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How is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treated? Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: treatment at home. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis: reviews, prices, drugs

Back diseases can easily be classified as the most common, since they are observed in approximately 80% of people. The most common pathology is cervical osteochondrosis.

Only a competent doctor has the right to make a diagnosis. He also selects the necessary therapy. However, this does not exclude the possibility of treating cervical osteochondrosis at home. Traditional methods are a good preventative measure. They provide relief during exacerbations and help prevent complications.

The essence of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathology that affects intervertebral discs the specified section of the spine.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Systematic headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • "Floaters" before the eyes.
  • Hypertension (increased blood pressure).
  • Numb hands.
  • Difficulty walking, staggering.

It does not matter whether these symptoms are observed individually or in combination. If they are, you should consult your doctor immediately. A neurologist and a vertebrologist are involved in eliminating the pathology.

How to treat

If the situation is not complicated by concomitant pathologies, the patient is prescribed outpatient treatment.

In addition to medications, it is permissible to use:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage.
  • Folk remedies.

Each of the treatment methods should be considered in more detail.


The specialist teaches the patient a series of exercises. They are designed to stretch and strengthen the muscular system. Some activities involve the use of counterweights. Thanks to exercises, the space inside the spine expands, preventing pinching of the nerve roots.

Exercise therapy according to Bubnovsky

Often patients do not know how to cure cervical osteochondrosis themselves. The Bubnovsky method is excellent for these purposes. Therapy based on it involves performing some exercises.

Here they are:

When treating neck chondrosis at home, the benefits of physical therapy are undeniable. Before you begin the exercises, you should seek the support and advice of a specialist. If done incorrectly, gymnastics can cause even more harm.


The materials used are varied:
  • Buckwheat husk. Has a slight massaging effect.
  • Latex. Hypoallergenic, prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Bamboo fiber. Does not accumulate dust and requires minimal maintenance. It is best used to prevent pathology. Suitable for children's head.
  • Cool gel. A modern option that smoothly fixes the head during sleep. For those who have not used this filler before, it may be unusual at first.

It is important to understand that a high-quality orthopedic pillow costs a lot. However, the effect of its use fully justifies the investment made. If the product is chosen correctly, the patient will get rid of discomfort and systematic headaches in the morning.

Cervical osteochondrosis is pathological changes in the intervertebral discs and cervical vertebrae that occur against the background of metabolic disorders. This form of the disease has some features associated with the narrowness of the cervical spine and its saturation with nerve endings and important blood vessels responsible for blood circulation in the brain.

The development of osteochondrosis provokes pain, deterioration of brain nutrition, dizziness, decreased vision and hearing. The progression of the disease is fraught with serious complications, so it is better to start treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at an early stage.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but with the help of a series of effective methods you can forget about pain, limited mobility and other symptoms of the disease for a long time or forever.

Drug treatment

Important place in complex scheme treatment of cervical osteochondrosis involves the use of medical supplies. The following groups of funds are used:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are prescribed to relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. The most popular are Diclofenac and Analgin. Tablets, ointments, gels, and injections can be used. Since long-term use of drugs will provoke undesirable changes in the gastric mucosa, antispasmodics are often taken simultaneously with NSAIDs.

Analgin is a popular drug for osteochondrosis

Hormonal agents

Hormones are used mainly to relieve radicular syndrome, which occurs when nerve fibers are compressed and swollen. The most commonly prescribed drug is Dexamethasone, taken by mouth and injected directly into the neck.

Anesthetic medications

For the cervical form of osteochondrosis, one of the important areas of treatment is the use of anesthetics - Novocaine and Lidocaine. These drugs are used to carry out paravertebral neuromuscular blockades for the direct effect of the anesthetic on nerve fibers, thereby achieving temporary relief from severe pain. There are several ways to administer anesthetics:

  • intradermal;
  • subcutaneous;
  • muscular;
  • perineural;
  • radicular

One of the methods for reducing swelling of the nervous tissue in cervical osteochondrosis is the simultaneous use of Novocaine with Hydrocortisone. This method of treatment allows you to achieve a quick and long-lasting analgesic effect. The course is approximately 5-7 procedures performed every other day. You can treat in this way both cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic and lumbar types osteochondrosis. In addition to injections directly into the affected areas, it is also practiced to inject drugs into small doses to active points. The technique is called “pharmacopuncture”.

Topical irritants

You can effectively fight cervical osteochondrosis with the help of irritating ointments, rubbing, liniments - such as Fastum gel, Finalgon, Diclosan, Formic alcohol, Efkamon, Menovazin, Turpentine oil. The usual “star” balm also helps quite well. The drugs activate blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes, have an irritating and distracting effect.

Fastum gel effectively fights osteochondrosis


An important part of therapy for osteochondrosis is the use of a group of drugs that slow down the process of destruction of cartilage tissue, since the main cause of pain is injury nerve endings due to certain deformations in the cervical spine. Chondroprotectors cannot completely cure the disease, but with their proper use, it is possible to completely stop the destructive process. The most commonly used are Teraflex, Dona, Structum, Artra.

Means to improve blood circulation

Improved blood microcirculation in the neck area is achieved by using Trental, Actovegin, Nicotinic acid, Curantil. When treating osteochondrosis, tablets or injections are prescribed. The drugs increase the fluid properties of blood and have a stimulating effect on peripheral circulation by activating venous outflow. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the affected area are regulated, which helps relieve inflammation and swelling.


Vitamin supplements are used during treatment and during remission. The purpose of their use in the cervical form of osteochondrosis is to improve nerve conduction, reduce vestibular and visual impairment resulting from deformation of the vertebrae and cartilage and subsequent disruption of brain nutrition. It is mandatory to use B vitamins (especially B6, B12), as well as vitamins C and A, which strengthen vascular walls and having an antioxidant effect.

Vitamin B6 is an important component in treatment


The use of physiotherapeutic procedures for localization pathological changes in the cervical spine is one of the most effective methods in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Exposure to UV rays promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which facilitates the absorption of one of the most important microelements - calcium. The procedure uses irradiators that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bactericidal effects. For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the back surface neck, upper interscapular area, outer surface of the shoulder and subclavian part.
The procedure has some contraindications:

  • blood pathologies;
  • taking medications whose effects are enhanced by UV irradiation.


