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How long does it take for the upper teeth to erupt? How many days does it take for the first teeth to be cut?

The first teeth in babies are an important and difficult period not only for the kids themselves, but also for their parents. During the period of teething, children, as a rule, become capricious and nervous, often cry, which, of course, cannot but worry caring mom and dad.

Many young parents do not immediately understand the reason for this child’s behavior and come up with terrible diagnoses, before the doctor explains to them what the problem actually is.

But how not to confuse teething with illness or discomfort of the baby? At what age does the first tooth begin to cut? What to do to ease the baby's suffering? About all this we'll talk below.

Before the first teeth erupt, the baby feels discomfort, so he constantly tries to massage the gums with “improvised objects”

All babies experience the eruption of their first teeth differently: some go through this period steadily and relatively painlessly, while others suffer and suffer. It is difficult to explain what this difference depends on, but we can say with certainty that not a single newborn has had an absolutely comfortable teething process.

How can parents determine that their baby has started teething? There are several symptoms that are most common.

  1. The baby's salivation increases, he begins to move his jaws more often, as if he is trying to chew something or massage his gums.
  2. The child becomes more excitable, he may cry more often for no reason, be capricious, sleep poorly, and sometimes refuse to eat.
  3. An increase in body temperature also indicates the appearance of the first teeth.
  4. The baby may have diarrhea.
  5. The gums become swollen and red, and itching occurs. If such symptoms are present, the baby more often touches his mouth with his hands, tries to stick his fingers into it, and rubs his cheeks.
  6. Teething is often accompanied by weakening immune system. Against this background, the baby may develop a cough or runny nose.

The formation of teeth in humans begins several months before birth. For example, baby teeth are formed in a baby in the fourth month of the mother’s pregnancy, and then (the fifth and sixth months) the molars are formed.

But young parents are often worried about the question: when do teeth start cutting? How not to miss this one important point? You won’t miss it, as the baby herself will let you know that teething has already begun.

It happens that the first signs of teeth appearing in babies are observed already in the third month of life, but the first milk tooth “comes out” in the period from 4 to 7 months. However, we must not forget that the development of each baby is coming according to a separate own plan, so any deviation from this period is not a violation of the norm.

Some babies are born with one baby tooth, while others smile at their parents with a still toothless mouth at 12-15 months.

But if you are very concerned about the issue of teething in your baby, you should seek advice from a dentist. He will examine the little patient and reassure you.

As you know, the first teeth in babies appear in a certain order.

  • The first lower incisors appear first. This happens between 6 and 9 months;
  • Then the first upper incisors “come out” (from 7 to 10 months);
  • Then the lateral teeth appear - the second upper and lower incisors (9-12 months);
  • At one to one and a half years old, the baby’s upper and lower first molars are cut;
  • Then they “come out” upper canines(16-20 months), and after a couple of months the lower canines;
  • The last to appear are the lower second molars (20-33 months) and the upper second molars (24-36 months).

Thus, full formation Children's teeth are exhausted by about three years of age. But it should be remembered that all data are averaged and approximate, so almost any deviations from them are considered normal.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

And yet, despite the fact that all children are different, there are certain deviations that should alert parents and become a signal to visit a pediatrician or dentist.

  1. The child is far behind the norm. Although the first baby teeth can appear even at 12 months, for your own peace of mind it is better to visit a doctor if the baby at 7-9 months does not have a single hint of teething.
  2. Teeth grow in the wrong order.
  3. Teeth grow crooked or out of place.
  4. Temperature during teething lasts more than 1-2 days.
  5. Diarrhea does not go away within a few days.

Any of these symptoms deserves urgent consultation with a specialist.

Teeth cutting: what to do?

As soon as parents understand the reason for their child’s tearfulness and anxiety, a logical question arises: how to help the baby survive this difficult period? How can I ease his suffering?

First of all, you need to pay more attention to the baby. Talk to him, pick him up more often, and if the baby is on breastfeeding, then apply it to your chest. This will calm the child and at least temporarily ease his suffering.

You can give your baby a special teether - a silicone or rubber toy designed to massage the gums. Such items can be purchased at any children's store. If you are not tempted by the prospect of giving your baby silicone, make an analogue yourself. Place a piece of frozen fruit or vegetable in a special feeding net and give it to the baby: solid food will massage the gums, and cold will relieve inflammation and reduce discomfort.

