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What hemostatic agents exist. Hemostatic powder Statin: instructions for use

A normal menstrual cycle is an indicator of a woman's health reproductive age. Blood discharge during menstruation lasts no more than seven days. If your periods last longer, they are heavier than usual or came earlier due date, doctors talk about uterine bleeding. There may be several reasons for the appearance of the disease. It is extremely important for a woman to react correctly and consult a doctor.

Bleeding can occur for various reasons:

  • infectious diseases - influenza, measles, sepsis;
  • structural pathologies reproductive organs– hyperplasia, polyps, cancerous tumors;
  • damage to female organs;
  • disturbances in ovarian activity;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy pathologies;
  • taking hormonal medications.

How to determine uterine bleeding? Its signs are:

  • the pad gets wet every one to two hours;
  • the discharge is filled with blood clots;
  • there is general malaise, weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen or lower back;
  • low hemoglobin in a blood test.

If bleeding occurs, seek medical attention medical care, because the self-medication is fraught with the development of life-threatening and health-threatening complications. Your doctor will be able to prescribe medications to stop bleeding.

If it is not possible to urgently consult a doctor, you should under no circumstances put a heating pad on your stomach, do douching, take a bath or take any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

It's best to call ambulance. While waiting for doctors, the patient should ensure peace. On you can put a cool towel on your stomach. It is necessary to increase fluid intake because the woman is losing a lot of blood. Rosehip infusion or sweet tea with lemon are ideal.


Doctors prescribe different medications to stop uterine bleeding. Most often, Dicinon or Tranexam are used - new generation drugs.


The active component of the drug Dicynon is Etamsylate.

In medicine, it is considered an emergency aid for various blood losses. In addition to the hemostatic effect, Dicinon helps strengthen vascular walls, improves the process of blood clotting. Dicinone does not cause thrombus formation during uterine bleeding and does not increase blood pressure.

Available in tablets and ampoules. Hemostatic injections begin to act within 15 minutes. Hemostatic tablets take effect two hours after use.

The drug is not prescribed for those with individual sensitivity to active substance medications, as well as in patients with a tendency to thrombosis and patients with glucose-lactose deficiency.


It is an effective hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding. Produced in tablet form and intravenous solution. Contains tranexamic acid.

Tranexam also has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

Not prescribed in case of subarachnoid blood loss, thrombosis, or individual reaction to the drug. The medicine may cause digestive disorders, drowsiness, loss of appetite, and allergic manifestations.

Can be used during pregnancy under medical supervision. In case of violations monthly cycle the drug is prescribed in tablet form. A doctor should prescribe the dosage of tablets.


This is an analogue of vitamin K. It affects blood clotting. Stops bleeding caused by a lack of vitamin K. Available in tablets and injections. Indicated to stop uterine bleeding in women, including during pregnancy.

Among the side effects from taking the drug:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • hemolytic disease - in newborns.

Contraindications are: hypersensitivity to menadione, thromboembolism, increased blood clotting.


The medicine is classified as antitumor. Stops uterine bleeding caused by fibroids or endometriosis. Used intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

The medicine is an analogue of a hormone produced by the hypothalamus. It affects the formation of sex hormones in the ovaries.

The drug is not used during pregnancy.


The medicine Ascorutin consists of ascorbic acid and rutin, it replenishes the lack of vitamins C and P and strengthens blood vessels.

Ascorutin is prescribed for various bleedings, with prolonged menstruation. But it is not an emergency medicine; there are other medicines for this.

If it is hormonal, Ascorutin is powerless in such cases.

Ascorutin is not prescribed for thrombosis, urolithiasis, or increased individual sensitivity.

Aminocaproic acid

A synthetic hemostatic drug that eliminates the fibrinolytic activity of the blood. It does not help with all types of blood loss. It is used only in a hospital under the supervision of a physician during coagulogram studies.

In addition to the hemostatic effect:

  • inhibits the formation of antibodies;
  • improves liver activity.

Aminocaproic acid is used in the form of powders dissolved in water, as well as intravenously through a dropper.


Synthetic hormonal agent, used to improve labor activity, as well as to stop bleeding after childbirth, operations caused by uterine hypotension. Oxytocin helps with hormonal pathologies, it contracts the uterus, constricts blood vessels.

