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Red nose from the sun, what to do. Possible causes of redness of the nose and how to get rid of this symptom

Despite its beautiful name, “rosacea” has nothing to do with roses. It's just that patients with this disease turn their nose and cheeks deep red or even purple, like Santa Claus. But don’t confuse a healthy glow with a disease that disrupts the functioning of blood vessels!

Doctors became interested in rosacea relatively recently, just two centuries ago. In the memorable year 1812, when Napoleon Bonaparte’s army moved towards Russia, English doctor Thomas Bateman published a sensational article in the scientific press. It talked about a mysterious skin disease that causes people's noses and cheeks to turn red and then break out in pimples. Why it appears and how to treat it is unknown.

Before Bateman, no one took rosacea seriously. It was believed that a painful blush was just unpleasant cosmetic defect- the result of excessive drinking. The straightforward French called it “wine pimples,” while the more diplomatic residents of Foggy Albion preferred the term “curse of the Celts.”

In those early days, there were only two remedies for rosacea: cold packs and bloodletting. The unfortunate patients sat for hours with ice compresses on their faces, applied hungry leeches to their noses and allowed themselves to be cut, but to no avail. Their faces continued to be pimply and red.

Only towards the end of the 19th century did dermatologists understand the symptoms of rosacea and abandon the idea that alcohol was to blame. Well, by the end of the 20th century, they finally figured out the mechanisms of the disease and figured out how to improve the appearance of patients.

Unfortunately, scientists still do not know the reasons for the appearance of rosacea. The only thing they were able to prove: predisposition to this disease can be inherited.

Winter and summer in the same color

Rosacea is a disease of those over thirty, especially those with fair skin and blue eyes. According to statistics, women get sick more often than men.

The disease creeps up on its victims unnoticed. At first, the skin vessels begin to react too violently to seemingly minor influences. As soon as you drink hot tea, eat something spicy, go to the bathhouse, or get nervous, your nose and cheeks immediately turn crimson. And the further the rosacea progresses, the longer the redness lasts. At this stage, only an experienced dermatologist can suspect something is wrong, while patients themselves most often consider the problems that have arisen with their face to be an annoying misunderstanding.

Time passes, and rosacea progresses. Normal skin color is no longer restored, the affected areas become covered with rosacea and bluish streaks - dilated blood vessels are visible. Neither patented acne treatments nor whitening masks help tidy up your face. I have to cover up skin defects with foundation every day. It is at this stage of rosacea that patients begin to seriously worry about their health and go to cosmetologists or dermatologists.

If the disease is not treated now, the following will happen to the face: the skin on the nose and cheeks becomes rougher and uneven; pores expand; Numerous pimples begin to become inflamed and even fester. Fortunately, today such complications are extremely rare; doctors manage to stop the disease in the early stages.

The diagnosis of rosacea is not difficult to make. If, apart from reddened cheeks and nose, nothing bothers a person, most likely it is her. The main thing is not to confuse it with common acne, which appears in more early age, and perioral dermatitis, a skin reaction to cosmetics. More serious diseases that resemble rosacea in their symptoms: systemic lupus erythematosus and carcinoid syndrome. Such patients need urgent consultation with a rheumatologist and oncologist.

Why does it make you feel hot?

As you know, the skin turns red when the superficial blood vessels. With rosacea, the same thing happens, with one exception - those located on the face cannot narrow in time. Since the same nerve (trigeminal) is responsible for the nose and cheeks in humans, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is his incorrect operation and causes illness. The vessels left without control begin to behave inappropriately. But why do you get nervous? This question remains unanswered for now. But the so-called predisposing factors are precisely known, which over time can lead to rosacea or, if it already exists, accelerate the development of the disease. These include:

  • Regular consumption of coffee, tea and other drinks with high caffeine content (for example, Coca-Cola):
  • very hot, hot, smoked and spicy food (lovers of Georgian, Indian and Chinese cuisine, beware!);
  • constant ultraviolet irradiation (sun or solarium);
  • stress (rosacea, as a result of divorce or dismissal);
  • alcohol abuse (after all, alcohol does not lead to good);
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • prolonged stay in “hot (or cold) spots” - stuffy and hot rooms or in the cold.

In addition, doctors have discovered that rosacea is usually preceded by: disorders of the nervous system (neuroses, depression); immunity disorders; as well as vascular (capillary defects), gastrointestinal (gastritis with low acidity) or endocrine ( diabetes, diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands) problems in the body. However, there is still no clear connection with the disease, just as there is no connection with a bacterial or viral infection.