You can also get rid of cervical osteochondrosis using vibration. How does it work? The essence of the method is to influence the affected area with mechanical vibrations, due to which it significantly softens pain syndrome. Band massagers are often used. Three types of vibration massage are used:

  • general;
  • zonal;
  • spot.


  • vibration disease;
  • the presence of dermatitis or areas of damage on the skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is very effective for cervical osteochondrosis. The method is based on the healing effect provided by helium-neon lasers, which stimulate bioelectric processes in nerve fibers. The effectiveness of treatment is achieved due to the wound healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of laser irradiation.

During the procedure, the inflamed roots are treated spinal cord, paravertebral (paravertebral) zones of the affected cervical region. Each root is processed for a maximum of 2 minutes. The total duration of the session is a quarter of an hour.

Electrotherapy treatment

Treatment with this therapy is carried out through the use of electric current. Under its influence, heat is generated in the tissues, due to which blood flow in the cervical spine is activated, as a result, pain disappears and the process of restoration of damaged tissues is accelerated.
Electrotherapy is not prescribed to patients with pacemakers or metal devices in the body.

Shock wave method

The essence of the therapy is the impact of an acoustic wave on the problem area, due to which:

  • pain disappears;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • microcirculation improves.

Interference therapy

What to do if cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by acute pain? A proven method is to apply electric current to the painful area while rhythmically changing its frequency. The current strength should increase until vibration vibrations appear in the tissues. After just one 15-minute procedure, the pain intensity is significantly reduced

DDT (diadynamic therapy)

At this method treatment, the affected area is exposed to a double wave or continuous current, the strength of which gradually increases until a slight sensation of vibration is felt in the treated area. Even severe pain after several procedures becomes aching, while muscle tension and irritation of the nerve roots are eliminated. After the full course, the tone is normalized neck muscles, the mobility of the affected part of the spine increases.

Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation

This physiotherapy method is briefly called TENS. During the procedure, plate electrodes equipped with hydrophilic gaskets are used. They are applied all over cervical area, as well as on the projection area of ​​the nerve roots emerging from the cervical spine. For getting therapeutic effect The current intensity increases until vibration occurs. This method is suitable for treatment in acute phase osteochondrosis.

Device for detensor therapy

This is the name for soft, long-term traction of the spine in a horizontal position. Thanks to the use of the method, the muscles relax, their spasm is relieved, the tone is normalized, and the functionality of the spine in the cervical region is restored. Unloading the spinal column and eliminating vertical compression of the discs restores the normal supply of nutrients to the area affected by osteochondrosis. Treatment with detensor therapy helps eliminate headaches, neck pain, and dizziness.
The method can be prescribed even to elderly patients, as well as for heart problems.

Manual therapy

Cervical osteochondrosis can be effectively treated with the help of a qualified therapist skilled in manual therapy techniques. The method involves a local dosed effect on the elements of the spine to restore the mobility of the damaged segment or adapt it to new conditions.

How to perform the procedures correctly? Movements should be soft, directing, with elements light massage problem area. At the same time, pulling manipulations are carried out, with the head playing the role of a lever.

First, a diagnosis is carried out to determine the degree of limitation of mobility of the affected part. The goal of further manual actions is to eliminate the block (restriction). Such an effect cannot eliminate osteophytes or restore cartilage tissue. Its goal is to increase mobility of the cervical spine and relieve pain.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • inflammatory pathologies of the spinal column;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • recent spinal injuries;
  • increased bone fragility;
  • intervertebral disc herniation.

In the last two cases, it is possible to assign manual treatment, but it must be done extremely carefully.

Video - exercises for prevention

Therapeutic exercise and gymnastics

In the initial stages of osteochondrosis, a regular gymnastics complex can be prescribed. As the disease progresses, an individual training system is selected. Exercises are performed smoothly, with gradual increase loads. Do not allow crunching or pain to occur. Treatment with exercise therapy turns out to be quite effective when combined with physiotherapy. Proper execution of exercises helps eliminate pain and increase mobility of the cervical spine.

In what cases is surgery prescribed?

If the use of conservative methods does not produce results, patients are recommended surgery. It is advisable to carry it out:

  • with very severe pain that does not go away after taking medications;
  • with increasing weakness of the arm muscles;
  • at pronounced signs compression of the spinal cord.

The most commonly used is surgery to remove osteophytes and disc herniations with further anterior cervical spinal fusion. During the postoperative period, patients must wear a head support for approximately 3 months.

Traditional methods

How to quickly cure osteochondrosis? Proponents of traditional medicine argue that this can be done using conventional means. The main medicinal components for the treatment of this disease are:

Traditional methods must be discussed with the attending physician
  • raw materials plant origin: herbs, flowers, roots - used for internal use or in the form of poultices, baths, compresses, etc.;
  • products or preparations of animal origin: fat, bee or snake venom, bile, egg - used to prepare rubs, ointments, compresses for warming and pain relief;
  • chemicals that have a warming, irritating, analgesic effect: alcohol, turpentine, iodine, analgin.

Almost all methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies are based on the principle of heating the affected area. They can only be used as an addition to traditional therapy.

Some recommendations should generally be treated with caution, since instead of benefit you can get complications. For example, the common treatment with horseradish leaves, previously dipped in boiling water, often leads to burns. In addition, many plant and animal components are strong allergens - they should not be used if you are prone to allergies.

At one time, the so-called “removal of salts” method using various herbal tinctures and infusions was very popular. The result was often a noticeable deterioration in the patient’s condition, which traditional healers explained by leaving extra salts from the body. With osteochondrosis (including in the cervical spine), not only salt metabolism is disrupted, but all metabolic processes in the affected area. Even with effective removal of salts, the patient’s condition cannot improve. In addition, the main cause of the disease is dehydration of the intervertebral discs, and with it further progression osteophyte formation begins. In both cases herbal infusions they can't help.

Video about the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Preventive measures

To prevent degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine and the development of osteochondrosis, you must follow several rules:

  • do not expose the spine to heavy loads;
  • do not remain in a stationary, uncomfortable state for a long time;
  • when working sedentarily, get up periodically and perform simple exercises: neck turns, circular movements, light massage;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • do not overcool;
  • timely treatment of other diseases;
  • avoid injury;
  • avoid stress if possible;
  • watch your posture;
  • exercise;
  • eat right;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • no smoking.

Cervical osteochondrosis is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system. Almost all people over 25 years of age suffer from this disease. Treatment of neck osteochondrosis is carried out mainly therapeutic methods. Therapy takes a long time, so patients have to be patient to get rid of the pathology.

