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The pain in the right side radiates. Pain in the right side as a result of injuries. How to treat constant and recurrent abdominal pain on the right

More than 50% of the world's population periodically or regularly encounter aching pain in the right side under the ribs in front. Reasons for appearance unpleasant symptoms can be different, up to a serious threat to life. After reading this article, you will learn which signals sent by the body require urgent professional diagnosis.

Pain in the hypochondrium on the right or left is a consequence of pathologies of organs located in the problem area. They can also spread to the hypochondrium from other organs, appearing as a result of improper physical stress exerted on the body. The causes of unpleasant sensations are different and differ in each individual case. This article will tell you what symptoms men, women, teenagers and children should be aware of.

Why does my right side hurt under the ribs in front?

Important! Remember, the earlier treatment is started and the more accurately you follow the doctors’ recommendations, the stronger your body and the more fulfilling your life.

Aching pain in the right hypochondrium most often occurs due to the following pathologies:

  1. Chronic or acute, viral or toxic hepatitis. In this case, patients develop yellowing of the skin and darkening of the urine.
  2. Liver cirrhosis at the last stage.
  3. Malignant tumors, accompanied by a sharp decrease in body weight, a feeling of malaise and weakness, low-grade fever bodies.
  4. Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder or in connection with remission of the pancreas, duodenal cyst, liver. In this case, the aching pain is accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia: bloating, diarrhea, nausea, a feeling of heaviness. In chronic pancreatitis, spasms intensify after eating, and in case of inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis), a small amount of food reduces the intensity of discomfort.
  5. Dull pain in this part of the body is also similar to the signs of existing pyelonephritis, during which the inflammatory process is localized in the renal pelvis. Physical activity is accompanied by an increase in symptoms. Such a patient has high blood pressure, frequent urination, constant fatigue, headache.

Important! If a dull, aching pain either disappears or appears, and taking analgesics does not give a lasting result, self-medication is unacceptable.

Sharp pain in the right side under the ribs in front

Here are some of the causes of acute pain in the right hypochondrium:

  1. Cholecystitis, in which stabbing sensations occur mainly at night. Sharp pains often radiate to the back, in right hand. Nausea and vomiting are possible. Due to spasms of the bile duct, the outflow of fluid is disrupted, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and inflammation. The most common causes of the phenomenon are dyskinesia and blockage by gallstones.
  2. With ulcerative duodenitis in acute form At night, “dagger” colic occurs, accompanied by a feeling of hunger, but eating does not change the situation. Discomfort increases with a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, general weakness body, increased body temperature.
  3. If the head of the pancreas becomes inflamed, the pain is characterized as throbbing. It may be encircling in nature. Such a patient should be urgently sent to the surgery department. During the transition from acute pancreatitis to chronic pancreatitis, the intensity of symptoms remains almost unchanged, so urgent conservative treatment is the only way not only to relieve an attack, but also to keep the pancreas in “working condition”.

Dangerous! A patient with acute pain in the right hypochondrium with a simultaneous increase in body temperature, vomiting, and diarrhea requires immediate hospitalization.

Pain in the hypochondrium due to pathologies of neighboring organs

Sometimes pain radiates to the hypochondrium on the front right due to the development of inflammation in other parts of the body.

Among women

Acute nagging pain may occur due to:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. The presence of uncharacteristic bloody discharge and the absence of full menstruation helps differentiate the disease.
  2. Chronic inflammation of the appendages, which is accompanied by high fever, vomiting, nausea, purulent discharge from the vagina.
  3. Torsion of ovarian cyst accompanied by high temperature, bleeding.

Some hormonal contraceptives may cause pain due to their effect on urine output.

Dangerous! Pregnant women who experience pain symptoms should immediately consult a doctor. The reason may simply be the displacement of organs due to fetal growth and enlargement of the uterus. But hope that the pain appeared during natural causes impossible, because " interesting situation“does not exclude the development of diseases and pathologies.

In women, men, children, adolescents

The ascending location of the appendix causes atypical symptoms at the onset of the inflammatory process:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • increased pain when walking;
  • discomfort decreases if you lie on your right side;
  • body temperature rises, nausea;
  • within several hours the pain covers the entire abdomen.

Myocardial infarction (abdominal form) is recognized pressing pain burning in nature, covering the right side in front and the area above the stomach. Taking glycerin does not relieve symptoms.

Myocardial infarction

Diseases of the right lung that spread to the pleura are also accompanied by pain under the ribs. With pneumonia, pleurisy, body temperature rises, cough and shortness of breath appear. The cause of pain on the right side can be a diaphragmatic hernia, tumors and inflammatory processes in the diaphragm.

Pain syndrome also occurs due to damage to the ribs, inflammation of the intercostal muscles, and nerves located on the right. Intercostal myalgia, rib injuries and fractures, osteochondrosis, neuralgia - all these pathologies are accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

Sometimes the cause of sharp or aching pain becomes excessive physical activity. Refusal of strenuous work and rest for several hours in this case helps to forget about the symptoms.

Right side ache after running

The reasons why pain occurs in the right side after running are different:

  • incorrect breathing rhythm;
  • lack of warm-up or warm-up before jogging;
  • full stomach;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • Drink alcohol before physical activity.

Discomfort in the right side after eating

Damages to the stomach, liver, intestines, gallbladder, and pancreas cause pain in the right side and hypochondrium. The intensity of pain becomes more intense over time. Pathological changes in the body can be very different: from the inflammatory process to malignant neoplasm. The only correct solution for anyone faced with pain of unknown etiology is a full diagnosis under the supervision of a doctor.

