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Espumisan for infants instructions. What is the difference between Espumisan L and Espumisan Baby? Why does infant colic occur?

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  • A problem such as colic appears quite often in newborns and infants, so they have been developed to combat it. different drugs. One of the frequently used products is Espumisan for newborns.


    Espumisan is indicated for most intestinal problems in infants

    Operating principle

    The main effect of Espumisan is to neutralize gases that accumulate in the child’s intestines, therefore this drug represents a group of carminatives. Its active substance envelops gas bubbles and reduces their surface tension, as a result of which they burst and gases quickly leave the intestines. Use this drug has a positive effect on digestive processes, helps with colic and promotes better absorption of both food and other medications.

    Espumisan acts quickly, making the baby's waking hours easier

    Contraindications and side effects

    Espumisan should not be prescribed if you are intolerant of its components, or if you have intestinal obstruction. The drugs Espumisan L and Espumisan Baby are also not taken in case of fructose intolerance, since they contain sorbitol.

    Among the side effects of this drug, only the detection of intolerance to its components is possible. In general, the drug is well tolerated and is considered harmless for children and adults.


    The active ingredient in Espumisan preparations is simethicone. In addition to this compound, each release form contains excipients - water, sweeteners, flavors and others.


    • Espumisan is safe for a newborn baby. The drug is not absorbed through the walls of the children's intestines, but is excreted in feces without changes.
    • Using Espumisan is very simple and convenient. The drug is available in several forms, among which parents can choose the most suitable one for their child.
    • The effect of taking Espumisan occurs quite quickly. In most cases, mothers notice an improvement in their babies’ condition within 10-15 minutes.
    • The drug does not develop addiction, so it can be used for a long time every day.
    • Espumisan contains no carbohydrates, so the suspension can be prescribed to children with lactase deficiency and diabetes.

    Espumisan is harmless and does not cause addiction in infants

    Release forms


    The drug, which is produced in 30 ml bottles with a measuring cap, is called Espumisan L. One milliliter of the emulsion of this drug contains 40 mg of simethicone. The medicine is a milky white, slightly viscous liquid that has a sweet taste and a pleasant banana smell.

    Emulsion, capsules

    The product, which is produced in the form of 100 ml bottles with a measuring spoon, is called Espumisan 40. A full measuring spoon of such a drug contains 5 ml of emulsion containing 40 mg of the active substance. The medicine is presented as an almost colorless, cloudy liquid with a fruity odor.

    The capsule form of Espumisan is presented in packages of 25 and 50 soft capsules. It is prescribed to children over six years of age. Each capsule contains 40 mg of simethicone.

    Espumisan Baby for newborns

    Another form of Espumisan intended for use in newborn infants is Espumisan Baby. Its main difference from other forms of release is increased content active substance - 1 ml of the drug (25 drops) contains 100 mg of simethicone. One bottle of Espumisan Baby contains 30 ml of the drug.

    How much does it cost: prices in pharmacies

    The average price of Espumisan L is 350 rubles. For a bottle of Espumisan Baby you need to pay 400-450 rubles. A bottle of Espumisan 40 is more expensive due to its larger volume. On average, such a drug costs 500-700 rubles.

    Dosage: how many times and how often can the drug be given to infants

    • A single dose of Espumisan 40 for newborns and infants under 12 months is 1 scoop. For children aged from one to 6 years, this drug is prescribed in the same single dose with a frequency of use of 3 to 5 times a day.
    • The dosage of Espumisan L is 25 drops per dose. This number of drops is contained in 1 ml of emulsion. The product is dosed by turning the bottle vertically so that its opening is at the bottom (drop into a spoon). You can also measure the emulsion using a measuring cap.
    • A single dose of Espumisan Baby for children under one year of age is from 5 to 10 drops. For children over a year old Give 10 drops of the product 3 to 5 times a day.

    The first months after the birth of a baby are the most difficult for parents. The newly-made family member does not yet know how to express his desires and concerns, and his mother finds it difficult to understand the baby. Newborn babies often cry. The cause of anxiety is abdominal pain and discomfort. Such sensations are normal and go away on their own during the first six months of life. But there are modern drugs that can alleviate the baby’s suffering and help him. Such a remedy is Espumisan Baby. Reviews about it will be presented in the article. You will also learn what you can replace the drug with and how to use it correctly.

    Composition and cost of medication, types

    Before you find out what reviews Espumisan Baby has, you need to find out about it important information from the instructions. The main active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. In one milliliter liquid product 100 milligrams of this component are present. The medicine is a carminative and has a sweet taste. It is due to additional components: macrogol stearate, glyceryl monostearate, banana flavor, carbomer, acesulfame potassium, sodium chloride, liquid sorbitol, sodium citrate, sorbic acid.

    The manufacturer also offers to purchase other types of this drug:

    1. "Espumizan l" (40 mg/1 ml).
    2. "Espumizan 40" (40 mg/5 ml).
    3. "Espumizan" (tablets, 40 mg/1 capsule).

    Espumisan Baby costs approximately 500 rubles. For this amount you will receive a container with the drug with a volume of 30 milliliters. Instructions for use are always included with the medication along with a measuring cup or spoon.

    What is the difference between Espumisan L and Espumisan Baby?

    The drug "Espumizan Baby" is considered a new, improved drug with a carminative effect. It is positioned as more effective remedy in the fight against colic and discomfort. More recently, the medication Espumisan L was prescribed instead. What is their difference?

    Reviews from some consumers about Espumisan Baby say that it is just marketing ploy. In fact, both drugs are identical. On the one hand, this statement is true. The composition of the drugs is the same. They even match additional substances and taste. But, on the other hand, if you study the instructions in more detail, you can find the difference. The drug "Espumizan Baby" contains 100 milligrams of simethicone per milliliter. Whereas Espumisan L contains only 40 milligrams. This suggests that Espumisan Baby is more effective and stronger. This is the main difference between medications.