The disease is characterized by the development of degenerative and dystrophic disorders in the cervical spine. Intervertebral discs, vertebrae and joints are subject to destruction. Such pathologies lead to rather disappointing diseases. Lack of treatment may lead to a poor prognosis. If therapy is started at an early stage, then the patient has a great chance of completely getting rid of the disease.

Cervical osteochondrosis progresses under the influence of not one, but several factors. In most cases, pathological processes are provoked by a number of reasons. One of the main disorders that affects the condition of the cervical vertebrae is the accumulation of salts in the lymph and blood.

With a healthy lifestyle, the distribution of salts in the body occurs evenly. But with increased physical activity and poor nutrition, this process fails. The main accumulation of salts occurs in cartilage tissues, which subsequently lose flexibility and mobility. As a result dystrophic changes lead to vertebral pathology. Perhaps the formation of osteophytes (bone formations) that are dangerous to human life.

Attention! The main cause of cervical osteochondrosis is sedentary life. Low activity leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and disruption of natural processes.

Just ten years ago, mostly people over 35 years of age suffered from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Today it can be noted that the disease has become significantly younger. The first symptoms may occur even in teenage years. This is due to the fact that modern youth large quantity spends time in a sitting position.

Injuries can also influence the occurrence of neck osteochondrosis. Often the disease develops against the background of congenital anomalies of the spine.

As already mentioned, neck osteochondrosis can only be caused by a combination of reasons. The factors listed below can lead to disk destruction. Most often, one cause is a consequence of another, so determine one negative factor impossible.

Diseases of the cervical spine are caused by the following reasons:

  • excess weight, poor nutrition, impaired metabolism;
  • heredity and stress;
  • congenital pathologies (injuries) of the spine and lower limbs;
  • absence physical activity within normal limits;
  • infectious diseases and hypothermia.

Incorrectly performed physical therapy exercises for the neck can also lead to the development of pathological processes. Treatment of a disease cannot be carried out without identifying and eliminating the causes that provoked it.

Symptoms of neck osteochondrosis have features, therefore it cannot be confused with pathology of other parts of the spine. The cervical vertebrae are located closer to the skin, the muscle corset in this area is the weakest, so even the slightest changes in their condition have severe symptoms. In addition, the disease is often accompanied by pinching of the spinal cord and nerve endings. The main symptoms include the following:

  1. Neck pain that spreads to the back of the head, ears, eyes and shoulders.
  2. Any load causes painful sensations in the upper limbs.
  3. Stiffness of movement and numbness in the muscles after sleep.
  4. Head movements provoke attacks of pain.
  5. Flies and .
  6. Problems with hand movements (decreased amplitude).
  7. Numbness, burning and tingling in the hands.
  8. Numbness of the tongue, impaired hearing and vision.

With cervical osteochondrosis, there is also a proliferation of tissues (connective) in the affected area of ​​the spine. The patient is significantly worsening general state. A person constantly feels tired, drowsy and gets tired quickly. Nausea, double vision, and a crunching sound in the spine may occur.

Important! Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis may differ, especially if there are concomitant pathologies. At the first signs of pathology, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Since the upper spine is the most vulnerable, even a minor influence of causes can give impetus to the development of the disease. As a result of the progressive disease, growths (osteophytes) are formed. They complicate therapeutic treatment and aggravate the human condition. Another negative consequence of SHO is the development of hernia and protrusion, which in most cases are removed through surgery.

Some patients are diagnosed with “radicular syndrome,” which is nothing more than damage to the nerve fibers. Its signs are an intensification of the symptoms described above, as well as difficulty breathing, speech and constant hiccups. Radicular syndrome typically spread to the entire spinal canal. The patient begins to be bothered by constant pain and poor coordination of movements of the facial muscles and limbs. The complication is extremely dangerous, because if left untreated, a person gradually loses intellectual abilities and memory. The risk of stroke increases.

Note! Clinical picture SHO is characterized by periodic exacerbation and weakening of symptoms. How frequent and how long the attacks will be depends on the implementation preventive measures and lifestyle.

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. It is impossible to make a diagnosis without a preliminary examination. As a result of diagnosing and interviewing the patient, the causes and symptoms of the pathology are determined.

Diagnosis begins with a survey and examination of the patient. After an external examination and palpation, the specialist determines a preliminary diagnosis. After this, the patient is sent for tests and hardware examinations. It is the results of the hardware examination that allow us to determine a more accurate clinical picture.

Cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed using the following devices:

  • MRI and CT (examination of vertebrae and soft tissues);
  • X-ray (determines the degree of deformation intervertebral discs and the presence of osteophytes);
  • Doppler ultrasound (detects radicular syndrome);
  • duplex scanning (studies of the condition of blood vessels).

As soon as the doctor receives the diagnostic results and establishes a complete picture of the development of the disease, a diagnosis is made. Based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and existing disorders of the body, the specialist determines the treatment method. In most cases, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is treated primarily with therapeutic methods. The duration of therapy may take several months. It will not be possible to get rid of the pathology in a few weeks. Treatment should only be carried out comprehensively.

Restoring the condition of joints and vertebrae is carried out using several methods:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;

Among non-traditional methods, acupuncture, yoga, etc. are used.

Surgical intervention is performed extremely rarely. The operation is performed only if there are certain indications.

Non-traditional and traditional medicine. But such methods can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

It will be easier to get rid of the disease if you start therapy at initial stage. The advanced form of the disease is very difficult to treat. The use of any one method does not produce results; it is necessary to combine several methods of therapy.

The main method of combating SHO is taking medications. Patients are also prescribed treatment with injections and the use of drugs for external application. Medicines eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and alleviate the patient’s condition. Only a specialist should select.

  • painkillers;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation;
  • relaxing;
  • antidepressants;
  • vitamin complexes.
  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, butadione, ketoprofen. The use of such medications makes it possible to relieve swelling and stop inflammatory process.
  2. Medications that can relieve pain include analgin, ketanol, and tribuson.
  3. – mydocalm, sirdalud.
  4. Vitamin complexes of group B and C.

Many experts prefer such agents as chondroprotectors. They can not only eliminate symptoms, but also influence the restoration of affected tissue areas. These include such drugs as alflutop, teraflex. Ointments and gels are used to relieve pain and movement. The most popular ointments:

  • capsicum;
  • chondra-strength;
  • chondroxide.