Beauty requires sacrifice

The target of rosacea is the face. No other organs or parts of the body suffer from it, but this does not make it any easier for patients. Folk wisdom“Don’t drink water off your face” can only console the very old, for everyone else problematic skin often becomes the cause of depression and serious complexes. So you shouldn’t take the disease to extremes; when its first symptoms appear, immediately run to the doctor.

Before dealing with rosacea, do not forget to check with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and neurologist. After all accompanying illnesses can slow down and complicate the treatment process. If everything is in order, you can start...

Firstly, reconsider your diet. For rosacea, anything that dilates blood vessels is contraindicated; forget about hot, smoked and spicy foods. For some time you will have to lead a sober lifestyle and give up caffeine drinks.

Secondly, Damaged skin will require special care. No cosmetics that contain alcohol, oil, acetone or hormonal additives. Honey and bodyaga are also useless, but vegetable and fruit masks with egg white For oily skin and with yolk for dry ones are very useful. The water for washing should be lukewarm, and cleansing foams should be marked “for sensitive skin.” It is not advisable to rub your face with a towel, steam it, or do a cosmetic massage. Men are recommended to get rid of stubble with an electric razor. Before going out into the sun, be sure to use products with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher, and before going out into the cold, use a cream that protects against the cold.

Third, take a course of vitamin therapy. Improve appearance K, PP, B2, B6 and ascorutin - a combination of R and C will help. Vitamin A derivatives, for example, isotretinoin, help against rosacea and excessive greasiness of the skin.

Fourthly, requires special processing damaged areas skin. On initial stage for rosacea, it is useful to wipe your face with a 1-2% solution boric acid, 1-2% resorcinol solution and decoction medicinal plants(chain, sage, chamomile). If acne has already appeared, you cannot do without a cream with azelaic acid. Ointments with sulfur and tar will help cope with demodex mites. For full recovery Physiotherapeutic procedures are useful for the skin:

  • cryomassage – deep exfoliation of the skin using liquid nitrogen, carried out every other day, course of treatment – ​​15-20 procedures;
  • dermabrasion – skin polishing with special cutters, the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization of dilated vessels with electric current; on average, about 20 sessions are required to completely get rid of telangiectasias;
  • laser coagulation of blood vessels - similar to electrocoagulation, but instead of electrodes, a long-wavelength (577 and 585 nm) laser is used.

And finally, the last thing - reception antibacterial drugs . As practice shows, they still have an effect. For rosacea, tetracycline antibiotics and metronidazole are recommended. The medicine will have to be taken for quite a long time - 5-8 weeks.

Natalya Klim, "Be Healthy" magazine

Based on materials from the magazine "Health by Nature"

With the onset of cold weather, the nose begins to turn red. Especially in men and children. However, redness also occurs in women with thin skin. Capillaries begin to appear and burst, and, unlike the blush on the cheeks, a red nose does not have the same aesthetic effect. Nevertheless, low temperatures may not be the only reason.

We are looking for the cause and treatment if the nose is red

Of course, winter and frosty air can be a reason, but not if redness appears constantly. If this becomes a problem, then the redness may be based on a number of diseases or a general low immunity body. A pink nose is just a signal that there are ailments that need to be treated without fail.

So, here are a number of possible reasons, besides the low temperature outside, why the nose is always red:

  • stomach or digestive problems;
  • excessive excitement, but in this case the cheeks also acquire a pink tint;
  • problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland - enlarged, decreased, iodine deficiency;
  • excessive smoking;
  • pink acne usually occurs in children;
  • rosacea - in this case the whole face is subjected to a pink tint;
  • alcoholism;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis

A common problem why the nose may be red is rosacea. For a long time this disease was identified incorrectly, and only by the beginning of the last century did doctors come to the conclusion that alcohol is not always the root cause. And just recently we figured out the disease itself and found ways to treat it.

However, the source of rosacea is still not known. Today it is only clear that it can be hereditary; the fair half of humanity with light skin pigmentation and charming hair is more susceptible to it. blue eyes. In this case, the disease manifests itself after thirty.

Its symptoms manifest themselves as follows: whether you drank something hot, over-peppered the meat, or were slightly agitated, your blood vessels instantly take on a crimson hue. And as they say, the further into the forest, the more firewood - over time it remains on the face longer and longer. This stage can only be determined by a dermatologist.