    Effect of the drug

    The medicine "Espumizan Baby" is a carminative drug. It prevents the formation of small and large bubbles in gastrointestinal tract. Already available gas accumulations Simethicone breaks down and is naturally removed. If it is impossible to pass them through the intestines, the drug promotes the absorption of bubbles into the bloodstream.

    How long does it take for Espumisan Baby to work? The drug begins to work immediately after it enters the intestines. The medicine is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, so there is no need for it to first pass through the liver. Reviews about the drug "Espumizan Baby" say that the effect of its use is noticeable within half an hour.

    Indications for use

    As the name implies, the drug “Espumizan Baby” (drops) is intended for children. Before giving medicine to a child, be sure to consult a doctor and study the instructions. Indications for use will be the following situations:

    • intestinal colic in newborns (manifested by crying, tucking in legs, flatulence);
    • flatulence;
    • gas formation associated with surgical interventions in the intestinal area;
    • functional dyspepsia;
    • ingestion of chemical foaming agents.

    The use of the drug "Espumizan Baby" is indicated for preparation for various diagnostic procedures.

    Contraindications and occurrence of adverse reactions

    To protect your baby during treatment, you need to learn about contraindications. The medicine is not prescribed to children who have increased sensitivity its components. Do not forget that the drug also contains additional components. It is forbidden to give medication when hereditary intolerance fructose and lactose, as well as intestinal obstruction.

    If contraindications are not taken into account, treatment may cause adverse reactions. Among them:

    • indigestion (diarrhea, nausea);
    • allergy to the constituent components.

    If you notice the described symptoms in your child, stop giving your baby the medicine and contact your pediatrician.

    "Espumizan baby": instructions for use, dosage

    The drug is taken orally regardless of food intake. You can use Espumisan Baby with, before or after meals. Shake the bottle before use. To dose the medication, use a drop count or measuring cup. One milliliter contains 25 drops.

    • Children from the first months of life to one year are prescribed 5-10 drops per dose at each feeding.
    • For children under 6 years old, 10 drops are recommended three times a day.
    • Adolescents under 14 years of age are given 10-20 drops of the drug three times a day.
    • After 14 years, it is recommended to take 1 milliliter of medication three times a day.

    In case of poisoning, to prepare for diagnostic procedures and for prophylactic purposes, the dose of the drug is selected by the doctor. The duration of use is set individually. It is acceptable to take the medicine for a long time without breaks.

    Specific instructions

    Emulsion "Espumizan Baby" instructions for use allow use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has been proven that the medication does not have any effect on the central nervous system and speed of reactions.

    If the doctor has prescribed other drugs at the same time, then you don’t have to worry about combining them with the drug Espumisan Baby. The emulsion combines well with other products. It is not recommended to take a carminative together with sorbents. These substances can be removed by Espumisan Baby, as a result of which the therapeutic effect will not be obtained.

    Reviews from parents

    Many consumers say that Espumisan Baby is simply irreplaceable for newborns. Almost all babies experience colic. They are due to the fact that after birth the colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora begins. If you give your children a carminative at every feeding, you can completely forget about tummy troubles.

    Parents say that the children take the medicine with great pleasure. Many mothers simply dilute it with water. The result is a sweetish banana drink. Mothers of babies on artificial feeding, add the carminative directly to the bottle. This is very convenient, since you do not need to dilute the medicine separately. If you dilute the drops with water, you must first boil it and cool it.

    Parents say that Espumisan Baby is much more convenient to give than Espumisan L. The latest medication instructions for use advise giving infants 1 milliliter. This is almost three times more than Espumisan Baby. Parents also compare the amount of active substance consumed. As you already know, Espumisan Baby contains slightly more than two times more simethicone.

    It is worth noting that not all parents are in a hurry to give their child medications to treat tummy pain. Many fathers and mothers make do with improvised means. There are many ways to eliminate discomfort in a baby’s intestines without medications: hold the baby upright after feeding, follow a diet during lactation, apply a warm diaper to the baby’s tummy, massage, and so on. Your pediatrician can tell you more about these methods.

    Pediatricians' opinions about the drug and how to use it

    Parents often ask doctors how many times a day to give Espumisan Baby. Experts recommend using the drug with every feeding. But many kids breastfeeding applied quite often. Should I give the drug every hour or half an hour? Pediatricians say the following.

    The medication must be offered to the baby at every feeding. But if you put the baby to your breast to calm him down or to put him to sleep, then you don’t need to give the product. The medicine can be used no more often than once every two or three hours. Otherwise, the likelihood of an allergic reaction in the baby increases.

    Doctors speak positively about this product. Doctors say that the drug significantly alleviates colic and eliminates increased gas formation. With regular use, children's sleep improves and their mood improves. Pediatricians advocate the use of carminatives, but in permitted doses.


    Currently, a lot of medicines are being produced that can be called analogues of the drug “Espumizan Baby”. Their dosage differs due to the fact that the composition contains different amounts of the active substance. If we are talking about simethicone, then the following products can be purchased based on it: “Sab Simplex”, “Bobotik”, “Simicol”, “Meteospasmil” and many others.

    Also, a similar effect on the human body will be exerted by the drugs “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, “ Activated carbon", "Primadophilus", "Acipol". Drugs are selected only in consultation with a doctor. It is unacceptable to give medications to babies without first consulting a pediatrician. It is unknown how the baby’s body will react to the entry of one or another active substance into its intestines.


    The problem of increased gas formation in a child’s tummy is relevant for almost all new parents. This condition is not a deviation from the norm. In just a few months, the baby’s digestion will improve, and all problems will disappear. But if now you want to alleviate the baby’s condition, then use the drug “Espumizan Baby”. First make sure that there are no contraindications. Visit a doctor and find out for sure that it is flatulence that is bothering your baby, and not anything else. Do not be ill!


