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How to apply for a health resort card at a clinic. Sanatorium-resort card for children and adults. How to apply for a sanatorium-resort card at the clinic 072

Sanatorium-resort card in Beskudnikovo– this is a medical document that is required to undergo appropriate therapy in sanatorium-resort institutions. Such a document can be obtained from medical institutions that provide services only on an outpatient basis. Where to make a sanatorium- resort card? Of course, you can apply for it at a regular clinic at your place of residence, or you can contact our medical Center. Sanatorium-resort card at the Doctor Nearby+ clinic in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow processed within a few days and at an affordable cost.

Sanatorium-resort card 072 in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow: how to get it?

All you need to do is contact your primary care physician, who will give you a referral to visit other medical professionals and specialists and undergo diagnostics, namely:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • specialist;
  • for women - a certificate issued by a gynecologist, for men - a document from a urologist;
  • If you have any disease, you need to consult highly specialized doctors.

After all the examinations have been completed, you must again contact a therapist, who will study the results of tests and other diagnostic methods and write his conclusion. After that health resort card 072 in Degunino signed by the head physician medical clinic“The doctor is nearby+”, who puts his stamp on the document.

As you can see, health resort map near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station and in other places it takes quite a long time to process it, it is recommended to start undergoing examinations two to three weeks before going to the sanatorium. If you want to receive health resort card 072 Seligerskaya metro station as quickly as possible, it is recommended to contact our center.

Sanatorium-resort card in Khimki: features of filling out the document

Sanatorium-resort card 072 in Moscow by affordable price and others populated areas must be filled out in accordance with all the rules, otherwise the document will be considered invalid.

It contains the patient’s data, names and signatures of the specialists who examined him, data on the patient’s health status, conclusions about previous therapy and diagnostic results.

Price for health resort card 072 in Moscow

At your local clinic you can apply for a health resort card 072for free, however, all procedures will take a lot of time, which a working person does not always have. In our clinic you can order a sanatorium-resort card for a promotion, in this case the cost of this document will be quite acceptable.

If you want to know prices for a sanatorium-resort cardin the Northern Administrative Okrug, look at our price. You can clarify the necessary questions by calling our administrator.

Sanatorium-resort card 072 at the Doctor Ryadom+ clinic: advantages of registration

Below are the main advantages of cooperation with us:

  • They work for us qualified specialists who will quickly conduct an inspection (in 1-2 days) and provide discounted health resort card. As a result, you will be able to save your time.
  • Reasonable cost of health resort card 072 will suit thrifty patients. If you are interested cost of a sanatorium-resort card in the Northern Administrative Okrug or in other branches, necessary information you can find on our website.
  • The clinic has a laboratory that allows you to quickly prepare test results.
  • The sanatorium-resort card on Petrovsko-Razumovskaya is issued according to all the rules, with details, signatures and seals, so it will definitely be accepted in any sanatorium institution.
  • You can get health resort card 072 on Dubninskaya, health resort card in Dolgoprudny and other localities: our clinic has many branches, which makes the registration process as convenient as possible.

So if you need cheap health resort card, our medical center can help you. To make an appointment with a therapist or other specialist, call us and choose a convenient day and time for you. If you have any questions, the administrator will advise you on the specifics of obtaining this document.

It is not possible to describe the general template to which the content of the reverse side of the document should correspond, so we will consider three filling options for three conditional groups of citizens: 1. Group. Young people who do not have any diseases, and bought a ticket to a sanatorium only for the purpose of relaxation, provide a certificate with the following content: (filling example) 14. Complaints, duration of illness, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium treatment: must be entered: no complaints, no pulmonic wheezing, corrhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg. 15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 08/06/08 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.08.08 General an.

