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How to donate blood for hormones to a woman. We carry out hormonal tests if we suspect pathology of the adrenal cortex. causes of hormonal disorders in women and men

Female sex hormones have a more complex hierarchy than men's. The reason is obvious: if men, roughly speaking, only need semen to conceive, then women need to carry a child from the “egg” stage to the “newborn” stage, and then also feed him. Because hormones are chemical elements, which transmit information from one place to another, then for a more complex mechanism (the female reproductive system) more of them are required. Alas, a complex mechanism is more likely to break down, which is why there are many more “female” diseases than “male” ones. To correctly diagnose a disease, you need to collect information, and the easiest way to do this is with a hormone test. What hormones are most often tested? How to donate blood correctly female hormones? All answers are below.

Each of the hormones has its own “sphere” of activity, so when various pathologies different tests are needed.


This hormone begins to be produced after ovulation and continues to enter the blood throughout the luteal phase of the cycle.

Its main purpose is to prepare the uterus for attachment of a fertilized egg to its wall.

A low level of progesterone leads to infertility (an “unprepared” uterus does not accept an egg), a high level can lead to heavy and painful periods.

You need to take the test in the middle of the luteal phase - between ovulation and bleeding.


Estradiol – extremely active estrogen, which is responsible for the development of primary/secondary female sexual characteristics, “work” menstrual cycle and some metabolic processes. Too much or too little of it in the body can lead to:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility;
  • excessive feminization (for example, hypermastia - a disease in which the breasts reach a gigantic size);
  • disturbances in the metabolism of calcium, iron, copper and fats in the body;
  • lethargy, apathy.
You can donate blood for estradiol on any day of the menstrual cycle.


Estriol is the least active of estrogens; its “contribution” to the body’s functioning is minimal.

But it has one feature: at the beginning of pregnancy, estriol ensures the growth and expansion of the uterus by influencing its blood vessels. The level of this hormone determines how successful the pregnancy will be at the initial stage.

An estriol test is performed at the beginning of pregnancy.


The main task of prolactin is to ensure lactation. In addition, it regulates the production of other hormones (mainly suppresses), affects the ability to conceive, and inhibits sexual arousal. A prolactin test is needed in following cases:

  • frigidity, anorgasmia;
  • infertility;
  • insufficient milk production;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • diagnostic examination during pregnancy;
  • diseases and injuries of the pituitary gland.
A prolactin test is informative both during pregnancy and at any phase of the cycle.


Testosterone traditionally considered a male hormone, although it also plays an important role in the female body.

Deviations from the norm in women lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. High testosterone in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage; outside pregnancy - to masculinization (development of the female body according to male type).

You can donate throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)

These hormones work in tandem: FSH initiates the process of maturation of a new follicle, and LH helps this follicle mature and break through so that the egg can enter fallopian tube. Both hormones are important both for the menstrual cycle and for reproduction in general.

These tests should be taken either on the 3-8th or 19-21st days of the menstrual cycle.

Comprehensive examinations

If the pathology is high probability known, then to confirm the diagnosis one point analysis is enough(for example: prolactin test for Sheehan syndrome).


The following is determined in the blood on days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle: hormones: luteinizing hormone (or LH), which stimulates follicle maturation, estrogen secretion and formation corpus luteum; follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), it provides trophism (nutrition), stimulates the development, growth and maturation of the follicle; prolactin, which has a trophic effect on the corpus luteum and turns it into a functioning one from a non-functioning one.

On days 20-21 of the menstrual cycle, extradiol and progesterone are determined. Extradiol is secreted by the maturing follicle, the adrenal glands. Progesterone - which is produced by the corpus luteum and placenta (during the period). It prepares the endometrium of a woman's uterus for implantation.

On days 8-10 of the menstrual cycle, a study is carried out hormones: testosterone, 17-one progesterone, DHEA- and protein binding sexual hormones(transport protein, SHBG). Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the female body by the adrenal glands and ovaries. It is a precursor of estradiol and its excess of normal concentration can cause miscarriage in early dates pregnancy. 17-OH progesterone is a precursor of sex steroid hormones, produced in the adrenal glands. DHEA sulfate is also produced by the adrenal glands. The transport protein binds androgens in the blood serum and leaves only a small part of them in an active state.

Antisperm antibodies or anti-sperm antibodies can be detected in blood serum. They can form in a woman’s blood and result in an autoimmune reaction to sperm. The study is carried out throughout the menstrual cycle.

Basic conditions for taking tests sexual hormones: all studies are carried out strictly on an empty stomach; only as prescribed by a doctor and according to the days of the menstrual cycle; are limited physical exercise And emotional overexcitement; Taking medications and drinking alcohol in any form is excluded.

Using a blood test hormones can be determined functional state adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, testicles; identify hereditary diseases fetus According to the results of a blood test for sexual hormones you can suspect a tumor, clarify the nature of infertility, identify menstrual irregularities, impotence. The results of the study are used in the selection oral contraceptives for woman.

Blood collection at sexual hormones carried out in a clinical diagnostic laboratory diagnostic center in sterile, specially trained medical personnel, as well as using disposable sterile material and blood collection tubes. The conclusion based on the results of the study is usually ready within 24 hours.

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Blood test for sex hormones. In the old days, in laboratories medical specialists, a woman’s menstrual cycle was based on the results of animal studies. The level of sex hormones constantly changes throughout a woman’s life. But in order to conduct a blood test for sex hormones, it is enough to identify the following components

Helpful advice

Home Analysis blood for hormones Sex hormones Estrogens are the main female sex hormones. Estrogens ensure the development of the genital organs, the production of germ cells, the psychophysiological characteristics of sexual behavior and all stages and aspects of pregnancy. The release of estrogen is regulated by gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and indirectly by folliberin and luliberin of the hypothalamus.


