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What teeth are called eye teeth, how do the upper canines erupt and how long do they extend, how can I help my child? Signs and main precursors of canine eruption in children

According to the generally accepted numbering scheme in dentistry, canines are the third teeth on the upper and lower jaws, located between the lateral incisors and first molars. Compared to other human teeth, they are slightly elongated, cone-shaped, and are used for biting and tearing food. The upper canines are called eye teeth. They got this name because of the nearby facial nerve, its proximity explains the pain of treating these teeth. How does the process of teething occur in babies?

Features of canine teething

The eruption of the upper canines is one of the most painful stages in the growth of baby teeth. This is explained anatomical features eye teeth. It is advisable for parents to know in advance that the baby’s teeth will soon begin to grow in order to prepare for feeling unwell child. At what age can you expect the upper canines to appear?

At what age do they cut?

The rudiments of teeth are formed in the embryo in the mother's womb at the 13th week of pregnancy. The baby is born with bare gums; teeth begin to cut only after a few months.

The lower incisors come in first. The first symptoms appear at 4-5 months, but on average the tooth begins to grow when the baby is six months old. The canines cut much later, with the upper ones, the so-called eye teeth, growing first. In the photo below you can see where the eye teeth are located.

When do fangs cut? Upper teeth appear on average at 16-22 months, and the lower ones at 17-23 months, that is, by the age of 2, the baby should already have grown all 4 fangs. Can these teeth come out before the front teeth? Usually, a baby's incisors appear first, but if fangs grow out of the gums first, parents should not worry - dentists consider this to be the norm.

How long does it take for children to start teething when they change teeth? Teething eye teeth It may take long time. Teeth do not grow in one day, but it is difficult to say how long it will take to grow - this period is individual for each child and can take from several days to 2 months. The replacement of eye teeth occurs at 9-12 years of age.

What affects the timing of eruption?

Deviations from the average eruption period of 2-3 months are acceptable and considered normal. If the child is two years old and there are no signs of eruption of the eye teeth, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

What is the reason for late eruption of fangs? Most often this is due to a lack of calcium in the body, which is needed for bone mineralization and the formation of tooth enamel. The level of this microelement is affected by the child’s diet - if he eats poorly, does not take vitamin-mineral complexes, and his diet does not include dairy products, he will most likely experience a delay in physical development.

Another reason why a baby’s body lacks calcium is rickets. Rickets is characterized by a lack of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

IN in rare cases the reason is edentulism (complete or partial absence dental units). With this anomaly, the embryo does not develop tooth buds, so teeth do not erupt. This problem can only be solved through implantation.

Regardless of the fact that average periods are established for teething, this process is individual in nature and depends on many factors. The growth of primary dentition is influenced by heredity, ecological situation, nutrition, diseases of the endocrine system.

Associated symptoms

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The appearance of eye teeth is accompanied by swelling and redness of the gums. Babies experience teething very painfully. Associated symptoms:

  • heat body - it can rise to 39°C, antipyretic drugs do not help bring it down;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • hypersalivation;
  • lack of appetite and problems with stool.

The child becomes lethargic and capricious. He often cries, refuses to eat, and requires increased attention from his mother. The baby complains of severe pain not only in the gums, but also in the nose and ear.

Why do children have trouble with the eruption of their upper canines?

Why is eruption of the upper canines such a painful process? This is due to the anatomical features of the “eye teeth”:

  1. Firstly, they have very long roots, which go deep into the gums.
  2. Secondly, the facial nerve passes directly next to the roots of the upper canines. It innervates the facial muscles and is responsible for the work lacrimal glands. This explains why, during the teething of a tooth, the baby’s conjunctiva becomes inflamed and increased lacrimation. As the fang root grows, it impacts the nerve, which leads to severe pain.

How to help your baby and reduce painful symptoms?

