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What happens if you don't remove the root of the tooth? Treatment of rotten teeth. Methods for removing tooth roots: from simple to complex

The question of installing an implant or restoring a tooth is usually decided when the roots of the tooth are healthy - in such cases, the doctor fills the canals, restores the crown with a pin, or together with the patient evaluates the possibility of prosthetics.

If a tooth is completely destroyed by caries and restoration is impossible, the roots most often have to be removed - otherwise they become a focus chronic infection, leading to infection of surrounding tissues, and if the process is advanced, of neighboring teeth and the jaw area. In addition, a cyst can develop on the root - this is not only very painful, but also difficult to treat. The occurrence of a cyst is extremely dangerous unpleasant consequences- for example, rupture with the formation of phlegmon or osteomyelitis.

It often becomes necessary to remove even healthy roots if, as a result of an injury, the crown of the tooth is completely broken off - for example, if the chip partially extends under the gum or there is a high probability of infection in the canals.

The tooth roots remaining after extraction can cause significant discomfort to the patient, continuing to rot, hurt, and infect the bone tissue. IN in rare cases the roots do not cause any sensations at all and are found only on x-ray, but more often patients feel that the root has not been completely removed. Usually, after removal, the dental surgeon checks to see if any root fragments remain in the gum, and, if necessary, performs an operation to remove them.

How are roots removed?

Removal of tooth roots is performed under local anesthesia (if indicated, it is possible general anesthesia). This is a less painful operation than is commonly believed, although it is quite complex.

Typically, tooth roots are removed using special forceps, the shape of which depends on the location of the affected tooth and its structure. Also important role plays a role in the condition of both the actual roots to be removed and the tissues surrounding them.

If the remainder of the root cannot be pulled out with forceps, it can be removed with an elevator - a special tool that is inserted between the wall of the hole and the root. Roots connected to each other sometimes have to be separated using a drill and removed one by one.

Possible complications after removal of tooth roots - inflammation of the socket (alveolitis), bleeding, swelling. To avoid them, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs after removal.

Patients are often frightened by the upcoming procedure, but experienced dental surgeons can handle this operation without difficulty. Difficulties most often arise when removing “roots” due to the peculiarities of their location, but for a qualified specialist this is not a problem.

Visiting the dentist's office is an ordeal for many people. Patients believe that root removal is accompanied by painful sensations, as well as mandatory cutting and suturing of the gums. However modern methods, instruments and materials allow the operation to be performed with virtually no discomfort or complications.

Is it necessary to remove the root of a decayed tooth?

When there is no dental crown, but there are roots in the gums, you need to determine what condition they are in. The coronal part can be destroyed both on a tooth with a nerve and on a pulpless one. If the roots of a tooth are severely damaged, it cannot be restored. The dentition is restored by installing an implant or bridge after removing fragments of the unit.

Should teeth be removed if they don't hurt? Patients often turn to dentists with the following symptoms: a tooth has crumbled to the base and rotted, but the person is not bothered by pain. The strength of the immune system allows you to contain the spread of infection for a certain time, but there comes a time when acute inflammation accompanied by swelling. Then you can lose both the destroyed unit and its neighbors.

Absolute indications for removal

Amputation of the rotten root is mandatory, since it is a breeding ground for infection. The problem is not only unpleasant smell from the mouth - bacteria multiply in the remains of the unit, supragingival or subgingival calculus is present on them, which causes inflammation of the gums. Almost always, the tops of the roots are infected, which can cause a granuloma to form, which subsequently leads to gumboil (we recommend reading:). You can see what a decayed tooth looks like in the photo.

Removal is indicated in cases:

  • periodontal diseases;
  • if the tooth is loose;
  • the presence of a cyst, abscess;
  • caries damage;
  • complex tooth fracture;
  • the presence of fragments deeply stuck in the hole;
  • atypical position of the unit.

