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Injections at 12 indications. Use of vitamin for various diseases. Interactions with drugs

Vitamins play a vital role in the life of any living organism. Cyanocobalamin is one of the B vitamins. It is involved in the most complex and important processes of organizing life, helps “create” blood cells, regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, provides normal functioning nervous system. Vitamin B12 interacts closely with other vitamins and substances; its imbalance can lead to malfunction the most complex system and lead to many diseases.

Properties of the vitamin

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) ensures normal cell division, and they are the smallest building blocks that make up any organism. The main cells that cyanocobalamin “works” to create are blood cells. They carry out transportation nutrients to any other cell, thanks to this, they can develop, feed, grow. The process of replacing “old” cells with new ones occurs constantly in the body. This allows all organs to be cleansed, restored and function normally. There is a disease that occurs when there are few blood cells in the body. That’s what it’s called: “anemia” or “anemia” in scientific terms.

In addition to its “main” job, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is also involved in the division of other cells. It has a significant effect on the function of the nervous system and improves brain function. He takes an active part in the creation - it covers all nerve fibers. The vitamin improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestines; it is involved in creating the membrane lining these organs. Stabilizes gland function internal secretion, participates in metabolic processes, creates immune cells, renews skin cells. It synthesizes DNA molecules, deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid, thereby launching a vital process - the nucleus of each cell consists of these acids, and they carry hereditary information. A lack of cyanocobalamin can cause a deficiency of a quasi-vitamin (carnitine). It looks for fat molecules in the blood and sends them to the mitochondria. There, fat is converted into life-giving energy that nourishes our body.

Interaction with other beneficial substances

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) actively interacts both with vitamins of its group and with others. It is necessary for normal B9. Its deficiency can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency. Therefore, when prescribing treatment, several vitamins are often used in combination.

It is important for the production of nucleic acid, folate and pantothenic acid. And they are responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system, protecting us from stress and depression. B12 helps produce choline and makes iron work, the effects of which are often lacking. Actively interacts with vitamin C, ensuring complete metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) also helps vitamin A to be synthesized in the body and work to restore body tissue. Benefits and beneficial features it has long been studied and proven. He is entrusted with a great responsibility - in his absence, most of the functions of our body will not be carried out normally, and treatment may become useless.

Natural sources

Vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods. It is produced by microorganisms: bacteria, yeast fungi, mold. But in order for the vitamin to be fully absorbed, one more component is needed - “ internal factor Castle." This is a unique protein that is produced in the stomach. Animals produce cobalamin during their life and accumulate it. Therefore, the deficiency can be compensated only by eating animal food. A lot of the vitamin is found in pork, veal and beef liver, yeast, in fermented milk products and in the sea. This seaweed, shrimp, squid, fish and others. Vitamin B12 is present in soy products that have been fermented, for example, in tofu cheese, but is not found in soy itself, this is worth considering.

Daily dose

A healthy person needs very little vitamin per day - one millionth of a gram; good nutrition any organism receives in abundance. But vegetarians and vegans (according to doctors) often suffer from a lack of it, but due to their beliefs they refuse to eat animal food. They can make up for the deficiency by taking cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) tablets. You should first consult with your doctor regarding dosage.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in combination with other vitamins and medications. The vitamin helps people suffering from anemia, Addison-Brimer's disease, Down's disease, and iron deficiency. When long-term use medications or when exposed to toxic substances. Used for neuralgia, polyneuritis, liver cirrhosis and liver failure, at chronic hepatitis, radiculitis and eye diseases. It is prescribed to people suffering alcohol addiction, with cerebral palsy, with funicular myelosis and amytrophic sclerosis. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is used for hair, both to improve growth and to combat baldness. It also helps with skin diseases: herpetiformis and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, photodermatosis. The vitamin is prescribed by gastroenterologists to people who have poor absorption, have cancer. There are often reviews from doctors indicating that such a simple drug as vitamin B12 can provide the strongest positive impact on the body and can help get rid of even a serious illness.

Patients who were prescribed the drug during treatment noted an improvement in their well-being, general fatigue went away, their mood improved, and recovery was faster and easier. People with anemia experienced significant relief - stomach function improved, unpleasant burning sensation on the tongue, pain in the legs decreased, and they experienced less difficulty walking. In the practice of doctors, there have been cases when, with the help of vitamin B12, it was possible to restore reproductive function in male patients.

