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How to treat snot in an infant with medications and folk remedies. How to cure runny snot in a child

A child's runny nose often becomes a real test for his parents. Congestion baby nose, as a rule, is manifested by frequent whims, poor sleep and refusal to eat. The causes of rhinitis in children can be various factors. Often a runny nose is activated as a result of long walks in damp weather in the cold.

Wet or chilled feet almost always lead to a runny nose, since hypothermia of the feet provokes a negative reaction in everything child's body. You can also supercool the mucous membrane itself upper paths breathing, thus causing swelling and increasing the secretion of mucus. Such symptoms are often observed after a child screams very actively and loudly outside in cold weather.

You should also remember about colds, which are often accompanied by nasal congestion. If a child’s runny nose is not treated promptly, it can lead to serious complications such as inflammation of the mucous membranes. maxillary sinuses or acute form inflammation of the middle ear, simply sinusitis and otitis media.

Prevention baby runny nose

First of all, you need to be careful when choosing shoes and clothes for walking outside. Make sure that your child does not get his feet wet, sweat, or become hypothermic. Children's feet should be checked upon returning home and if they are cold or wet, appropriate action should be taken immediately. To do this, you can place the child in hot bath, hold his feet in a bath of mustard and give him a drink warm milk with butter or honey.

It is very important to avoid contact of your baby with colds and sick children. It is recommended to constantly strengthen children's immunity with help balanced nutrition, including dairy products, fish, meat, fruits and vegetables. We should not forget about positive impact physical exercise on the health of the growing organism. If your child’s immune system is too weakened, you can contact a pediatrician who will select the right one for your baby. natural immunomodulators, such as echinacea, ginseng, red clover, garlic, dandelion, St. John's wort, milk thistle, elecampane, celandine and much more.

Prevention of children's runny nose sea ​​water

Rinsing the nose and sinuses with sea water containing natural salts and a large number of trace elements is one of the most effective and common means for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections during periods of decreased immunity and most likely diseases in children. Using products with sea water helps strengthen your baby’s mucous membranes without disturbing the microflora of the nasal cavity. Sea water contains only natural ingredients, not addictive frequent use and is completely safe means for your child.

Treatment of a runny nose in a child

During the treatment of a child's runny nose, antibiotics that suppress the immune system should not be used unnecessarily. Vasoconstrictor drops will help improve breathing and relieve swelling, which serve as a prevention of complications such as sinusitis and otitis media. It should be remembered that abuse of such drugs can lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa, rapid addiction and other negative consequences. Medicines for the treatment of runny nose must be appropriate for the child’s age and have a gentle, mild effect.

Physiological solutions and medications based on sea ​​salt, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Using folk recipes to treat a runny nose in children, it is necessary to remember that such remedies are based on herbal components, many of which can lead to allergic reaction child's body. Therefore, before starting such independent treatment, it is better to consult a homeopathic doctor.

Traditional methods for eliminating a runny nose

Steam inhalations are the most common methods of treating a runny nose. As a rule, decoctions of eucalyptus, chamomile, bay leaf, sage and mint. It should be remembered that children need to carry out inhalations very carefully so as not to inflict more more harm health. Instead of a special medical inhaler, you can use a regular saucepan in which you place hot solution from medicinal herbs and force the child to breathe over him, covered with a towel. In some children, this procedure may provoke a painful reaction as a result of exposure to steam on the mucous membrane of the eyes. In such cases steam inhalations It is recommended to replace it with an ordinary heating pad, into which you pour a hot solution, wrap it in a towel and help the baby breathe in the healing vapors.

If a runny nose is observed in infants, you can use it to bury your nose with beetroot or carrot juice 2 drops in each nasal opening. The juice should only be fresh and diluted with water in half. If the child does not allow nose drops, you can make cotton pads soaked in beet juice, which should be inserted alternately into each nostril several times a day.