Removal of wisdom tooth roots is almost always required. These are far located molars that cannot be properly cared for, so the “eights” are quickly destroyed. Wisdom teeth often cause displacement of other units and constant inflammation due to cheek biting. Units are saved if they have grown correctly and are not too damaged. A crown is placed on the wisdom tooth or used for further restoration of the row using a bridge.

When can you leave the root if the tooth is crumbled?

If possible, dentists strive to save at least one root of a damaged multi-rooted tooth. It can become a support for the crown, thanks to which the unit will continue to perform its functions.

If a wall or only a root is present due to the loss of the filling of a pulpless tooth or the chipping of a piece of it, the remaining parts can be preserved. This is done in cases where the root or surrounding tissues are not susceptible to pathological processes.

  1. Forceps. Exists different types forceps, including separate instruments for the lower and upper jaw, devices for root extraction with limited mouth opening, etc.
  2. Elevators. Each type of tool (straight, angular, etc.) is designed for separate group teeth.
  3. Drill. The device is necessary for sawing the tooth and removing the roots or parts thereof.

Amputation process

The operation begins by peeling away the tissue around the unit. Tooth root amputation is performed using certain working methods:

The choice of root removal method is influenced by the degree of tooth damage and the presence of transformations in bone tissue. If the root is rotten and the bone is slightly deformed due to inflammation, then a specialist will only need forceps for extraction. They are placed on final stage after separation of the alveoli and gums. When this instrument fails to cope with the task, the doctor uses an elevator.

What to do if the tooth has rotted down to the gum (more details in the article:)? In this case, a drill is used. The device allows you to cut the unit into pieces, then each piece is removed separately. The fragments are removed with another tool. When extracting a wisdom tooth, additional devices are used (we recommend reading:).

If the root is pulled out before it is completely destroyed, the operation will not be difficult. The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes. Extraction in people over 40 years of age is quite easy, since the alveolus atrophies and a focus of inflammation is formed - the body independently rejects a piece of the remaining tooth. When several roots are planned to be removed, the procedure is considered complex.

It is quite rare to resort to amputation of the subgingival part of the unit while preserving the crown. It is carried out when a cyst or granuloma forms, when there is a chance to save most of the unit.

Possible consequences

Complications after extraction of a tooth or root are a phenomenon that occurs due to the doctor’s lack of experience or his negligence. If a unit falls out due to injury, it is worth taking an x-ray so that the doctor can make sure that there are no fragments left in the hole. During the procedure, the following may occur:

  1. Breaking off the top of the root. From the wound there's blood coming out, so the fragments are not always noticeable. The specialist should prescribe a repeat removal.
  2. Fragment stuck deep in the hole. Part of the tooth cannot be seen without an x-ray; it is delayed epithelial tissue and at first it doesn’t bother me. Subsequently, the capsule from fibrous tissue and the fragment provokes the formation of an abscess or phlegmon.
  3. Bone pieces get stuck in soft tissues. This is a local complication; fragments can often be removed on your own or in a doctor's office under anesthesia (without cutting tissue).

Do I need to remove the remaining tooth fragments? Leaving them in the wound is unacceptable, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences:

What to do if there is a piece left after removal?

If there is a fragment left in the gum, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The specialist will remove residual fragments and treat the wound with an antiseptic. The operation is performed in two ways:

  • when the fragment is on the surface, extraction is carried out in a few minutes with a special tool;
  • if the piece is located deep, an incision is made in the gum to extract it.

Sometimes doctors are faced with a situation where the splinter is overgrown with gums - it is completely covered with mucous membrane. In this case, treatment is carried out in several stages:

Is it possible to pull out a rotten tooth root at home?

There are many videos on the Internet showing how people try to pull out teeth at home. Is it worth experimenting on yourself so cruelly? Attempts self-removal can lead to unpredictable consequences for a number of reasons:

  • choosing an anesthetic and correctly injecting it in the right dose into the gums is very problematic without medical education;
  • It is difficult to maintain sterility at home, so the risk of infection in the wound is high;
  • improper tissue incision can cause serious bleeding;
  • Without the use of anesthesia, painful shock is possible.

