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Medical sponge for wounds. Form, composition, packaging. Pharmacological action of the hemostatic sponge

per 1 g of the drug: collagen, substance-solution 2% - 49 g (0.98 g of dry collagen) nitrofural (furacilin) ​​- 0.0075 g, boric acid-0.0125 g.


plates yellow color with specific smell acetic acid, with a relief surface, with a porous structure, thickness from 5 to 9 mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

hemostatic agent for local use.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has a local hemostatic and antiseptic effect, stimulates tissue regeneration. A sponge left in a wound or cavity is completely absorbed. When a hemostatic collagen sponge comes into contact with a bleeding surface, platelet adhesion and aggregation occurs, which leads to a rapid stop of capillary-parenchymal bleeding. Collagen undergoes biodegradation - gradual resorption in the body over 3-6 weeks, which allows the material to be left at the site of application without subsequent removal. Products of collagen biodegradation (lysis) stimulate wound repair processes, accelerating wound healing. The boric acid and nitrofural contained in the sponge have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Indications for use

As hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding from:
hard sinuses meninges;
bone marrow canal;
alveolar socket after tooth extraction;
parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection);
gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Intolerance to drugs of the nitrofuran series (nitrofural, furazidin, nitrofurantoin, furazolidone, nifuratel, nifuroxazide). Arterial bleeding. Purulent wounds, pyoderma.

Pregnancy and lactation

There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and dosage

The sponge is removed from the packaging immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis. Apply to the bleeding area and press against it for 1-2 minutes or tightly pack the bleeding surface, followed by bandaging. After soaking in blood, the sponge fits tightly to the bleeding surface. To close damaged areas parenchymal organs (liver) or gall bladder bed after cholecystectomy, the sponge is placed in the damaged cavity. If the bleeding does not stop, you can apply a second layer of sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further operation is carried out according to accepted methods. To stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding area is covered with a sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge is not removed, as it subsequently completely dissolves. The size and quantity of sponge used is selected according to the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


Cases of overdose have not been described.

Interaction with other drugs

The hemostatic effect of the sponge is enhanced if it is additionally moistened with a thrombin solution.

Release form

Release form

sponge dimensions (50±5)x(50±5) mm, 1 pc. and (90±10)x(90±10) mm 1 pc. Packed hermetically in two-layer bags made of polyethylene film, or in containers made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil with a heat-sealable coating, or from films: polymer, "Poliform", "Plastiplen" and laminated paper, or only from films: polymer, "Poliform" , "Plastiplen".
Sponge with a diameter of (11±1) mm, 10, 20, 30 pcs. Packed in blister packs made of... PVC films and aluminum foil with heat-sealable coating.
Blister packaging or two-layer bag made of; polyethylene film or container along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.
For medical institutions, two-layer bags made of polyethylene film or containers of 10, 20, 30 pcs. together with instructions for use in a quantity equal to the number of primary packages, place a cardboard box in a group package.

Why is a collagen hemostatic sponge needed? Indications for its use will be indicated below. You will also receive detailed instructions for independent use this product, its properties and contraindications for use are listed.

  • bone marrow canal;
  • alveolar socket (for example, after tooth extraction);
  • gall bladder bed, including after cholecystectomy;
  • parenchymal organs (for example, after liver resection).

Prohibitions for use

In what cases should a collagen hemostatic sponge not be used by patients? The instructions state that this drug is contraindicated for use in hypersensitivity to its components. Also, the drug in question cannot be used in cases of intolerance to drugs of the nitrofuran series (including Nitrofural, Furazidin, Nitrofurantoin, Furazolidone, Nifuratel, Nifuroxazide), arterial bleeding, purulent wounds oh and pyoderma.

How is a collagen sponge used?

Before using the drug in question, carefully remove the sponge from the packaging (right before use), observing all aseptic rules. Next, it is applied to the site of bleeding, after which it is pressed and kept in this state for 1-2 minutes.

If desired, the bleeding surface can be very tightly tamponed with a collagen product, followed by its fixation (bandaging). Although experts say that after the sponge is well saturated with blood, it will adhere to the wound itself and bandages may not be needed.

To close damaged areas of parenchymal organs or the gall bladder bed after cholecystectomy, the product in question is placed directly into the damaged cavity. In the event that after similar procedure the bleeding has not stopped, you can apply a second layer of sponge.

Once the bleeding has stopped, the collagen agent is fixed using a U-shaped suture. The subsequent operation is carried out according to generally accepted methods.

If it is necessary to stop bleeding from a vessel, then the bleeding area is also covered with a sponge. After completing the task, the product is not removed. Subsequently, it will resolve on its own.

It should be especially noted that the amount of sponge used and its size are selected in accordance with the volume of the cavity and the size of the bleeding surface.

Possible adverse reactions

The hemostatic collagen sponge almost never causes any symptoms. incidental. Sometimes during its use the patient develops allergic reactions. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Special information

What do you need to know before using a hemostatic collagen sponge? When using this product, it should be taken into account that its effect is significantly enhanced if it was additionally soaked in a thrombin solution.

