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Signs of imminent teething. And if so, they will help. Why didn't my teeth appear on time?

The time when a child is cutting his adult teeth is one of the most serious and difficult periods of his development. To help the baby survive it without problems, parents need to know what symptoms indicate the eruption of molars, and how to help the child in this situation.

Molar milk teeth

  1. Deciduous incisors, like permanent incisors, have a root.
  2. The rudiments of such dental units are formed in the prenatal period.
  3. When a temporary tooth is replaced by an adult one, the old root eventually resolves on its own.
  4. On the first teeth the enamel is softer.
  5. Milk teeth are smooth, and their roots are wide, so that there is room for the development of rudiments permanent teeth.
  6. Temporary teeth are canines and lateral incisors, central and first molars, premolars. The second molars in four-year-old children are already adults.

When the rudiments of an adult tooth appear, the root of its predecessor weakens and the tooth becomes loose. If it is not pulled out, an adult tooth may be visible underneath it. When milk interferes with it, it can grow with deviations from the norm.

The dentition is symmetrical in nature, and teeth erupt in pairs: on both parts of the dentition they appear almost simultaneously.

Timing of adult teeth eruption

The rudiments of the first teeth (on average, about 20 units) in infants are formed during the first two years of life. When the time comes to replace them with permanent teeth, the milk teeth become loose and fall out. Certain deadlines There is no eruption of molars; the speed can be affected by many factors: environmental conditions, climate, water quality and diet. They also play a certain role genetic features, some of which make themselves felt even during the formation of the fetus. The influence can be both positive and negative. If parents from birth healthy teeth, then you don’t have to worry about your child’s teeth. If the first incisors, canines and premolars grow in 3 years, then the permanent ones take a long time to erupt. The first symptoms of dentition change can be seen at the age of 5, and it continues until the age of 21, when the third molars appear.

Signs of formation of permanent teeth

Most characteristic symptom formation of adult teeth in childhood– growth in jaw size. The gaps between the first teeth are small; if the jaw grows, this means that it creates conditions for new dental units. Adult teeth are larger than temporary teeth, so they require a lot of space. The distance between baby teeth increases. They lose stability and fall out. With any deviations, the teeth will break through with pain, bend, and ruin the bite. In order for a child’s teeth to grow correctly, parents need to control this process.

Permanent teeth can erupt at 6-7 years of age without any symptoms, but most often the child behaves restlessly, is capricious, gets irritated over trifles, and eats poorly. Often the formation of permanent teeth has the same signs as during the eruption of milk teeth. If other diseases occur during teething, they can distort the symptoms.

Increased salivation is a very common symptom, although it is no longer as abundant as in infancy, but you can notice the difference. At the age of 6, children can already be taught to wipe their mouth with a napkin, otherwise irritation will appear on the face, since saliva contains many microbes that aggressively affect delicate skin.

During the period of growth of permanent teeth, the gums and mucous membranes become inflamed again. If you notice redness in the mouth, it is better to show the child to a dentist, who can accurately distinguish the beginning of teething from a banal viral infection.

Over time, swelling is observed on the gums - this is an adult tooth making its way to replace the temporary one. The germination process is painful; parents can alleviate the child’s condition with anesthetics.

Pain is replaced by itching. The child pulls any things to his mouth to soothe his gums.

A natural symptom will be deterioration in sleep quality. If he's worried toothache, the baby will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up at night, cries, and tosses and turns.

Some children develop a fever, cough, and upset stool.

The development of a newborn child is always accompanied by difficulties.

Inexperienced mothers often find it difficult to understand the true cause of their baby’s anxiety and crying.

In the first year of life, the baby very quickly acquires new skills, and all organ systems adapt to the changed living conditions.

Changes are often accompanied by pain or discomfort, which affects the baby’s behavior. Parents should be able to recognize the signs of first teeth erupting. This will help the baby get through the painful period more easily.

Teething pattern

Young mothers are interested in what time their children’s first teeth begin to cut. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

The normal period is considered to be from 6 to 8 months. However, earlier eruption is not a pathology.

There is a specific order in which babies teeth erupt.

It should be noted that most often teeth grow symmetrically and in pairs.

The standard cutting order can be seen in the diagram.