Eye teeth In children, eruption is very painful. No parent can stand by and watch their child cry. How to help a baby and ease his suffering when fangs are being cut on top (we recommend reading:)? There are such means; special teethers have been developed for children, as well as medications, which anesthetize the gums, relieve swelling and relieve inflammation.

Special teethers and pacifiers

Pharmacies sell special teethers that are designed to relieve itching and relieve pain during teeth growth. They are painted in bright colors and have a regular, orthodontic shape, and inside are filled with liquid and cooling gel.

Seeing new toy, the baby will definitely try to chew it. The hypoallergenic material is pleasant to the touch and children enjoy biting it. Thus, they eliminate itching from the eruption of baby teeth, and the anesthetic gel relieves pain. Teethers should be stored in the refrigerator, so they will greater effect, because cold relieves swelling well and reduces irritation.

What to do if you don’t have a teether at hand? In this case, a regular pacifier will do. For long-term use, it is better to buy orthodontic pacifiers; they will help develop a correct bite and eliminate itching in the gums.

Massaging the gums helps a lot. With clean hands, gently massage the gums, alternating pressing, circular and stroking movements. If the baby starts sucking his finger at the moment of teething, you should not scold him for this habit, it helps the baby get rid of pain. Gradually you need to replace your finger with a teether or pacifier.


If the growth of the eye tooth is accompanied by severe pain, it is impossible to get rid of it using pacifiers and pacifiers. For this purpose, they are sold in pharmacies dental gels and ointments designed to numb the inflamed area. Buy medicines To facilitate teething, it is possible only after consultation with a dentist.

The table provides a list of medications suitable for easing teething:

No.NameActive ingredientCharacteristic
1 DentinoxLidocaine, chamomile flowersLidocaine, which is part of the gel, has a local anesthetic effect on the gums. Chamomile has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. The gel is applied to the swollen area 2-3 times a day.
2 Dantinorm BabyChamomilla vulgaris, Phytolacca decandra, rheumA homeopathic medicine designed to relieve pain during the growth of primary dentition.
3 KalgelCetylpyridinium chloride, lidocaineDental gel is applied to the oral mucosa. It anesthetizes and disinfects inflamed areas.
4 ParacetamolParacetamolThe drug is available in different forms, but syrup is usually used to treat young children. The product relieves pain, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. You can give up to 4 teaspoons of syrup per day.
5 IbuprofenIbuprofenA non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain and reduces gum inflammation.

What complications can there be?

The location of teeth can lead to complications when they appear. The first of them is a high temperature, which is not brought down by medications. It can rise to 39°C and higher, which is due to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. If the temperature does not go down, and the baby gets worse, you should immediately consult a doctor (we recommend reading:).

Another complication is related to the close proximity of the facial nerve. If the tooth is abnormally positioned, it can touch the nerve, which is accompanied by severe pain syndrome spreading to the nasopharynx and eyes. Such pain is practically not relieved by painkillers.

In rare cases, canine growth leads to swelling and inflammation in the eye area. In these cases, immediate removal is indicated, but should only be performed by an experienced oral surgeon. If the roots are deep in the gums, the facial nerve may be damaged, leading to irreversible consequences for vision.

The growth of baby teeth is accompanied by severe itching. The baby puts everything he sees into his mouth and tries to touch it. sore spot. This leads to infection getting inside, and since the body is weakened due to the process of teething, the child during this period is especially susceptible to diseases caused by coli or rotavirus.

When changing eye teeth, you must carefully adhere to hygiene rules. If an infection gets into the hole, the infection can easily spread to the eyes, nasopharynx or ear.

Rules for oral hygiene in children

How to properly care for your oral cavity during teething? It is necessary to clean your mouth even before teeth appear. The mother should wrap a sterile gauze cloth around her finger and gently wipe the baby's gums. You can use special finger pads for baby hygiene, which are made of soft hypoallergenic material.