IN further illness is accompanied not only by crimson temporary spots, but also by the appearance of pink acne; dilated blood vessels and blue veins become visible on the skin. And if before that potential patient was not bothered by the skin, now a trip to the dermatologist cannot be avoided, since the number foundation everything on the face gets bigger and bigger.

On the next, most advanced stage, the affected skin begins to harden, the pores become wider, and the acne may become purulent. However, it usually does not go to such extremes if you consult a doctor on time. If frequent redness If the nose is the only thing the patient complains about, then the diagnosis is revealed quite simply. Doctors identified the source of this illness as trigeminal nerve, but why exactly it works incorrectly is not entirely clear.

This may be a consequence of such factors:

  • excessive consumption of caffeine-rich foods: green tea, Coca-Cola and coffee;
  • presence of spicy foods in the diet big amount spices and herbs;
  • regular exposure to direct ultraviolet rays - rather a solarium than just tanning in the sun;
  • excessive nervousness and stressful situations;
  • not alcoholism, but still drinking large quantity alcohol;
  • use of birth control pills.

Some other reasons contribute to the appearance of rosacea:

  • weakened immunity after serious illness, including on nerves;
  • stress and workload nervous system– frequent breakdowns, hysterics, depression;
  • diseases of the blood vascular system;
  • problems in the endocrine and digestive systems.

But the presence of these ailments does not necessarily mean the development of rosacea. In any case, redness may not mean anything, but a stable and long-lasting pink tint on the face is a signal that the path lies to a dermatologist.

Red nose in any season: what to do

It often happens that a pinkish tint is nothing more than a cosmetic error, and it should be treated by medication do not do it. This problem often occurs in children. In this case, you should contact not only a dermatologist to make it 100% clear that this is not a disease, but also a cosmetologist. He will prescribe a series of treatments to get rid of the redness on your face.

However, in cases such as rosacea, medical intervention is simply necessary. At the same time, the red nose is also covered with embossed skin. The disease then spreads to the forehead and cheeks, and vessels and capillaries begin to protrude.

Often this disease can appear in childhood. Of course, he does not belong to the risk group, however, why deliberately spoil the appearance of your beloved child? Couperosis can be eradicated, the main thing is to start it in a timely manner, especially since the treatment of the disease does not proceed so quickly.

There are several stages in treatment:

  • First of all, a course is conducted to strengthen the vascular system. The walls weaken, expand and begin to protrude;
  • followed by a course of vitamin treatment and recovery immune system. Disruption of the circulatory system is primarily due to the general weakened state of the body. Slow regeneration processes are one of the reasons why pink spots are present on the face;
  • Taking vitamins is necessary both internally and externally. For rosacea, vitamin groups P, C and K are needed.

Rubbing into the epidermis vitamin complex will significantly improve his condition.

How to get rid of red veins on the nose: folk recipes

Depending on the cause of the problem, methods on how to get rid of a red nose will vary. The appearance of redness can be caused not only by prolonged exposure to cold or alcohol abuse, but also serious illness(rosacea). Frequent manifestation this symptom requires medical diagnostics. Treatment with folk remedies can be effective.

Red nose: main causes

There are many reasons why the nose turns red. In most cases, frost or heat is to blame. As a result, it appears on the skin normal reaction for the weather.

Redness in the nose area can also be observed with high nervous tension.

Although usually the person's cheeks turn pink in this situation, in some cases the redness can spread throughout the entire face. This problem can be solved through auto-training (self-soothing). When the attitude towards an exciting situation changes, the blood no longer rushes to the face so intensely, as a result of which the nose does not change its color.

Another reason is smoking. The blood vessels of smokers become particularly sensitive, due to which even a short stay in a cold or stuffy room can provoke a spasm. The result is a red nose. A similar problem occurs in people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Among other things, the nose of a person with an unhealthy addiction to alcohol also turns red. Frequent use is fraught with increased blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, impaired blood circulation, arteriole swelling, microaneurysm, and microstroke are observed. All these Negative consequences Alcoholism causes redness on the face, especially in the nose area.

A red nose is a symptom of a disease called rosacea. It is a chronic skin disease characterized by burgundy skin discoloration, nodule formation, and blood vessel problems. It starts with a slight redness of the tip of the nose and ends with a total purpleness of the middle of the face and deformation of the nose. Rosacea affects people over 30 years of age.