  1. The lower central incisors appear first. It is these teeth that the parents of the baby are looking forward to. Their appearance signals the start of the eruption process. This begins at the age of about 6 months. Teeth grow in by 7 months.
  2. Next comes the turn of the upper teeth. The central incisors appear first, and a little later the lateral incisors. This period can be long. The first signs of teething upper jaw can be observed at 7 months. The process continues until the child reaches one year.
  3. The lower lateral incisors appear next. Their first signs can also be noticed by 7 months. At this time, the child is already actively getting acquainted with complementary foods.
  4. The first molars, or molars, appear after one year. As a rule, they grow simultaneously on both jaws. Sometimes the lower molars erupt a little earlier.
  5. Following them, missing fangs appear, 2 on the top and lower jaw.
  6. The second molars are the last to erupt. The lower jaw is filled first, and then the upper.

All these teeth are usually called baby teeth. Later they will be replaced by permanent teeth. There are only 20 baby teeth. Their rudiments are already present in the gum tissue at the time of birth. Usually the formation process is completed by three years.

Young mothers should not rely solely on standard numbers. These are average indicators. Teeth may begin to erupt at 4 months of age. This is also the norm.

Possible first signs

Mothers of six-month-old babies should be careful. Teething can cause mood swings, crying and anxiety. There are a number of signs that help parents determine the beginning of growth of the child’s incisors.

A small child begins to put all objects in his mouth. They taste rattles, books and their own fingers.

This is due to the fact that the gums gradually loosen. The child may experience discomfort, itching, and even painful sensations. Soft fabrics the jaws itch, and the child tries to solve this problem on his own.

It is best to buy your baby a special teether. Some models are filled with liquid. They need to be pre-cooled. This method allows you to quickly get rid of pain. Can be done for a child light massage a clean finger wrapped in gauze. It is permissible to soak the fabric with chamomile decoction.

If such measures do not help relieve pain, it is recommended to use a special gel for gums. There are drugs approved from 3 one month old. You can give your child a paracetamol-based pain reliever. This remedy will also relieve fever.

Lack of appetite may also indicate the imminent appearance of the first incisors. The child refuses the breast or bottle due to pain. Typically, tooth growth is not a continuous process. Unpleasant sensations can suddenly appear and disappear on their own.

A baby whose first pair of incisors appears becomes capricious and restless. Changes in gum tissue cause him discomfort. This is a temporary condition. Relief usually occurs as soon as the outer part of the tooth is exposed.

Teething in children is accompanied by symptoms such as increased salivation, moodiness, and swelling of the gums. What if the child has a fever? After reading this article, you will find out whether a baby’s temperature during teething is normal.

Common signs of first tooth eruption

Some signs most accurately indicate the imminent appearance of the first teeth. These include:

  • profuse salivation;
  • the appearance of a rash around the mouth and on the chin;
  • redness of the gums;
  • swelling or swelling;
  • bleeding gums.

Teething is stressful for a small organism. During this period, the final formation is usually salivary glands. Their work is activated due to irritation of gum tissue. A child under 6 months still has trouble swallowing saliva. The enzymes contained in this liquid irritate delicate skin. For this reason, a rash often appears on the child's chin or near the mouth. Gradually, less saliva will be produced, the baby will learn to swallow excess liquid, and the skin will cleanse.

The most obvious sign is redness and swelling of the gums. This can be seen by carefully examining the child’s oral cavity. Capillaries are clearly visualized on the mucous membranes. Bleeding may often occur. This is fine. The gum tissue is loose and sensitive, and the teeth have sharp edges.

You can conduct an independent examination of your baby’s gums. Immediately before the tooth erupts, a small, light-colored bump appears. It is well defined to the touch. This is a sure sign of growth of the first incisors, molars or canines.

Symptoms of teething in children

There are also indirect symptoms indicating tooth growth in children. You definitely need to pay attention to them.

Disorders digestive system. Children often experience vomiting.

This may indicate teething. As a rule, the process is associated with ingestion large quantity saliva. The same reason can provoke the appearance of diarrhea.

At the same time, the stool becomes liquefied, but its color remains unchanged.

Feces should not contain significant mucus or streaks of blood.

