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Which water is healthier? Which water is better and healthier to drink?

The benefits and harms of boiled water are a subject of debate among many researchers. It is not completely known how liquid heated to high temperatures affects health. Let's highlight the known and indisputable facts: is boiling dangerous or necessary?

Why do they boil water?

Water exposed to high temperatures is disinfected. Bacteria, viruses, microorganisms die. IN major cities The water supply contains large amounts of chlorine and other chemical impurities. It is believed that after boiling these compounds are neutralized. Another purpose of heating water to 100 C is to soften hardness.

Important! To achieve softening, disinfection and neutralization of chemical elements, you need to boil water for at least 15 minutes. In this case, the benefits of boiled water for the human body will be more obvious.

Most often, people carry out this procedure faster. The reason is haste, ignorance or the use of electric kettles with automatic shutdown. After heating, the water must stand for some time so that the sediment falls to the bottom. Otherwise, chemical elements do not have time to settle and enter the body, causing harm to the joints, kidneys and liver.

The boiling procedure is the process of converting water from a liquid state to a vapor state. In physics, the following stages of this process are distinguished:

  • air bubbles rise from the bottom of the container and group at the walls of the container;
  • the phenomenon is a “white spring”, when the liquid becomes cloudy and seething occurs like the flow of spring water. Often people at this stage think that hot boiled water is ready to use, but it is not;
  • the last stage is steam formation and strong bubbling, often water splashes out of the containers.

It is important to wait another 10-15 minutes after the last point.

Is it healthy to drink boiled water?

After the boiling procedure, it is better to pour the liquid from the kettle into another container for further storage. It is recommended to get rid of scale each time and only then pour in a fresh portion of water.

Boiled liquid loses its row useful elements: magnesium, oxygen, calcium, but at the same time it becomes softer.

There is a claim that boiled water on an empty stomach is beneficial if it is slightly warmer than body temperature. You can also heat the purified liquid - the effect will be the same. This improves intestinal function and, as a result, accelerates metabolism. In the morning, such a liquid will charge the body, improve blood circulation, and improve brain activity.

Warm boiled water will eliminate cold symptoms. To do this, you need to cool the hot liquid and take it in small sips. Will smooth out painful sensations in the throat, and nasal congestion will go away. Can not use hot water, otherwise you can worsen the disease, because the mucous membranes of the throat will become inflamed even more.

Is boiled water harmful to the body?

The harm from drinking boiled water is due to the presence of four indicators: chlorine content, an increase in harmful compounds, destruction of the molecular structure and the uselessness of the boiling procedure against some viruses.

Chlorine and the emergence of new compounds

Chlorination of water is necessary for disinfection, but along with the benefits, this procedure is harmful. By combining with organic substances, chlorine creates new dangerous elements. Medicines and vitamins can become harmful to humans. As a result of such processes, the body’s metabolism changes, disruptions occur hormonal system, immunity decreases.

When boiling, chlorine and all its compounds react with organic matter and form trihalomethanes and dioxins. These substances harm the body, poisoning it gradually in small doses. Dioskines can cause cancer and change cells at the genetic level.

Increased amount of harmful salts

Harmful salts precipitate after boiling. Don't drink all the water from the kettle. The bottom contains metal salts, carcinogenic chlorine and non-volatile organics. All of them can lead to kidney stones, blood poisoning and other ailments.

Destruction of the molecular structure of water

“Dead” - that’s what I call it scientists water after boiling. After heating to 100 C, water loses this property. Such a liquid cannot satisfy a person’s need for moisture. People who consume only “dead water” age faster and are more susceptible to various diseases.

Viruses and bacteria

Studies of boiled water for health benefits and harm have proven that not all microorganisms and viruses die in such liquid. Botulism spores will die only after 5 hours of continuous heating to 100 C, hepatitis after 30 minutes.

Many scientists claim that boiled liquid will again acquire viruses and germs after 5 hours.

Is it possible to drink re-boiled water?