    Instructions for use of Espumisan baby for children

    Newborn babies need special care and treatment. In the first months, many babies experience terrible colic that parents are unable to cope with alone. Comes to the rescue universal remedy for flatulence and colic - Espumisan Baby, we will describe the instructions for use in detail. Sometimes it happens that a neighbor borrowed the medicine, but there are no instructions or it was thrown away without having time to study it. Parents search on the Internet detailed description medicines. This article is exactly about that.

    We study the composition and effect of the drug

    Intestinal colic is the first difficulty in the life of a newborn. Only medications for newborns can get rid of colic. The medicine acts quickly because it contains an active substance called simethicone. The medicine belongs to the group of carminatives.

    Important! 1 ml, which corresponds to 25 drops, contains 100.00 mg of simethicone. Simethicone actively acts by destroying the formed foam. As a result, the gas is released naturally.

    Simethicone, entering the baby's gastrointestinal tract, remains passive. The active substance does not dissolve and does not leave the gastrointestinal tract; it acts quickly and effectively. At the same time, simethicone does not interact with other microorganisms and does not have any effect on digestion. After the work has been done, simethicone is excreted through the intestines unchanged.

    The product has a pleasant taste and contains banana flavor. Auxiliary components included in the medicine:

    • sorbic acid;
    • sodium saccharinate;
    • sodium cyclamate;
    • hyprolose;
    • acesulfame potassium;
    • macrogol stearate;
    • glycerol monostearate;
    • carbomer;
    • liquid non-crystallizing sorbitol.

    Indications and contraindications

    Unpleasant sensations pain in the baby's tummy does not always go away with lullabies, warm diapers or soothing rocking. For this, doctors recommend buying Espumisan Baby, intended to relieve colic and other gastrointestinal disorders. intestinal tract, such as:

    • bloating;
    • heartburn;
    • stomach upset.

    The main advantage of the medicine is its fast action and the fact that the drug is given from the first day of the child’s life. The second advantage is how long it takes for Espumisan Baby to act - within half an hour.

    The drug is contraindicated in children with intolerance to the components and intestinal obstruction. The product should not be given to children with fructose intolerance.

    There are no side effects from consuming the medicine. An allergic reaction to some components of the drug may occur, including a rash.

    Important! After opening the bottle for the first time, write down the date so you don't forget when you first opened it. This is necessary so as not to forget to throw away the remaining medicine after 4 weeks.

    If given more than 4 weeks from the date of opening, the drug may cause unwanted side effects. The child may be covered with scabies, itching, and hives.

    How to give the drug to a baby correctly

    Drops Espumisan Baby - ambulance with gas. Unlike other medicines, children drink it with pleasure, because the taste is sweetish with a banana smell.

    The drug is released in a glass jar with a dispenser. Measuring the required number of drops is not difficult. Shake the bottle before using the medicine. We will answer the most FAQ, disturbing parents.

    Question: At what age is it allowed to give and what is the dosage?

    Answer: Following the instructions, the product can be given to a baby from birth. Children under one year of age are given 5–10 drops. From one year to 6 years, 10 drops three times a day. For children from 6 to 14 years old, the dosage amount is 10–20 drops 3–5 times a day.

    Question: How to give medicine to a newborn?

    Answer: For an infant, the drug is added to baby food.

    Question: How should children take medicine?

    Answer: After, during or before meals.

    Question: How often can the drug be given? infant?

    Answer: Anti-colic medication is given at every meal. The duration of use of the medicine depends on the symptoms.

    Difference between Espumisan Baby and Espumisan L

    Espumisan L syrup is available for sale, which is also prescribed for small children with intestinal colic. What is the difference between Espumisan L and Espumisan Baby?

    The differences between the drugs are in price, dosage and simethicone content.

    1. 25 drops of Espumisan L contain 40 mg of simethicone, and Espumisan Baby contains 100 mg of simethicone in 25 drops. Which is better can be seen from the calculations.
    2. The difference lies in the duration of use of the drugs after the first opening of the bottle. Baby is taken for 4 weeks, regular Espumisan L is allowed to be taken for 6 months after the first opening of the bottle.
    3. The cost of medications varies significantly. The price of Espumisan Baby is from 165 UAH, and Espumisan L is approximately 102–115 UAH.

    Important! Reviews about both products are only positive. But if you choose between them, then for infant It is better to take Espumisan Baby.

    Existing analogues

    Unlike Russia, medicine is very difficult to find in Ukraine. And it can be difficult to buy because of the cost of the drug. Doctors recommend analogues of the product, the composition of which contains similar components.

    Among them are:

    • Bobotik;
    • Disflatil;
    • Infacol;
    • Colikid;
    • Manti Gastop;
    • Metsil;
    • Sub simplex;
    • Espusin-health.

    Children are also prescribed Kidakol, Espicol, Lacidocap, Vivalact, Carminativum Babynos, Baby-Doc, Biogaya, Lefax, Koliprev, Happy-Baby, Babynos, Pedi Water, Likokid.

    Remember! Before buying an analogue medicine, consult your doctor and study the composition of the drug.

    Despite the similarity of the active ingredient and excipients, each drug has features of use, contraindications and side effects. The child may be allergic to one of the components of the analogue.

    Also check with your pharmacist or pediatrician at what age you can give the medicine. After all, it plays important role in the treatment of colic. Some medications should not be given to newborns before the 28th day of life.


    Espumisan for newborns: composition, how to give, analogues

    Home page » Health » Medicines for newborns

    From the first days after the birth of a child, the digestive system adapts to the new diet. Due to a lack of enzymes, the fermentation process starts, causing colic and bloating. After feeding, the baby’s mood suddenly changes, he draws his legs in, screams loudly, refusing to take the pacifier or mother’s breast. Inexperienced parents worry and ask pediatricians how they can help in such cases. Circular massage, a warm heating pad, laying on the stomach are the main methods of rescue. Espumisan for newborns can also ease the baby's pain. When can you take the medicine, and how many minutes does it take for it to start working?