Similar drugs, synonyms

Synonyms for this drug No. As for sponge analogues, these include such products as “Natalsid”, “Tachocomb”, “Caprofer”, a hemostatic sponge with Ambien, “Zhelplastan”, a hemostatic pencil, “Feracril”, “Polyhemostat”, “Tissucol Kit”, "Ivisel."

Method of storing the drug, timing

How long does a hemostatic collagen sponge retain its properties? Reviews from experts report that if all the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, its shelf life is exactly five years. It should also be noted that the instructions say that the product in question must be kept only in a well-ventilated, out of the reach of children, dry and protected from contact sunlight a place where the air temperature varies between 10-30 degrees.

This drug is dispensed in pharmacy chains without a doctor's prescription.

The hemostatic sponge is an effective antihemorrhagic agent. This is a hemostatic device - indispensable assistant surgeon performing the operation. You should have a sponge in every home, and especially in your car, first aid kit so that, if necessary, you can quickly stop bleeding. This medical device is a sorbent that has antiseptic properties.

The product stops bleeding and activates the restoration of damaged tissue. On a positive note is also the fact that when the sponge is placed in the wound cavity, it completely, without any residue, dissolves. But it cannot be dissolved in cold liquids (up to 75°C), and it does not lend itself to organic solvents.

The sponge is made from a dense solution of collagen, which is obtained from the processing of tendons, cartilage, skin tissue and some other components of the carcass of large-horned animals. When is a hemostatic collagen sponge used, instructions, application, composition, what are it? To have the most complete understanding of this product, you need to carefully read the instructions.

If this is not possible, please read this description of this tool. It is for informational purposes, compiled on the basis of a factory annotation, but it is not such.

Therefore, if you need to use this product in practice, carefully study the package insert yourself.


The sponge, as we already know, contains a dense solution of collagen. In addition to it, this product contains a solution of furatsilin, as well as boric acid. It is a dry, very porous mass. The color is yellow and has a slight smell of acetic acid.

Quickly and effectively absorbs liquid substances. At the same time, the sponge swells a little.
Pharmacies offer the product in the form of square plates measuring 100 x 100 mm or 50 x 50 mm. Each package of the drug contains 10 pcs. plates At the same time, for 1 g of collagen sponge there is 0.0125 g of boric acid powder, as well as 0.0075 g of furatsilin.

Indications for use

This medical device is effective in stopping capillary bleeding. Therefore, the sponge is used for nosebleeds. This tool will help with bleeding resulting from dental procedures. It is also used for parenchymal bleeding internal organs, as well as with alveolar bleeding from lung tissue.

Recommended for use in the treatment of bedsores and various damage to skin surfaces. Often used after hepatic resection. Used after cholecystectomy, when the gallbladder bed should be closed.

Application. What do the instructions say?

To quickly, effectively stop heavy bleeding, cut off the required amount of hemostatic collagen sponge. The required section is applied to the surface of the existing wound. Gradually the bleeding stops (hemostasis effect). After this, there is no need to remove the sponge from the wound, as it will completely dissolve.

If there is a need to enhance the hemostatic effect of this agent, the sponge can be soaked in a thrombin solution before use. If the bleeding is very intense and does not stop, apply a second piece of sponge to the wound. In this case, after the bleeding has stopped, a fixing U-shaped suture is applied.

Very often, the use of a sponge is combined with drugs that prevent blood clots from dissolving, for example, Ambien. This is done as follows: First, treat the surface of the wound with an Ambien solution using tampons. Then lightly press down on the surface of the wound, leaving it there for 5 minutes. Then the wound is sprinkled with a crushed sponge. Or add it inside a gauze swab, which is left in the wound cavity for no more than a day.

The size of the hemostatic sponge plates, as well as their number, is selected depending on the intensity of bleeding, the size of the wound or cavity.


This remedy is not used in case of heavy bleeding due to damage to large blood vessels. The use of the sponge is contraindicated in patients whose bodies are particularly sensitive to furatsilin, as well as other nitrofurans.

Side effects

When using a sponge, allergic reactions are possible.

It is recommended that you obtain medical advice before using this hemostatic agent. Be healthy!

The information is posted on the site for informational purposes only.

Consultation with a specialist is required.

If you find an error in the text, an incorrect review or incorrect information in the description, we ask you to report this to the site administrator.

Reviews posted on this site are the personal opinions of the people who wrote them. Don't self-medicate!

Review: Collagen hemostatic sponge Innopharm Laboratory - we only learned about it through the ambulance

Effectively and quickly stops bleeding, does not require removal

At first none of us were afraid. Remembering from school that in such cases you need to take a semi-sitting position and put cold on the bridge of your nose, I sat my mother down and applied a cloth with ice to her nose (fortunately, it was in the refrigerator). However, 10 minutes passed and the bleeding did not stop, it even intensified. Mom was pounding with fear, her blood pressure jumped sharply, which further aggravated the situation, and in a panic I rushed to the bathroom and back, not having time to rinse the rags. Naturally, they called an ambulance, but it arrived only after 40 minutes, because there were no available teams. During this time, my mother lost a lot of blood, the towel was soaked through.