By the time your baby is one year old, you can buy a toothbrush and toothpaste. Hygiene products must be suitable for children; the use of adult toothpastes is prohibited. When choosing a toothpaste, you need to look at the packaging and the presence of markings indicating age restrictions. Children's pastes are low-abrasive and do not damage enamel; instead of fluoride, they contain calcium and can be swallowed.

Proper oral care is the key to healthy teeth. Cleaning your teeth and gums will help prevent tooth decay and inflammatory diseases gums

When a newborn teethes, it becomes a difficult problem for most adults (parents and grandparents). From many of them you can often hear about the tedious nights spent with crying and constant screaming when children's baby teeth grow. However, this period is very important for the further physiological development of infants and it lasts quite a long time, and greatly affects their mood and well-being.

These days, the newborn becomes incredibly capricious and behaves very restlessly, he is very reluctant to eat and sleeps very little, in addition, he may have a fever and even appear skin rash. The time is especially difficult when a child grows fangs, that is, those teeth that dentists call “eye” teeth, since they grow almost in the place where the optic nerves are located.

Sometimes children are born with a tooth already grown, and in other cases, the first teeth may not appear until about a year old. And even the order in which teeth erupt does not always remain the same. Often parents, having noticed drooling in children, which begins at approximately 3-4 months, and sometimes earlier, regard this as the first sign of teething. But in fact, the increase in salivation is due to the beginning of more intense functioning salivary glands, which work very little in infants. At this time, babies are not yet very good at swallowing, which is why they drool.

The period of teething in the baby. The main thing is to reduce pain and itching of the gums.

The very first sign of the beginning of teething is the appearance of a whitish spot on the lower gum or swelling on its leading edge. Often this is accompanied by increased drooling, a desire to bite toys, fingers and any other objects, as well as irritability, restless sleep and lack of appetite.

Of course, most parents are concerned with the question of whether they can help their child or whether they are not recommended to interfere with the natural course of events, but to let them go their own way. Doctors recommend allowing teeth to erupt on their own and not using any external force to cut through them. You should not irritate the baby’s gums by scratching them strongly with any objects, as was previously customary, since this can not only harm fragile baby teeth, but even introduce some kind of infection into the jawbone.

How children's fangs erupt

The timing of teething is strictly individual for each baby. Sometimes babies delight their parents with a grown tooth already at 4-5 months, while in other children the first tooth appears only at 8-9 months. Doctors usually explain to worried parents that there is no norm for this time, and sometimes even the usual order of teething changes. There are only standard dates that approximately determine the time of teething.

So, at 6-9 months, infants grow their lower central incisors, and a little later, their upper incisors. After this, about a year later, the lateral incisors erupt on both jaws.

What symptoms accompany teething in a child?

At 12-15 months, molars begin to emerge from above and below. And only at 16-22 months the upper canines begin to grow. It is precisely because of the presence nearby optic nerve, when a child’s fangs erupt, the symptoms are often complicated by lacrimation. Considering that one of the functions of the optic nerve is to provide communication with the central nervous system with the upper half of the face, it can be easily explained that when a child’s fangs are cut, the symptoms of this process can be excruciating and painful for the baby, and as a result, for his parents.

Symptoms of canine eruption

The photos below show quite clearly how the eruption of fangs occurs in children. The main signs of this process are a runny nose and excessive tears, which can even cause conjunctivitis in children. Often, when children cut their fangs, the symptoms are complicated by an increase in temperature, which can reach 38 degrees. The child’s gums swell and turn red, saliva flows profusely, and because the gums hurt and itch, the child puts everything he can reach into his mouth. Some children may experience pain in the nose or ears. Often, when fangs erupt, symptoms may be accompanied by disorders digestive system, diarrhea and significant loss of appetite.

A child’s fangs are cutting and his gums are itching - how to help your baby during this time? difficult period?

The child’s body is weakened at this time, so his immunity weakens, which means that he can develop any viral infection. It is very important to monitor very carefully how the child feels in order to have time to notice any deviations in his health.