    Detailed article about intestinal colic and getting rid of it different ways- here

    Action of Espumisan

    To naturally remove gases accumulated in the intestines, there are carminatives. These include Espumisan. Its action is aimed at decomposing and extinguishing the formed foam in the intestines. After taking Espumisan, the gas bubbles merge and, when they come into contact, burst. The released gases are removed from the child’s body during physiological contraction of the internal organs. The pressure on the smooth muscles of the abdomen decreases, gases can pass freely. Espumisan also protects the mucous membrane, forming a thin protective layer on it. The medicine is not absorbed into the blood and is completely eliminated after passing through the intestines.

    Doctors use it not only for intestinal problems in newborns, but also for X-rays, ultrasound, endoscopic diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract, surgical operations, where gases may interfere with the examination of necessary organs.

    Composition of the drug and how it is produced

    Simethicone - the main active component of Espumisan is of organic nature. It belongs to silicon and acts on the body as an antifoam.

    Indicated for:

    Espumisan is produced by various pharmaceutical manufacturers in the form of:

    1. Emulsions (suspensions) - containing simethicone, sodium cyclamate (E952), purified water, saccharin (E954), hydrochloric acid, polysorbate 80, carboxymethylcellulose, methylparaben, banana flavor, pyrogenic silicon dioxide. The suspension quickly reduces gas formation, protects the mucous membrane, and destroys bubbles in the intestines.
    2. Drops - containing simethicone, sorbic acid (E200), banana flavor, saccharin (E954), purified water, hyprolose. They have a carminative effect, are not absorbed into the blood and intestinal walls, and contribute to the disintegration of gas bubbles.
    3. Gelatin capsules - containing simethicone, glycerin, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, quinol yellow dye. Available in cardboard packages of 25 pcs.

    For newborns, emulsion Espumisan L, Espumisan 40 and Espumisan drops containing less chemical substances, easily mixed with water, formula or milk. Capsules are allowed to be taken by adults and children over 6 years of age.

    Can it be given to a newborn?

    Due to its effectiveness, complete removal from child's body, carminative properties and clinical research regarding the safety of the drug, Espumisan can be safely given to a child from the first weeks. But before running to the pharmacy for medicine, parents need to show their baby to the pediatrician. It is necessary to find out whether he is worried about colic or something else.

    Instructions for use of Espumisan

    Some mothers, without consulting a doctor, give their children medicine, not knowing exactly how to give Espumisan to a newborn. Before offering it to your child, you should carefully read the instructions for use. Every age needs different dose drug. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage regimen so as not to overdose and cause side effects.

    The drops are counted by holding the bottle vertically, after shaking the contents. Parents ask pediatricians how often can Espumisan be given to a newborn? To relieve abdominal pain and eliminate flatulence, children under one year old are allowed 25 drops (1 ml). The duration of the course depends on the symptoms that appear. As soon as the colic goes away (this happens at 3-6 months), Espumisan is stopped.

    • from 1 to 6 years, 1 ml is allowed in one dose;
    • from 6 to 14 years old give 1 or 2 ml;
    • From 14 years old you can take 2 ml.

    It is advisable to give drops during feeding. They are added to the mixture breast milk or water. At natural feeding The baby is given medicine from a spoon or pipette. If the baby suffers from colic late in the evening or at night, the medicine must be given before bedtime.

    Espumisan 40 suspension is prescribed:

    • newborns and children under 6 years of age are given 5 ml;
    • from 6 to 14 years old 5 or 10 ml is allowed;
    • From 14 years of age you can take 10 ml at a time.

    The maximum number of doses of suspension and drops per day is 5 times.

    When does it take effect?

    After taking the medicine, the baby calms down, he feels better, and the colic goes away. The duration of action of Espumisan on the infant body is about 10-15 minutes. If after this time the baby does not get better, you should consult a doctor. The causes of irritability and crying in a child may not be colic. There is no point in increasing the dose if the drug does not help.

    Ban on Espumisan

    Only a doctor can prescribe the drug to a newborn child. He will examine the baby, recommend the form of the medicine and tell you how best to take it. Can children's Espumisan be harmful to the fragile body of a baby, and is it possible? side effects? There is no risk to the baby's health when consuming Espumisan. The active substance is not absorbed by the stomach, does not penetrate into the blood, and is completely eliminated naturally. Harm can only occur if its contraindications are not taken into account.

    There are not very many of them:

    In order not to aggravate the situation when faced with complications, it is necessary to give the newborn half a scoop of emulsion before the first dose to monitor the reaction to the drug. Individual intolerance can be ruled out after 10-15 minutes while Espumisan is in effect. If no signs of allergy appear, you can safely use it, adhering to the indicated dosages.

    TO allergic reactions Possible problems when taking this drug include:

    What can be replaced (analogues)

    Parents' reviews of Espumisan are mostly positive. But it happens that the child does not react at all to the medicine he drinks: he continues to suffer from gas, cry and cannot sleep at night. Some mothers claim that after taking the baby it becomes even worse. Gas formation increases, the child strains, is capricious and anxious, and becomes constipated from Espumisan. The reason for this is individual feature infant body. For some children it works instantly, for others it does not work at all. And in some cases it causes severe allergies or constipation. If Espumisan does not help, you can use similar drugs. Effective analogue Your doctor will recommend Espumisan.

    Comparative table of known analogues

    Drug name How does it help? Dosage Prot.
    Plantex Stimulates digestion, relieves spasms, eliminates gas formation

    Newborns: 2 sachets per day from the second week of life.