Repeatedly boiling water will harm humans even more. The following negative consequences are identified:

  • deterioration of taste, appearance of a metallic taste;
  • the concentration of harmful salts, chlorine and other metal impurities will increase even more;
  • Twice-boiled water becomes more toxic and deprived of oxygen.

You can boil the same liquid as many times as you like, but you will not be able to get rid of petroleum products, herbicides and heavy metals.

Which water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

If the choice is between raw tap water and boiled water, then of course it is better to choose the second option. It is unknown how many bacteria, chlorine and other compounds are contained in a city liquid or a well in a village.

Important! To reduce the chlorine content, it is useful to leave the tap liquid in an open container for at least a day before boiling.

Boiled water with lemon will benefit those who want to lose weight. Wherein bad taste will be neutralized by citrus. Drinking a glass warm water with a teaspoon of juice half an hour before meals, you can cleanse the body of harmful carcinogens and improve metabolism. To increase efficiency, you need to add to the procedure physical exercise and proper nutrition.

It is better to give preference to bottled water or filtered water. Fluid purification devices are now available. These can be jugs or cleaning systems attached to a pipe.

To assess the quality of tap water, you can send it to a laboratory for analysis. Based on the data received, select the appropriate filter. As a rule, in megacities, the tap water flows from the tap is harder, saturated with chemical compounds. In villages, wells have softer water, but there may be pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Boiled water during pregnancy

Pure liquid is important for a pregnant woman and has the following effects:

  • increases blood volume;
  • ensures good blood circulation;
  • participates in the process of formation of amniotic fluid;
  • resists the formation of stretch marks.

To replenish moisture, it is better to drink premium bottled water with increased content oxygen.

Is it possible to give boiled water to a baby?

It is better to give infants water from bottles. It is worth choosing manufacturers who produce water for children with a “+0” mark on the container. Boiled liquid from a tap can harm a developing small organism.

Rules for drinking boiled water

  • After the procedure, it is important to store water in another container - preferably glass;
  • Every time the kettle must be descaled: the better the cleaning is done, the safer the new batch;
  • Do not mix raw and boiled water for further heating. Substances in the two liquids react and form deuterium, a substance that can cause cancer;
  • more benefits from water that is pre-purified using filters before boiling;
  • It is better to consume the liquid immediately, without waiting for it to cool completely;
  • Having poured boiling water into a thermos, close it after a few minutes, but not immediately;
  • reboiling increases the concentration of harmful substances.

Considering the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, you should limit the use of such liquid for preparing hot drinks. To quench your thirst, it is better to drink purified raw water.


The benefits and harms of boiled water are not exaggerated. To maintain health, it is better to boil water for tea or coffee from bottles. Filters can also improve the quality and health of drinks. If only boiling is available for disinfection, then you must carefully use this method. Otherwise, there is a risk of catching coli or become more infected dangerous illnesses. At correct use Boiled water will be beneficial, but will be harmful to health if you neglect the recommendations for use.

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For many, heat treatment has been and remains the only way to purify water from harmful impurities and microorganisms. Some people, trying to increase the degree of purification, bring the life-giving moisture to a boil two or even three times. We will tell you in our article why you can’t boil water twice and how it threatens your health.

Why does the body need water?

Almost everyone knows: the human body is 80% liquid. But few people know that its volume ranges from 30 to 50 liters depending on age: the older the person, the smaller its share.

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci

Most water is contained in cells: the volume of intracellular fluid is approximately 28 liters. In second place in terms of water content is free liquid - up to 10 l, followed by blood, intestinal and gastric juices, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, bile and saliva.

Water, constantly circulating throughout the body, takes part in all metabolic processes. With its help, toxins, dead cells, viruses and bacteria are eliminated through sweat and urine. We have already written “How much water do you need to drink to be healthy”, so now we will not touch on this issue, but will dwell on why you cannot boil water twice.

Why is it believed that water cannot be boiled twice?

Boiling is perhaps the only way to disinfect water available to everyone without exception. Many people use it to disinfect tap water, and almost everyone uses it when brewing coffee and tea. Sometimes we are too lazy to replace the liquid once brought to 100 °C with a new one, and then we hear from our mothers that You can't boil water twice. Let's see if this is true.