Affects the nervous and endocrine system. Does not apply when high blood pressure, impaired renal function, during lactation. Used intramuscularly and intravenously only in a hospital.


Preparations containing calcium are actively used in the treatment of bleeding. This is calcium chloride or calcium gluconate.

Calcium is involved in all blood clotting processes. Medicines are used in the form of injections, administered very slowly, after which a feeling of heat appears throughout the body.


A medicinal product obtained from the lungs of large horned animals. The substance is a protein molecule that reduces the activity of digestive enzymes and fibrinolysis. The medicine eliminates bleeding by acting on enzymes that break down blood clots. As a result, the blood begins to clot and blood loss stops. The medicine is used successfully for obstetric hemorrhage.

It is used intravenously, usually through an IV.

Shown starting from childhood.

The drug has many side effects:

  • decrease in pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hallucinations;
  • allergies.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

In addition to hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding appoint hormonal medications containing estrogens and gestagens.

This group of drugs is used for bleeding caused by hormonal imbalances. They normalize the balance of hormones and thereby stop bleeding.

TO similar drugs include: Janine, Regulon, Logest, Triziston.

Herbal remedies

Some herbs have a hemostatic effect, preparations from which can be found in pharmacies. This is a tincture of water pepper and lagochilus.

Tincture of water pepper helps with uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding. The plant strengthens blood vessels, increases contraction of the uterine muscles, and reduces vascular permeability.

Lagochilus tincture increases blood clotting. The herbal medicine is effective for various types of bleeding.

Any hemostatic agents should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient. Self-medication for uterine bleeding is very dangerous.

Quite often in my practice medical workers middle managers have to deal with bleeding of different locations. In particular, in children and adults - with nasal teeth, after tooth extraction - with gingival and other teeth. Today, various hemostatic agents are used: for uterine injuries of the nose and other localizations. Against the background of a number of pathologies, disorders of a generalized type develop. For example, with aplastic anemia, Werlhof's disease, capillary toxicosis and others. Next, we will look at what hemostatic drugs exist today.

General information

Why does bleeding develop? This condition is the result of a violation of the integrity of large vessels or capillaries. Damage can be caused by tumor growth, trauma, or failure of the blood coagulation system. Often when an acute internal flow hemostatic drugs are administered directly at the scene of the incident or during the transportation of the victim to the hospital.

Clotting factors

As observations show, against the background internal pathologies bleeding is caused mainly by disturbances in the coagulation system. The processes in it represent a rather complex cascade of phenomena. It involves 13 factors present in plasma and more than ten contained in platelets. The most important of them include: fibrinogen, prothrombin, proconvertin, contact factor and antihemophilic globulin. Due to fibrinolytic, it is maintained in a liquid state.

Reasons for violations

Bleeding in practice, as a rule, is caused either by a deficiency of any coagulation factor, for example, with viral hepatitis, mechanical jaundice, hemophilia, or reduced content platelets (with Werlhoff syndrome, against the background of aplastic anemia and other pathologies). Often as trigger mechanism The smallest numerous thromboses appear in the capillaries. They develop with further overuse of certain clotting factors and platelets. This, in turn, leads to a similar picture observed against the background of shock difficult character(cardiogenic, traumatic), poisoning, septic conditions (including after criminal abortion), extensive operations, especially with massive blood transfusions. This used to be the case pathological condition was defined as “fibrinlytic bleeding.” Currently, it is called intravascular widespread microcoagulation syndrome.

Therapy: general information

Properly selected capillary local lesions have an impact on the impaired primary link of hemostasis. In general, competent therapy involves the use of one thing, in in rare cases two medications in optimal dosages. For example, for hemophilic bleeding, an infusion of fresh plasma or the drug “Cryoprecipate” is used. And such drugs as "Vikasol" or calcium chloride, in such cases do not apply. The affected link in the hemostatic system can be determined in accordance with the anamnestic data and symptoms detected during the examination of the patient. In this regard, before carrying out therapy, the genesis of the disorder should be identified. Nevertheless, local hemostatic drugs are allowed for use for any vascular external lesions of the mucous membranes. Medicines can have a broad or relatively limited spectrum of action. There are, for example, hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids. The forms of medications are also different. When the damage is localized in the intestinal area, for example, it is more advisable to use hemostatic suppositories. In some other cases, it is more effective to use solutions or tablets. For example, hemostatic agents for menstruation are often available in tablet form or in ampoules.