You can massage your baby yourself. To do this, wash your finger well and massage the gums in the teething areas. In children's stores you can buy special silicone finger tips for this purpose. Massage can also be performed with a special analgesic gel.

How to care for children's teeth?

Of course, you need to take care of your baby’s teeth from the moment they appear. This is very important because it is not proper care Taking care of baby teeth will negatively affect the formation of permanent teeth, and can also cause problems with bite and digestion in the child.

To begin with, simply wipe your baby's teeth. soft cloth, soaked in boiled water. Then the first one should appear in constant use Toothbrush crumbs. It is a silicone finger tip equipped with soft bristles.

This brush will not only gently clean the baby’s first teeth, but will also massage and relieve discomfort in the mouth. You can use this fingertip until the child is one year old. Then real brushes with bristles will come into use.

And, of course, do not forget about regular visits to the dentist. The first visit to the dentist should occur as soon as the baby turns one year old.


The appearance of the first baby teeth is a difficult period in the life of every child, and the main task of parents is to help the baby survive it as painlessly and calmly as possible. That is why you need to clearly monitor the signs and symptoms of teething, and when they first appear, surround your baby with double love and care.

Well, we've only just gone through a period infant colic in my tummy, as my baby started teething. He is crying again, being capricious, and his gums are noticeably swollen. In addition, he developed a bowel disorder. Mom says that this is connected, and during teething in children, they may have diarrhea, vomiting, and all sorts of other troubles.

Will all these symptoms really show up in my son? Then I don’t know at all how I’ll cope. And what will happen before each tooth appears? In general, I'm already starting to panic and I really need some practical advice.

Please tell me what to expect in this situation. Maybe there are some ways to avoid complications and improve the condition and well-being of the baby. I really hope for your help and will be grateful for any clarifications and recommendations.

When the first teeth are cut

The issue of teething in children is one of the most popular among mothers. There are many conjectures, myths and ridiculous advice associated with it. Therefore, this problem needs to be carefully understood.

Signs and symptoms of teething

Of course, not every childish whim or painful condition can be associated with the appearance of a tooth. You should find out the main symptoms of teething in children in order to understand the cause in time:

  • The first sign that will definitely confirm your suspicions is swollen gums. This can be determined by touch by running your finger over them. Sometimes a hematoma (blue swelling that forms at the site of blood accumulation) or an abscess (a white abscess that occurs when an infection) may appear on the gum;

In this case, you should not be particularly scared. These phenomena, in most cases, go away on their own after the tooth erupts. The main thing: carefully monitor the temperature and general health child. If you notice a deterioration in his condition, be sure to consult a doctor (pediatrician or dentist).

  • Increased salivation - faithful companion teething. A lot of saliva is produced. This phenomenon practically does not stop until the baby reaches one year of age;
  • The baby's desire to chew everything that comes to hand. The fact is that the baby constantly experiences severe itching and thus tries to slightly reduce the disturbing sensations;
  • Often, during teething, the child loses his appetite. This may be due to the discomfort that the baby feels in the mouth. May also change taste sensations and the baby will no longer dislike the food that he enjoyed eating before (also, read the article on the topic: Why does the child not want to eat?>>>);
  • Another tip on how to understand that teeth are cutting is to monitor your baby’s behavior. Permanent painful sensations make the child restless and capricious. In addition, drooling that flows almost constantly can cause an itchy rash.

Against the backdrop of all of the above, sleep disturbances often appear. To help your baby stay calm and ease the teething of his first teeth, take a look at the online course on maintaining and establishing good sleep: How to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without breastfeeding >>>.

