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Preparing a cat for castration and postoperative care. Stages of preparing a cat for castration

The question “how to prepare a cat for castration?” Lately I've been getting up less and less often. Modern medicine took full responsibility upon herself. Veterinary clinics provide a whole range of services for a comfortable operation. It is possible for a veterinarian to visit your home and carry out the procedure within the veterinary clinic. The issue of restoration is also open to the pet owner. You can pick up the cat some time after castration is completed, or you can leave it for several days under the watchful supervision of specialists.

Moreover, the cat owner can choose the type of anesthesia that will be administered to the animal according to his taste. Clinics provide both budget options and two- and three-component anesthesia, which make it easier for your pet to regain consciousness. Among all the variety of veterinary services, it is easier to get lost than it seems. This article will help you understand all aspects of preparing and recovering your pet after a difficult operation.

I would like to start by distinguishing between different operations, which many cat owners can hardly distinguish between. An erroneous understanding has taken hold that sterilization is associated with females, and castration with females. Some owners even suggest that these two words are synonymous and mean the same surgical procedure.

Fertile ground for such a misconception was created by many veterinary websites that used these concepts without detailed explanation. Meanwhile, the rub lies in the details. So why is spaying more common in the context of cats, and castration more common in the context of males?

The answer lies in the way two related operations are performed. Castration is a more radical version of sterilization and involves getting rid of all reproductive organs, without exception. Due to the peculiarities of physiology, this option is, indeed, more often practiced on males, since partial removal reproductive organs are useless in their regard.

Sterilization, on the contrary, leaves the reproductive “rudiment” intact, taking into account the loss of the ability to reproduce. Such a rudiment in females is the uterus, the removal of which, it would seem, is not necessary. It is enough to get rid of the ovaries, which produce sex hormones, to block the cat’s very need for a ligament. If you wish, you can castrate a cat, but most owners prefer to leave the uterus due to its “harmlessness”.

What's best for a cat?

As already mentioned, sterilization involves getting rid of the ovaries and preserving the uterus. What could be the consequences of such a medical move? The uterus is a sovereign organ in abdominal cavity. Strictly speaking, it does not depend on the ovaries, and if they are removed surgically, the uterus will continue to exist. If its blood supply is normal, it will not atrophy and die.

However, it is worth considering that by leaving this organ, you expose the animal to all the dangers associated with this organ. Neoplasms, inflammatory processes and others malignant processes can happen to any cat, no matter how attentive the owner was and how good the care was.

The most common disease associated with the uterus is endometritis, inflammatory its mucous membrane. This disease is very difficult to recognize. If the right moment for diagnosis and treatment is missed, the disease risks becoming acute and later chronic form. Preservation of the uterus can be dangerous due to the appearance of a cyst, which advanced cases will threaten the health of the pet.

Recently there has been a tendency to abandon sterilization in its classical sense. Veterinarians do not consider it necessary to leave an organ that in the future can cause both the cat and its owner a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, the modern version of sterilization is actually close to castration and involves the removal of all organs that are in one way or another involved in the process of reproduction.

By the way! For ease of designation, many veterinary clinics continue to use these two terms, giving them different meanings. Therefore, before “sterilization”, check with your veterinarian what is included in the “kit” of this procedure.

Place of castration

There is no clear opinion regarding the preferred location for castration. Even experts give different tips depending on the experiences they went through. Some doctors advise bringing animals to clinics in order to be able to fully control the situation and, in the event of any force majeure, have any necessary medication on hand.

Other experts consider a trip to the veterinary clinic as an unnecessary excess, since the operation can be performed without risk to the animal’s health and at home. Modern antiseptics allow the veterinarian to become “mobile” and visit pets in their familiar “habitat.”


Advantages of performing the operation in the clinic:

Carrying a cat

The conditions of the clinic imply the need to deliver the cat to its destination, which is far from the easiest point. Transportation is perceived very painfully by cats due to the fact that they are not too inclined to unexpected changes. Changes in the situation make them wary and protest.

Sometimes owners spend hours trying to get cats out from under closets and beds, since they are able to sense something is wrong long before they leave. Some cats limit themselves to the initial strands and calm down upon arrival at the veterinarian, while others maintain the intensity of their passions until they arrive home.