Medicine "Vikasol"

This medication is a water-soluble synthetic analogue of vitamin K. This drug helps stop only such bleeding, which is caused by a reduced level of prothrombin. This, in turn, is caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. The drug "Vikasol" stimulates prothrombin synthesis by liver cells. Indications for the use of this drug include hemostasis disorders in cirrhosis, hepatitis, renal-hepatic syndrome, obstructive jaundice. The drug is recommended for bleeding due to an overdose (medicines "Pelentan", "Neodicoumarin" and others). The medication is not effective in Werlhof's disease and hemophilia. The drug has some effect in menopausal and juvenile uterine, ulcer bleeding. The effect of the medication is observed no earlier than 12-18 hours after its administration. Like many hemostatic agents for uterine bleeding, the drug "Vikasol" is available in tablet form and as a solution. Oral medication is recommended at a dose of 0.015 g/2-3 times/day. Hemostatic injections "Vikasol" are prescribed intramuscularly, 1 ml of a one percent solution 1-2 times a day, in a row for no more than four days (due to the likelihood of thrombosis). Contraindications to the use of the drug include myocardial infarction (acute), thrombophlebitis, and increased coagulability.

Vitamin P

This remedy is a complex of tea catechins. Vitamin P slows down the activity of hyaluronidase (it dissolves the connective tissue base in the capillary wall), reducing to some extent the fragility and permeability of small-caliber vessels. At the same time, vitamin P prevents the oxidation of ascorbic acid. This also has a strengthening effect on the capillary wall. The most common vitamin P preparation is the drug "Rutin". It is a greenish-yellow powder, insoluble in water. The medicine "Rutin" to some extent reduces the severity of hemorrhagic skin rash against the background of Werlhof's disease and capillary toxicosis. The drug is prescribed for hemorrhages in the retina, measles, septic endocarditis, scarlet fever. When using vitamin P, there are practically no thromboses and there are no contraindications. The medicine is produced in tablet form in pure form 0.02 g each and in combination with ascorbic acid (Ascorutin product) (0.5 g of each component). For adults, the medication is recommended in a dosage of 0.02-0.05 g/3 r/day.

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid

This product comes in the form of a white crystalline powder. The substance is tasteless and odorless, highly soluble in water. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid has a powerful hemostatic effect (local and general meaning), slowing down the activity of the fibrinolytic structure. At the same time, the medication reduces the tryptic activity exhibited by digestive juices. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid is prescribed for gingival, nasal, intestinal, gastric, urinary, and renal bleeding of various origins, for Werlhoff syndrome, hemophilia, aplastic anemia, and after curettage of the uterus, among others. IN inpatient conditions The medication is used after interventions on the lungs, prostate, and in case of premature detachment of a normally located placenta. The drug is prescribed orally at a dose of 3-5 g/3-4 r/day. It is recommended to drink the powder sweet water. In addition, epsilon-aminocaproic acid is administered both as a stream and as a drip into a vein, 100 ml each. The medication is successfully used for local hemostasis in case of bleeding from the nasal mucosa or tooth socket after extraction. In this case, the powder is generously sprinkled on the affected area. When taken orally, the medication does not have an irritating effect on digestive tract. In extremely rare cases, patients may complain of nausea. After intravenous administration maximum effect observed after 1-4 hours. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid has contraindications. These include, in particular, kidney failure ( acute course), thrombosis.

Medical gelatin

Collagen hydrolyzate is a colorless gelatinous mass or yellowish leaves. When administered intravenously, the medication increases blood viscosity and platelet stickiness. This ensures a fairly rapid and pronounced hemostatic effect in cases of internal bleeding. These include, among others, intrapleural and gastrointestinal. A lesser effect is observed with damage to the vascular network of the mucous membranes. As adverse reaction allergies appear. The medicine is mainly prescribed intravenously in a dose of 50-100 ml of a solution heated to 37 degrees. The medicine is produced in ampoules of 10 ml of ten percent gelatin in five percent sodium chloride.