    Children over one year old, 3 sachets per day

    Individual intolerance to fennel, lactase deficiency, impaired absorption of glucose/galactose
    Babykalm Reduces the accumulation of gases in the intestines, has a calming, antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect 10 drops before feeding. The number of appointments per day is not limited. Individual intolerance to fennel, anise, mint
    Sub simplex Reduces gas formation, relieves pain and eliminates discomfort in the newborn’s tummy Once a day before feeding, 15 drops. Hypersensitivity to simethicone, intestinal obstruction, diseases of the digestive tract
    Bobotik Eliminates flatulence and painful colic, prevents the appearance of new gases, causing bloating 16 drops 3 to 5 times per day Hypersensitivity to drug components, intestinal obstruction

    Whether a newborn takes medicine or not is up to the parents to decide. It should be borne in mind that one suspension will not be enough to eliminate colic. It is important to do gymnastics with the child every day, massage the abdomen, for nursing mothers to adhere to a diet, for artificial mothers to select suitable formulas, and to establish nutrition for the baby.

    Reviews from mothers

    Marina (24 years old). I heard about Espumisan while still in the maternity hospital, but I didn’t want to give my daughter medicine from birth. When we started having colic, I tried massage, pressing her legs to her tummy, but she still suffered.

    The pediatrician advised Espumisan L. The baby felt better, but she had to give 25 drops 5 times a day. The suspension was viscous and there was a lot of medicine left on the spoon. But it is expensive and used up quickly. I solved the problem by expressing a few drops of milk into a measuring spoon. Overall, I am satisfied with the drug.

    Svetlana (29 years old). We have been bottle-fed since birth and are familiar with colic firsthand. The only remedy that was saved was Espumisan L. My son tolerated it well. I dripped the suspension into a bottle with the mixture. He ate, burped and immediately fell asleep. I'm glad I listened to the pediatrician's advice.


    Espumisan for newborns instructions for use

    One of the most important issues symptoms that occur in a baby from the first weeks of life are painful colic, flatulence, and bloating. This is due to the incompletely formed digestive tract system. The baby is born with a sterile intestine, but the baby does not have beneficial bacteria which can help him digest food. Espumisan for newborns comes to the aid of mother and child in such situations.

    Undigested food in the ventricle causes fermentation, active formation of gases, which begin to put pressure on the intestinal walls, causing spasmodic sharp pains. Colic occurs after the 2nd week of a baby’s life, when the mother’s enzymes supplied with breast milk cannot cope with the volume of food.

    How the drug works

    Children's espumisan for newborns belongs to the group medical supplies so-called defoamers, which relieve colic and eliminate it in the baby’s intestines. Gases accumulating in the lumen of the infant's intestines form fine-bubble foam, which covers the intestinal mucosa in a dense layer.

    With each meal, the volume of gaseous foam increases due to the fermentation of unprocessed food. The accumulated foam presses on the intestinal walls, causing painful sensations, creates a feeling of discomfort in the baby. The first attacks of colic may last only a few minutes, but bloating and colic do not go away on their own. Every day the baby's condition worsens.

    The baby pushes and groans, trying to get rid of the discomfort. With increasing pain in the intestines, the baby's tummy swells more, becomes tense, and the baby's face turns red. The child twists his legs and pulls them towards his tummy. All these actions are accompanied by crying.

    Espumisan for newborns contains active substance simethicone, which does not dissolve, does not interact with gastric juice. Simethicone does not provide negative influence on the microflora of the intestines and stomach, does not affect metabolism, does not affect the functioning of the kidneys or liver, and does not interfere with the absorption of microelements and vitamins. Simethicone is excreted naturally.

    The main task of espumisan is the release of gases accumulated in the intestines. The medicine extinguishes the foam in the intestinal lumen, the released gas quickly exits through the child’s rectum. The tummy becomes softer, bloating decreases, and the baby calms down.

    Parents often wonder if Espumisan can help with constipation in their baby? Preparations containing simethicone have strong effect to eliminate the causes of colic. The product does not contain any components that help fight constipation in an infant.

    In what forms is the drug presented?

    The product is produced by pharmacological enterprises in different forms and has different volumes. The long-known German pharmaceutical company Berlin - Hemi has established itself by producing high-quality medicinal medicines. The main thing is to avoid purchasing counterfeit goods when purchasing. For this purpose, it is recommended to buy medicines only in pharmacies.

    When purchasing any medicine, you need to check the integrity of the packaging and pay attention to the expiration date. If necessary, request to present a certificate of conformity and quality for review. All products in the Espumisan line are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Parents should not independently diagnose their own child. The baby must be shown to a doctor and consult with a specialist. The pediatrician will explain in detail how to properly give Espumisan to a newborn baby.

    Currently, the products in the series are presented in a wide range:

    • bottles with emulsion. These include Espumisan 40 and Espumisan L;
    • drug in tablets. Inside the tablets there is a liquid that shimmers in the light. This liquid may be colorless and viscous in composition;
    • capsules. Round form with transparent - yellow, smooth surface, small seam.

    Each form of the drug presented has its own advantages, but drops that the baby can easily swallow are most suitable for infants. The suspension can be diluted in breast milk, boiled water or formula.


    Espumisan can be used for newborns from the first day of a baby’s life, due to its natural composition that is safe for the baby’s health. The instructions for use describe in detail what substances are included in the medicinal product.

    • Simethicone is a silicon-based organic substance that does not have any harmful effects on internal organs baby. The substance is excreted independently, naturally.
    • Banana flavoring is added to all forms of the drug to make it easier for the baby to tolerate taking the medication.
    • Purified water must be added to all types of suspensions.
    • Drops contain fewer additives than suspensions, so children perceive them much better.
    • Does not contain sugar, so it is recommended for children with diabetes mellitus.
    • For kids early age All forms of the drug are produced without the use of dyes. Capsules in which food coloring is used are recommended for use by children over 6 years of age precisely because of its presence.


    The instructions for use of the drops indicate the following indications:

    • colic;
    • active flatulence;
    • bloating;
    • diagnostics, research abdominal cavity. Preparing a baby for such a study;
    • intoxication from detergents, such as soap or shampoo.

    Suspensions contain more substances that have an active effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Indications for taking the suspension have a wider range. This form of the drug is also indicated in more severe cases.

    • Dyspepsia.
    • Aerophagia.
    • Roemheld's syndrome.