Health conditions

Separately, I would like to point out special health problems that may arise in a child during this period:

  1. A teething cough may occur due to excess saliva production. It accumulates in the throat, but the baby does not know how to swallow it reflexively. Therefore, coughing is a way to clear the throat. To be sure that the cough is not due to a cold, read the article: How to treat a cough in an infant?>>>;
  2. Also, drool can get into the nasopharynx and then into the middle ear. This leads to snot appearing in the baby when teething;
  3. The drool and excess mucus that accumulates in the baby's mouth often ends up in the stomach with food. When immature gastrointestinal tract The baby may experience atypical body reactions:
  • First of all, diarrhea appears during teething. In such a situation, you should pay attention to the duration of the disorder and the quality of the stool. It is important to know that diarrhea is considered normal if it lasts no more than 72 hours and is not present in stool. blood clots or any other inclusions of black or greenish color (read: Diarrhea in infants >>>);
  • In some cases, an excess of saliva causes constipation in the child (current article: Constipation in infants during breastfeeding >>>);
  • For the same reason, sometimes vomiting occurs during teething.
  1. Often the appearance of a tooth is accompanied by fever, because the integrity of the gums is compromised and this causes an inflammatory process in the gums. oral cavity. You should know that the temperature, which is a reaction to the appearance of a tooth, usually fluctuates between 38 – 38.5° and lasts about a day. If the indicators are different, you need to look for another cause of the malaise;

Of course, you shouldn’t think that all these misfortunes will necessarily manifest themselves in your baby. Usually, only a short-term deterioration in health can be noticed. At the same time, no specific medicines no need to apply.

However, you need to know that most of the signs that parents associate with teething may indicate completely different diseases (mostly viral).

If you ignore them, hoping that as soon as the tooth appears, everything will go away on its own, then you can get a complication of infection. Therefore, always monitor the child’s condition very carefully, pay attention to the nature of the symptoms, their duration and combination with each other.

The procedure and timing of teething

An important question: when does a child cut teeth? I will immediately point out the most important thesis - everything happens individually! Any stated standards for teething in children are generalized averages.

If your baby's teeth erupt sooner or later specified period, this in no way indicates that there is something wrong with him. They just show up this way individual characteristics his body. Even siblings may experience teething differently.

Now I’ll still point out a few indicators. The following factors are believed to influence the appearance of teeth:

  • heredity;
  • food quality;
  • water quality;
  • climatic living conditions;
  • proper care of the baby.

Also, teething may slow down due to certain diseases:

  1. Rickets - develops against the background of a deficiency of vitamin D in the infant body. This causes difficulties with the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development of teeth. The website has useful article related questions: Signs of rickets in infants >>>;
  2. Edentia - occurs against the background of problems during pregnancy, which manifest themselves in the absence of tooth buds in the child. This disease is quite common, since the formation of these embryos occurs very early (at 6–8 weeks of pregnancy), when many women do not yet know that they are already expecting a child and do not take any steps to preventive measures. Such a diagnosis can only be made using x-rays;
  3. Metabolic disorders in the body;
  4. Endocrine problems;
  5. Infectious diseases;
  6. Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is also such publicly available information.

  • The first teeth appear at 4–6 months. Most early date, what time does the first tooth cut – 3 months%
  • Basically, teeth erupt in pairs - one and, after a short period of time, the adjacent one;
  • By the time a child turns one year old, he should have between 4 and 8 teeth.

As a reference, I would like to introduce you to the order of teething in children:

  1. The incisors appear first. Usually, the bottom two come out first, and then the top two. This occurs at 3-6 months;
  2. Then, in random order, but in compliance with the principle of pairing, the lateral teeth are shown. Ideally: by the age of one year, the child should have the entire set of incisors;
  3. After this comes the turn of the molars. The first upper molars are cut between 12 and 19 months. The rest will appear at 20 – 33 months;
  4. The last to be cut are the fangs. And they appear at 16 – 23 months;
  5. By the age of three, a child has 20 teeth.

Once again I would like to point out that all information provided is for informational purposes only. The eruption of baby teeth in children occurs when the infant’s body is ripe for this.

How to help your child

For almost every child, the process of teething does not go unnoticed. The baby experiences serious discomfort, soreness and itching of the gums. Parents definitely need to understand when this restless period begins and make every effort to improve the child’s well-being by surrounding him with care and affection.

You must tune in to the fact that such a process is absolutely natural with physiological point vision and it is impossible to cancel or radically change the course of its development. You need to have patience, as well as some items and tools that will help in this situation.

How can I make teething easier for my baby?

  1. Proper child care is important;

This advice does not directly apply to teething. But very important. Imagine that you are faced with a problem, you think about it day and night, it worries you. Will it be easier for you to get through this period if your dear husband supports you, consoles you, stays with you, and looks for ways to solve the problem.