  1. Runny nose. When cutting through, transparent watery discharge from the nasal passages. It is important to differentiate this condition from influenza or acute respiratory infections. In case of viral diseases, a runny nose does not go away within 3-4 days, and the contents discharged from the sinuses become yellow or green.
  2. Cough. This common occurrence when the first teeth appear. The child swallows saliva, some of the liquid may enter the respiratory tract. Coughing is a kind of defensive reaction.
  3. Temperature increase. Many children react to tooth growth this way. The temperature usually rises to low-grade levels. It stays at around 37 0 C. Higher values ​​indicate viral disease or the addition of a bacterial infection.

All babies are individual. For some, the process of teething is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that require examination by a doctor. Other kids tolerate this period quite easily.

It should be remembered that all these symptoms are relative. They can also signal the presence of diseases or pathologies. It is best to consult a pediatrician.

Caring parents know how to help their baby with difficult period. You need to put your baby to your chest and pick him up more often. This will reduce anxiety and improve normal mode sleep. The pediatrician will recommend safe medications to quickly relieve pain. The use of teethers and gum massage can complement the effect.

Video on the topic

You look forward to each new phase of your child’s life with special impatience. It’s hard to imagine what the next day has in store. Whether it’s teething in babies, the first step, the word, or independent exploration of the world, everything is new and interesting. Parents look at their baby with special pride. And the child joyfully bursts into a cheerful smile. Only sometimes, along with joy, comes malaise, which manifests itself especially strongly. After all, the baby still doesn’t know that similar condition norm. And the first teeth are not always a joy for him, since a certain change in the usual state can cause screams, tears and other unpleasant deviations from the norm.

Signs of teething in infants

Experienced parents know what the signs of teething in infants are. And as soon as they appear, they strive to make it easier for their child to enter adulthood. But not always obvious signs accompanying the appearance of teeth can lead to their immediate appearance. It may even take several months before a white new tooth, or most likely a pair, graces the baby’s charming mouth.

The main signs of teething include:

  • A sharp increase in salivation.
  • The baby’s desire to put any suitable object into his mouth: a finger, a pacifier, an elastic band, a rodent and anything that “does not fit well.”
  • An increase in temperature is observed immediately before the appearance of the tooth.
  • Swollen gums.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Increased irritability and nervousness, frequent crying and a desire to be held.
  • Runny nose, or rather the discharge of water from the nasal cavity.
  • Diarrhea or increased frequency of loose stools.
  • Weak coughing resulting from choking on saliva.
  • Increasing acetone levels.

Such signs of teething in infants are quite relative. Some experience the whole range of emotions and sensations, while for others everything goes absolutely painlessly and the only thing that bothers them is excessive salivation. Congenital characteristics Every child’s teeth are such that the appearance of the upper teeth can cause particular discomfort, while the lower teeth may not even be noticed. Everything is purely individual and it is simply impossible to predict how a child will cope with teething.

Symptoms of teething in babies

It is almost impossible to identify symptoms of teething in a baby before the appearance of his first snow-white incisors. After the first teeth have appeared, you can be completely sure how the baby will react in the future. For some, this is a very painful process that causes a lot of irritation, tears, fever and general malaise. For others, everything is completely painless. And the only thing that spoils the baby’s life is constant drooling and an insatiable desire to scratch his gums. Which he successfully does, biting everything with his toothless mouth. Even if there are no problems with the upper incisors, the lower ones can lead to discomfort. Or vice versa. Everything is purely individual and the baby’s feelings are difficult to predict. Although, if the symptoms are particularly strong and the baby feels very poorly during the periods before teething, then a similar situation will be repeated until all the baby teeth are born. Teething in infants is a lengthy process that requires a lot of attention and patience from parents.

If you want to know how a baby’s teeth erupt and what his feelings are like... this moment, then it’s worth asking him about it. Of course this is a joke. But it is quite difficult to accurately identify the entire process. Salivation can appear either a couple of days before the appearance of the white incisor or a couple of months. The only thing that clearly indicates that a tooth will soon appear: swollen gums. Some parents dream of determining exactly when teeth will appear. Using a silver spoon, they check how ready he is to come out. Only sometimes, even light tapping can lead to severe pain. Therefore, teething in infants should take its course. And parents are only obliged to help facilitate this process.

