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Secret secrets of body rejuvenation. Unconventional methods of rejuvenation. Let's preserve youth and health until old age

Let's maintain youth and health until old age.

Change your lifestyle and diet. Spend more time in nature, listen to classical music, bathe in salt water sea ​​water. Youth and active longevity depends on lifestyle and even on falling in love.
1. Daily gymnastics classes are recommended: Eye of Revival, or Five Pearls Tibetan monks. These simple exercises will give you longevity, help keep youth, health and vitality.

2. Healthy menu must necessarily consist of nuts, legumes, fresh vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, grains, and we try to use them in cooking anti-aging nutrition, spices, nuts, seeds:
coriander, cumin, dill, sesame, sunflower, beans, etc. If possible, eat seafood.

3. For To rejuvenate the body, it is useful to drink clean, raw spring water every day, 1.5-2 liters. All water drunk in the morning before breakfast is removed from the body, cleansing it. Liquid drunk in the evening remains in the body, causing swelling. Good to drink melt water and silicon water. The desire for eternal youth has always been characteristic of man. The human body in childhood consists of 90% and in adulthood 60% water. To keep the skin in good condition, you need to drink at least eight glasses of Spring water per day. Water helps the body remove all kinds of deposits, which improves complexion. In addition, water, filling the stomach, dulls the feeling of hunger, protecting against overeating and obesity.

4. During the first phase of the Moon, Moxibustion is recommended longevity points special wormwood cigars, daily, for 30 minutes - this procedure improves health. "Longevity point" - the Tzu-San-Li point, is located under the kneecap. To detect it, cover your knee with the palm of the same hand, with the point located opposite the little finger at a distance from the end of the middle finger; you can also determine the longevity point by placing your palm on your knee so that the fingers are pressed to the shin, and the tip ring finger will point to this point. It is located downwards from the outer edges kneecaps, away from the tubercles on the large tibia, in small recesses. Cauterization can be replaced by applying crushed garlic or a copper mug with a diameter of one centimeter (copper coins can be used) to each “longevity point” for all 8 days. The rejuvenating effect is associated with the opening of the “immortal” or “heel” breath. Metal therapy and medical treatment have been known for a long time. When treating copper, it is recommended to use copper coins issued before the year 61, due to the alloy.

5. In the period from the 8th to the 23rd lunar days, skipping the 9th, 14th and 19th, since the Moon is strongest during this period, it is good to do Taoist massage face, rejuvenating the skin with your hands. All the techniques of this amazing rejuvenating massage are described here in detail.

6. On a full moon, it is recommended to pour pure spring water into a crystal glass, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand, place the glass in the moonlight and say the words until the salt dissolves: “Moon water, natural environment, may I be young, pretty and slim. Happy, loved." Let the glass stand in the moonlight all night. In the morning, after washing your face, on an empty stomach, take a sip of the enchanted water, mentally saying: “Water, water, help you rejuvenate!” Do this every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

7. On the waning Moon, it is recommended to cleanse the body. In the morning, before brushing your teeth, take a tablespoon of purified sunflower oil into your mouth. It is important to hold the oil in your mouth without swallowing! Let the oil “roll” over your teeth and throat, flow between your teeth, slowly, for 15 minutes! Then the oil is spat out! This procedure is repeated for 8-14 days in a row.

8. Twice a week it is recommended to take baths with a decoction of herbs, or green tea or citrus peels. The peels of oranges, tangerines and (or) grapefruits are poured with water and simmered over low heat, then everything is poured into a bag lowered into the bath (along with water and peels). Take this bath for 10-20 minutes. They keep a herbal mask on their face all this time. They select the herbs that are most suitable for the skin, grind them into flour in a coffee grinder and store them in a beautiful jar. To prepare the mask, simply brew 1-2 teaspoons with boiling water made from spring water.

9. Fast for your health; fasting makes you look younger! The fact is that during a hunger strike - or even a significant reduction in calories consumed - the process of so-called “self-food” is launched in our cells (in the relevant literature this is called autophagy). In a hungry state, cells begin to “eat” their own damaged structures and reserves, using them for the energy needs of our body. In this way, the cell gets rid of unnecessary energy stations, and the entire body gets rid of unnecessary cells. By shedding this “burden,” the cells rejuvenate, as if the countdown of time is reset in them. In addition, according to scientists, calorie restriction triggers another mechanism for extending life - the activation of the main “longevity gene.” This gene helps all living organisms survive during periods of famine. If there are no hungry days in your life, then this gene degrades and does not charge your body with its energy. When the “longevity gene” is activated, the rate of aging of the body is significantly reduced.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Just change your lifestyle in accordance with the rhythms of the universe. Yes, and try throughout your life to have only good thoughts and love everyone around, both people and animals. To become younger and thinner, you need to stop consuming other people's thoughts.

So - Useful for rejuvenating the body

We drink clean, raw spring water every day, at least two liters. If there is no food in the stomach in the morning, then the process of cleansing the body cells begins. Every day we do gymnastics Eye of Renaissance, Five Pearls of Tibetan monks.

I tell myself: I have to grow and learn more. This the only antidote to old age.
- Kirk Douglas, American actor.

Practice and latest research They say that people who constantly learn new things, are “eternal students”, study languages, and travel have the secret of longevity.