Or will he leave you alone, hoping that this situation will increase your endurance, you will become stronger and more decisive?

This is roughly how proper care works for a child. If you communicate, play, raise a child according to his age, then he will be calmer. You may not even notice when teeth are coming through. This is exactly what happened to me with my two youngest daughters. We discovered all the teeth after the fact.

  1. Do not rush to use medications;

Nowadays, pharmacies offer a wide range of such products. They come in various forms:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • drops.

Their purpose:

  • neutralize painful sensations;
  • relieve itching;
  • have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • reduce inflammation on the gums.

Among the most popular were the following drugs:

  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth";
  • Dantinorm Baby;
  • Holisal;
  • Kalgel;
  • Pansoral;
  • Kamistad Baby;
  • Dentinox.

The first two drugs are homeopathic remedies. However, even their use (not to mention all the others) must be agreed with a doctor!

Don't count on these products to speed up the teething process. Some mothers believe that if you start lubricating your gums in advance with one of the drugs to relieve discomfort when teeth appear, they will appear earlier. It's a delusion. Pharmaceutical drugs do not have any such properties.

  1. Use teething toys;

In children's stores you can purchase special items that your child will enjoy gnawing and chewing. They are different shapes and size. The main thing is that it is comfortable for the child to hold it with his hand.

The purpose of these toys:

  • gum massage;
  • pain relief;
  • soothing itching.

These toys are made from safe materials:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • rubber;
  • tree.

They can be filled with a special gel or water.

  1. Gum massage;

This is the most effective method relieve discomfort and speed up the appearance of teeth. It not only helps relieve pain in the gums, but also causes an intense rush of blood in this area. Thus, the tooth erupts faster and easier.

You can do the massage yourself by lightly running your finger over the swollen areas. You can press lightly, but make sure that this does not injure the gums.

  1. Applying cold.

Cold relieves pain and soothes the itching a little. You can put a toy teether in the refrigerator. When it is cool enough, give it to your child.

I hope that the information about how a baby’s teeth are cutting was useful to you, that you have no unanswered questions, and that you can, without unnecessary worries, survive the troubles that may arise during this period.

During the first year of a baby’s life, his parents are in a constant state of anticipation: when will the baby begin to hold his head up, roll over, begin to sit up and stand up, and finally say his first word and take his first independent steps. But the greatest joy is given to mothers and fathers by the baby’s first teeth. True, at the same time as touching family rejoicing, children’s first teeth often bring trouble to the family: the baby cries, refuses to eat, and sleeps poorly. How can you help a baby who is teething so that the joy of their appearance is not overshadowed by pain, screams and poor health?

Where exactly does a child's first teeth appear? It turns out that in almost 100% of children, the lower and upper central incisors are the first to peck. They are the ones who bring parents the greatest joy...

The first tooth is an unpredictable phenomenon

All parents, without exception, having barely noticed the first tooth in their child’s mouth, overjoyed, certainly take their child to the pediatrician - doctor, help so that the baby doesn’t feel pain, and so that the teeth grow overnight, lining up in a beautiful “Hollywood” row. Alas, neither pediatricians nor even pediatric dentists, by and large, can influence the teeth in any way during the period while they emerge from the gums and become part of the dentition.

IN modern medicine, which seems to be already capable of growing any organ in any place, while there are absolutely no ways to influence the growth of teeth.

The first thing parents of infants should understand is that if someone is trying to force you on some miraculous drops, ointments, powders or pills that supposedly will make your baby’s first teeth grow quickly and without pain, don’t believe them. There have never been any means in medicine that can turn your baby into a saber-toothed tiger and there still aren’t to this day.

The child’s first milk teeth will erupt in due time and will come out as long and as painfully as nature intended. Moreover, this process occurs in all children individually. Some children experience absolutely no discomfort from the appearance of funny “stone” bumps in their mouths, while others, on the contrary, experience constant aching pain, slight spikes in temperature, loss of appetite and sleep.

Finally, the child begins to put everything he can reach into his mouth, because his swollen gums itch and itch unbearably. Here it is, it has begun! The first tooth has gone! And here many compassionate parents make two common mistakes, one of which often turns into a real tragedy.

