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Rules for wearing and hygiene of a gauze bandage. In what cases does a gauze bandage on the face help against the flu? When to use cotton gauze dressings

Cotton-gauze bandage is an affordable means of protecting all organs respiratory system. During the epidemic of various colds such a bandage is considered necessary. You can do it yourself with regular cotton wool and gauze or a bandage.

How to make a cotton-gauze bandage?

For this protective equipment you will need a piece of cotton wool and a piece of gauze. rectangular shape. On gauze and cotton wool price affordable, you can even purchase them from an online store - for example, from Tekstil LLC.

A piece of gauze is laid out on the table so that the long side is placed vertically. After this, cotton wool should be placed on the center of the gauze rectangle. The gauze needs to be bent along its entire length, placing it on the cotton wool. To make the ties on the headband, the remaining ends are cut approximately 25 cm on both sides.

There is another way by which you can make a cotton-gauze bandage. You need to take the following materials:

bandage 14 cm wide;

a piece of cotton wool;

needle and thread.

First, about 60 cm of bandage is cut off. A piece of cotton wool is placed on its left edge. The bandage is folded together with the cotton wool in 3-4 turns. The cotton square should be completely wrapped in a bandage. For ties, you need to take the same length of bandage. It is divided into two strips, each of which is carefully twisted. Two ties are threaded through the edges of the cotton wool gauze bandage, and for ease of use, the edges of the bandage are stitched with a hand stitch.

When are cotton-gauze dressings used?

This means of protection is relevant during an epidemic of influenza and other viral diseases. A self-made bandage differs from finished products high quality, has a longer service life. This dressing can be reused.

For a cotton-gauze dressing, you need to choose only proven materials. Important buy cotton wool high quality and without synthetic impurities.

Using a regular cotton-gauze bandage you can protect yourself from various infectious diseases. These include influenza, whooping cough, measles and other diseases. During an epidemic of infectious diseases, a cotton-gauze bandage should be in every home. It can be used in educational and preschool institutions. A bandage is worn in crowded places.

This means of protection is used for some medical procedures, when there is a possibility of poisoning. chemicals, in case of fire and smog. The bandage must be worn by people who are already infected with the flu. All bacteria remain on the mask, and the risk of infecting others is minimized.

In the fall, when it is cool and humid, the flu begins to rage, from which children and adults suffer.

To avoid infection dangerous virus with all its complications, you need to protect yourself in any way possible.

A cotton-gauze bandage is the simplest and most affordable means of protecting the respiratory tract from various bacteria and infections. It is also necessary when someone in the family is already sick and you do not want the rest of the family to become infected.

  • Protection from diseases transmitted by airborne droplets(flu, diphtheria, whooping cough).
  • During surgical operations.
  • High content of dust, smoke, smog in the air. The gauze product should be moistened with water.
  • In case of fire will help protect against toxic combustion products and smoke for a while.
  • During a bacteriological attack when toxic gases are sprayed.
  • In case of an accident at a nuclear power plant the protective equipment will be able to filter radioactive dust.
  • Air contamination ammonia or chlorine vapors.

The product can be worn for 3-4 hours, after which it is disposed of. If the dressing was used to protect against ammonia or chlorine, it must be burned.

Material requirements

The cotton wool must be made from natural 100% cotton, without synthetic impurities and chlorine for bleaching. It should not contain short fibers that could enter the lungs when inhaled.

Before use, you can shake it several times in front of the light source. If fine dust remains in the air, it is better not to use cotton wool..

The gauze should be thick enough to provide effective protection. GOST bandages are considered the highest quality.

Synthetic material is poor defense, calling allergic reaction, irritation and difficulty breathing. High-quality protective agent it is better to sew from sterile materials.

The finished product can have from 4 to 8 layers. Standard size cotton-gauze dressings 15 cm high and 90 cm long, of which 30-35 cm are spent on ties on both sides. Product sizes are the same for adults and children.

A self-made cotton-gauze bandage looks something like the photo:

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

At the height of the epidemic, pharmacies usually start a rush with protective masks, so it’s best to sew them yourself. Moreover, it will not take much of your time and effort. A disposable factory mask purchased at a pharmacy is valid for a short period of time and cannot be reused.