To significantly simplify the difficult task facing your baby and ease his suffering, you can buy a special silicone toy, which is pre-cooled in the refrigerator and then given to the baby to chew on. You can let your baby chew on a terry towel, a piece of dry bread or a cool banana. You can also massage the baby’s gums, and if it is very painful, then additionally use children’s pain-relieving gels and chamomile oil for this.

If the child does not have allergies, it can be used for massage Bee Honey. It is important to remember that any drugs that contain alcohol cannot be used for massage, just as you should not give aspirin and analgin to the baby. If a child is cutting his fangs, the symptoms can be any, but to reduce the temperature, only syrups or suppositories with paracetamol are allowed, and even in this case, you should first consult a pediatrician.

All local pediatricians advise that as soon as the first symptoms of teeth eruption appear in a child, very closely monitor his health. Fever and diarrhea, as well as a runny nose and cough, may indicate an infection, so you need to contact your pediatrician for a full examination, and if a disease is detected, begin treatment immediately. In case of infection, it is very important to contact the pediatrician in time and prescribe the correct additional treatment for the baby.

Teether toy to relieve itchy gums during teething

In addition, it should be remembered that any upset of the digestive system, even if it is actually caused by teething, can lead to dehydration of the child's body, which is very dangerous for babies, which means that the child needs to drink more at this time.

To make it easier for the baby to endure the troubles caused by teething, it is recommended to carry him in your arms more often, distract him from painful sensations with games, as well as caress and hug him. Many babies tolerate teething calmly and cut their teeth less painfully. For those who have never encountered these problems and do not know how teeth cut in children, the photos on this page will clearly demonstrate the condition of the child’s gums during the teething period.

What parents need to know about teething

When teething in children, they can be helped with the help of special devices designed to facilitate discomfort. You can give them special soft rings for chewing, which must first be cooled in the refrigerator. These rings make the swelling of the gums disappear and their inflammation decreases. Many people buy two of these rings at once, so that while the child is gnawing on one of them, the other is being cooled in the refrigerator or subjected to sterilization.

Parents can also purchase in advance:

  • a bottle of children's paracetamol-containing syrup in case the child has a fever;
  • A crib with special plastic devices that will not harm the child’s health when he chews them.

You should give your baby cool foods more often, which will relieve pain and itching in irritated gums.

The well-being of many children noticeably improves when parents massage their gums. This can be done with your finger, wrapped in a soft, clean cloth, being careful to keep it sterile and clean. Before the massage, you should place your baby comfortably on your lap. Some children do not like this procedure at first, but once they realize that they feel better, they immediately calm down. If possible, avoid leaving your child's chin wet as this can cause irritation to the skin.

During the period of teething, the child behaves restlessly, mopes, and the baby loses his appetite. You should show him maximum affection and care.

It is especially important for a child to constantly feel affection during this difficult period.

There is no need to offer your child ice cubes from the freezer: this can lead to injuries and frostbite.

You can lower the temperature and reduce pain during teething using various medications as prescribed by your pediatrician. Drugs should not provide negative impact on the mucous membrane of the child’s stomach and intestines.

Facilities local action, often used in the treatment process, can be divided into three main groups:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • complex action drugs.

Medicines containing predominantly extracts from medicinal plants, are considered the most useful and at the same time have sufficient effectiveness. Most often they contain marshmallow or chamomile extracts. Multiple experiments have shown that marshmallow root extract has excellent pain relief and has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, and in addition, creates a protective coating on the gums, thereby accelerating the process of their natural restoration.

The anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile extract is used for children with many diseases, and in addition, this plant has a calming and analgesic effect. Herbal preparations can be used without any restrictions, since they do not cause any harm to the child’s health

How teeth grow in children, the photos on this page show clearly enough that even inexperienced parents can determine what exactly is happening to their child. If a child’s first tooth is a canine, there is no need to worry; at all times, doctors have often encountered such cases and when asked whether fangs can erupt first, they always give a positive answer and advise parents not to worry.