The cause of this disease may be genetic predisposition, abuse of spicy food and alcohol, or gastrointestinal discomfort.

The most dangerous case considered to be when a red nose is a symptom special disease caused by ticks. At the first stage, the redness affects only the tip of the nose. Then it spreads across the entire middle of the face, and then, if left untreated, the cheeks and forehead turn red. In a short period of time, a dense network of winding veins, engorged with blood, appears on the nose. From this, it begins to increase in size and become thicker.

The sebaceous glands grow, causing an oily sheen to appear. As a result, the nose begins to resemble a purple pear.

Redness in the nose area can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from weather to a serious infection. Like any disease, a “red nose” requires immediate treatment. It is possible to accurately determine the origin of this symptom only at an appointment with a dermatologist. Taking into account the patient’s complaints and test results, he will identify the root of the problem and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

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Red nose: ways to prevent and treat the disease

First of all, you need to research general state of your body. A red nose can be a symptom of a cold, stress, indigestion, or anemia. If you cure the underlying ailment, the redness will go away on its own.

If the problem is caused by enlarged pores, then the best solution There will be a review of your diet. Overeating, consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, strong coffee or tea stimulate blood flow and local vascular dysfunction.

In the case when the weather is to blame for the redness of the nose, there is a need to harden it. To do this, you can make compresses from chamomile or sage infusion several times a week. Compresses should be alternated so that the last one is cold: this will help narrow the pores and improve the functioning of blood vessels. Among other things, it is necessary to protect the nose from extreme cold and active action sun rays. Good helpers In this case there will be special face creams. Rubbing in the morning and before bed with a decoction linden color They also help prevent the skin from turning red from the cold.

There is a well-known method of hardening gymnastics for the nose. standing at open window, you need to take a series of short nasal inhalations and exhalations.

You need to wash your face with water at room temperature. After washing it is useful to light massage nose, gently pinching and pressing on it with your fingertips.

Steaming (steam baths and paraffin masks) is not recommended for this problem.

If the doctor has not identified serious reasons why the nose turns red, then treat and remove unpleasant symptom can be done using folk remedies:

  1. Cabbage juice mask. Soak a gauze pad in cabbage juice and place it on your nose. Keep for 15 minutes. When the napkin dries, moisten it again and repeat the procedure. Apply the mask every other day.
  2. Aloe juice mask. This mask is recommended for the appearance of rosacea. You need to dilute aloe juice with water, moisten a napkin in it and leave it on your face for 15 minutes. Repeat once every 2 days. The course of treatment includes 20 procedures.
  3. Rosehip mask. Prepare rosehip infusion (1:20), moisten a napkin in it and apply to the nose for 15 minutes. Repeat every other day.
  4. Cranberry mask. Place a napkin soaked in cranberry juice on your nose and keep it there for an hour, re-wetting it every 15 minutes. After washing off the mask, it is recommended to powder your face a little.

Most people experience a red nose during a cold, flu, or allergic reaction. In these cases, the redness is usually due to dry skin that occurs as a result of constant rubbing.

The nose may also become red due to problems with skin and blood vessels, chronic inflammation, allergies and some other conditions. Although this redness can be quite unpleasant, it is rarely a major concern.

Common Causes of a Red Nose

A person's nose may become red due to changes in the surface of the skin or blood vessels. When the skin becomes irritated or inflamed, the nose may appear red. Blood vessels in the nose may also swell or burst, creating a red or swollen appearance.

The most common causes of a red nose are:


This is a skin condition in which the skin appears irritated and red. For some people, rosacea begins as a tendency to have a slight flush on the cheeks and nose. Redness usually starts on the cheeks and then spreads to the nose, ears, chin and other areas of the face or body.

Rosacea is still not fully understood. Some doctors believe it occurs when a person's blood vessels dilate and constrict easily, turning the skin red. Very often, the condition of the skin in this disease depends on certain factors, for example, eating spicy foods.

Four types of rosacea can cause a red nose:

  • Erythemotelangiectasis rosacea(erythematotelangiectatic rosacea), which causes redness and makes blood vessels more visible
  • Ocular rosacea, which irritates the eyes and eyelids but usually does not affect the nose. However, people with this form of rosacea may develop other types of rosacea.
  • Phymaric rosacea(phymatous rosacea), which causes the skin to thicken and become bumpy
  • Papulopustular rosacea, causing acne, redness and swelling

Rosacea is treatable, but sometimes the disease becomes chronic.