  • how to take a blood test for hormones

Hormones are biologically active substances of organic origin that are produced in special gland cells internal secretion and, entering the blood, have a regulating effect on metabolism and physiological functions. Sometimes, in order to check your health, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out how to do this correctly to obtain accurate results.

Hormones are identified that may need to be tested. Thus, with a doctor's direction, you can test for thyroid hormones, hormones, tumor markers, hormones and adrenal hormones. Also, on hormonal studies may be prescribed to the expectant mother for perinatal diagnostics. Undoubtedly, before taking any type of hormones, you should definitely consult with your doctor, who will tell you about preparing for this type of analysis.

How to prepare for a hormone test

There is a list of tips that you need to familiarize yourself with before submitting biomaterial. Otherwise, the results may be unreliable, which leads to incorrect treatment. It is necessary to take into account that hormone tests must be taken in the morning and on an empty stomach.

As a rule, blood is taken from a vein in the elbow area. It is advisable to exclude foods containing iodine a few days before taking this test. In addition, it is advisable not to consume fatty and fried foods, alcoholic drinks, give up nicotine and excessive physical activity. Women should remember that hormonal levels, which regulates sexual function, depends on the phases of menstruation, so a blood test for hormones should be taken 5-7 days from the start of menstruation.

The results of hormonal tests may be distorted due to the use of many medicines, such as "Phenazepam" or "Cerucal". Therefore, it is necessary that all medications taken by the patient are canceled a week before donating blood for hormones. It is very important to inform your doctor about existing diseases. This is explained by the fact that most diseases of internal organs contribute to a decrease or increase in the production of hormones.

What to do after taking a blood test for hormones

After the result this study will be ready, you need to visit a specialist to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To restore hormonal levels, it is necessary not only to correct, but to eliminate directly the cause that caused this imbalance. Therefore, these types of tests need to be taken several times to avoid laboratory errors associated with the result. So the surrender hormonal test several times will help to verify whether this problem exists or not.

Most of all processes in human body controlled by hormones - special biological active substances various chemical structure. It is their quantity and rate of release that largely determine muscle growth, metabolic rate, and even the issue of a person’s gender. Most hormones begin to be produced in the body during the period of intrauterine development, determining the characteristics of the development of the embryo.

For example, when the production of female sex hormones and receptors for them prevails in the embryo, a girl is born. If there is a predominance of male hormones, this leads to the development of the body according to the male type. However, the influence of this group of biologically active substances does not end at the stage of determining the sex of a person, because it is sex hormones that subsequently control the implementation of one of the most important functions of the human body - the birth of healthy offspring. We can say that they form this process“from and to” - from sex determination and organ formation reproductive system before the onset of sexual desire and pregnancy in a woman.

Therefore, the role of female sex hormones in the matter of family planning and conception is extremely important. Suffice it to say that almost half of all cases of infertility in women are caused by endocrine reasons– that is, disturbances in the release and functioning of various hormones. In this regard, if there are difficulties with conception, any doctor will first prescribe a study of the amount of hormones in a woman’s blood.

In addition to family planning, the importance of testing for female sex hormones affects many other medical specialties. In addition to endocrinologists, oncologists, gynecologists, mammologists, orthopedists and nephrologists may be interested in the results of such a study. This is due to the fact that any hormonal system in the human body forms many relationships with other body systems, so a violation in one link of this chain inevitably leads to a whole cascade of pathological reactions.

The first item on the list of indications for conducting such a study is the issue of family planning. It is female infertility that often forces a person to see a doctor, while with other indirect symptoms of hormonal imbalance (obesity, painful menstruation or irregular cycle, changes in the structure of hair, skin, nails) a woman usually tries to cope on her own without a doctor’s recommendation.

Thus, it is worth donating blood to check the level of female sex hormones if it is impossible to conceive a child for six months or more. Such a long period is due to the fact that even against the background full health It is not always possible for both partners to have a child at once - favorable period for this is only about a week per month. The body also carefully prepares for this process, so sometimes due to stress at work or unfavorable meteorological conditions, pregnancy may not occur during one favorable period of ovulation and may occur in the next. However, a six-month period of fruitless attempts is considered sufficient to suspect disturbances in the reproductive system of one of the partners. Statistically, most often the reason for this is precisely endocrine disorders in women, so they are checked first.

In addition to problems with family planning, analysis for female sex hormones is recommended for the following pathological conditions and phenomena:

  • Miscarriage, miscarriages, spontaneous abortions - disruption of pregnancy, as well as problems with conception, arise against the background of pathological levels of hormones. Therefore, if such phenomena occurred in the past, when new pregnancy It is necessary to regularly conduct blood tests for the content of these biologically active substances. In this case, if hormone levels are disturbed, you can begin timely drug correction to save the child.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle and painful or heavy periods, as well as their absence (amenorrhea). In case of any disturbances in a woman’s hormonal system, the pattern of the menstrual cycle will invariably change, since its course is completely controlled endocrine system. In addition, the hormonal picture of the blood is examined for diseases of the reproductive system - polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine tumors.
  • For discomfort in the mammary glands, pain, discharge, presence of lumps in the breast. Some female sex hormones stimulate breast growth and secretion of breast secretions. Therefore, the described complaints may be a consequence of changes in the level of biologically active substances in the blood.
  • Impaired hair growth - baldness (alopecia) or, on the contrary, strong hair growth and male-pattern hair growth in women. These phenomena directly indicate disturbances in the sexual hormonal sphere.
  • Increased body weight, especially not caused by diet or lifestyle, can be a symptom of various endocrine diseases, including reproductive disorders.
  • Decreased libido, disorders in the intimate sphere, sexual perversions - all this can also be a consequence pathological discharge hormones.
  • When treating various diseases with hormonal drugs– this way the level of hormones in the blood is controlled.