Baby's first tooth

One only has to look at how proudly parents talk about their baby’s first tooth. We can say that this is the first achievement that the child has made in his life. And most mothers and fathers believe that the incisors should appear within a precisely specified period: no later than six months. And what is their disappointment when this miracle did not happen. But the child is purely individual. Few people know that 5 children out of 10,000 are born with two incisors, and 20 children out of the same number cannot show their first teeth to the world until almost two years of age. With children, few things go according to plan. The baby's first tooth will appear when it is due. In many ways, its appearance is determined by the gene pool of the parents. If their first teeth appeared early, then the baby will definitely delight them with such a miracle.

Diagram of teething in infants

While it is almost impossible to determine exactly when a baby’s first tooth will appear, the pattern of teething in babies never fails.

The first thing parents should look forward to is the incisors, both upper and lower. Next according to the plan are the second incisors, also in both rows of incisors. And then the process proceeds as if according to established rules: large molars, canines, and the second large molars complete the process. By the age of three, the baby should have at least 20 snow-white teeth. They will decorate a child’s mouth until he is 6 years old, and then fall out and be replaced.

Teething in infants is a very exciting process and requires maximum patience and care from parents. It is at this time that children are most vulnerable, which means that every effort must be made to maintain their health in the struggle for their first teeth.

How to respond to irritation and tearfulness infant when teething? This article will help parents protect themselves from unnecessary nerves and worries.

An important stage of the child’s adaptation to the conditions of “adult” life in society has been passed and the parents, having come to their senses after searching for the optimal daily routine and feeding schedule for the baby, decided to breathe a sigh of relief? We are sure that the baby’s age, starting from 3-4 months, is not the best for this. favorable time. After all, given the pace of development of our children, at this age it is time to take a closer look at the topic of teething in infants.

Teeth cutting? It's not a tragedy

The stereotype of difficult eruption of baby teeth in many parents causes fear and excessive anxiety about this physiological process in advance.

Important to remember! Even if teething is accompanied by cold symptoms (cough, heat, vomiting and runny nose), this is not a reason to consider the process a tragedy.

All children and all parents, without exception, go through this stage, the only difference is in their attitude towards this event. Will it be difficult in your case, let's try to figure it out!

Timing of teething - it is important to navigate

Typically, the appearance active growth The first milk teeth are usually attributed to the period of 4-7 months. However, the first symptoms of excessive anxiety and moodiness can be periodically observed in the baby, starting from 3 months.

You should know! The timing of teething in each individual case is different and you should not be sure that in your case all the predictions of “experienced” mothers will come true 100% by gleaning information from a forum on the Internet.

We can only say with certainty that:

  • The baby will develop teeth during the first year of life;
  • The baby’s reaction to the appearance of teeth is individual.

In fact, it is worth knowing that your baby's teeth begin to form in the womb. IN certain period During pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop teeth.

Some experts are inclined to believe that there is a pronounced genetic connection between the timing of the appearance of teeth in a mother and a child. Therefore, if your baby, compared to his peers, has a slight “delay” in terms of delivery, you should pay close attention to this fact. Although, as an absolute rule, this statement by doctors has no basis.

Baby teeth – eruption “schedule”

Young parents mistakenly believe that all teeth that appear in infancy are temporary (baby teeth). In fact, only 20 teeth fall into this category.

Each child has a different schedule for the eruption of baby teeth.

Something to remember! 12 teeth are erupted by molars (permanent) and do not naturally change during a person’s life.

With making changes to individual development baby and the associated changes in the order of appearance of teeth, we present a generally accepted scheme:

  • first lower incisors (medial);
  • first upper incisors (medial);
  • second upper incisors (lateral);
  • second lower incisors (lateral);
  • first upper molars (upper);
  • first molars (lower);
  • upper canines;
  • lower canines;
  • second lower molars (lower)
  • second molars (upper).

Don't panic - the first signs of tooth eruption

Every parent in this period dreams of waking up one morning and seeing your baby smiling, with his tiny, handsome teeth shining.

However, not everyone experiences a finding in a child’s mouth. pleasant surprise. Many parents are going through this difficult period quite hard. It's all about the accompanying symptoms.

Among the signs that will help distinguish teething from a cold or other functional disorder:

  • soreness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation (70% of all cases);
  • moodiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • itching of the gums (characteristic of holding a finger in the mouth).

During teething, the baby puts his hands in his mouth

Diarrhea, cough, fever and runny nose are symptoms that should not be alarmed

If teething symptoms similar to clinical picture With a cold or ARVI, caring parents immediately call a doctor.

