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How to get yourself in order? How to keep fit? How to look younger than your age? The main women's secret. Advice for men, or how to keep fit


Sport is a key aspect in your lifestyle. Training should be regular and cyclical. Their intensity may depend on your current condition, time of year and other conditions. Regular means progress and movement.

Also remember that physical activity will not have desired effect if you don't eat. Eliminate fatty and high-calorie foods from your diet, do not overeat, eat often and in small portions.

Within half an hour after sports training consume 50-100 g of carbohydrates, which are found in potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas and other foods. Carbohydrates are also well absorbed after training.

Another important point necessary for a healthy person who maintains himself in form- this is a dream. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day - this is the time necessary for the body for rest and recuperation.

Getting enough sleep will help you stay healthy, alert, and strong. Avoid overwork, depression and stress. Plan your day so that you can do everything - work, workouts, walks, reading books, watching movies, and much more.

During the day, you should always have a small space of free time where you can relax and unwind. Enjoy life - only cheerful people can truly be happy.


  • I can't support myself

If you get wet in the rain, wet your feet or freeze in the cold wind, the result is a stuffy nose, red, watery eyes and headache. But you have to go to work, especially since an important meeting is planned or negotiations are scheduled. To quickly get your appearance in shape, use the tips below:


If your eyes are red
Lie on your back with a pillow under your head, close your eyes and put something from the freezer on your eyelids, after wrapping the “cold” in a napkin. (But only for eyelids! Be careful not to get cold in the places where the maxillary sinuses are located!). After a few minutes, the blood vessels will narrow and the whites of the eyes will become light again.

If your lips are pale
If your lips are looking pale, try a bright pink lip gloss that's perfect for those days when you're feeling down. This color will literally “revive” your pale lips and give them a natural look.

Hi all. Today's post is on the topic of health.

The fact is that over the past 3-4 months I have disrupted my daily routine, did not eat very healthy, practically did not exercise, and gained a little excess weight.

The prerequisites appeared a long time ago, Tanya cooks very tasty and tries in every possible way to please, so for almost 2 years I have been eating heavily, tasty and nutritious. But I used to burn overweight due to sports, so there were no problems.

But after contracting chickenpox, repairs with occasional snacks, a series of holidays and 4 months of absence from sports, my physical fitness deteriorated.

Naturally, I am not one of those who simply observes my life from the outside and decided to get back into shape.


So, I thought about it, read a little literature, consulted with more competent comrades and drew up some program for myself. Or rather, habits that need to be built into your lifestyle.

Some need to be built in again, some for the first time.

To begin with, for a long time I could not determine how much I needed to weigh. Different calculators show completely different numbers from 52 (some kind of nonsense) to 74 kg. Some people shout that I am in the pre-obesity stage. Others say that the weight is close to ideal. Pointing our finger at the sky, we determine that ideal weight for my height it is 68-70 kg.

With a height of 175 cm, I weighed 78 kg when I decided to get in shape. I think it’s worth dropping the weight to 68 kg, and then look at the circumstances. Build it up using muscles or fix it at this mark.

The main criteria are that the result should be visible, the state of health should improve.


Regarding diet, my personal thoughts are VERY simple:

  • No fast food or processed foods, as well as soda, chips and other obvious slag. I'm not talking about extremes like complete failure from mayonnaise, sausage and dumplings, but clearly minimize harmful products costs.
  • Respectively more greens, fruits, vegetables. It is contraindicated to start the morning without fruit. Also useful good tea(I recently started drinking Pu-erh). Just drink it not after meals, but between meals.
  • About 2 liters of water per day. Even more likely, “at least 2 liters per day.” A water filter was specially purchased for this purpose. You won't have to constantly run to the store for 6-liter bottles.
  • Avoid tea/coffee after meals. Instead, drink a glass of water half an hour BEFORE your meal. Firstly, it is useful (stimulates the work of the stomach, and not, on the contrary, dilutes gastric juice). Secondly, there is no temptation to eat sweets.

    IMHO, it is worth replacing with fruit. Especially if it is customary to drink tea in the family. Moreover, I read somewhere that fiber removes excess fats obtained during a meal.

    I personally did just that. Now I automatically eat more fruits and less sweets. I feel much better when I leave the table.

  • No alcohol or no more than once a month. New Year and other holidays were thrown out of balance. Started using alcoholic drinks more than once a month. Although I don’t overuse it, I think it’s worth limiting it.
  • No snacking between meals. I already wrote about tea between meals. But this does not mean that you need to put sugar in your tea or wash down buns with it. I drink strong black tea without anything.

    Believe me, it's really tasty without any sweets. You just need to feel the taste of the tea and you will immediately want to stuff it with something else.

  • No food 4 hours before bedtime. This doesn't mean you can't have dinner. You just need to eat on time. If you go to bed at 10, then no later than 6 pm. If at 12, no later than 8. And of course, it is advisable not to overeat at night - eat moderately healthy light food.

All this fits normally into your lifestyle and gives results even without intensive training. It’s just that with normal physical activity, the weight will balance out on its own.

For example, I lost 2 kilos in 2 weeks of this “diet”. Although no. I am categorically against diets. Let's put it another way. For 2 weeks of this lifestyle.

At the same time, I practically did not play sports and led a rather passive lifestyle (a lot of work on the computer).


Of course, you can’t live without sports. The key to good shape, confidence and well-being is physical activity. Which, to be honest, I'm out of the habit of. It's okay, we'll get used to it.

So here is a list of sports habits.

  • Daily morning workout. There must be sports in the morning. Warm up + strength exercises + stretching, then shower. There is simply no way without this.
  • Tabata 3 times a week. High intensity interval training According to the Tabata protocol, I was advised to do it no more than 2-3 times a week. So that the body has time to rest.

    As before, the complex is simple: push-ups + presses + squats. One clarification - between exercises you need to reduce the rest time to a minimum.

  • Cold and hot shower. Every day after morning training. This is a charge of vigor, cleansing pores, improving metabolism, increasing immunity.
  • Bath once a week. In the bath we cleanse the body, have fun, treat colds, and heal abrasions after training.

    We go as a group on Saturdays from 8 to 10 am. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to go, since there are various events and trips on Saturdays.

  • More walking, strolling, movement. Both cycling (in summer) and walking. We take the stairs, not the elevator. I'm lucky, I now live on the fifth floor, without an elevator, the stairs are quite steep. On the other hand, dragging a bicycle up and down will be a pain in the ass.

Daily regime

All failures in nutrition and sports begin with a failure in the daily routine. At first we stay late at work, then we get up later, don’t have time to do exercises, eat quickly or don’t eat at all, snack on anything during the day, eat heavily in the evening before bed and go to bed late. Vicious circle.

Therefore, early rise (in winter at 7, in autumn-spring at 6, in summer at 5), morning exercises (+ shower) and going to bed at 10-11 pm. To make it easier to get up, I set a pleasant melody on the alarm clock, which immediately charges me with positivity and energy.

During adolescence, your body will grow and change. Therefore in this period it is important to support your life physical fitness, develop habits healthy eating and play sports. If you want to bring yourself to better shape, start eating right. Try to idle less and watch TV less, and also be physically active for at least one hour a day. If, as a teenager, you decide to take your fitness more seriously, you can even join a Gym or create a study schedule at home.


Improving the diet

    Eat foods that will provide you with a healthy and balanced diet. The first and most important thing to do to stay in shape in adolescence- it's eating right. Avoid junk food, which includes most processed foods and foods instant cooking. Instead, focus on consuming enough dairy and protein to help you grow. These include milk, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish, and beans or tofu.

    • If you (like most teenagers) are still living at your parents' house, ask them to help you with your diet. Have them buy healthy snacks for you and serve you at every meal whole foods, not subject to processing.
  1. Eat a large number of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should make up a significant portion of your daily diet. Set a goal to eat four servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables every day. For example, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and eat a handful of berries for breakfast, a small portion of salad and an apple as a side dish for lunch, and a portion of boiled vegetables for dinner.

    • Fruits and vegetables are sources healthy sugars(which is much better than that, which is added to processed foods) and fibers. Your body needs both.
  2. Eat foods that provide you with calcium and iron. These two minerals are vital for a teenager's growing body. Challenge yourself to consume at least 1300 ml of calcium daily. This means you need to drink plenty of milk and consume dairy products, including hard cheeses and yogurt.

    Consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is important for teenagers to get vitamins from their diet. Vitamins stimulate normal development and are important part general physical condition. Fiber will keep you healthy digestive tract, and will also give you a feeling of satiety. This is all because foods containing fiber sit in your stomach and are digested slowly. Fiber is found in foods such as celery and beans.

    Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid daily to stay hydrated. Your body requires plenty of water and other fluids to function well. This is especially true if you increase your daily activity or start exercising regularly. Keep your body hydrated with water, fruit juices, tea and other healthy options. Avoid carbonated and energy drinks.

    Eat healthy snacks between meals. The teenage years are the years active growth, so when your stomach growls, don't reach for a piece of cake or a bag of chips. Instead, give preference healthy snacks such as yogurt, fruit or smoothies.

    • Don't worry if you feel hungry often, as increased exercise and activity will increase your appetite.

    We support daily activity

    1. Be active for at least one hour a day. An hour of activity every day will help you get into better shape and reduce negative impacts from a leisurely lifestyle. To be active, you don't have to go to the gym or play sports. Try walking or biking to a friend's house instead of driving, or join a local pool for a swim after school.

      • Increasing your daily activity has many benefits. Hour of daily activity b O most of the week will reduce stress, increase energy and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
    2. Play sports or sign up for a section where you will be active after school. Sports and athletic activities are a great way to increase your teen's daily activity level and improve their physical fitness. If you enjoy participating in sporting events, try being on your school team. Or find a section that you can attend after school and spend time actively there (for example, swimming).

      • The activity you choose does not have to be a team sport such as football or basketball. If you wish, you can try other activities such as gymnastics, horse riding, skateboarding or karate.
    3. Join a gym or go to workouts. These options will help you stay active by providing regular physical exercise which will take place in a fun, friendly atmosphere. Look for nearby gyms that offer day or evening classes in popular sports to attend after school.

      Walk or bike to school. If you live close enough to the school and can safely walk or bike there in a reasonable amount of time (say, less than 30 minutes), try incorporating this activity into your daily routine. A 30-minute walk to school will provide half daily norm activity and will improve your health by increasing your heart rate and training your leg muscles.

      • If you work part-time after school or on weekends, also walk or bike there.
    4. Take short walks during breaks. If you have a 15-minute recess or 45-minute lunch break during the school day, use this opportunity to go for a brisk walk. Short walks will improve your level physical activity and get you in shape. Instead, if your school has stairs (and most schools do), you can walk up and down a few times. In the evenings, do the same when you do your homework. Take one or two 15-minute breaks and go for a walk, jump rope, or jog.

      • From the above, it is obvious that you do not need to wait for free time to be active.
    5. Reduce the time spent on the computer and watching TV to two hours a day. Most teenagers spend many hours a day watching TV or playing video games. These activities are detrimental to your fitness and can lead to weight gain. Limit screen time to two hours a day (or less). This will give you more time to exercise.

Nowadays, millions of people suffer from overweight body, many do not have the slightest idea how to not only feel young at heart, but also look young in body at any age.

Such an excellent tool of nature - fat, which in the past protected people from cold and hunger, now brings suffering to more and more people. more of people. According to WHO, today, every third person on the planet suffers from overweight, and every tenth is obese. The statistics are inexorable and cause serious concern to scientists who argue that a further increase in these indicators could lead to irreparable consequences for our planet. Every person should think about this and take care of themselves and their planet as a whole.

Many people, having reached the age of 35-40, notice changes in their figure: it takes on a rounded shape. What happens to the body? How to keep fit under such circumstances?

Read in this article:

What affects the appearance of excess fat?

Every ten years, human metabolism slows down by 5-10%. The greatest peak of metabolism occurs at the age of 20, so you should not be surprised that with the same diet to which you were accustomed since your youth, you no longer manage to stay slim as before.

Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy. The body uses this energy, but not all of it; some of it is deposited in the liver, muscles and as fat deposits near the internal organs and under the skin.

If you overeat frequently, these deposits will increase and make your body shape rounder and rounder.

In addition to age, metabolic rate is also affected by: condition thyroid gland, muscle to fat ratio, and emotional condition. Men have more muscle tissue and therefore their metabolism is faster than that of women. In addition, the percentage of muscle tissue in the body decreases with age and metabolism becomes slower.

With age, the body cannot reduce all the calories received from food, since it no longer works at full capacity, and begins to be stored adipose tissue and, consequently, body weight increases. To help the body cope with the burden of extra calories, it is necessary to reduce their consumption by 100 kcal annually.

What to do to keep fit?

The very first thing that needs to be done is to replace too high-calorie foods with less calories, but no less healthy and tasty. For example, when preparing a salad, reduce the amount vegetable oil from 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon, add low-fat yogurt and compensate for the taste with spices (pepper, lemon juice, greenery). Eat meat boiled, not fried. Add skim milk to your coffee, not cream. Replace the mayonnaise in the sandwich with mustard.

After 40 years, the amount of the hormone insulin increases in the body, which causes feelings of constant hunger. However, by constantly chewing something, you give the body more calories than it needs, and all the excess turns into fat and is stored primarily in the stomach. Extra body fat put pressure on internal organs, interfere with blood circulation and cause many diseases. If the waist circumference in men exceeds 102 cm, and in women 88, then there is a threat diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, etc.

Nutrition for an ideal body shape.

To improve the health of your body, several methods are used, including “metabolic” nutrition, increasing physical activity, controlling your psycho-emotional state and normalizing sleep.

“Metabolic” nutrition consists of consuming foods belonging to the two groups listed below. The first group of products speeds up metabolism - proteins (proteins). The body uses twice as many calories to absorb it. These products include: egg whites, Fish and seafood, chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit and low-fat cheese.

