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Chronic enterocolitis. Chronic enterocolitis disease: symptoms and treatment

– sharp and chronic diseases digestive tract, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines. The symptom complex for enterocolitis includes abdominal pain, signs of digestive disorders (nausea, flatulence, rumbling in the stomach, diarrhea or constipation, mucus and blood in the stool). Enterocolitis is diagnosed based on laboratory data (coprograms, bacteriological culture stool) and instrumental (colonoscopy, radiography) studies. Treatment consists of following a diet, taking medications (antibiotics, enzymes, probiotics), and performing physical therapy.

General information

Enterocolitis is a syndrome of digestive disorders caused by infectious or non-infectious inflammation of the small and large intestines. According to the course, enterocolitis can be acute and chronic. Acute enterocolitis is most often combined with acute gastritis (gastroenterocolitis) and differs in its origin into infectious and non-infectious enterocolitis. Sometimes intestinal inflammation can have an allergic etiology, and in addition, poisoning with poisons and medicines may cause the development of acute enterocolitis.

In the case of acute enterocolitis (as opposed to chronic), the inflammatory process is limited to the mucosa and does not affect deeper layers. Chronic enterocolitis often results from poorly treated acute intestinal inflammation. This disease lasts a long time, with periods of exacerbations and remissions; over time, destructive changes in the mucosa develop and the submucosal layers of the intestinal wall are captured. Long lasting chronic enterocolitis leads to persistent disturbances in the functional characteristics of the intestines and indigestion.


Enterocolitis is classified according to the cause of its occurrence:

Acute enterocolitis begins suddenly, with severe acute clinical symptoms: pain, rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, nausea, and possibly vomiting. The tongue is coated; palpation reveals abdominal pain. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by diarrhea. In cases of infectious nature of enterocolitis, mucus and sometimes blood are detected in the stool. In addition, infectious enterocolitis is characterized by increased body temperature and symptoms acute intoxication(weakness, headache, muscle aches).

Chronic enterocolitis occurs both with mild clinical symptoms in the early stages of the disease and severely, with the development of life-threatening complications.

The following signs are most characteristic of exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis:

  1. Abdominal pain, most often in the navel area, but can also be diffuse. The severity of pain depends on the severity of the process. It is more common for pain to occur in the afternoon, but earlier pain is also possible. With the predominant localization of inflammation in small intestine The pain is rather dull and moderate. Inflammation of the large intestine is manifested by intense pain. Increased pain occurs a couple of hours after eating, before defecation, during physical activity, fast walking, running, jumping.
  2. Defecation disorder - constipation or diarrhea, their alternation.
  3. Flatulence - bloating. Occurs as a result of excess gas formation due to indigestion.
  4. Dyspeptic syndrome. Impaired digestion of food in the intestines due to fermentation, putrefactive or mixed types.
  5. Astheno-vegetative syndrome. Occurs during a long course of enterocolitis as a consequence of tissue metabolism disorders (weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, tendency to apathy and attention problems).
  6. Loss of body weight. It is typical for patients in whom the small intestine is predominantly affected. In people suffering predominantly from colitis, weight loss is possible by refusing to eat as a result of fear of pain and progression of the disease.

Diagnosis of enterocolitis

Acute enterocolitis is diagnosed quite simply on the basis of an epidemiological history, clear characteristic symptoms and coprogram data, bacteriological examination of stool. If necessary, rectoscopy can be performed.

Chronic enterocolitis is diagnosed on the basis of anamnestic data, a survey, a physical examination, laboratory tests and the results instrumental diagnostics. The most informative method for diagnosing enterocolitis with predominant damage to the large intestine is colonoscopy. When conducting this study, the presence of areas of the mucous membrane affected by inflammation, erosion, ulceration, destruction of the mucous membrane is detected; if necessary, a biopsy sample can be taken.

X-ray examination reveals changes in the intestinal lumen, the nature of the folded structure, and wall defects. A laboratory test in the blood reveals a picture characteristic of digestive disorders: anemia, dysproteinemia, dyslepidemia, ion imbalance, feces with increased content mucus, leukocytes, possible steatorrhea, amilorrhea, creatorrhea. Differential diagnosis chronic enterocolitis is carried out with prolonged dysentery, congenital enzymopathies.

Treatment of acute enterocolitis

Patients with acute enterocolitis are prescribed a water-tea diet. If necessary, wash the stomach. At severe diarrhea and vomiting - control the volume of incoming fluid (hydration therapy). You can eat rice water and porridge with water. The pain symptom is relieved with antispasmodics, and if necessary, detoxification therapy is carried out by infusion. For infectious enterocolitis, therapy includes antibiotics and sulfa drugs. To prevent dysbiosis, drugs are prescribed that restore normal intestinal flora.

