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Why does castration of a cat not always effectively solve problems and is there a safer method for correcting behavior during sexual hunting? A cat has a stuffy nose: causes and treatment of a runny nose Crushed tablet or powdered preparation

Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
Wash your cat's eyes with brewed tea.

Answer from Natalia Anufrinenko[guru]
It depends on what the cat has. In general, veterinary pharmacies give any advice, and you can ask in pet stores.

Answer from Farrow[guru]
you can take 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day

Answer from Dirty[guru]
quite. I have decorative rabbit I had severe conjunctivitis, I took albucid and injected antibiotics. you can drip 2-3 times a day

Answer from Victoria[guru]
if necessary, you can

Answer from HOPE-LAV[guru]
Sodium sulfacyl (albucid) is sooo tough! In addition, it is not for lacrimation, but for the inflammatory process (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, ..) As an anti-inflammatory agent, better than a drop ophthalmic levomecithin. Drip 4 times a day. They are more effective and do not pinch at all. As cleansers - diamond eyes Fine.

Answer from Oliya Valerievna[guru]
The dog has chronic conjunctivitis (this is the breed), I rub it with tea (put the tea leaves in a gauze) towards the outer edge of the eye and albucid. In general, consult your veterinarian

Answer from little light[guru]
yes, it won't be a big deal

Answer from Gwerr Shu[guru]
Albucid should not be given to animals; it is dangerous. There are special ones for them eye drops, and different, depending on the disease. Yes, and for people now there is much best medicines, Albucid is obsolete.

Answer from Natalie[guru]
It’s possible, and the vet advised me to do so! It helped the cat!!!

Answer from Lana[guru]
I read the answers and am amazed! People give out advice left and right, one person answered to the point - this is Dr. Shu, I completely agree with him.
Albucid should not be given to animals!
There have long been drugs for both animals and people of a newer generation.
And again, people don’t want to go to the vet. Maybe you should not drip into the eye and find the reason why the eye is leaking, maybe a food allergy....

Scratches, bites, torn clothes and an upset pet, huddled in the farthest corner out of fear - a familiar picture? Then you almost certainly have at least once had to rack your brains about how to give your cat medicine without scaring your pet and remaining safe and sound. A minimum of physical coercion and a maximum of care - success is guaranteed.

First, you should ask your veterinarian about possible ways use of the drug:

  • is it permissible to mix medicine with food;
  • can the tablet be dissolved in water or other liquid;
  • Is it possible to grind the tablet to a powder state?
  • is it permissible to reduce the concentration of a liquid drug by adding water or other liquid;
  • Is it possible to mix the medicine with fat-containing liquids or foods (milk, sour cream, meat).

If we're talking about about anthelmintic, carefully read the instructions.

Whole tablet

How to give a tablet to an animal if the drug cannot be crushed and mixed with food? We take a non-aggressive and trusting pet in our arms, calm it down and sit it on our knees so that the cat is pressed with its right side to the body. Left palm place it on the cat's head, with your index finger and thumb we capture upper jaw and gently squeeze your fingers into your mouth (on both sides immediately behind the fangs). The reflex is triggered - the cat opens its mouth and begins to back away. We hold the cat with the forearm and elbow of our left hand, and right hand put the tablet on the root of the tongue. Now all that remains is to hold the jaws closed and stroke the pet’s throat so that it swallows.

The cat should be in a sitting or standing position. You cannot forcibly tilt the head back or lay the cat on its side - this could cause the pet to choke.

If the pet desperately resists, it is also advisable to try to calm the cat and persuade it without violence. If this is not possible, you will have to call one of the household members for help. The owner holds the cat as described above, helping himself with his other hand. And the assistant puts the pill in the cat's mouth. If it is impossible to hold the pet even with both hands, you need to wrap it in a thick blanket in a sitting position (it is more comfortable on the owner’s lap). We leave only the head outside, which we fix with both hands, and the assistant places the tablet on the root of the pet’s tongue. It is important to act confidently and quickly, not to scold the cat, not to show irritation or nervousness.