Overeating is the enemy of youth and beauty. With a fork and spoon a man digs his own grave.
“He who kills an ox is the same as he who kills a man” - Bible, Isaiah 66:3.
How stop aging, causes of aging, how to maintain youth:
It has been scientifically proven that the development of cardiovascular pathology and early aging of the body have the same cause-and-effect roots, the main one of which is a deficiency in the intake of antioxidants from food. Therefore, it is very useful to eat a variety of greens, including wild ones.
We eat fresh vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, nuts, and use seeds of coriander, cumin, dill, and sesame in preparing healthy, rejuvenating meals. Cereal porridges and a variety of legume dishes.

How to remove belly fat?

The first day is difficult, ..then it gets easier, and then it’s even PLEASANT! And so - we pull in the tummy. This is how we walk... and sit... In general, we learn to live with a retracted tummy. If you're tired or forgot about it... it's okay. BUT as soon as you remember, pull it in again and try as long as possible and as often as possible... you will spend a lot of energy and the muscle will become stronger... and internal organs will occupy Right place, and not free places where you have to... You will be slim and beautiful.

Prayer for a slim figure:
With everything that the Lord gave to me, the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), on this moment, satiation will be quick, I will not overeat unnecessary things, which after satiation become poison for my body. I will stop with the Lord’s touch, I will be satisfied with little. The Lord's strength will stop my hand in time and will not give me unnecessary and unnecessary things. And I, Your servant (Your/ name), will be under Your Eye, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to internally stop from excess food, burdening excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thanks to our Lord. Amen.

Alcohol continuously provides our doctors with a huge amount of extra work: they have to treat diseases that are systematically maintained and intensified by the patients themselves. It’s hard to even imagine how much progress medicine could have made if it weren’t for the heavy burden of millions of people voluntarily inducing a huge range of diseases directly or indirectly related to alcohol consumption.
- "Alcohol and life" - Popov L.E...

It was used by the Emperors and the rich of China. This teaching - rejuvenation has stood the test of time for two thousand years! Declassified in 1983. This is the method of “Turning an Old Man into a Child”!!! When breathing, focus on the lower chakras, legs, gonads, kidneys, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. Over the past ten years, we have found out what such breathing gives: 1 - youth, health, beauty 2 - strengthening of sexual function, 3 - cure from diseases and longevity!!! It especially treats male impotence, vaginal laxity, prostate gland, frigidity and even uterine cancer, weight loss, etc. Guo Dequan, after a year of such breathing, became so rejuvenated and recovered that all his friends began to ask what miracle medicine he was drinking!!! This secret was kept in the strictest confidence only by the Emperors of China. Its main task is to make the blood circulate through the vessels, and the energy through the channels and meridians, and the sex glands in eternal youth. The principle of Chinese medicine: “If in the body healthy mind(breath), then the disease (alien spirit - breath) cannot penetrate the body"!!! This rejuvenation technique is now called N.O.K.M. and costs about 5 thousand dollars for ten hours of classes and lectures, but believe me it’s worth it. Although the full course can be purchased in Russia for only about 10 thousand rubles, which is absolutely no different from the original.

A person has always strived to be able to look young and beautiful no matter how old he is. Because aging, if you do nothing, occurs very quickly, starting from the age of twelve, first of all, the immune system begins to age, followed by the rest of the organs, and by the age of twenty-five, global changes occur. It would seem that young people are already beginning to age more and more every year, and after forty this already becomes obvious. Muscles and skin, flabby digestive organs cannot cope with the load, the brain gradually begins to fade. We will now provide you with several interesting methods and let's go from simpler to more effective. And at the end of this article we will tell you about the amazing method of Tibetan initiates that bestows youth with harmony and beauty.

In this photo, a man has lived 256 years, according to the Chinese news agency, Li Qingyun was born in 1677 in Qijiangxiang, Sichuan Province. He spent most of his life in the mountains of Sichuan, collecting healing herbs and learned the secrets of longevity. He died in 1933 at the age of 256 years.

He wasn't the only one

According to one of Li's students, he once met a man who was over 500 years old. He taught him breathing exercises and gave some dietary recommendations, which could help him extend his life to superhuman terms.

Sucking vegetable oil

This method of rejuvenation and getting rid of diseases came to us from Tibet and belongs to secret ways cunning person. As a result of sucking oil, the entire body gets rid of waste and toxins, and is activated endocrine system and protective properties of the body. We have in our archives the most Full description this process consists of three methods which must be performed simultaneously. Take about a small sip of vegetable sunflower oil into your mouth so that it does not flow out of your mouth while sucking and suck, focusing your attention on the tongue, more precisely on its tip. And mentally repeat om benza sato hung, this is a mantra that grants purification. You don't have to wonder how the main focus on the tip of the tongue works. The sucking reflex, by some unusual method, bypasses the mind, sends a signal to the brain that you are a baby and the process of rejuvenation is launched throughout the body. This amazing property For some reason it only appears when sucking vegetable oil. After about ten minutes your oil will become liquid, you will notice that its density has decreased, after which you need to spit it out and immediately repeat the procedure of sucking the oil a second time. After this, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. It is important to know that you can do this both in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day. In about a month you will notice the first results of your rejuvenation, at the same time you will begin to get rid of chronic diseases if you had them. Alcohol and spirits must be completely eliminated while practicing this method, otherwise you will not get any effect. This method is very good but requires that it be performed every day at least twice for six months, which is not always convenient and not everyone can handle it. If you have enough patience you can use it successfully, the results will surprise you.