Treatment of chronic enterocolitis

In the treatment of chronic enterocolitis, the elimination of etiological cause its development. To do this, the following measures are applied:

After eradicating the immediate cause of the development of enterocolitis, measures are taken to treat digestive disorders, motility, and dysbacteriosis. A diet is recommended for all patients with chronic enterocolitis. Outside of exacerbation, table No. 2 is prescribed, for enterocolitis with predominant constipation - table No. 3, with the prevalence of diarrhea - table No. 4.

In case of severe dyspepsia, limit the consumption of foods: for putrefactive dyspepsia - fermented milk products, complex proteins and coarse fiber; for fermentative dyspepsia - whole milk, rye bread, cabbage, foods containing sugar. In case of predominant localization of inflammation in the small intestine, it is recommended rich in protein, vitamins and microelements diet with high content calcium, components that irritate the mucous membrane (spicy, salty, sour, fried) are excluded from the diet.

Drug therapy:

  • antibacterial agents to suppress pathological flora (furazolidone, nifuroxazide);
  • enzyme-containing agents to restore normal digestion of food (lipase, amylase, protease, pancreatin);
  • pro-, prebiotics (bifido-, lacto-, enterbacteria, nutrient media for development);
  • agents that normalize intestinal motility (trimebutine, loperamide, mebeverine).

For local treatment of inflammation, microenemas with medicinal herbs. For diarrhea, administer infusions of oak bark, St. John's wort, and bird cherry; with a tendency to constipation - sea ​​buckthorn oil, with flatulence - chamomile infusion. Vinylin is used to heal erosions and ulcerations and stop bleeding.

Patients with chronic enterocolitis in a depressed state of mind may be recommended treatment by a psychotherapist. For chronic enterocolitis, a consultation with a physiotherapist is recommended to select a comprehensive physiotherapeutic treatment, which may include: SMT, bowel cleansing procedures, different kinds reflexology, magnetic therapy, etc. Sanatorium treatment at balneological resorts during the period of remission gives good result in terms of improvement general condition, consolidating remissions and improving quality of life.

Physical activity during an exacerbation should be reduced. But during periods of decline clinical symptoms Regular exercise therapy, walking, and aerobics are recommended. An active lifestyle helps to normalize digestion and all body functions, and improve psychological status. You should avoid sports in which there is a high risk of injury to the abdomen. Special exercises for the abdominal muscles not only strengthen the abdominal wall, but also regulate the pressure in abdominal cavity, contributing to the normalization of intestinal function.

Prevention and prognosis of enterocolitis

Timely and adequately treated acute enterocolitis is completely cured and leaves no consequences for the body. 3-6 weeks after suffering infectious enterocolitis, the intestines completely restore their function. The course of chronic enterocolitis depends on timely identification, elimination of the cause of its occurrence and compliance with measures to normalize nutrition and lifestyle.

Chronic enterocolitis can occur due to various reasons, but if the first symptoms of illness are noticed, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. With timely detection of the disease and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable, so you shouldn’t waste time and put off visiting a doctor. The chronic form means that not only the intestinal mucosa is damaged, but also its deeper layers.

The causes of pathology can be very different - transferred viral and infectious diseases, Not proper nutrition. The main factors include:

No one is immune from this pathology. The situation is aggravated by the fact that patients do not always immediately seek treatment. medical care, the disease starts, it becomes more difficult to treat.

It is worth noting that chronic enterocolitis has not yet been identified as a separate nosology. Typically, such a diagnosis is made after it is impossible to differentiate another pathology.

Symptoms and manifestations

Initially, the disease manifests itself acutely - the patient regularly feels nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with foul-smelling feces is possible, and symptoms of intoxication of the body are possible. If treatment is not taken in a timely manner, transition to chronic form.

Pain is the main symptom of this disease. Most often, the pain is localized around the navel, on the sides of the abdomen. Severe attacks observed after eating, may decrease after bowel movement. There is also bloating and strong discharge of gases.

Main symptoms:

  • diarrhea - feces may contain blood or mucus and have an unpleasant odor;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bloating.

If the disease is not treated, the patient gradually loses weight, appears constant fatigue, lethargy, apathy. All this can lead to prolonged depression. If any symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist. Advanced disease can lead to complications, the simplest of which are anemia, vitamin deficiency, physical malaise, depression, deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

If the patient long time symptoms of general intoxication are observed - nausea, severe vomiting, heat, then in this case it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and not refuse hospitalization.


When contacting the clinic, the doctor will conduct an oral interview, collect anamnesis and prescribe an examination. Diagnosis of chronic enterocolitis is difficult, since laboratory research may show only minor changes. The patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;

  • colonoscopy;
  • endoscopic biopsy with subsequent study of the obtained material;
  • bacteriological examination of feces;

  • X-ray.

All these research methods will allow us to exclude other diagnoses and make sure that the patient suffers from chronic enterocolitis.