If the removal of a strong whole tooth can still be realized, then rotten root will not lend itself to extraction. The crown of the tooth or its subgingival part may crumble, fragments will get stuck in the socket, decomposing and infecting the surrounding tissues. Dentists categorically do not recommend trying to remove not only permanent, but even baby teeth on your own.

Imagine a mouth with rotten teeth and the smell that comes from them, it is not difficult to guess how repulsive and unpleasant a person with such a problem looks. Bad teeth greatly spoil the impression of appearance a person, prevent him from communicating normally with other people, and disrupt his psychological state.

However, this problem is not only aesthetic. Dentists warn that rotten teeth cause arthrosis, polyarthritis, and impair the condition of skeletal system. The products of decay and the microbes that provoke them are carried throughout the body with saliva and blood. A person begins to have problems with organs that, at first glance, have nothing to do with teeth. The infection gradually affects the bone tissue and can reach the brain.

What happens if you ignore the body’s signals, drown out the pain with pills, mask the smell with air fresheners? Perhaps it will be possible to hide it for a while negative symptoms. However, as they accumulate, they will lead to the appearance of other and not only dental problems.


Causes of tooth decay. How to stop him?

To spend adequate treatment, the doctor must first determine the cause of the disease. Otherwise, the measures may turn out to be useless, the process will continue to develop. The causes of tooth decay are external and internal factors. Despite the fact that enamel is considered one of the most durable materials in the body, under unfavorable conditions it quickly deteriorates. As a result, microbes gain unhindered access to the inner, less protected part of the tooth.

To deal with this problem on initial stage, usually one visit to the dentist is enough. He clears the cavity of affected tissue and closes it with a filling. However, banal neglect of one’s health, fear of dental office causing people to postpone their visit. The result is deterioration of the teeth and their loss.

When is a person to blame for having bad teeth?

Experts identify a number of causes of tooth decay, for which the patient himself is to blame. Knowing them, you can take timely measures to prevent the development of the disease. These reasons include:

  • Smoking. Components released from tobacco disrupt metabolic processes in the tissues of teeth. Due to this, their ability to resist adverse effects is sharply reduced.
  • Alcohol, drugs. They negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, worsen it protective functions, ability to recover.
  • Poor nutrition. Lack of minerals and vitamins in food leads to weakening of the enamel. An excess of sweets, sour fruits, and berries contributes to the destruction of enamel.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Absence physical activity, constant presence in dusty rooms, abuse of fatty, fried foods reduces the body's protective functions.

In addition, lack of or improper oral hygiene contributes to the formation of plaque. It becomes a source of food for microorganisms that gradually destroy teeth.

Negative factors beyond the patient's control

If a person does not smoke, engages in debate, and watches his diet, why do his teeth begin to rot? There may be several reasons for this:

  • Bad ecology. Polluted air, poor quality water, an excess of some and a lack of other important components. Fluoride deficiency is often cited as the cause of dental problems.
  • Heredity. If the parents had bad teeth or the mother did not visit the dentist during pregnancy, children often experience similar problems.
  • Physiological features. Violation hormonal balance in adolescents during the growth period, in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Tooth decay is often a consequence of other diseases. Problems with periodontal tissues - gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease - lead to the development of caries and cause tooth loss. If a purulent cyst forms near the root, the infection quickly spreads to the tooth. Often the deterioration of the condition of teeth is caused by diseases of the stomach, intestines, and thyroid gland.

Characteristic symptoms and stages of disease development

Dental problems manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the degree of damage, the sensitivity of the body, and the number of problem areas. Tooth decay does not occur in just one day.