For older children, you can use the following method: grate a head of garlic, squeeze, pour in olive or vegetable oil and leave for 12 hours. It is recommended to instill two drops of the finished medicine into each nostril for a runny nose. If the disease is accompanied by viscous and thick mucus, which may be a sign of infection, instillation of garlic or onion juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio helps. It is useful to add a little fresh liquid honey to this medicine. An excellent tool for a runny nose is aloe juice mixed with the same amount of honey, which is useful to instill at night. It is very important that the plant is older than 3 years.

Before starting to treat a runny nose in a child, you should consult a doctor, especially if it is sinusitis.

A runny nose is quite unpleasant symptom, which indicates the presence of an infectious or viral disease in the baby. Quite often, during a runny nose, a child develops snot, which is not so easy to get rid of. To stop snot from flowing in your child, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for its appearance and study the main remedies for nasal congestion.

There are many reasons why snot flows from the nostrils like water. Before you begin treating congestion, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common causes.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes a child’s snot flows heavily in the spring after the appearance of large quantity pollen and grass. The body of adults and children immediately begins to react to this. Many people not only experience a runny nose, but also other symptoms. People complain of increased coughing, itching, skin rashes and swelling.


Most often, a child develops snot after infection. viral infection. At first, the discharge is quite liquid, but over time it becomes thicker, and rhinitis begins to develop. If the mucus becomes thick, treatment for the disease should be started immediately. Delayed treatment leads to severe irritation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of swelling.


Sometimes a child’s snot flows like water because of severe inflammation facial sinuses, which is called sinusitis. This disease causes severe headaches, dizziness and runny nose. If sinusitis is left untreated, over time the mucus will begin to change color and turn brown. This indicates that pus has begun to accumulate in the nasal cavity.


Rhinitis is the most common reason why a child has runny nose. This disease occurs in children and adults who for a long time you have to be in rooms with too dry air. Most often, snot flows like a stream due to rhinitis in the winter after the start of the heating season.


Liquid snot in a child may be accompanied by other symptoms. There are three main symptoms that can appear along with nasal congestion.

Irritation of the mucous membrane

Sometimes, with a runny nose, there is a strong burning sensation and excessive dryness in the area of ​​the nasal passages. Some complain of worsening nasal breathing, nasal sounds and severe headaches. The presence of the above symptoms indicates that the pathogens penetrate the mucous membrane. Because of this, the newborn's nasal passages may narrow significantly and hyperemia may appear.

Serous discharge

If you do not treat a runny nose at home, so-called serous discharge may appear. They have an irritating effect and because of this damage the surface of the mucous membrane. Over time, serous secretions form small cracks and swelling in the nasal cavity.

Purulent discharge

It is quite easy to notice that pus is leaking from the baby’s nostrils, as it has a yellowish tint. Purulent discharge indicate serious complications congestion.

Therefore, if snot with pus flows, you should immediately consult your doctor.

How to stop snot flowing

For children, a severe runny nose is a serious illness, as they tolerate it much worse than adults. The fact is that at this age people’s immunity is much weaker and fights infectious diseases worse.

Before treating your baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the medications that will help.

Means for constricting blood vessels

Many people don’t know how to dry a child’s snot during a severe runny nose. This can be done with the help of vasoconstrictor medications. To figure out which drops are best to use when your nose is running, you need to familiarize yourself with some of them in more detail.


If a child has snot, it is necessary to use Rinazolin during treatment. These vasoconstrictor drops will help quickly stop the flow of snot and restore nasal breathing. The drug is made on the basis of oxymetazoline hydrochloride, which stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors. Daily use of Rinazolin relieves swelling within a week.

Before you start treating liquid snot in a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of this drug. Rinazolin should not be used by people suffering from glaucoma. atrophic rhinitis or high sensitivity to this drug. It is also better to avoid using drops for patients with chronic rhinitis and diabetes.