Inhaling valerian root tincture

This method of rejuvenation also came to us from Tibet; it is itself included in one of the methods which we will talk about another time since it will be too difficult for beginners. Inhaling valerian also provides a very powerful rejuvenation of the entire body. After about six months of performing this practice, the hair color returns to its original color, which means that even if you were gray, you will notice that your hair has darkened. How this happens and what affects rejuvenation has not yet been clarified, but this should not confuse you. With constant use of this method, blood pressure will normalize if you have suffered from high blood pressure then it will become the way it should be, insomnia disappears, digestion is normalized, many chronic diseases go away. But you need to inhale valerian correctly, observing all the nuances. Take an open bottle and bring it to your right nostril, lean the nostril against the neck and take a deep breath, then hold your breath as long as you feel comfortable. While holding your breath due to carbon dioxide, the blood becomes acidified and it better absorbs oxygen and the contents of the valerian tincture are better absorbed. Then do the same by placing the neck of the bottle against your left nostril. Take three to ten cycles of breaths, then go to bed, lying in bed, move each foot back and forth about fifty times with one leg and fifty times with the other leg. Sleep usually comes before you have time to complete the movement of the second leg. Smoking and alcohol will have to be completely eliminated, otherwise there will be no result. You need to inhale in the evening before going to bed every day for at least six months. The method is very effective and your transformation will be noticed by others. But it is also very difficult; you cannot miss a single day, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Rejuvenation with the help of spring

While we have talked about simple methods, although they are effective, they require constant practice. The next method affects deeper processes and relates to secret esotericism. One cycle of this practice allows you to rejuvenate to the level of a twenty-year-old person, both externally and internally.
Sit quietly and focus your attention on the tip of your tongue, try to hold your attention for at least 30 minutes, do this in the morning, if possible in the evening. After concentrating on the tongue, move your attention to the navel area and concentrate there for about ten minutes, after which you can go about your normal activities. In at least a few months you will feel a unique taste and vibrations somewhere far inside your tongue, continue to focus and in a few more months your mouth will literally be filled with an indescribable taste, incomparable to anything, you will be simply delighted with what is happening. After a while you will remember it and will be able to evoke this taste at any time. Now all you have to do is wait until spring for the snow to melt and the leaves to bloom. You will feel the taste of awakening nature, which is present in everything at this time of year. Don't waste your time and catch the taste before summer comes. Remember this taste and learn to evoke it in time when you eat. This method is amazing, it’s simply incomparable, spend your time on it and you won’t regret the look, you’ll be the envy of everyone, no one will understand what happened to you. But if you work hard, nothing comes that easy; it will take at least two years to rejuvenate. I advise you to forget about all bad habits during this time.

The Secret Practice of Reiki

So we have come to the place where the real conversation about youth and rejuvenation begins. A person always has a choice of how he will live his life. Someone has been sitting on forums for years in search of a magical and, most importantly, free means of rejuvenation, and life passes by, with every second, with every new day, youth goes away, it will not sit and wait for you when you find something that is lying around for free as unnecessary . All young people think that they will never be old, but old age is already behind them. If you don’t do something while you are still able to do it, then in the future you are unlikely to be able to do anything at all. It is not possible to fix a car if you are sitting in it, you need to at least get out for this, but even after getting out if you are not a mechanic, you cannot do anything with it, you need to acquire knowledge only then something will move. Remember, if some human organs and tissues are renewed during life with a frequency of approximately seven years, then the brain and heart are never renewed.

In Tibet, among initiates secret knowledge, there has always been knowledge about how to renew the brain and heart in order to be young and disease-free. Modern research prove that, for example, the bone marrow, which is responsible for rejuvenating the blood, already at the age of 20 turns from red into white fat and ceases to perform the functions assigned to it. In Tibet, methods are known by which the bone marrow can be made red again, thereby causing the body's cells to rejuvenate, although they are not advertised to the general public, but they exist. That is, if you ask about them, they will definitely answer you that they have not heard anything like this, although in fact this is not fiction. The secrets of rejuvenation exist, it’s just that revealing them is not beneficial to anyone for obvious reasons. But knowledge is like water, it will seep through even the smallest crack.

Try the following: when you go to bed, close all the windows tightly with curtains so that there is complete darkness. Lie down, relax, breathe calmly, look wide into the night into the darkness itself with open eyes. Perhaps at first your eyes will get tired and feel hot, continue to peer and let this night seem to run into your eyes, let it go inside and at the same time be around you. You must disappear completely into the darkness. After that, calmly fall asleep, and when you wake up, carry part of this darkness, the one that has penetrated into you, imagine it inside yourself. Over time, transformations will begin to occur in you; you will become younger by leaps and bounds, your body will become relaxed, you will become very balanced calm person If someone looks into your eyes, they will feel dizzy and it will seem to them that in your eyes they saw a deep abyss that has no bottom.

Rejuvenation is the art of internal human improvement. Thanks to the use of this method, not only the rejuvenation of the body occurs, but also the improvement of blood and lymph circulation. Internal organs, ligaments, bones, glands develop and strengthen internal secretion. The immune, nervous, digestive, genitourinary, and cardiovascular systems of the body are strengthened. Overall health improves.
Thanks to this, red is being restored bone marrow producing erythrocytes (red blood cells) carrying out in the body respiratory function. They carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells, and carbon dioxide- from cells to lungs. Leukocytes (white blood cells) are being restored. These are protective blood cells that protect the body from microorganisms, foreign proteins, foreign bodies penetrating into the blood and tissues. Leukocytes fight viruses and bacteria, and cleanse the blood of dying cells.
Now we will tell you one little secret about breathing, not many people know about it. Our inhalations and exhalations are regulated by the autonomic nervous system through two groups of neurons. The first is responsible for spontaneous respiratory activity when we are asleep or unconscious in a faint. The second is responsible for the conscious part of breathing. So it’s impossible to stop breathing on your own; something will still inhale you.