How to use the drug

If you have been prescribed cyanocobalamin (vitamin 12), the instructions for use will tell you how to use it correctly. Remember that before taking any dosage forms You should consult your doctor, otherwise self-medication may lead to unpleasant consequences.

The daily dosage is individual for each patient. For example, with anemia, it can be in the range of 100-200 mcg, and the vitamin should be taken once every two days. For liver diseases, 100 mcg is prescribed, and for nervous system disorders, the dose can increase to 500. Cyanocobalamin is prescribed for injection or in tablet form.


The drug is freely available. Traditionally it was produced in injectable ampoules, but recently it can also be purchased in tablet form. It can be included in a multivitamin complex, and it will be enough, but it can also be in high concentration; such tablets are used in the treatment of diseases or to enrich vegetarian nutrition. Depending on who produces and in which vitamin complex cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is present, the price may vary significantly. The cost of injection ampoules from our manufacturers is within 15 rubles for 10 ampoules (0.2 ml each). The price of the tablets varies significantly - from 100 to 1500 rubles, but they can be enough if taken continuously for a month.

For hair growth

Trichologists recommend using cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) for hair. This decision is very justified, the vitamin starts the regeneration process and is actively involved in nutrition. If your hair has become dull, brittle, has begun to fall out, and your scalp is not in the best condition. in better shape, it is quite possible that your hair does not have enough vitamins. Using conditioners and masks - good decision, but it should be noted that if your hair does not receive enough nutrition, then this is a sign that your body is “starving” and is forced to save on hair nutrition. It will be much better to start taking a complex of vitamins orally and diversify your diet. Treat your body with understanding, appreciate it, help it and always be healthy!

  • Important practical points from the instructions for using vitamin B12 in the form of injections, as well as in the form of tablets;
  • Indications for the use of vitamin B12, as well as contraindications and side effects that you may encounter;
  • Names of popular cyanocobalamin preparations in ampoules and tablets and their dosages.

Generally speaking, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) enters the body of a healthy, normally nourished person in sufficient quantities from regular products nutrition. And it does this useful substance exclusively with animal food, but in plant products There is virtually no cyanocobalamin, and people on a strict vegan diet are often seriously deficient in it (hypovitaminosis varying degrees expressiveness).

However, not only a vegetarian diet can cause a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body - there are many other situations when there are indications for additional use of cyanocobalamin preparations.

The instructions below for the use of vitamin B12 will not only explain how to use this or that drug, but will also tell you which form of release to prefer - they come in different forms. In any case, if you are planning to use vitamin B12 preparations, you need to be very careful important nuances this process, so as not to make mistakes, for example, with dosages and to avoid serious errors during injections.

In the vast majority of cases, only a doctor should prescribe vitamin B12. Self-administration of the vitamin, even as part of multivitamin preparations, can lead to severe side effects. Cases of vitamin overdose are common, most often occurring in older people taking B12 orally or by injection.

Indications for the use of vitamin B12 may differ slightly for different forms release of drugs. It is also important to remember that vitamin B12 is for oral administration(that is, orally - for example, in the form of tablets and capsules) has less bioavailability than in the form of an injection solution:

  • when cyanocobalamin enters the stomach, no more than 70% of the vitamin content in the preparation is absorbed (usually about 40%);
  • and when intravenous administration up to 97-98% of the beneficial substance is absorbed.

Accordingly, for each group of preparations with vitamin B12, the instructions for use and the doses used are somewhat different.

The most common reason for starting to take vitamin B12 supplements is hypovitaminosis of cyanocobalamin in people on a strict diet and not consuming normal quantities animal food. In most cases, you can notice clear symptoms of a lack of this substance in the body, appearing even before the development of serious disorders:

  • tingling in the tips of the fingers and toes;
  • tinnitus;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • visual disturbances;
  • headache.

However, unfortunately, in practice, the situation is such that doctors often turn to the help of doctors only when the lack of vitamin B12 in the body develops into diseases. It can be:

If these disorders are present, the doctor will usually order a blood test first. If the problem really is a lack of cyanocobalamin, then the patient is prescribed injections of vitamin B12 as part of complex therapy.