In addition, an analysis of the level of female sex hormones can also be prescribed for men - in fact, their “female” identity is only a tribute to history. It has now been found that many of these substances play an active role in the development male body, including the formation of its reproductive system. Just like the typical “male” hormone, testosterone is also present in the female body and performs a number of functions in it, so the study of its level is also included in the scope of such an analysis. Signs of an imbalance in the amount of these biologically active substances may include gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men), some forms of impotence, decreased sexual desire (libido), tumors and other damage to the endocrine system.

Hormone levels are also examined in children and adolescents. The main reasons for performing such an analysis may be signs of premature puberty or delayed puberty in adolescents.

Features of analysis and preparation for research

The most important feature of blood testing for sex hormone levels is the fact that blood sampling does not occur simultaneously. This is due to the fact that their amount in the blood is constantly changing, which makes it difficult to create a table of norms for each hormone. The biological reflection of such hormonal surges is the menstrual cycle, for this reason the most convenient moment for analysis of various biologically active substances is determined with its help. Previously, each individual hormone had its own “ideal day,” which forced a woman to donate blood multiple times over the course of a month. Today, there is a method by which blood tests are performed three times per cycle - with each of them, the picture of the level of a certain group of female sex hormones is determined.

A woman does not have to undergo all three tests - in this matter everything depends on the position and opinion of the attending physician. For example, if he needs to find out her estrogen level, he will prescribe a single test on the most favorable day of the cycle. However, in some cases, a complete picture of all sex hormones in the blood is needed, which requires mandatory testing three times in one cycle. Calculation of the cycle, as is known, begins with the beginning of menstruation - the first day of menstruation is also the first day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman does not remember the date when visiting a doctor last menstruation, then the doctor makes an appointment for her at the next new beginning of the cycle. After this, the blood donation procedure occurs in the following order:

  • The third to fifth day of the cycle - blood is donated to study the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), as well as prolactin.
  • The eighth to tenth day of the cycle is the most convenient time to determine the level of testosterone and its precursor - DHEA-s (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate)
  • Twenty-first to twenty-second days - the amount of progesterone and estradiol is examined.

There is another approach to defining normal level each hormone - according to the phase of the menstrual cycle. According to this method, for each biologically active substance there are separately at least six normal indicators for the phases of the cycle for the ovary and other factors:

  • Follicular phase - from the first to the fourteenth day, the time of formation of the follicle with the egg;
  • The ovulatory phase - from the fifteenth to the eighteenth day - is the time when the egg leaves the follicle. It is during this period that the chance of conception is highest, and there is a sharp surge in the level of all hormones, with the exception of progesterone.
  • The luteal phase is from the nineteenth to the twenty-seventh (the end of the cycle and the beginning of menstruation). During this period of time, there is first an increase (the first half of the phase) and then a gradual decline in progesterone levels.
  • Hormone levels when using oral contraceptives - use hormonal drugs contraception “freezes” the menstrual cycle and the level of hormones is at the same level, without experiencing any significant fluctuations.
  • The amount of biologically active substances in postmenopause - after the end of the reproductive period, the hormonal background changes, but sharp changes in the level are not typical.

This method of determining the amount of female sex hormones does not require waiting special period to draw blood, but you still need to know approximately the day of your cycle to determine the phase. In addition, this method requires a highly qualified doctor so that he can understand the complex relationships of hormones in different periods menstrual cycle.

Naturally, men, children and postmenopausal women do not have a menstrual cycle, so the above restrictions and difficulties in no way apply to this group of patients.

Preparation for such an analysis is, by and large, no different from that with other methods. laboratory diagnostics. The day before blood sampling, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of caffeine-containing drinks, alcohol, fatty and heavy foods. Blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach. Recommendations regarding limiting sexual activity before taking the test are unfounded - on the contrary, it is better to preserve familiar image life, including in the intimate sphere. This will help the doctor determine exactly a basic level of woman's hormones.

Decoding the analysis results

As already mentioned, deciphering the analysis is a certain difficulty, since this indicator can vary greatly depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, emotional state, even the time of day. Thus, follicle-stimulating hormone is not released into the blood continuously, but in separate bursts every three to four hours. During the period of its release, the concentration of this hormone in the blood can increase sharply (up to two times), which cannot but affect the results of the study. Therefore, the table data presented below is presented in the case of a woman donating blood during the period most favorable for determining a particular hormone.

Since this type of study is also prescribed for children, as well as women after menopause, the meaning of these analysis parameters will be somewhat different for them:

Progesterone in children and women over 45-50 years of age, as a rule, is not determined.

Brief characteristics of indicators

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, its release depends on the influence of another biologically active substance - gonadoliberin, which is formed in the hypothalamus. He performs important functions in both the female and male body:

  • In women, it is responsible for the formation of the follicle - a special formation of the ovaries, which is necessary for the proper maturation of the egg. Once a month, under the influence of this compound, a follicle begins to form in one of the ovaries, which then ruptures, releasing the egg (ovulation) - this process takes the entire first half of the menstrual cycle. The remainder of the follicle turns into the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. If conception does not occur, then the corpus luteum is destroyed, but in the case of pregnancy, this formation secretes progesterone throughout its entire period.
  • In men, this hormone promotes the formation of a number of structures of the reproductive system - seminiferous tubules, testicles. In addition, FSH in men promotes the conversion of estrogens into testosterone and increases the level of male hormones in the blood.