Fibrinogen K3 or M2

This is a human blood product, clotting factor I. It is used for afibrinohemic bleeding. Administered intravenously (up to 1.8-2 g of dry matter per day). Before use, the powder is dissolved directly in a physiological (sterile) solution, the temperature of which is 25-30 degrees. The infusion is carried out with the obligatory presence of a filter in the system, since elements of insoluble protein may be detected in the solution. Infusion is not prescribed for myocardial infarction (acute), thrombophlebitis.

Medicine "Trasylol"

This drug is obtained from the parotid glands of cattle. The medication is able to slow down the progression of intravascular microcoagulation and break down trypsin. It is prescribed for bleeding accompanying extensive tissue injuries, after septic abortions, against the background of acute leukemia (promyelocytic, for example) and other conditions. Dosage 10-20 thousand units intravenously drip per day 1-2 times in a five percent glucose solution (or physiological). Typically, the medication is administered in a hospital setting. The medication is also used for chronic and acute forms of pancreatitis, mumps. Among the side effects, the most common are: allergies up to anaphylactic shock, as well as phlebitis at the injection site.

Protamine sulfate

This is a protein derivative that has the ability to form insoluble complexes with thromboplastin and heparin. The drug is prescribed for hemorrhages caused by hyperheparinemia. It, in turn, is the result of an overdose or increased output endogenous heparin. The medication provides a fairly quick (within 1-2 hours) stop of blood flow. As a rule, a one percent solution in a volume of 5 ml is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. If necessary, re-infusion is carried out after 15 minutes. During therapy with use, monitoring of clotting time should be ensured. The medication is available in ampoules of five milliliters of a one percent solution.

Solution "Hemophobin"

This is a relatively weak hemostatic agent for hemorrhoids. It is used intramuscularly, orally or topically. Dosage at orally 1 table. spoon 2-3 r/day. 5 ml of a 1.5% solution is prescribed intramuscularly. The medicine "Hemophobin", like many other hemostatic drugs, is available in ampoules of 5 ml and bottles of 150 milliliters.

Medicine "Adroxon"

This medication is an orange powder that is tasteless and odorless. The medicine is effective for capillary bleeding due to minor injuries, after tooth extraction, tonsillectomy. A 0.025% solution is used to wet tampons and intramuscular injections many times before, during and after interventions. The drug is also effective for gastrointestinal bleeding. The medicine is available in ampoules of 1 ml 0.025%.

Medicine "Etamzilat"

This drug improves and reduces capillary permeability. The medication is recommended for treatment and prevention vascular disorders after tooth extraction, tonsillectomy. Indications include both intestinal and pulmonary hemorrhages. The maximum duration of effect is 1-2 hours when administered into a vein and 3 hours when taken orally. IN for preventive purposes The medication is prescribed intramuscularly or orally. To eliminate bleeding, 2-4 ml are injected into a vein or muscle, then 2 ml every 4-6 hours. The medication is available in tablet form, 0.25 g. and in ampoules of 2 ml in the form of a 12.5% ​​solution.

Medicinal herbs

The healing properties of plants have been known since ancient times. Medicinal herbs are present in the form of extracts in many hemostatic medications. Such hemostatic agents are used for heavy periods, disorders, localized and in other areas. A variety of tinctures, water and alcohol, tablets, and drops are also available. Specialists often use hemostatic drugs in gynecology. Especially during pregnancy and lactation. However, hemostatic agents must be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding so as not to harm the unborn child.

Lagochilus tincture

This product contains tannins and latoquiline. The tincture has a stimulating (moderate) effect on the coagulation system and a slight sedative effect. It is used as a hemostatic for menstruation and nosebleeds. It is recommended to take a teaspoon of a ten percent solution with water (0.25 cup) orally 3-4 times a day. As a side effect, there is a laxative effect in moderate degree. Tampons soaked in the solution can be used for hemorrhoidal or nosebleeds.

Nettle leaf extract

This product contains ascorbic acid and tannins. The extract is recommended for intestinal, renal flows, and Werlhoff syndrome. Nettle contains many hemostatic drugs used for heavy menstruation and other vascular damage.

Yarrow herb (liquid extract)

This solution contains resins and tannins, ascorbic acid, alkaloids. To enhance the effect, in some cases hemostatic drugs are combined. This is especially true with heavy periods. In such situations, yarrow herb and nettle extract are very effective.