Sanatorium-resort card


Ley- 1-2 in p/z. Fluorography from 07/11/08: Emphysema, pneumosclerosis. ECG from 08/01/08: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 62 beats/min. EOS deviation to the left, LV hypertrophy, diffuse changes myocardium. 16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because

in this option we consider treatment in a sanatorium specializing in the treatment cardiovascular diseases, then this paragraph naturally should indicate the code for atherosclerotic heart disease (


I25.1). If there are any more chronic diseases, then their codes must be indicated in clause 16.3. (usually these include: chronic gastritis K29.3, cerebral atherosclerosis I67.2, chronic cholecystitis K81.1, etc.). Clause 16.2: this clause usually contains the code of the disease for which the disability was obtained (usually I25.1). If you do not have a disability, this item will be empty.


Filling out a sanatorium-resort card: form 072/u-04

  • taxpayer identification number assigned to the organization ( individual entrepreneur), who issued the document;
  • type of service;
  • cost of the service in monetary terms;
  • amount of payment made in cash in cash and (or) using a payment card;
  • date of calculation and preparation of the document;
  • position, surname, name and patronymic of the person responsible for the transaction and the correctness of its execution, his personal signature, seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur);
  • other details that characterize the specifics of the service provided and with which the organization (individual entrepreneur) has the right to supplement the document.

It should be noted that some categories of citizens have the right to receive a ticket for free.



Treatment: most often we're talking about about spa treatment, therefore the corresponding item must be ticked. 19. Duration of the course: must correspond to the number of days of spa treatment indicated in the voucher you purchased. 20. Voucher number: must match the number of the voucher you purchased. Below should be the signature of the attending physician and the head of the department (usually in different pens).

This is what a sanatorium-resort card should look like, filled out in accordance with the instructions for the above-mentioned 2nd group of citizens. 3.Group. Elderly people who, as they themselves put it, have “a bouquet of diseases.” Their relatives bought them a ticket to the sanatorium, but without a sanatorium-resort card they may not be allowed into this sanatorium.
There is either no desire or no time to receive a sanatorium-resort card at your clinic.
If the patient has diseases of the skin, eyes, blood and genitourinary system, then the doctor records it in the form of a conclusion from the relevant specialists. The card issued by the doctor is valid for 2 months. If you are registering it on the spot at the sanatorium, then keep in mind that you will have to wait several days while it is processed.
Treatment will not be provided while the paper is being prepared. Advice. Carefully approach the selection of the profile of a sanatorium-resort institution. Very often, many are not aware of what their diagnosis is, and when they receive research results in a sanatorium, it turns out that its profile is not suitable for treating the existing disease.

The procedure for filling out registration form No. 072/u-04 Let us consider schematically the process of filling out the form for rest and treatment.

Form 072/u-04 - health resort card for adults

  • In column No. 2 - your full name.
  • In column No. 3 - your gender.
  • In column No. 4 - your date of birth.
  • In column No. 5 - place of residence and contact telephone number.
  • In column No. 6 - medical card/medical history number (consists of 4 digits).
  • In column No. 7 - your identification number (if you have one).
  • Column No. 8 indicates the benefit code, if you have one.
  • Column No. 9 indicates a document confirming the right to receive social assistance.
  • In column No. 10 - insurance number.
  • We mark the “accompaniment” item only if necessary.
  • Column No. 11 indicates the place of work/study
  • In column No. 12 - your position.
  • Form to fill out Since the reverse side of the form is to be filled out only by the doctor and exclusively in medical terms, then we will not consider filling it out in such detail.

400 bad request

The “Epicrisis” item indicates information about the treatment received by the patient in a sanatorium-resort organization and his condition at the time of discharge based on the data from the sanatorium book, medical documentation and the objective condition of the patient. Items “Treatment results”, “Presence of exacerbations that required cancellation of procedures” and “Recommendations for further treatment”, are filled out based on the data specified in the “Epicrisis” paragraph. The return coupon is certified by the signatures of the attending physician, the chief physician and the round seal of the sanatorium-resort organization.