However, it is unlikely that you will be able to hear a clear answer that diarrhea, wet cough, runny nose, and increased body temperature are associated with the process of teeth appearing in your baby. The thing is that doctors still do not have an unambiguous view of the relationship between these two phenomena.

In most cases, doctors tend to “play it safe” and recommend a number of preventive measures to strengthen the immune system.

Some simple tips to reduce discomfort from teething symptoms:

1. Increase in temperature– period of 1-2 days, not higher than 38.5 C – 39 C. To reduce, use dosage forms recommended for the child’s age;

Attention! If the temperature is higher 39 C and lasts more than 2 days - consultation with a doctor is required.

2. Diarrhea – The child’s bowel movements are watery, infrequent (2-3 times a day), lasting no more than 1-3 days.

Attention! Frequent diarrhea with the appearance of bloody formations more than 3 times a day and characteristic abdominal pain - immediate appeal to the doctor.

3. Runny nose - the mucus is fluid and transparent, not very abundant, the period is 3-4 days.

Attention! If the runny nose acquires a whitish or greenish tint, nasal congestion is observed and severe general malaise of the baby lasts more than 3 days - without professional help a doctor is indispensable.

4. Wet cough – rare, occurring in a lying position. The development period is 2-3 days.

Attention! When frequent wet cough In an infant, it is important to exclude the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

Many parents are interested in the question, how to distinguish between such similar symptoms and, most importantly, not to miss the moment of development of a serious illness, attributing the symptoms to teething?

If you are inexperienced or have doubts about the real reason symptoms appear - call a doctor! Consulting a specialist will always help you find answers to your questions and provide your child with the necessary help.

Attention! Features of baby teeth

After the stage associated with the formation of the tooth in the gum, there comes a period of appearance of a whitish protrusion, which is felt when held with a finger.

However, the process of teething itself may not be the end of the difficulties in the formation of a child’s teeth.

The stage of teeth emergence is a crucial moment that must be kept under control. It is important to record not only the location of each tooth, but also pay attention to their coloring.

You should constantly monitor the teething process

The color of the teeth indicates:

  • blackish edging of the neck - inflammatory process chronic or use of iron supplements (solution);
  • yellowish-greenish - severe disorders of bilirubin metabolism, possible conditions of red blood cell death;
  • yellowish-brown - use of antibiotics (mother or child);
  • reddish - a congenital disorder of the metabolism of the pigment porphyria (porphyrin).

When viewed daily oral cavity The child should also pay attention to:

  • for malocclusion - uneven growth of the jaws (usually occurs in cases of prolonged use of the nipple);
  • violations of the location of the teeth - causes: trauma, tumors of the alveolar process of the jaw, small jaw size, congenital disorder of connective tissue metabolism;
  • the presence of ulcers, injuries, stomatitis, etc.

Baby teeth - food for thought

Paying attention to every “detail” associated with the eruption and development of teeth in children infancy we can directly monitor general condition baby's health and already early stages, if necessary, take surgical methods help.

ABOUT possible pathology may indicate:

improper formation of a child’s baby or molar tooth (shape, size, color, etc.);

  • delay (large) in the appearance of the first baby tooth;
  • teething outside the arch of the dentition;
  • the appearance of a baby tooth much earlier than normal;
  • teeth appear before the baby is born;
  • violation of the sequence (schedule) of teething;
  • absence of a tooth at the end of the eruption period.

The information provided can only be perceived as additional diagnostic capabilities that relate to indirect factors indicating the presence of pathology. In any case, if you find one or more of the above symptoms, you must set out to refute this assumption when conducting a thorough examination.

Your child needs your help

The period of teething in an infant is an important stage, accompanied not only by difficulties of a physiological nature.

The baby needs your attention during this difficult period.

At this moment, the baby seeks to compensate for the feeling of discomfort that has arisen on a psychological level. The child has an increased need for affection and being held. Being “out of line” with the feeding schedule, the child increasingly asks for the breast to calm down.

You should be patient for a couple of days and try to reduce the child’s discomfort in all ways. As a rule, after 2-3 days, the eating schedule returns, and the child’s mood and behavior return to normal.

Using additional techniques during teething

Painful or painless teething is always accompanied by the baby’s desire to chew or gnaw on something.

Relieve discomfort Elastic rubber toys or a special ring will help with gums.