Dentists identify several characteristic stages, which are characterized by certain symptoms:

  • Unpleasant smell. At first it is not too noticeable. Gradually, even during a conversation, the interlocutor feels a putrid “aroma”. Its source becomes pathogenic bacteria. They inhabit plaque that forms at the point of contact between the gum and tooth.
  • Stains on the enamel. This is the next stage of the disease, when the damage spreads deeper and damages the enamel.
  • Black areas. If they are located on the root, it is very difficult to notice them. To clarify the extent of the damage, an x-ray is taken.
  • Formation of the cavity. A cavity forms in place of the black spot. Through it, food debris gets to the inside of the tooth. The tooth actively “signals” about the problem painful sensations, reaction to hot, cold.
  • Pulpitis develops. By not consulting a doctor in time, the patient allows inflammation to reach the pulp. Soft tissues containing blood vessels, the nerves are rotting. It is accompanied by sharp, unbearable pain.

The decay process ends in different ways. If it starts from the top of the tooth, it gradually spreads to the root. After the nerve dies, the pain intensity decreases. If decay affects the root first, the tooth may fall out or have to be removed.

Why do teeth rot at the gums?

Caries near the gums and on visible parts of the tooth are no different. The reasons for its occurrence are the same, but near the gums it is more difficult to identify and treat the disease. Therefore, patients usually consult a doctor at the stage of progressive pulpitis.

Timely detection helps prevent the development of caries in the gingival region. To do this, you need to periodically visit the dentist, who will correctly assess the condition of the enamel and detect the development of caries in time. Common cause Experts call its occurrence gum disease. Food debris that accumulates in the gum pocket promotes the development of bacteria. In addition, the disease can be caused by an incorrectly installed crown, poor hygiene, or changes in the composition of saliva.

What to do with a tooth that has rotted to the root?

If the root has rotted and therapeutic measures do not give results, the tooth has to be removed. Loss of the upper part leads to the development of pathologies:

  • the appearance of a cyst at the root apex;
  • fracture or dislocation of the root;
  • injury to the gums by a splinter;
  • periodontal diseases.

A rotten root becomes a source of infection, which spreads to nearby tissues.

In any case, the doctor chooses the treatment. If there is a high probability negative consequences, will be deleted. To avoid this, it is recommended not to skip periodic dental checkups.

A child’s teeth are rotting: to treat or not to treat?

Rotten teeth in most cases it is a problem for adults. However, this process can affect baby teeth. Moreover, the path from the appearance of a small spot to a severe stage passes very quickly. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as in adults. At the same time, we can identify characteristic factors that have a negative impact on children’s teeth:

  • excessive love for sweets;
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • mother's dental problems during pregnancy.

It is impossible to stop rotting at home. You must contact your dentist immediately.

Caries on baby teeth

As a result of long-term research, scientists were able to identify the main cause of caries in baby teeth. It becomes: microorganisms transmitted to the child from the mother. Streptococcus gets to the baby through a kiss, through a pacifier licked by the mother, or shared cutlery. Microbes come from other people through these same routes. When teething, babies are especially vulnerable to streptococcus. In addition, lack of oral hygiene, poor diet, and the composition of saliva have a negative impact.

Dentists note that regular use baby formulas from a bottle with a high carbohydrate content create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. Reduce them negative influence Getting your baby used to a cup and rinsing his mouth after eating helps.

Tooth root removal is a manipulation that is considered one of the most unpleasant in dental practice. The reason is that the patient feels discomfort and pain during the procedure. And although innovative removal methods are used today to make it easier unpleasant symptoms, people are still afraid to remove the root of a tooth, which results in a number of complications. Tooth root removal

For what reasons does the root remain?

In dental practice, situations remain quite common when teeth break, fall out, and the root remains inside the gum tissue. This is the main indication for his operation. You cannot leave it, because when a tooth is destroyed, over time this will lead to inflammation and the formation of pus.

The following signs will help determine the presence of a root:

  • aching pain in the gums, which is accompanied by “twitching” in the area of ​​the fallen or extracted tooth;
  • cutting pain syndrome with mechanical influence (pressure during eating);
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the gums;
  • hyperemia, bleeding, inflammation;
  • suppuration and rise in temperature.