Read also: Catozal for cats: instructions for use, dosage


Gelatin capsules often stick to the tongue, palate, and even the mucous membrane of the larynx, beginning to dissolve upon contact with saliva. A person takes a couple of sips of water to swallow the sticky stick, but a cat cannot be forced to take a pill. The easiest way to give a capsule to a pet is to pour a drop into a saucer sunflower oil and “roll” the capsule in it. The oil will not dissolve the gelatin, but will prevent saliva from entering the tablet shell, which will now easily pass into the esophagus. If the drug is not liquid (powder or granules) and can be mixed with food, you can open the capsule and proceed as described below.

Crushed tablet or powdered preparation

Powder may get into Airways or stick to the larynx and mucous membranes oral cavity, causing irritation. To avoid this, you need to do the following:

  • Place foil or baking paper on a saucer, forming a depression in the center. If you pour the medicine directly into the saucer, it will be smeared over the entire surface - the dosage will not be observed;
  • pour the powder into the hole;
  • add water drop by drop and thoroughly stir the powder until mushy;
  • Using the back of a tablespoon, scrape off the pulp from the paper. It is advisable to use a spoon with a handle that widens towards the end. You can use a spoon directly if you have a very small dessert spoon (a regular tea spoon is too large for a cat’s face);
  • hold the cat as described above, carefully insert the handle of the spoon into the mouth with the “slide” up;
  • At the root of the tongue, turn the spoon over and shake the medicine onto the tongue. We hold the cat's jaws and stroke the throat.

If possible, the gruel should be mixed with boiled yolk or a small amount of chopped meat. You can soak dry food and mix it with powder.

Read also: Prevention of worms in cats is the main activity of every breeder.

Liquid medicine

If possible, the liquid should be mixed with the same dry food or yolk to make a paste. If the drug must be given in pure form, you will need a syringe without a needle:

  • draw the liquid into the syringe;
  • we put the cat on our laps with its side and hold it with one hand in a sitting position;
  • We place the syringe behind the cat’s cheek so that it is between the cheek and the teeth (that is, there is no need to push it directly into the mouth, forcefully opening the jaws);
  • With one hand we lift the cat’s head a little (do not throw it back, just lift it a little, otherwise the pet will choke);
  • With the other hand, we gently press the piston, making sure that the cat has time to swallow the medicine.

What medications should not be given to cats. Human medications are sometimes used to treat cats. If they were prescribed by a veterinarian, then they can be used, but there are medications, which should never be given to cats. Each animal species has different chemical processes inside its body. Even different people They react completely differently to medications. There are medications that are contraindicated or useless for one race of people, while for others, on the contrary, they are indicated and have a good effect on the body. It mainly depends on the blood type. The whole world consists of atoms and chemical processes. And we are no exception in this regard. Good doctors and pharmacists know what processes occur in a living organism from taking a particular drug, but even the most best doctor Without tests, he cannot say whether this medicine will help or, on the contrary, kill a living organism.

The chemical processes in the body of cats are different from ours, so before giving medicine, you should consult a veterinarian. It is practicing veterinarians who know what can be given to cats and what cannot be given.

There are medications that can simply kill an animal or make it disabled. Therefore, every cat owner needs to know which medications should never be given to cats, and which ones can be used, but in limited quantities.