(Name medical organization) (address, telephone) ^ Accounting documentation Form No. 070/u Approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 20

Sanatorium-resort card: form 072/у

Complaints, duration of the disease, medical history, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: must be entered: complaints about periodic pain in the epigastric region, most often on an empty stomach, no pulmonic wheezing, corrhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg. The abdomen is soft, slightly painful in the epigastric region. Stool and urine in N. 15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 08/06/08 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.08.08 General an. urine: color - salt; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 0-1 in p/z. Fluorography from 07/11/08: without pathology. ECG from 08/01/08: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 74 beats/min. normal half of EOS. 16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because

To undergo treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions, the patient should obtain a sanatorium-resort card (form 072/у), which is issued by medical organizations that provide medical care exclusively in outpatient setting. This map must be completed by medical professionals only upon presentation by the patient of a voucher for sanatorium treatment. This certificate confirms that the patient has no contraindications for treatment. The card reflects the patient’s health status, includes conclusions of possible previous treatments, as well as laboratory, radiological, functional, etc.
A few words should be said about the content of diagnoses. They are indicated on the form in a special font, universal for all countries. This makes the form valid for any country. Besides, medical uniform, which provides the basis for recreation and treatment in specialized resort institutions, necessarily contains the following information: It is very important before spa procedures find out the true state of your health

  • examinations that the patient underwent and their results;
  • main diagnosis;
  • test results;
  • associated diseases: name and condition.

In order to receive a sanatorium-resort card, it is necessary, no later than 10 days after receiving the voucher, to visit a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him.
If necessary, passage rehabilitation period or continuation of treatment, the attending physician may recommend to his patients a stay in specialized sanatoriums, health resorts. To issue a voucher to medical institutions, the local therapist (attending physician) draws up a special medical certificate - a sanatorium-resort card for the patient. Form and sample of the card Sample of the sanatorium and resort card The document reflects the doctor’s recommendations for the rehabilitation and treatment of the patient using certain climatic and natural factors, season sanatorium treatment, and also indicates the absence of contraindications. According to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the document has the form 072/u-04. You can get a sanatorium-resort card at the district clinic.

Form approved: Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 834n dated December 15, 2014

To undergo treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions, the patient must obtain a sanatorium-resort card (form 072/u), which is issued by medical organizations that provide medical care exclusively on an outpatient basis.

This card must be filled out by medical workers only when the patient presents a voucher for sanatorium treatment. This certificate confirms that the patient has no contraindications for treatment. The card reflects the patient’s health status, includes conclusions of possible previous treatments, as well as laboratory, radiological, functional and other studies.

The card form consists directly of the Card and the return cut-off coupon.

Points 1-4 of the card are filled out on the basis of the patient’s passport or other document proving his identity.

Points 6-13 are filled out for the preferential category of citizens.

Points 15-17 are completed based on the patient’s medical record.

The basis for filling out items 18-21 are vouchers for sanatorium treatment.

The card is signed medical worker who filled out the card or the head of the department, the chairman of the VC (for persons entitled to social benefits). The card is certified with the seal of a medical institution.

The cut-off coupon is filled out by the attending physician of the sanatorium-resort organization. Information about the treatment performed and the patient’s condition at the time of discharge is indicated here. The results of treatment, the presence of possible exacerbations and recommendations for further treatment are filled in. back side The coupon is signed by the attending physician, as well as the head of the department of the sanatorium-resort institution. In addition, the coupon is certified by a seal.


Shape index: 072/у

download from our server if it doesn’t work using the link below

A sanatorium-resort card (form 072/u-04) is a medical document indicating that the patient has no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, primarily for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors.

A sanatorium-resort card (form 072/u-04) is a medical document indicating that the patient has no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, primarily for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors (i.e., the profile of the sanatorium, geographic location, climate, season and other components of treatment will not be contraindicated for the patient).

A sanatorium-resort card, form 072/u-04, is issued free of charge at the clinic at the place of residence upon presentation by the patient of a voucher to a sanatorium or boarding house, after passing all necessary tests and carrying out the required medical examinations. According to current legislation, health resort organizations have the right to refuse treatment to patients in the absence of a health resort card. If the sanatorium-resort organization has the appropriate diagnostic and treatment facilities, a sanatorium card can be issued in the sanatorium itself, but, as a rule, this can take from 2 to 3 days, during which treatment cannot be applied.