To stop the snot pouring from the nostrils, you need to familiarize yourself with the dosages of taking Rinazolin. A child under six years of age should use the drug twice a day, one drop per dose. For older children, the dosage is doubled.


You can stop a runny nose at home using the drug Nazivin. It comes in the form of a spray or nasal drops that should be placed in each nostril. This medicine is made on the basis of the stimulating component oxymetazoline. With its help, you can not only treat liquid snot, but also eliminate swelling in the paranasal sinuses.

Before using Nazivin, you need to familiarize yourself with the dosage. In some cases, due to overdose, serious side effects. Many people complain about severe sneezing, hyperemia, dryness of the nasal passages and burning in the nostrils. Less often, patients complain of nausea, high pressure and tachycardia.

A child under five years old should drip the drug three times a day, one drop into each nasal passage. A child over five years of age can use Nazivin four times a day. In this case, two drops of medicine should be instilled into the nostrils per use.


Sometimes, when your nostrils are blocked and water comes out of your nose, you have to use antibiotics. Most often they are used if congestion is accompanied by a cold. Before treating a runny nose, you need to familiarize yourself with the most effective antibiotics.


If your nose is stuffy and snot flows like water from a child, this will help stop it medicinal drug Sumamed. It is not instilled into the nasal passages, but is drunk along with liquid. Sumamed differs from other drugs in its wide range actions. It has a bactericidal effect, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of colds and stop snot.

Before using Sumamed, be sure to familiarize yourself with its contraindications. The drug should not be used by children who have kidney or liver problems. Also, patients who are allergic to the components of Sumamed should avoid using the medicine.

Children aged 3 years and older should use remedy within 5 days. In this case, the child should take no more than 10 mg of the drug per day.


Many people do not know what to do when a child has a stream of snot. In this case, you can use Isofra medicinal drops. This drug differs from most other medications in its strong antimicrobial effect.

The medicine is created on the basis of a substance called framycetin. It is thanks to this substance that you can restore breathing through your nose and get rid of fluid in your sinuses in just 5–7 days.

Many mothers ask the same question: “If your child’s snot flows like water, how to treat it and whether it should be done. Or maybe we should just wait until they go away on their own?” Alas, there is no clear answer. It all depends on the variety various reasons: age, environmental conditions, individual characteristics baby.

Only a pediatrician who monitors the health and development of your child can answer this question with absolute certainty. We will only outline here the main reasons for which a child’s nose usually runs, the treatment of which is effective by one method or another.

Main reasons

Watery transparent discharge from the nose - this is the body’s reaction to unfavorable environmental conditions, exposure to external or internal irritants, entry into the nasopharynx pathogenic microorganisms. This means that not always, when liquid snot appears in a child, treatment must be started immediately. First you need to assess the situation, observe other symptoms and try to understand what triggered them.

All the main causes can be divided into three large groups: infectious, non-infectious, allergic. The table below lists the main causes associated with one or another group, as well as their main symptoms:

Infectious Non-infectious Allergic
  • The baby is teething;
  • sharp drop temperature;
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • improper handling when cleansing the nose;
  • application vasoconstrictor drops;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • structural features of the nose.
  • Taking inappropriate medications;
  • presence of allergen in environment;
  • accumulation of substances, causing allergies in organism;
  • direct contact with the allergen.
  • Absence of clearly defined concomitant symptoms;
  • during teething: frequent crying, redness of the gums, profuse salivation, irregular bowel movements, possible increase in body temperature.
  • Redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • noticeable swelling;
  • the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • uneven color skin;
  • possible blisters or rashes on the skin;
  • sore throat;
  • labored breathing.

When a child has snot pouring out like water, how to treat it directly depends on the cause of its appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to establish, since symptoms from two or all three may be present simultaneously different groups. For example, a baby started running snot due to hypothermia, they put vasoconstrictor drops on his nose, and he developed an allergy to them.

We emphasize that these are only basic and very generalized symptoms, based on which accurate diagnosis You can’t do it on your own! That is why, when liquid snot appears in a child, only a doctor - a pediatrician or an allergist - should decide how to treat it.