So, with certain breathing practices, synchronization of these two groups of neurons occurs. What does this lead to? The body begins to think that it is completely safe and starts the processes of relaxation and recovery. The level of anxiety decreases, depression disappears and renewal of the body begins at the cellular level, that is, complete rejuvenation. But you also need to be able to start conversations alone will not be enough.

Attention! This method is described in an abbreviated version

When lying down before going to bed, imagine that you are breathing not with your lungs, but with your fingers, and the air enters your fingers and it is painted with all the colors of the rainbow. It moves in and out of you with every inhalation and exhalation. Feel or imagine how the air moves through the bones of the hands to the head, penetrating along its path into all tissues and organs. To do this, you need to work a little on your imagination, in the future you will really feel it, and some people will even be able to see this whole process in reality. Breathe like this for about five minutes and then just relax and wait. To say more precisely, the holy spirit should come down from heaven on you, as others would say, or cosmic energy Whatever you call it is your own business. Wait and it will capture you completely; your arms and legs may begin to move involuntarily, the divine itself will dance with you. Those who are lucky will be able to experience this feeling already in the first lessons, for the rest who did not succeed, write to us by email and we will explain in more detail what is going on.
This exercise fills the whole body vital energy. Having done it, you will feel that every bone, every muscle, every organ, every cell of the body is filled with pulsating and life-giving energy. You will feel renewed, as if you had been given a new body, recreated from head to toe. Do you want to be “reborn”? Then get started! In addition to rejuvenation, you will also get rid of radiculitis, arthritis, and other diseases forever.

The presented technique in this article is given in an introductory version and is given only in order to test its effect. We hope for your understanding, we cannot publish secret methods in the public domain as certain circles have their own rights to do so, just like in any business they make money from it. For example, some methods cost from five thousand dollars for several hours of training. If anyone has any questions about this topic or wants to know more, write in a message, we’ll be happy to chat.

Hello, dear ones. In fact, there are a great many such secrets. And this article is about only one such accessible way- This is the rejuvenation of the body with water. Be sure to check out these methods. Perhaps you already knew something, perhaps you have been using something for a long time, but it would be useful to listen to the advice of a guru from the Academy of Healers.

Dehydration diseases

Avicenna also believed that one of the causes of aging is “drying of the body.” Lack of water in the body leads to:

  • to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, muscles,
  • to thickening of lymph and blood,
  • to poor functioning of the intestines, as well as all organs,
  • to joint pain, headaches.

Listen to what healer Nikolai Peychev says about dehydration diseases. This list is amazing!

Rejuvenating the body with warm water

What to do? The answer is simple - saturate your body with moisture. Drink a glass of warm, hot water in the morning; it is quickly absorbed by our body. No tea, no coffee, no herbal infusions!

Why exactly warm? Cold water will still be heated in the stomach due to the energy of the kidneys, as the Chinese believe. So don't drink cold water so as not to waste kidney energy.

Warm water does not give on an empty stomach, thins the blood, reduces sugar, cholesterol, washes away toxins, promotes bowel movements.

In addition, water seems to dissolve, therefore, when nervous excitement you need to drink hot water. The one who drinks in the morning hot water, almost none!

When should you drink water? From 5 to 7 am, and before bed.

But the main thing is to drink in the morning!

Natural rejuvenator

What is the name of such a remedy? This bionic water . Pure water heals our body, helps restore energy, and improve metabolism.

For example, Vital Bionic Water is a concentrate of minerals that can be dissolved in small quantities of any liquid. The resulting drink will convey all the life-giving power mineral springs Caucasus.

Honey drink

Honey is the oldest rejuvenating product. If you add honey to water you will get honey water, whose composition is suitable for blood plasma. It should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Honey drink recipe: for 1 glass raw water take 1 tsp. natural honey, mix - the healthiest drink ready!

Action of honey drink:

  • nourishes brain cells
  • increases immunity,
  • slows down aging,
  • prevents the development of cancer,
  • removes waste and toxins, improves liver function,
  • dissolves fecal stones,
  • has an antimicrobial and anthelmintic effect,
  • improves heart function.

In addition, honey drink is suitable for weight loss, especially in combination with cinnamon. You can add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Drink in courses: take 30 days, then take a break for 2 weeks.


  • Kidney and heart failure;
  • Diabetes mellitus, allergy to honey.

Water, like in a fairy tale: living and dead

Living and dead water is obtained as a result of electrolysis, using special devices.

At the same time, living water has a more alkaline structure and has healing qualities. And a dead, that is, positively charged liquid, has an acidic structure. She has disinfectant properties.

Treatment with this liquid has long been used in folk medicine. But it is used not only to heal countless diseases, but is also used to water plants.

How to choose a device for obtaining living water

There are many different types of devices on the market, but the Belarusian AP-1 device is considered the best. He passed all the tests and received an excellent rating.

Good reviews about the “Melesta” and “Zdravnik” devices. They are cheaper and therefore available to all citizens.

Life-giving moisture: melt water

Melt water is similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. It is obtained by freezing and thawing. When freezing, it is important to remove the first ice, and when defrosting, remove the ice with harmful impurities that forms in the middle. It is difficult to list all the beneficial qualities of this liquid.