Mistake #1: Deadly cookie

When the baby’s gums swell and begin, apparently, to itch and itch, many parents begin to offer the baby all sorts of foods that, as they think, the baby will be able to fumble in the mouth and bite with the gums, thereby relieving himself of discomfort. The following are usually used: dried fruits, cookies, apples and pears, apricots, carrots, cabbage stalks, etc.

These and similar food scratchers are potentially very dangerous! And they are especially dangerous at the moment when one or two of the baby’s first teeth have already emerged (and you may not even notice this at first). All your apples and carrots can fall apart in your baby's mouth, and instantly there is a risk that the stupid little one will...

It is much safer to offer the baby not a cracker or a stalk to scratch the gums, but special baby teethers - special rubber toys designed specifically for gnawing, slobbering, and the like. Often these toys are filled with water. Before giving such a teether to the baby, it is placed in the refrigerator for a short time - the water becomes ice-cold, and when the child chews on the toy, this cold temporarily dulls the pain and itching in the gums.

Any product from which a piece can come off (cookies, rolls, anything hard, or vice versa - viscous, fruit, etc.) has no place in a child’s mouth until he learns to “act like an adult” chew food.

Mistake #2: Get your fingers out of your mouth!

I wish I could look into the eyes of that distant great-great-grandmother who suddenly decided that if you put your fingers in a child’s mouth and lightly press on the gums, this will make teething easier: they will hatch faster, and the pain and discomfort will be less tangible. Since then and to this day, this ridiculous antediluvian theory has been “walking” through the minds of young mothers and fathers.

Be reasonable! And don’t stick your fingers (which can hardly be considered sterile) into your baby’s mouth - you still won’t be able to put pressure on his gums from morning to evening, and pressing just once doesn’t make any sense. The only result you are likely to achieve: .

Be not only loving parents, but also clear thinking people- buy your son or daughter a teething toy. They cost as much as half a kilo of apples, and they are much more useful - both than from your fingers, and than from apples-carrots-stalks, which a baby can choke on.

When do teeth cut? And which teeth cut first?

Despite the fact that each baby has his own teething schedule, doctors still have some generally accepted standards. However, let’s make a reservation right away - deviations from these norms are not considered any pathology or even serious reason for concern. After all, there has never been a case in pediatrics where healthy child The first teeth did not grow.

For an approximate orientation in time and space (the baby’s mouth), it will be useful for you to know which teeth (and approximately at what time) erupt first:


  • at 6-8 months the baby is coming out lower central incisors(in other words, the two lower front teeth);
  • at 8-10 months are teething upper central incisors(two upper front teeth);
  • at 9-12 months appear upper lateral incisors(that is, a pair of upper teeth have neighbors);
  • at 11-14 months get out lower lateral incisors;
  • at 12-15 months erupt first upper first molars, and after them almost immediately - lower first molars;
  • at 18-22 months appear fangs(first the upper ones, then the lower ones);
  • and finally, at 24-32 months get out upper and lower second molars.

In total, by the age of three, every child, with rare exceptions, has his first full set of teeth in the amount 20 pieces.

It is very important to understand: this schedule for the appearance of the first teeth in children is very conditional. In reality, both the time of appearance of the first teeth and their very sequence are very individual. This graph does not show when and in what order the first baby teeth should grow, but only how this happens most often. But nothing more!

Teeth are being cut and the temperature is rising: what is the connection?

Many parents are concerned that at the time of teething, children's temperature rises and they behave restlessly, sleep poorly and refuse to eat. Why does the temperature generally rise “along with” the teeth, and to what extent can an increase in temperature be considered normal?

First, let’s figure out what generally connects temperature and the growth of the first teeth. The fact is that while the child is teething, the gums in the baby’s mouth become physiologically inflamed - not much, but noticeably for the infant’s body. At this moment in the oral cavity local immunity decreases slightly (due to the release of a large amount of active biological substances that ensure the growth of each tooth).

Accordingly, the body temperature rises slightly to replenish protective functions body. Temperature up to 38° C (if measured in armpit) should not cause you any particular concern, but a higher level is, of course, a reason to urgently invite medical workers to your home.

Regarding temperature, it is very important to understand and remember next nuance: the very fact of rising temperature is an obvious marker that certain things are happening in the body inflammatory processes and the body entered into a fight with them. Since the eruption of the first teeth almost coincides in time with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods (which is rightly considered the period most risky in terms of the occurrence of various kinds infections), as well as with the cessation of the action of the mother’s antibodies (up to 6 months the child is protected by the mother’s immunity, but after six months - even though the mother is still breastfeeding, there are no more antibodies in her milk), then parents often make mistakes and willingly “ attribute the increased temperature to the growth of the first teeth.

While it is likely that a slightly elevated temperature can be caused by completely different reasons - the child’s own immunity is being formed, the baby has caught a cold, or has “caught” an infection.

In the period from 6 months to 2 years, the baby’s body actively forms its own immunity to viral infections. Often this process is associated with temporary changes in temperature (from time to time it may rise briefly). During the same period, from 6 months to 2-3 years, the child’s first teeth erupt. Which also often causes a slight increase in temperature. Alas, you will not be able to accurately distinguish one temperature from another without the help of a doctor.

If you have even the slightest suspicion that the temperature is not “dental”, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Suspicions may arise if, in addition to fever, the child also exhibits:

  • diarrhea and vomiting
  • dry white skin
  • "marble" spots on the skin
  • cold hands and feet

If the baby looks healthy outwardly, he eats more or less normally, and also sleeps at least, then most likely the “jumped” temperature is a phenomenon largely associated with teething. One can last on average 1-3 days, but then it should subside. If this does not happen, also rush to the pediatrician.

Should you brush your baby's first teeth?

Most pediatricians agree that there is little point in brushing a child’s teeth before the age of two. However, for dental health, and children’s in particular, it is very important general hygiene And healthy image life. This means:

  • The indoor climate should be humid and cool (then the saliva in the baby’s mouth will not dry out and, accordingly, will not multiply a large number of bacteria); bacteria
  • Food should not linger in the mouth (if your baby has the habit of holding food in his cheek, this must be monitored and all “reserves” removed);
  • The child should drink throughout the day clean water(in addition to the fact that it quenches thirst, it also washes away bacteria and food debris from the mouth);
  • Before you teach your baby to brush his teeth, teach him to rinse his mouth with water.

Summary: 6 most important facts about children's first teeth:

  • 1 Deviation from the schedule for the eruption of the first teeth by as much as 6 months in any direction is the norm.
  • 2 Deviations in the sequence of teething are not a sign of any disease.
  • 3 There are no ways to influence the process of the baby’s first teeth erupting: there is no way to speed up their appearance or slow them down. Just as it is impossible to predetermine any sequence of their appearance.
  • 4 The maximum you can do to help your baby in order to alleviate some of the discomfort from teething is to give him special refrigerated teething toys to chew on. However, replacing them with edible equivalents - apples, carrots, crackers or dried bread - is extremely dangerous: there is a high risk that the baby will choke.
  • 5 If you are sure that the process of erupting the first teeth causes pain in the child, you can use special painkillers. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but specific remedy The treating pediatrician should advise. And in general, make it a rule: never experiment with medications on children! Any pharmaceutical product Please discuss with your doctor before use. Let's just say that the safest and most effective pain reliever for small child traditionally considered special rectal suppositories, which makes sense to administer at night.
  • 6 At the age of 1 year, the baby must be shown to a pediatric dentist. At a minimum, in order to assess the overall condition and development of the oral cavity. The doctor will not only count the children’s teeth, but will also tell you what condition the child’s gums are in, how the frenulum of the tongue was formed ( irregular shape in the future may negatively affect the correct pronunciation of certain sounds), does it work correctly? jaw joint and so on.

In the future, after you and your baby celebrate his first birthday, “check in” with pediatric dentist You can do it once a year - provided that there are no visible problems with your teeth.

The period of eruption of a baby’s first milk teeth is one of the most difficult times in the life of young parents. The child becomes as if he is not himself, because the appearance of teeth is often characterized by pain and discomfort. The first “bells” of a new tooth appearing: increased tearfulness, whims and crying, slight malaise. May worry reverse situation– the child is six months old or more, and the first tooth is in no hurry to appear. How to make it easier for a child to teethe, at what months do children cut their teeth and what factors influence the appearance of baby teeth - we will tell you in our article.

Table of average rates of primary teeth eruption (in months)

There is a simple “dental” formula that can be used to easily calculate how many baby teeth a baby should have at a certain age. The formula looks like this: N=n-4, where N is the number of teeth, and n is the age of your child in months.

There is also a convenient table in which you can find out the average time for teeth to appear.

Baby teething begins between 4 and 8 months. Parents are often interested in which teeth come in first: first, you should wait for the 2 lower front teeth - these are the central incisors. After a couple of months, 4 will gradually appear upper teeth- these are the central and lateral incisors, and about a month after them - the remaining 2 incisors from below. Then the first molars will erupt, after which the teeth – fangs – will emerge.

The exact time of eruption of the first tooth in a particular child cannot be predicted from tables and reference books - this indicator depends on specific factors that may influence the appearance of teeth.

– Hereditary factor

If we're talking about about healthy infant, then in most cases the age of appearance of the first teeth is determined by heredity. Some children erupt teeth a little earlier, others a little later - this is a purely individual matter.

Interesting fact! If it is known that on the maternal side, every second child erupted teeth extremely early, and your three-month-old baby is already eagerly putting his fists in his mouth to “scratch” his gums, then it means that you will not miss early teething. Likewise, vice versa - if it turns out that dad’s first tooth came out at almost nine months, there is no need to panic - your baby most likely adopted a certain gene from his father.

– Complete nutrition of the baby

The infant should receive good nutrition, rich in calcium. First of all, this mother's milk, or, in its absence, adapted milk formulas for infants. It is believed that children who eat breast milk, teeth erupt earlier than in artificial babies.

Important! A lack of calcium in an infant affects the dental system and can cause delayed teething or an incorrect order of their appearance.

– Climatic conditions

Curious, but pediatricians different countries It has been observed that children living in hot climates experience teething earlier than those living in cooler climates. cool conditions.

– Gender of the baby

In girls, the first milk teeth appear earlier than in male infants, on average by 1-1.5 months. This factor is already out of the category folk beliefs, but it also has a place to be. Also, regardless of gender, thin children also cut teeth faster than children with heavier builds.

Symptoms of teething in babies

Few parents are lucky enough to painlessly and quietly overcome the period of eruption of the baby’s first milk teeth. Most often, the upcoming appearance of a tooth brings anxiety to the child, which cannot but worry moms and dads. To know when a newborn, but already slightly older baby’s teeth begin to erupt, you can take note of the symptoms that will tell you that the family will soon have an important event– the first tooth of a small family member.

  • Decreased appetite

Due to painful “itching” in the gums, the baby may be unable to eat food, even the food he loves.

  • Salivating

Don't have time to change your bib before it gets wet again? Rest assured, a new baby tooth is just around the corner.

  • Swollen gums

You may notice that the baby’s gums, where a tooth is expected in the future, are swollen and red. What is important is that these changes in the gums can occur even a couple of months before true eruption.

  • Tearfulness, irritability

Teething, frankly speaking, is an unpleasant process for a baby. The baby does not understand what is happening to him, feels discomfort in his mouth and communicates this to others with his dissatisfaction. Be patient and caring for the baby, this period, although difficult, is short-lived.

  • Fever and loose stools

If, while teething, the baby suddenly has a fever, this indicates that the immune system is weakened, and during the period of teething the child could have caught the virus. High fever and diarrhea – severe symptoms, and cannot be caused only by teething, these are signs of an associated disease. When feeling unwell baby, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

How long does teething take?

It is difficult to answer how long it takes for the first teeth to erupt. Baby tooth It can come out either unnoticed by parents and the baby, or “torment” for more than one month. On average, the first tooth may cause trouble for 1-2 weeks before it appears. By observing the first tooth, you can answer the question of how many days your child is teething and be ready for the next baby teeth.

During the teething period, the baby may begin to grab and pull into his mouth all objects available to him in order to somehow relieve the itching of irritated gums. There are many ways to alleviate a child’s condition when teeth appear; here are the most effective of them.

1. “Tonants” for chewing

Gum teethers are excellent devices for easing your baby's condition. There are all kinds: rubber, plastic, filled with water or gel (for cooling), with pimples and various ribbed surfaces. There are even vibrating teethers that are activated when the chewer bites the gums.

2. Gels for gums.

If the baby has stopped sleeping peacefully due to painful teething, then it’s time to use a remedy that will relieve the itching and alleviate the child’s condition. Gels for gums during the teething period are approved for use from 3 months (Dentinox, Kalgel, Kamistad, etc.). A drop of the gel needs to be rubbed into the painful gums, and after a couple of minutes the baby will feel the pain and itching go away thanks to a small amount of ice-caine included in the gel. There are also herbal gels (Pansoral, Baby Doctor), but they are not as effective as gels with a cooling effect.

3. Gum massage

A simple way to soothe gum pain is to massage sore and swollen gums. In order not to injure the delicate mucous membranes, the person performing the massage should trim his nails and wash his hands thoroughly with soap. Convenient massage thumb hands, massaging the baby's gums in a circular motion. 3-5 minutes is enough for massaging.

When the baby's first incisors begin to appear, his behavior changes dramatically. A cackling and cheerful baby, amusingly playing with a rattle, turns into a whiny, angry and capricious child who is constantly worried unpleasant discomfort. How long it takes for the first teeth to be cut is a purely individual question. Acute period can last about 2 months, causing anxiety for the baby.

When do primary incisors appear?

How long does it take for a baby to cut his first tooth?- depends on internal and external factors. The process of appearance of primary incisors is affected by genetic predisposition, climate conditions, and the baby’s diet. In girls, they erupt 1.5 months earlier than in boys. If a child’s smile begins to change only at 10 months, this is not considered a violation.

Most often, the first teeth appear on the lower gum, then the upper. The incisors erupt in pairs: if the first “white island” appears, after a few days the second one will be visible. After the first guest, the next molars emerge at intervals of several months.

Important! By the age of one year, the baby already has 8 teeth, 4 on each gum. But this is not the norm; some babies may have only one “white island”. But if by the child’s first birthday the gums are not even swollen, this is a reason to consult a dentist.

Reasons why a baby may have missing teeth:

    delay physical development(rickets);

    absence of organ rudiments (edentia);

    lack of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, D and retinol;

    decreased thyroid activity (hypothyroidism).

Some children are born with a number of “white islands”. Doctors advise removing them so that the mother can freely feed the baby with breast milk. The first molar can come out at 4 months, but this may be a sign of a malfunction of the endocrine system.

Symptoms of the appearance of primary incisors

It is difficult to say exactly how long it takes for a child to cut his first teeth, however, parents should know the signs of the appearance of “white islands”. The process of molar growth is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    swelling of the gums;

    excessive salivation;

    tearfulness, irritability;

    low-grade fever;

    sucking foreign objects.

Teething gives the baby anxiety, which manifests itself bad mood, constantly crying. Because of severe pain The child sometimes refuses to eat.

Attention! Elevated temperature- Not mandatory feature the appearance of painters, if it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, there is no need to worry. With more significant indicators, there is a risk of developing a cold due to weak immunity. If the temperature is observed throughout the entire process of incisor growth, you need to visit a doctor.

How long does it take to transform a smile?

How long it takes for the first tooth to be cut primarily depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body. First, the gums swell - the first stage. From this moment it may take up to 2 months until the first child appears.

The process of cutting through the painter itself can take from 3 to 7 days. At this time, the crumbs constantly drag everything into their mouths, pressing on the problem area, they relieve the pain. A gentle massage of the gums will help eliminate unpleasant discomfort.

You can use a massager, which can be easily purchased in a network of pharmacies and stores. Benzocaine and lidocaine gels also help reduce intensity discomfort. But first you need to make sure that your baby is not allergic to the active components of painkillers.

Other simple manipulations will help you cope with discomfort:

  • Massage using special means gel based. The painters will show up earlier. The medicine is selected taking into account the age of the child. Before using it, you should accurately determine the dosage.
  • Incision (in extreme situations). The procedure should be performed by a dentist experienced in performing such operations.

    Massage the problem area in a circular motion.

    Special rubber bands and toys for teething babies. Before use, items must be disinfected or boiled.

Advice! Apple, bagel, carrot - best helpers for pain relief. But all manipulations are indicated only in the presence of severe discomfort.

If the gums are red and swollen, this does not mean that after a week, the baby will have her first painter. This process may take several months. How long it takes for babies to cut their first teeth, in what sequence and age, does not affect their durability and strength.

With constant discomfort, high temperature You should consult a doctor to eliminate the development of any pathology.