Incorrectly chosen treatment can delay time, the disease will move to a new stage. And in case allergic cause– enhance its manifestations.

The best medicines

We dwelled in such detail on the reasons why liquid transparent snot appears in a child, precisely because the method of treatment that will be most effective directly depends on them. The course of therapy if the disease is infectious nature must be prescribed by a doctor. It usually includes several groups of drugs:

Some parents prefer to treat their child homeopathic medicines. For colds, acute respiratory viral infections and even the flu, they help quite well if the child has a good immune system. But for serious infections, refusing antibiotics can lead to complications.

Folk remedies

If a child has just recently developed runny snot, what is an alternative treatment? You can contact verified “ grandma's methods" On initial stage colds, acute respiratory viral infections and flu they provide excellent therapeutic effect. But they cannot cope with serious infections and severe allergies. So again it all comes down to accurate diagnosis. When you are sure that there is no serious threat to your health, here are a few time-tested remedies:

As you can see, if a child has runny snot, how to treat it – the choice is huge. More experienced mothers already know what is best for their children and which method of treatment is traditional or folk.

Those who cannot yet rely on their own experience or are not sure of the diagnosis should not experiment with the health of their own child. You need to visit a doctor and prescribe the correct treatment.

A runny nose is an unpleasant and rather uncomfortable occurrence in every person’s life. And when snot is observed in children, it brings quite a few negative emotions not only to the children, but also to their parents. It’s not so easy to get rid of snot, especially since some children are especially effective medicines generally contraindicated. Therefore, parents will need unprecedented willpower and patience to save their child from this harmful disease.

A runny nose occurs in a child as a result of inflammation in the nasal mucosa. It can be either a symptom of one of the more serious diseases or an independent illness, the treatment of which is much simpler. With any treatment, you should not miss the process, because even simple snot can lead to unprecedented complications, the treatment of which is much more difficult.


Transparent snot in a child at first glance is almost harmless phenomenon and many parents pay practically no attention to them. But if you look into this symptom, you can see a number of rather unsightly reasons for the appearance of such snot.

  1. Transparent snot in a baby may appear in the first weeks after birth. And they may be caused by problems during childbirth, improper stay in the womb, or adaptation to the environment. Almost always, a slight “grunting” with small secretions of clear liquid is treated with the help of “Marimer”, “Aqua-Maris” and other salty drops. In this case, there is no treatment, but additional hydration and rinsing of the mucous membrane. But you should not be overzealous with such drugs. With uncontrolled doses, otitis may develop.
  2. Transparent snot in a child during teething occurs in every second baby. They are one of several signs of the beginning of the eruption of another pair of teeth, along with elevated temperature, acetone, and a nervous state.
  3. Transparent snot in a child during viral epidemics is due to a decrease local immunity by 6 one month old. By this time, mother's milk ceases to play a decisive role in the child's diet. Because of this, there is a lack of antibodies in the child’s body, and as a result, the risk of various viral diseases increases, one of the symptoms of which may be a runny nose.
  4. Allergic reaction to various external stimuli: food and viral. In this case transparent snot The child is treated with antiallergic drugs prescribed by the pediatrician.

Don’t think that a slight runny nose and clear snot will go away on their own. Treatment is necessary in any case and should only be prescribed by a specialist.

Thick snot in a child

Thick snot in a child almost always appears closer to recovery. But before getting rid of this symptom completely, you still have to fight to make the baby’s breathing easier. After all, it is at this time that leukocytes actively fight pathogenic bacteria, the death of which is caused by such unpleasant phenomena. Therefore, you should do everything possible to ensure that the process of snot removal is as painful and unpleasant as possible.

The drinking regime of a child with thick snot should be plentiful. Breastfeeding needs to be supplemented warm water and suck out the nozzles using a pipette. The air in the room in which the child is constantly located is humidified as much as possible. In summer, it is better to moisten it with a spray bottle, and in winter, place wet towels on the radiators.