Using a teether, your baby can scratch his gums

Worth taking into account! Your tastes and recommendations from pediatricians and dentists regarding the choice of a device for “scratching” gums may differ from the taste preferences of your child. Only the baby can choose a favorite item with which he will relieve itching and discomfort from teething. Your child's choice should be accepted, making sure that the item is safe.

Many kids enthusiastically “practice” chewing the crust of bread or a bagel.

Try to distract your child at these moments by involving him in interesting activities. The desire for peace and relaxation in silence arises only in adults when they feel unwell. For the child at these moments, it is important to have a positive mood and the greatest possible absence of discomfort.

If a child experiences severe gum pain, doctors recommend the use of special gels (“Kamistad”, “Cholisal”, “Kalgel”). You can eliminate teething pain in your baby by applying medicine on the child’s gums up to 6 times a day. You should not forget about the rules of personal hygiene (cleanliness of hands and nails), since the gel is applied with your finger while lightly massaging and rubbing.

Many parents tend to exaggerate the effect of the “magic” gel, attributing to it the action of accelerating the process of teething. In fact, the gel only eliminates unpleasant symptoms. These drugs contain analgesics and natural antiseptics, due to which the gel has a calming effect.

  • The teething period is different increased salivation. To prevent irritation of the baby’s delicate skin, it is recommended to blot the saliva with a soft and absorbent “nose tip”;
  • exclude the use of aspirin, alcohol-containing solutions and other medications during teething;
  • To care for the soft and thin enamel of baby teeth, it is recommended to use a special fingertip with pimples. You cannot use toothpaste (despite the advertising gimmicks of manufacturers).

    When should you schedule your first dental visit?

    A mandatory visit to the dentist is required at 6 months of age. The doctor assesses the condition of the frenulum, lower and upper lip child, structural features of the maxillofacial apparatus.

    Is it possible to use gum massage during teething?

    Yes, you can massage your baby’s gums yourself by first preparing a gauze swab and cold water. By moistening a tampon in water, you can not only relieve the itching of a toddler, but also effectively clean the oral cavity. The massage should be extremely gentle and careful.

    Is it possible to use medicinal herbs to relieve inflammation?

    If parents, for some reason, exclude the possibility of using a special gel, then experts recommend the use of chamomile decoction. The decoction is given to the child to drink internally, applications are made, and the oral cavity is wiped.

    We hope that in our material you have found everything that will help you more calmly and “professionally” survive the teething stage in infants. Grow big and always healthy!

Timely teethingteeth- index normal height, physical development and the baby’s health status, as well as an indispensable condition for introducing more solid food into the baby’s diet.

During intrauterine development, the formation of teeth occurs. A total of 20 dairy and 32 permanent teeth. The normal process of eruption can be represented as follows: as soon as the formation of the crown of a baby tooth is completed (this is the name of the enamel-covered part of the tooth, which subsequently rises above the gum), the process of eruption is initiated - the growth of the tooth germ and the emergence of the formed tooth to the surface.

Each baby tooth is characterized by the corresponding timing of crown formation. Thus, the crowns of the primary incisors of the lower jaw complete their formation by 6–8 months of age, and they are the first to appear.

The growing tooth germ puts pressure on the bone tissue located above it, which leads to local disruption of the blood supply and, as a result, to resorption of the tooth itself. bone tissue and to atrophy (decrease in volume, thinning) of the adjacent gum area. At the same time, newly formed bone tissue is deposited at the bottom of the cavity in the jaw, where the tooth root is located.

As a rule, one lower central incisor appears first, and after 1-2 weeks the second one becomes visible. Following them, four upper teeth appear - first those located in the center of the dentition - the central upper incisors, then, on the sides of them, the upper lateral incisors. After this, the lower lateral incisors emerge. So, at 1 year a child should have 8 teeth.

By the age of 3, a baby, as a rule, has 20 erupted teeth: 4 incisors on the upper and 4 on the lower jaw, 2 canines on the top and 2 on the bottom, 4 small molars in the upper dentition and 4 in the lower.

The timing of eruption can vary greatly. It depends on heredity, the baby’s nutrition, and the child’s health status. Teeth may erupt in pairs or one at a time.