Nowadays, many ways have been invented in which parents can help their child survive the eruption of his first teeth without any problems. pain and with the greatest comfort.

When a baby's first tooth is about to appear, the whole family freezes in anticipation of a miracle. Parents are sure that the lower teeth come out of the gums first, then the upper ones, and then, as if on command, the adjacent ones should erupt. But in human nature everything is much more complicated; it happens that the first tooth does not appear where it was expected for a long time, and there was a swollen gum. For example, some babies develop fangs first, and then all the other teeth. Doctors explain this fact by genetic predisposition.

How does teething occur?

In most cases, in children everything goes according to the plan provided by nature: incisors - premolars - canines - molars. At the age of 4 to 8 months, the child should have at least one tooth erupting. This process is accompanied by copious salivation, increased excitability child, fever, inflammation of the gums in the mouth, runny nose, wet cough etc. To facilitate the teething process, the baby is given something to chew on, scratch the gums, and at night the oral cavity is treated with a special gel with an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Which tooth should appear first?

There are no statistics that would indicate that the first tooth should appear in such and such a period. If it existed, the parents would be fully armed and await this day fully prepared. All physical parameters, such as weight, height, closure of the fontanel, are determined by the individuality of the baby, as well as the time for teething.

The formation of teeth occurs in utero without a specific sequence or clear order of their subsequent eruption.

Doctors believe that the order in which teeth appear on the gum surface depends on hereditary factors. If one of the parents’ order was broken, the child can repeat his “feat”.

Can fangs erupt first? Of course, yes, just as the incisors can come in pairs, just as the molars can appear in front of the incisors. Based on the results of observations, it can be noted that the gums swell not only in the place where the tooth should erupt. It happens that the first to emerge from the swollen gum is not the incisor, but the canine, but more often it becomes in the gum and does not appear outward until the upper and lower incisors erupt. To understand whether a tooth has appeared or not, you can lightly tap on the gum with a teaspoon; if you hear a clicking sound, it means the tooth has erupted. Usually, before the day when it appears, the gums become white, and a white stripe is clearly visible in the place of the future tooth.

In 1 case out of 2000, a child gets a tooth in the first month after birth, and every 1000th baby already has a tooth in his mouth from birth. It happens that the first tooth appears at the age of one year or older. Parents do not need to worry about this: if there are no teeth, it means that the stomach is not yet ready for solid food! They will erupt one way or another, and by the age of 3 the baby should have 20 milk teeth, which fall out by the age of 6-7 and are replaced by permanent ones. There is only one pattern: the later teeth appear, the older the child’s age they will change.

All parents rejoice at every new tooth their baby has, but at the same time, teething is a lot of trouble and worry. The fact is that cutting teeth cause torment for a child, especially when it is time for fangs to appear. In some cases, parents even have to see a doctor. Why is the eruption of fangs accompanied by painful symptoms and how to survive this period? Find the answer in this article.

Baby teeth before birth

Children's teeth are formed even before they are born. In the womb, the strength of the teeth, their health and appearance. This happens at the beginning of the second trimester pregnancy. And here it is very important that future mom took care of herself and looked after her health. The more carefully she follows the regime, the stronger the child’s teeth will be.

Building healthy teeth is impossible without calcium. There should be plenty of it in the mother’s body. This can only be achieved by correct and healthy eating. A pregnant woman's diet should include foods such as milk, fish, and seafood. You can also ask your gynecologist to prescribe special drugs With increased content calcium.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that even in case of shortage a growing child will still take calcium from the mother's body essential microelements, but at the same time it will deplete the mother’s body. There will be a deficiency of calcium and potassium in the mother's bones and teeth, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the health of the fetus.