When the doctors finally arrived, I was barely in better condition than mom. As first aid was provided, the nurse advised in the future in such cases to insert into the nostril cotton gauze a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. And the doctor, having carried out simple manipulations, quickly stopped the bleeding and showed me the hemostatic sponge with which he did this, asking if we had one in the first aid kit. I replied that no, it was the first time in my life that I had seen such a thing, especially since no one had suffered from nosebleeds before. The doctor advised me to buy such a sponge at the pharmacy and, if necessary, stop the bleeding myself by cutting out a piece of the sponge the right size and tightly packing the nostril with it. Of course, the next day I bought such a sponge at the pharmacy and read the instructions.

As it turns out, the sponge is made of collagen. Collagen - construction material And active participant healing process, it stops bleeding. The sponge also contains aminocaproic acid with antiallergic activity.

Another component, arovit, is a water-polymer solution of silver nanoparticles that has an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect. Well, boric acid, which completes the list, has an antiseptic, astringent and drying effect.

Returning to our story, I want to say that after packing with a sponge, we calmly arrived at the city hospital, within half an hour nothing leaked anywhere, no additional napkin was required. Later, at the clinic, my mother had the vessel cauterized; I hope this nightmare will not happen again.

And I, having studied the information about emergency assistance in case of nosebleeds, I think it would not be superfluous to remind the readers of “Otzovik” the main actions in this situation, if you don’t have such a sponge at hand or if you don’t have the opportunity to make a cotton-gauze swab.

First of all, you need to calm down. Nose bleed- although this is scary, it is still not fatal, because there are no large blood vessels in the nose, but only a dense capillary network. This applies, of course, only to “anterior” bleeding that arises from the vessels of the nasal septum; they occur most often - in 90-95% of cases and do not pose a threat to life.

Secondly, you need to take a semi-sitting position, but not leaning back, but rather, slightly tilting your head forward so that the blood does not flow into your mouth.

Thirdly, firmly press your nostrils together with your fingers, thereby squeezing the burst vessel and stopping the bleeding. If your hands are tired, an ordinary wooden clothespin will do for this purpose.

Fourth, put ice on the bridge of the nose so that the blood thromboses faster. Do not blow your nose under any circumstances.

If you decide to use a cotton-gauze swab, then take into account its size: it should be 2.5 - 3 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. Before inserting, it is better to dip the tampon in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Install very tightly, blocking the blood flow.

If in this case the bleeding does not stop, then call a doctor.

For myself, I decided that the collagen sponge should be in home medicine cabinet along with iodine and aspirin, it is especially necessary where there are elderly people suffering hypertension. I hope my review will be useful to someone. Be healthy!

General impression: We only found out about her through the ambulance.

Tampons Hemostatic sponge - review

Stops bleeding quickly. Be sure to buy this for your home medicine cabinet.

How do you stop bleeding from a nose or wound? Cotton wool? With hydrogen peroxide? Does it help? No to me. Of course, I have both at home. But if there is bleeding, then I only use a hemostatic sponge. It has been in my first aid kit constantly for about 10 years now. Cotton wool doesn’t help me at all, besides, it gets stuck in the wound and then it’s difficult to get it out of there. There is a high probability that when you tear it off or even soak it, blood will flow again.

Briefly about what a hemostatic sponge is.

The hemostatic sponge actually resembles a sponge in appearance. Yellow or slightly Brown. But the composition of this sponge is unusual. It is made, just don't faint, from the skin and tendons of cattle. But not like sausage or minced meat, of course. And on special medical technology. Collagen is created from primary raw materials, furatsilin and boric acid are added. And all this equipment is capable of stopping the bleeding and disinfecting the wound in a matter of seconds.

Once, while chopping cabbage with a double-bladed knife, I cut my finger very badly with the second blade. She cut deeply, part of the skin came off the finger and hung like a flap.

I only had a towel at hand, I wrapped it around my finger, and it immediately got wet through. That is, you understand how severe the bleeding was. By the time I got to the medicine box, I poured everything around. The sponge stopped the bleeding instantly! There is no need to apply the entire sponge to the wound, a small piece is enough, even if there is blood in a stream. The sponge is able to absorb a huge amount of liquid without increasing in size. You can cut it with scissors, but if you don’t have time or scissors at hand, tear it off with your hands, it tears easily. There is no need to remove the sponge from the wound after the bleeding has stopped. The sponge will stick well and protect the wound if you suddenly touch it. It is also not necessary to tear off the sponge after it seems to you that the wound has begun to heal. It will dissolve itself (like surgical sutures). But if you don’t want to wait, you can soak it in hydrogen peroxide.

I also stop nosebleeds only with this sponge. I insert a small piece of sponge into the nose and after a couple of minutes you can take it out - that’s it, there won’t be any more bleeding.

A scary story with a happy ending.

My husband and father-in-law were hanging furniture cabinets in the kitchen. We have a lot of stones in our walls and my father-in-law came across one of them when he was drilling a hole. The drill fell off and injured his hand. What did it hurt? It tore open the whole palm. Our father-in-law is a man strong-willed, refused to go to the ambulance, and was going to go to the accident himself by car. They put a whole sponge in his palm (there was no time to adjust the size of the sponge to the wound) and just like that he went to the hospital on his own. There was not a drop of blood in the car. At the hospital I also waited in line to see the doctor, the wound was stitched up, and now everything is fine.