If you add a small amount of “holy water” to melted water, you will get holy water.

You can give it the structure of the medicine you need. Just drop a test tube with a tablet into it, tap the test tube with a pencil, and the liquid will take on the structure of your medicine.

Use 2 tbsp daily. live drink, first on an empty stomach an hour before meals. If you drink 2 or 3 glasses of life-giving moisture a day, you will be “flying” within a week. It must be consumed within 10 hours after thawing. But it cannot be heated!

With prolonged use of this wonderful liquid, many chronic diseases, cleansing of impurities and toxins occurs, diseases recede.

If a prayer is read over the water before freezing, the liquid will become even more healing properties.

In this video, Nikolai Peychev tells how to make holy water for all diseases.

The Secret of the Japanese Emperors

It turns out that the emperors of Japan drank hydrogen water. At first, this liquid was known only to the Japanese, but today the whole world drinks the healing hydrogen drink. It is obtained using special devices.

Russians can also purchase the Enhel Water device, created by the Japanese company SUISOSUM. Details about this expensive device can be found on the website h2water.ru

Charging the water

There is a special technique that explains how to charge water so that all your wishes come true. Water is the most important carrier of information, therefore, what information you fill your morning glass of water with, will be the same for the rest of the day.

Have to take Blank sheet paper, write positive mantras on it, for example: “I am a very charming woman. I have a lot of inner charm coming from me. I attract the attention of men. It’s my man who finds me.”

Place a glass of water on the sheet. Then rub your palms hard, spread your arms to the sides, creating an energy ball with your hands. Then mentally, with your palms, direct this ball into the glass without touching it. Repeat the written mantra to yourself, then say it out loud, then visualize it. Have a drink! Repeat this ritual in the morning and evening before going to bed. Your wishes will soon come true.

Rules for making wishes: they must be positive, purposeful, without the particle “not”. If there are several wishes, then in one day you need to work with only one of them.

For the ritual, use spring water or holy water. You can charge it for health, love, wealth, money, success and even weight loss.

Tibetan healing moisture works real miracles. It is obtained using the Tibetan code.

Take 1 liter of clean water and boil for 20 minutes, ridding the liquid of all information. Now positive information with wishes of health, longevity or prayer is superimposed on the clear liquid.

But the most powerful means The ancient Tibetan prayer, which is already 4600 years old, is considered to improve moisture. Doctors from Tibet have been convinced of its effectiveness and strength many times.

After reading it, you need to lightly blow on the water, transferring the words of the prayer to it. To enhance the effect, the prayer can be repeated. You need to drink the moisture in small sips. It is also useful to wash your face with it.

Since ancient times, people have wondered how to delay the aging process. You can stay young in soul and body if you regularly cleanse your body with healing herbal infusions. Vintage beauty and rejuvenation recipes body will help you prolong youth for many years.

The cardiovascular system

Take care of your cardiovascular system and cleanse your blood vessels regularly. Medicinal decoctions mint, dandelion, celery, blackcurrant and raspberry leaves will perfectly cleanse the walls of blood vessels.

Purify the blood. It nourishes all important human organs. Oregano, wormwood, St. John's wort, plantain leaves, elecampane, nettle, cinnamon, chicken couma and nutmeg will help remove waste and toxins accumulated over the years from the body.

Increase and strengthen your immune system. Eat fresh dill daily. Drink fresh vegetable juices. Introduce mustard, black radish, onions and garlic into your diet.

Magic elixirs of youth can achieve a lasting and long-lasting effect of rejuvenation of the body. Which you can prepare at home from medicinal herbs. They will help you not only improve appearance, as well as perform intimate rejuvenation, improve tone and cure chronic diseases.

Recipes for anti-aging drinks:

Tibetan decoction for body cleansing

Grind and mix a teaspoon each of chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort and birch buds. Pour two cups of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos. After three hours, carefully strain. Take a warm glass before bed and in the morning on an empty stomach. Add honey to improve the taste of the broth. Prepare a fresh decoction every day. This youthfulness will rid the blood vessels of excess fat and lime deposits.

Rejuvenating cocktail to improve vitality

Grind 50 grams of nuts and raisins in a blender. Add a glass fresh juice beets and carrots, the pulp of one lemon. Finely grate half a glass of horseradish and soak it in hot water for a day. Then mix all ingredients thoroughly. Store the healing cocktail in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon one hour before meals.

Caucasian drink to preserve youth and strength

Grind 20 grams of fennel in a meat grinder. Pour boiling water and simmer in a water bath. Let the broth brew. Take a glass before meals.

Egyptian rejuvenating tea made from fragrant Sudanese rose petals will protect the skin from aging

Just brew hibiscus tea and enjoy this refreshing and pleasant drink.

Oriental cocktail of youth will help push back old age

Mix a glass of honey with lemon juice and add 50 grams of olive oil. Take a spoonful every morning.

The drink of the ancient Vikings will give you vigor and a surge of energy

Pour boiling water over nettles, knotweed and crushed rose hips. Let it brew for 2 hours in a thermos. Healthy berry tea will improve blood circulation to the skin. Brew rose hips, raspberries and strawberry leaves.

Drink delicious natural juices: pomegranate, blueberry, carrot, apple, grape and cherry.

