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Healing qualities of melt water and methods of obtaining it. Preparation of melt water at home and its beneficial properties

Water has great importance for the life of all life on earth. Life on our planet owes its origin to water. Melt water is water that has melted after being frozen. About its benefits for humans and her healing properties There are already legends. What are the benefits of melt water and how to prepare it correctly?

Qualities of frozen water

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Structure of melted ice

Melt water differs in its structure from ordinary water. In the texts by alternative medicine melt water denoted by the term “structured water”. This means that the structure of this liquid is changed relative to equilibrium at environment. After thawing, the molecules line up in a certain way, thanks to which the water acquires completely different properties. Structured water, according to supporters of the method, can treat diseases that official medicine recognizes as incurable.

Melt water is obtained following the technology of nature itself. And nature knows only one technology - slow freezing, removal saline solutions, slow thawing of water.

ABOUT healing properties People have known about melt water for a very long time. But previously, the process of obtaining melt water was very simple: they brought a full bucket of snow or ice into the house and waited for it to melt. To this day, melt water is extracted in mountainous areas in this way, because ideal melt water is melted mountain snow. But how to get melt water in a city apartment, and is it really useful?

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Melt water is almost a medicine

It has long been noted that near melting springs the vegetation is always more lush. Even in the Arctic seas, at the edge of the melting ice, active life. And if you water crops with melt water, they will germinate faster and produce a larger harvest. Have you seen how greedily animals drink melt water in the spring? How do birds swim in puddles of melted snow?

Melt water is also useful for humans. A sip of pure water tones up better than any juice (especially if it is juice from a pack). A boost of energy, vigor, lightness, improved well-being - this is what you will get if you drink 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. You will lower blood cholesterol levels, soothe heart pain, and increase your body’s stress resistance and virus resistance. You will not be disturbed by changes in climate and weather; you will notice for yourself how much your quality of life has improved. By drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements within a week.

Melt water itself is not a medicine. It only helps our body restore self-regulation. Thanks to the consumption of melt water, metabolism and vital activity of all cells improves. Melt water cleanses the intercellular fluid and renews it.

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Rules for preparing melt water

It is useless to look for healthy melt water on the shelves in supermarkets. You can only cook it yourself. For this you will need plastic freezer containers. It is best to purchase food containers that are large enough to fit into your freezer. The number of containers is equal to the number of members of your family. If one person needs to drink three glasses of melt water per day, then the recommended amount for freezing is 6 glasses per person. Multiplying this volume by the number of family members, you get the figure of 1.5 liters per person. This means that for a family of two people, 3 liters of water should be frozen, and for a family of three people – 4.5 liters.

Before freezing, tap water should be filtered with a simple carbon filter. This removes large impurities - rust from pipes, sand. After pouring the water into containers, place it in the freezer (-18 degrees). The containers should be removed after 8-10 hours. Immediately pour boiling water from the tap over the containers (their bottoms). After piercing the crust with a knife, pour out the liquid that has not frozen during this time. These are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice is clean and transparent. If it turns out that the water has frozen completely, there will be clear ice around the edges, but cloudy inside. This dregs need to be melted under hot water so that not a single island remains. Only after this can you melt the ice to obtain melt water. In general, the container in which you need to freeze water so that it freezes only at the edges and remains liquid in the middle is determined by trial and error. Is all the water frozen? Take a larger container or reduce the freezing time. The operation of the freezer depends on many factors, even the air temperature in the house. Take this into account.

You need to defrost a block of ice as follows. Place the ice in an enamel or ceramic bowl and let it thaw at room temperature.

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Other cooking methods

Many experts do not recommend freezing water in plastic containers, but believe that this should only be done in glass, since water absorbs negative qualities from plastic. The purer the water for freezing, the better. Many people prefer to use distilled or almost boiling water for these purposes.

Glass jar Do not fill it completely with water to prevent it from bursting. If you freeze pure water (distilled), during the freezing process a ball will form in the jar, containing heavy water. After piercing the hole with a knife, pour out this water.

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Freezing boiled water

The water should not be brought to a boil, but to the “white key” (+94 degrees). After this, it must be quickly cooled (for example, by placing a pan or jar of boiling water in a basin with cold water). After this, the water is completely frozen. When defrosting, wait until an icicle the size of approximately Walnut(from one liter of water) are the most harmful substances, they defrost later than anything else. Throw away this icicle, drain the water and drink.

Received healing water should be consumed within 5 hours. This is how long water retains its structure and its bioactive properties.

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Don't forget to pay attention to how the water freezes. The lightest and purest water is formed at the edges of the dishes. Heavier water with impurities takes longer to freeze. This is a sphere that forms in the center of the vessel. Such “bad” ice is easy to distinguish from “good” ice. It is usually whitish-bubbly, but if you use low-quality tap water, it may even be yellowish. When defrosting water, it is very important to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This is done in one of three ways:

  • Melt under running water. This is a method for the lazy. Its disadvantage is that melt water loses quality. After all, when washing away harmful impurities under the stream hot water harmful impurities from tap water can get into the ice.
  • Wait for the melting to form a floating icicle and remove it.
  • Do not freeze the liquid completely.

The greatest effect is obtained from the water in which ice floes still float. Drink it in small sips throughout the entire time you spent defrosting this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

Under no circumstances should melt water be heated or defrosted in hot water. When heated, it loses its properties.

If you have never used melt water before or have used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 700 ml to 1.5 liters.

Water is vital for every body. Adults and children, plants and animals, everyone needs to drink every day. However, not all of it is beneficial for our body. Relatively recently, we drank water from the tap, but today no one wants to trust its purity. We began to buy various filters, jugs and multi-stage cleaning systems. Unfortunately, they are still not able to completely remove impurities - chlorine and other harmful substances. All that remains is to buy it in bottles, because industrial filters cope with these tasks much better.

However, not everyone can afford to buy water for drinking and cooking every day. But this is not necessary. Today we will talk about preparing melt water at home. It is simple, fast enough and effective method maintain your health.

For daily use

You've probably heard about it from your grandmothers. They most often prepare it at home, persuading their household members not to drink any other kind. And they are absolutely right. Preparing melt water at home does not require large time, and especially financial costs. In this case, the benefits are simply enormous. This is the perfect drink for daily use for both adults and children, even infants.

Pleasant taste

This is another pleasant bonus that preparing melt water at home will give you. It has a wonderful taste, somewhat sweet and very soft. It is the best balanced in its composition. In addition, the Internet is full of information that such a simple remedy can improve the health of the body and give hope for getting rid of chronic diseases, the path of even the most difficult ones.

Scientists' opinion

Surprisingly, preparing melt water at home is a process that is recommended by doctors, known for their skepticism. The fact is that it contains much fewer impurities. However, there is another, somewhat pseudo-scientific explanation. Esotericists say that in this case, water changes its structure and becomes closer in its biological indicators to our body. This is precisely why many healers explain it positive impact per person.

Conducted research

Not only scientists, but also ordinary people are interested in whether ordinary melt water can really heal the body. Preparing life-giving moisture at home is so simple that it immediately raises certain doubts. So easy and cheap - it can't be that effective! However, research shows interesting things. This water is informationally pure, because the freezing process completely erases all the information load that it managed to receive.

As it turns out, water is able to “remember” everything that happens around it. Emotions seem to be imprinted into its structure. Therefore, when it reaches our tap, it absorbs so much negative energy that not a single filter can remove it. The simplest research can be done at home. To do this, you need to take two pots of plants and place them on the windowsill. Now pour water into two buckets. Over one of them every day you need to talk different bad words, and the other - to praise. By watering the first plant from one vessel, and the second from another, you can observe how their condition changes. In about a month the result will be noticeable. One plant turns into a lush bush, and the second dries up.

Secrets of our great-grandfathers

Previously, there were no water pipes, and people went to the river to get ice from autumn until spring. By melting it at home, they received the healthiest water. Later it became known that it removes waste and toxins, and also allows you to get rid of excess weight.

In the old days, it was especially recommended to drink it in the spring season. In this case, it was enough to go to the outskirts of the village and collect ice. Such raw materials are not suitable for use in the city. We only need clean melt water. Preparation at home (this drink will definitely have benefits, especially if you drink it regularly, but you also need to prepare everything according to the rules) will require a little more time and effort, but it’s worth it. It should be made clear that simply freezing and thawing will not be enough to reap all the possible benefits.

Necessary equipment

It's time to consider ways to prepare melt water at home. Let's start with the choice necessary equipment. We will need a plastic container. It is best to choose dishes round shape. Depending on your needs, you need to look at the volume. If you use water only for drinking, then two two-liter containers are sufficient. You can prepare two liters of drink at a time. This is exactly the amount that doctors recommend drinking every day.

In addition, you will need a freezer. In winter, you can place the freezing vessels outside or on the balcony. And for the final part you will need a decanter.

First step

Proper preparation of melt water at home will require some time investment from you. First of all, you need to pour into the prepared container plain water from the tap. Now we remove the vessel for freezing. Here it is worth emphasizing once again that it is worth using plastic, and not glass or enamel dishes. Temperature changes do not affect the plastic in any way; the most important thing is that the container is made of high-quality material. Therefore, you should buy them only in specialized stores.

And here plastic bottles are not suitable for these purposes. If you don’t cut off the neck, you won’t be able to extract precious ice from it. And with the top cut off, it turns into an open cup without a lid. In this case, the ice will absorb foreign odors.

Miracle number one

From this moment the preparation of melt water at home begins. The instructions emphasize that you should not go far, because the process will need to be constantly monitored. The time will have to be determined empirically, depending on the volume of the vessel and the temperature in your freezer. On average you will need to wait from 2 to 5 hours. The heaviest part, containing the most harmful impurities, freezes first. So, when the first ice has formed, you need to pour the unfrozen water into a clean container and throw away the ice. Now pour the clean residue back into the work container and put it back in the freezer.

Miracles continue

So, we have removed all the most harmful substances from our liquid, now it is time for a more subtle cleaning. After about 8-10 hours, the water in the container will freeze so that it forms transparent ice around the edges. And only in the middle will a small lake of liquid collect. It definitely needs to be drained.

Why does this happen? The fact is that all salts, minerals and dirt are forced to the center when freezing. This is very convenient, since it becomes possible to remove these impurities without using filtration. After this, clean and transparent ice remains in the vessel. This is the final raw material, which remains only to be melted.

When you are short of time

In fact, in this case it is also possible to prepare melt water at home. The harm that your body can receive from salt and other impurities can be minimized as follows. You still have to wait until the first ice forms, and it must be thrown away. But if you re-freeze, you don’t have to worry too much: if you didn’t have time to remove the “salt lake” from the center, it’s not so scary, because when it freezes completely, it will turn into a cloudy lump.

Two ways to remove it

In the first case, you just need to let the ice slowly melt at room temperature. The drained liquid can be poured into a carafe or drunk straight away. But as soon as the melting reaches the border muddy ice, the process must be stopped. However, this method is not convenient. As soon as you are distracted, the pure ice will again mix with the displaced residue.

There is another way - for those who do not want to spend several hours near the container. Just use a knife to scoop out the cloudy ice from the middle and then rinse it warm water. You will be left with the purest “donut”, which you just need to melt.

Possible harm

In principle, we have fully examined what such a procedure as preparing melt water at home is. The benefits and harms of this water are regularly discussed in the media and on specialized forums. One thing is certain: your body will only suffer if you ingest the result of melting city snow or ice. Then you will get the entire periodic table in one glass. In other cases, melt water is an excellent option for quenching thirst.

How to use it for the greatest benefit

To get a healing effect, you need to drink it when it has just thawed. It is at this moment that melt water has the highest biological activity. But, of course, there is no need for fanaticism. You should consume life-giving moisture in small portions at intervals of 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day.

When drinking this water, the blood thins, which helps better cleansing every cell of the body. In this case, stagnation in the blood is eliminated, and now it cannot serve as a medium for the development of infections. By the way, beneficial features of this drink are significantly reduced when heated. However, it still retains its purity.

Melt water = distilled?

This is another question that interests many people when they read about the method of its manufacture. In fact, the difference between them is very big. Distilled water is dead water, which cannot be consumed, since it is completely devoid of salts and draws calcium from the body. Melt water is living. Yes, you remove harmful impurities and salts from it, but at the same time it retains all the properties beneficial to the body, as well as minerals. Moreover, there are no more and no less of them left in it, but as many as necessary. Therefore, you can drink it every day without harm to your health.

For a long time, scientists have been trying to solve the riddle of why residents of mountainous regions and elders have good health and live very long. After much research and attempts to find the answer to this question, it turned out that the reason for everything was melt water. The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in today's article.

Remember our school chemistry lesson?

Water is the source of life. Even the human body is 2/3 liquid. Every person knows that compliance drinking regime– deposit wellness and health.

Bottled and tap water contain various impurities that are added during filtration processes. We use this water every day, but there is one drawback - not all molecules are absorbed by our body.

And those who drink melt water feel great and live long. What's the secret? This is where we need to remember school lesson chemistry.

Water is made up of molecules. During the freezing process they form a solid crystal lattice. Under influence low temperatures the molecules shrink and take on a different structure. After thawing, the water is not only purified, but its composition also becomes similar to cellular protoplasm.

This transformation allows the smallest particles of melt water to be completely absorbed at the cellular level and take part in all vital body processes.

Melt water is a miracle liquid

Melt water at home can work wonders. Scientists and doctors advise using it every day. Daily norm makes up 1/100 of the total body weight. In two weeks, you will notice an improvement in your well-being, and the ailments that once bothered you will sink into oblivion.

Melt water has a number of useful properties:

  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • cleansing.

With the help of crystal clear liquid you can overcome many ailments and pathological conditions. Such a liquid will not cause harm, but the benefits will be undeniable.

The properties of the described liquid include:

  • restorative effect;
  • activation of memory and thinking processes;
  • strengthening immune defense;
  • improvement of digestive and metabolic processes;
  • removing accumulated toxins and harmful compounds from the body;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • getting rid of allergic reactions;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

Experts say that drinking melt water helps cope with fatigue and improves performance.

Is there any harm?

Melt water has virtually no contraindications for use and does not cause harm to the body, with the exception of some nuances. Many people are interested in how to make melt water. And the answer to the question: is this water healthy or not depends on how correctly it was prepared.

Preparing melt water from snow is dangerous due to the current ecological situation. Only water prepared from mountain snow collected in ecologically clean areas is useful.

Beginners need to drink no more than 100 ml per day and carefully monitor the reaction of their body, since melt water does not contain salt and a number of micro- and macroelements.

Important! The amount of melt water consumed per day should be approximately 30% of the main drink. Experts recommend drinking filtered water without gas.

Attention! You need to drink melt water within eight hours after its preparation. In the future, the quantity nutrients will shrink and there will be nothing useful left in such a liquid.

Before we look at the technology for preparing melt water, let's study a number of rules:

  • You cannot use ice from the street or snow to prepare such water;
  • It is also not recommended to defrost ice crust from the freezer, since it absorbs all unpleasant odors;
  • It is recommended to freeze water in a glass or ceramic container;
  • It is advisable not to use enameled, tin or aluminum cookware.

On a note! It is very convenient to freeze liquids in plastic forms or containers. But recently, scientists have been actively arguing about this, since they consider such material to be toxic.

Melt water should be prepared as follows:

  1. Pour filtered water into a glass container or plastic container. First, try making melt water from 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the freezer.
  3. After a couple of hours, we take out the container.
  4. An ice crust has formed on top; it must be carefully removed.
  5. Place the container with the liquid back into the freezer.
  6. We are carefully watching the process.
  7. When approximately 2/3 of the liquid freezes, the unfrozen water must be drained, since it contains harmful substances.
  8. Take the remaining ice out of the freezer and defrost it naturally at room temperature. This is melt water.

On a note! Experts advise drinking melt water at a temperature of 15-16°. If your body is not hardened, the temperature of the liquid can be increased to 37°, but it is not advisable to heat it.

Unusual properties of melt water

Many girls use melt water to lose weight. Doctors are also considering this method of getting rid of extra pounds. It is important to prepare it correctly and take it no more than a month and a half. After this, you definitely need to take a break.

To lose weight, melt water should be drunk one hour before meals. The daily norm is four glasses.

You should drink the first glass of water after waking up on an empty stomach. We drink the remaining water during the day before the main meal. It is recommended to take water whose temperature is 10°. If you believe the reviews, the first results are visible within a week. Of course, you need to adjust your diet and limit your consumption of unhealthy foods.

There is also an opinion that melt water has a beneficial effect on curls. You can wash your hair with it or add it to various masks. After a short period of time, hair growth will accelerate, it will become shiny and strong.

In the morning you can wash your face with melt water. It has a beneficial effect on skin, helps to cope with minor cosmetic defects.

On a note! If you use various decoctions and infusions, then to enhance therapeutic effect they can be prepared using melt water.

For humans, as for all living beings, water is of great importance. All metabolic processes occur in an aquatic environment. The body consists of 75% water. To a person About two liters are required daily clean water to replenish its reserves in the body. Water quality is put first. Researchers consider ideal water melting. She has special composition. It does not contain harmful impurities that ordinary tap liquid is famous for. The structure of melt water is similar to natural spring water. This liquid has a beneficial effect on humans, as numerous experiments and studies have shown.

To understand the benefits it brings, you need to understand its structure. Melt water is considered structured. After freezing and thawing, its particles are arranged in a certain order.

This is why the liquid becomes useful qualities. Back in 1999, Russian researcher S.V. Zenin proved that melt water is a hierarchy of clusters (formations in the form of crystals), which consist of 57 molecules.

They interact with each other using free hydrogen bonds. Many experts believe that such water can have a beneficial effect on human health.

The liquid is obtained following natural technology. The formula for obtaining it is quite simple: slow freezing, removing impurities and thawing.

Under natural conditions, melt water is obtained from mountain glaciers. It has long been known that people living in the mountains and constantly drinking melt water have good health and are long-lived.

At home, you can get the same water, which will be no different from natural water. A sip of melt water tones better coffee, tea and any medicine.

The purest water is an ideal liquid for the body. It saturates cells with life-giving moisture and restores normal metabolic processes.

Properties of melt water:

  • invigorates, refreshes, saturates with energy, tones;
  • improves metabolism;
  • quickly removes harmful substances from the body;
  • reduces blood cholesterol;
  • increases immunity;
  • helps eliminate chronic diseases;
  • rejuvenates;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves hypertension and vascular disorders;
  • helps to quickly get rid of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • eliminates skin diseases(neurodermatitis, dermatitis, etc.).

Melt water is not a cure for all ailments. It only helps the body restore normal functioning.

By receiving high-quality and structured water, the cells themselves begin to work correctly. The purity of water has the most beneficial effect on body functions.

Updated intercellular fluid, toxins are eliminated, which helps restore health. As practice shows, people who regularly use melt water become healthier and more efficient.

They experience increased brain activity and productivity. U individuals the time required for sleep is reduced. They only need 4 hours to recover..

Before preparing melt water, it is useful to filter it. Find out how to choose the most effective water purification!

Radon baths are a very beneficial procedure for health. Read all the information about these procedures, about indications and contraindications, the most necessary, important and useful information!

How is melt water harmful? ^

This water does not have any negative effects. If you prepare it incorrectly, it will simply turn out to be useless, like ordinary water.

Harmful to health heavy metals and some organic substances, which are present in untreated water. Drinking heavy water can make you feel worse. Therefore, melt water should be prepared following the recommendations given below.

The benefits of melt water for weight loss ^

Reset overweight consuming melt water is quite possible. After all, the healing liquid removes harmful substances (impurities and toxins) from the body. To lose weight, you need to take melt water daily in unlimited quantities.

In addition, it is important to adhere proper nutrition. Fatty, sweet, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be excluded. Fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol are also prohibited.

Instead of junk food must be consumed fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Juices and tea can be eliminated by replacing them with melt water. After a week of this diet, you will feel much better. Excess weight will begin to disappear little by little.

How to make melt water? ^

To prepare the liquid, take glass or enamel containers. You can use plastic, but some researchers claim that plastic releases harmful substances when frozen.

If you use a glass container, then you must strictly monitor the state of freezing water. After all, when the liquid freezes completely, the glass breaks.

Method No. 1
Pour purified water into the container. This could be tap water that has settled and passed through a filter. Place the container with water in the freezer.

After 40 minutes, a thin film of ice forms on the surface of the water. It must be removed, as it contains harmful deuterium.

Next, the container must be placed in the freezer again. After 9-10 hours the water will almost completely freeze. The liquid will only remain in the middle. It must be drained and the ice placed at room temperature. The liquid you drain contains heavy metals.

Sometimes it forms something like a ball, which is located in the very middle of the ice. If you catch this moment, then the dishes can be removed from the freezer.

Pierce the top ice with a knife and drain the liquid from the “ball”. After the ice has thawed, the rest of the water can be drunk.

The duration of freezing may vary, depending on the depth of the water container, as well as the power of the freezer.

Method No. 2
Water is prepared using the same method as in the first case. You remove the deuterium and put the dishes back in the freezer. But if you wish, you can wait until the water in the container freezes completely.

Method No. 3
If the water freezes completely, harmful substances can be removed under running hot water. Dishes with ice should be placed under the stream. Point it at the cloudy ice. It will disappear, and only transparent ice will remain in the container, which is suitable for obtaining melt water.

Method No. 4
This method involves freezing water that has almost been brought to the boiling point or to the “white key”. The water temperature is no more than 94 degrees.

After this, the liquid is quickly cooled by placing the container in a bowl of very cold water. Next, the liquid is placed in the refrigerator and completely frozen. Defrosting occurs similarly to method No. 2, when an island of white ice. They throw it away and drink the remaining water.

Important nuances ^

When consuming melt water, we must not forget that its biological activity is declining. Some experts claim that it becomes a normal liquid in 12 hours after defrosting.

Others increase this period to a day. It is best to take melt water immediately after preparation.
The most effective liquid is one in which small pieces of ice still float.

It should be drunk in small sips, enjoying the refreshing taste. Drinking such water is not only healthy, but also very pleasant. It has an unusual taste that cannot be described in words.

You cannot heat melt water, nor defrost it using hot water. Otherwise, it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Of course useful species water is not limited to melt melt. Find out how it is used and how useful it is for treating this particular disease!

Want to know what water temperature should be when bathing a newborn? Answers, the most necessary, relevant and useful information!

And also about bathing newborns. It is produced in a special bath, and you will learn everything about how to choose and buy such a bath here: create ideal conditions for your baby!

Reviews from people who drink melt water ^

Users leave good comments about melt water. If it is prepared correctly, then the benefits from it are simply invaluable. Many people notice improvements after regular use such a liquid.

Don't expect miracles. Water does not help immediately after the first dose. To mark any positive effects, it must be drunk regularly for many months. Besides, important has a way of life.

If a person drinks alcohol, drinks a lot of coffee or smokes, then the benefits of melt water will be minimal. Harmful products in the diet are also negated positive traits liquids.