A preventive product made of cotton wool and gauze can be washed and used several times.

Now let's figure out how to make a cotton-gauze bandage. To do this you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • pharmaceutical bandage or gauze;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

Respirators were designed specifically to protect the respiratory system when working in hazardous environments. We will tell you which ones exist in the next review.

What personal protective equipment for skin exists, read here.

Use medical supplies protection in combination with skin and respiratory protection - The best way protect and protect people from infection in emergency situations. detailed information.

Now let's look in more detail at how to make a cotton-gauze bandage from a bandage.

Option #1

You will need:

  • 2 bandages 14 cm wide and 7 m long;
  • packaging of hygienic medical cotton wool (100 grams).

On the edge of the bandage length 60 cm put cotton wool size 14x14 cm, wrapping it in a bandage 3 times. The second bandage needs to be cut lengthwise into two parts. Each half is twisted for ties, they are threaded at the top and bottom, and the bands are sewn up. The output is 12-14 dressings.

How to make (sew) a cotton-gauze bandage with your own hands, watch the training video:

Option No. 2

  1. Take two long strips of bandage 70-90 cm and fold them 3 times.
  2. Sew them along their entire length. You can baste by hand or sew on a machine.
  3. Take 4 identical pieces of gauze 17x17 cm. Place a cotton square between the 2 layers and cover with the remaining 2 layers of gauze on top. Sew along the edges with a basting stitch.
  4. Fold the edges inward 1 cm and stitch carefully.
  5. On ready-made mask Sew long ties lengthwise so that one is on top and the other is on bottom. They must be the same length.

Option #3

In the middle of a piece of gauze 100x50cm place a layer of cotton wool 20x30cm. Fold it on both sides, cut the long ties without cotton into two parts 30-35 cm from the edge. They will serve as ties.

One of the options for making a cotton-gauze bandage with your own hands is shown in the diagram:

How to wear it correctly

In order for a gauze product to serve as a prevention of viral diseases, you need to know how to put it on and wear it correctly. At correct use This accessible remedy can reliably protect against germs.

Common Mistakes

A common mistake is wearing a bandage for a long time and wearing it repeatedly.. For healthy person such a mask can be harmful if left on for more than two hours.

Influenza viruses are so tiny in size that they easily pass through the microscopic gaps of the bandage and a person breathes these microbes. The moisture that comes from breathing keeps them alive inside.

It is the sick person who should wear such a bandage.. For us, everything happens the other way around - we ourselves must protect ourselves from bacilli spread by patients in crowded places. There is no need to be embarrassed to wear a mask in public.

If a cotton-gauze bandage helps you out during an epidemic, it doesn’t matter at all whether it was bought at a pharmacy or made with your own hands. Timely protective measures taken for prevention are much more effective than subsequent long-term treatment.

And viruses can spread in tiny droplets of saliva through the air at a distance of up to 7 meters. Such a simple remedy as a gauze bandage, if used correctly, will serve as a reliable protective barrier against viruses and bacteria.

The material used to make the mask has great importance. Synthetic material is a rather poor protector and can cause an allergic reaction. A high-quality gauze bandage mask is made of gauze, which allows air to pass through normally, allowing the skin to breathe without sweating. How more quantity layers of the mask, the greater the degree of protection. The most acceptable number of layers would be 4 - 8.

Additional positive feature multi-layer gauze bandage made from natural material is reusable. Recovery protective properties just wash it laundry soap and iron well.

When using a gauze bandage, protection is provided against influenza, as well as against other diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. If you are sick, the protection you use will reduce the risk of infection viral diseases those around you.

A gauze bandage can be purchased at a pharmacy. The choice can be made among 4- and 6-ply reusable cotton products. For ease of use, there are bandages with ties and elastic bands. Your face will not sweat in them, there will be no reuse they just need to be ironed with a hot iron.