To begin with, I want to tell you about one of the most hidden secrets East, which is called differently there depending on who asks about it. Namely, about the system of “Rejuvenation of the body”, and without any drugs. Anyone can master it, because everything great is simple. Therefore, it is always hidden behind seven locks. Because hiding something complex that requires years of special training simply does not make sense. Especially when communicating with foreigners who do not know the traditions and customs of the East. They are usually “leaked” a bunch of information stuffed with special terms and intricate images that have several levels of understanding, depending on the context of the story. And as a result, a person “who has undergone special training (for example, from Chinese specialists),” returning home, first of all understands that, in essence, he did not understand anything from what he was “taught” there. The essence of the technologies of the eastern masters remained beyond his understanding. And accordingly, the result of their practice is corresponding. As for methods like the “System of Body Rejuvenation”, if they are usually mentioned at all, it is in passing, and even then in the context of the fact that “a Western person still won’t understand this, and if he does, it will only be after a long period of study.” at 20-30, followed by the most complex certifications and initiations.” Although in reality, of course, everything is not like that, but few of the Eastern masters admit this. For pumping up excessive mystery everywhere and in everything is the surest and most reliable way, to attract a mass of European followers who are ready to pay well and generously for the so-called “knowledge”, which in essence is a banal set of eternal dogmas, far from true mastery. Well, yes, this is the topic of a separate article, but for now let’s return to the original topic of this article. So, what is the “Rejuvenation System”?
Nowadays, this topic could not be more relevant for many Russian citizens. And no wonder. A huge segment of the population is rapidly aging, gradually losing health and, accordingly, working capacity. As for diseases, they, on the contrary, are last years began to rapidly “get younger”. If earlier, 15-20 years ago, cervical osteochondrosis or lumbosacral radiculitis, mainly found in people after 40 years of age, now almost 90% of the adult population of Russia suffer from them. Moreover, these diseases are often observed even in those who have barely turned 20 years old. And let’s not even talk about 30-year-olds. 40% of children at school (according to official statistics only) have scoliosis varying degrees. In addition, the number of patients is increasing year by year diabetes mellitus, various forms of allergies. Mortality from heart attacks and strokes is increasing year by year. Many people of all ages are overweight. And you don’t need to be a prophet at all to understand that if this continues, then very soon the overwhelming majority of the population will turn into a crowd of rapidly aging disabled people, with all the ensuing consequences. The average life expectancy of Russians is not long. Meanwhile, by nature, a person can live a long, very long time. Moreover, quite full life. It’s not for nothing that Academician Pavlov once said: “Death under 150 years old can be considered violent.” And this is not a fairy tale at all, and not just another tale of mysticism lovers. Long life is a reality that we have all simply forgotten about, and for a very long time.
Why does a person age? A sufficient number of answers can be obtained to this question from modern medicine. As a person grows up, the cells in his body stop dividing. And, consequently, the body ceases to renew itself and, accordingly, over the years it wears out more and more. Here, in a nutshell, is an approximate description of the aging process that gives modern medicine. And this is, of course, true. Although, of course, many questions arise, the answers to which almost always sound quite vague. Why does the aging process in the body occur differently in everyone? It's no secret that some people look much younger than their age, and some, on the contrary, look older. And not just externally. Sometimes you can see some active old man of about 70 years old who actively works at his dacha all summer and goes skiing in winter. And it’s not uncommon to meet a 30-year-old man with shortness of breath, excess weight and a whole “bouquet” of chronic diseases to boot. And he, most often, looks older than his age. About 40 years ago. Why does this happen? The answer seems to suggest itself. main reason in the very way of human life. Movement is life. And low mobility plus a whole set of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) are a direct path to premature aging. It seems that everyone has known the truisms for a long time. However, not all (due to the most various reasons), we are trying to comply with them. And as a result, every year our society becomes sicker and older. Young, seemingly healthy guys turn out to be unsuitable for military service. And quite a few very young girls suffer from gynecological diseases that their mothers have never heard of. And it is not at all surprising that in the future, the aging process will be much more active in them than was originally inherent in a person by nature itself.
So why do our people suffer so much? various diseases and therefore they begin to age much faster? And why are our mothers and fathers much more likely to remain active and productive, even in old age? And there’s nothing to say about grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Of course, we live in a developed technocratic society, with a poor environment and not the best food. We use physical labor less and less. We have almost stopped moving on foot, because the number of cars in the country is growing year by year. The consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages is growing. Drug addiction is flourishing, something we had never even heard of just 20 years ago. And many more negative things have become the realities of our days. And therefore, our official medicine, based on all of the above, often tells us: “What else do you want? Poor health? This is natural and logical these days. We must not part with pills, not eat this, not that, and breathe every now and then.” "However, is this all really true? And is there really no other way to maintain your health? Is it really impossible these days to feel young again, full of strength and energy?
Story this method goes back to ancient times. In the old days it was widespread everywhere, including in Rus'. But since the traditions of ancient Russian medicine were lost, they gradually forgot about him. However, we will not go into history now and move on to the description of the rejuvenation method itself.