In the vast majority of cases, children are born without teeth. In very rare cases, doctors discover central incisors in newborns in the delivery room. Similar phenomenon is considered an anomaly associated with excess calcium in the mother’s body or genetic characteristics.


The first to start climbing central incisors. Moreover, the time of their appearance is different for different children. In some babies they begin to climb at 3-4 months, in others they appear only at one year of age. Moreover, the incisors may not fit in the order that doctors are accustomed to.

Very often parents mistakenly think that profuse drooling in children it is due to the fact that the first teeth begin to cut. In fact, the abundance of saliva is most often associated with the release of the salivary glands at full capacity. Kids in early age They do not know how to swallow saliva well, so it flows out of their mouth.

You can understand that the first teeth have begun to emerge by looking at the child’s gums. On the lower gum a whitish spot appears or its front edge swells. It is at this time that the baby begins to put everything in his mouth. He develops a desire to bite toys and his parents’ fingers, loses sleep and loses his appetite.

The first teeth begin to emerge in the following order:

In the first months of a child’s life, not only the eruption of the first teeth occurs, but also formation of permanent. And even though they will begin to grow only after a few years, you need to start taking care of them already at the beginning of the baby’s life. This concern should be expressed in providing the child with adequate nutrition.

The best food for your baby to keep his teeth healthy is breast milk . During breastfeeding, a mother should eat food that rich in calcium. When a mother cannot breastfeed, she needs to choose good artificial nutrition for feeding.

It is very important to introduce complementary foods on time to ensure that the first teeth are strong and healthy.

If parents want their child's first and permanent teeth to be strong, they should know that sweets baby is better don't give. A child can get all the necessary sugars from fruits. You should also not give your child packaged juices. They contain a lot of preservatives and sweeteners.

When the first teeth erupt, parents wonder how they can help their child? And here the doctors have an unequivocal answer - the baby’s teeth should cut on their own. When parents make any efforts to speed up this process, the teeth may come out damaged. Moreover, there is a possibility of some kind of infection in the jaw bone.

Symptoms of the appearance of fangs are specific. They cannot be confused with the appearance of other teeth; they appear very difficult. It is impossible to name the exact time of the appearance of fangs; the fact is that in some children the first fangs appear at 4-5 months, while in others they can emerge only at 9 months. In such a situation, doctors must be able to reassure parents who are worried that their child is developing abnormally. Doctors themselves know very well that there is no norm in teething. Moreover, in some cases the order of teeth eruption is disrupted. And the standard timing and order of appearance of teeth is nothing more than a convention.

The eruption of fangs in children begins with the appearance of white spots on the gums, followed by swelling. It is noteworthy that these signs can appear even before the molars begin to grow. This is explained by the fact that the canines begin to grow along with the molars, but are somewhat delayed during eruption, allowing the molars to pass forward.

Why do fangs cause painful symptoms when they start to cut? This is explained by them anatomical features. The fangs have very long roots, which are located in close proximity to the facial nerves.

Fangs on upper jaw often called eye teeth. At their roots there is a nerve that connects the upper part of the face with the central nervous system. When the upper fangs are cut in children, lacrimation and conjunctivitis from the problematic tooth are added to the painful sensations.

Lower canines cause less trouble when teething. Unfortunately, without side effects almost never works out.

What symptoms indicate the imminent appearance of fangs?

Teething symptoms teeth cannot be called specific. It is similar to the symptoms of the appearance of other teeth:

Doctors have long noted the connection between the severity of teething symptoms and general health child. How healthier baby, the fewer side effects teething will bring. With weakened immunity along with the teeth will come:

  • Runny nose.
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Temperature.

An experienced doctor can easily distinguish a runny nose during teething from an infection and will prescribe homeopathic and immunomodulatory remedies for the baby to combat cold symptoms.

When the appearance of fangs is accompanied by symptoms intestinal infection It is recommended to get tested.