Rinse the nose with saline solution 3-5 times a day. Kalanchoe and aloe juices have an excellent effect. 2-3 drops of juice are instilled into each nostril. The child’s thick snot thins out a little and he begins to sneeze involuntarily, thereby freeing the mucous membrane from the thick snot. During the day, the procedure is repeated 4-5 times. In two days of intensive rinsing, thick snot The child’s runny nose will disappear and the runny nose will subside.

The green color of snot may be associated with the proliferation of bacteria that die under the influence of leukocytes, which in turn also gradually die off. Dead cells accumulate in the mucus, which causes the snot to turn green.

This usually happens during those periods when the baby’s body is most weakened, and on the contrary, the activity of viruses is high. Typically this period is considered to be autumn or winter.

  • Green snot


Green snot in a child indicates a problem in his body. bacterial infection. They don't appear right away. Such intense snot in a child may be preceded by clearer, copious nasal discharge. As bacteria multiply and die, the color of the snot changes. Dead cells collect in the excreted mucus, so by the end of the runny nose a saturated green color and they acquire a special viscosity. Sometimes, green snot in a child may indicate the presence of sinusitis.

Self-treatment should not be carried out without consulting a doctor, but the situation should not be missed. After examining the child, they are almost always prescribed antibacterial agents, or antibiotics. You should rinse your nose with saline solution several times daily. Firstly, it helps remove residual mucus without irritating the already irritated nasal mucosa. Secondly, it will prevent new bacteria from entering the child’s weakened body. Don’t forget about walks in the fresh air and regular ventilation of rooms, since overdried mucous membranes are quite difficult to tolerate the “heavy” suffocating air stored indoors.


Most parents and pediatricians attribute yellow snot in children to the end of the disease. In many cases, this is indeed the case and the child’s body is simply freed from dead bacteria in this way. IN in rare cases, yellow snot in children may indicate the presence of purulent infections and inflammations. It is natural that when there is a field of small transparent nasal discharge, yellow or green snot appears. In cases where the symptom is observed for 2-4 weeks, then contacting a doctor is necessary. Yellow discharge indicate sinusitis, chronic otitis media or sinusitis. Only a qualified ENT specialist can correctly prescribe treatment and select the appropriate range of medications. Quite rarely, the cause of yellow snot is an allergy. In this case, their appearance should be associated with certain period of the year. An allergist will help you deal with this problem.

If yellow snot appeared in children relatively recently, then you can remove it using natural oils, or saline solutions. 1 drop thuja or sea ​​buckthorn oil, dripped into each nostril, perfectly disarms the mucous membrane, cleanses the respiratory tract, and most importantly, it is absolutely harmless and does not sting the nose.

In the presence of additional symptoms in a child, such as elevated temperature, cough, nervousness, overexcitability and fatigue, a doctor’s examination is required.

With a cough

You should not delay treatment for a long time when a child’s cough and snot have just appeared. These two symptoms will not go away on their own. Only diligent care and treatment of parents will help the child get rid of these annoying symptoms. They indicate that the child has a cold. This means we should start treating it and prevent the virus from spreading in the body.

If there is no fever and the cough and runny nose are not severe, you can try inhalation treatment. In this case, you can make both oil ones with juniper, lemon, fir, spruce, lemon, eucalyptus oils, and brew medicinal herbs - eucalyptus, spruce. Airways after inhalation they will calm down and become disarmed. Will begin copious discharge mucus, both from the nose and throat. Steaming the legs with a small addition also gives an excellent effect. mustard powder. Radish with honey will make your child’s cough productive and will not cause irritation to the mucous tract. The child’s nose is washed 3-5 times a day saline solutions.

In cases where a child’s cough and snot are accompanied by even a slight increase in temperature, a visit to a doctor is mandatory. Self-medication at home can only worsen the situation.