You can buy a sponge at almost any pharmacy. True, when I bought it last time, the pharmacist looked at me as if she was hearing about it for the first time. The girl turned out to be an intern and an experienced pharmacist quickly told her where and what. This is the first time we have sold a sponge in this design. This is usually a box with blue letters. Here - with brown ones and the main word in the name is not “hemostatic”, but “hemostatic” (I wanted to find old boxes for a photo, but apparently I already threw it away). And instead of a yellow sponge, it is slightly brown. Shelf life - 3 years (blue packaging - 5 years). Apparently, a new manufacturer of these sponges has appeared. By the way, he also introduced silver into the composition. But the essence is the same as before.

The cost of a sponge (depending on size) is from 70 to 160 rubles (in pharmacies in our city).

In general, if you still don’t have this product in your home or car first aid kit. be sure to buy it. It may be better if you don’t need it, but if something happens, it will save you.

A hemostatic sponge should be in every first aid kit!

For the first time I experienced the effect of a hemostatic sponge on myself after the removal of a wisdom tooth, the bleeding did not stop for a long time; I brought it from work (works in a pharmacy) to stop bleeding, but I myself have medical education and I know very well that collagen sponges...

An irreplaceable thing for bleeding! It must be not only in the first aid kit, but also in your purse.

Good day to all! Unfortunately, nosebleeds are not uncommon in our family, so the otolaryngologist advised us to purchase this sponge. THIS IS A REALLY ESSENTIAL AND VERY EFFECTIVE SPONGE! It stops even severe bleeding within a few minutes. Using the sponge…

Is there a little tomboy living in your house? then this product MUST be in your first aid kit!

When my son broke his nose while playing, I ran to apply ice to the bridge of his nose and make cotton swabs to stop the bleeding. At that time, I did not yet know about such a miraculous remedy. And she did it the old fashioned way. The blood stopped flowing.

Hemostatic sponge

Hemostatic collagen sponge

Consisting of a mass of porous structure, the consistency of which is elastic and soft collagen, the hemostatic sponge has a yellow color and a faint vinegary odor. It is characterized by excellent absorption of liquids, accompanied by slight swelling. Cold water and organic solvents do not dissolve the sponge; it can also maintain itself unchanged at temperatures up to 75 degrees. Higher temperatures and increased humidity cause changes in the sponge and can partially dissolve it.

Hemostatic sponge instructions

The instructions for use of the Hemostatic Sponge provide the patient with recommendations for its correct use.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug is produced in the form of plates, the size of which is 10X10 cm or 5X5 cm. They are prepared from a collagen solution, which is obtained from the tendon or skin of cattle.

The constituent components of the drug are the amounts of boric acid and furatsilin necessary for the composition of the sponge.

The hemostatic sponge preparation is packaged sterilely. They are packed in ten pieces in a thick cardboard box.

Storage period and conditions

The drug can be stored for five years provided it is kept in places protected from light with air temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees.


From the pharmacological side, the drug has an adsorbent, antiseptic and hemostatic effect. It also has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration.

Indications for use of hemostatic sponge

  • for capillary bleeding (from the nose, after dental intervention, from the sinuses of the dura mater of the brain);
  • in case of skin damage, otitis media or bedsores;
  • in order to fill a defect in a parenchymal organ, for example, after partial excision of the liver or removal of the gall bladder.


Collagen hemostatic sponge application

The hemostatic sponge is used exclusively locally by applying a tampon from it to the bleeding wound. If it was not possible to stop the bleeding, another layer of material should be applied. When the bleeding has stopped, the sponge should not be removed, but rather it should be secured. Then it will completely dissolve.

Hemostatic sponge for nosebleeds

When bleeding from the nose, the Hemostatic sponge helps stop the bleeding, and also acts as a sorbent and antiseptic, stimulating tissue restoration.

Apply the sponge tightly to the bleeding site and check after a few minutes to see if the blood has passed. If necessary, apply another plate. After the blood has completely stopped, secure the sponge (U-shaped fixation).

Hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, the Hemostatic sponge is capable of helping the patient if he needs to stop bleeding. In addition, the sponge will promote an adsorbent and anti-inflammatory effect. While waiting for a preventive result, you can place a sponge in the hole of a newly extracted tooth.

Side effects

The use of a hemostatic sponge may lead to re-infection or the development of allergies.

Drug interactions

The effect of the drug will be enhanced if thrombin is used to wet it.

Hemostatic sponge with Ambien analogues

Analogues of the drug in the form of a collagen hemostatic sponge are some drugs with similar effects:

Hemostatic sponge price

The cost of the drug varies depending on the size of the plates and units in the package. It ranges from 85 to 740 rubles.

Hemostatic sponge reviews

Reviews about the hemostatic sponge preparation are very few, but each of them characterizes the material exclusively with positive side. Let's look at a few reviews that we received quite recently.