In order for a trip to the veterinarian to avoid any emergency situations, it is necessary to think in advance about how to “deliver” the cat to the clinic. Carrying seems to be the best option, but since this moment there are many different models, the cat's owner can easily get lost in search of good option. The types of carriers given below, indicating their advantages and disadvantages, will help you understand the variety of products.

owner's house

Advantages of performing surgery at home:

  • A trip to the veterinary clinic is always accompanied by varying degrees expressed resistance of the pet. The pet experiences stress both due to a sudden change in the situation and due to the looming unknown in the form of a veterinary office. The consequences of overexcitation can include bowel movements, panic attacks, and outbursts of aggression. An operation at home will relieve all these unpleasant moments, since the cat will more easily accept castration in a familiar environment;

  • The veterinary clinic is filled with animals that are foreign to your pet. If the cat has not previously been “socialized” and has hardly met other animals, the first visit to the clinic may be a shock for him. A home version of castration, which is as comfortable as possible for the cat’s psyche, will help you avoid a tense situation;

  • If your pet for some reason has not been vaccinated, a trip and stay at the veterinary clinic may result in its infection. This point is not so much an advantage of the home version of the operation as a reminder of the importance of vaccinations, which will provide the necessary minimum for the cat’s immunity;

    An unvaccinated cat is easy prey for infections wandering around veterinary clinics

  • Recovery in a hospital can be slower and more difficult than a similar recovery at home, close to the owner. An unfamiliar environment, new people, unusual smells - all this will add another set of stresses to the already experienced set of stresses. A tense state can interfere with healing and healing of wounds. If the cat sees you nearby from the very beginning and feels your care, he will come to his senses faster and more comfortably.

At what age is it best to castrate?

The optimal period for castration is determined by two parameters:

  1. The pet must be on the threshold of puberty (preferably without reaching it);
  2. The physiological development of the pet must be completed

Lower age limit

The minimum age for surgery is 6 months. Earlier castrations can lead to further developmental pathologies internal organs. For correct implementation The operation is necessary for the cat’s urethra to be fully formed. In medical practice Disappointing examples were noted of how prematurely castrated animals were retarded in growth and development.

Veterinarians, speaking about the most successful age for surgery, specify the time period from 8 to 10 months. But you need to keep in mind that each pet develops individually. In some cases, specialists undertake castration at the age of six months, based on the weight that the animal has managed to reach. The optimal weight is 2-3 kilograms.

For males, the doctor can determine the appropriate time for surgery quite easily. As long as the testes are in the abdominal cavity or are localized in the inguinal ring, it makes no sense to talk about castration. First, the testes must descend - this will be an unambiguous signal to begin action.

Upper age limit

It is not advisable to castrate individuals over 10 years of age. Of course, this operation can be performed at any time at the request of the owner. But we're talking about about the degree of its effectiveness and possible dangerous consequences. It is more difficult for older individuals to recover from anesthesia, and wounds on their bodies heal more slowly due to weakened immunity. There is a probability fatal outcome– aging cats do not always cope with intense stress on the heart.

Features of castration of cats

Despite the blur age limit, there is a “point of no return”, after which castration may be meaningless. After reaching 11 months of age, the cat may never give up sexual behavior, regardless of surgical intervention.

The fact is that before puberty, the corresponding hormones are produced only by the testicles; from the testicles they are released into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Accordingly, removal of paired gonads will solve the issue with sex hormones once and for all.

When the male turns one year old, he hormonal background undergoes significant changes. From now on, both the pituitary gland (gland in the GM) and the adrenal glands become involved in the production of androgens (male sex hormones). As you might guess, it is hardly possible to remove the brain or adrenal glands to eliminate sexual instincts. Therefore, the easiest way to rid a cat of the obsessive need for mating is to take him to a specialist at 7-8 months.

Features of cat sterilization

Sterilization of females is complicated by several physiological features:

  • Estrus
  • Pregnancy
  • Sterilization after childbirth

Let's cover each point in detail.


During estrus, the cat may be spayed. The owner, in turn, needs to keep in mind that it will be more difficult for the pet to recover. The difficulty of recovery can be affected by the severity of anesthesia and slow healing of sutures. All that is required from the owner is increased attention to the cat in the first few days. Otherwise, the recovery procedure does not need any changes.