“The lucky ones are those who have never been injected with vitamin B12 or its brother B6. The injections are very painful, there is no anesthesia in them, sometimes you want to climb the wall after the injection. I became acquainted with this when I was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. I don’t understand why you can’t take pills, there are so many of them now. But no, our doctors just need to give injections...”

Irina, St. Petersburg

Additional indications for taking vitamin B12 in the instructions for use are:

As a blood-forming factor, vitamin B12 is often prescribed specifically for anemia of any etiology - in pregnant women, agastric and pernicious anemia, as well as with serious blood loss. Sometimes it may be necessary to inject vitamin B12 in case of menstrual irregularities.

This is interesting

Vitamin B12 during pregnancy is prescribed in medical practice quite often - the reason for this is typical anemia in pregnant women (so-called anemia). In such cases, cyanocobalamin can be prescribed as part of tablets. In case of severe blood loss during childbirth, the drug is prescribed as an injection.

Indications for the use of vitamin B12 may vary, but choose specific remedy Ideally, the attending physician should do so to avoid overdose and the development of side effects.

Types of vitamin B12 supplements

Vitamin B12 is available in several pharmacological forms. It can be:

  • solutions for intramuscular, intravenous and intralumbar administration;
  • tablet preparations;
  • multivitamin complexes in the form of dragees, powders for dilution, as well as syrups.

Injection solutions have the highest degree of absorption and are as safe as possible due to the fact that they do not contain any excipients that can cause an allergic reaction in the body. They are used for therapy in serious illnesses, for introduction large doses vitamin and in cases where the patient cannot independently use drugs in other forms (for example, for newborns or patients in a coma).

Tablets of vitamin B12 (or in capsules) are taken by patients who, due to their dietary habits, do not receive enough cyanocobalamin. Another target audience for vitamin B12 tablets is athletes, due to their large physical activity And active work hearts in need increased quantities of this substance.

As part of multivitamin complexes, vitamin B12 acts as a prophylactic agent: it is advisable to use them as a comprehensive vitamin support for the body and the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Of course, people experience the greatest difficulties in cases where they have to inject vitamin B12 ampoules on their own - in this case, deviations from the instructions can be the most dangerous. Let's look at some aspects of this process in more detail.

How to inject vitamin B12 in ampoules?

In general, vitamin B12 injections can be the following types:

  1. Intravenous;
  2. Intramuscular;
  3. Subcutaneous;
  4. IN spinal cord(intralumbar).

In the first three cases, the patient can give vitamin B12 injections to himself. Only with intralumbar administration is the assistance of an experienced doctor necessary.

On a note

Intralumbar administration is practiced for the treatment of nervous disorders that have developed due to a lack of vitamin B12: from insomnia and depression to memory loss and multiple sclerosis.

According to the instructions, vitamin B12 is usually administered 1 ml of solution per day for 2-3 weeks, followed by monitoring the amount of vitamin in the blood.

Instructions for using vitamin B12 injections intramuscularly involve injections into the gluteal muscle or thigh. To do this, wipe the injection site with alcohol, carefully cut off or break off the top of the ampoule with a special ampoule knife, then draw the solution into a syringe and, lifting the needle up, gently press the syringe piston to squeeze out the air. Then the needle is quickly (possibly with a slap) inserted into the injection site and the drug is slowly squeezed out of the syringe.

For intravenous administration, the procedure is similar, only the injection is made into the cubital vein, provided that it is clearly visible.

According to the instructions, vitamin B12 is usually injected subcutaneously into children. Typical places for injections - buttocks, thighs, shoulders.

“After giving birth, I was prescribed B12 injections due to low hemoglobin. My daughter was also prescribed small doses after staphylococcus has been cured. I didn’t want her to get more injections after all this torment, I was scared for her, she was so weak, but the doctor reassured us and said that there was nothing dangerous in them. I weighed the pros and cons and decided. Probably right. It’s been six months now, all the tests are good, the hemoglobin is normal.”