A side effect of untreated rosacea, which causes the oil-producing glands in the nose to thicken. This condition can change the shape of the nose, causing it to appear lumpy and hard.

People with rhinophyma may develop visible blood vessels that are either thin and red or thick and purple. Rhinophyma is much more common in men than in women. This may be due to the influence male hormones, including testosterone.

Once rhinophyma appears, it usually becomes a permanent condition. However, some cosmetic surgeries can improve the appearance of the nose.

Dry skin

It can make your nose red and irritated. Some people provoke dryness and irritation by wiping their nose frequently.

Dry skin conditions such as eczema, can also make the nose red, scaly, or irritated. The redness is usually temporary, but permanent illness may cause frequent outbreaks.


Lupus - autoimmune disease which causes the body to attack healthy cells. Many people with lupus develop a butterfly-shaped rash on their nose and cheeks. This rash, called malar rash, can make the nose red and bumpy.

Lupus treatment will help reduce the frequency and severity of lupus-related skin problems, including a red nose.


Allergies can lead to a red nose for several reasons. hay fever, dust allergies and allergic reactions may cause sneezing and runny nose in animals.

Frequently wiping your nose irritates the skin, making it red. Allergic reactions can also cause the blood vessels in and around the nose to dilate. In addition, blood vessels may burst under the skin, making the nose swollen and red.

Allergies to skin care and cosmetics can irritate the surface of the skin, leaving it dry, red, flaky or itchy.


Injuries to the nose can rupture blood vessels under the skin, which can also cause swelling and redness. Recent nose surgery, bruises, and skin injuries may cause redness.

Other potential causes

There are other factors that can cause temporary redness. Such changes are usually short-lived and the nose returns to normal color within a few minutes or hours.

Alcohol, temperature changes and spicy foods cause some people's noses to temporarily turn red. People with thin or pale skin and visible blood vessels have likely noticed their noses turning red briefly in response to these factors.

Treatment of redness

Treatment for a red nose depends on the cause of the redness. It is important to understand whether this is due to problems with the skin or blood vessels. If the problem is related to blood vessels or is caused by chronic disease, creams and local medicines applied to the skin will not work.

Treatment of rosacea and rhinophyma

It starts with identifying lifestyle factors that contribute to disease outbreaks. Some people experience rosacea in response to stress, certain foods or skin creams. Eliminating these triggers can reduce the severity and frequency of redness.

Using sunscreen can prevent rosacea from getting worse, but it will not treat the underlying cause.

Medicines containing sulfur and some antibiotics can control the symptoms of rosacea. When rosacea makes blood vessels more visible, cardiovascular medications may help.

Rhinophyma is not treatable with traditional methods treatment, but rosacea treatment may prevent the disease from getting worse. Another option could be cosmetic operations.

Options surgical treatment include:

  • , which freezes and removes affected skin
  • Dermabrasion which exfoliates the surface of the skin
  • which removes affected skin
  • which uses laser to reshape skin

Allergy treatment

Simple refusal cosmetics and skin products that cause allergic reactions can solve the problem of red nose. People with seasonal or respiratory allergies may take allergy medications or regularly clear their nose with a saline solution.

Dry your nose gently with a soft cloth to prevent irritation and redness. Moisturizers may also help, especially if the skin looks scaly and dry.

Moisturizing dry skin

Dry skin requires additional hydration, so you need to use a thick moisturizer. People with eczema may want to experiment with by various means, as there is a belief that foods, allergens or stress can cause eczema flare-ups.

Other treatments include:

  • Steroid creams, especially if the nose is red and itchy
  • Oatmeal products for soothing skin
  • Phototherapy, which is the use of light to treat eczema
  • Special moisturizers for eczema such as E45
  • Medicines to treat the cause of eczema, including inflammation or an overactive immune system

Lupus treatment

Treating the symptoms of lupus can stop the disease from progressing. Treatments that can reduce the effects of lupus include:

  • Lifestyle changes such as managing stress or avoiding the sun
  • Creams, including steroids, retinoids, antibiotics and some others
  • Systemic medications to control symptoms

Prevent temporary redness

Sometimes the nose is red-this is just a temporary reaction for alcohol, spicy food or other external stimuli. How to remove redness in this case?

Try alternately applying cold and hot compresses. This will relieve swelling and irritation. For redness caused by injury, compresses also help a lot.

If a person suffers from allergies or often has a runny nose, they can use soft fabrics and moisturize your skin frequently to avoid dryness and irritation.