  • Analgin (severe poisoning);
  • Aspirin (can poison the animal to death);
  • Antibiotics;
  • Benzyl benzoate (dangerous even when applied externally, if it is simply present in ointments);
  • Berenil;
  • Biseptol;
  • Veriben;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Ivermectin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Dexafort);
  • Levamisole (can cause severe poisoning);
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Nise;
  • Naphthalene (put it away from moths, but poison the cat);
  • No-Shpa (can cause vomiting and paralysis of the hind limbs);
  • Nurofen (Ibuprofen);
  • Paracetamol (toxic to cats);
  • Panadol (same reaction as paracetamol);
  • Purosan;
  • Rimadyl;
  • Salicylates;
  • Theraflu;
  • Tylenol (same reaction as paracetamol);
  • Phenol-containing drugs;
  • Most non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Sedatives and sleeping pills;
  • Use medicines infused with plants with caution;
  • Bleach (do not use it for disinfection);

If you keep animals at home, never leave medications in places accessible to them. Some cats may become attracted to the rustling packaging and swallow it. But my cat Kesha, despite the fact that many of the tablets are bitter, even manages to open the cupboard and chew them. Now we hide all the medicines under lock and key.

Also, don't keep it at home. poisonous plants. Sooner or later cats will probably try it. At my friend's old cat I chewed on Echinbachia leaves and almost gave my soul to God. For many years he did not pay any attention to this flower, but in his old age he decided to feast on it. It’s good that the owner noticed the bitten leaves of the plant and quickly took the cat to the veterinarian.

Do not use preparations with bleach to disinfect the premises and remove cat litter. And wash your cat’s dishes only with simple laundry soap.


Before any vaccinations the animal NECESSARILY must be treated for fleas and worms!

Rabies is a disease with one hundred percent fatal. All species of mammals and humans are susceptible to it. Therefore, rabies vaccination is required for all pets.

Don't forget about vaccination. Preventive vaccinations a huge variety, but we prefer the NOBIVAK Tricat vaccine (live lyophilized vaccine against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection and feline viral panleukopenia) and NOBIVAK Rabies (against rabies), Holland. We remind you that vaccine developers recommend the optimal vaccination schedule for each vaccine. If you are not a doctor, do not make any adjustments and follow what is written in the instructions or what your doctor says. veterinarian. The first vaccinations are given to kittens twice. Immunity is developed only 14 days after the second vaccination. And keep in mind that during the month and a half that the vaccination schedule is in progress, the kitten’s body weakens. Immunity decreases, so during this period you need to protect your pet from unnecessary contact with other animals, from possible drafts; do not bathe or wash the animal during this period. Next, the animal must be vaccinated once a year.


Let's tell you in order. For any parents the most hard times- this is when their baby is sick. In this case, the kitten, cat or cat is our child. We are losing peace and sleep, we are ready to share his illness with the baby, to take it upon ourselves, if it were possible, we are ready to do anything to ensure that our treasure recovers quickly and becomes cheerful and happy again. The kitten cannot tell where it hurts and how. Only suddenly he gets sick. This is where essential medications come to the rescue.

This is the “cat first aid kit” you need to have at home in order to provide first aid yourself before the veterinarian arrives. Attention! In mild cases, and this is not what I am focusing your attention on, you can handle it yourself, especially since veterinary services are oh so expensive, and not always High Quality, what a sin to hide here.


In case of cuts, bites, if the wound is not lacerated, treat with 3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. In the future, if the wound gets wet, treat it again with peroxide and sprinkle with dry STREPTOCIDE (as an anti-inflammatory disinfectant). If the wound cracks, lubricate it with SYNTHOMYCIN EMULSION. If the wound festers, then the well-known VISHNEVSKY OINTMENT will help us all.

At severe fatigue, heatstroke, heart failure, weakness of breathing, you can give heart medications: Corvalol, Valocordin, etc. It’s even better to give an injection of SULPHOCAMPHOCAINE.

At general lung malaise, lethargy, we inject our wards with IMMUNOFAN. It stimulates the body's vital resources and helps it cope with the disease faster. There is also a drug called BAYPAMUN from Bayer. It is also a nonspecific stimulator of the body's own defenses. He is effective prevention consequences of stress caused by transportation, exhibition, hospital stay.