As is generally known, in human body there are no little significant (or, to put it another way), secondary processes. They are all important and depend on each normal functioning body. However, among them there are those that participate in the work of the whole organism. In other words, without them, nothing can happen in the body. These most important processes primarily include the circulatory system. Indeed, blood circulation in the human body plays a leading role. We breathe oxygen. Every cell of our body needs it constantly and receives oxygen through the blood. Carbon dioxide is removed from our body through the blood. When we inhale, we saturate the blood with oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Probably every schoolchild here knows this. In addition (according to the canons of Traditional Eastern Medicine), blood moves internal, biological energy in our body. And energy (in turn) moves the blood. It is due to this energy that all our internal organs work, like a certain complex mechanism. A biological computer, if you will.
Now let's look at the circulatory system, so to speak, from a different perspective. Since blood circulation is involved in all processes occurring in the human body, most diseases begin in humans with a malfunction in the blood circulation. By at least, the occurrence of those diseases that underlie a whole “bouquet” of others: cervical osteochondrosis, lumbosacral radiculitis. The vast majority of Russians suffer from these diseases. different ages. So where do they come from?
Of course, no disease comes out of nowhere. Most often, it all starts with a malfunction of the circulatory system. Because of this, the liver begins to receive less oxygen and energy, and consequently, it begins to weaken. A “weak” liver already works much more slowly. And this is a very significant organ in our body, because it is the main filter. The liver cleanses the blood of various toxins, cholesterol, and waste products that we get from air, water and food. It should cleanse the blood and remove all waste naturally. However, when the liver weakens, it naturally cannot perform its functions fully, and therefore the blood passing through it is not completely cleansed.
By the way, it is impossible to determine liver weakness with any tests or images. And in general, in modern Western medicine the very concept of “weak liver” is absent. The liver does not hurt at all. Only with sharp physical activity, a person with a weak liver may feel a stabbing sensation in the right side, which goes away quite quickly. In addition, to determine a “weak” liver, there are the following symptoms: the presence age spots on the skin, cold, sometimes damp extremities. Other signs of liver “weakness” include: pale color skin; intestinal disorder; sexual coldness; pain in the hip and pelvis; weakness lower limbs; fast fatiguability; blurred vision; depression; feeling of fear. It is not necessary that with a weak liver all of the above symptoms must necessarily appear. But some of them will definitely be present.
Toxins, cholesterol, etc., which are not removed from the blood by the liver, gradually settle in the blood vessels. This process can happen for years, completely unnoticed by a person. Then osteochondrosis comes: headaches begin; pressure surges; hands go numb, etc. All this happens precisely because of clogged blood vessels. Problems begin with the lower back and joints. Women have problems with gynecology. Many men develop signs of prostatitis. In addition, some people experience different headaches. Then the head begins to ache in the forehead, eyebrows, and temples. Then she hurts posterior region: Heaviness occurs in this place: sometimes there is tinnitus. This is already “to blame” for weak kidneys, which also began to work slowly due to clogged blood vessels. If you look at the lower back of such a patient, you can see a whole network of vessels protruding from under the skin. In addition, blood vessels can also bulge on the legs, feet, and thighs. In such patients, mobility in the joints becomes difficult, dull, nagging pain in the sacrum area, hip joints, outer lateral surface of the legs. And this is not a vertebral hernia at all, as is commonly believed in Western medicine. The spine has absolutely nothing to do with it, but clogged blood vessels are to blame, which is why sciatic nerves are not getting enough oxygen. Therefore, naturally, no traditional means of treatment (massages, injections, heating, operations) will help here. Because they do not solve the problem itself: they do not eliminate the very cause of its occurrence. of this disease. Further, due to a decrease in leg mobility, such patients begin to develop diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis of the joints. Many (if not most) patients suffering from osteochondrosis develop hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases, vision and hearing deteriorate. And of course, naturally, the more serious chronic diseases a person has, the faster his body wears out and, therefore, the faster he ages.
“Well, what should we do with all this now?” - a completely reasonable question may arise. Almost all of the above diseases cannot be completely cured in our country, but in best case scenario, are muted for a certain time. Because it is simply impossible to heal them without cleaning the vessels. And how to do it?
Many doctors, as well as representatives of so-called “traditional” medicine, will immediately advise you to first cleanse your liver and intestines. And at first glance, this proposal looks quite logical and correct. But only for the first one. In reality, upon closer examination of this issue, things are not so simple at all.
Of course, cleansing the intestines is a good thing. However, this procedure will have virtually no effect on clogged vessels. In other words, they will not become cleaner from this. As for the liver, any forced cleansing ultimately ends in stress for it, after which it begins to work even worse. It’s the same as if a tired person who had worked all day was forced to unload wagons instead of resting. Will he, in this case, stretch his legs? So is it necessary to cleanse the liver at all? Of course not. The fact is that nature itself provides a great many different mechanisms in humans, including cleansing the liver. In other words, the liver is quite capable of cleaning itself on its own, naturally and without any external violence. You just need to create the necessary conditions for this, namely, normalize the circulatory system: cleanse the blood vessels, and after that the liver will be able to clean itself. And most importantly, such natural cleaning will not have a negative impact on its further work.
As you can see, everything again comes down to cleaning the blood vessels. And this is not surprising. After all, the circulatory system plays, one might say, a leading role in all processes occurring in the human body. The liver, like any other organ, receives oxygen nutritional energy precisely thanks to blood circulation. And if blood circulation is weak (due to clogged blood vessels or for some other reason), then the liver will receive everything it needs in much smaller quantities and, naturally, will work more slowly without fully performing its functions. Therefore, cleaning it will not give anything significant, because it will still not provide the nutrition it needs for work in large quantities. The same will not happen to other organs, which, in turn, will also begin to work much weaker.