Important! Drug therapy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease. It is unable to eliminate the cause of the disease.

In addition to taking medications, the patient needs to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures. They increase efficiency medicines and promote the restoration of joints and intervertebral discs.

Several procedures are used in the form of physiotherapy. The doctor prescribes treatment, relying on the indications and the absence of contraindications.

  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • manual therapy and massage.

As a result of a course of physiotherapy, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes are restored, signs of the disease are eliminated and freedom of motor activity increases.

Electrophoresis is an effective method. The principle of operation of such treatment is to deliver drug particles using ions through electricity. Thanks to this procedure, the patient feels significant relief after just a few sessions.

Magnetotherapy involves the effect of low-frequency magnetic fields on the human body. This method is very popular because it is an affordable and effective method of treatment. After several procedures, the patient experiences a decrease in pain symptoms, tissue swelling decreases.

Ultrasound treatment brings the following results:

  • warming up the diseased area;
  • blood flow;
  • pain reduction;
  • improvement of metabolism.

This method is more expensive, and very effective.

Laser therapy is one of the most expensive methods of combating osteochondrosis. This technique consists of treating patients through laser exposure. The method is safe for the body and brings excellent treatment results in a short time.

Manual therapy during illness can be used in the form of massage and self-massage. Professional massage involves tactile stimulation of the affected areas of the spine. The technique consists of rubbing and vibration. This helps relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow to the affected areas, and relieve pain.

Self-massage can be done independently at home. However, there are certain rules guidelines that should be followed when using manual therapy. These include:

  1. You should not use massage without a doctor’s prescription, this can lead to negative consequences and aggravation of the disease.
  2. Avoid massage if you have severe pain or severe disease.
  3. Pressing should be soft; force should not be used in this technique.
  4. If you feel dizzy during manual therapy, severe pain If floaters appear in your eyes, you should stop the procedure immediately.

Important! If this technique is used correctly, the patient’s condition improves after just a few sessions.

The fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system cannot be carried out without regularly performing therapeutic exercises. Exercise therapy has a significant effect on the condition of the spinal muscles and normalizes everything natural processes that were disrupted by the disease.

Therapeutic exercises for patients with cervical osteochondrosis are determined by the attending physician. Popular is. The first lessons should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Incorrect movements can aggravate the abnormalities that the patient already has.

Exercises should be performed smoothly, avoiding sudden actions. The main positions that the patient takes: sitting, lying or standing. You need to do the exercises regularly, otherwise the result will not be achieved. Exercise therapy is often used for prevention purposes. Let's look at a few exercises that will help relieve muscle spasms and reduce pain:

  1. In a standing position, tilt your head forward and hold for 5-10 seconds. As you perform, you should feel a slight tension in your muscles. Then tilt your head back and hold this position again.
  2. Turn your head to the left and hold for 5-10 seconds. Do not try to turn your neck too much; you should not feel pain - just a pleasant tension in the muscles. Then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. Make five circular movements with your shoulders forward, then back. Repeat 5-10 times.

Remember! You cannot continue to exercise if the disease worsens.

The spine is the basis of the entire human body. When diagnosing any pathology associated with the spinal column, specialists strive to eliminate it therapeutically. Any operation on the spine is life-threatening.

For cervical osteochondrosis, surgical intervention is permitted for the following indications:

  • intervertebral hernia, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis;
  • lack of treatment results after exposure for more than six months;
  • formation of osteophytes.

Modern medicine offers many ways to implement surgical intervention with minimal risks to the health and life of the patient. The surgical method is chosen by the surgeon, not the therapist.

After the operation, the patient will need a long period of rehabilitation period, which will also include methods conservative therapy. The prognosis after the operation is favorable.

Unconventional methods

Self-medication of neck osteochondrosis is dangerous, since lack of knowledge about contraindications and possible effects which may cause unconventional methods, may lead to the development of complications and new diseases.

But it is impossible to completely exclude the unconventional method. With the right approach, it can give excellent results. All the patient needs is to consult with the attending physician about which method of treating tissue is best to choose.

With cervical osteochondrosis, an inflammatory process occurs in the joints and displacement of the vertebral discs. These disorders lead to pinched nerve fibers. The situation cannot be corrected with drug therapy. You can restore the position of the vertebrae using reflexology. The technique is recognized by medicine, so it does not pose any risks to the body.

There are several methods of reflexology that are successfully used to treat SHO:

  • hirudotherapy;
  • acupressure.

Reflexology should be performed experienced doctor with medical education. The technique is very useful for relieving muscle tension. As a result, the nerve roots that have been compressed relax. Treatment is carried out in courses. Number of sessions and suitable way determined by the physician treating the patient.

Important! Reflexology has contraindications, so prescribing procedures on your own can be dangerous. Before the beginning similar treatment You should definitely consult a specialist.

For many centuries, the treatment of diseases has been carried out not only by traditional medicine, but also by folk methods. Such methods can be dangerous, so resort to alternative medicine preferably with a doctor's permission.

Folk remedies cannot cure osteochondrosis, but they do an excellent job of eliminating symptoms. Self-medication with compresses, tinctures and other means should be additional therapy, and not the main method of treatment.

Recipes that are used to eliminate signs of pathology include products of animal and plant origin. Main stream folk ways consists in the heating effect of the area where pathological processes progress. After applying a compress or rubbing in the tincture, you need to cover the problem area with something warm to increase the effect. Let's look at a few popular recipes:

You will need rubbing alcohol, iodine, analgin (ground into powder) and camphor oil. Mix 100 g of alcohol with ten drops of iodine, add 10 analgin tablets and a tablespoon of camphor oil. This tool perfectly relieves pain when rubbing.

Take 300 g medical alcohol or regular vodka, add 200 g of honey and 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. All products must be thoroughly mixed and left for 12 hours. The product is used for compresses and rubbing.

To prepare this recipe, take 5 egg whites and beat them well with a whisk or mixer. Then add 100 g of mustard powder and 100 g of alcohol. Mix all the ingredients well and add 2 tablespoons of camphor oil at the end. The product should be left for 8-10 hours in a place protected from the sun.

Also an excellent remedy are baths with the addition of pine needles and chamomile. Warm water itself perfectly relaxes muscles, and the addition of herbs has an additional healing effect.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that develops primarily with an unhealthy lifestyle. Accordingly, disease prevention is healthy image life.