If vomiting appears and the stool suddenly deteriorates, then you need to stop feeding altogether (at least for one day), give drinking plenty of fluids with a weak pale pink solution of MANganese and 1-2 tablets of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. In addition, rice water and chicken broth diluted with water are very helpful. We definitely give 1/2 tablet of SULGIN 2 times a day, and if the stool does not improve within 24 hours, then we begin to give stronger and more effective remedies. Namely, antibiotics: chloramphenicol 1/6 tablets 2 times a day and always probiotic agents “BIFICOL” or “BIFIDUM BACTERIN”, or better yet special for animals “LAKTOBIFADOL” or “BIFITRILAC”, and best of all “VETOM 1:1”.

In general, symptoms of diarrhea, and even more so if they are accompanied by vomiting, are the worst and unpleasant symptom. If a day after the first symptoms appear the kitten does not feel better, if there is also vomiting and it does not stop, then there is only one piece of advice - contact a veterinarian immediately. This can be very life-threatening poisoning, hepatitis, feline enteritis(panleukopenia), etc. The main thing here is not to be late.

Another problem is constipation, which is also unpleasant. In this case, gentle laxatives are needed. It could be milk vegetable oil(a teaspoon), and absolutely effective remedy - Vaseline oil(tablespoon).

If your eyes are red or watery, or there is a speck of dirt in your eye, or there is a slight injury to your eye, we use TETRACYCLINE OINTMENT, which is placed behind the eyelid three to four times a day. If it doesn't get better after a week, go to the vet. There is also a whole list eye drops which is listed below.

Deworming is a very necessary thing for our pets. If there are children in families, this is a must. Once a quarter we give it to a kitten, cat or cat anthelmintic drugs, we ourselves always use only DRONTAL for cats, 1 tablet per 4 kg of weight, Bayer. The drug contains praziquantel and pyrantel embonate, so it kills both roundworms and tapeworms. Even a five-fold overdose of Drontal is tolerated by cats without symptoms of poisoning. It is MANDATORY that before worming, you must undergo flea prevention!

Don't forget about ticks and fleas. For cats that go outdoors in the summer, as well as for cat owners who also have a dog, it is still better not to neglect such drugs, but to use them constantly. Since fleas are carriers of many infections, eggs and larvae of worms. We use a drug such as “Advantage” (drops) from Bayer. This wonderful drug is good because it is not absorbed into the blood, spreads over the skin and kills up to 98% of all fleas, their larvae and eggs within 12 hours. And the best thing is that this drug can be used for pregnant and lactating cats; it does not affect pregnancy. In addition, the drug has an umbrella effect, that is, if the mother cat is treated, then baby kittens up to 8 weeks of age also do not become infected with fleas. An analogue may be the drug "Frontline"

If the kitten is still sick or has caught an infection, then of course you need to contact the breeder and the doctor, but know that there are good medications, such as BAYTRIL - an antibiotic wide range actions. It is used in the treatment of infectious diseases. Now Russian developers are releasing many domestic drugs, which also help us pet owners a lot. The drug FOSPRENIL is very effective remedy for prevention and treatment viral infections in cats and dogs.
And, of course, the main thing is proper balanced nutrition.


It is always advisable to have the necessary set of medications and tools at home or take it with you if you take your cat with you on a trip.

Instruments and dressings:

  1. Sterile bandages (wide and narrow)
  2. Absorbent cotton wool
  3. Rubber tourniquet
  4. Scissors with rounded ends
  5. Disposable syringes 1.0; 2.0; 5.0; 10.0; ml
  6. Tweezers
  7. Blunt tip pipette
  8. Blanket (made from thick stocking) with slits for paws
  9. Syringe for newborns
  10. Sterile wipes
  11. Medical thermometer
  12. Nail trimmers
  13. Fixing bag (the cat is placed there, leaving only the head outside, the bag is tied with a ribbon) It is needed when the cat needs to clean its ears, give it a pill, transport it, etc.