Victoria: The child came from kindergarten and when talking with him, I heard some nasality in his voice. It turned out that his nose started bleeding during the day and the teacher put a hemostatic sponge in his nose. Indeed, by evening the child was breathing normally and upon examination nothing foreign was found in the nasal cavity. An interesting drug. Although I had no idea about its existence before.

Marina: Not long ago I found myself in a rather ridiculous situation when my elderly mother started bleeding from the nasal cavity, and everything that I knew to help in this situation did not work. I had to resort to calling an ambulance. The brigade arrived only twenty-five minutes later. During this time, the woman lost a lot of blood, and I myself was not in the best condition. The nurse calmly rolled up a small swab and placed it right on mom’s nose. A few minutes later the blood calmed down and they showed me our savior in the form of a collagen sponge and taught me how to use it.

How long after it is possible to remove the hemostatic sponge from the nose?

Do I need to wait for some time, or is it removed immediately after the bleeding stops?

I first heard about the concept of a “hemostatic sponge” in the office of a pediatric ENT doctor, when I treated my son for professional help to a specialist.

The child often there's blood coming out from the nose and had to turn to an ENT specialist to exclude or identify problems leading to bleeding.

For nosebleeds, the doctor prescribed compresses with tampons made from homemade cotton wool, which need to be swiped olive oil or milk thistle oil for 10 minutes in each nostril for 14 days.

And to this, also purchase a hemostatic hemostatic sponge at the pharmacy, which consists of collagen, a suspension of silver, boric acid and aminocaproic acid.

For nosebleeds, you need to cut a small piece so that it fits into the child's nostril and leave for 2-3 minutes to absorb the blood.

Subsequently, the sponge completely dissolves, but I don’t wait for this moment, since the child pulls it out of the nose.

If one plate is not enough and the sponge is completely saturated with blood, it is replaced with a new one and fixed on the wound.

There is no need to remove a collagen hemostatic sponge, because such a sponge has the ability to dissolve on its own, and the bleeding quickly stops; by treating it with furatsilin, it has an antiseptic effect, as well as a healing effect on the wound. Do not use such sponges for arterial bleeding and purulent wounds.

Hemostatic sponge

Instructions for use:

Price in online pharmacies:

A hemostatic sponge is an antihemorrhagic or hemostatic agent. The scope of its application is quite wide, and side effects and there are few contraindications. The drug helps stop bleeding and promotes speedy recovery damaged tissues, limiting their injury and protecting them from negative external influences.

pharmachologic effect

The hemostatic sponge is both a sorbent and an antiseptic; it helps stop bleeding and protects the wound from the development of bacterial infection. In addition, it promotes the rapid restoration of damaged tissues.

The raw material for making a sponge is a collagen solution, which is obtained from the skin and tendons of cattle. Additionally, boric acid and furatsilin are added to the sponges. Due to its unique composition, the hemostatic collagen sponge is perfectly absorbed in the wound cavity, but at the same time does not dissolve at all in cold water and various organic solvents, in addition, it tolerates temperature increases well, up to 75°C.

Very often you can hear recommendations for the use of a hemostatic sponge with Ambien. Ambien is a substance that prevents the dissolution of blood clots. In addition to Ambien, this sponge contains human blood plasma and calcium chloride.

Composition and release form

Hemostatic collagen sponge is available in the form of dry, porous, soft and elastic plates. The plates are yellow in color and have a faint odor of acetic acid. The sponge plates absorb liquid well and swell slightly. The sponge does not dissolve in cold water and organic solvents, but in hot water contraction occurs, as well as partial dissolution of the sponge.

Standard jaws have dimensions of 50*50 mm or 100*100 mm. A sponge with Ambien is produced in the form of a dry substance, packaged in bottles.


According to the instructions, the hemostatic sponge can be used for a variety of capillary bleeding, for example, nosebleeds, bleeding after dental procedures and from the sinuses of the dura mater. Also, this sponge is often used for parenchymal bleeding or bleeding from internal organs, as well as for alveolar bleeding.

According to the instructions, the hemostatic sponge can be used for skin injuries, including bedsores, as well as for filling defects in parenchymal organs, for example, its use is justified after hepatic resection. It is also used to close the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The method of using the hemostatic sponge is described in detail in the instructions. It is used only locally for wound packing. In about 3-5 minutes, the sponge is completely saturated with blood and fits tightly to the edges of the wound. If bleeding from the wound has not stopped, you can use another sponge; it is placed on top of the first. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge is fixed using a U-shaped suture. To enhance the effect of using a sponge, it is often recommended to moisten it with a thrombin solution.

The rules for using sponges with Ambien are slightly different from the standard ones: the contents of the bottle with the sponge are used to tampon the wound surface. In this case, the sponge must be pressed with a gauze swab or surgical instrument for 3-5 minutes. If necessary, after pouring the sponge onto the damaged surface, you can add a gauze swab and even leave it in the wound cavity for no longer than a day.

Side effects

When using a sponge, like any other medicine, it is possible that allergic reactions. Therefore, if there is known hypersensitivity to furatsilin and other natrofulans, it is better to refrain from using a hemostatic sponge. There is also a possibility secondary infection wounds when using a sponge.