You can reduce the risk of developing SHO if:

  • exclude provoking factors;
  • do exercises regularly;
  • do not resort to heavy physical activity;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • try to be as nervous as possible;
  • eat right.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a widespread disease that affects approximately 80% of people worldwide. certain period life.

The incidence of cervical osteochondrosis is increasing.

The progression of the disease can lead to a generalized form of osteochondrosis, that is, affect the entire spine, but more often it remains localized in one area (cervical, thoracic or lumbar region spine).

Cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment at home should be known to every patient in order to prevent the disease from developing, leading to complete immobilization, and thereby completely ruining one’s life.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

In order to understand the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, it is useful to know a little about the anatomy of the neck. One of the largest blood vessels vertebral artery, which carries oxygen and vital nutrients reach all parts of the brain.

Osteochondrosis is caused by deformations of the intervertebral discs and cartilage with an accompanying reaction in the vertebral body. With this disease, degenerative changes in the disc occur, its height decreases and the physiological functions of the discs are lost. The result is instability and changes in the spinal joints. As the disease progresses, a reaction occurs in the end plate of the vertebral body and the spine becomes curved, causing narrowing in the spinal canal.

In most cases, cervical osteochondrosis does not cause any symptoms at first. As the disease progresses, the space for the spinal cord, nerve roots and vertebral artery narrows. When these sensitive elements are compressed, only then do the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis begin to develop:

Pain and stiffness in the neck;

Regular dull, squeezing headache, aggravated by movement, and not relieved by analgesics;

numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs;

Loss of coordination;


Ringing and noise in the ears;

Memory loss;

Emotional changes;

Loss of bowel or bladder control.

Cervical osteochondrosis: diagnosing possible diseases at home

Back pain can occur due to various reasons, cervical osteochondrosis is just one of them. In some cases, pain in the back area is associated with:

Muscular overload;

Forced pose;


Nerve root compression (radiculopathy);

Spinal stenosis;

Oncopathology and benign tumors;

Diseases internal organs(heart, liver, stomach, or kidneys);

Pathology of the joints;

Vertebral fracture;


The difference between osteochondrosis is that pain more often appears in the right half of the chest, above the shoulder and in right hand, and the pain itself is multiple, acute and short-lived, or prolonged attacks dull ache, which do not disappear after taking NSAIDs and analgesics.

Since the treatment of the above conditions may differ radically, it is better to entrust the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment at home to a doctor.

Cervical osteochondrosis: treatment at home: treatment (medicines and folk remedies)

Therapy directly depends on the severity of symptoms. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain and maintain as much natural movement of the spine as possible, preventing permanent injuries spinal cord and nerves.


For cervical osteochondrosis, depending on the cause and form of the disease, doctors recommend:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, naproxen sodium (Anaprox) reduce pain and relieve inflammation;

Corticosteroids – prednisone helps relieve pain;

Muscle relaxants - cyclobenzaprine (Amrix, Fexmid) and methocarbamol (Robaxin) relieve muscle spasms in the neck;

Anticonvulsants– gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica) are sometimes prescribed to numb pain due to damaged nerves;


Ointments - distracting and warming action ("Fastum-gel", "Espol", "Capsicam", "Finalgon"), anti-inflammatory ("Nurofen", "Voltaren Emulgel", "Ibuprofen") and combined ("Fitobene", "Dolobene" ").


A physical therapist teaches patients exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Stretching exercises, including the use of counterweights, expand the space inside the spine and release nerve roots.

Regular exercise and staying active speeds up the recovery process.

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis at home

Even in particularly severe cases, when the patient is unable to perform physiotherapeutic procedures on his own, a gentle massage helps. It can be done at home and has real results.

A massage mat, a whisk, a chair, a rolling pin, a bamboo broom and a tape for self-massage - all these improvised means are used if the patient has cervical osteochondrosis, all symptoms and treatment at home, for massage.

Basic principles of massage for cervical osteochondrosis:

Light impact, no force required;

Direction of movements from the spinal column;

Smoothness and softness of movements;

Massage only with your fingers.

Some people use cups for massage, believing that this improves blood circulation. Before the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with massage oil or Vaseline, and after attaching the jar to the skin, no more than seven minutes should pass.

Massage therapists have been using honey for their treatments since ancient times. Approximate principle is as follows: warm your neck with a heating pad for 15 minutes, then apply a tablespoon of honey and gently knead your neck and shoulders until your hands begin to stick to your body. The honey should turn white and your skin will become slightly sore. The neck, warmed up in this way, is covered with film and wrapped in a woolen scarf. Rinse off honey only in the morning.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Definitely cannot be written off folk remedies– cervical osteochondrosis with its symptoms can be treated at home using essential oils, herbs, fats, roots and poisons. They are combined with alcohols, iodine and turpentine, and quite effective anti-inflammatory and warming agents are obtained for use both externally and internally.

Herbal treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Celery remedy. Grate the celery root fine grater, squeeze out the juice. Take celery juice for cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment at home three times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

A less concentrated version of the medicine - add 100 ml of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of juice, leave for a couple of hours and take a tablespoon of the solution an hour before meals 4 times a day.

You can also use the root itself instead of juice - pour 3 grams of the root into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours until it cools completely and drink 20 ml before each meal.

Bay leaf remedy. In an enamel saucepan, pour 12 grams of bay leaf with 300 ml of cold water and boil for five minutes. Let it brew for three hours, strain. Throughout the day, between meals, drink the infusion in small sips. Drink the rest before bed. Continue taking the drug for four days, take a break for a week and repeat the course. For prevention, repeat the course every spring.

Herbal collection for cervical osteochondrosis. Grind and mix 100 grams of chamomile, parsley, hops and oregano, add 100 grams of nettle leaf and 200 grams burdock root. Brew in a thermos, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for three days. Drink the strained solution one tablespoon twice a day - morning and evening. Store in a cool, dark place.


Red pepper based product. Finely chop two hot red capsicums, pour them into a tightly closed container and pour 200 ml vegetable oil. Close tightly with a non-metallic lid. Leave in a dark, warm place for five days. Rub into the affected area with gentle movements twice a day. There is no need to take a lot of product at once, as it can burn strongly. The effect of the product is warming, blood circulation improves.

Based butter . Mix the egg with a tablespoon of vinegar, add a tablespoon of flour and 100 grams of softened butter. Leave the product for a couple of days in a dark place, remove the film formed on the surface of the mixture and rub into the skin in the area of ​​cervical osteochondrosis during massage. Keep ready mixture no longer than 3 days.


Burdock and horseradish leaves have proven themselves as compresses. They are scalded with boiling water, applied to the damaged area and kept for several hours, wrapped in cotton cloth. Repeat every day 10 times. Repeat 2-4 times a year.

Cervical osteochondrosis: is treatment at home effective?

Effect of complex treatment Osteochondrosis at home, if the techniques are followed correctly, will often occur quite quickly. The condition of the spine improves, the intervertebral discs retain their integrity and shape longer. But there is one condition: the diagnosis of “cervical osteochondrosis” must be made by a qualified doctor. Methods of treatment (including non-traditional ones) are also discussed with him.

If cervical osteochondrosis with symptoms can be treated at home with rubbing, compresses, physiotherapy or herbal remedies, then it is strictly forbidden to perform apitherapy, acupuncture, spinal stretching and deep massage at home. These techniques are used only under the supervision of a physician.

After a week of treatment at home, the symptoms of osteochondrosis should subside. If this does not happen, you need health care, maybe you need an urgent operation, and you will forget about cervical osteochondrosis for a long time!

Cervical osteochondrosis, which is concentrated, as the name suggests, in the neck area, is a fairly common pathology. Cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which cannot always be unambiguously considered exclusively as this disease, taking into account the peculiarities of its localization and local processes, often leads to referral to specialists in other areas, so contradictory are these symptoms.

general description

Predominantly, the development of cervical osteochondrosis occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, which is especially facilitated by a significant switch from physical labor, albeit to a moderate extent, which was previously common, to intellectual labor, which, again, is accompanied by sedentary work.

In general, before we move on to consider the symptoms characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis, I would like to note that it is possible to notice certain differences in it from the symptoms accompanying osteochondrosis in general, which, perhaps, should not be particularly surprising, given those anatomical features , which are available in the specific area of ​​interest to us (the cervical spine itself).

The vertebrae concentrated in the neck area fit quite tightly to each other. Meanwhile, the frame located in the cervical region is not very well developed, which is a contributing factor to the displacement of the vertebrae. This, in turn, causes compression of the nerves and blood vessels, of which there are more than enough in the cervical region. So, for example, it is here that the vertebral artery lies, with its help the blood supply to the brain (or more precisely, to its posterior sections, represented in the form of the medulla oblongata and cerebellum), is ensured.

Compression (that is, compression) of the vertebral artery due to decreased blood circulation can provoke ischemia of the spinal cord and brain, and if we consider acute variants of this course, it can even cause a spinal stroke. By the way, such damage to the artery can be judged by the appearance of symptoms in the form of impaired coordination of movements, frequent dizziness, as well as disorders associated with vision and hearing.

The overall compactness of the cervical spine can cause even slight muscle tension or vertebral displacement to lead to compression of the nerve endings, which implies pinching of the cervical nerve, which can also affect vascular structures. Osteophytes that form against the background of such conditions only lead to a worsening of the situation, given the compactness inherent in the cervical spine. Let us remind our readers that osteophytes are defined as small growths that form directly on the bone; the components of this growth are those substances that are formed in the process of an inherently pathological hypertrophic process (that is, in the general understanding, hypertrophy is a process in which there is an enlargement of a separate part of the body/organ).

In addition, it is cervical osteochondrosis that causes the development of protrusions and hernias in the spine, the impact of which, in addition to such features as displacement of the vertebrae, tension of the vertebrae and the formation of osteophytes, also compresses the nerve root, and thereby leads to the development of edema and inflammation in it. As a result, returning, again, to the compact dimensions of the spinal canal of the section of interest to us, it remains to emphasize that the root covers its volume completely, resulting in additional compression - this time directly in the spinal canal. Pain syndrome is noted as a pronounced manifestation of this course of the disease.

Further, osteochondrosis can also lead to compression of the brain, and, given the narrowness inherent spinal canal of the department under consideration, this happens much more often than when considering processes in the lumbar and thoracic regions. What is noteworthy is that in case of cervical osteochondrosis, the affected area is reduced not only to damage to the neck and head itself, but also to damage to the extremities (in the upper extremities, a similar result is diagnosed much more often). Considering these features of cervical osteochondrosis, it becomes one of the common causes of disability in patients.

So, let's try to summarize, in which in particular I would like to touch again on those factors that lead to compression of nervous and vascular structures in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

  • Slipping (or displacement) of a spinal disc. This condition is specifically referred to as spondylolisthesis. For the most part, this type of displacement is minimal in terms of the frequency of its occurrence in practice, and what is important here is that even a slight displacement provokes the development of paralysis, not to mention a more serious displacement, which leads to nothing more than death.
  • Osteophytes. Cervical osteochondrosis, as we have already noted, provokes the development of corresponding growths, that is, osteophytes. They, in turn, being located on the sides of the vertebral bodies, lead to irritation of those muscles that are directly adjacent to them, which ensures an increase in their tone. The load acting on the vertebrae thus increases, this already provokes an increase in the pressure exerted on the intervertebral disc while simultaneously reducing its height. Against the background of such a process, the risk of protrusion formation increases. Osteophytes directed towards the canal of the vertebral artery can provoke a narrowing.
  • Formation of protrusion, hernia of the spine. All this is one of the options for the outcome of the development of processes relevant for cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Change in the height of the spinal disc (that is, its flattening). In frequent cases, a decrease in height occurs due to a decrease in the size of the intervertebral foramen. In addition, it is important to note that even unsuccessful rotation of the neck can lead to subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, resulting in additional compression (i.e. compression).

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

The changes that occur in the spine during cervical osteochondrosis occur in combination with many clinical manifestations. What is noteworthy is that listing them can allow us to identify about three dozen options, while the most interesting and unexpected for the patients themselves may be the fact that in addition to “traditional” neck pain, they have to deal with symptoms that are completely outside the range of symptoms at first glance. for the disease in question. So, for example, not everyone will independently attach pain in the neck to such a diagnosis. elbow joint, weakness of the legs or visual disturbances, as well as some other manifestations, which we will also try to cover in the discussion below.

To present the main symptoms that may accompany cervical osteochondrosis, we will conditionally identify three main groups for them, defined in accordance with the predominant involvement of the central nervous system in the pathological process for each of them.