The second group includes those foods that fill the stomach and cause a feeling of fullness. These are dietary fibers. You should consume at least 25-30 grams of them daily. Largest quantity dietary fiber contained in rye bread, oatmeal, legumes, nuts, strawberries, currants, figs, dried apricots, prunes, buckwheat, cabbage and citrus fruits.

Don't forget about drinking regime. Drink more water, since its deficiency slows down metabolism by 3%. But drinking ice water will force your body to burn calories to normalize your temperature.

The right lifestyle to keep fit.

It is very important to have regular physical activity, ideally it should be daily. It is recommended to walk every day, as well as do exercises to stretch your muscles. 2-3 times a week you need to do strength exercises to build muscle tissue. Each kilogram of muscle burns an additional 50 kcal. With age, the body loses muscle mass and it needs to be renewed.

Also monitor your psycho-emotional state and avoid chronic stress. The hormone cortisol, which is released by the body during stress, slows down the metabolic process.

Sleep at least 8 hours! During sleep, the hormone melatonin is synthesized, which renews muscles and speeds up metabolism.

Wishes you to be in shape: to feel good, have a positive attitude towards life, have great mood and normal weight!

Beauty attracts not only men, but also women. However, if women spend their entire lives improving their appearance, men are not accustomed to preening themselves. How can representatives of the stronger sex maintain physical shape and take care of their appearance without spending a lot of time on it and without experiencing any particular difficulties?

Diet will help you stay in shape

A diet is necessary for those who suffer from excess weight and have the whole range of complexes associated with this feature of their own constitution. The choice of diet is best left to girls, who often resort to severe dietary restrictions in order to improve external indicators.

If you don't have a decent source of information in mind, try something original. For example, go on a protein diet for a couple of weeks (you need to exclude fatty foods from your diet, replacing them with skim milk, chicken meat and soy), banana (2-3 unripe bananas for breakfast will cleanse the body of fat deposits in a couple of months), or egg. Can't give up flour and sweets? Then we move on to other methods.

Running will help men keep fit

Scientists have developed a formula that can quickly determine energy costs while running. And energy costs are calories, which are so difficult for fat people to get rid of. Multiply each kilometer of jogging by your own weight and get the number of kilocalories that can be lost this way. Can you run 5 kilometers weighing 80 kilograms? If yes, then get rid of 400 kilocalories.

After a week or two of daily jogging in a park or forest, you will see the result in the mirror (just don’t run along the road - you’ll inhale all sorts of nasty things). In addition to improvements in appearance, you will soon notice an improvement in your mood and increased vitality. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether you run at the speed of a sprinter, a marathon runner, or in “ragged running” mode, constantly changing the rhythm.


Swimming is an excellent, albeit not the most popular sport (alas, there are not enough swimming pools even in major cities, not to mention towns and villages). When swimming, all muscle groups are involved; An hour actively spent in the pool is no less useful than an hour of training with dumbbells and barbells. In addition, an amateur swimmer does not risk damaging his joints or getting sprained ligaments. And swimming, you see, is much more pleasant than running along a polluted highway.

And it won’t be long before you can surprise everyone with your excellent form and ability to float elegantly on the water. A good swimmer can be seen not only in swimming trunks on the golden sand, but also in ordinary clothes, far from the sea: he is athletically built, springy, but not pumped up. Visit the pool twice a week, and after a month the entire fair sex will be looking at you.

Charging on fresh air

If there is no pool or good fitness center nearby, take a closer look at your own yard. It is quite possible that somewhere nearby there is a structure or a simple device for pumping up the press, parallel bars and a horizontal bar. There are such “oases of amateur sports” in every neighborhood, in groves and parks.

By the way, about the press: if you pump it up for at least five minutes a day, after two weeks any fat man will be surprised when he looks at his own reflection in the mirror. The abs are one of the main muscles of the body. In the process of working on the abs, all other muscles receive an impulse to grow and renew.

Home exercises to keep fit

For the laziest people who are glued to the computer, TV or sofa, we recommend doing this at least once a day. simple exercises. Ten squats, ten push-ups, bends forward, right and left can work wonders. Not immediately, but in a maximum of a month you will feel a surge of strength, better side your mood will change, and your lifestyle will begin to change on its own.

Do men need to keep themselves in shape, and is the game worth the candle?

Good question, which is best answered not by a doctor, but by a psychologist. Yes, indeed, many of us consciously give appearance and the state of the body in favor of the usual comfortable lifestyle. It makes no sense to torture yourself with sports activities without seeing the result ahead. If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re tired of living the old way, try starting with action: behavioral therapy- one of the most popular psychological techniques, allowing you to improve your life and get out of the swamp of everyday life.