The use of this sponge is also contraindicated for bleeding from large vessels.

The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide for self-medication. Before using the medicine, you must consult a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Hemostatic collagen sponge 50x50mm No. 1

Hemostatic sponge 5X5cm N1

Hemostatic sponge 9x9cm 1 pc.

Hemostatic sponge 9*9 cm N1

When using materials from the site, the active reference is obligatory.

The information provided on our website should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment and cannot serve as a substitute for consultation with a doctor. We warn you about the presence of contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Instructions for use of collagen hemostatic sponge for nosebleeds or dentistry

An effective antihemorrhagic agent necessary to stop bleeding and used as a local antiseptic is a hemostatic sponge. In this generally accessible way, you can not only stop severe bleeding, but also speed up the process of regeneration of damaged tissue. Collagen sponge It has a wide spectrum of action and has found its application in several areas of medicine. Before use antiseptic, it is recommended to consult with your doctor and ensure storage in your home medicine cabinet.

Hemostatic sponge

The detailed instructions indicate that this pharmaceutical simultaneously combines the functions of a sorbent and an antiseptic, helping to avoid bacterial infection of open wounds. The composition of this drug is natural, so the only contraindication for use is the body’s hypersensitivity to active ingredients. The mechanism of action of a hemostatic sponge is approximately as follows: upon contact with a damaged surface, platelet adhesion and aggregation occurs, as a result of which bleeding stops.


The collagen hemostatic sponge is made from a special collagen solution extracted from the tendons and skin of cattle. Auxiliary components in the natural composition of this medicinal product for external use are boric acid, nitrofural and furatsilin. Such unique composition does not dissolve in organic solvents, is integral in water, but at the same time is productively absorbed into the wound, forming a so-called protective barrier. The hemostatic sponge is resistant to elevated temperatures up to 75 degrees.

pharmachologic effect

This medicinal product is pharmacological properties doesn't have complete analogues By natural composition, sold in every pharmacy. The hemostatic sponge not only prevents bleeding and large-scale blood loss, but also restores the integrity of damaged vessels and accelerates the process of restoration of damaged epidermal tissue. This universal remedy has bactericidal, aseptic, antimicrobial, regenerating, tonic and sorbing properties, and has a targeted effect on the source of pathology.

Release form

Essentially, it is a pressed yellow powder mass that has a mild odor of acetic acid. It dissolves in the body over 4-6 weeks, while the active substances overcome the systemic blood flow and maintain their concentration for several days. The hemostatic sponge productively absorbs biological fluids, slightly increasing in size and swelling. The dimensions of such a plate are 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm, packed in a plastic bag with cardboard packaging on top.

Indications for use

Hemostatic sponge stops profuse bleeding parenchymal, alveolar and capillary origin. This medicine must be used immediately, without waiting for heavy blood loss. You must act according to the instructions included in the package. The attending physician strongly recommends using such a pharmaceutical product for its intended purpose in the following clinical pictures, without violating the method of use, daily doses, general advice:

  • mechanical or chemical disorder integrity of the skin;
  • defects of parenchymal organs, as an option - liver, gall bladder;
  • trophic ulcers of different localization;
  • hemorrhages of the sinuses of the dura mater;
  • progressive bedsores, open wounds;
  • nosebleeds of unknown etiology;
  • acute otitis;
  • inflammation of internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • closure of the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy;
  • progressive hemostasis of dental practice.

Hemostatic sponge - instructions for use

This medicinal product intended for external use for the purpose of packing an open wound. The dry substance-solution is applied over the open wound, then wait a few minutes. During this time, the hemostatic sponge fills with blood and the bleeding stops. Its edges fit tightly to the wound, but for greater reliability it is better to use a second sponge on top of the first. When the hemorrhage has stopped, the treatment agent is fixed with a U-shaped suture and a bandage is applied. To enhance the effect, the sponge must be moistened with thrombin solution.

If you use a hemostatic sponge with Ambien, the rules for use are somewhat different. The contents of the bottle are intended for tamponing the cavity of an open wound, and the product itself must be held with a surgical instrument and a gauze swab for 5 minutes. You can leave a layer of gauze in the wound for a short period of time, but it must be removed the next day. A hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction is used exactly according to this principle. Right choice recipes and diagrams intensive care The attending physician will advise.

Side effects

Not all patients are allowed to stop bleeding using a hemostatic sponge, since side effects may occur in the form of allergic, local reactions on the skin. This is itching, burning, redness, increased swelling of the dermis. Therefore, if the body is hypersensitive to the active substances, it is better not to use the drug after surgery and during intensive care. In addition, doctors do not exclude the risk of secondary infection. detailed instructions There are no reports of other side effects regarding the use of the hemostatic sponge.


If the surface of the dermis is damaged, use this inexpensive drug Not all patients are allowed, since there are medical restrictions. For example, when arterial bleeding It is better not to use a hemostatic sponge in large vessels after resection. Carefully prescribe such a remedy to a child, but it is strictly prohibited if the body is hypersensitive to active components. So the dissolution of the product in the cavity open wound It does not help all patients, as stated in the detailed instructions.