Changes in the level of this hormone indicate various types of reproductive disorders in persons of both sexes.

Luteinizing hormone (LH)– like FSH, it is released in the anterior pituitary gland under the influence of hypothalamic gonadoliberin. This hormone is designed to ensure the normal course of ovulation in women, so the main peak in its level is observed on the eve of this phenomenon. In men, this compound controls the normal course of spermatogenesis and the formation of testosterone.

In addition to the absolute level of this substance, an important indicator is its ratio with follicle-stimulating hormone. In men and girls before puberty, the index of this ratio is one, but in women of reproductive age, the amount of FSH should exceed the level of LH by 1.5-2 times.

Prolactin is the main hormone that provides adolescence growth of the mammary glands, and then actively stimulates lactation, that is, milk production. For this reason, its level in the body of men or non-pregnant women is quite low. However, research into its level is important for several reasons:

  • In the case of pregnant women, its amount must be known for prognosis and prevention possible problems with feeding;
  • One of the types of hormonally active tumors - prolactinoma - is precisely diagnosed by an increased level of this compound.

Testosterone historically considered a typically male hormone, and for good reason - it stimulates the growth of muscles, facial hair, even a change in voice. But some of its quantities are also present in the female body, where it is secreted by the cells of the zona reticularis of the ovaries and the adrenal glands. A study of its level is carried out in the presence of certain symptoms (hirsutism, deepening of the voice, etc.) in women - its increased amount may be a cause of infertility, as well as a symptom of a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In men, a decrease in its amount is accompanied by disorders of the reproductive system and genital area.

DHEA-s or dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a precursor to testosterone, most of which is located in the adrenal glands. This compound is a reserve form of the hormone that is released when needed. Its predominant location in the suprarenal glands has diagnostic value. This allows you to determine the root cause of the increase in testosterone levels. If, against the background of a high content of the male hormone, a low amount of DHEA-s is observed, it means that the cause of the pathology is in the ovaries (for example, polycystic disease). If both indicators increase simultaneously, adrenal disease is diagnosed.

Estradiol– is one of the main female sex hormones, ensuring the development of all secondary sexual characteristics. It also controls, along with luteinizing hormone, the normal course of ovulation and the fertilization process. Its impact also affects psychological state women - this substance is largely responsible for sexual desire among the fair sex.

Men also have minimal amounts of this substance in the blood, but its role in healthy body not fully understood. It is assumed that it is just an intermediate link for the synthesis of testosterone. In some diseases in men it can increase.

Progesterone- one of the most important pregnancy hormones. It is the lack of this substance that is associated with the overwhelming number of cases of infertility or miscarriage. This allows it to be used for treatment similar conditions. Progesterone is mainly secreted by the corpus luteum (the remnant of the follicle remaining after ovulation), the main increase in its level is observed in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If conception and pregnancy occur, the amount of this substance remains quite high throughout the entire gestation period. In the absence of this phenomenon, progesterone levels slowly decrease to the baseline value at the beginning of menstruation.

Testing for sex hormones is very informative method clinical trial, affecting the interests of doctors of many specialties. Therefore, it is worth taking a very responsible approach to its implementation and deciphering the results.

A blood test for hormones is carried out if there are abnormalities in the functioning of organs genitourinary system, including if it is impossible to conceive a child, to establish the causes of infertility. Hormones are substances of secretion glands that control the functionality of the reproductive system. With excessive production of certain hormonal substances or insufficient quantities, a woman cannot experience the joy of motherhood.

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    Rules for taking the analysis

    Women must take the test strictly on certain days of the menstrual cycle, depending on which hormone is being studied. Among them:

    • LH - luteinizing hormone;
    • progesterone;
    • prolactin;
    • testosterone;
    • FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone;
    • antibodies to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH);
    • estradiol

    Change biological material is prescribed only in morning time on empty stomach, not earlier than a few hours after the patient woke up. The day before blood sampling, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, or have sex; physical activity should be significantly reduced, since the presence of these factors can cause errors in deciphering the tests. If you need to take hormonal medications the day before donating blood, you should stop taking them and be sure to inform the doctor who will conduct the test about taking medications.

    Test results may be affected emotional condition women, so it is extremely important to rest well before the test and calm down. Table of days of the menstrual cycle when you can take a hormone test:

    LH (luteinizing hormone)

    LH is a substance produced by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to regulate the functioning of the genitourinary system, the production of hormones such as progesterone and testosterone. The concentration of LH differs on different days of the cycle. In girls, the amount of the hormone is lower than in women who are in reproductive age. The peak production of luteinizing hormone occurs on the day of ovulation, after which the level decreases.

    In order for the LH test result to be correct, sports and other types of exercise are excluded a few days before the test. Smoking is prohibited in the morning. The test is carried out only after sleep; before taking the test you should not eat or drink tea or coffee. It is necessary to take an LH test between days 3 and 5 of the cycle. In some cases, when it is necessary to track the level of hormone production over time, the doctor prescribes several tests different phases cycle. Women with irregular periods and infrequent ovulation should be tested daily from days 8 to 18 of the cycle.

    Indications for a test to determine LH - hirsutism ( increased hairiness body), weak libido, irregular ovulation, lack of conception for six months with regular sexual activity, frequent spontaneous miscarriages (inability to bear a fetus), physical underdevelopment, polycystic disease, endometriosis.