Cough and runny nose are common. There is nothing special about them. At proper treatment a runny nose goes away in a week, and a cough in two, although there are exceptions when the cough goes away in a week. Anything that drags on for a long time, that is, lasts two weeks or more, is considered to be a complication or chronic course diseases. Complications occur when the disease is carried on the legs or when the treatment was incorrect.

With blood

Sometimes, when a child has a runny nose, you may notice blood. Snot with blood is a fairly common phenomenon and the reasons for its appearance are not as serious as it seems at first glance. Due to the close proximity of capillaries when severe runny nose or mechanical damage Small bleeding may appear.

The reason for this may be excessively dry air in the child’s room, fragility of blood vessels, the effect of the virus on the thinning of the capillary membrane, spasms in the head vessels, increased intracranial pressure. In such cases, frequent rinsing with saline solutions instead of vigorously blowing your nose, humidifying the air, and instilling olive oil, or oils tea tree, timely cleansing of the nasal passages using torunds. If a child’s snot with blood is accompanied by headaches, then a visit to an ENT specialist is mandatory.

Don't let the process take its course. By curing a child’s snot in a couple of days, parents can avoid many unpleasant processes in the future.

With temperature

A runny nose is not always accompanied by a fever, but if adequate prevention and treatment measures are not taken, a fever may appear quite soon. If a child has a fever and snot, then most likely the cause lies in a viral infection. For young children, you should immediately consult a doctor, and for older children you can try to treat it yourself. You should not abuse antipyretic tablets for fever and runny nose. Start using them no earlier than the temperature rises above 38 degrees. If, after two doses of antipyretics, the child’s temperature has not dropped to normal, then contacting a pediatrician is mandatory. Perhaps the causes of the disease are much more serious.

Baby has snot for a month

There are times when a simple clear runny nose develops into a more serious illnesses. This is due to self-treatment and parents’ refusal to see a doctor. Many parents are not even alarmed that the child has had snot for a month and no enviable progress towards recovery has been observed.

There are several reasons why snot does not stop within a month:

  • Overdose of vasoconstrictor drops. At self-treatment, the drops were taken for more than 7 days, as a result, addiction occurred and the child developed chronic otitis media or sinusitis.
  • Vasomotor swelling of the nasal mucosa led to the formation of polyps.
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases, the accompanying symptom of which is a runny nose.

It is no longer worth postponing a visit to the pediatrician, and now also to the ENT specialist, since refusal of appropriate treatment by specialists was the reason various complications which should be addressed immediately.

How to treat snot in a child?

If a runny nose is already on the face and the child cannot sleep peacefully, then it is simply necessary to treat it. Many people know how to treat snot in a child, but to achieve positive effect, you should approach this issue with knowledge of the matter. It is best to relieve any symptoms of a runny nose. In this case good result They give vasoconstrictor drugs.

If a child has liquid transparent snot, then this is a clear sign Acute respiratory infection or incipient allergies. Is it necessary to treat such snot? Nasal mucus in a child is produced in the same way as in an adult and does not pose any threat. The appearance of clear snot indicates that the body is beginning to protect itself from the effects of the virus.

Mucus secretion occurs when the body fights with viruses and allergens, preventing them from spreading. When does a baby’s clear discharge need to be treated, and in what cases can his condition be alleviated with the help of nasal hygiene? Let's try to figure this out.

Adaptation to new living conditions

A baby may develop a runny nose immediately after birth. In this way, the body reacts to the emergence of new living conditions and adapts to them. Transparent snot can appear due to long stay in the womb or indicate disturbances during labor.

A runny nose can occur when exposed to certain factors that create unpleasant conditions for the child’s nasopharynx. The nasal mucosa dries out due to too low air humidity, reacting to this with transparent liquid discharge, resembling water. Since the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, clear snot begins to accumulate in his nose, making it difficult for him to breathe. Parents should constantly remove the resulting clear discharge.