How does heat treatment affect the quality of a liquid? Any water, unless, of course, you are dealing with distilled water, in addition to hydrogen and oxygen, contains a lot of impurities, including:

  • salts of calcium and magnesium, which settle on the walls of the kettle during boiling, but do not pose a particular threat to human body;
  • heavy metals: strontium, lead, zinc, capable of high temperatures form carcinogenic compounds, causing oncological diseases;
  • chlorine, which has an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes and provokes the appearance of cancer cells;
  • viruses and bacteria, both pathogenic and completely harmless.

During boiling, H2O evaporates, but heavy metal salts do not disappear, and their concentration in the liquid increases. True, scientists assure that they are still not enough to cause significant harm to the body.

In addition, during heat treatment, “light” hydrogen evaporates, but “heavy” (hydrogen isotopes) remains. Moreover, its density increases, and "living" water turns into “heavy”, saturated with deuterium. Regular use such water leads to death.

Deuterium (Latin “deuterium”, from the Greek δεύτερος “second”) is heavy hydrogen, denoted by the symbols D and ²H, a stable isotope of hydrogen with an atomic mass of 2. The nucleus (deuteron) consists of one proton and one neutron. Wikipedia

However, according to research conducted by academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, getting 1 liter is fatal dangerous water, 2163 tons of tap water will be required. In other words, the concentration of deuterium in twice-boiled water is so low that it is not worth worrying about.

As a result, of all the consequences of double boiling, the following can be identified as harmful:

  • change in the taste of the liquid is not for the better;
  • “living” water, losing during heat treatment necessary for a person microorganisms turns into “dead”, i.e. useless;
  • the formation of chlorine-containing carcinogens and an increase in the concentration of heavy metals.

This is why you cannot boil water twice; however, one-time heat treatment leads to the same results.

How to get “living” water?

Not everyone has the opportunity to drink spring water or purify tap water using expensive filters. There is a simple way for them to obtain usable life-giving moisture.

Pour water into a jar and, without closing it with a lid, let it sit for 24 hours. During this time it will evaporate most of chlorine Then freeze it in the refrigerator (just keep in mind that when freezing, water expands, and the jar, if it is overfilled and closed, may burst), but not completely: let a puddle remain on the surface. This is "dead" water high content deuterium - it turns into ice last. Drain it, after which the ice can be defrosted and drunk.

Listen to some more advice from a nutritionist who knows how to purify water at home:

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Without water, as is known from the song for the Soviet film, “neither here nor here.” Indeed, without it there cannot be life itself. Thanks to the inventors of plumbing for the fact that people no longer have to think about how water gets into the house. But, alas, quite often tap water leaves much to be desired in terms of quality and purity. There can be many reasons for this state of affairs - from worn out pipes to the characteristics of local sources.

Why do you need to boil water?

One of the significant disadvantages of tap water is rigidity, that is, an increased concentration of calcium and magnesium salts. Hard water negatively affects the condition of human skin and hair, forms a limescale deposit on dishes and household appliances, makes it difficult to rinse clothes, spoils the taste of tea and coffee and, in general, is not very good for health. To be fair, it should be noted that complete absence salts - not much better; moderately hard water is optimal for the body.

It is also polluted by various impurities- nitrogen compounds, iron, manganese ions and others. Most often, this is due to the insufficient quality and functioning of treatment facilities.

Brings controversial benefits chlorination. On the one hand, it is the cheapest and safe way disinfection, and on the other – deterioration of its taste and quality. Not to mention the reaction of chlorine with organic compounds, which can form dangerous cumulative carcinogens.

Yet, contrary to popular belief, tap water is not so bad. Most of the impurities are contained in small quantities and are practically harmless. At the very least, but state control There was no denying the quality.

But at the same time, sanitary doctors are unanimous that under no circumstances should you drink water directly from the tap. You need to at least boil it.