If you couldn’t stock up on a gauze bandage at the pharmacy, it’s easy to make it yourself. Making a cotton-gauze bandage will not take much time and will not require any special knowledge. To do this, you will need a piece of gauze 1 meter long and 60 centimeters wide. Having spread the gauze on the table, an even layer of cotton wool measuring 20 × 20 cm and approximately 1 - 2 cm thick is placed in the middle. There should be enough cotton wool so that it does not interfere with breathing and at the same time covers the mouth and nose. Now the gauze is folded on both sides along its entire length, covering the cotton layer. The ends of the gauze are cut by 25 - 30 cm on all sides to make straps for tying. For strength, the resulting bandage must be stitched with threads along the edges of the straps, on both sides of the cotton wool. The homemade bandage is ready. It needs to be changed every 3 - 4 hours. You can also use a wide medical bandage to make it.

The gauze bandage should be of such a size that it completely covers the nose and mouth. At the same time, her Bottom part should tightly cover the chin, and top corners The rectangular bandage should almost reach the ears. The top and bottom ties are tied at the back of the head, passing above and below the ears, respectively.

Do not hesitate to wear a bandage in transport and in any crowded places where there is a possibility of “catching” an infection. After all, timely prevention is much better than subsequent treatment. Protect yourself and your loved ones from colds in time.

During the cold season, people with gauze bandages on their faces are becoming increasingly common. Are these bandages necessary?

These means of protection have again become a fashionable thing during the epidemic. Are there any benefits from them? Does a gauze bandage protect, yes or no?

— Do they protect against infection? Yes, but not 100%. When a patient coughs and sneezes, the mask traps droplets of saliva containing the virus. But there are also viral particles in exhaled air. For them, a mask is an unreliable barrier.

— When and who should wear them? For those who are sick and have a cough and runny nose, if they have to go to a clinic or other closed premises where there are a lot of people. Healthy - if someone nearby on a bus, subway, or store is coughing and sneezing violently.

— In what cases is a bandage useless and can even cause harm? On the street: in cool air viruses die anyway, and when walking, a mask limits the access of oxygen; due to its lack, dizziness and shortness of breath may begin.

Gauze bandage on the face - the simplest and most affordable individual remedy respiratory tract protection. Unlike pharmaceutical disposable masks made of polymer fibers, gauze bandages are reusable, so their use is more cost-effective. In addition, such a means of protection can be easily made independently at home.

What does a gauze bandage protect against?

The main purpose of a gauze bandage is to protect the respiratory system from pathogenic viruses and bacteria that spread through airborne droplets along with particles of saliva of a sick person when talking, coughing, etc. In this way, you can prevent infection by staying in potentially dangerous places - public transport, clinic, supermarket, etc. Also, using a gauze bandage, patients respiratory diseases can protect people around you from contracting the infection.

Gauze dressings protect not only from infectious agents, but can also be used in the absence of a respirator or gas mask to protect against:

  • carbon monoxide, smog, dust (pre-moisten with water);
  • chlorine vapor (pre-moisten in a two percent solution baking soda);
  • ammonia vapor (pre-moisten in a five percent solution of acetic acid).

How to make a gauze bandage?

Before making a gauze bandage, you need to learn how to choose high-quality starting material. The gauze must be of sufficient density to provide the necessary protection to the respiratory tract, allow air to pass through and allow the skin to breathe. Namely, this figure should be 36 g/m°. If the packaging does not indicate what the density of the gauze is, you can weigh it: a piece measuring 0.9 x 5 m should weigh 162 g. To increase the effectiveness of the gauze dressing, it is also advisable to use cotton wool in its manufacture. High-quality cotton wool should not generate dust when torn off, have lumps, or be bleached with chlorine.

There are several ways to make a gauze bandage. Let's consider the stages of one of the standard options:

  1. Take a piece of gauze measuring 60x90 cm.
  2. In the central part of the gauze cut, place an even layer of cotton wool measuring 14x14 cm and approximately 2 cm thick, or a piece of gauze of the same diameter, folded in 5 - 6 layers.
  3. Fold the upper and lower edges of the gauze piece so that you get a ribbon 90 cm long and 14 - 15 cm wide.
  4. Cut each side fragment of the resulting tape in half lengthwise down to cotton wool (folded gauze), thus obtaining two pairs of ties - for the parietal part and the occipital part. The edges of the bandage can be hemmed.

Rules for wearing a gauze bandage