Sterilization is also possible early stages pregnancy. This operation is performed in two cases:

  1. Cat pregnancy is undesirable for the owner;
  2. During pregnancy, complications arise that can lead to the death of the animal (bleeding, threat of miscarriage, etc.)

Remember that sterilization of a pregnant cat is detrimental to its health, and therefore is done in emergency situations. If your pet does not have any health problems, it is advisable to take preventive measures and don't let her get pregnant if you don't want to take responsibility for future kittens.

Sterilization of a cat later pregnancy

It is difficult for a pregnant cat to experience sterilization due to hormonal and physiological changes, which her body undergoes. Due to the fact that the suture in such cases is much larger than a regular suture (since the uterus is enlarged at the time of sterilization), it will take longer and be more painful to heal. There is a risk of large blood loss.

Extirpation of the uterus with fetuses (the medical name for this operation) occurs at the request of the owner, therefore it is up to him to assess the risks and possible bad consequences.

Sterilization after childbirth

Some owners want to make a kind of compromise with the sexual instinct: let the cat be a mother once, and then sterilize it. Unfortunately, this approach can hardly be called competent, since it is based on ignorance of the basics of physiology.

Similar to cats, whose androgens are initially located in the testicles, cats secrete estrogens, which are localized in the ovaries until puberty. It's up to us to catch right moment and remove the ovaries to stop further sexual hunting females.

If a cat gives birth at least once, then its hormonal levels will change dramatically, since other glands will begin to secrete the sex hormone internal secretion that cannot be removed surgically. Removing the ovaries too late will not suppress the sexual instinct.

Stages of preparing a cat for castration

In general, castration is easily tolerated by pets; the operation itself is quite simple and is carried out in a short period of time. Complicated preparations not required for the procedure. The main tips for preparing your pet for neutering are as follows:

  1. Observe your cat: does his fur shine, does his pet have a good appetite. If you notice any problems in the functioning of the animal’s body, take it to a veterinarian for a general examination. An examination by a therapist and a cardiologist will not be superfluous for healthy individuals either;

  2. Monitor your pet's diet. Eating should stop 12 hours before surgery. It is also not recommended to give your pet water several hours before surgery. As for the rest, if you wish, you can “lighten” the cat’s menu a couple of weeks before the procedure, reducing the amount raw meat. Diet is necessary to prevent vomiting that may occur during the procedure;

  3. Make sure that your pet has completed all necessary vaccinations and that there is no need for vaccinations. If the cat is not vaccinated, then first focus on this issue and only then return to castration.

    The issue of worms and their removal from the pet’s body deserves special attention. The overwhelming majority of owners are inclined to treat this measure connivingly, completely ignoring it. Such indifference can lead to disappointing consequences, even fatal outcome operations.

    The longer the worms are in the animal’s body, the more toxins and breakdown products they produce. It is difficult to predict how well all these “bad” substances will interact with drugs used as anesthesia. One likely outcome is a strong allergic reaction. Allergy (which is possible without helminthic infestations in case of intolerance in an animal), can cause irreparable damage to its health.

    Set of necessary vaccinations

    It is advisable to vaccinate an animal regardless of the circumstances. Some vaccinations are given to kittens at a very young age, some - as they grow older and as needed. Remember that in indoor apartment conditions the pet’s immunity is initially weakened and it cannot cope on its own.

    The situation becomes more complicated when you bring your cat to the veterinary clinic, where he runs the risk of encountering disease carriers of varying degrees of severity. An unvaccinated pet runs the risk of bringing home some unpleasant disease after visiting the veterinarian. Anesthesia also deals an additional blow to a weakened immune system, making the animal even more vulnerable to a variety of infections.

    If your cat is not vaccinated, you should not combine vaccination with castration, since this will be harmful to your pet’s body. with a strong blow. Do everything necessary vaccinations and give the animal’s body a month to normalize its functioning. Only after this begin to prepare your pet for castration.

    By the way! Some doctors administer hypermine serum to the animal before surgery to help the cat survive the operation more easily. This serum strengthens the body and protects the pet from infections. But keep in mind that this method does not provide any guarantee of protection. It will be a good addition to the vaccinations already given, but not a valuable tool in itself.

    How does castration occur?

    So, the cat successfully survived the trip to the veterinary clinic and ended up in the veterinarian’s office. What will he have to go through?