What happens when it boils

From the point of view of physical science, boiling is a process of vaporization that occurs from the surface of a liquid and inside it. Separation boundaries are formed in the volume of water different phases(liquids and steam), thus bubbles appear, by which we can “by eye” determine that the water has boiled. Boiling of any liquid can only occur at a certain temperature, for water this is + 100 0 C.

Externally, one can observe three stages of the process of boiling water in domestic conditions.

  • Single small bubbles begin to appear from the bottom of the kettle or pan, the number of which gradually increases; the bubbles are grouped on the surface of the water closer to the walls of the dish.
  • Massive rapid rise of bubbles, causing first a slight cloudiness and then some whitening of the water. This stage of boiling is called “white spring” because it resembles running water from a spring. By the way, true connoisseurs of tea believe that it should be brewed with water at exactly this stage, without bringing it directly to a boil.
  • An intense bubbling process, during which large bubbles burst on the surface, steam is actively released, and water begins to splash out of the dishes.

The harm and benefits of boiled water

If water is not purified using filter systems, boiling becomes a prerequisite for its consumption. The biggest advantages of this cleaning method are its absolute simplicity and accessibility.

Of course, boiling gets rid of most harmful impurities. In the process, a significant part of the bacteria dies, organochlorine compounds are destroyed, and the water becomes softer and more pleasant to the taste. But it is not able to completely replace correct cleaning with filters; in addition, this process also has some disadvantages.

Firstly, quite strongly chlorinated water flows from the tap, in which, when boiled, dioxin is formed - a global ecotoxicant that has a carcinogenic effect and the insidious property of accumulating in the body. Even in minute concentrations, dioxin can cause genetic cellular changes.

Secondly, regular boiling does not destroy all the elements contained in the water. pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, it does not eliminate impurities of heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, petroleum products and other “chemicals”. With prolonged boiling, the concentration of heavy metal salts increases due to evaporation, which is clearly demonstrated by the scale formed on the dishes.

Thirdly, boiling destroys the structure that the human body becomes best case scenario useless. There is such a concept - heavy water, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium atoms (a heavy isotope of hydrogen). Negative Impact on the body has been confirmed by numerous experiments. The well-known “dead” water from the Russians folk tales- this is heavy water. During the boiling process, a certain amount of heavy, “dead” water is formed.

"Optimization" of the boiling process

If you follow the following simple rules, you can, while maintaining the disinfection effect, minimize the harmful effects of boiling.

For a person whose body consists of 70% liquid, it is vital to drink enough water. It is needed for the normal functioning of all processes in our body. But what kind of water is better to drink? Liquid that flows from a tap into big cities, is not suitable for drinking, so many people prefer to boil the water. But is it really that simple? Is it healthy to drink boiled water or is it completely harmful? These questions need to be addressed in more detail.

In physics, boiling refers to the process of transition from a liquid state to a vapor state, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles at a temperature of 100 degrees. Conventionally, the boiling process is divided into the following stages:

  • Small single bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, which then rise to the surface of the water and are grouped mainly at the walls of the container.
  • A lot of bubbles appear. They provoke cloudiness and then whitening of the liquid. This stage also known as "white spring" because the process is similar to the running of spring water. Tea lovers often remove the kettle from the stove at this stage, without allowing the water to boil.
  • Next, intense bubbling occurs, large bubbles burst and strong discharge pair. Water splashes from the dishes.

The benefits and harms of boiled water still raise a lot of doubts. Boiling tap water solves the following problems:

  • Kills microorganisms;
  • Reduces water hardness;
  • Reduces chlorine content.

This is the main benefit of boiled water. Hard salts remain as sediment at the bottom of the container, and most of the bacteria die. Boiling is especially important in the hot season, when, despite chlorination, the number of microorganisms in the water increases.

However, boiling does not destroy the hepatitis A virus and botulism bacillus. In addition, if the water sits for a long time, bacteria can enter it again. Therefore, boiled water, the health benefits and harms of which are not so obvious, cannot be stored for several days. Boiling makes water softer. In this case, the concentration of certain salts becomes higher due to the evaporation of the liquid.