Oksana, Samara

The photo below shows some common vitamin B12 preparations in ampoules (manufactured by Moskhimfarmpreparat, Dalkhimfarm, Darnitsa, etc.) - they are suitable for all types of injections:

There are also complex solutions for injections that also contain vitamins B1 and B6 along with cyanocobalamin (Neurobion, Neurorubin, etc.). They are usually prescribed in slightly different situations than B12 alone.

Instructions for the use of certain tablet medications

Tablets and capsules with vitamin B12 are much easier to take than using injection solutions: they are taken after meals in quantities specified by the doctor or prescribed in the instructions. Typical indications for use: nervous disorders, decrease in hemoglobin level in the blood, tendency to anemia, blood loss, some diseases of the digestive tract.

The most common drugs in this form of release include:

“Last winter I was prescribed Neurovitan for depression, they said that the condition was fraught with the development of neurosis. I took one tablet a day with meals. And I noticed that my hair began to grow better. The depression has really gone away, I think that this year I will start taking these pills in the fall.”

Natalya, Moscow

Doses and norms of vitamin B12 intake

The daily intake of vitamin B12 is:

  • 3 mcg per day for an adult;
  • 0.5 mcg per day for children under 1 year.

According to these standards, you need to take medications. It should be borne in mind that when consuming tablets or capsules, only part of vitamin B12 is absorbed.

On a note

In tablet preparations, the adjustment for “digestibility” is already taken into account in the composition of the tablets - they contain 20% more vitamin B12 than a person needs per day. Accordingly, when consuming 1 tablet, approximately the daily dose of the substance ultimately enters the bloodstream.

When using vitamin B12 in the form of injections, the doses are calculated precisely - the absorption rate is very high, and a person should receive exactly as much vitamin as he needs.

For therapeutic purposes, in the treatment of certain diseases, increased doses of cyanocobalamin are sometimes used, up to 10-15 mcg per day. Such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and stopped if side effects and signs of hypervitaminosis occur.

On a note

Vitamin B12 can accumulate in the body to form reserves. Therefore, constant slight excess of dosage rarely has any effect harmful effect- the substance is simply put aside for a “rainy day”.

Contraindications to the use of B12 and possible side effects

Contraindications to taking vitamin B12 are quite numerous, but not too strict. For example, vitamin B12 is not recommended for:

  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • lactation;
  • angina pectoris;
  • oncological diseases.

It is interesting to note that pregnancy is also a contraindication to the use of vitamin B12, since very large quantities can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. However, if the mother has severe anemia, careful use of vitamin B12 will still be necessary.

A contraindication to the use of vitamin B12 may be the simultaneous use of certain medications. For example, B12 does not combine well with corticosteroid hormones and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

It should be remembered that side effects may occur when taking vitamin B12. Among them:

  • hives;
  • thrombosis blood vessels on foot;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • heart failure;
  • allergic reaction of any severity, up to anaphylactic shock.

It is impossible to predict in advance whether such consequences will appear or not. Therefore, it is advisable to start taking vitamin B12 (especially in the form of injections) under the supervision of a doctor, using reduced dosages and carefully monitoring the sensations and reactions of your own body.

Useful video about the various causes of vitamin B12 deficiency and what it can lead to

How to give injections correctly, including to yourself

Vitamin B12 is a fairly important component with which it provides normal functioning person. It accumulates in the body and is used when the need arises. Vitamin B12 consists of elements that are capable of performing certain functions in the body. If its quantity is insufficient, it is replaced with vitamin B12, which is produced in ampoules.

The main component of vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin. It is characterized by the presence of a metabolic effect on cells, as well as hematopoietic properties. Vitamin B12 is included in pharmacological group. This substance is converted into active forms in the human liver. With the help of cobamamide, red blood cells are renewed, as well as tissue regeneration is stimulated. With the help of vitamin B12, iron absorption is enhanced and optimized.

Vitamin B12 is used for:

  • various stages chronic;
  • Liver failure;
  • Liver cirrhosis;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Down syndrome, etc.

The vitamin is prescribed to children who are diagnosed with cerebral paralysis. It is used to treat radiation injuries neuralgia tissues, etc. Vitamin B12 should be taken if the patient is prescribed drugs for treatment that are characterized by increased toxicity.

In order to increase the degree of digestibility ascorbic acid, this medicine is also used. It is highly effective in treating various diseases gastrointestinal tract. The vitamin is also used during strict diets and in cosmetology.