Fangs and hyperthermia

Many parents confuse teething and illness. Or rather, they put an equal sign between them. This cannot be done. Of course, under ideal conditions the temperature should not rise when fangs appear, but life is far from ideal, so hyperthermia occurs in most children. There is no need to worry about this case, unless the fever reaches 38 ° C. If the temperature is high, you should definitely call a doctor to rule out or confirm the presence of infection. As a rule, experienced pediatricians, if the increase in temperature is caused by the eruption of fangs, advise bringing it down when it rises above 38 °. The following drugs are best suited for this:

  • Paracetamol for children.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Nurofen in suppositories.
  • Cefekon.

If hyperthermia persists for several days, it is recommended to call a doctor again.

How to reduce painful symptoms during teething?

The most important thing is that mom and dad are close. Parental care makes it much easier unpleasant symptoms. You can also resort to medications. The most effective in this regard tooth gel"Kalgel". Mom squeezes a little product onto her finger and applies it to the baby’s gums. light massage. The gel has a pronounced cooling and analgesic effect.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the duration and strength of the effect from using Kalgel. It affects children differently. In this case, Kamistad or Kholisal can help.

Help with your tooth teethers. It is recommended to cool these plastic and rubber toys in the refrigerator before giving them to your baby. If parents want the cooling effect to last longer, they can buy teethers with water inside at the pharmacy.

Brave mothers can do for their baby gum massage. It also reduces itching and helps improve blood flow, which leads to early appearance fangs.

The eruption of fangs in children is accompanied by symptoms that will make everyone in the household worry. The child refuses to eat and is capricious due to severe jaw pain radiating to the eyes and ears. Excessive anxiety in a baby frightens parents, making them wonder if it’s normal. the process is underway, how to alleviate the baby’s condition during this period, is a doctor needed. These and other points are discussed in the article.

At what age does a child start to have fangs?

Nature has endowed humans with four fangs, located in pairs in the lower and upper dentitions. In dentistry this type The teeth are called a trio, since their location is the area between the lateral incisors (second from the center of the row) and the first molars (fourth in a row).

Eruption of canines begins in children aged 16–18 months. By this time, the baby’s mouth already has 12 milk teeth: 4 central and lateral incisors and 2 molars on the lower and upper rows.

The canines are cut unevenly: the upper ones appear earlier - from 16 to 22 months, the lower ones a little later - from 17 to 23 months. However, standards in dentistry are a relative concept. It often happens that the “schedule” shifts to one side; in rare cases, the order of teething may go astray different types teeth. The timing and sequence of eruption depend on individual characteristics organism: heredity, character mineral metabolism, degree of calcium absorption.

What affects the timing of teeth appearance?

Children often develop fangs at a different age than normal, big influence The period of their eruption is influenced by the intrauterine period of development:

  • how the formation and formation of tooth germs took place;
  • how complete the mother’s nutrition was;
  • woman's age;
  • How did the pregnancy proceed?

Teeth formation continues after the baby is born, therefore:

  • it is desirable that breast-feeding newborns lasted at least 6 months, ideally up to 9 months;
  • The diet of a nursing woman should include a sufficient amount of milk and dairy products, fish and seafood, and mineral-rich vegetables;
  • With the approval of a doctor, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Also, the time at which a child grows a full set of teeth is influenced by climate and geographic zone of residence.

Why are teeth “delayed”?

If we exclude hereditary causes, then the problem of late teething may be due to insufficient intake of nutrients and metabolic disorders. Most likely, children's body lacks minerals, vitamin D, which affects calcium absorption.

Adentia can lead to dental problems. Enough rare disease is a consequence of a violation of intrauterine development, in which the rudiments of teeth are not formed. This problem can be solved only in one way - with the help of implantation.

What symptoms appear when a child has fangs?