    Normal indicators LH in the blood of a woman of reproductive age:

    Reasons are excessive high concentration LH in the blood - underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system, depleted ovaries, neoplasm of the pituitary gland of a malignant nature, renal failure, endometriosis of the uterus. Insufficient production of LH is observed with excessive body weight, in smokers, with emotional exhaustion and fatigue, and a number of autoimmune diseases. A low concentration of luteinizing hormone in the blood is observed in women after undergoing surgical operations.

    Progesterone test

    The steroid group hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, progesterone, plays a major role in maintaining reproductive function. After fertilization of the egg, the ovary produces increased amounts of progesterone, which inhibits gonadotropins to inhibit ovulation. During the second trimester of pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the placenta. Take a test to determine progesterone levels if you have the following symptoms:

    • pathological processes in the placenta during pregnancy;
    • irregular menstrual cycle;
    • inability to conceive;
    • bleeding from the uterus.

    The collection of biological material is carried out only in the morning; before taking the test, it is forbidden to eat food; you can drink a small amount of plain water. Dinner the day before the test should be light. Women with irregular periods should be tested for progesterone 2-3 times at different phases of the cycle. In order for the analysis to be as accurate as possible, the test must be carried out between the 21st and 23rd days of the menstrual cycle.

    Normal indicators for women of reproductive age:

    In pregnant women, the concentration in the body will vary depending on different terms pregnancy: up to 3 months - from 8.90 to 468.40 nmol/l, from 3 to 6 months - from 71.50 to 303.10 nmol/l, from 6 to 9 months of pregnancy - from 88.70 to 771.50 nmol/l.

    Factors that can lead to an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood are successful conception, diseases of the genitourinary system, pathologies of the endocrine system, the first stages of renal failure, regular use of certain medications, suppression of adrenal function.

    Determination of prolactin levels

    Female hormones are responsible for the functioning of all organs of the reproductive system. Their insufficient or excessive production causes severe pathologies and the inability to conceive or bear a child. Prolactin shapes and regulates sexual behavior. Peak production of the substance occurs during pregnancy. Prolactin is responsible for the production of breast milk, regulates the functionality of the corpus luteum in the ovary, and is responsible for the process water-salt metabolism. He takes an active part in the formation immune system and the process of calcium absorption.

    Determining the concentration of prolactin is important in diagnosing pathologies of the reproductive system, a number of diseases and the causes of the inability to conceive a child. The analysis is carried out for the following deviations - scanty discharge during menstruation (oligomenorrhea) or absence of menstruation, which is not associated with pregnancy (amenorrhea), infertility, hirsutism, excessive milk production (or lack thereof) during breastfeeding, severe clinical picture during menopause . A prolactin test is taken in the presence of obesity, decreased libido, and the development of osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue).

    The day before the test you must refrain from intimacy, it is not recommended to expose the body to overheating in baths and solariums. Smoking a few hours before the test is strictly not recommended. Blood sampling should take place in a calm state. You should not engage in sports a few days before the test.

    Normal prolactin levels in women:

    Increased prolactin concentration may be associated with for the following reasons: pregnancy, lactation, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothalamic dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, development of cirrhosis, fatigue, arthritis, thyroid pathologies, hypovitaminosis. Insufficient concentration occurs when labor activity absent after the end of pregnancy (post-term).

    Follicle stimulating hormone

    FSH performs the function of stimulating ovulation. The substance is produced by the pituitary gland. Its insufficient amount leads to the fact that the maturation of follicles does not occur, which is why conception is impossible. Distinctive feature- production and release into circulatory system occurs every 4 hours, during this period the concentration of FSH doubles. When is the test necessary? If noted:

    • infertility;
    • decreased libido;
    • duration of the menstrual cycle from 40 days;
    • amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
    • cases of spontaneous miscarriages;
    • bleeding from the uterus;
    • uterine endometriosis;
    • polycystic disease

    In order to correctly pass the test and get a reliable result, the day before taking biological material you should not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or eat too fatty or fatty foods. spicy food. For 2-3 days you must abstain from sexual intercourse and physical activity. The test is performed between days 3 and 5, sometimes on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle for irregular periods.

    Normal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in women:

    The reasons for increased production of FSH are cysts on the ovaries, exhausted ovaries, uterine bleeding, kidney failure, autoimmune diseases. A decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the blood is observed in polycystic ovary syndrome, absence of menstruation, due to physical exhaustion of the body ( overindulgence strict diets, complete fasting), heavy metal intoxication.

    Testosterone norm

    The male hormone, which is produced in women in the adrenal glands and ovaries, is responsible for the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system and the possibility of conceiving a child. Its increased concentration is a common cause of infertility in women. Indications for testing to determine testosterone levels:

    • excessive body hair;
    • acne;
    • absence of menstruation;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • a history of spontaneous miscarriages;
    • polycystic disease;
    • myoma.

    To take the test, blood is drawn in the morning, always on an empty stomach. On the eve of the test, dinner should be light, avoiding spices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Smoking no later than 1 hour before donating blood. A constantly elevated concentration of the male hormone in a woman’s blood leads to irreversible pathological processes, so it is better to get tested as soon as symptoms of disturbances in the body’s functioning appear.

    Testosterone norms in women:

    The reasons for the increased production of male hormone in women are neoplasms on the ovaries, pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system of a hereditary nature, taking hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives, and various diseases of internal organs of a chronic nature. Common cause increased testosterone in a woman’s body is an incorrect diet, excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods, meat, hot spices, and alcoholic beverages.

    Estradiol indicators

    Hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. The main functions of estradiol are maintaining the functioning of the pelvic organs, full development secondary signs gender in women, regulation of the menstrual cycle, normalization of the functioning of eggs. Estradiol is a hormone responsible for the development of the uterus during pregnancy.