For infants quantity teething is an objective criterion that allows you to assess their health status. There is a formula for calculating the number of baby teeth in a child up to two years of age (up to 24 months):

Number of teeth = Age (in months) – 4.

For example: to determine how many teeth a child should have at 1 year old, you need to subtract 4 from 12, we get 12 – 4 = 8.

It is necessary to clarify that in some children the process of teething occurs faster, with a shorter interval between the eruption of the previous and subsequent teeth, and ends at 2–2.5 years, but the norm will be considered if 20 teeth appear by 3 years.

There are 3 main characteristics indicating that the process of eruption occurs physiologically and corresponds to the norm:

  • timeliness (compliance with eruption dates);
  • sequence (observance of the order of eruption of certain groups of teeth);
  • pairing ( simultaneous appearance symmetrically located teeth of the same group: for example, first the two lower incisors appear, then the two upper ones).

Child's age (in months)

Name and location of teeth

Central lower incisors


Central upper incisors


Upper lateral incisors


Lateral lower incisors


First upper molars


First lower molars


Upper canines


Lower canines


Second lower molars


Second upper molars

Baby's well-being during teething

Teething, being physiological process during the development of the child, cannot cause any diseases. However, it often affects the baby’s well-being.

When teething, the baby’s behavior also changes: the child becomes more restless, begins to put everything in his mouth, including his fingers, fists, toys and any objects that are at hand. This happens because the baby feels itching and soreness in the gum area and tries to touch sore spot, rub it. Some children more often require a breast or a bottle, others, on the contrary, refuse to eat due to painful sensations.

The following symptoms may occur during teething.

Deterioration in general health:

The baby becomes capricious and irritable.

An increase in the child’s body temperature, which sometimes accompanies the process of teething, is associated with a reaction to inflammation of the oral mucosa at the site of teething, or with the presence infectious disease, coinciding with the appearance of teeth against the background of a temporary decrease in immunity. Thus, an increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) is caused not by the process of tooth eruption itself, but by phenomena associated with it.

Sleep is disturbed (the child often wakes up and screams in his sleep). This is due to the presence of pain in the gum area, with increased irritability against the background of weakness of inhibition processes in nervous system at the baby.

Changes in the gastrointestinal tract:

Appetite decreases (it is painful for the baby to bite and chew, he may refuse to breastfeed), and a temporary halt in the child’s body weight gain may be noted. If your baby refuses to eat, do not force-feed him - it is better to temporarily switch to free feeding.

There is increased salivation (hypersalivation), which is one of the first signs of rapid tooth eruption. Heavy discharge saliva occurs due to irritation nerve endings in the oral cavity. The drooling itself is so noticeable because the child does not yet know how to swallow saliva, and it flows freely down the chin. Increased salivation is a kind of preparation for eating solid food, which must be softened before chewing.

The nature of the stool changes (becomes more liquid), and it may also become more frequent. This is explained possible change diet and diet, as well as the frequent entry into the child’s mouth of not always clean objects, as a result of which the composition of the microflora changes and an intestinal infection may occur.

Local changes:

Increased gum sensitivity. Their redness and swelling are noted.

During teething, it is important to minimize the baby's contact with strangers, limit visits to crowded places, and also carefully monitor the cleanliness of everything that gets into the baby’s mouth: this is the prevention of possible respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases.

When a baby shows signs of illness, it is very important to carefully monitor him, to understand what exactly is bothering the child and to what extent, what is the dynamics of his condition. This must be done in order to distinguish in time whether the existing symptoms are associated with teething or are a manifestation of any disease.

If you notice that your child’s gums are very swollen and inflamed, you need to show him to the pediatrician and pediatric dentist.

Until the first 16 primary teeth emerge, their irregular or asymmetrical position is not a sign of disease. Performing their function, namely, directly participating in the process of chewing, the teeth undergo the so-called “grinding in” and over time align themselves - “fall into place.”

To determine whether baby teeth have erupted properly, ask your child to clench their teeth together tightly. Normally, the upper teeth should overlap the lower teeth by no more than a third, and the midlines between the lower and upper teeth must match. But if this is not the case, there is no reason for great concern: the final formation of the primary occlusion occurs only by 2.5–3 years.

Teething: how to help your baby?

It is very common to use special gels that are applied to sore gum. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Gels can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription, many of them contain local anesthetic(for example, LIDOCAINE), which reduces pain, and various fillers (menthol for cooling, flavorings, astringents).