The most striking symptom of teething in a child is profuse salivation, but such a manifestation does not appear immediately. 3-4 weeks before the moment when the tooth should erupt from the gums, preparation of its roots begins. The process is invisible externally, but the baby already feels discomfort, so initial signs rapid eruption is manifested by changes in behavior:

  • there is no mood, causeless whims appear;
  • sleep becomes restless, its rhythms are disturbed;
  • there is a need to put things in the mouth and chew toys.

External symptoms of canine eruption will appear when a small White spot- That's what it is baby tooth, ready to erupt to the surface.

External signs

2–3 days after the baby’s mood deteriorates, parents can notice the first signs of visible signs teething:

The most hard times for parents – when the child’s fangs erupt with increasing unpleasant and painful symptoms:

  • drooling causes irritation around the mouth and a rash on the chin;
  • loose stools are possible, which, according to pediatricians, is the result of swallowing a large volume of saliva;
  • salivation can provoke vomiting;
  • when the fangs climb to the surface, the child’s body temperature can reach critical values ​​– up to 38–38.5 °C;
  • Increasing itching covers nearby tissues.
A teething child constantly chews on toys in order to somehow suppress the itching and painful sensations in the gums.


If body temperature does not exceed normal limits, such hyperthermia is considered normal. physiological manifestation internal defense of the body. When a child loses his lower or upper fangs, his gums become inflamed, so the body mobilizes internal reserves to fight inflammation, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

What parents should consider:

  • How many degrees can the thermometer increase? According to pediatricians, values ​​exceeding 39 °C are critical for a child.
  • How long can the temperature last? It is unacceptable for a high temperature to last longer than 3-4 days. Slightly elevated temperature usually subsides after 5–7 days.
If hyperthermia continues for a long time, or the thermometer rises too high, you need to contact medical care. The child’s body, weakened due to teething, is susceptible to viruses and infections, so the baby could become seriously ill.

Why do babies do not tolerate the growth of fangs?

The most painful symptoms occur when the child's fangs erupt., which is due to the special anatomy of the “troika” and the location:

  • the roots of the third teeth are long and powerful, located deep in the gum;
  • The canines of the upper row grow in close proximity to the facial nerve, which is why they are also called eye teeth.

The eruption of fangs on the upper jaw takes a long time and is especially painful. Due to irritation of the facial nerve to common symptoms signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva are added: in the photo on the right, the swelling of the child’s eyelids is clearly visible.

The lower canines erupt less painfully, but not asymptomatically. Parents should prepare for an increase in temperature, which can last up to 3 days, and short-term bowel dysfunction in the baby.

How to help your baby during teething

Many of the symptoms that occur when children are teething can be relieved. Home and medical methods will come to the rescue:

Children's antipyretics are available in several dosage forms. For children of the first year of life, syrups or suppositories are relevant. Potions quickly reduce the temperature, but their effect is short-lived. Candles do not work immediately, but they last a long time. Before using any product, consult a doctor.

How to care for baby teeth, at what age do permanent teeth emerge?

The hygiene of baby teeth must be observed even during their growth., enamel cleaning is carried out by parents using a gauze swab or silicone fingertip, as in the photo. After the teeth have grown, the baby is taught to take care of his teeth independently. Toothbrush and paste must be appropriate for the child’s age.

Early tooth loss will lead to improper formation of the maxillofacial apparatus, which is why it is so important to preserve baby teeth until the age of their physiological replacement. Normally, the time series changes to a constant one in 10–12 years:

  • the first “losses” begin at the age of 7: first the front incisors fall out, then the lateral ones;
  • Permanent canines grow from 9–10 years of age, the dental arch is formed until 11–12 years of age, and adult teeth are finally formed by 25 years of age.

Health permanent teeth the child depends on the condition dairy range Therefore, it is so important that the process of teething and changing teeth is controlled by a dentist. It is necessary to take your child to the dentist at least 2 times a year in order to promptly correct the bite if it is incorrectly formed or to heal developing caries.