Important! To obtain a sanatorium-resort card in a sanatorium, the following documents will be required: an outpatient card of the patient, a certificate of fluorography, a certificate from a gynecologist (for women).

Important! There are indications and contraindications for spa treatment. Very often, patients, not fully knowing their diagnosis, choose the treatment profile of the sanatorium based on complaints and pain symptoms, and they expect to issue a sanatorium-resort card upon arrival at the sanatorium. However, after examination in a sanatorium, the main diagnosis may not be confirmed. As a result, it turns out that the person arrived, paid money for the voucher, but cannot receive treatment, since it does not correspond to the profile of the chosen sanatorium.

The sanatorium card is filled out by a therapist according to the patient and on the basis outpatient card, the results of medical examinations and opinions of highly specialized doctors. The sanatorium card form 072/u reflects data on the patient’s complaints, duration of the disease, life history, and previous (outpatient, inpatient, including sanatorium-resort) treatment. Data laboratory tests, clinical, radiological and other studies are filled out based on medical documents with the obligatory indication of the date of the study. The sanatorium card indicates the main diagnosis for the treatment of which the patient is sent to the sanatorium, as well as the forms, stages, and nature of the course of concomitant diseases and pathologies. In the sanatorium-resort card, all diagnoses are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) - this guarantees that the sanatorium-resort card will be unambiguously interpreted medical personnel any sanatorium or boarding house and sanatorium-resort treatment will be prescribed correctly.

The main thing that should be in a sanatorium-resort card is:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. electrocardiogram;
  4. fluorography of the chest organs;
  5. for women - a gynecologist's report;

These 5 points are the most basic. At concomitant diseases you will need results additional examinations and the opinions of relevant medical specialists. For example, a patient suffers diabetes mellitus- You need a blood sugar test and an endocrinologist's report. If you have cholelithiasis, an ultrasound scan of the gallbladder is necessary. Was treated for cancer- There must be recommendations from an oncologist.

The health resort card form consists of the card itself and a return coupon. The card indicates the patient's last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, and address of permanent residence. In accordance with the presented mandatory policy health insurance, the patient identification number in the compulsory medical insurance system is indicated. If the patient has the right to receive a set of social services, then the sanatorium card indicates the codes of these benefits, as well as the documents on the basis of which these benefits are provided. According to the patient, information about the place of work, study, profession and position held is indicated.

A significant innovation is the introduction of standards for sanatorium treatment. For each specific disease a list of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures has been determined that the patient has the right to count on. If the treatment did not meet the standard of sanatorium-resort care, then the return coupon must indicate the reason for this discrepancy. In other words, the doctors of the sanatorium or boarding house must indicate on the return coupon sanatorium card information about the treatment received by the patient and his state of health at the time of discharge, the results of the treatment, the presence of exacerbations that required the cancellation of procedures and, if necessary, recommendations for further continuation of treatment. The return coupon is filled out by the attending physician of the sanatorium-resort organization, certified by the signatures of the attending physician, the chief physician and the round seal of the sanatorium-resort organization, then handed over to the patient for return to the medical institution that issued the sanatorium-resort card.

Upon arrival home, the patient must provide to the medical institution that gave him the go-ahead to travel (at the place where the certificate was issued to the sanatorium), a return coupon from the sanatorium card and a sanatorium book with data on the treatment performed. The return coupon will be filed in the outpatient card, and the sanatorium book will be thrown away. Patients who have an outpatient card in hand can file a return coupon in it themselves.

To have a complete idea of ​​what a properly executed health resort card should look like, let’s consider a typical example of filling out a health resort card from a clinic.

How to fill out form 072/u-04 from the clinic?

In accordance with the instructions for filling out form 072/u-04, on front side form:

In the OGRN field: the OGRN code of the clinic must be entered (this number must correspond to the number of the clinic on round stamp, placed on back side form).