In children, the cause of pain may be damage to the body by mixed helminths. In any case, a child’s complaints of pain in the abdomen, in the hypochondrium (right or left), before and after meals, with or without physical activity, should be a reason for an urgent visit to a children’s consultation.

Right side hurts when moving

Unpleasant sensations when walking arise due to either pathologies or physiological reasons. For example, in women such pain accompanies the first days of menstruation, and in pregnant women it is natural reaction the body to minor organ displacements accompanying fetal growth. In adolescents, due to the rapid growth of the skeleton, some clumsiness and angularity occur, pain in the back, abdomen, and side appears when walking.

Important! It is necessary to exclude a pathological process when pain appears that does not go away over time, becomes more intense, or returns with unpleasant regularity. This can only be done through a full examination within the walls of a medical institution.

Source of pain in left side

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Pain in the left hypochondrium is an informative symptom caused by for various reasons. In most cases, such sensations indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Gastritis or inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa. With this pathology, the pain is intense. Its localization occurs on the left side and in the epigastric region (center, slightly below the chest).
  2. Stomach ulcer with symptoms similar to gastritis. The diagnosis can only be clarified through endoscopic examination.
  3. IBS is irritable bowel syndrome or non-organic intestinal damage. The disease is caused psychosomatic reasons, accompanied by various uncomfortable sensations. Localized mainly in the sigmoid colon (left hypochondrium).
  4. Sigmoiditis - inflammation sigmoid colon, which is characterized by intense pain.
  5. Colitis is inflammation of the colon mucosa.
  6. Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  7. Inflammation of pancreatitis (pancreas), in which pain is similar to pain with gastritis, but occurs brighter, stronger, more intense.
  8. Kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. If left kidney has a non-standard anatomical proximity to the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Lower lobe pneumonia.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases that are accompanied by burning pains in the left side under the ribs, behind the sternum. Such symptoms may indicate a heart attack, angina, or coronary artery disease.
  11. Inflammation of the spleen.

Why does the left side hurt under the ribs in women?

In addition to the above causes of pain in the left hypochondrium, characteristic symptoms in women may indicate problems with the reproductive system:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian pathologies, accompanied by nagging pain;
  • endometriosis, in which endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus.

Important! It is impossible to independently understand what exactly is wrong, so any pain - aching or acute - should be a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Why does the left side hurt under the ribs in men?

If pain in the left hypochondrium and side is not associated with sudden physical activity, men should exercise caution and visit a clinic. Since pain arises from various reasons the earlier it was done correct diagnosis and appointed adequate therapy, those faster body will get better.

Mini test for self-diagnosis

Answers to questions will help you understand whether pain in the hypochondrium is a reason to go to the doctor.

Acute pain occurs during normal quiet walking:

  1. Appear only when carrying heavy bags. They have a stabbing nature and go away when the load is reduced.
  2. They occur regularly, even if you walk lightly, and are accompanied by weakness.

Sharp pain appears while running:

  1. In case of non-compliance with the breathing regime, lack of pre-warming of the muscles, after a heavy snack.
  2. Always while running. Accompanied by nausea and headache.

During pregnancy in women:

  1. With the growth of the fetus. Not accompanied by discharge. They decrease in the sitting or lying position.
  2. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, the intensity of pain increases, and spotting appears.

Secondary (accompanying) signs of pain symptoms in the hypochondrium on the right or left, below or above:

  1. Weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, occasional nausea, discoloration skin, apathy, headaches, fever.
  2. There are no signs.

Possible answers:

Result for question 1: May be initial stage diseases.

  • a) physiological reason; b) pathology;

Result for question 2: even if the case is one-time and is accompanied by nausea and weakness, you need to see a doctor.

  • a) physiological reason; b) pathology;

Result for question 3: Since the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own life, in case of any inconvenience it would be better to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

  • a) pathology; b) physiological reaction of the body to temporary stimuli;

Result for question 4: sometimes serious illnesses are disguised as indigestion or colic, and minor pathologies are accompanied by acute pain. To allay concerns, it is best to get tested.

Tests and diagnostics

Diagnosis begins with a visit to a therapist, who, after listening to the patient and visually examining him, prescribes a visit to the following doctors:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • nephrologist.

Standard diagnostics consists of:

  1. Questioning the sick person (collecting anamnesis).
  2. Feeling (palpation) of the problem area. This is done to determine the size of organs and their structure, identifying the response to pain.
  3. Contrast radiography of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Endoscopic examination. FDGS allows you to exclude the presence of tumors in the stomach, determine the type of lesion and the extent of its spread. Colonoscopy is the most informative way to diagnose intestinal diseases. Laparoscopy (if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected).
  5. Ultrasound to assess the condition internal organs. Laboratory research: general analysis and blood biochemistry, general urine analysis. The presence of an inflammatory process in the body is indicated increase in ESR, leukocytosis.
  6. Cardiogram.

X-ray of a stomach ulcer

Popular drugs

Conservative treatment pain symptoms involves taking antispasmodics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antacids, carminatives and diuretics.

Name Manufacturer pros Minuses Price
"Spazgan" India, Wockhardt LTD Quickly relieves painful muscle contractions, can be taken without a doctor's prescription Provides only temporary relief, eliminating symptoms, but not the cause of their development Up to 100 rubles
"Novalgin" Ozon, Russia Effectively relieves pain Need a doctor's recommendation, has side effects From 150 to 200 rubles
"Nise" India, DR. RED. LABORATORIES Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug, reduces fever, relieves pain, prevents the spread of inflammation Possible side effects. Requires blood monitoring with long-term use On average it costs 180 rubles
"Espumizan" Germany, Berlin-Chemie Quickly relieves flatulence, bloating, belching Possible allergic reaction Cost from 200 to 500 rubles

Causes of diarrhea and belching

Painful symptoms in the hypochondrium, accompanied by belching and diarrhea, indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At acute symptoms Pain cannot be drowned out by self-administration of medications. Urgent consultation with a surgeon is necessary. If the pain wears chronic nature, you can take an antispasmodic, an analgesic. However, if the pain does not go away and the body temperature increases, self-medication must be stopped.

Pain when the gallbladder is removed


Launched stages cholelithiasis and inflammation of the gallbladder require removal of the diseased organ. After surgery (cholecystectomy), many patients experience postcholecystectomy syndrome, characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium, in the peritoneum, under the shoulder blades, and in the incision area. Mild pain can last up to 30-40 days in the postoperative period and is corrected with medications prescribed by the doctor. During the adaptation period, you should observe bed rest and a strict diet.

Important! Urgent hospitalization is required for a patient who has undergone surgery if he experiences severe pain that interferes with night rest, accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Spasms when inhaling

Spasms during coughing, when deep breath, painful breathing - indicate diseases of the pleura or heart. Acute or dull pain is concentrated on the right or left in the hypochondrium. Causes of such sensations: tumors, inflammation, intercostal neuralgia, tracheitis, lung cancer.

Regular pain that is not associated with seasonal acute respiratory viral infections, even in the absence of chills, requires diagnosis.

How to relieve a pain symptom

To relieve pain symptoms, common drugs are used: No-shta, Drotaverine, Baralgin, Maxigan, Colfarit, Maxicold, Ketorolac and other drugs prescribed by a doctor. Each medicine(tablets, capsules, suspensions) should be taken according to the instructions, avoiding overdoses.

Gentle diet

If you have pain in the right and left side, hypochondrium below or above, you need to rethink your own lifestyle. You cannot, for example, after diagnosing gastritis, eat chips, fried chicken wings, flavored with wasabi. Drinking alcohol is also strictly prohibited.

Top 6 healthy eating rules:

  1. “No” to smoked meats, pickles, fried vegetables and red meat.
  2. Boiled, baked fish and poultry without spices are a frequent guest on the table.
  3. No bread during an exacerbation period.
  4. Soft-boiled egg, Herb tea or a glass of kefir - if the doctor allows it.
  5. You need to eat often, but little by little.

This general recommendations However, each individual case needs its own diet. So, some patients, for example, are allowed milk porridge, while others are strictly prohibited. Therefore, you need to clarify with your doctor what exactly you can and cannot eat.

How to avoid complications? It’s very simple - listen to the specialists, don’t eat just anything, engage in auto-training and self-improvement, not forgetting about preventive visits to the clinic.

Mistakes made by the majority

5 answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. If I am pregnant and sometimes my right or left side hurts, should I go to the doctor if I feel well?
  2. Several years ago I was treated for a stomach ulcer. Now the pain sometimes appears, can I just take the medications that were once prescribed to me and not visit the doctor?
  3. After treatment, I stuck to the diet for about six months. Now I feel good, can I start eating the way I want?
  4. The diet prescribed by the doctor does not suit me, I experience discomfort and bloating. Can I listen to the advice of a friend who has suffered the same disease?
  5. A year has passed since the treatment. If I don’t have pain anywhere, why go to see a therapist?
  1. Even if your pregnancy is easy, the presence of regular pain should be discussed with your doctor.
  2. It is possible that the old sore has become inflamed, or maybe another pathology is making itself felt? Rather than guessing, it is better to play it safe, since the body, having already suffered a serious illness once, is prone to unpleasant “surprises.” You cannot take medications at random; you need to be examined and fully treated.
  3. You will have to adjust your diet for the rest of your life. However, small errors, in the absence of contraindications, can be allowed, but only after consultation with a practicing nutritionist or gastroenterologist.
  4. Even the same diagnosis different organisms is perceived differently, so you can’t listen to advice from friends and family about nutrition and treatment.
  5. If the disease was diagnosed once, only regular examination and adherence to the doctor’s advice will help avoid relapses.
  • do not be afraid to pester the doctor with questions about your condition;
  • does it become better or worse - tell your treating specialist;
  • Visit your doctor regularly and do not miss scheduled appointments;
  • do not take miracle pills advertised on the Internet;
  • take only those medications or their analogues that the doctor advises;
  • eat right, be outdoors more;
  • change your lifestyle - give yourself new experiences;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes.

Everyone should live without pain. Therefore, instead of experimenting with your body, you need to undergo a medical diagnosis, find out what exactly is happening to your body and help it overcome difficulties.

Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium.

Pain in the right side may indicate many pathological conditions, and in order to identify and diagnose them during the process, you need to know the symptoms and features of the course of the diseases outlined in this article.

Painful sensations that occur in the right side of the abdomen, regardless of intensity and regularity, indicate that not all organs work as nature intended. After all, pain in the side, like other pain, is a signal indicating the presence of a pathological process and the development of a disease that makes adjustments to the functioning of the body.

Pain in the right side: what can hurt in the right side?

Most often, specialists are contacted with a complaint of abdominal pain. This is due to the fact that the abdominal cavity is the location of a large number of organs, which, in case of any malfunctions, certainly make themselves felt. As for the pain concentrated in the right side, the following are localized in this area of ​​the abdomen:

  • liver
  • pancreas
  • right side of the diaphragm
  • right kidney
  • gallbladder
  • intestinal loops
  • appendix
  • right ovary (exclusively in women)
Pain is a signal of “problem”

Quite a lot of organs are located on the right side and sometimes self-diagnosis may be difficult, but you can determine exactly what is hurting by listening to your sensations and determining the location of the pain and its nature. The location of the pain will help determine its origin:

  • in the right hypochondrium - the body signals about “problems” with the liver, which begins to hurt late stage diseases due to weak innervation, and the gallbladder can also make itself felt
  • pain in the upper part, radiating to the back - indicates a problem in the pancreas
  • pain in the lower part - may indicate the presence of appendicitis, diseases of the ovaries and appendages, or an inguinal hernia
  • painful sensations at the level of the navel - pathological processes of the intestine

Side pain

It is important to understand that pain in many organs can radiate in various directions that are not typical for them, which sometimes makes the diagnosis incorrect and treatment useless.

In order to avoid mistakes, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, take into account all the patient’s complaints, pay great importance analyzes and research.

What does pain in the right side indicate after removal of the gallbladder?

After cholecystectomy, many people experience postcholecystectomy syndrome for a long time, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the place where the organ was previously located. As a rule, pain and heaviness go away after a few weeks and are not particularly intense - the stressful period for the body does not last long and soon the digestive system is rebuilt to work without the gallbladder.


Excision of the gallbladder is performed in the least invasive way, in which there is minimal penetration into the abdominal cavity and minimal tissue dissections are made; however, cholecystectomy is an operation and its consequence is necessarily a slight inflammatory process at the site of excision of the gallbladder.

The healing process may be one of the reasons short-term pain on the right side of the abdomen.

If after removal of the organ there is strong pain, then this may indicate serious complications. Then pain won't be the only thing pathological symptom, and in combination with other signs and test results, it will not be difficult for specialists to determine what provokes the pain.


IN in rare cases People who have had their gallbladder removed experience cholestasis, a liver disease in which bile stagnates in the bile ducts. This disorder is treated with medication, and the patient is also prescribed a strict diet.

Why might my right side hurt at night?

One of key reasons pain in the right side, which occurs at night, is considered to be distension of the gallbladder. At night, when the body is in horizontal position, the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is complicated and because of this, excessive accumulation of fluid occurs in the organ.

Pain at night

Pain caused by appendicitis may also occur at night. As a rule, pain is felt in the upper abdomen and gradually “falls” down. The patient feels a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, nausea, and his temperature rises.

Discomfort in the abdomen

The cause of overeating should not be excluded for night pain. If you had a heavy dinner with fatty, high-calorie and heavy food before going to bed, then you shouldn’t be surprised that you have pain in your stomach.

For relief, you should drink a drug that improves digestion and remember for the future that dinner should be as light as possible and after it is completed there should be 2-3 hours of activity, not sleep.

Video: What does pain in the right side mean?

Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult time when a woman has to learn previously unknown sensations and processes in the body. But if these sensations are painful, then you need to be vigilant and listen to your well-being - this is very important so that both the baby and the mother remain alive and healthy after these difficult nine months.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to their feelings

During pregnancy, the uterus, which expands, begins to compress all the organs of the peritoneum. This may lead to pain in the right side. But you shouldn’t attribute all discomfort to organ compression, because this way you can miss the onset of a serious disease. Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by appendicitis, diseases of the bladder and kidneys, liver diseases, “problems” in the functioning of the gallbladder, as well as difficult bowel movements.

Pain caused by overuse

One of the rare and dangerous causes of pain is ectopic pregnancy. It is important to identify this pathological pregnancy, which does not develop in the uterus, but in one of the fallopian tubes, in order to prevent the onset of bleeding and fatal outcome in a woman.

Early registration and passing of all necessary tests under the supervision of a doctor will prevent severe consequences such pregnancy and other causes of pain in the right side.

Inform your gynecologist about all the peculiarities of your pregnancy.

Pregnant women may experience more pain harmless reasons. So, during this period of life there is an increase in the production of hormones, weight changes sharply and the load on the back muscles and spine increases. Therefore, if you feel pain in your right side, you should lie down, take a comfortable position and relax, and if you experience regular discomfort, notify the doctor who is managing your pregnancy.

Pain in the right side during menstruation

Menstrual pain can be both physiological, that is, those that are a natural process and not a disease, and organic, which signal pathologies of the organs of the female reproductive system. Ultrasound will help determine the presence of any organ damage.

Pain during menstruation is common

TO physiological reasons Pain in the side during menstruation includes:

  • blood stagnation (when it is in large quantities accumulates in the uterine cavity, for example, due to the bending of the uterus)
  • ovulatory pain (occurs just before the onset of menstruation)
  • cycle disorder

Organic pain during menstruation occurs when:

  • benign formations of the female genital organs
  • inflammatory processes
  • pathological pregnancy
  • acute surgical problems (such as cyst torsion)
  • other diseases not related to gynecology (appendicitis, bladder pathologies)
  • after surgical intervention(for example, after an abortion)

Video: Pain during menstruation

What does throbbing pain in the right side indicate?

If throbbing pain is localized in the right side, then most often it indicates intestinal problems such as colitis and intestinal obstruction. In women, gynecological diseases most often manifest themselves as follows:

  • adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages)
  • diseases of the right ovary
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • some diseases of the urinary system

Throbbing pain is a reason to immediately consult a doctor!

What does sharp pain in the right side mean?

Sharp painful sensations usually indicate serious illnesses, which are localized in the right part of the peritoneum. Dangerous cause Such pain may be inflammation of the appendage of the cecum, which is accompanied by fever, defecation disorder and nausea.

At the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the appendix, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of peritonitis, which occurs when the appendix ruptures.


In terms of symptoms, other diseases that manifest as sharp pain may be similar to appendicitis. So, with protrusion of the intestinal walls (diverticulosis), fever, nausea and constipation (disorder) also occur. Therefore, when performing an operation to remove the appendix, the surgeon carefully examines the intestines so as not to miss this pathology.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain depends on general symptoms

Also, sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen is characterized by the following diseases:

  • intestinal volvulus - the intestine becomes blocked and peristalsis, blood flow and innervation are disrupted
  • duodenitis - duodenum becomes inflamed and the patient begins to experience sharp pain in combination with symptoms of indigestion
  • inguinal hernia - the abdominal wall ruptures and the omentum and part of the intestine fall into the subcutaneous space
  • hepatitis - sharp pain appears at a late stage of the disease
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by sharp and girdle pain

Video: How to distinguish appendicitis from other abdominal pain

Causes of dull pain in the right side

Dull pain accompanies development ectopic pregnancy in women, cholecystitis, kidney disease, hepatitis and urolithiasis. Additional symptoms that will definitely be present during similar diseases, will help in diagnosing the causes of pain.

Intense pain may cause hepatitis

If a woman feels a dull pain in the abdomen, or rather in the right side, then this may indicate pregnancy, in which the fetus is localized in the right fallopian tube. As a rule, such a pregnancy ends at 5-6 weeks with spontaneous abortion or rupture fallopian tube, as a result of which the woman feels severe, sharp pain.

It is necessary to contact a specialist to prevent such a rupture, which threatens fatal from internal bleeding.

In addition, dull pain in the right side is characteristic of diseases of the kidney, which is located on the right side of the abdomen. This could be urolithiasis and even a kidney tumor, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, kidney prolapse and vascular thrombosis.

What to do if your right side hurts a lot?

For pain in the right side and abdomen in general, taking painkillers is not recommended. After all, pain is evidence that something in the functioning of organs is not proceeding as it should, and this is a signal to action that must be correctly deciphered and not drowned out with analgesics. In addition, pain may indicate peritonitis or internal bleeding, and by taking painkillers and ignoring the need for medical care, you are simply signing your own death warrant.

It is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist if there is severe discomfort in the side

If you have severe pain localized in the side, you should contact:

  • therapist
  • gynecologist
  • surgeon
  • traumatologist
  • urologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • infectious disease specialist

A number of factors can provoke pain in the right side: from diseases of the digestive system to gynecological problems in women. Therefore, it is dangerous to self-medicate - without knowing your disease, you can cause great harm to your health.

Qualified specialist will help you understand the problem

Tips for those experiencing pain in the right side:

  • do not try to warm up the pain area with heating pads and compresses - there may be a tumor that, when heated, increases its growth. The same applies to internal bleeding, which will become more intense upon contact with heat.
  • do not take diuretics and choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription
  • for moderate to mild pain in the area digestive organs reconsider your diet, but if the pain does not go away, contact qualified help to determine the source of discomfort
  • special attention should be paid various pains pregnant women, because during pregnancy the body is susceptible to many diseases that are important to identify at the initial stage

Regular examinations will help prevent the development of diseases

If you have pain in your right side, there is no need to panic. If the pain is mild and episodic in nature, then its source is most likely not serious illness and you shouldn’t run to the doctor for help with it. But strong frequent pain should not be ignored, just as you should not let your health condition take its course: undergo examinations recommended by specialists and then unknown pain will not occur faithful companion in life.

Video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

Abdominal pain from the lower right is one of the most common reasons for patient visits to the department emergency care. Lower right area abdomen is located below an imaginary horizontal line drawn under the lower right hypochondrium and to the right of an imaginary vertical line running along the navel.

Associated symptoms include:

Pain in this area is usually acute and can be spontaneous or chronic, as well as dull or acute, localized or diffuse, and radiate to the back.

There are many structures in the right lower abdominal region where it can occur. These internal structures include part of the large intestine (called the cecum), the appendix, and ascending colon, parts of the small intestine, right ovary and fallopian tube, as well as the right ureter. The reason why the side hurts below, in the right side of the abdomen or in the back can be any anomalies or disorders of one or more of these structures.

The most common causes of pain on the right side:


The most common cause of pain on the right side, in the lower abdomen, is appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix. It occurs in about 10% of people and most often occurs between 10 and 30 years of age, although it can occur at any age.

Appendicitis can be caused by an infection or a blockage that leads to inflammation and swelling. Symptoms usually start as aching pain around the belly button or in the middle of the upper abdomen and then move to the lower right side of the abdomen. This pain gets worse after a few hours.

Associated symptoms of appendicitis include:
  • low-grade fever,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite,
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.

If you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.


Pain associated with ovulation can occur in either the right or left side of the lower abdomen. As a rule, no medical intervention is required. However, sometimes due to the same location it is confused with the symptoms of appendicitis.

Ovulation pain occurs approximately 2 weeks before your next period, when the egg is released from the ovary. She may have aching character, appear as a spasm, be sharp and sudden. It is usually not severe, but may be accompanied by bloody discharge or vaginal bleeding. They are relieved by painkillers and rest, but if the pain comes with fever and nausea, infection, then this should be considered as appendicitis.

Kidney stones on the right

Small crystalline deposits may form inside the kidney, especially when the urine becomes too concentrated. Kidney stones into the bladder can pass through any part of the urinary tract. This is a very painful process, although it does not cause permanent damage.

Symptoms include severe pain under the right ribs, including the side and back, which can spread to the lower right side of the abdomen and groin. It can come in waves and fluctuate in strength.

Associated symptoms include pain when urinating, pinkish, reddish, or brownish urine that may be cloudy and foul-smelling, nausea, vomiting, fever with chills, and frequent urination.

Sometimes everything goes away if you drink a lot of water and take painkillers. However, if the condition is severe, you should consult a doctor about possible stone removal.

Right kidney infection

Infection in the bladder or urinary tract may spread to the kidneys, causing inflammation and pain. It is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin. There is a persistent desire to go to the toilet in small quantities and this urination can be painful. Urine comes out with pus or blood. In this case, an increase in temperature is often observed.

If left untreated, a kidney infection can lead to kidney infection. widespread or organ damage. Thus, to prevent complications, treatment with antibiotics is required, so you should consult a doctor.

Right ovarian cyst

Sometimes cysts appear on the surface of the ovary - fluid-filled sacs that can grow and cause discomfort. Although they are usually harmless and may go away on their own, they can grow larger and cause pain in the lower abdomen. This is a dull, aching pain in the pelvic area that is persistent or intermittent and can radiate to bottom part back and hips. Pelvic pain can occur almost at the very beginning or at the end of menstruation. Menstrual period may be irregular. Lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and pressure on the bladder or rectum may also be associated with its severity or fullness.

Although most ovarian cysts go away on their own, you should see a doctor if you suddenly experience heaviness in the lower abdomen or pain in the pelvic area, accompanied by fever or vomiting.


Another common cause of pain in the lower right (or left) abdomen is constipation. This occurs when you are unable to walk easily on a regular basis, but instead undergo hard stools less than 3 times a week. Tension, bloating, and pressure in the rectum are accompanied by pain. It usually disappears with bowel movements and is not accompanied by additional symptoms. To get rid of this disease, you need to change your diet and take stool softeners or laxatives.

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it results in an ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg may end up in the right ovary, fallopian tube, or abdominal cavity and cause severe pain. If this happens on right side, it may be mistaken for appendicitis. However, determining the actual cause is not difficult because the process is usually associated with a delay in menstruation, symptoms early pregnancy and vaginal bleeding.

Immediate medical advice is required because the fallopian tubes may rupture and cause heavy bleeding, which is life-threatening.

A summary of the most common causes of pain in the right lower abdomen:

Nature of pain

Associated symptoms


Appendicitis A dull aching pain that becomes sharp begins in the middle of the abdomen and moves to the lower right part. The peritoneum becomes soft.
  • Temperature,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • loss of appetite,
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.
Surgical removal of appendicitis.
Constipation Dull pain in the abdomen when stool cannot be passed. Tension, bloating and pressure in the rectum.
  • Relieve symptoms, promote the passage of stool;
  • Use laxatives, change diet.
Pain during ovulation Dull or sharp, sudden, convulsions. Occurs 2 weeks before term, with or without vaginal bleeding.
  • Taking painkillers
  • rest
Stones in the kidneys The pain can be acute, comes in waves, fluctuates, spreads across the back and groin.
  • Pain when urinating
  • pink, red, or brown urine that may be cloudy and foul-smelling
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • fever with chills
  • and frequent urination.
  • Mild - nothing or analgesics;
  • Severe - surgery.
Kidney infection Pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin.
  • Persistent urge to urinate,
  • painful urination,
  • pus or blood in urine
  • temperature.
Treatment with antibiotics
Ovarian cyst Dull, aching pain in the pelvic area, which can also radiate to the lower back and hip.
  • Irregular periods
  • heaviness,
  • bloody issues,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pressure.
  • Moderate pain - nothing or analgesics;
  • Severe - possibly surgery.
Ectopic pregnancy Heaviness in the lower abdomen or pain in the pelvic area
  • Delay of menstruation,
  • signs of pregnancy,
  • bleeding from the vagina.

Less common causes of lower right abdominal pain:

  1. Colon cancer - occurs in older patients and manifests itself in the form of constipation or changes in the intestines, chronic abdominal pain, as well as noticeable weight loss.
  2. Inflammatory diseases pelvic organs is an infection in women's reproductive organs caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.

    Abdominal pain is accompanied by:

    • vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor,
    • menstruation disorders,
    • elevated body temperature,
    • pain in the lower back and during sex.
  3. Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue from the uterus grows outside the uterus, such as on the right ovary, fallopian tube or intestine, causing severe pain during menstruation.
  4. Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic inflammation of all or part of the digestive tract, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are painful and debilitating conditions that manifest as chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications.

For every person, their own health should always come first, because the quality and length of life depends on it. If you experience discomfort, pain or any other symptom that disturbs your well-being, you must promptly seek help. medical care. After all, the sooner a person visits a doctor, the faster he will receive adequate assistance, and the treatment will not take as long as in the case of advanced processes or the development of complications.

Nagging pain in the right side is common symptom for most pathologies that require attention and targeted therapy. The article will conduct differential diagnosis the most common common and specific diseases for men and women with this symptom.

Why there is pulling in the right side: common diseases for men and women

A symptom such as nagging pain in the right half of the abdomen may accompany acute appendicitis, chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis, inflammation of the kidneys and pathology of the spinal column.

Acute appendicitis

In 80-90% of cases, pain in acute appendicitis is acute and accompanied by nausea and fever. But inflammation of the appendix can masquerade as another pathology, especially if it is in an atypical location:

  • In an ascending position, the process is located near the liver. When it is inflamed, patients often complain that the right side of the abdomen is pulling; the pain is often dull and moderately intense. The severity of symptoms of intoxication depends on the duration of the process and its prevalence. In such cases, acute appendicitis can easily be confused with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), an abscess in the liver, or even pneumonia, in which abdominal syndrome is often observed.
  • With a medial or median location of the appendix, the pathological process can imitate inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes or diverticula (congenital protrusions in the form of pockets in small intestine), in which there may also be a complaint that the right side is pulling.
  • In the case of retrocecal (that is, behind the cecum) localization, acute inflammation of the appendix can be confused with an ovarian cyst, adnexitis, since with these diseases there is also a nagging pain that occurs in the right side of the abdomen.

Classic symptoms of the disease (Shchetkin-Blumberg, Rogozin, Kocher, etc.), an increase in signs of intoxication within 24 hours of observation, the absence of pathological changes on ultrasound of the ovaries, gall bladder and liver, intestinal lymph nodes, an increase in ESR help the doctor make a diagnosis of acute appendicitis. and leukocytes in peripheral blood.

Chronic cholecystitis

Frequent stressful situations, abuse of fatty, spicy and fried foods, concomitant pathology The gastrointestinal tract leads to stagnation and retention of bile in the bladder with subsequent development in it chronic inflammation. If there is a metabolic disorder, in particular fat metabolism, stones may form in the cavity of the gallbladder, which also injure its wall and disrupt the outflow of bile.

Mostly, patients with chronic cholecystitis complain that their right side is pulling under the ribs, there is morning sickness and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Stool disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea may occur.

Upon objective examination, the doctor sees a tongue coated with a white or brownish coating and pain on palpation in the right hypochondrium. Thus, such complaints from the patient as pulling on the right side and nausea allow the doctor to suspect the presence of chronic inflammation in the gallbladder.

Treatment chronic cholecystitis mandatory, otherwise the following complications may develop: biliary hepatitis and reactive pancreatitis (reversible inflammatory changes in the head of the pancreas), in the case of stone cholecystitis - hepatic colic or peritonitis due to rupture of the gallbladder.

Chronic pancreatitis

The development of this pathology is influenced by:

  • Nutritional factor (fatty, coarse and spicy foods).
  • Smoking and alcoholism.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Some previous infections (for example, mumps).
  • Autoimmune factor (when the human body produces antibodies directed at pancreatic tissue).

One of the main manifestations of the disease is a dull nagging pain in the right side, which, when worsened, becomes spastic in nature. Most often the pain is girdling, that is, it wraps around top part abdomen and back or in the form of a half-belt on the right or left.

Besides, characteristic symptoms is nausea and vomiting, which brings relief, loose stools mixed with undigested food(this indicates a deficiency of gland enzymes).

During the examination, the doctor identifies painful points in the projection of the pancreas and can palpate its enlarged head or tail through the anterior abdominal wall.

Acute pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis refers to inflammation of the kidney tissue involving the pyelocaliceal system.

Most often, the disease develops against the background of an existing infection in the body:

Against the background of intoxication (fever, weakness) comes pain syndrome. As a rule, patients complain of pulling the right side and lower back on one or both sides. Symptoms of dysuria appear: frequent and painful urination, imperative urge. The urine itself may become cloudy with sediment in the form of a whitish suspension.

The disease progresses quickly and requires timely treatment with antibiotics, uroseptics, antioxidants and detoxification therapy ( intravenous administration glucose-salt solutions to eliminate toxicosis).

Degenerative diseases of the spinal column

Osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis of the spine occur equally in both men and women of any age. Poor posture, excessive physical exercise, excess weight, impaired metabolism and deficiency of microelements and vitamins in the body - all this leads to the development of degenerative processes in cartilage and bone tissue.

On both sides of spinal cord spinal roots consisting of nerve fibers depart. For example, if any thoracic root on the right is pinched due to osteochondrosis, the patient may have a complaint, voiced by him as “pulling the right side from the back.”

The pain is dull, less often aching, and is constant. In addition, some physical abilities person, since the pain intensifies when walking and sitting for long periods of time.

Additional symptoms include:

  • impaired sensitivity in the projection of the innervation of the roots;
  • crawling sensation or so-called paresthesia;
  • pain along the spinal column.

Common female pathology

A nagging pain in a woman’s right side occurs with the following common pathologies:
  • oophoritis and adnexitis;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages

Inflammation of the ovary can be isolated (oophoritis) or combined with damage to the fallopian tubes (adnexitis). As a rule, the cause is an ascending infection from the vaginal cavity.

Women complain of a tugging sensation in the right side (with a right-sided process) or in the lower abdomen, the menstrual cycle is slightly disrupted, and pain appears during sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages quite often becomes chronic, with the subsequent formation of adhesions in the pelvic cavity. Adhesive process aggravates the course of the underlying disease, compression occurs neighboring organs and structures, as a result of which the nagging pain in the lower right side of women becomes more intense.

Ovarian cysts

Cystic neoplasms are divided into functional, dermoid and endometrioid. Functional cysts are formed from an ovarian follicle or corpus luteum and, as a rule, regress on their own. Such women complain that their right side is pulled before menstruation (if the cyst is located on the right side).

With endometrioid and dermoid cysts, in addition to periodic nagging pain in the right side, there is a violation menstrual cycle in the form of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. At large sizes Cysts may cause an increase in the volume of the abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancy

In 90% of cases, ectopic pregnancy is localized precisely in the fallopian tubes, where up to certain period does not cause any manifestations. Only at 7-8 weeks, when ovum reaches size fallopian tube, there is a strong nagging pain in the right side.

If the embryo is not removed in a timely manner, the fallopian tube ruptures with the development of pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvic cavity), up to hemorrhagic shock.

Common diseases in men

In a man, the cause of the nagging pain felt in the right side may be right inguinal hernia. In addition to pain, a protrusion is detected on the anterior abdominal wall on the right groin area, the skin over which is not changed, and the patient can straighten it independently. This pathology requires planned surgical intervention to prevent the development strangulated hernia, which is dangerous due to intestinal necrosis and peritonitis.

If a man has a pull on his right side when urinating, the doctor may suspect prostate inflammation. Classic diagnostic criteria Difficulty and intermittent urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, are also considered.

There may be pathological impurities in the urine in the form of blood, which is a prognostically unfavorable symptom. At suspected prostatitis An ultrasound of the prostate gland, a consultation with a urologist, and determination of the PSA level (prostate-specific antigen) are required.

Thus, we can conclude that for a complaint such as pulling on the right side, the causes can be very diverse and require a comprehensive diagnosis. As a rule, a general urine test and clinical analysis blood, carried out ultrasonography abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women.

When there is pain in the right side, we first of all think about appendicitis. Indeed, this is a common reason, but not the only one.

Reason 1. Appendicitis

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix of the cecum) is one of the most common causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen: up to 10% of people experience it. Most often this happens between the ages of 10 and 30 years. As a rule, it all starts with a dull pain in the epigastric region (where the stomach is located), which worsens within a few hours and goes down below the navel and to the right. The temperature rises, nausea begins, diarrhea and vomiting are possible.

WHAT TO DO. Lying in bed, try to lift right leg or turn on your left side: if it is appendicitis, the pain should intensify. Don't hesitate and call an ambulance. The inflamed appendage must be removed as soon as possible so as not to lead to peritonitis - purulent inflammation peritoneum. If the blood test shows an elevated white blood cell count, you will be sent straight to the operating room.

Reason 2. Cholecystitis

If pain occurs after you eat something fatty or fried, cholecystitis is likely - inflammation of the gallbladder. At acute process there is severe pain in the right upper abdomen; she gives it to the back and right shoulder blade, accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting of bile. When lightly tapping the ribs, the pain radiates to the right hypochondrium.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance: acute cholecystitis, like appendicitis, is an emergency surgical pathology. In the emergency department, the doctor will do an ultrasound, and if the bladder is full of stones and inflamed, you will have to go to the operating room. If there is an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, you will have to adhere to a strict diet and take medication for some time, and when the symptoms subside, in the so-called “cold period”, remove the bladder laparoscopically.

Reason 3. Renal colic(urolithiasis disease)

It occurs when a stone either blocks the outlet of the kidney into the ureter or gets stuck directly in the latter. This causes severe spasmodic pain in the right half of the body, forcing the patient to look for a position in which it hurts least.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance. While waiting for her, you can take a warm bath and drink a couple of antispasmodic tablets. In the emergency department, they will give you an X-ray and ultrasound and choose the optimal treatment tactics: this could be installing a stent in the ureter, a session of shock wave therapy (“crushing stones”), or an attempt at conservative treatment.

Reason 4. Pyelonephritis

Inflammation of the kidneys, or pyelonephritis, is one of the common causes of pain in the right half of the body. Often develops as a complication urolithiasis. The pain may radiate to the lower back, groin or leg. Almost always accompanied by fever, chills, nausea and even vomiting.

WHAT TO DO. Make an appointment with your GP or urologist as soon as possible: infection urinary tract can quickly spread throughout the body and cause severe intoxication. You need to take a general urine test, do an x-ray and an ultrasound. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and uroseptics that will help get rid of the infection. In some cases, a urine culture is taken to find out which pathogen is causing the problem.

Reason 5. Gynecological.

Women especially have many causes of pain in the right side. This can be either a harmless ailment during ovulation or a sign of various inflammatory diseases genitals. With chronic inflammatory processes in the appendages, there is pain in the lower half of the abdomen. More often the pain is dull, aching, and can go away and reappear, especially if you have a cold. An ovarian cyst can manifest itself in a similar way.

Another variant - sharp pain in the lower right abdomen occurs unexpectedly during sexual intercourse, or even when you are lying down and doing nothing. The attack is accompanied by rapid breathing and heartbeat, nausea, and pallor. Causes may include cyst rupture, follicular apoplexy, or ectopic pregnancy.

WHAT TO DO. For chronic aching pain make an appointment with a gynecologist as planned: he will prescribe a full course of treatment that will prevent the formation of adhesions and relieve possible problems with fertility. If there is sudden paroxysmal pain, consult a doctor immediately: he will do an ultrasound and decide whether surgery is needed.

Reason 6. Hepatitis

The pain is concentrated in the upper right half of the abdomen under the ribs, accompanied by itching and small spider veins on the skin? This could be hepatitis (inflammation of liver cells). If the skin, tongue and whites of the eyes have acquired a yellow tint, there is no doubt. There are many types of hepatitis: acute and chronic, viral, medicinal, alcoholic, fatty...

WHAT TO DO. Contact a hepatologist or infectious disease specialist immediately. First of all, the doctor will prescribe a full examination that will help determine the cause of hepatitis. The test results will determine what treatment you receive.

Reason 7. Intercostal neuralgia

Compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves most often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. Typically, discomfort occurs after you turn around suddenly, sleep in an awkward position, sit in a draft, or work out too hard at the gym. The pain is burning, which is why doctors may initially suspect a heart attack or angina. Fortunately, intercostal neuralgia is much less dangerous.

WHAT TO DO. Contact a neurologist. Now there are a huge number of medications that will help quickly relieve pain and inflammation. Sometimes a doctor can perform a therapeutic blockade and inject directly into the damaged nerve: you will feel the effect instantly.

Reason 8. Constipation, colitis

Poor nutrition, lack of fiber and fluid, physical inactivity can cause stagnation feces, and he, in turn, has pain in the abdomen, including on the right. But if, after normalizing nutrition and stool, the pain does not go away, intensifies, or other symptoms are added to it, it may be colitis.

WHAT TO DO. consult a gastroenterologist. He will ask you to take blood and stool tests, prescribe a diet and frequent small meals. Treatment includes laxatives, intestinal microflora agents and other drugs.