    1. First of all, the specialist conducts general examination the cat to determine if it is ready for surgery. Checking the heartbeat, clarity of breathing and mucous membranes for possible redness included in the standard set of actions. Sometimes the veterinarian checks the animal's body temperature;

    2. Next comes the time of premedication, which consists of injecting the pet with a serum that increases the body’s resistance to external influences. As a rule, globulin appears in the form of such serum;
    3. After administering the serum, the doctor injects an anesthetic, putting the cat into a state of artificial sleep;

    4. There are several ways to perform the operation. They differ in the location of the incision (on the side, on the stomach) and in its size. The general scenario for the operation for males is as follows: an incision is made in the scrotum, the testes are removed, and a ligature is applied to the spermatic cord to avoid large blood losses. A similar algorithm applies to females: the abdominal wall is cut, the uterus is removed, and a ligature is attached to the vessels;
    5. The final stage involves removing the sutures. But since most modern veterinary clinics actively use seamless methods, there is no need for this action. The ligature applied during surgery is made of absorbable material and does not require any attention.

      Removing stitches - rare case for modern medicine

    On average, the operation lasts 30-40 minutes.

    Video - Castration of a cat visually

    Table 1. Types of sterilization of cats


    An incision up to three centimeters in length is made in the center of the abdomen. The abdominal mesh is cut and the uterus is removed through it. A special thread from a special suture material, which resolves without medical intervention. The uterus and ovaries are removed, and sutures are placed on the pet's peritoneum and skin. There are two types of skin suture: removable and absorbable. Removable requires a follow-up visit to the veterinarian in 7-10 days

    A longitudinal incision is made on the side, after which the muscles are separated in a blunt manner using intermuscular gaps. It should be noted that this method of muscle dissection does not guarantee the absence of bleeding. This type The incision does not involve removing the entire uterus, so this is not always possible. The main advantage of the method is the absence of mandatory care, since the sutures are placed inside the skin and do not cause discomfort to the pet. The method is often practiced on stray cats

    A microscopic incision (less than a centimeter) is made in the abdomen, after which a sterile hook is inserted into the hole. By picking up the ligament, the hook removes the ovary. Ligatures are applied. Then there are two possible options: removal of the ovary and partial removal of the ligament or removal of the entire uterus. It should be borne in mind that complete removal of the uterus is not always possible and depends on the pet’s body.

    Several small incisions are made in the cat's abdomen. With the help of endoscopic instruments it is performed complete removal uterus and ovaries through abdominal wall. The procedure requires sophisticated equipment and endoscopy specialists. This method not very common in Russia, few veterinary clinics decide to introduce it due to the high cost of the operation

    Recovery after surgery

    Caring for your pet after surgery does not require special effort from the owner's side. The main thing that a cat should receive at this difficult moment is care and attention. During the first hours after surgery, it is important to check the animal’s pulse rate and breathing clarity. If interruptions in respiratory or cardiovascular systems, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

    Such complications are not that common, and in most cases the cat simply falls asleep for an extended period of time to regain strength. Be prepared for the cat to be unstable, clumsy and sleepy for the next 12-15 hours. Sometimes such symptoms appear a day after the operation - it all depends on the individual immune response.

    Sleeping area

    Think about a sleeping place for the cat in advance. It is important that it is out of reach of drafts, radiators and sharp corners that the cat can easily stumble upon when waking up. It is optimal to place the cat on a soft bedding or mattress.

    It is not recommended to put a cat on the floor. Firstly, the floor may be cold, and the owner is unlikely to want to deal with hypothermia in already injured skin pet. Secondly, prolonged sleep leads to numbness in the limbs; on a hard floor, the likelihood of numerous edemas only increases.

    To avoid poor circulation, carefully shift your pet from side to side every half hour. This will help him avoid painful swelling as he wakes up.

    Make sure that the cat does not encroach on the conquest of indoor heights. When recovering from anesthesia, the pet still does not measure its strength and does not determine the distance between objects well. In this state, any jump can result in injury. If possible, spend time next to the cat - pet it, talk to it in a smooth, soft voice. At the same time, you should not pick up the animal - the slightest careless movement can catch the wound and cause an attack of pain.