The tooth root must be removed immediately after one of the above symptoms is noticed. Otherwise, such negligence will lead to serious consequences, one of which remains blood poisoning.


A patient may be prescribed tooth root removal for the following indications:

  • treatment of the tooth root is impossible;
  • obstruction root canal with granuloma;
  • perforation of the tooth root or the bottom of the tooth cavity.

What does a tooth root look like?

Removal procedure

Features of wisdom tooth root removal

The following instruments are used during the operation:

  • Extracting roots with forceps. Use a tool with straight ends. If it is necessary to remove the roots of a molar, wide bayonet-shaped forceps are used.
  • Rotation technique. It is applicable when the root of a single-rooted tooth is removed.
  • Removal of roots by elevators. This technique has received wide use in dental practice. Its essence is that the working part of the elevator is carefully inserted between the root of the tooth and the wall of the gum alveolus. Next, the doctor carries out all the manipulations aimed at removing the root.

In addition, there are certain methods for removing roots:

  • Hemisection. This is a partial removal of the root. Performed on molars that are focused on lower jaw. The technique eliminates the development of pathological processes.
  • Amputation. This is a complete removal of the root. The technique has become widespread when performing surgery on the upper jaw.
  • Cystectomy. This is a procedure to remove a cyst that has formed on the root of a tooth.

Root removal

Removing the root of a wisdom tooth is a rather complicated procedure. It consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. An initial examination, during which the doctor must listen to the patient’s complaints and examine his oral cavity using special equipment.
  2. If you have certain diseases oral cavity, then eliminate them. And then the doctor can proceed to the extraction procedure.
  3. The patient is given local anesthesia. It will completely numb the area of ​​the mouth where the operation will be performed.
  4. 3-4 minutes after the administration of the anesthetic, the doctor makes an incision in the gum tissue. It is peeled away from the bone to provide access to the root system.
  5. To remove the root, a hole is drilled or the element itself is sawn into several parts. Then the doctor removes it from the soft tissue.
  6. The resulting hole is cleaned of blood and examined for the presence of residual roots.
  7. If necessary, the wound is cleaned of pus using drainage. At the end, the doctor treats the hole with an antiseptic.
  8. The gum tissue is sutured using self-absorbable materials.

After removing the wisdom tooth root, see a doctor for examination in 2-3 days. He examines the treated surface to make sure there are no symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Difficulties in carrying out the procedure

Tooth root removal may be varying degrees difficulties. Sometimes this process is complex, but sometimes it gets more complicated:

  • as a result of manipulations by the dentist, a fracture of the adjacent part of the root or its upper part may occur;
  • the root and tissues that surround it have been subjected to pathological changes;
  • It is difficult to remove elements that are concentrated deep in the alveoli.

To avoid complications, the doctor must carefully choose the method of surgery in individually for every patient.

How painful is the procedure?

Previously, this process was different severe pain and a high risk of complications. But today experts have been able to develop several methods surgical intervention, at making the right choice in which all sensations arising during and after the procedure become less intense. In addition, during the manipulation the dentist uses anesthetics, which have an analgesic effect.

Possible complications

After surgery, the patient may experience the following complications:

  1. During the first week after the procedure, there may be some discomfort.
  2. Pain. It is formed as a reaction to the incision made in the gum tissue and the removal of the existing element. It goes away in 3-4 days. To somehow reduce pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient.
  3. Edema. It is formed as a result of injury to soft tissue during the process of tooth root removal. But there are situations when such a symptom indicates the development of an allergy. To reduce swelling, apply ice to the affected area of ​​the jaw and take an antihistamine.
  4. Bleeding from the wound. A small amount of blood occurs as a result of damage to the soft tissue and the vessels located in it. To reduce bleeding, it is enough to place a gauze swab in the hole for 1-2 hours. If the process repeats frequently, then you need to consult a doctor.
  5. Rise in body temperature. This natural reaction body for the surgical intervention performed. If elevated temperature persists for several days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  6. Suppuration of the wound. The main reason for the development of complications is poor oral hygiene or the presence of root remains in the soft tissues. The patient should immediately contact the dentist.
  7. Loss of sensation in the jaw area. This complication occurs when involved in the process facial nerve. As a rule, the symptom goes away within 4-5 months after surgical intervention. But there are situations when repeated surgery may be required.
  8. Alveolitis. This inflammatory process flowing in bone tissue. He is being treated by a specialist in an inpatient setting.