    The level of the hormone in a woman’s body changes along with the phases of the menstrual cycle. In women during menopause, estradiol levels decrease significantly and become equal to their levels in men. In the following cases, it is necessary to take an analysis to determine the amount of estradiol - inhibition of puberty, inability to conceive a child, rare ovulation or its complete absence, acute clinical picture premenstrual syndrome, development of osteoporosis, hirsutism.

    An analysis to determine the concentration of the hormone is carried out during pregnancy to determine the condition of the uterus. Normal hormone levels in women of reproductive age:

    Possible causes of elevated hormone concentrations in women: cysts and oncological tumors on the ovaries, cirrhosis, taking steroid medications, regularly taking oral contraceptives.

    A decrease in estradiol production is observed with underdevelopment of the reproductive system, diseases of the endocrine system, excessive physical exertion, and risk spontaneous miscarriage. The hormone may no longer be produced in the required amount during strict diets or complete fasting. Lack of estradiol is observed in women who smoke, when refusing to eat meat products, during exacerbation of autoimmune diseases.

    Sulfate with antibodies and thyroxine with TSH

    In addition to the main hormones, they are responsible for the reproductive function, condition and coherence of the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. additional substances endocrine system, insufficient or excessive quantities of which can lead to pathological processes. This:

    • sulfate-DEA;
    • free triiodothyronine (T3);
    • thyroxine (T4);
    • thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH);
    • antibodies to TSH.

    The hormone DEA sulfate is produced by the adrenal glands. This is a purely male hormone, like testosterone, so its amount in women is minimal. The compound is responsible for the functioning of the ovaries. A test to determine the amount of the hormone DHEA sulfate is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach.

    T3 - triiodothyronine hormone is produced by the thyroid gland. The rules for conducting the analysis are identical to collecting material for other types of hormones. Total thyroxine (T4) regulates the metabolic process and promotes the distribution of oxygen throughout the body (except for soft tissues in the brain). The concentration of T4 does not change; minor fluctuations are acceptable and do not affect the functioning of the body. The concentration of the hormone can decrease significantly due to disturbances in the endocrine system, which can cause pathologies in fetal development.

    TSH is a thyroid-stimulating hormone; a test to check its concentration is carried out, as in other cases, only in the first half of the day. Before donating blood, you should not eat, drink tea or coffee. Determination of the amount of hormones-antibodies to the thyroid-stimulating compound is carried out to study the condition and functioning of the endocrine and thyroid glands. The analysis can be carried out regardless of the menstrual cycle.

    Carrying out tests to determine hormone levels is a diagnostic method that helps determine the reasons for the inability to conceive for their further elimination. In many cases, insufficient production of certain hormones causes ovulation problems that prevent pregnancy. If the concentration of hormones is higher or lower than the required level, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which will help restore normal condition endocrine and reproductive systems.

    Violation of the rules and regulations for preparing for a hormone test leads to an error in deciphering the results, and doctors are unable to obtain a complete, reliable picture of the woman’s health status.

    A few days before taking a blood test to study hormones, it is necessary to exclude heavy physical activity and sports. During fitness classes, the body overproduces certain hormones, which can be mistaken by doctors for pathology. Stress and emotional shock negatively affect the hormonal system. Therefore, these factors must be excluded during the test by calming down and getting enough sleep the night before the test.

    If a woman uses oral medications as a means of contraception or takes any medications, they must be stopped the day before donating blood and the doctor must be informed about which medications are being used. The production of some hormones may increase or, conversely, be depressed due to poor diet. The day before donating blood, it is not recommended to eat too fatty or peppery foods. The same applies to alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

    In the morning before submitting biological material, you cannot eat, and only drinking is allowed plain water. If hormones produced by the thyroid gland are to be tested, foods containing them should be excluded from the diet 3-4 days before the test. high content iodine and iodine-containing medications. Blood for hormone tests must be donated exclusively in the morning, 2-3 hours after waking up, but no later than 10.00.

    If the interpretation of a blood test to determine hormone levels shows deviations from the norm, do not worry. In such cases, the procedure is repeated to eliminate the possibility of an error caused by a violation of the rules for preparing for it. When diagnosing the causes of infertility or treating this pathology, a hormone test is carried out regularly once every few days to study the dynamics of substance production.

    If deviations in the level of substances from the norm are detected, the patient will be prescribed hormone therapy to restore balance in the body. In many cases, drug therapy is necessary to treat pathologies and diseases that have led to hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal system man today works almost the same as that of primitive man. Technologically and socially we are developing much faster. But it is the uninterrupted operation of the hormonal system that ensures the survival and adaptation of humanity as a species. The work of internal organs, reproductive functions, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, attraction, pregnancy, childbirth - all this is under the control of hormones and it is almost limitless. Where are hormones synthesized? How does the hormonal system work? When to take hormone tests? Where can I get tested for hormones? How to decipher them? The answers to these and many other questions are in this article.

Hormonal regulation in our bodies

Hormones- a group of biologically active substances that are secreted by endocrine glands and non-glandular tissues. Their purpose is to regulate the functioning of the body. Some affect all systems at once, others have specific target organs and target tissues and act only on them.

For example, prolactin, among other things, causes the growth of mammary glands, an increase in the number of lobules and ducts in the breast. This means that there are target tissues for prolactin in the breast. The body's hormonal system is called the endocrine system, which includes endocrine glands, which produce hormones.

Main organs of the endocrine system

The location of vital glands may vary. Part is located in the brain, such as the pineal gland, for example, part is concentrated in the chest, lower back, in the lower part of the body, like the ovaries or testes - the human gonads.

1. Pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.

2. Thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas.

3. In women - the ovaries and during pregnancy - the placenta, in men - the testicles.

Although there is no thorough understanding of the mechanism of operation of most hormones, nevertheless, scientists have been able to develop hormonal contraceptives for women, as well as medications to restore healthy hormonal levels.

10 causes of hormonal imbalances in women and men

1. Stress.
Hormonal imbalances can cause frequent releases of cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

2. Abuse of diets. Since estrogens are produced in fat tissue, thin girls almost certainly have an imbalance. In order for a woman’s hormonal background to be healthy, she must have at least some fat reserves.

3. Work in night shift , lack of sleep or frequent flights between time zones cause a disruption in the daily schedule of hormone levels and general hormonal levels.

4. “Self-appointment” hormonal drugs (hormonal contraceptives for women should only be selected by a doctor).

5. A diet rich in phytohormones. Some foods and drinks contain substances that cause problems in women and men: for example, beer, when it gets into female body, causes the masculinization of women and the feminization of men. This means that men's hormonal balance is disrupted and they become like women: their belly grows, fat is quickly deposited, their breasts enlarge and begin to sag. In women, the disturbances are also noticeable: hair begins to grow above the lips and on the chin and in other undesirable places, the hips become narrower, and the shoulders become wider.

6. Intensive sports activities, physical overload. Violations in women can begin even for such a non-obvious reason. In addition, playing sports during menstruation can lead to endometriosis.

7. Heredity. Hormonal disorders in women and men in this case are difficult to treat.

8. Previous infections, especially sexually transmitted infections, can cause hormonal imbalance.

9. Living in an environmentally unfavorable region. Hormonal balance is violated 30% more often in residents of industrial, polluted regions.

Changes in the body, decreased or increased level hormones can cause a wide variety of symptoms of hormonal imbalances: weight loss and weight gain, hair growth in the most unwanted places or hair disappearing from where it should be, acne and dry skin, as well as more serious ones - even infertility.

To the most common symptoms general hormonal imbalances include:

  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss not associated with a change in diet;
  • Problems with conception;
  • Excessive body hair growth in women;
  • Constant feeling depression without a sufficient reason or sudden mood swings;
  • Irregular menstruation(menstrual irregularities).
  • Severe premenstrual syndrome.

Disturbances in the production of certain hormones in women and men can be caused by:

  • Diabetes;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Trembling fingers;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Hair loss;
  • Changing the timbre of the voice;
  • Rapid growth of hands and feet;
  • Changes in facial features.

Acne - acne - also indicates a disorder. In girls and women, it is caused either by too much androgen in the body, or by false hormonal imbalance- when the amount of male hormones is normal, but the receptors are too sensitive to them and behave as if there are a lot of androgens.

In adolescence, a girl’s hormonal imbalance can cause:

  • underdevelopment of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • lack of menstruation.

A woman experiences hormonal imbalances several times in her life: adolescence, during every pregnancy - even if an abortion was performed - and during menopause. The mechanism of how it works hormonal regulation, is not fully understood, but the most common reasons hormonal imbalances known in women and men.

List of Hormone Imbalance Tests

When assessing a blood test for hormones of the thyroid gland or other endocrine glands, different clinics and laboratories adhere to different standards and may consider different values ​​as a deviation from the norm. Therefore, the interpretation of hormones may differ.

For various disorders, your doctor may prescribe tests for:

  • Sex hormones;
  • Thyroid hormones;
  • Pituitary hormones.

It is important to know!

If a couple is interested in planning a pregnancy, hormone tests are prescribed if disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands are detected.

In most cases, blood is taken for analysis, in some cases urine is taken.

Hormone tests during pregnancy

Hormonal disorders in women during pregnancy may have serious consequences Therefore, all women undergo hormonal tests. However, the list of tests differs and depends on the state of health of the pregnant woman and on past diseases. Changes in hormone levels occur before the mother and fetus begin to feel symptoms of hormonal imbalance, so a timely hormone test, the decoding of which showed deviations, helps prevent serious problems.

What tests are prescribed for everyone during pregnancy?

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a female sex hormone that is secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. The hCG level is the most reliable way to determine whether pregnancy has occurred. Appears in the blood a week after conception, in the urine one to two days later. Analysis of sex hormones at 16–20 weeks - hCG, estriol and AFP - allows you to evaluate possible deviations in fetal development.

Estradiol- female sex hormone, “responsible” for the normal course of pregnancy. Concentrations in the blood increase with each week of pregnancy, reaching a peak at childbirth.

Progesterone, like other female sex hormones, is produced in the ovaries and placenta and ensures the normal course of pregnancy. Its decrease indicates that there is a threat of miscarriage.

Free estriol secreted by the placenta. In this case, the analysis makes it possible to determine how developed and active the blood flow is in the umbilical cord and placenta. Like progesterone and some other female sex hormones, estriol can indicate post-term pregnancy. Also, its concentration is important in cases where there is a suspicion of a child’s developmental delay.

Alpha fetoprotein(AFP) is produced by the fetus. Its level may indicate fetal malformations.

Prolactin stimulates the absorption of calcium, milk production, and development of the mammary glands. An analysis of sex hormones, including prolactin, shows whether the pregnancy is post-term and how well the mother-placenta-fetus system works.

17-ketosteroids(17-KS) is a “processing product” of male hormones, which allows us to indirectly judge their level in the body. If tests for sex hormones show elevated levels of 17-KS, this indicates an excess of androgens, which can lead to fetal death or miscarriage.

Sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG) is a protein that, by binding sex hormones, reduces their activity. Testing for hormones is often accompanied by testing for SHBG. During pregnancy, its level helps to predict the likelihood of complications for the mother and child.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate(DEA sulfate). Hormone testing during pregnancy often includes determination of DHEA sulfate levels instead of 17-CS. Its concentration can warn doctors about fetal growth retardation, and from the 12th to 15th week it allows assessing the functioning of the placenta and blood flow in the umbilical cord.

Testosterone are taken to determine the presence of development of congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Tests for thyroid hormones. The results of tests for the hormones produced by the thyroid gland - T3 and T4 - allow us to assess the progress of pregnancy and the development of the child as a whole. If a blood test for thyroid hormones shows a decrease in their concentration, the risk of fetal death increases.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced in the pituitary gland. Its target is the thyroid gland, where it stimulates the production of the hormones T3 and T4. Thyroid hormone testing often includes a TSH test, although it is not a thyroid hormone test. Analysis for TSH, T3 and T4 can be interpreted differently based on what standards the doctor adheres to (in the USA alone there are currently 4 standards recommended by various major health organizations).

Tests for sex hormones

If you take hormone tests in different laboratories, the interpretation will be different. This is because different reagents and techniques are used, so take standard indicators where you took the test. A decreased or increased level does not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease or hormonal imbalances in women and men - just retake the tests in another place, taking into account the standards adopted in this laboratory.

Tests for hormones, the norm of which varies depending on age and the phase of the menstrual cycle, should only be interpreted by a doctor. Ask your doctor about where to get your hormones tested.

How and when to take hormone tests?

1.Tests are taken on an empty stomach.

2. One day before the test, you should not have sex, drink alcohol or smoke.

3.The day before the test, limit physical activity.

4. Stress can distort the results - it is best to take tests in a calm state.

5. If you are taking hormonal medications, tell your doctor. Hormone tests are useless if the interpretation was made without taking into account the use of hormonal medications and other drugs that can artificially stimulate or suppress the production of hormones.

Female hormones: analysis


Hormone tests: when to take them


Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Days 3–5 of the cycle

If you have been assignedhormone tests, when to take themthem, check with your doctor - some endocrinologists and gynecologists prescribe other days

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Days 3–5 of the cycle


Days 3–5 of the cycle


8–10th day of the cycle

DEA sulfate

8–10th day of the cycle


Day 21–22 of the cycle

Hormone test resultsprogesterone and estradiol are most accurate 7 days after ovulation


Day 21–22 of the cycle

Thyroid hormone tests in men and non-pregnant women

There are only three thyroid hormones: T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine) and calcitonin. However, blood tests for thyroid hormones also include checking the concentration of other substances related to the functioning of this gland.

What tests are done for thyroid hormones? Analysis for thyroid hormones may include: analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone, total T4, free T4, total T3, free T3, thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), thyroglobulin, analysis of antibodies to thyroglobulin, to thyroid peroxidase.

Blood analysis thyroid hormone levels may show:

  • norm;
  • hypothyroidism - too little is secreted;
  • hyperthyroidism - secretes too much.

List of symptoms of hormonal imbalance in thyroid gland long, most symptoms are nonspecific, and in 80% of cases, patients do not feel any discomfort at all. Regular ultrasound once a year and a blood test for thyroid hormones can prevent the development of diseases.

It is especially important for children to undergo a blood test for thyroid hormones, since these substances are involved in the processes of tissue growth, the absorption of oxygen by cells, and the development of the body.

Testing for TSH, T3 and T4 is highly advisable for all residents living in regions with increased radioactive background: exposure radioactive iodine causes thyroid disease in the body.

A blood test for thyroid hormones in children helps prevent the development of serious abnormalities

  • If a blood test has been performed on a newborn, thyroid hormones are not produced sufficiently, this may indicate the development of cretinism.
  • In childhood, hypothyroidism inhibits the growth of the limbs (they become disproportionately short).
  • If a teenager has had a blood test done, thyroid hormone production is low, which may explain delayed puberty and weight gain.

Normal hormonal levels for adults (men and non-pregnant women)


Hormone analysis: normal

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

0.4–4 µIU/ml

General T4

58–161 nmol/L (4.5–12.5 μg/dL)

Free T4

10.3–24.5 pmol/l

General T3

1.3–2.7 nmol/L (82–179 ng/dL)

Free T3

2.3–6.3 pmol/l (1.5–4.1 pg/ml)

Thyroxine binding globulin

259–573,5 nmol/l (14–31 μg/ml)

Antibodies to thyroglobulin

no more than 40 IU/ml

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase

less than 35 IU/ml


1.7–56 ng/ml

Hormone analysis: explanation

If your values ​​differ from those given in the table, you do not necessarily need hormonal restoration- ask for a table with standards in the laboratory where you took the test and check it. For staging accurate diagnosis The whole picture is important, not just the numbers in the analysis table.

A blood test (deciphering) for hormones should be performed by a doctor - do not try to independently determine what is elevated and what is decreased based on data from reference books. For assessment, analysis and treatment of such disorders, find good doctor, preferably one of the leading specialists.

Hormonal imbalance: treatment

In cases where the analysis of male or female hormones shows a hormonal imbalance, treatment, as a rule, involves taking drugs based on synthetic analogues of hormones. Hormonal background women are stabilized by taking correctly selected COCs and progestin contraceptives - this is real hormonal restoration of the reproductive system. Hormonal disbalance in women, the symptoms of which are usually clearly visible, may be both the cause and consequence of serious systemic violations.

Hormonal imbalance in women, the symptoms of which are usually clearly visible, can be both a cause and a consequence of serious systemic disorders. Hormonal cycle women should work exactly like a Swiss watch: if you feel that something is wrong, do not hesitate to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist. He will tell you what hormone tests you need to take and write out a referral.

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