  • Group I. This includes the neurological symptoms of the disease, considered as its complication, which arose due to the impact of the process directly on the discs and nerve roots, as well as on the nerves and plexuses (in other words, the process concerns the peripheral part of the nervous system).
  • Group II. In this case we're talking about about the symptoms relevant to cervical osteochondrosis, which manifest themselves with the direct influence of the pathological process on the spinal cord.
  • III group. Symptoms directly related to the processes that, with cervical osteochondrosis, occur in the brain, and, consequently, in the cranial nerves, in the structures and membranes of its hemispheres, in the brain stem and in the vessels of the brain.

Briefly for each of the groups, it can be noted that the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis of the first group mainly consist of pain, the symptoms of the second - in movement disorders, and the symptoms of the third - in phenomena associated with the pathological effect exerted on the vessels, in fact, in vascular phenomena. Of course, in frequent cases, the manifestation of these symptoms is noted not only in their pure form, but also in combination with each other, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of determining the leading group from the listed options based on the existing symptoms.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the first group

As we noted earlier, the first group includes symptoms in the form of painful manifestations, which arise due to damage in the peripheral nervous system. This includes both constant pain in the neck (defined as “cervical pain”), as well as cervical radiculitis and cervical lumbago. In addition, muscle pain may also appear, joint pain(wrist, elbow or shoulder joints), pain in the chest (which may imply pain in the heart, liver).

It should be noted that neck pain is the first symptom of cervical osteochondrosis, and it is noted in almost all patients with this diagnosis. Such pain appears in morning time after waking up, intensifying when trying to roll over supine position, as well as when laughing, coughing, turning the head poorly or sneezing, which is already possible in any other position of the body. The nature of the pain can be defined as boring and dull, in some cases the pain can be shooting, but regardless of the specific option, the localization of these pains is concentrated in the very depths of the neck. As for the duration of pain, it can be either periodic or constant.

The pain, which appears upon awakening, is subject to reduction in its own intensity, which occurs during the day; their complete disappearance becomes possible. Irradiation of pain (its spread) to the shoulder area and to the surface of the neck is not excluded.

In addition to these options for the manifestation of pain, its acute manifestation is also possible in varying degrees expressiveness. For some patients, the current state at such moments can be defined by an analogy with an “electric shock”; for others, it is a “shooting pain” or a “piercing” pain.

Tension of the neck muscles (moderate) and difficulty breathing in the cervical region may also be noted. Acute period manifestations of the disease are characterized by the adoption of a somewhat peculiar posture by patients, in which they try to hold their head slightly tilted forward and at the same time to the side. In the case of a lumbago, there is often a limitation in the rotational movements made by the head.

Quite frequent characteristic symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis include the presence of noise phenomena that occur when the head is turned in the form of crunching and crackling, which allows us to draw an analogy with the friction of a stone on sand. Often in such cases, it is possible to diagnose the long-standing course of cervical osteochondrosis, which is excluded from attention by patients due to the listed symptoms.

What is noteworthy is that patients often try to determine the specific factor that led to the appearance of pain, the reason that provoked the disease in question as a whole. In particular, discomfort in the sleeping position, hypothermia of the neck, sudden movement of the head, and serious loads experienced in one form or another by the spine and cervical region in particular can be highlighted. Pain, of course, can occur due to such factors, but to a greater extent these factors can only provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, but not of it itself as a disease. Accordingly, such factors relate to provoking moments of the disease, and not to causative moments.

Besides neck pain and lumbago, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can occur in combination with cervical-brachial and cervical radiculitis; these conditions manifest themselves in the form of pain, concentrated in the upper cervical region and in the back of the head. Intensification of pain is noted at the moment of turning the head in one direction or another; to a lesser extent, such a manifestation of pain is relevant during other actions. Often the pain in cervical osteochondrosis spreads to the shoulder girdle and to the arms (to one or both). In particular, this happens at the moment of tension in the muscles directly connected to specific nerve roots, which are compressed by the vertebrae.

Tentatively, it can be noted that cervical radiculitis accounts for about 90% of cases of compression of the roots in the 6th and 7th sections, in 5% - in the 5th and 8th sections. Thus, damage to the sixth section leads to unpleasant sensations or pain concentrated within the anterior outer surface forearm area with thumb; involvement of the seventh cervical root leads to discomfort and pain in the middle finger; involvement of the eighth root leads to discomfort and pain in the little finger.

If the lesion affects the upper vertebrae and cervical discs, this can lead to involvement of the occipital nerve, which innervates the skin of the back of the head. This manifests itself, accordingly, as pain in the back of the head; it is constant and characterized by periodic intensification. Also, the back of the head area loses sensitivity; a specific pain point can be identified in the form painful lump and tension.

Due to changes in the cervical region, compression of the cervical vegetative formations may occur in combination with a disruption of the blood supply to them. This is accompanied by a peculiar symptomatology, similar to the previous one, but with some differences. Thus, burning pain appears, intensifying at the moment of physical stress, with emotional stress and with changes in weather conditions. The color of the hands, and in particular the hands, changes, their swelling and thinning are noted, the skin cools and turns pale. Some unusual reactions cannot be excluded, such as: lack of sensitivity of the patient to touch, sharpness of perception of a light touch; tachycardia, pain in the heart area, feeling of interruptions. The pupils may change alternately, narrowing and dilating.

Cervical osteochondrosis can also manifest itself in the form of unpleasant sensations noted in the arm area, which occurs mainly at night. These sensations are defined as nocturnal dysesthesia; they are mainly diagnosed in women aged 45-65 years with certain physical activity. Often there is numbness and tingling in the bones, pain, which is important at night and makes you wake up, these manifestations are accompanied by weakness in the hands, and such attacks can occur up to several times during the night, stopping and reappearing.

The listed signs appear when changes in the cervical spine become sharply pronounced against the background of the disease, which, according to scientists, indicates the relevance of one of the forms of damage that has occurred to the autonomic nervous system. A similar result in osteochondrosis is caused by insufficient blood supply to the vegetative nodes located in close proximity to the spine, which occurs due to degenerative changes occurring in the cervical vertebrae.

Cervical osteochondrosis often leads to the development of torticollis, which occurs due to spasm of the neck muscles against the background of the head tilt and neck curvature characteristic of this condition. In this case, the patients’ head is slightly shifted to the side/forward or to the side/back. There is practically no possibility of movement of the neck; an attempt to turn towards the head is accompanied by the appearance of certain pain sensations in the neck, shoulder girdle or in the back of the head.