Tooth root removal is a responsible process that should only be carried out qualified specialist. He is obliged to conduct a preliminary diagnosis and assess the condition of the patient’s tissues, teeth and body as a whole. Only then will he be able to determine exact method removal of the tooth root, which will reduce pain and the risk of complications.

Why are we afraid to pull out the root of a tooth?

Arsenic and unbearable pain- this is what patients remember after tooth root removal. The procedure seemed endlessly long, with patients visiting the dentist more than twice. The pain they experienced at this time was not relieved by any anesthetic.

How was a tooth root removed before?

The operation took place in two stages. At the first stage, the dental surgeon expanded the root canal with a drill, inserted arsenic into the pulp, placed a temporary filling and sent the patient home for two days. During the adaptation period the patient experienced toothache due to the effects of arsenic on the nerve and the body as a whole.

At the second stage, the patient had the root removed. It happened that the nerve did not die during this time. Because of this, the procedure was painful.

How do they do it now?

Tooth root removal takes place in one stage. The patient is injected with a thin needle and a modern anesthetic. Ultracaine or imported analogues. Within 10 minutes, the anesthetic begins to act, and the patient does not feel touch to the oral cavity. This is where the surgeon begins his work. It separates the circular ligament from the neck.

If the gum is not inflamed, then it is separated from the edge of the alveoli. To remove the root of a tooth, the surgeon will need forceps or an elevator. He grabs the root with them and pulls it out.

This procedure will take two hours. And the only thing unpleasant feeling The sound that the patient experiences is the sound of the instruments.

In what cases will it be necessary to pull out the root of a tooth?

The main reason for tooth root removal is infection. Secondary reasons include excessive tooth mobility due to gum disease, the presence of a cyst, deep caries and chipping of the tooth wall.

Types of operations


Represents modern technology removal of the tooth root along with the crown. With this procedure, the tooth is preserved, as is its functionality.

With hemisection there is high probability that the tooth will not withstand the load. Therefore, dentists will not give you guarantees on its service life.

Average price for hemisection: 2500 rubles.


In this case, the root is completely removed while preserving the crown. This makes it possible to save the tooth.

During amputation, the dental surgeon makes an incision in the gum, and the root is cut off with a drill and pulled out with forceps. The empty cavity is filled with bone-restoring or bone-plastic material and the gum is sutured.

Amputation has a number of contraindications for which it cannot be performed. These include diabetes, various immune and cardiovascular diseases, elderly age.


This operation is prescribed when it is possible to remove a cyst on the root. In this case, the tooth is completely preserved. Essentially this simple procedure for an experienced surgeon, where the dentist’s main task is to remove the cyst and fill it with bone-forming material.

Average price for cystectomy: 3000 rubles.

How to behave after tooth root removal

After the operation, you should not eat, drink tea or coffee for three hours. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes until the gums are completely healed.

Pain in the postoperative period

Often, patients return to the doctor complaining of tooth pain. This is normal, such pain is a consequence of changes in the structure of the jaw. As a rule, it appears when eating hot or cold food and when closing the jaw. In such cases, it is recommended to take an anesthetic. The pain will pass in a few days.

If the pain doesn't go away long time, contact your dentist as it is possible that the root has not been completely removed.


The average cost of tooth root removal will be 3,500 rubles, in difficult cases the price will increase to 5,000 rubles. Please note: the price depends on many factors. To quickly find a clinic and find out the exact cost of treatment, use our search.

Don't put off visiting the dentist! Remember that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.