Liquid pepper extract

It contains rutin and quercetin. Like some other hemostatic drugs for heavy periods, pepper extract also contains tannins. It is recommended 30-40 drops three times a day. Pepper extract is contained in the medicine "Anestezol" (suppositories).

Local medicines

As a rule, such hemostatic drugs are used for cuts. They allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate violations. They can be used in in case of emergency. There are separate hemostatic drugs for wounds. Next, let's look at some local medications.

Hemostatic sponge

This is a human plasma preparation. Thromboplastin and calcium chloride are present. The latter is doing good local action for gingival, nasal, hemorrhoidal bleeding. A piece is sterilely separated from the sponge and applied to the damaged, pre-dried area. The drug is pressed tightly with a gauze swab. A day later, the remnants of the formed fibrin film are carefully removed from the edges. The remains of the sponge dissolve on their own within 20-30 days. Unused remains from an opened container with a sponge can only be used after repeated sterilization. The drug has no contraindications.


This human plasma preparation is a loose white-pink mass. Representing a catalyst for the reaction of transformation of fibrinogen into fibrin, the drug has a direct hemostatic effect. Thrombin is used only for local capillary damage of various origins, including after tooth extraction. The bottle with the drug is opened sterilely before use, a physiological solution (10-15 ml) at room temperature is injected into it. After the thrombin has dissolved, the tampon is soaked in this mixture and pressed tightly to the damaged area. After the bleeding has stopped, it is carefully removed, moistened with saline to avoid re-damage.

Fibrin film

A preparation of human or animal (bovine) plasma. It contains thromboplastin. The drug has a moderate hemostatic effect. Fibrin film is used for local damage to the mucosa. Before use, the tube is sterilely opened and the film is removed. Next, it is washed with saline or Penicillin or Rivanol. After this, the medication is applied to the damaged surface. Allergies may develop when using fibrin film.

Drugs to stop bleeding in humans

Normally, our body copes quite easily with various kinds bleeding due to the ability of blood to clot. However, in some cases, this function may be impaired or it may simply not be enough. Accordingly, to stop bleeding it may be necessary to use different medicines. Such medications are called hemostatic, some of them are used exclusively by doctors, while others are quite suitable for self-use. What drugs exist to stop bleeding? Let's try to understand their diversity in a little more detail.


This medication is essentially a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. Its use is advisable for the correction of bleeding caused by a reduced amount of prothrombin in the blood due to a lack of vitamin K. Vikasol is usually used for hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as for obstructive jaundice, the so-called renal-hepatic syndrome and in case of an overdose of indirect anticoagulants. In addition, such a remedy can help a little with ulcerative, as well as uterine (juvenile or menopausal) bleeding.

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets or solution for intramuscular injection. It should not be used for excessive coagulability, thrombophlebitis and acute infarction.

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid

This substance has a strong hemostatic effect, both general and local, due to its ability to inhibit the activity of the fibrinolytic system. The use of such a drug is advisable for the correction of bleeding from the nose, gums, intestines, stomach, kidneys, and also uterine types of various etiologies.
It can even be used for Wergolf's disease, hemophilia or applastic anemia. The medicine should be consumed three to five grams three to four times a day, or administered intravenously. To stop local bleeding, powder is sprinkled heavily on the mucous membranes.
Epsilon-aminocaproic acid cannot be used for thrombosis and acute liver failure.


This medicine is a human blood product, namely, the first blood coagulation factor, it is used in the correction of afibrinogenemic bleeding, administered intravenously. In most cases, Fibrinogen is combined with epsilon-aminocaproic acid. This medication cannot be used for thrombophlebitis or acute form myocardial infarction.


This remedy is a preparation obtained from the parotid glands of the large cattle. It effectively inhibits the processes of intravascular microcoagulation and also breaks down trypsin. This medication is prescribed for bleeding that occurs against the background of extensive tissue trauma, as well as after a septic abortion or against the background of acute leukemia and other conditions. Trasylol is injected dropwise into inpatient department. Doctors may also prescribe it for acute or chronic form pancreatitis, or mumps. It is worth considering that this remedy may cause severe allergies or phlebitis at the injection site.