    The tray must be placed next to the pet, since in the first hours after sterilization he may not have enough strength to reach its previous location. If the cat makes mistakes and goes to the toilet where it shouldn’t, do not scold him under any circumstances. Remember that all the cat’s energy goes into recovery; unnecessary stress will only worsen his well-being.

    Important! The tray should not contain wood, mineral or other fillers, since they may contain an infection that, if it enters the open wound will lead to illness in a weakened body.

    Licking the wound

    Many cats begin to diligently lick the wound, as they do in all other cases. Getting an animal's saliva into a healing incision is extremely undesirable, as it can lead to infection. In addition, constant irritation of the cut skin can slow down the healing process.

    For particularly persistent cats, wearing an Elizabethan collar would be an excellent solution. Cats will benefit from bandages (blankets) specially designed for such situations. Probably, at first such “clothes” will cause a protest reaction among pets, but this forced measure will not torment the animals for long. Once the incision has healed, the animals will be able to get rid of the annoying materials.

    Cat care

    The nature of cat care is directly related to the type of anesthesia that was used during the operation. Local anesthesia acts more gently, without “stunning” the cat’s body for several days. Recovery from general anesthesia is more difficult for your pet and progresses more slowly.

    When recovering from general anesthesia, the following points are typical for a cat's behavior:

    • Uncertain, shaky gait, awkward movements and frequent falls
    • Clouded, unfocused gaze
    • Wobbly head

    Coming to your senses after local anesthesia includes the following nuances:

    • Random movement around the house, general restlessness, disinhibition
    • Short-term outbreaks of aggression are possible
    • Attempts to hide in a safe place and refusal to make contact. This creates the impression that the pet does not recognize the owner.

    Video - Condition of the cat after castration

    What to feed a cat after castration?

    If we take the first days, during which the body is actively recovering, then it is impossible to give unambiguous advice. You should adapt to the pet’s condition. Some individuals refuse to eat at all at this time (we are talking about several days), some drink mainly water (due to the onset of dehydration after long sleep). One way or another, you should not insist that the cat eat. He will distribute his resources himself and understand when reinforcements are needed.

    If we talk about general recommendations– veterinarians advise switching your pet to appropriate food intended for castrated animals. However, there is no need to change your diet. Food for castrated cats differs only in that it contains a reduced amount of fat compared to regular food. Low calorie allows you to avoid weight gain, which is sometimes typical for cats after surgery.

    The same effect can be achieved with nutrition natural products, reducing the calorie content of food by reducing portions by 10-20%.

    Forbidden foods for neutered pets are no different from those for unsterilized cats. You can read more about this on our portal. The categories of prohibited products are summarized below:

    1. Roast;
    2. Salty/sweet/pepper;
    3. Smoked;
    4. Puff pastry.

    Possible complications after surgery

    Suspicious, restless owners are ready to see a complication in the most stable condition of the cat. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to track when recovery from anesthesia is delayed and you can sound the alarm. Symptoms indicating the need for medical intervention are as follows:

    1. Body temperature drops below 37 degrees. A decrease in body temperature is natural after surgery, since in a state of artificial sleep the body's metabolism slows down. However, if rubbing the paws and using a heating pad does not work, and the cat does not awaken, call the clinic and describe the situation;

    2. Temperature rise above 39 degrees. During the recovery period, temperature fluctuations in both directions are acceptable. Three days are enough for a cat’s body to normalize temperature regime. If the temperature does not subside in the following days, then there is a possibility inflammatory process- you need to ask for help.
    3. Bleeding in the suture area. This point does not require any clarification. Any abundant bloody discharge after surgery there is a good reason to call a veterinarian and hospitalize the animal;

    4. The swelling around the suture is completely natural and lasts for 4-5 days. If the area remains swollen or inflamed even after stitches are removed, your veterinarian will notice it and prescribe treatment. Since the suture is now applied quite rarely, this point is not relevant for everyone;
    5. Included in postoperative complications and intestinal dysfunction. Normally, peristalsis completely resumes on the fourth day after surgery. If your cat continues to suffer from constipation or watery and frequent stools, notify your veterinarian.

      Despite all the health difficulties described, remember that castration is one of the most simple operations. The main thing you can do to help your pet is a confident attitude and calm emotional condition. Animals listen to the emotions of their owner, and a positive message will help them to cope with stress more easily.

Since you are interested in how to prepare a cat for castration, it means that you have already encountered inappropriate behavior pet during the period of sexual heat, if not, it’s for the better. An operation of this nature is considered simple, but to reduce possible complications At a minimum, the cat must be prepared for the procedure. Let's talk about this.

The health of the pet is one of the fundamental conditions for the operation. The importance of this point increases even more if castration under general anesthesia is planned. To find out whether a small patient is ready for the upcoming procedure, the first stages of preparation include taking tests of various types:

  • examination by a therapist, cardiologist;
  • undergoing cardiac ECHO;
  • taking urine and blood tests.

If the results of the study do not reveal clinical abnormalities, a time can be set for castration.

It will be better if the cat spends several postoperative days with one of the family members. Therefore, you need to choose the date of the procedure, taking this factor into account.

During the preliminary examination, the priority goal is to identify deviations that could affect the success of the planned operation.

Tests and vaccinations

If the cat is not vaccinated, then the necessary injections must be given a few weeks before castration. Thanks to vaccination recovery period it will go faster, and it will be easier for the pet’s weakened body to fight possible infectious diseases.

Home preparation

Preparing a cat for castration at home begins with feeding restrictions. Half a day before the operation, the animal must stop feeding. In some cases, you even have to resort to laxatives. If the cat needs help to relieve itself, a laxative should be given the day before castration.

An empty stomach is important aspect upcoming procedure. After all, if a cat begins to vomit during the operation or in the first hours after it, the animal may suffocate. In case of local anesthesia, empty stomach It won't hurt your pet either. He will bear it easier stressful situation, he will be less sick. You can give the cat water, but 3 hours before castration you must stop giving water. If desired, the cat can shave the scrotal area. But this is not necessary; a surgeon can also handle this task.

Preparing for surgery

The technical side of preparing a cat for surgery should not be ignored either. You need to prepare for the doctor's visit. In particular, you need to take the following set of things with you to the operation:

  • blanket for the cat;
  • towel;
  • documents (yours and for the animal, if any).

If the cat is indoor and does not go outside, then you can give him a little sedative to calm down. It is best to discuss an acceptable dose of medication with your veterinarian.

Upon completion of the operation, the cat should be left alone for a couple of hours. It is best if he spends this time under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes awakening after anesthesia negatively affects the condition of the operated animal. A cat may experience:

  • excessive excitement;
  • breathing problems;
  • arrhythmia.

In particular severe cases the animal's heart may stop.

Doctors are aware of such cases and are ready to provide timely qualified assistance if problems arise.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

  • First of all, your pet must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, observe the animal for several days before surgery. The cat must eat well and have a healthy appetite.
  • It is necessary to treat the cat for worms in advance. It is advisable to rid your pet of fleas, lice and worms every 2-3 months. The animal must be at least 10 days before castration.
  • Keeping your cat vaccinated is also necessary. Vaccination – necessary condition, which must be performed before castration, since immunity will be reduced after the operation. Vaccination should be carried out 10 days before deworming.
  • Before the operation, it is advisable to conduct an examination of the body, in particular to find out the condition of the kidneys, heart and lungs. This is especially true for purebred cats. If there are no contraindications, then you can safely castrate your cat.

You need to take with you a warm blanket, napkins (in case the animal starts vomiting), and bedding for the carrier: a sheet, diaper or mattress. You should definitely take it if you have it veterinary passport your animal, where previously made ones were indicated.

Feeding a cat before castration

It is advisable not to feed the cat 12 hours before the scheduled surgery. After all, the operation is also carried out using substances, so the cat may vomit. On an empty stomach, it will be easier for the animal to undergo surgery without discomfort.

Contraindications for cats

There are many contraindications, so it’s easier to say that the animal must be completely healthy:

  • Any. They can be different, but the essence is always the same: the heart cannot cope with its duties, and blood stagnation occurs. During anesthesia, the work of the heart is suppressed even more, which can ultimately lead to acute heart failure, and this can result in edema, sharp drop pressure and even death.
  • Pulmonary failure. Most narcotic drugs depress respiratory activity. Sometimes, if they are selected incorrectly, even in healthy animals it can lead to a life-threatening situation. Therefore, any lung problems (infections, asthma, emphysema) are a contraindication. However, the problem can be partially solved by using artificial ventilation pure oxygen.
  • Inflammatory processes. At inflammatory reaction Hormones are released into the blood, which increase blood clotting. Surgery further increases the release of these hormones, which can lead to excessive blood clotting, which often leads to heart attacks and strokes. In addition, inflammation never happens “just like that”; it is a consequence of an infectious disease.
  • Infections. Firstly, an infected animal poses a danger to other pets. Secondly, Vet clinic must take responsibility for the health of the pet on the day of the operation; no doctor would want to be responsible for an already sick animal. Thirdly, surgery and anesthesia itself are not safe; they reduce the body’s resistance and increase the likelihood of complications from an infectious disease.

When feeding industrial feed You can purchase special products for neutered cats (marked accordingly). Only here you need to remember that it is better to purchase food at a specialized pet store. Moreover, if you feed your cat such foods, then you should not give him food from the table.

Possible complications after castration

The topic deserves special attention side effects and complications after castration. The problem can be either in the anesthesia or in the surgery itself.

Among the most frequent complications highlight:

  • B painful sensations in an animal can last from 1 to 14 days. As a rule, during this period the veterinarian prescribes anti-inflammatory and painkillers. The former reduce inflammation, bring down the temperature, as a result of which pain decreases. But most likely, the cat will not allow the owner to touch his crotch at first.
  • Swelling and bruising are quite normal occurrence after any surgical interventions. The alarm should only be sounded if neighboring tissues are involved in the edematous process: the scrotal cavity, the skin of the perineum. Treated with massage

To ensure that castration does not lead to complications, the owner must not only find a competent surgeon, but also properly prepare the pet for the procedure. In addition, during the recovery period, it is important to pay increased attention to the neutered cat, following all the doctor’s recommendations.

It would be a good idea to ask your veterinarian how to prepare your pet: the doctor will tell you in detail about all the necessary manipulations, based on the individual characteristics of a particular animal.

The main condition for castration is good health. This is especially important if general anesthesia will be used. In this case, it is necessary to examine even a clinically healthy animal: visit a therapist and cardiologist, undergo a cardiac echocardiography, and undergo urine and blood tests. If the examination results are satisfactory, you can choose a date for surgery. It is desirable that after the procedure the cat remains under the supervision of an adult family member for at least two days, so it makes sense to set a date based on the owner’s work schedule.

Usually 12 hours before the appointed time, the pet stops feeding. Sometimes it is necessary to give a laxative the day before surgery. It is extremely important that the stomach is empty: during the operation and during recovery from narcotic sleep, the cat should not vomit, as this can lead to suffocation. If local anesthesia is planned, it is also better not to feed the cat: stress is tolerated more easily on an empty stomach, the cat will not get motion sickness in the car, and the cat will not vomit from excitement during the procedure. After three hours they stop giving water. If you wish, you can shave the cat's scrotum, but this is usually done by a doctor.

Read also: A cat does not go to the toilet after sterilization: reasons for how to help your pet

Trip to the clinic

List of necessary things:

  • owner's passport and pet's veterinary passport;
  • a convertible carrier or basket;
  • warm blanket;
  • napkins in case the cat pees itself.

You should listen carefully and write down all the veterinarian’s advice: what to feed, how to care for the wound, when you can give food and drink, and for what symptoms you need to go to the clinic.

Before the operation, the veterinarian will examine and weigh the cat and listen to the heart. Then you will have to wait in the corridor for about twenty minutes (depending on the type of anesthesia). If general anesthesia was used for the procedure, it is advisable to leave the cat for a day under medical supervision. If this is not possible, you need to put the sleeping pet in a carrier, cover it with a blanket and take it home.

Rehabilitation period

If castration was carried out under local anesthesia, the owner is only required to treat the wound with the recommended product and thoroughly wash the cat litter box after each use. Caring for a cat after castration performed under general anesthesia is somewhat more difficult.

After anesthesia, the cat will sleep for some time. To prevent your pet from getting injured, you need to place it on a mattress laid on the floor. Every half hour you need to shift the cat from one side to the other so that his muscles do not become numb. Coming to its senses, the animal is disoriented and constrained in its movements: an unsteady gait, a wobbly head, cloudy look. This is all normal, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Some animals wake up on the way home, others only after 3-5 hours - it depends on the drug, individual characteristics body and professionalism of the anesthesiologist. While the cat is sleeping, you need to periodically check his reactions - touch his nose, the hairs in his ear, tickle his paws. If in response to touch the cat wrinkles its nose, tries to remove its paw, moves its whiskers, shakes its ears - everything is normal.