    Which form is suitable for treating a particular baby is decided by the pediatrician monitoring the baby. The decision is based on examination and diagnosis of the baby. If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional examination.

    How to use the drug

    • Before use, shake the emulsion thoroughly to ensure uniform mixing of the mixture.
    • 1 ml of the drug contains 25 drops, which usually constitute the dose of the medicine.
    • The bottle must be placed vertically, with the dropper down.
    • The drug can be added to breast milk, formula or water, which must first be boiled and cooled.
    • If the mother is breastfeeding, the milk must be expressed in advance and the drug added there. Also, a nursing mother can give Espumisan to her baby with a spoon after eating.

    Side effects

    There are practically no side effects when using this group of drugs. Some children have individual intolerance to certain substances in the composition. If a baby has an allergic reaction:

    • nasal discharge;
    • temperature increase;
    • dyspnea. Labored breathing. In difficult cases - swelling of the nasal cavity or mouth;
    • vomiting, nausea;
    • headache.

    If such conditions appear after using the product, you must call a doctor and conduct an allergen test. Do not use the drug.


    • Allergies, individual intolerance. Some components of the drug cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
    • Intestinal obstruction.

    In order not to harm the baby’s health, before using any medicinal product You need to consult a pediatrician. Self-medication is unacceptable. You should carefully read the instructions that come with your medications. It is strictly not recommended to violate the dosage of medications.


    There are many analogues of Espumisan. Parents often ask what is better - Bobotik or Espumisan for newborns? The final decision always remains with the baby’s parents, but before making a decision, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of these drugs.

    Let's compare Bobotik and Espumisan.

    • Both drugs contain the same active substance - simethicone.
    • The concentration of simethicone in bobotik is higher than in espumizan.
    • Espumisan can be given to children from the 1st day of life.
    • Bobotik is not recommended for use before the 28th day of a baby's life.
    • The drugs differ in the way they are taken.
    • Purchasing a bobot will cost less.

    "Baby Calm." This tool belongs to dietary supplements. This product is not intended for treatment. It is given to healthy children as a means of prevention and as a substitute for preventive medications. Babycalm contains natural food additives, some of which can cause allergies in a child.

    Espumisan baby for newborns

    Espumisan baby is one of the best and has proven itself as a means of relieving colic in infants.

    Espumisan baby is indicated for use from the very birth of the child. This is due to the mild effect on the still unformed digestive tract of a newborn baby. Positive points of this means are its natural composition and harmlessness to the baby’s body.

    The drug does not contain lactose or sucrose. Due to this, this remedy is indicated for children with lactose intolerance and diabetes. How often you can give Espumisan drops to a newborn can be checked with your doctor or read in the instructions.

    • At severe flatulence– from 5 to 10 drops 3-4 times a day. Be sure to give the baby the drug before bedtime.
    • The break between taking the medicine cannot be less than 3 hours.
    • If appointed diagnostic studies, then the baby is prepared as follows: 3 doses of the drug, 5-10 drops each, are given per day, the last dose of the drug is on the day of the study, 3 hours before the start of the procedure.
    • If the baby is poisoned by shampoo, powder or other detergent, the doctor prescribes the dosage depending on the degree of poisoning. The dose for poisoning is from 10 to 25 drops, applied once.
    • The duration of use of the medicine is determined by a specialist. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and is not addictive. Espumisan is used up to 3 - 4 months before complete cure baby from colic.

    Espumisan L

    One of the most favorite remedies used by young mothers to solve the problem of colic in infants. It is often recommended for the treatment of children who are less than 1 month old. This product, like all emulsions in the Espumisan line, has a banana flavor, which children really like and does not cause rejection in them. The emulsion is presented in a transparent bottle and has White color. For the convenience of parents, the bottle has a measuring cup and a dispenser. This allows you to monitor the accuracy of the dosage.

    The standard dose for a single use is 25 drops. The pediatrician may prescribe a different number of drops, depending on the baby’s condition. Mommy is not recommended to increase the dose of the medicine on her own and reduce the time between its use. The minimum interval between doses of the product is 3 hours. If during these intervals the baby again experiences pain from colic attacks, you can put a warm diaper on the tummy, do light massage, gently stroking the baby's swollen belly without touching the umbilical area. The child often calms down in his mother’s arms, so don’t be afraid to carry him in your arms, talk to the baby, sing children’s songs.

    Before giving the emulsion to an infant, check for an allergic reaction. To do this, let your baby try 1 drop and observe his condition. If an allergic reaction occurs, the drug must be replaced with another medicine.

    Be sure to use Espumisan before your baby goes to bed. The medicine begins to act in about 15 to 20 minutes. The baby experiences increased emission of gases, after which it may poop. Wash the baby and put him to bed. Restful sleep guaranteed for both mother and child.

    Traditional methods

    It is often recommended to use time-tested folk remedies along with medications to treat and prevent colic.

    These include.

    • Placing the baby on his tummy - good method prevention, which also strengthens the back muscles. If the navel has not healed or is umbilical hernia, apply this method it is forbidden.
    • A warm heating pad on the tummy or a bath with warm water with decoctions medicinal herbs. If the navel has not healed, it is better to wait a little with heating pads and baths.
    • Correct attachment of the baby to the breast. When using mixtures, you need to make sure that the baby does not grab empty air, for this you need to select the right pacifier with a small hole.
    • Hypertonicity in newborns

    The first month of life is a difficult period for babies, as they have to adapt to new living conditions. One of the most difficult tasks for a small organism is digesting food. Espumisan for newborns can relieve suffering due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines associated with imperfection digestive system.

    Espumisan - composition

    The drug Espumisan, produced by the German company Berlin-Chemie AG in several forms, can only be used in the form of oral drops for children under one year of age (Espumisan Baby). The drops are a viscous milky-white emulsion solution, in which the main component is simethicone. Additional components of the drug Espumisan (composition for newborns) are: water, macrogol stearate, glyceryl monostearate, carbomer, acesulfame potassium, liquid sorbitol, sorbic acid, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, banana flavor.