Vitamin preparations:

  1. Ascorbic acid ampoules (vitamin C)
  2. Vitamin B12
  3. Vitamin D3
  4. Vikasol (etamsylate) (vitamin K) in ampoules or tablets
  5. Microvitam ( complex drug)
  6. Aminovit (complex preparation)
  7. Glucose in ampoules (usually 40% solution)

Antihistamines (anti-allergenic):

  1. Diphenhydramine (amp or tablet)
  2. Suprastitis
  3. Tavegil

Antiseptics and disinfectants:

  1. Alcohol 70% or vodka
  2. Hydrogen peroxide 3%
  3. Solution boric acid, 3%
  4. Zelenka
  5. Iodinol
  6. Iodez
  7. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)
  8. Lugol's solution
  9. Furacilin in the table. 10 pieces (diluted in hot water based on 1 table. For a glass of water. Stored long time in a cool place)


  1. Activated carbon(table)
  2. Polyphepan (powder)


  1. Cerucal in ampoules


  1. Drontal (1 tablet/4 kg weight)
  2. Praziquanlet
  3. Kanikquantel plus (1 tablet/10 kg weight)

Painkillers and remedies

  1. Novocaine in amp. (0.5% or 2% solution)

Antimicrobial agents:

  1. Streptocide tablets ( antimicrobial drug) local application

Anti-inflammatory drugs (homeopathy):

  1. Traumeel (Anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, immunostimulating)

Ointments and oils:

  1. Vaseline oil
  2. Syntomycin ointment (syntomycin liniment) - antibacterial ointment


  1. Gentamicin 4% in ampoules
  2. Ampicillin (ampiox) ampoules or tablets.
  3. Levomycetin tablets
  4. Tetracycline hydrochloride
  5. Baytril (broad spectrum, especially for animals)
  6. Biseptol 120 (combined antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of bactericidal action) Used in the treatment of various infections.

Antiviral and enhance your own immunity:


  1. Baypamun (a nonspecific stimulator of the body’s own defenses. It is an effective prevention of the effects of stress caused by transportation, exhibition, and hospital stay)
  2. Immunofan (stimulates the body's defenses), has antiviral and antibacterial effects (also used to increase reproductive function)


  1. Ribotan (stimulates the body's defenses, helps prevent and increase the effectiveness of therapy for plague, viral enteritis, hepatitis. flu, demodicosis, etc.)
  2. Maxidin (immunomodulator and broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drug)* When used with Fosprenil, a twofold reduction in dosage is possible.
  3. Fosprenil
  4. Gamavit

Eye products:

  1. Lakrimin eye drops - aniseptic
  2. Lakrikan (eye drops) - aniseptic - provides an animicrobial, local anesthetic agent
  3. Levomycetin 0.25% (eye drops) (broad-spectrum antibiotic)
  4. Taufon (eye drops)
  5. Visine (relieve eye inflammation)
  6. Hydrocortisone or tetracycline eye ointment (anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and decongestant drug)
  7. Iris (eye drops)
  8. Ciprovet (eye drops) (anti-inflammatory antimicrobial drug)
  9. Anandin (ophthalmic-intranasal) (anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating effect)

Ear products

  1. Otokan ( ear drops)
  2. Otovedin (ear drops)
  3. Otibiovin (treatment of otitis media)

Heart remedies

  1. Sulphocamphocaine in ampoules
  2. Corvalol
  3. Valocordin
  4. Furosemide


  1. Vetom 1:1
  2. Vetocil 3.18
  3. Lactobifadol
  4. Eniferm
  5. Bactoneotime (also contains the immunomodulatory substance Neotime)

Other means:

  1. Ammonia (to simulate breathing)
  2. Calcium bicarbonate
  3. Castor oil
  4. Sodium chloride 0.9% (isotonic solution)
  5. Oxytocin (only for birthing cat owners)
  6. Cantarius compositum (with thermal burns, acute otitis media, weeping eczema, cystitis, etc.)
  7. "Zooderm" drops - antimicrobial, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agent (for otitis, dermatitis, poorly healing wounds and other skin diseases)
  8. Furosemide (Chronic heart failure, pulmonary edema, hypertensive crisis, edematous-ascitic syndrome in liver cirrhosis, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, severe hypernatremia, hypercalcemia and hypermagnesemia)

Medicinal herbs:

  • Chamomile
  • sage
  • nettle
  • Oak bark
  • bergenia root
  • bearberry leaf
  • half-half

Herbal extracts of the form "Phytoelite": "Healthy kidneys", "Metastop", " Clean skin", "Tolstopuz", etc.