Sanatorium card number: three or four-digit number (eg 387/10) and date of issue of the certificate (eg November 15, 2010). The number may be a fraction, indicating the year of issue of the certificate followed by the fraction.

1. Attending physician: Doctor's name.

2. Issued: Patient's name.

3. Gender: The patient's gender is ticked.

4. Date of birth: patient's date of birth.

5. Address: permanent address and telephone number of the patient.

6. Medical history or outpatient card number: four-digit number (eg 1549)

7. Identification number in the compulsory medical insurance system: patient number in the compulsory medical insurance system, if available. (eg 886882 0073802244)

8. Benefit code: the benefit code must be indicated if the patient has this benefit. (this point is relevant only for disabled people: 081 - group 3, 082 - group 2, 083 - group 1)

9. Document certifying the right to receive the kit social services: The corresponding document (series, number and date) must be entered, if available. (this point is relevant only for disabled people, e.g. 002 005162 dated 06/17/2007)

10. SNILS: The insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS) of the patient must be entered, if available. (eg 024-072-886-88)

11. Escort: ticked if the patient requires an escort (this item is only relevant for disabled people).

12. Place of work, study: usually the place of work or study is indicated if the patient studies or works, if you do not work, then “does not work” should be written.

13. Position held, profession: Usually the position (profession) is indicated, if any.

Reverse side of the health resort card form.

It is not possible to describe the general template to which the content of the reverse side of form 072/u-04 should correspond, so we will consider three filling options for three conditional groups of citizens:

1. Group. Young people who do not suffer from any diseases, and bought a ticket to the sanatorium only for the purpose of relaxation, provide a certificate with the following content:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, medical history, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: must be entered: no complaints, no pulmonic wheezing, corrhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this option there are no significant diseases, then, as a rule, the code for chronic gastritis is indicated (K29.3). This disease occurs quite often even in very young and practically healthy people. Paragraphs 16.2 and 16.3 are usually left blank.

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 1st group of citizens.

2. Group. Young people suffering from one chronic disease are sent to a sanatorium not only for relaxation, but also for treatment. In this option, the profile of the sanatorium-resort organization should correspond as much as possible to the disease indicated in certificate 072/у.

For example, the sanatoriums of the Caucasian mineral waters They usually specialize in gastrointestinal diseases. Consequently, this will be reflected in complaints and diagnosis:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: should be entered: complaints of periodic pain in the epigastric region, often on an empty stomach, no pulmonic wheezing, cor-rhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg. The abdomen is soft, slightly painful in the epigastric region. Stool and urine in N.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 0-1 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: without pathology. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 74 beats/min. normal half of EOS.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this option we are considering treatment in a sanatorium that specializes in treatment gastrointestinal diseases, then this paragraph naturally should indicate the code for chronic gastritis (K29.3). If the patient has any other chronic diseases, then their codes should be indicated in clause 16.3 (for example, chronic bronchitis J41.0) - Clause 16.2 should not be filled out.

If the patient is sent to a sanatorium where bronchopulmonary diseases are treated, to treat chronic bronchitis, which worsens mainly in the cold season, then the following filling option is possible:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: must be entered: complaints of cough mainly in the cold season, pulm breathing with a hard tint, no wheezing, cor-rhythm. Heart rate-75 beats. min. ; BP-120/80 mmHg.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered here. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-150; Er-4.6; CPU-0.89; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-3 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 0-1 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: without pathology. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 74 beats/min. normal half of EOS.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because in this embodiment, we are considering treatment in a sanatorium that specializes in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, then the code should naturally be indicated in this paragraph chronic bronchitis(J41.0). If it is assumed that there are any other chronic diseases, then their codes should be indicated in paragraph 16.3 (for example, chronic gastritis K29.3) - Paragraph 16.2 is usually left blank.

17. Name of the sanatorium-resort organization: must match the name of the sanatorium-resort organization in the purchased voucher.