Despite the value of the vitamin, its use is prohibited for a certain group of people. If a person has hypersensitivity to the vitamin, taking it is not recommended. If a patient has been diagnosed with acute thromboembolism, then taking the drug is not recommended for him. Vitamin B12 is not used for malignant tumors and predisposition to their development.

In some cases, when taking a vitamin, side effects may occur in the form of allergic reactions and skin rashes.

Some patients complain of the appearance of weakness and headaches. When examining a person, tachycardia may be diagnosed as a result of taking vitamin B12.

Read: Effective tablets for headaches

Despite enough important role vitamin B12 in the human body, its intake should be carried out as carefully as possible. Before using the drug in ampoules, the patient should consult a doctor.

Learn more about vitamin B12 from the video below.

Features of application in cosmetology

Thanks to universal properties Vitamin B12 is widely used in cosmetology. It is used to prepare cosmetic products for the face, hair, skin, etc. If you use vitamin B12 to prepare face masks, you can provide not only support for its tone, but also protection from all kinds of diseases.

Often this remedy used by older women, as it smoothes and tightens pores.

Women claim that the result becomes noticeable after the first use of vitamin B12. The vitamin contains cobalt, which can benefit the epidermis. This makes it possible to get rid of aging and yellowing of the skin.

Vitamin B12 is the main foundation and construction material hair. With its help, their reproduction is significantly improved. This substance is widely used to restore damaged areas, since it has a restorative property.

Vitamin B12 helps eliminate fragility and split marks, as well as improve their reproduction. While using the vitamin, hair grows quickly and continuously.

Vitamin B12 is a storehouse of health for hair and skin and therefore it is widely used in cosmetology. It is used by many manufacturers of cosmetic products. If the need arises, a person can independently prepare a mask or cream at home using vitamin B12 in ampoules.

How to inject vitamin B12 for prevention?

The use of vitamin B12 can be carried out not only for treatment certain diseases, but also for their prevention. The drug is very painful and therefore many patients refuse it. But you shouldn't do this. By using vitamin B12 for preventative purposes, you will ensure your health for many years.

Before injecting vitamins for prevention, the patient should consult a doctor. The most commonly prescribed vitamin B12 injection is for preventive purposes once a month.

Read: Polydex nasal spray and its use

Some groups of vitamins are characterized by incompatibility, so their use should be carried out as carefully as possible. It is strictly forbidden to mix vitamins in ampoules in one syringe.

The drug is administered into the gluteal muscle. IN as a last resort The injection site may be the upper thigh. In order to administer vitamin B12, you will need not only it, but also a disposable syringe.

Before carrying out the procedure, a person must wash their hands thoroughly. For this purpose, water and ordinary soap are used. The vitamin B12 ampoule is opened with a special knife or broken off by hand.

The solution is introduced into the syringe as slowly as possible. The syringe is inserted into the ampoule in a closed state. When the needle is immersed in the liquid, the piston of the syringe begins to tighten. After the entire contents of the ampoule are in the syringe, it must be directed upward with the needle and, if there is air in it, released by pressing the piston.

The injection site is wiped with a cotton wool previously soaked in medical alcohol. Next, a needle is inserted into the skin and the liquid from the syringe is slowly injected. After this, the needle is removed from the skin and cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site for several minutes.

Taking vitamin B12 injections for prevention is quite simple. That is why, if the need arises, the user can carry out the procedure independently.

How is anemia treated?

Anemia is a disease characterized by a deficiency of vitamin B12. That is why, when it develops, patients are prescribed vitamin administration in ampoules. The dose of the drug is 100-200 mg.

Administration of the drug for anemia should be carried out every other day. To ensure maximum effective treatment It is necessary to carry out the correct administration of vitamin B12.

The medication should be administered into the buttock. During the period of treatment of anemia, it is strictly forbidden to do this in top part hips. To carry out the procedure you need an ampoule with medication, cotton wool, syringe, medical alcohol.

Read: Instructions for the drug heparin ointment

Before administering vitamin B12, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Next, you need to open the ampoule with the vitamin and prepare a syringe. After the medicine has been drawn into the syringe, it is turned over and air is released as slowly as possible until a drop appears at the end of the needle.