Herbal extracts "Cat-Ervin" (a drug for the prevention and treatment of urological syndrome and stone disease in cats) and "Cat-Bayun" (soothing herbal tea for correcting the behavior of cats during heat)

This is important for all cat lovers to know.


  1. Henbane
  2. Calendula (marigold)
  3. Geranium
  4. Lily of the valley
  5. Oleander
  6. Tulip
  7. Squill
  8. Crocus
  9. Narcissus and all bulbous plants
  10. Philodendron
  11. The tree of Life
  12. Cicuta
  13. Violet
  14. Hellebore


  1. Analgin
  2. Aspirin and all phenol-containing drugs
  3. Valerian, calendula and other herbs, pine and other essential oils
  4. Paracetamol

Often our pets suffer from infectious and inflammatory diseases eye. In such cases, owners can treat the animal with medications intended for treating humans. One such remedy is Albucid. So is it possible to drip Albucid into the eyes of cats? There are different opinions on this matter among veterinarians and cat owners themselves, let's take a closer look.

Albucid is an antimicrobial drug that penetrates the tissues and fluids of the eye. This medicine is also called sodium sulfacyl. It is prescribed to people for the treatment of eye diseases, such as: purulent conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, bacterial infections and other pathologies of the organs of vision.

Why can't cats be given Albucid?

Any qualified veterinarian will give a definite answer: Albucid as a medicine is strictly contraindicated for cats! There are a number of objective reasons for this:

  • The drug is intended for the treatment of human pathologies.
  • Humans and cats have completely different physiological characteristics structure of the organs of vision. For example, cats have a third eyelid, which provides additional protection to the eye, which cannot be said about human eye. Due to the huge difference in the biological and anatomical structures of humans and cats, it is completely unacceptable to use the same medicines for the treatment of two structurally dissimilar organisms.
  • Designed for the treatment of pets special drugs, which are in no way inferior in effectiveness to those used in human treatment. It is strictly forbidden to drop Albucid into the cat's eyes when you can use by alternative means for cats and dogs, such as “Dekta-2”, “Anandin”, or “Tsiprovet”. These medications will quickly eliminate inflammatory process in your pet and will not harm him. Don't forget that some medications used by people can lead to the death of a pet!
  • The components of Albucid drops cause a painful burning sensation in the cat's eyes, since the eyes of the animal are more sensitive than those of humans. This medicine can easily burn your pet’s cornea and, thereby, aggravate the situation of the sick cat. The use of Albucid, even with low content active component, can lead to overdose and painful side effects, up to loss of vision.
  • Often, some owners drip Albucid into the cat's eyes due to the availability and low cost of the medicine. Indeed, the price range of “human” drugs, such as chloramphenicol, for example, is significantly lower than their “feline” counterparts. The desire to save money and lack of time to visit the veterinarian can lead to sad consequences for good health pet. All warnings about the dangers of self-medication apply not only to the person himself, but also to our smaller brothers!
  • Some cat owners claim that the use of Albucid has no harmful effects on cat's eyes, especially if you use children's Albucid with gentle content active substance. In children's drops this drug contains a ten percent concentration of the active ingredient, so other breeders do not see anything wrong with putting Albucid in the eyes of a kitten.

How to treat pet- you decide! However, do not forget about one thing, very important nuance . It is impossible to accurately predict the reaction of a pet’s body to the use of products intended for human treatment. It is much safer to purchase special medications for animals in specialized veterinary pharmacies.