A red nose is not a separate disease, but can be a symptom of a serious illness.

The skin in the nose area is very delicate, so it reacts sharply to any external changes or disturbances in the body by redness. A red nose is not just a cosmetic defect that causes discomfort to its owner.

If left untreated, the skin may become bluish and swollen. However, before starting treatment for the disease, it is important to identify its cause.

What diseases cause redness of the nose?

1. Acute respiratory infections, allergies

At severe runny nose it is necessary to use a handkerchief often, medicinal drops and sprays. As a result, the skin in the nose area becomes very flaky, cracks and turns red. After recovery, the color of the nose is quickly restored.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

This disease is caused by a yeast-like fungus that is constantly present on the skin of the face and contributes to its normal functioning. Under the influence of certain factors (violations hormonal levels, stress, decreased immunity), the body ceases to control the development of the fungus, as a result of which its functioning becomes hyperactive. In the upper layers of the epidermis they develop inflammatory processes, sores form, the nose takes on a red tint. Those with oily skin are more prone to this disease.

3. Demodicosis

This skin disease is caused by glandular acne or a mite. In this case, the nose and the area around it swells, itches and becomes very red. For treatment, external agents are prescribed that prevent the activity of the tick, vitamins and immunostimulants. However, even with the right approach, the redness goes away over a long period of time.

4. Blood pressure problems

With hypotension, the nose takes on a blue-red hue. Hypertension leads to intense redness of the nose and the appearance of veins of blood vessels on it.

Other causes of a red nose

The presence of very thin and weak blood vessels may cause redness of the nose.

The disease intensifies under the influence of a sharp change in temperature.

Man abusing alcohol, also becomes the owner of a red nose. Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, the body undergoes many negative changes: blood pressure increases excessively, blood vessels dilate, and function is impaired. circulatory system. This leads to a change in skin tone especially on the nose.

A red nose may be a consequence of the body's reaction to certain foods. Redness usually occurs when regular use smoked meats, sweets, spicy, fatty foods, fast food, coffee, when blood vessels dilate and capillaries rupture. If you give up these harmful products, skin tone will return to normal in 10-12 days.

With frequent and strong nervous tension and excitement, blood rushes to the head, so a person’s ears, cheeks, and nose turn red. To cope with emotional state, you can make special breathing exercises. It is also necessary to visit a psychologist.

Often, redness of the nose is caused by incorrect cosmetics.. Means not suitable for type skin, cause peeling, itching, and changes in color. It is enough to change the wash gel, tonic or cream, and the color of your nose will be restored.

The most effective folk remedies

Chamomile decoction

Brew 40 g of flowers with boiling water and place the container with the decoction on water bath. After 15 minutes, strain the product and cool. Wipe the nose area with the broth. A certain amount of the product can be frozen to treat the problem area with a piece of ice.

Potato mask

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool and puree. Wrap the resulting mixture in a bandage and apply to the red nose for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with lemon juice and then nourishing cream.

Cucumber mass

Grate fresh cucumber fine grater, add the juice of the bottom aloe leaf. Apply the paste to the nose area and rinse off after 15 minutes. You can wipe the problem area with cucumber juice every day.

Cranberry juice

Pound fresh cranberries with a masher and then squeeze through cheesecloth. Soak a cotton pad in the juice and place it on your nose. Over the course of an hour, moisten a cotton pad with juice several times.

Aloe juice

Cut off the lower leaves of the plant and grind them through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the green pulp and dilute it halfway boiled water. Moisten gauze folded in 4 layers with juice and apply to your nose for 20 minutes. Don't wash your face.

To get rid of red nose, treatment alone is not enough. Follow simple tips, and then you can completely defeat the disease:

  • give up coffee, chocolate desserts, strong tea (black), smoked, fatty, spicy, hot foods;
  • when in the sun, cover your face with a hat with a brim or a visor, use a cream with ultraviolet protection for your face;
  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, do not take hot shower and a bath;
  • do not rub your face with a washcloth or towel, do not use scrub, soap, or irritating cosmetics;
  • Wash your face periodically with cold water;
  • Take deep breaths often to eliminate stress.

If your nose is red, consult a dermatologist in any case. Only a doctor will prescribe a competent examination and then treatment. Remember that the funds traditional medicine not always effective.

If the change in nose color is due to serious reasons, treatment may be required medications, cryotherapy, laser therapy and other procedures.