    Simethicone is a carminative, a compound of silicon dioxide and dimethylsiloxane. This substance, when it enters the intestinal tract, helps to reduce the surface tension of the gas bubbles contained in it, which are consequently destroyed. The released gas is then absorbed through the intestinal walls or removed naturally from the digestive tract. This reduces the pressure on the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall, causing discomfort and pain.

    Espumisan - indications for use

    Espumisan baby for newborns is recommended for increased gas formation in the intestines. Such a phenomenon colic, observed in many babies until about three months of age. An explanation may be the newborn's transition to new way eating and populating his intestines, which were sterile in the mother’s womb, with microflora. In addition, the small body does not yet produce all the enzymes necessary for normal digestion of food. The accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract is sometimes associated with swallowing air during feeding.

    Espumisan, the indications for use of which for infants are associated with, should be given in case of such manifestations of this syndrome:

    • a prolonged piercing cry and crying of a child, which suddenly began for no apparent reason;
    • the baby presses his legs with his knees to his stomach, waves his arms, bends over;
    • the baby’s face turns red, the stomach becomes tight and looks swollen;
    • when you put your palm on your tummy, you feel a bubbling sensation;
    • breastfeeding and rocking do not calm the baby;
    • relief comes with the passage of gas or bowel movements.

    Espumisan is also prescribed for newborns in the following cases:

    • preparation for ultrasound examination or x-ray of the digestive organs;
    • poisoning with products containing foaming agents;
    • conditions after surgical interventions.

    Espumisan - contraindications

    Espumisan Baby has restrictions for use:

    • fructose intolerance;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

    Espumisan - side effects in newborns

    As the manufacturer assures in the instructions for the medicine, Espumisan side effects does not show, with the exception of individual allergic reactions to the components of the emulsion in the form of rash, itching. Indeed, studies confirm the safety of the drug due to the fact that simethicone acts only within the intestinal lumen, without accumulating or being absorbed into the bloodstream and without affecting gastric secretion. The drug after passing through digestive tract in an unchanged form is excreted from the body naturally.

    Espumisan - application

    Parents who have encountered colic in their infant and want to help him should consult with a pediatrician and discuss whether and how to give Espumisan. The drug is sold in pharmacy chain without a prescription, however, the use of Espumisan for newborns should be agreed with a doctor who can confirm the presence of indications for use and exclude pathologies for which the medication is prohibited.

    Espumisan - dosage for newborns

    It is important to know how much Espumisan to give to a newborn and strictly adhere to the dosages. The instructions indicate that for colic in children under one year old, the drug is prescribed in a single dosage of 5-10 drops. Espumisan drops for newborns are convenient to dose, because the bottle is equipped with a dropper attachment. Before use, shake the medication thoroughly, turn the bottle upside down and, holding it strictly vertically, measure out the required amount of solution. In case of poisoning with detergents, the medicine is given in a single dose of 1-4 ml, depending on the weight of the baby.

    How to give Espumisan to a newborn?

    Children's Espumisan is sweetish and has a pleasant banana taste, so even the smallest patients can easily swallow it. If the child is feeding artificial mixture, then the medicine can be added directly to the bottle. Another option is to give drops from a spoon or syringe without a needle, after diluting them in a small amount of the mixture. Breastfeeding mothers are recommended to express milk and, diluting a single dose of the drug in it, give it to the baby from a spoon, syringe, pipette, or bottle.

    How often can you give Espumisan to your child?

    Many people are interested in how often Espumisan can be given to children. Depending on the baby’s well-being, the drug is given up to 3-5 times a day. It is often taken immediately before feeding, during meals or immediately after. If a child suffers from regular night colic, experts recommend giving him Espumisan before bed to ensure a peaceful night. The medicine can be used daily for as long as the symptoms of colic last.

    The effect of the drug begins 10-15 minutes after simethicone enters the body. Therefore, after this time, the child feels better and calms down, if the cause of his anxiety was indeed the excessive accumulation of intestinal gases. In cases where, after of this period relief is not observed, you should consult a doctor, because the baby’s crying may be associated with more serious pathologies.

    Almost all newborns suffer from colic in the first months of life. If it is difficult for the intestines to cope with the digestion of food, painful condition, the baby screams loudly, moving her legs. At intense pain, ordinary measures do not help, medicine comes to the rescue. How to give Espumisan to an infant to relieve suffering and not harm the body.

    If the baby’s colic is often tormented and the usual methods do not bring relief, the doctor may prescribe Espumisan. The product is approved for use for infants, it can be given almost immediately after birth. The medicine helps well with flatulence, effectively eliminating painful symptoms.
    For the little ones, Espumisan L is available in a dark glass bottle with a dispenser and a dropper. The color of the drug is white, has a sweetish taste and a banana smell, which kids like.

    Absorption of the drug by the walls of the intestinal tract does not occur; the active substance is completely excreted along with feces. Therefore, it is a relatively safe medication for newborns.

    Another advantage of the product: it does not contain sugar or lactose, which allows it to be used by children with diabetes.

    How it works

    The active component, simethicone, acts as a defoamer on small gas bubbles and mucus accumulated in the intestines. It reduces their surface tension and converts them into free gas, which freely escapes naturally. Why does flatulence occur in a baby?

    • First of all, the condition is due to the imperfection of the intestinal tract, in which obligate microflora and enzymes that promote digestion have not yet formed.
    • When sucking, the baby swallows air, this happens when the baby is not applied to the breast correctly.
    • Also not the last factor is the mother’s failure to comply with nutritional rules during lactation.
    • Lactose intolerance is rare.

    Espumisan does not eliminate the cause of gas formation; its purpose is to eliminate painful symptoms.

    When is it prescribed?

    Espumisan can be prescribed to newborns:

    • at frequent bloating when it doesn't help Dill water, warm diapers and massage;
    • when diagnosing the condition of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys;
    • with toxic effects.