Compression of blood vessels during osteochondrosis due to insufficient blood supply for this reason leads to a weakening of the pulse in the radial artery and with attacks of pain with simultaneous paleness of the fingers.

Another manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis is a complication in which pain is concentrated in the area shoulder joint, which is defined as glenohumeral periarthritis. It develops due to a disturbance in the humeroscapular region of innervation, due to which dystrophic changes gradually develop, gradually increasing. These disorders appear with the onset of the painful process that accompanies cervical osteochondrosis, but for a long time they are simply invisible.

The main symptoms of this pathology are pain in the joint, which usually occurs for no apparent reason; the manifestations of this pain intensified at night. Subsequently, abduction of the arm to the side leads to pain (mainly from the outer part of the joint), palpation identifies painful areas. Due to the patient’s desire to ensure the rest of the painful limb, the joint becomes stiff against the background of reflex muscle contraction in it (“frozen shoulder”). Subsequently, in the absence of treatment, raising the arm more than above the horizontal level becomes impossible.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the second group

The symptoms of the second group consist of syndromes that occur against the background of lesions at the cervical level of the spinal cord. It can be caused by two mechanisms: either compression caused by the nucleus pulposus falling out of the disc due to its soft consistency, or injury to the spinal cord from hard (old) discs or outgrowths from the posterior cervical vertebrae. In women, the first mechanism is more often observed, in men – the second mechanism.

Symptoms of this type are often accompanied by weakness of the arms and legs, and in the legs there is an increase in tone without muscle loss, in the arms, on the contrary, the tone decreases and the volume decreases. Mild muscle twitching in the arms may also develop, without pain. Most often, this complication is diagnosed at the age of 40 to 55 years, somewhat less often - at an old age, and even less often - at a young age. The relevance of such a complication can be discussed if the patient has disorders associated with cardiac activity (arrhythmias) or atherosclerosis.

Changes occurring in the spinal cord are defined as myelopathy , it develops against the background of pathological changes in the disc located in the area between the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae. Its development can be provoked by spinal injury, excessive strain affecting the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as negative emotions and alcohol intoxication.

One of the types of manifestations of myelopathy is the disappearance of temperature and pain sensitivity due to the characteristics of the listed clinical manifestations. Accordingly, patients lose the ability to feel the irritating effect exerted in one way or another on the skin in the cervical region, upper sections in chest and arms (on one side). Thus, the area that has lost sensitivity has the appearance of a half-jacket. Along with the listed symptoms, spontaneous pain occurs (ache, aching), and the arm weakens on the affected side.

Another type of manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis is “semiconductor disorder syndrome,” which occurs when the lateral columns of the spinal cord (its sections) are insufficiently supplied with blood. This leads to increased fatigue of the lower extremities, noted when walking/standing, as well as intermittent claudication. Numbness of the hands, as well as unpleasant sensations in them (which is important for daytime), cannot be ruled out; in some cases, such manifestations are noted in the feet. Closing the eyes causes loss of coordination. The listed phenomena, despite their persistence, do not limit the ability of patients to work.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the third group

The third group of symptoms includes cerebral manifestations of the disease in question, which occurs due to insufficient blood flow in the system responsible for supplying the brain stem with blood. The main vessels forming such a system are the vertebral arteries. Let us highlight the main types of syndromes that are relevant in this case.

  • Hypothalamic syndrome. Diagnosed most often, it manifests itself in symptoms indicating disorders of the hypothalamus, or more precisely, in the form of neurotic disorders. These are irritability and increased fatigue, anxiety and resentment, mood instability and sleep disorders (its superficiality, sleep is characterized by ease of getting up without a feeling of rest, difficulty falling asleep). The ability to concentrate on something is also lost, the ability to remember is reduced, and unpleasant sensations often appear in various organs. Severe cases are accompanied by the appearance of causeless fears, anger, melancholy, and anxiety. Patients are pale, they have cold extremities, increased sweating, increased blood pressure and pulse. Appetite, like sexual desire, decreases, urination becomes more frequent.
  • Drop syndrome. It consists of attacks of a patient fainting for no reason with simultaneous loss of consciousness (possibly without loss of consciousness), which also occurs due to vasospasm. Restoration of consciousness occurs quite quickly when the patient is placed in a horizontal position(head lowered). After an attack, patients experience severe weakness in the legs and weakness, and a possible headache.
  • Vestibular-stem syndrome. The only manifestation of the syndrome at the initial stage of the disease is dizziness, which occurs due to sensitivity vestibular apparatus to insufficient blood supply. Possible nausea and vomiting in combination with some fluctuations in the movements of the eyeballs, instability while walking.
  • Cochlear-trunk syndrome. Manifests itself in the form of ringing and noise in the ears, mainly on one side. Hearing may decrease, ear congestion occurs, the syndrome is mainly associated with the previous one, but its independent course cannot be ruled out. By the way, determining the connection with cervical osteochondrosis with such symptoms is not always easy.
  • Pharyngolaryngeal syndrome. The main manifestations are the appearance of a sensation in the throat foreign object causing difficulty swallowing, also a feeling of dryness in the throat, possibly with itching. The voice loses its sonority, rawness appears in the larynx and pharynx, and pain in these areas. Fatigue is noted when talking, requiring a break; there may be difficulties in swallowing thick food along with spasm of the esophagus; a decrease in such manifestations occurs after rest.
  • Visual impairment. Various types of visual disturbances: “fog” before the eyes, decreased visual acuity, etc., alternation of various disturbances during the day.


Complete recovery for the disease we are considering is not possible, therefore its treatment in general is focused on slowing down the actual course of the process, and in particular - a specific period of the course of the disease. Exacerbations require hospitalization and semi-bed rest.

As for drug therapy, it consists of prescribing various types analgesics, the possibility of using novocaine muscle blockade cannot be ruled out. In parallel with treatment, the main emphasis is placed on vitamin therapy; muscle relaxants may be prescribed. Effective results in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are achieved through the use of physiotherapy methods (electrophoresis using anesthetics, ultrasound procedures, etc.). Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis also implies the need to wear the so-called Shants collar; massage procedures are prescribed for periods of remission.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is made by a neurologist, and a referral to this specialist can be obtained if there is an erroneous assumption that it is necessary to visit an ENT specialist, therapist, cardiologist and other specialists.