What does clear snot mean in a child? They can be provoked teething. This is explained by the fact that the processes of blood supply to the gums and nasopharynx are closely related. When blood rushes to the gums, in this case it also flows to the nasopharynx area. When blood flow increases, the production of mucus in the nose accelerates, contributing to the appearance of a runny nose. It is impossible to fight this phenomenon, so you need to wait out such symptoms by eliminating clear liquid and avoiding nasal congestion.

Allergic reactions

Often clear slime occurs due to allergic reactions. This is especially true in the spring during the active flowering of plants. Allergies manifest themselves as follows:

At allergic rhinitis The child sneezes very often. Parents should find out what is the source of the allergy. Usually, after contact with an allergen, a reaction occurs in the form of a runny nose and other symptoms. Treatment of such a runny nose involves protecting the child from contact with the allergen. In particular severe cases(swelling, shortness of breath, other external signs) the child should be given antihistamines.

Viral diseases

Another common cause of clear snot in a child is viral diseases. At the beginning of the development of the disease, liquid transparent snot begins to flow from the baby’s nose, which then noticeably thickens. If such discharges have White color and are not transparent, this indicates the development of inflammation and the spread of infection in the body. Viral diseases needs to be treated comprehensively.

Transparent snot in a child: how to treat it?

Before treating clear snot in a child, you need to show him to a doctor, who will find out the exact cause of its occurrence. Regardless of the etiology of the runny nose, its treatment necessarily includes the procedure of cleansing and rinsing the nasal canals.

Washing baby's nose

If a child has snot that resembles water, then use it to clear the nose. nasal aspirator. If the mucus is too thick and viscous, then it must first be liquefied with saline or a decoction of medicinal herbs, using St. John's wort, chamomile or sage for its preparation. For these purposes, you can also purchase a pharmaceutical saline solution:

  • Humer;
  • Dolphin;
  • Aqualor;
  • Salin;
  • Aquamaris.

A few drops of decoction or freshly prepared solution are instilled into each nasal canal, after which the diluted secretion is sucked out using an aspirator.

Any procedures that are carried out using nasal drops or sprays, carried out only after thorough cleansing of the nasal passages. When Small child learns to blow his nose himself, he will need to be constantly reminded to do it himself.

Treatment of a runny nose with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections

Liquid transparent snot in a child who has fallen ill with a viral infection or acute respiratory infection, after some time is replaced by thick discharge. Treatment of such a runny nose should be carried out only when strict adherence bed rest.

A runny nose of any etiology, which is accompanied by the release of a transparent mucous secretion, should be treated with vasoconstrictors (Nazivin, Nazol, Rinonorm, Vibrocil, Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Sanorin). Such medicines alleviate the patient's condition and reduce the amount of mucous secretion only for a while. They cannot cure a runny nose. It is recommended to use them no more than seven days.

Treatment of liquid mucous discharge during the first three days after the onset of the disease is carried out using human interferon preparations. These include Grippferon and Interferon. Clear snot in the form of water can be treated by inhalation using a nebulizer charged with an interferon solution.

Infectious rhinitis is usually treated with immunomodulatory drugs. Sinupret is considered the most effective - medicinal product, which consists of natural ingredients.

With ARVI, natural recovery usually occurs faster if the child is provided with access to cool and fresh air and also normal drinking regime. If such conditions are not met, liquid snot through very a short time become thick, making it difficult to breathe through the nose and increasing the risk of spreading the virus, as well as the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.

If a child’s liquid transparent snot occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to find out which allergen contributed to its development.

Treatment allergic rhinitis carry out antihistamines in compliance with strict dosage. Before doing this, you should definitely consult an allergist, who will select the right drug. Advanced disease may cause development of bronchial asthma.

Thus, clear snot in a child may indicate either the presence of an infection in the body or be a reaction to a certain allergen. The baby needs to be shown to a doctor who will conduct an examination and diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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