This medication consists of a solution of pectins, and has a weak hemostatic effect. It can be used to eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, etc. Usually the drug is taken orally or administered intramuscularly. In addition, Hemophobin can also be used topically, for example, after tooth extraction.


This medication helps cope with capillary bleeding after minor injuries. Tampons are moistened with its solution; in addition, the product can be administered intramuscularly, for example, before surgical interventions, during them, and on postoperative stage. Adroxon helps to cope with gastrointestinal bleeding.


This medication is able to optimize platelet activity and reduce capillary permeability. It is usually used to prevent and eliminate capillary-type bleeding that develops during tonsillectomy and tooth extraction. In addition, Etamzilat can help eliminate pulmonary or intestinal bleeding. The drug is taken orally, two to three tablets, or administered intramuscularly.

Herbal medications to stop bleeding

To eliminate bleeding, herbal medicines can be used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. So, for minor recurrent nasal, hemorrhoidal, and uterine bleeding, you can use tincture of Lagochilus intoxicating. It should be consumed one teaspoon three or four times a day, dissolving the product in a quarter glass of water.

To eliminate moderate uterine, kidney or intestinal bleeding, nettle leaf extract (liquid) can also be used. This remedy should be consumed twenty-five to thirty drops three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

To stop local bleeding, it is most often recommended to use hemostatic sponge, Thrombin, Fibrin Film and Red Pepper Powder.

To select the most optimal remedy, you should consult a doctor.

In therapy, one constantly has to deal with local bleeding - external or internal. Bleeding occurs due to a mechanical violation of the integrity (tightness) of blood vessels or a violation of the blood clotting mechanism. Bleeding can often occur during operations; in this case, intravenous laser blood purification is also used.

Causes of bleeding

The functioning of blood in the body is ensured by three interconnected systems:

  1. coagulating;
  2. anticoagulant;
  3. fibrinolysis.

The coordinated work of these body systems ensures constant maintenance of blood flow in a liquid state. When the tightness of the bloodstream is damaged, difficult process blood clotting. As a result of failure this process bleeding occurs. It is at this moment that a person needs hemostatic drugs - injections/droppers.

Hemostatic drugs are selected depending on the intensity of the bleeding and its source. The causes of bleeding may be:

  • tissue injury;
  • infectious processes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • attack of hypertension;
  • labor activity;
  • thinning of the walls of the body's blood vessels;
  • food/drug/chemical poisoning;
  • genetic bleeding disorder;
  • surgical intervention.

Important! Excessive blood loss leads to death.

Hemostasis methods

How to stop bleeding? Hemostatic measures will include several options:

  1. mechanical influences;
  2. herbal methods;
  3. laser cauterization;
  4. medicinal influence.

Mechanical influences include:

  • local cooling;
  • tamponade with hydrogen peroxide;
  • pressure bandage;
  • application of a tourniquet;
  • finger pressure;
  • limb flexion;
  • vessel ligation (surgical);
  • cauterization using medical equipment.

In addition to mechanical methods of stopping bleeding, hemostatic droppers are used:

  • Vikasol;
  • Medical gelatin;
  • Fibrinogen;
  • Trasylol;
  • Protamine sulfate;
  • Hemophobin;
  • Etamsylate (dicinone).

Herbal hemostatic agents are:

  • Tincture of Lagochilus (harelip) intoxicating;
  • Nettle leaf extract liquid;
  • Yarrow herb extract liquid;
  • Water pepper extract liquid;
  • Red pepper powder.

These herbal hemostatic agents have moderate properties and have a mild stimulating effect on blood clotting. They are usually used for light bleeding.

Preparations from human/animal blood plasma also have a hemostatic effect:

  1. Hemostatic sponge;
  2. Fibrin film;
  3. Thrombin.

Plasma preparations are used for local use - bleeding from the nose, ear, gums, mucous membranes. These drugs are produced in the form of solutions, films or sponges. Use strictly according to instructions!

Important! Blood plasma preparations cannot be administered intravenously/intramuscularly. This is dangerous for the body (see instructions for medications).