Danger and harm of boiled water

However, research shows that boiling does not kill all microbes. So, in order to kill the hepatitis virus, you need to boil water for half an hour. The botulism stick can disappear only after fifteen minutes of boiling, and its spores die in no less than five hours! Of course, no one will boil water that much. Also, the harm of boiled water lies in the fact that it does not destroy active pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals, phenols, and petroleum products. A row useful components in water, such as calcium and magnesium salts, settles on the walls of the vessel.

It is also worth considering that boiling, especially long-term boiling, causes a clear decrease in the volume of water. A precipitate appears in the liquid that remains. If you add raw water to the settled water and boil them together, the percentage and concentration of heavy water will increase. And this poses a serious threat to health. Therefore, experts insist that boiled water should never be diluted with unboiled water.

Many people believe that the benefit of boiled water for the body is that it is free of chlorine. But studies have shown that this trace element, when boiled, begins to interact with other compounds, which can cause the formation of dangerous trihalomethanes. Also, heating the water causes oxygen to escape from it.

Answering the question of whether boiled water is useful, many experts believe that it becomes “dead” and therefore cannot bring any value. It does not saturate the body with valuable minerals and the moisture it needs. It is also known that after some time after boiling, water becomes again infected with various microorganisms that may be in the kettle or simply flying in the air. Although, of course, this is quite a long time for us to have time to drink tea. Be that as it may, boiling cannot be considered a 100% way to purify water from everything that may be harmful to our body.

Is there any benefit to boiled water?

When figuring out whether boiled water is good for drinking, it is worth noting that it is softer than tap water. It is believed that drinking water that has been boiled once improves mental and physical activity, removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation.

Some traditional healers It is recommended to drink warm boiled water, especially on an empty stomach. Speaking about the benefits of boiled water in this form, they highlight its ability to improve metabolic processes and accelerate the breakdown of fats. In fact, any clean water has this effect if you heat it up, so the point is not boiling.

Is boiled water beneficial or harmful? This process really makes it better for the body than tap water or well water, which contains a lot of bacteria and aggressive particles. But boiling does not make water such that it is completely healthy and safe. It is recommended to use it only if you have no other way to purify the water. Then it will help reduce the risk of poisoning and other negative consequences. But it is recommended to boil water for at least 8-10 minutes, which our usual electric kettles are not designed for. When drinking boiled water, remember that it is not advisable to store it in the container where it was boiled. It is best to pour it into a glass container. The kettle must be descaled before turning it on.

Another important question is whether it is harmful to boil water a second time. It is worth considering the following points:

  • Boiling takes away the taste of water. Water that you boil several times will not taste good at all. It may have an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • Boiling does not kill impurities and salts. The more often water is boiled, the more oxygen evaporates from it, and the higher the concentration of these salts becomes. The drink becomes toxic and, although this toxicity is small, it tends to accumulate, so Negative influence will be present.
  • We usually boil chlorinated water. Chlorine, as we have already said, when heated, reacts with organic substances and forms dangerous toxins. The more often the water is boiled, the higher their concentration. Based on this, the answer to the question of whether repeated boiling of water is harmful or not may be positive.

Thus, water boiled several times retains very little of the benefits that our body needs from drinking water. And the more you boil it, the more “dead” it becomes. Having found out whether it is harmful to boil water several times, we can conclude that it is better to limit ourselves to boiling once.

So what kind of water is best to drink?

If you want to drink water for health benefits, then it is best to drink specially purified water, not boiled water. For this purpose, special filters can be used, which are not a problem to buy today. They help purify water from heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and other harmful components. There are filters in the form of jugs, as well as filters that are installed directly on the water pipe, and already purified water flows from the tap. Drinking bottled water is also a good option. It is guaranteed to be cleansed and does not cause any harm to the body.

If the water you have access to now does not inspire confidence in you, it is better to boil it and protect yourself from poisoning and other unpleasant consequences. After all, as to which water is healthier: boiled or raw, the choice is definitely on the side of boiled water (of course, if the raw water has not been purified). Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to drink tap water, but you can resort to boiling - sometimes it makes life much easier and protects us. Monitor the quality of the water you drink.