Since water plays a huge role in metabolic processes human body, its importance is difficult to overestimate. Quality drinking water today leaves much to be desired. What is melt water? The benefits and harms of such water are topics that are often discussed recently.

Meltwater is melted ice. Before receiving it, ordinary water is first frozen. In the process of its transformation, the crystal structure changes.

The fact is that the path that water takes before it enters our water supply is very long. “On the way” liquid absorbs a large number of information, including negative information. In order to get rid of it, the water needs to return its energetic purity by restoring its natural structure. Freezing and defrosting are used for this. The result of such actions is “zeroing” and restoration of the initial state.

Basic properties

Ordinary water, after going through the processes of freezing and thawing, changes the size of its molecules. As they decrease, they become similar to the protoplasm of the cells of the human body. This feature allows them to easily pass through cell membranes. This leads to acceleration chemical reactions, since almost all molecules are involved in metabolism.

Eventually various interactions between melt water and other substances are simplified, so the process of its absorption occurs with great savings in the body’s energy.

A useful property of thawed water is that it removes the heavy isotope deuterium.

A large amount of it is found in tap water. It is known that it causes significant harm to living cells of the body.

According to experts, it is possible to improve the body’s health even if deuterium is removed in small quantities. Melt water also contains no salts, chlorides, isotopic molecules with heavy isotopes and other harmful substances.

The benefits of melt water

In melt water, atoms after freezing and subsequent thawing create a regular crystal lattice. The composition of such water becomes similar to the cellular structuring of liquid substances in the human body, so it is easily absorbed. If we talk about the benefits of melt water, it contributes to:

  1. Cleansing the organs and systems of the human body at the cellular level.
  2. Significant improvement in water-salt metabolism.
  3. Regulating acid-base balance.
  4. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  5. Normalization of the functionality of the endocrine system.
  6. Losing weight.
  7. Resorption of blood clots.
  8. Rejuvenating effect.
  9. Increasing immunity.

Harm from melt water

Perhaps, harm from drinking melt water can be caused to the body if it is prepared incorrectly. For example, when drinking water, also called heavy, which contains dissolved salts heavy metals Possible poisoning. Preparation of melt water must be carried out using special technology. This is the only way it can have healing properties.

In addition, under no circumstances should you use snow or ice that is located within the boundaries of an industrial city. After all, water that has absorbed various toxic emissions, soot and other technological by-products of production cannot be beneficial.

Cooking rules

In order for frozen drinking water to be beneficial, you need to know the basic rules for its preparation. To do this, you will need a small container that needs to be filled with regular, preferably filtered, tap water. Moreover, it is important not to fill it to the very top. It is best to take a glass container, but in this case you need to ensure that it is completely frozen, otherwise the jar may crack.

If it is not possible to trace this point, you can take plastic dishes intended for food products. Next, you need to leave the water in the freezer for about an hour. When it’s frosty outside, you can use the balcony, unless, of course, it’s insulated. After an hour, you need to remove the container and remove the thin crust of ice that has formed on the surface - this is heavy water, which is harmful to the body.

After this, the water must be returned to the freezer for further freezing, which will take approximately 8-10 hours. After this time, you need to get a container of water. Through a small depression formed during the freezing process, you need to drain the unfrozen liquid, after first punching a hole in the ice. The remaining water, which gradually thaws, is very beneficial for health.

The greatest benefit of melt water for the body is when it is consumed in the first 12 hours after it has thawed. After 24 hours, the contents of the structured healthy water is 70%. And then, over time, the beneficial properties of such a liquid decrease. The temperature of the water consumed should be 10-18 degrees.

People who, by virtue various reasons cannot drink such cold liquid, you can heat it, but as a result the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.

For those who want to quickly improve their well-being, the amount of melt water they drink per day should be one hundredth of their weight. That is, if a person weighs 80 kg, he needs to drink 800 ml of such liquid per day. To feel changes in improving your health, it will take about two weeks of such treatment.

Melt water at home. The easiest method: Video

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