18. Treatment: most often we are talking about sanatorium-resort treatment, so the corresponding item must be ticked.

19. Duration of the course: must correspond to the number of days of spa treatment indicated in the purchased voucher.

20. Voucher number: must correspond to the number of the purchased voucher.

Below should be the signature of two doctors (the attending physician and the head of the department).

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 2nd group of citizens.

3.Group. Elderly persons suffering from numerous chronic diseases, serving for sanatorium-resort treatment in order to receive effective treatment and significantly improve your health. Most people of this conditional group go to the so-called “general profile” sanatoriums, which, as a rule, specialize in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we will consider this filling option:

14. Complaints, duration of the disease, anamnesis, previous treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment: should be entered: complaints of periodic pain in the heart, occurring more often during physical activity, increased blood pressure to 160/80 mmHg ., general weakness. , Ob-but: pulm-breathing with a hard tint, no wheezing, cor-rhythm. Heart rate-60 beats. min. ; BP-140/90 mmHg.

15. Data from clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies: the dates and types of studies performed must be entered. For example: 06.11.10 General. an. blood: Hb-120; Er-4.2;.; Ley-5.2; P-1; S-63; E-2; B-1; L-29; M-4; ESR-10 mm/h. 06.11.10 General an. urine: color - sol.zh.; p-1021; sah., white - abs; Ley- 1-2 in p/z. Fluorography from 08/11/10: Emphysema, pneumosclerosis. ECG from 01.11.10: Syn rhythm. Heart rate 62 beats/min. deviation of the EOS to the left, LV hypertrophy, diffuse changes in the myocardium.

16. Diagnosis. 16.1 Disease for the treatment of which he is sent to a sanatorium: because In this case, we are considering treatment in a sanatorium specializing in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, then in this paragraph, naturally, the code for atherosclerotic heart disease (I25.1) should be indicated. If there are any other chronic diseases, then their codes should be indicated in paragraph 16.3. (usually these include: chronic gastritis K29.3, cerebral atherosclerosis I67.2, chronic cholecystitis K81.1, etc.). Paragraph 16.2: this paragraph usually contains the code of the disease for which the disability was obtained (usually I25.1). If the patient does not have a disability, then this item will be empty.

17. The name of the sanatorium-resort organization: must match the name of the sanatorium-resort organization in the voucher you purchased.

18. Treatment: most often we are talking about sanatorium-resort treatment, so the corresponding item must be ticked.

19. Duration of the course: must correspond to the number of days of spa treatment indicated in the purchased voucher.

20. Voucher number: must correspond to the number of the purchased voucher.

Below should be the signature of two doctors (the attending physician and the head of the department).

This is how the sanatorium-resort card should be filled out for the above-mentioned 3rd group of citizens.

* Always check that your personal information is correct on your health resort card!

Basic disease codes for form 072/u-04:

1. I10. Essential (primary) hypertension

2. I11.9 Hypertensive (hypertensive) disease primarily affecting the heart without (congestive) heart failure.

3. I20 Angina pectoris (angina pectoris)

4. I25.10 Atherosclerotic disease hearts with hypertension

5. I25.1 Atherosclerotic heart disease

6. I67.1 Cerebral atherosclerosis

7. J40.0 Simple chronic bronchitis

8. J45.0 Asthma with a predominance of the allergic component.

9. J45.1 Non-allergic asthma.

10. J45.8 Mixed asthma.

11. K29.3 Chronic superficial gastritis.

12. K29.4 Chronic atrophic gastritis.

13. K81.1 Chronic cholecystitis.

For free registration For a sanatorium-resort card, it is enough to go to the state clinic at your place of residence. To obtain a health resort card on a paid basis, you can use the services of any medical center.

A sanatorium-resort card is a mandatory form for persons who are sent for treatment to specialized institution, providing spa treatment services. The document is issued by outpatient medical institutions that provide assistance in basic areas. The basis for issuing the form is that the patient has a travel voucher. The document has a limited validity period. The completed card is valid for 2 months.

Sanatorium and resort card form 072 y is an appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation number 834n (Appendix 13). The date of issue of the order is December 15, 2014, the effective date is March 9, 2015. The changes made to the form must be taken into account when working with patients. The procedure for filling out the form is regulated by Appendix 14 of the same order. This sanatorium-resort map is also relevant in 2017.

The sanatorium-resort card form is filled out by an employee of an outpatient medical organization with a secondary education. medical education. This employee is the person responsible for the accuracy of the information entered. The medical worker endorses the document with his signature. A voucher for treatment and a sanatorium-resort card are two complementary documents. Without a voucher, the form at an outpatient facility cannot be filled out, and without a resort card, a voucher presented at a sanatorium is invalid.

Filling out is done after presenting a voucher for treatment at a sanatorium-resort institution. It is important to fill out all the required fields of the document. Only in this case will the completed form be recognized as valid.

Form 072у contains a number of data in encoded form. Information is encoded in a line intended for recording information about the availability of benefits. The code also indicates the patient’s illnesses on the return coupon. Classification is carried out according to ICD-10 (international classifier). Data on the underlying disease must be entered, concomitant diseases, a disease that has caused disability.

Form 072 dated December 15, 2014 is a two-sided form. Information is entered on the front and back sides. The document consists of two parts: the map itself, which occupies most volume, and return coupon. The return coupon is cut along the corresponding cutting line.

The data in the tear-off coupon is entered by the doctor of the sanatorium-resort institution, who directly carries out the treatment of a particular patient. The doctor certifies the accuracy of the information with his signature and the seal of the institution. The certification seal must have a clear imprint, name medical institution must be readable.

Sanatorium-resort form 072 y is necessary to confirm the possibility of treatment in a sanatorium-resort institution. The map contains a number important information, which may affect the nature of treatment. Based on the data provided about the patient’s disease, the attending physician prescribes necessary procedures. The form includes information about the studies performed and treatment already completed (if any).

Passport data for filling out points one through four are taken from the citizen’s passport or from another document acting as identification. The card indicates the code of the subject of the Russian Federation where the patient permanently resides, and describes the climate of this region. This is done to determine the possibility of a patient staying in a particular sanatorium-resort institution, since climatic factors have a serious impact on the course of treatment.

In case of a sharp change in the climatic background in elderly people or people weakened by certain acute and chronic diseases Undesirable reactions may occur. For weather-sensitive (weather-dependent) people, resort areas are selected very carefully. For some categories of patients, climate change is completely contraindicated.

The health resort card contains information about the citizen’s SNILS. Numbers in the pension insurance system perform several functions and are used not only pension fund. With the help of SNILS it is formed single register beneficiaries. Using this number, it is possible to verify the validity of a citizen’s right to benefits when receiving spa treatment.

In an organization providing sanatorium and resort services, form 072u is stored for three years. A return coupon is issued to the patient after completion of treatment. The voucher records all services provided and the effectiveness of the treatment received. This document must be submitted to the health care facility that issued the sanatorium-resort card or to your clinic.

In a medical institution, a medical worker files a sanatorium-resort card coupon into the patient’s main card. In this form, documents are stored in health care facilities for three years.

Buy a health resort card in Moscow

Printing of forms is carried out at the City Blank printing house. Cards are made in full accordance with the established form. You can order a batch of any size. The production time will depend on the size of the batch. You can agree on the availability date with the manager. Single copies of the form may be available in stock.

You can buy a health resort card in Moscow in our online store. The “health resort card with delivery” service is available for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Specify the method of receiving the goods when placing an order.

This form is intended for referral of adult patients for treatment. For use by children medical institutions sanatorium-resort card 076/u has been developed. This form is also approved by order 834n. You can purchase the card in our store. Individual purchases and batch orders are possible. In the section of the catalog dedicated to medical records, you can also buy certificate forms for obtaining a voucher. These forms are sold in packs of 100 copies.

Attention. It is legal to produce only blank, unfilled document forms. Data entry is carried out by responsible employees of the relevant organizations. The City Blank printing house only prints blank document forms.