The injection site is wiped with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in alcohol. To make the procedure less painful, the patient’s skin is stretched with the fingers of the right hand. Right hand the needle is inserted as quickly as possible. The solution is introduced as slowly as possible. To do this, you need to gently press the syringe plunger. After the needle is removed, cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site.

The principle of introducing the solution is exactly the same as for prevention.

It is strictly forbidden to inject vitamin B12 for the treatment of anemia due to thromboembolism, patient hypersensitivity to the drug, angina pectoris, malignant heart failure. If all the rules for administering the drug are followed, the treatment result will be high.

The only vitamin that can accumulate in our body and be used as needed is vitamin B12, which is available in tablets and injections. In the process of life, the need for it constantly arises, and it is simply impossible to create a lifetime supply of it. In turn, the absence of B 12 leads to severe consequences, and sometimes irreversible.

The vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin molecule is the most complex and largest of all existing ones. Her main feature is the presence of a cobalt atom. As part of other enzymes, vitamin B12 takes an active part in:

  • oxidation of fats and proteins;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • regulation of hematopoiesis;
  • cell division;
  • shell formation nerve endings;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels;
  • protecting liver cells from all kinds of damaging factors.

The lack of this microelement in the human body threatens the development of stroke or myocardial infarction.

Vitamin 12 deficiency will also provoke:

  • growth slowdown child's body;
  • memory impairment;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • neuritis.

The largest amounts of microelement 12 of group B are found in the heart, kidneys, liver and seafood. It is worth noting that not a single product plant origin does not accumulate cyanocobalamin.

We also cannot ignore the fact that vitamin B12 is resistant to high temperatures and is almost completely preserved during the process heat treatment food products.

It is necessary to take into account that in the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract or Crohn's disease, ulcer duodenum and/or stomach and gastritis with low acidity, significantly disrupt the absorption of microelement B12, which requires its exogenous administration.


Tablet vitamin

Pharmaceutical production supplies the market with B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) in tablets. In particular, a distinction is made between drugs produced domestically and in Europe, namely:

  • Cyanocobalamin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Neurobion (Germany);
  • Nowfoods (USA);
  • Neurovitan (Italy).

Group B microelements (B1, B6, B12) are also present in many multivitamin complexes, but in significantly small doses that cannot satisfy daily requirement in our body when taken orally.

Purpose of reception

Prescribing vitamin B12 has the following goals:

However, the well-known advantage of microelement B12 is its unique ability to remove painful sensations in case of disease of the spine or nervous system.

Drugs that contain high concentration microelement B12 are vital for vegetarians who practice absolute abstinence from eating animal products. This behavior provokes the occurrence of persistent hypovitaminosis in the specified area. In turn, a deficiency of this element increases the risk of:

  • disturbances in cardiac activity;
  • failure in the hematopoietic system;
  • early strokes and heart attacks;
  • multiple lesions nervous system.

The instructions for use state that this vitamin should be taken one or two tablets per day during or immediately after meals. You can take the pill big amount water or put under the tongue and thus dissolve.

Nowfoods tablets

In this case we're talking about about vitamin B12, distributed in tablets from the manufacturer “Nowfoods” (USA). The drug is used:

Given medicine practiced with complex treatment infertility, diabetes, immunodeficiencies, allergic diseases.

Also, the specified microelement of group B increases the rate of redox processes, enhances cellular respiration, and normalizes muscle mass, provides the primary immune response to the introduction of infectious agents.

In this case, the instructions for use recommend taking this medication with meals, one tablet per day. Regarding contraindications, people who have an allergic reaction to any of its components should not use the drug.

Neurobion: a complex preparation

This complex drug includes vitamins B1, B6 and group 12. The drug is also available in tablets. It is worth noting that the stipulated vitamin complex Intended for people with intestinal absorption disorders. Therefore, the daily dose of microelement B12 has been increased by 20% at the indicated dosage, which has a positive effect on overcoming its deficiency.

This composition is designed in such a way as to take into account the increased need for vitamins B1 and B6, which take an active part in metabolic processes occurring in the spinal cord and brain, as well as peripheral nerve fibers. Despite the fact that our body is capable of independently producing vitamins B1 and B6 to compensate for quantitative costs, they must be supplied from outside.