Fresh water sources occupy about 3% of the Earth's surface. If we compare it with the water of the seas and oceans, fresh water bodies occupy 5 thousand times less volume. Only 1% of fresh water bodies are suitable for human consumption. It is expected that in 2060, about 80% of the population could be deficient drinking water.

A person needs to drink water every day, otherwise its deficiency can lead to dehydration. On average, the body needs 2-3 liters of water per day, or 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight.

What kind of water do we drink?

Perfect clean water does not exist. It contains a large number of bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, and organic compounds.

The water that flows from our tap cannot be called high-quality and healthy. In 80% of cases it is chlorinated water. Chlorination is a method of water disinfection. It is toxic to microorganisms, which is why it has been used for the last half century. However, what is dangerous for microorganisms can be dangerous for humans. Chlorine is harmful because it dries out the skin, promotes the formation of wrinkles, and there is also a risk of developing kidney cancer and Bladder. Therefore, it is not recommended to cook, let alone drink, raw chlorinated water. In this case, the water can be settled for at least 1 day, or, according to at least, for 30 minutes before use.

Tap water is in most cases very hard due to the calcium salts it contains. There is no centralized water softening in our country. Such water must be boiled or passed through a filter. Boiling for a long time softens the water.

The vast majority of people are accustomed to boiling water in order to increase its usefulness or at least get rid of the microbes contained in it. But is boiled water really that good? The main disadvantage of boiled water is that it is almost completely deprived of oxygen, which our cells need so much. Many experts call boiled water “dead”. During boiling healthy salts precipitate, which no longer dissolves. When chlorinated water is boiled, chlorine is converted into dangerous toxic compounds that negatively affect work internal organs.

Raw water is preferable for humans due to the content of trace elements in the form of salts, but only if it is cleared of impurities. Water that is purified by the central water utility and brought to requirements regulatory documents quality of drinking water - not the best option for a person. Therefore, it is better to filter or settle raw water. The optimal time for settling is at least 2 hours. In order to use a water filter, you must first do a water analysis to know what needs to be purified from it. Different filters have different features cleansing. A properly selected filtration system will provide your home with clean water.

Good quality water sources

In addition to boiled and filtered water, there are several other sources of quality water.

Water from the store - safe, but expensive

Store-bought water is unlikely to contain rust or chlorine; it is purified with special systems, thereby achieving required level quality. Mineral water is extracted from natural sources and is rich in various microelements and beneficial compounds. Mineral water may vary in composition and is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, use mineral water can lead to illness. If you have an internal organ disease, drinking mineral water is prohibited. In addition, drinking mineral water on a regular basis is not recommended, no matter how openly every mineral water manufacturer declares this. The cost of store-bought water, especially recently, is quite high (from 15 rubles per 0.5 l).

Bottled water - quality guarantee

The vast majority of offices are equipped with coolers with bottled water, which has also begun to be used at home. This is a very convenient method. Installing a cooler allows you to provide a large number of people with a high-quality source of water. After all, manufacturers are under strict supervision by the state. You can select and install a convenient water cooler from large quantity offers available on the market. Water coolers can be purchased in stores household appliances For example, in Moscow you can go to the Tekhnosila chain of stores, the Media Markt metro market, the Eldorado chain of stores, etc. You can also make a convenient order via the Internet. Buying a cooler is not difficult.

Well water is a luxury for country house owners

Well water is available to villages and country house owners. Costs include building a well, drilling a well (about 15 thousand rubles - up to 20 meters) and paying for electricity if an electric pump is used. This water is relatively safe. At great depths, there is less chance of encountering pesticides in its composition. A shallow depth can be a risk, since harmful impurities can seep through the soil along with rainwater. Therefore, you need to drill a deep hole.

Spring water is the least accessible source of quality water

Spring water is most often crystal clear and safe, and it is also free. But the fact is that there are very few such water sources. You may not even know about the existence of such a source while it is nearby. The taste of spring water is very pleasant. As a rule, such sources are located in impassable places.

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