Storage conditions

The sponge must be stored in a dry place, since high humidity will medicine soon becomes unusable. The instructions say that such a local antiseptic should not fall into the hands of children or be used for other purposes. Self-medication is possible, especially if you immediately need to stop heavy bleeding. The expiration date is written on the packaging, which is also important not to violate, otherwise desired result you can't wait. Family first aid kit – the best place for storing hemostatic sponge.


Some patients believe that a hemostatic sponge is not able to stop bleeding and alleviate the patient’s plight. In reality, the effect of this medication is selective, and it is also important to consider the risk of side effects. In such clinical pictures, the attending physician introduces a replacement and suggests using an analogue of the indicated pharmacological group. Here is a replacement worthy of modern pharmacology, which can also be purchased over the counter, but after consulting with your doctor first:

Hemostatic sponge price

The specified drug is easy to find on the open market, but it is also easy to order via the Internet on thematic websites from detailed catalogs. In the latter case, it turns out to be somewhat cheaper, and delivery is not delayed. Before making such a relevant purchase for yourself, it is important to find out not how much the hemostatic sponge costs, but whether it is suitable for a specific application. clinical picture patient or not. If medical contraindications are completely absent for use, you can use reliable information from the table below with metropolitan prices:

Name of pharmacy in Moscow

Cost of the drug 50X50 mm, rubles


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Hemostatic collagen sponge (hemostatic)

Intended for use as a wound covering in surgery, traumatology, dermatology, dentistry and at home as a local hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding.

Collagen hemostatic sponge(biodegradable collagen plate) is intended to provide local hemostatic and antiseptic action, stimulates tissue regeneration.
Hemostatic collagen sponge used as a hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding, for tamponade of the dural sinuses, to stop bleeding from the bone marrow canal, to stop alveolar bleeding after tooth extraction, to fill defects of parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection), for closing the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy. Indications for limiting the use of collagen plates in children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers not found.

- Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- Intolerance to nitrofuran drugs (furacilin, furagin);
- Arterial bleeding;
- Purulent wounds, pyoderma.

It is a plate of yellow to brown color, with a specific odor of acetic acid, with a porous structure, with a relief surface, absorbs liquid well, and swells slightly.
Collagen plate It is prepared from a collagen solution and is produced at two domestic enterprises.

Hemostatic sponge composition:

The composition of hemostatic plates produced by OJSC "Luga Plant "BELKOZIN" includes:
collagen, boric acid and furatsilin.
The composition of the collagen sponge produced by JSC "Green Dubrava" includes: collagen not less than 80%, boric acid not less than 0.1%, aminocaproic acid not less than 1%, argovite not less than 0.01%.


The hemostatic plate is insoluble in cold water and organic solvents, stable at temperatures not exceeding 75 °C. With more high temperature and a humid environment, partial dissolution of the hemostatic plates occurs. pH of the aqueous extract from 4.5 to 6.5 ( Green oak grove: within 5.0-7.5); moisture content not more than 18%. Moisture absorption is at least 5 grams per 1 gram of dry matter.
Hemostatic plates are made in the following sizes:
(50±5) x (50±5) x (7±2) mm,
(90±10) x (90±10) x (7±2) mm,
(97±10) x (97±10) x (7±2) mm,
diameter (11+1) x (7+2) mm


Immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis, open the packaging with scissors. The hemostatic plate (collagen sponge) is removed, applied to the bleeding area and pressed against it for 1-2 minutes, or the bleeding surface is tightly tamponed, followed by bandaging. After soaking in blood, the hemostatic plate fits tightly to the bleeding surface.

To close damaged areas of parenchymal organs (liver) or the gall bladder bed after cholecystectomy, a hemostatic plate is applied to the damaged surface. If the bleeding does not stop, a second layer of hemostatic plate can be applied. After stopping the bleeding, the hemostatic plate is fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further operation is carried out according to accepted methods. To stop bleeding from a vascular suture, the bleeding area is covered with a hemostatic plate.
After the bleeding has stopped, the hemostatic plate is not removed, as it subsequently completely dissolves.
The size and number of hemostatic plates used are selected in accordance with the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.


№1 - Pack hemostatic plates (sponges) with dimensions 50x50 mm, 90x90 mm, diameter 11 mm, 1 pc. in sterile packaging made of polyform and laminated paper or other materials approved for packaging medical supplies. Individually packaged plates along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

№10 - Individual sterile packaging - containers made of Poliform film and laminated paper, packed in 10 pieces in cardboard packs.

Sterilization: radiation
3 years.

JSC "Green Dubrava", Russia

Hemostatic sponge (plate) price from 45.00 RUR.:

Name Price Package Manufacturer
50 x 50 mm 52.00 / 450.00 rub. №1 / №10 "Luga plant "Belkozin" Russia
58.00 rub. №1 "Green oak grove", Russia
90 x 90 mm 104.00 rub. №1 "Luga plant "Belkozin" Russia
RUB 115.00 №1 "Green oak grove", Russia
97 x 97 mm RUB 98.00 №1 "Green oak grove", Russia PROMOTION!