As part of this drug, vitamins B1, B6, as well as B12, are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve;
  • Do not lie facial nerve;
  • lesions of the spinal nerves;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

It is not recommended to prescribe vitamins of this complex to children under 18 years of age, as well as to persons suffering from allergic reactions to any of the components included in its composition.

These vitamins complex application may cause some side effects, which include:

  • sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • skin itching;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • muscle weakness;
  • increased nervous excitability, turning into exhaustion;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • seborrheic dermatitis or peeling and itching of the skin under the hairline;
  • eczema;
  • convulsions;
  • acne.

Tablets or injections

When taking vitamin B12 by any route, the main issue is its bioavailability. If you put a tablet under your tongue that contains vitamin B12, the absorption will be slightly higher than if you simply washed it down with water. In the injectable form, absorption occurs at levels above 90%. In turn, when oral administration Vitamin B12 is absorbed at a level of 70%.

In the digestive system, for normal metabolism, vitamin B12 requires the presence of a certain protein factor in the stomach and an appropriate level of acidity in relation to gastric juice.

Taking vitamin B12 in tablets, rather than in the form of injections, eliminates pain when giving an injection. Therefore, the choice depends on the factors listed above.

Group B among all vitamins is responsible for the majority of transformative and metabolic processes in organism. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the maintenance of the required concentration of these substances and ensure their sufficient intake, both from food and from dietary supplements taken.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

The vitamin in question is the most complex molecular compound that ensures the proper oxidation of proteins and fats and allows the synthesis of amino acids. Moreover, the substance is actively involved in the formation of nerve sheaths, cell division, hematopoiesis, regulation of cholesterol levels and the functioning of liver tissue.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency affects all body systems:

  • slower growth and development of the body;
  • disorders of nervous activity, for example, depression, neuritis, insomnia, convulsions, weakness and;
  • memory impairment;
  • defeat of internal vascular walls due to the accumulation of homocysteine ​​in the bloodstream, which leads to myocardial infarction.

As you can see, the substance described is a vital ingredient for health and normal operation internal organs. But this vitamin is found only in products of animal origin, mainly in the heart, kidneys, liver, and seafood. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure its additional intake into the body through medical supplies. Cyanocobalamin is often administered intravenously by injection, but recently vitamin B12 has appeared in tablets and capsules. It is especially important to pay attention to it for people with difficulty absorbing the substance, suffering from gastritis, pancreatic diseases, stomach or duodenal ulcers, Crohn's disease.

Vitamin B12 preparations

Most biologically active additives and complexes usually contain vitamin B6 and B12 in tablets, as well as other varieties of this group of substances. But, as a rule, their concentration is not sufficient to replenish daily norm, since the amount is significantly less than the body’s needs. Therefore, the modern market for domestic and foreign production offers separately cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 in tablets:

  • Solgar Vitamin B12 (USA);
  • Nowfoods B12 (USA);
  • Neurovitan (Italy);
  • Neurobion (Germany);
  • cyanocobalamin and folic acid tablets (Russia).

Let's consider the use of these tools in more detail.

Vitamin B12 tablets - instructions

The drug from Solgar is intended for resorption, as it is very quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa. Each capsule contains 5000 mcg of vitamin B12, as well as stearic acid. The recommended dose is 1 tablet per day to fully provide the body with daily dose substances.

Cyanocobalamin from Nowfoods is also available in a dosage of 5000 mcg, but in addition to vitamin B12, the drug also contains folic acid (B9). This component ensures maximum absorption of cyanocobalamin with a single dose of 1 tablet with meals.

Neurovitan and Neurobion contain a dose of vitamin B12 that significantly exceeds The body's daily needs are 240 mg. In addition, they include B1 and B6, which ensure not only the complete absorption of cyanocobalamin, but also the normalization of the functioning of the nervous system and brain activity. It is advisable to use the drugs strictly as prescribed or recommended by the attending physician, and the number of tablets is also determined by a specialist (from 1 to 4 capsules per day).

Russian tablets with folic acid and vitamin B12, it is enough to take 1 piece per day during or after meals. Concentration necessary substances completely covers the body's needs.