    In any case, you should not give the medicine to your child on your own; it should be recommended by a doctor.

    How to give

    For newborns, the permitted dose is 25 drops, dose up to 3 times per day, maximum frequency of administration up to 5.

    Before use, the bottle is inverted and shaken vigorously. Reception is recommended during or immediately after feeding. When using the mixture, it is added to the bottle. When breastfeeding, it is given from a small spoon, or you can use a syringe.

    The drug is used as needed; it is not used as a prophylactic agent. IN as a last resort at frequent attacks Flatulence is given to the child at night so that he can sleep peacefully. If the bottle is opened, store it for no more than 4 weeks.

    Contraindications and possible reactions

    Espumisan is usually well tolerated by young children, but there are contraindications for its use:

    1. if the child has an intolerance to one of the additional components of the medicine;
    2. with intestinal obstruction.

    Adverse reactions after taking the drug are uncommon, but they also occur, since Espumisan for children contains sweeteners and flavorings. Therefore, sometimes taking a medicine causes an allergic reaction in the body. How it manifests itself:

    • in the form of a pinpoint rash in certain areas or throughout the body;
    • restless behavior;
    • itching and redness.

    If symptoms appear after use, the child is not given any more medicine. What to do:

    1. give the baby enterosorbent (Smecta);
    2. areas of redness are lubricated with antihistamine ointment or gel;
    3. When breastfeeding for several days, the mother must follow a strict hypoallergenic diet.

    It is best to show your child to a doctor if spots appear.

    Rarely, constipation develops when taking Espumisan; the cause is:

    • exposure to simethicone, the substance rebuilds the functioning of the digestive system;
    • the absence of gases reduces intestinal motility;
    • presence of dysbacteriosis.

    If the baby feces hard, feces are difficult to pass, the frequency of bowel movements has decreased, Espumisan is also stopped. And you should consult your doctor to prescribe another anti-bloating drug.

    Espumisan is a productive remedy for colic in infants, but you should not get carried away with taking the drug. It is better to lay the baby on his stomach more often and give him a massage. Mothers should be more responsible about their diet and learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

    And hydroxide, sorbic acid, water.

    Release form

    Oral drops in a bottle with a dropper of 30 ml and 50 ml.

    pharmachologic effect

    Carminative .

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


    The mechanism of action of simethicone is based on reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestines, which leads to their rupture. Simethicone acts on the surface of gas bubbles without affecting the mucous membrane and is not absorbed, therefore it is harmless to the child’s body. The released gas is removed from the intestines naturally, thus normalizing digestion and nutrients better absorbed.

    The drug does not affect gastric secretion. There is no habituation to it. In a relationship pharmacological treatment colic is considered one of the most effective carminatives. Prescribed during the onset of pain (pain disappears within 10 minutes) or for the purpose of prevention with each feeding.


    After oral administration not absorbed in the intestine, excreted unchanged.

    Indications for use

    • baby colic ;
    • functional ;
    • aerophagia .


    • full intestinal obstruction ;
    • increased sensitivity.

    Side effects

    Not observed. IN in rare cases individual intolerance.

    Instructions for use of Espumisan Baby drops

    Children's Espumisan is a drug in drops in bottles with a dropper, with which you can accurately dose the drops by holding the bottle vertically with the pipette down. Remember that the bottle is shaken before use.

    Instructions for Espumisan for newborns

    How many drops to give to a newborn? Give 5-10 drops during each feeding or after, but no more than 5 times a day.

    How to take Espumisan for newborns? The drug is given from a spoon; if that doesn’t work, you can add it to a bottle of water or formula. To avoid negative consequences You cannot prescribe the drug to your child on your own, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. It can exclude a pathology such as intestinal obstruction, in which the drug is contraindicated. Given medicine effective for increased gas formation that occurs during the period of adaptation of the digestive system, which is still imperfect in infants. Since not enough enzymes are produced, gas formation is inevitable.

    Instructions for use for older children: the drug is given to children from 1 to 6 years old, 10 drops up to 5 times a day, over 6 years old - 20 drops up to 5 times. If you do not find Espumisan Baby in the pharmacy, you can use Espumisan 40 or Espumisan L, however, the dose will be higher, since these drugs contain 8 mg and 40 mg of simethicone in 1 ml, respectively, and not 100 mg. Newborns and children up to one year old are given 1 measuring spoon (or 25 drops) during each feeding, children from 6 years old 2 measuring spoons (or 50 drops) up to 5 times a day. Any drug can be taken long-term.


    The chemically inert substance does not cause an overdose. Even when admitted to high dose no symptoms are noted.


    No interaction with other drugs has been established.

    Terms of sale

    Available without a prescription.

    Storage conditions

    Storage temperature up to 25° C.

    Best before date


    Level 4 ATX code matches:

    Analogue for children based on simethicone - , containing essential oils - Baby Calm And Happy Baby , granules from vegetable raw materials .

    Bobotik allowed for children from 28 days of age, contains raspberry flavor and lemon acid, does not contain milk sugar.

    Suspension Sub Simplex used from birth. The suspension is not viscous, separates and requires careful shaking. Should be used with caution in children prone to allergic reactions. Espumisan for children is also used from birth, but the emulsion is more viscous in consistency compared to the suspension.

    What is better Plantex or Espumisan for newborns?

    These are drugs with different active ingredients. Plantex are granules for making tea, containing fennel fruit extract. It has a carminative effect (prevents the formation of gases), improves digestion, eliminates spasms. It can be given to newborns from 2 weeks of life as a drink. Diluted tea does not change its properties during the day. The drug contains lactose, so tea should not be given to children with lactase deficiency. Pediatricians note that children are often allergic to the drug. Parents also report this in their reviews.

    What is better than Espumisan for children? First of all, it is physiologically inert, not absorbed, and does not contain lactose. It can be used for a long time without fear of addiction and the appearance of any side effects.