So it turns out that the vessels need to be cleaned. But how to do this? In this case, we will also be able to hear a huge number of different recommendations. Official medicine offers all kinds of drugs and even laser for this. We will not go into consideration of the mechanisms of their action. Let us only draw the reader's attention to the effectiveness of these methods. Despite their widespread, almost universal use, the number of patients in our country has not decreased. Quite the opposite. Year by year their number only increases. Current “traditional” medicine suggests using various herbs to cleanse blood vessels. This method looks much preferable. However, to be honest, it is difficult to imagine the mechanism by which grass can expel long-term accumulations from the vessels. Even if we assume that a certain decoction (or something else prepared from herbs, it doesn’t matter) can somehow dissolve toxins or cholesterol, the liver will still have to remove them. But she, being weak (since a normal, active liver will not allow deposits to appear in the vessels), is unlikely to be able to do this. This means that everything will return to normal again, sooner or later.
Special jars of a certain size are placed on certain areas of the body. What happens? Standing on the patient’s body, the jar plays the role of an ordinary vacuum pump. At the same time, the skin inside it quickly begins to darken, sometimes acquiring an almost black color. This means that blood, along with toxins, cholesterol and other things, is pulled closer to the surface of the skin. Sometimes it turns out that under one can the skin is a little lighter, and under the other it is completely black. This means that where it is blacker, there is more stagnation in the vessels. Then the jars are removed, and on the dark circles remaining after them, 9 notches are made using a special triangular needle. The puncture depth (due to the special sharpening of the needle) never exceeds 1.0-1.5 mm. After this, the banks return to their original place. The “pumps” begin their work again, pulling out the stagnation that has accumulated under the skin through the notches. Outwardly, it is a jelly-like substance, dark and sometimes blackish in color, not at all like blood. After all, human blood is a scarlet liquid.
To forestall the arguments of skeptics, let’s say it right away. The blood inside the jar does not clot. This is impossible because there is a vacuum there. Blood coagulates only in open air because it contains a lot of iron, which oxidizes. Some particularly “advanced” people in medicine believe that the blood becomes so thick under the influence of the cup. She seems to be shrinking. This is also not true, because it contradicts the elementary laws of physics. Moreover, such “jelly” does not come out all the time. Over time, when all the stagnation comes out of a person completely, ordinary scarlet blood begins to ooze into the jar, in no way similar to what came out before.
Banks are installed on certain places of the patient’s body, which are determined depending on the pathologies present from him. The number of sessions is determined depending on what the patient wants. This method can be successfully used to treat osteochondrosis, congestive forms of radiculitis and a number of other diseases. But we always recommend that everyone who wants to get rid of a whole “bouquet” of diseases at once undergoes a complete cleansing of the body. Because stagnation in blood vessels is the very “fertile” soil on which the overwhelming number of diseases grow. And the removal of stagnation naturally leads to their real disappearance, because the very reason for their occurrence disappears.
Of course, completely cleaning the vessels is not a quick task. People have been accumulating cholesterol, toxins, etc. for decades. Therefore, it is impossible to cleanse the body thoroughly in just a few days. However, you can believe us, the result is worth it. For many who have undergone and are now undergoing a complete cleanse, in addition to the diseases from which they have suffered for many years, excess weight disappears (up to 10 kg, and sometimes more); wrinkles are smoothed out; the skin becomes more elastic and smooth; fatigue disappears. A person can again move actively as before, without experiencing pain in the spine, lower back or joints. In men who have undergone complete cleansing, potency normalizes over time. In women, gynecological problems disappear, moreover, they are restored reproductive functions. Namely, the past this procedure a woman (as practice has shown) is able to give birth even after 40 years, despite the fact that she was diagnosed with infertility. And in all this, there is no mysticism or miracles. It's simple. A person’s blood is completely renewed, and not due to a transfusion from someone unknown, but his own, created by his body. All metabolic processes, blood circulation, blood pressure are normalized, which means that again all organs begin to work as they should by nature itself. After all, our body (as many modern scientists believe) is designed for centuries of use, and not at all for 5-7 decades, as is happening now.
This method is practically unknown to Western medicine. Nevertheless, in China, it is used quite actively, as we have already discussed above. And there are now 1.5 billion Chinese people, and there are fewer and fewer of us every year. But we are producing and purchasing more and more different medicines abroad. Why? After all, there is no sense in all this. Why are we proud of our “achievements” in medical science, are we dying out? Maybe stop hoping for mystical “scientific progress” and often being ridiculously stupid” modern technologies"? Why constantly step on the same rake? Isn't it better to turn to the experience of our ancestors, which the Chinese helpfully preserved for us? After all, it is quite possible to lead normal life without swallowing handfuls of pills every day. This is how they live in modern China, and the ecology there (by the way) is much worse than ours. Despite their powerful industry, the Chinese are constantly saving on the construction of wastewater treatment plants.
Yes, sure. Complete cleaning is a long process. But quality treatment is never quick. Especially when it covers the entire body as a whole. Cleaning can be done in stages or partially. After all, even partial cleansing of the body will definitely bring positive results, significantly improving a person’s well-being. In addition, it is possible to speed up the cleaning of blood vessels if it is carried out in conjunction with other methods adopted in “oriental” medicine. But I will tell you more about this in the next article. Rejuvenation is not a fairy tale, although it cannot be achieved with the help of expensive pills and medicines so that sellers talk about them. And any person who wants to regain lost health and youth can do this. Very often, the answers to complex, vital life questions lie on the very surface. And most people simply cannot find them because they do not see, or, more often than not, they do not know what exactly to look for due to a lack of relevant knowledge. And not at all because there are simply no such answers there.