In cases where castration was carried out under local anesthetic, the pet’s behavior upon arrival home may surprise the owner: the cat restlessly wanders around the room or, conversely, hides in a secluded place, not wanting to make contact. This is also the norm, you just need to leave the cat alone for a while, making sure that he does not lick the wound too actively.

In the room where the cat sleeps, you need to place a tray without filler so that the pet does not have to walk across the entire apartment to the toilet. The cat may pee in in the wrong place: You shouldn’t scold him - this is not a manifestation of discontent or revenge, but a consequence of anesthesia.

As soon as the cat wakes up, you need to moisten the mucous membranes of the larynx - carefully pour a third of a spoonful of water into the mouth or drop it from a pipette. You cannot give your pet water until he has fully come to his senses, since swallowing reflexes are impaired after narcotic sleep (the bowl of water must be put out of reach). After the operation, the cat does not eat well, because he has experienced stress and is recovering from anesthesia - you should not force feed your pet. The first feeding is eight hours after recovery from anesthesia, provided that the pet has fully recovered. This must be light food– puree or soaked dry food, in small quantities.

Castration is not abuse of an animal, but necessary measure in urban environments. This simple procedure provides not only peace of mind to the owners, but also protects the animal from suffering, physiological and psychological ailments.

Having realized the need to stop the need for reproductive function pet, it is necessary to approach the procedure itself with full responsibility.

If you do not want your cat to have offspring, you must have surgery to remove the testes.

It is advisable to castration before the first mating., otherwise information about mating is stored in the animal’s brain and the results may not be entirely expected.

It is at this age that animals recover faster and no negative consequences. In more early age possible violations in genitourinary system, and males over a year old It’s hard to come out of anesthesia.

Whether you are visiting or in a clinic, it is important to choose a qualified surgeon. The main indicator for the operation is the health of the animal. If the animal eats well, goes to the toilet, is cheerful and lively, you can plan castration.

Examination before surgery

Even if there is no doubt about feeling good A competent doctor will prescribe a preliminary examination of your pet to make sure that there are no contraindications for surgical intervention.

Before performing the operation, it is necessary to carry out clinical examination

At most within a month you should remove worms from the animal, treat the fur for the presence of lice with the usual preparation. It is mandatory to vaccinate your cat to avoid infection. At least a month must pass from the date of vaccination before the patient is allowed to undergo surgery.

One month before surgery we vaccinate

If owners refuse vaccination for any reason known to them, castration can be carried out, but subject to the introduction of a special serum that protects against infections, which, in essence, is the same vaccination, but short-term.

Immediately before scheduling the day of surgery, the veterinarian conducts a clinical examination of the animal, collecting necessary tests provided for successful implementation procedures.

It is advisable to carefully consider the date of the operation and ensure that one of the owners remains with the patient for about two days. Within a day or two, cats recover perfectly and no longer.

The day before castration

So, the date has been set. Despite the apparent simplicity of the operation, castration is surgical intervention, which is carried out at general anesthesia. Preparation for anesthesia is necessary.

Before surgery, the animal's stomach must be empty. The day before surgery, you can give a laxative and stop feeding, despite plaintive requests, half a day before the procedure. If there is at least some food left in the pet's stomach, then...

The cat should not be fed the day before surgery.

You must stop giving water three hours before. If you really want, you can shave the cat's scrotum, but it is better if a doctor does it. At home, you need to prepare a ventilated place and sterile wipes. Instruments are sterilized immediately before surgery.

You can shave your scrotum yourself

For a trip to the clinic, stock up on a carrier, napkins, a soft blanket, your passport and your pet’s, if you have one.

Immediately before surgery, the veterinarian will again examine the cat, listen to the heart and weigh it to determine the dose of anesthesia.

The choice of anesthesia and its dose is the most important point during castration

You need to take the choice of anesthesia very seriously: the operation that even a student trainee can do is not so scary, but the effect of anesthesia on the animal’s body.

Recovery time for an animal after surgery depend on the quality of anesthesia and its effect on the animal’s body.