Hemostatic herbal infusions

Folk hemostatic agents have been used for centuries. List medicinal herbs and their purpose:

  1. Horsetail is used for healing open wounds and with hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  2. Nettle is used for gynecology, nosebleeds, urology (fresh juice/infusion).
  3. Fresh plantain juice stops external bleeding, with internal medicine body, a decoction/infusion is used.
  4. Peppermint decoction is good for hemorrhoids.
  5. Chamomile decoction is used for rinsing for gum diseases and female douching.
  6. Raw/boiled cranberries are used for stomach/intestinal bleeding, gynecological diseases and hemoptysis.
  7. Bear ears are used for urological ailments.
  8. A decoction/infusion of yarrow helps with internal bleeding.

Important! Application folk recipes always discussed with the therapist in advance. Herbal infusions can be used as an addition to the main one drug regimen therapy. Ignoring this provision may lead to unpredictable results.

If your period does not start on time, the discharge is too abundant, with clots, menstruation lasts longer than expected, uterine bleeding is possible. This pathology possible in young and mature women, in menopause. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a gynecologist who can determine the causes, recognize the type of pathology, and prescribe effective hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding. Then the treatment will pass without complications, and your body will quickly return to normal.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home

During menstruation it is natural physiological process, but if its parameters do not meet the norm (intensity, timing, period, duration, etc.), then they speak of abnormal bleeding. The danger of the latter lies in high and rapid blood loss, so the woman (girl) needs to be given first aid before medical intervention. Depending on the etiology abnormal bleeding divided into the following types:

  1. Dysfunctional associated with menstrual cycle. Occurs due to failure of the ovaries. They are classified into ovulatory, anovulatory, and intermenstrual.
  2. Profuse. They are not accompanied by pain; they occur, for example, after an abortion, with an internal infection, or fibroids.
  3. Breakthrough bleeding occurs due to hormonal imbalance: during menopause, taking contraceptives, etc., due to injury intrauterine device.
  4. Hypotonic. Their reason is the low tone of the uterus. They occur, for example, after childbirth or abortion.
  5. During pregnancy - due to miscarriage, damage to the placenta, pathologies of the uterus. Occurs during ectopic pregnancy.

What to take during uterine bleeding is decided by the doctor, because only a specialist is able to distinguish one type of pathology from another. Before his intervention and determination of the type of pathology, it is necessary to put the sick person in bed and raise her legs. Place something cold on the stomach (water bottle, ice), provide the patient drinking plenty of fluids. In case of urgent need and the impossibility of medical consultation, the woman should be given hemostatic tablets or other drugs:

  • "Tranexam";
  • "Etamzilat";
  • "Vikasol";
  • Water pepper tincture;
  • Tincture of Lagochilus intoxicating.

List of effective hemostatic drugs

The regimen for taking hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding is determined by the doctor. Patients are prescribed intravenous and intramuscular injections, put on IVs, prescribe pills. Used for treatment the following drugs:

  1. "Dicynon." Considered the most effective drug. Injections with the medicine take effect within 10-15 minutes. Dicinone for uterine bleeding during menstruation is taken in tablets.
  2. “Countrykal.” Homeostatic drug for intravenous administration.
  3. "Vikasol". Synthetic drug, an analogue of vitamin K, is administered intramuscularly and orally.
  4. "Tranexam." Available in tablets and as a solution for intravenous injections. Tablets are a powerful hemostatic agent until the doctor arrives.
  5. Oxytocin and Methylergometrine are hemostatic agents that contract the uterus. Used in cases postpartum pathologies.
  6. "Aminocaproic acid" is a homeostatic drug for intravenous administration.
  7. "Calcium chloride" - intravenous drug with a “hot prick” effect.
  8. "Fibrinogen." Powder for injection, human blood preparation. Used with aminocaproic acid.
  9. Liquid extracts Nettle and yarrow are taken dropwise in the treatment of dysfunctional menorrhagia.

Are there any side effects and contraindications?

The instructions for each homeostatic drug indicate contraindications associated with hypersensitivity to components, pathologies of blood vessels and blood:

Medicines that should not be prescribed to people with kidney disease (failure, pyelonephritis), urolithiasis:

  • "Ascorutin";
  • "Transcam";
  • Water pepper extract.

Side effects that can be caused by hemostatic drugs during menstruation and abnormal uterine bleeding:

  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • allergy;
  • facial redness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia.