecological diseases; respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. The resort is a great place for the rehabilitation of athletes. It has cardiology center


Dead Sea

A place with a colossal vector of cosmic energy and unique natural factors. There is 10% more oxygen in the atmosphere above the Dead Sea. than over other seas. This is the saltiest sea in the world. the waters of which have a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. trigger a number of biochemical processes in the skin, leading to a rejuvenating effect throughout the body.

Dead Sea water and mud are incredibly effective in treating psoriasis. vitiligo and various skin diseases.

Thermal waterfalls

Temperature over 40C, therapeutic mud. strong cosmic energy. ecologically clean nutrition, complex of therapeutic- preventive procedures fast restores a person’s strength after stress. severe fatigue and are very effective for treatment of joint diseases and rheumatism.



The balneological mud resort is located in the valley of the river. Vag at an altitude of 162 m, known since the 12th century. The climate is temperate, mild, dry. The average temperature in January is 1.4 C, in July 19.4 C. The main natural healing factors are springs with thermal water (up to 69 C) and healing mud. The resort is specialized for the treatment of diseases of the organs of movement and support, as well as the peripheral nervous system. Has the Institute of Rheumatic Diseases.

Trencianske - Teplice

Mud spa resort near Trencin, northeast of Bratislava. Located on the slopes of the Strazhovske - Vrhi mountains (in the Carpathian system), at an altitude of about 270 m, in the valley of the river. Teplichke (Danube basin). The climate is mild. The basis of the resort resources are sulfide thermal waters (37-40.2 C), with a high content of hydrogen sulfide, used for swimming and bathing, as well as sulfide-silt mud for mud therapy.

The resort is specialized for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system.

The healing properties of the resort's springs were known to the Romans. Mention of the waters from the 13th-14th centuries.



Balneological resort, located in the picturesque foothills of the Carpathians at an altitude of 400 m, in the valley of the river. Vorotische (Dniester basin). On the mountain slopes there are mixed forests (oak, beech, fir...) 120 km from Lviv. The climate is temperate continental. Winter is moderately mild (January -6 C), summer is warm (July 20 C). The history of the resort begins in 1827. The main natural healing factor is mineral waters of different chemical composition and mineralization (“Naftusya” - hydrocarbonate - sulfate calcium - magnesium). The water is used for drinking, bathing, irrigation, inhalation and other procedures. The resort uses peat treatment, ozokerite, and artificial carbon dioxide baths.

The resort provides treatment for patients with kidney diseases and urinary tract, stomach, liver and biliary tract, metabolic disorders, prostate adenoma, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Balneotherapeutic and climatic resort of Crimea, located on the shore of the drainless salt lake Saki. Climate with mild winters (February -1C), very warm summer(July 23C). The main natural healing factors are silt mud and brine of Lake Saki and mineral waters (sodium bicarbonate-chloride, which is used for baths and drinking treatment, and is also bottled (“Crimean”). Mud therapy and balneotherapy are used for diseases and consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and support, central and peripheral nervous system, for gynecological diseases and concomitant diseases of the digestive organs.

They use climatic and thalassotherapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, etc.

The oldest mud resort, which was written about by the Roman writer and scientist Pliny the Elder back in the 1st century. AD



Balneological resort in the Altai Territory, 250 km from Barnaul and 75 km from Biysk. Located in Altai, in the spurs of the Cherginsky ridge, protected from the winds by the ridges of the Tserkovka, Kruglaya, and Shishi mountains. The climate is continental. Winter is moderately cold (January -17 C), summer is warm (July 20 C). The main natural healing factor is low-mineralized radon thermal (27.6-42 C) nitrogen-siliceous sulfate-bicarbonate sodium waters, containing calcium, magnesium, chlorine, small amounts of manganese, lead and other elements, as well as dissolved and free gases - nitrogen, radon, argon, xenon, helium, etc. Water is used for baths, drinking, inhalation, radon applications, irrigation. They use aeroheliotherapy, physical therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures.. The resort provides treatment patients with diseases of the circulatory system, movement and support, nervous system, gynecological diseases. as well as metabolic disorders. She receives children with rheumatism.