Gels should be applied if necessary, but no more than 3-4 times a day and no more than 3 days in a row. It is recommended to apply 0.5–1 cm of gel from the tube per application.

Gels DENTINOX, MUNDIZAL, CHOLISAL, KALGEL, DOCTOR BABY, KAMISTAD can be used. It is also possible to use the drug BEBIDENT in drops. Your pediatrician will help you choose the drug.

If the temperature rises, you can resort to antipyretic drugs once medicines. But be careful, since teething is not characterized by a prolonged (more than 1-2 days) and excessively high (more than 38 ° C) increase in body temperature. If the temperature stays at high level more than 1-2 days, then tooth eruption is probably accompanied by some disease, about which it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician.

KALPOL suppositories, EFFERALGAN syrup, TYLENOL will help to quickly reduce the temperature. After 6 months you can use NUROFEN. Your pediatrician will recommend one of these remedies.

Since the sensitivity threshold is different people is different, then in some children with hypersensitivity during eruption there will be strong painful sensations. In this case, the pediatrician may prescribe a painkiller or homeopathic remedy for the teething period.

There are special devices that help reduce pain in the gum area. They come in the form of rubber or plastic toys with a grooved or other uneven surface and are designed for chewing, when the child pulls everything into his mouth, trying to numb the itching and discomfort at the teething site. Such devices are called teethers. You can buy them at a pharmacy or in children's stores. Often teethers have the shape of a ring, inside of which there is a cavity filled with liquid. Since coolness brings relief to sore gums, before giving the teether to your child, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator for a while. It's important to refrigerate it, but don't freeze it!

You can use ice: wrap a piece in a clean, ironed scarf and gently move it over your gums. It is important not to keep the cold in one place for a long time and to ensure that the ice itself does not come into contact with the surface of the oral mucosa.

Show extra attention to your baby, caress him once again, take care of him and find words of consolation. Your warmth and love will help the baby cope with pain and bad mood. Try distracting him with a game or favorite activity. By switching your baby's attention to interesting things, you will help him survive this unpleasant moment in his life.

Since teething is often accompanied by increased salivation, you should use a bib so that the baby’s clothes on the chest do not get wet, and also wipe the baby’s mouth, chin and cheeks more often, since the constant presence of saliva on them can cause irritation on delicate skin. To prevent skin reactions, it is recommended to lubricate the baby's skin around the mouth with baby cream.

Possible violations

Incorrect positioning of teeth can be caused by both genetic factors, influencing the formation of a certain constitution, and exposure to external factors, for example, the habit of sucking a pacifier that is not shaped like anatomical features the child's oral cavity, or thumb. Any disease suffered has a negative impact on the development of the dental system as a whole. Particular importance is given to diseases internal organs(disruption of the hematopoietic, digestive and other systems), as well as infectious and colds. Past illness, for example, can slow down the timing of teething.

Baby dental care

You need to start caring for your teeth from the moment the first tooth erupts. First, the mother herself brushes the baby’s teeth using a piece of gauze moistened boiled water. After a few teeth have erupted, you can use a finger-shaped silicone toothbrush placed on the parent's finger. At 1 year old the baby will need his first Toothbrush– with a thick handle, small head and soft bristles.

It is very important to teach your child to brush their teeth correctly and instill the habit of doing this at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals, as recommended by dentists. It is also very important, in order to prevent caries, to accustom the baby to proper nutrition and lack bad habits, such as an abundance of sweets, drinking sweet tea or juice at night, falling asleep with a bottle or pacifier in your mouth. Protective properties enamel small child are reduced, so the effect of any provoking factor can lead to the development of caries.

You can start using toothpaste as soon as your first tooth appears. There are special baby pastes for infants, they should consist of natural ingredients, contain enzymes and calcium. They should not contain fluoride, artificial colors or preservatives, since the baby will initially swallow the paste, and ingesting fluoride is very harmful for children. Also, pastes should be low-abrasive, that is, fine-grained, which has a gentler cleaning effect.

At 1 year from for preventive purposes It is necessary to show the baby to a pediatric dentist. From the age of 2, a child should be shown to the dentist twice a year.

Take extra care of your baby when he is teething. Be patient, affectionate, attentive - and then together you will definitely cope with all the troubles of this period.