Self-absorbing collagen wound covering with a cleansing and antibacterial effect, is a highly porous white or cream-colored plate with a specific odor, made from a mixture of natural collagen biopolymer and trypsin-like enzymes digestase and collagenase (from the hepatopancreas of the Kamchatka crab).

Compound: collagen at least 80%, digestase enzyme (collagenase) at least 1%, purified water

Application area: Complex treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, complications of the " diabetic foot" It has a rapid hemostatic effect by stimulating platelet aggregation and an antimicrobial effect by destroying the walls of bacteria.

For complex treatment purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, gunshot wounds, treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, complications of the “diabetic foot” syndrome in surgery, tamponing of sockets in dentistry. Has a cleansing and antibacterial effect.

It has a rapid hemostatic effect by stimulating platelet aggregation and an antimicrobial effect by destroying the walls of bacteria.

Dimensions 100x100x5 No. 1, 50x50x5 No. 1, 10x10x5 No. 10.

pH of water extract: 5.0-7.5

Sterile, single use

Sterilization: radiation
Guaranteed shelf life of the plates from the date of sterilization: 3 years.

Manufacturer: JSC "Green Dubrava", Russia

Price on request

Dental sponge

With chlorhexidine based on hydroxyapatite and collagen, it is used to fill bone defects and intraosseous implantation, for contour osteoplasty, in surgical treatment periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Dental hemostatic sponge “Stimul Oss” is unique. Collagen sponge in contact with the wound surface causes growth stimulation connective tissue, i.e. wound healing.

Designed to optimize reparative osteogenesis, prevent jaw atrophy after removal of teeth, cysts, benign tumors, sequestration, as well as increase bone volume (contour osteoplasty) in order to eliminate its deformation and prepare the mouth for prosthetics. It is also used for intraosseous implantation of supports for dentures and surgical treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Dental sponge "Stimul Oss" is a dry porous material with a base in the shape of a circle or square of soft elastic consistency white diameter 11 mm, welding temperature in water not less than 45.0°C;
pH of aqueous extract 5.0-7.5;
sorption activity no more than 10 minutes;
mass fraction of moisture no more than 18.0%

Contains: hydroxyapatite, chlorhexidine, formaldehyde.
Hydroxylapatite, which is part of the drug, has a stimulating effect on the activity of reparative osteogenesis in the socket of the extracted tooth.
Chlorhexidine - introduced to increase antibacterial activity, and the dosage is selected so that it does not reduce the osteoinductive properties of the entire product as a whole.

Indications for use:

  • After tooth extraction in order to reduce atrophy of the alveolar edge of the jaw.
  • After tooth extraction for the purpose of osteoreparation, which allows earlier intraosseous implantation of supports for dentures.
  • During resection of the apex of the tooth root for chronic periodontitis, cystogranuloma.
  • After removal of jaw cysts (odontogenic and non-odontogenic) and removal of benign jaw tumors (fibroma, adenoma, etc.)
  • During sequestrectomy for destructive osteomyelitis of the jaws.
  • For radical flap operations for periodontal disease and for filling the periodontal pocket after its curettage for local periodontitis in order to restore the walls of the alveoli.
  • When implanting denture supports (to achieve osseointegration).
  • For alveoplasty with atrophy of the alveolar process.
  • To raise the floor of the maxillary sinus in order to create conditions for intraosseous implantation.
  • At contour plastic surgery(genioplasty, in particular for dentofacial deformities).

The warranty shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture.
Packaging: double bag made of polyethylene film, combined material or other materials approved for packaging medical products.
The product is sterilized upon release by gamma rays at a dose of 1.5 MRAD.


  • Polyallergy.
  • Allergy to chlorine-containing substances.
  • Allergy to collagen-containing drugs.

Instructions for use:
After removal of a tooth, cyst shell, sequestrum, benign tumor or other pathological tissue the resulting bone defect is removed blood clots a stream of saline solution, a curettage spoon or a gauze swab.
After processing outer surface outer package - container with an antiseptic solution (foracilin, chlorhexidine, etc.) it is opened with sterile scissors and removed with sterile tweezers; a small packaging bag containing a dental sponge is opened with sterile scissors, the GSK-X-GA-50 block is removed with tweezers and inserted it's in defect bone tissue. The number of blocks used is determined by the volume of the bone defect. Having ensured hemostasis, the edges of the soft tissue wound over the bone defect are brought together with sutures. After its removal, the tooth socket is filled with 1-2 blocks of GSK-Kh-GA-50 to 1/4 of its depth. The edges above the hole are brought together with sutures or applied for 20-30 minutes. gauze swab. The patient is not recommended to eat for 4 hours. In contour osteoplasty and alveoplasty, the periosteum is peeled off from a small soft tissue incision. The resulting cavity (tunnel) is tightly filled with GSK-Kh-GA-50 blocks. The edges of the soft tissue wound are brought together with sutures. STORAGE CONDITIONS
"Stimul Oss" in packaging of the enterprise is stored in protected from light, closed, clean warehouses without foreign odors.

OJSC Luga Plant Belkozin, Russia

Price: 48.00 rub.