Treatment of pathology

Chronic enterocolitis can manifest itself with varying pain intensity. Treatment should be comprehensive, the methods depend on the symptoms and severity of the pathology. When diagnosing of this disease medications are prescribed that eliminate the root cause of the pathology. It is important to follow a diet and give preference to healthy foods.

Restoring bowel function- an important stage in the treatment of chronic enterocolitis. For these purposes, drugs may be prescribed for plant based, probiotics, sorbents, multivitamins. For diarrhea, prescribed local drugs, herbal infusions.

Properly taken therapeutic measures can get rid of chronic enterocolitis in 5-6 weeks, but non-compliance with recommendations and refusal to diet can aggravate the situation.


There is a distinction between acute and chronic forms of enterocolitis, but treatment in both cases is not much different. This also applies to diet. It is adherence to the regime and proper nutrition that will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease and significantly reduce painful sensations.

In acute enterocolitis, diet No. 4 is usually prescribed. At the initial appearance of the disease, a therapeutic fast may be prescribed for 24 hours; only water is allowed in limited quantities. In principle, the essence of the diet is simple - you need to switch to light food, exclude fried, salty, marinades. Porridges are allowed, with priority given to mucous ones. You can offer the patient a cereal rice broth, which will be especially useful for diarrhea.

It is worth noting that chronic enterocolitis is almost never diagnosed independently; changes and inflammatory processes occur in other organs, therefore the principles and essence of the diet are aimed at the general improvement of the body and normalization of the condition.

  • exclusion from the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a complete ban on fried and spicy food, marinades, canned food;

  • food is steamed or boiled;
  • fast food should not be included in the diet;

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions,
  • Overeating is unacceptable.

All these principles must be followed until the patient gets better. Then the menu can be diversified - add lean boiled meat, steamed meatballs, boiled vegetables, fruit compotes, lean fish.

Diet for exacerbation of diseases

The cause of relapse is usually the patient's failure to diet. Even eating an apple can aggravate the situation, so nutritional issues should be approached thoroughly and carefully. With a weakened immune system or after an infectious (viral) disease, the risk of relapse increases sharply.

Diet for exacerbation includes: water and weak unsweetened tea in limited quantities. In the following days, it is necessary to eliminate carbohydrates or reduce the consumption of such foods to a minimum. These days, it is important to take multivitamins rich in minerals, since the body intensively adsorbs them during an exacerbation.

Important! Calcium is absorbed only together with phosphorus, protein and fats. Therefore, in the diet (not large quantities and gradually), lean fish, hard cheeses, and cottage cheese should be introduced. The diet should also contain foods high in easily digestible iron - this will reduce the risk of developing anemia.

Such products include liver (preferably chicken), eggs, meat. Fruits you can eat are quince and dogwood. An excellent option is slimy porridges, for example, oatmeal or wheat. You can eat several pieces of hematogen, which is sold at any pharmacy.

It is worth sharply limiting your salt intake, as it retains fluid in the body.

After the disease returns in remission, you should not immediately switch to good nutrition, you still need to follow the basic diet for some time, eat pureed food. Products are introduced gradually and in small quantities, observing the state of the body and well-being.

Children's diet

A child’s diet is not much different from an adult’s, but it is worth considering the fact that the child is developing, he needs vitamins and microelements in large quantities, and these substances are already not enough for chronic enterocolitis.

The basis of nutrition is low-fat broths, pureed soups, porridges (slush). Meat and fish dishes should be cooked exclusively by steaming or boiling. If there is severe pain, you can give your baby cabbage juice, mineral water like Borjomi.

Should be excluded from the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, bakery products and flour. With your doctor's permission, you can include crackers in your diet.

When diagnosing a disease, both in adults and adults, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist who will create the correct and healthy menu individually. In this case it will be possible to achieve positive results faster.


Discovered on early stage the disease and timely prescribed treatment guarantee full recovery body and recovery.

With the wrong approach to treatment, frequent relapses are possible. The gastrointestinal tract should be regularly maintained with special drugs, stick to proper nutrition.

Prevention of chronic enterocolitis is quite simple - you should not overload the stomach, eat right, and exercise regularly fasting days. Since the pathology must be treated in a timely manner and not neglected. Only this approach will allow you to always feel good and insure against the occurrence of such unpleasant disease as chronic enterocolitis.

Inflammatory processes that occur in the intestinal mucosa are serious illness digestive tract, which is called enterocolitis. Inflammation can affect both the small intestine (enteritis) and the large intestine (colitis), and after which, if no action is taken, therapeutic measures, then the entire intestinal lining is affected. Enterocolitis is most common in children, but adults are also familiar with the symptoms of this disease, which is popularly called “indigestion.”


There are two types of this disease:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic.

Acute enterocolitis is characterized by manifestation on the intestinal mucosa, without affecting the deep tissues. Often the symptoms of this type of illness appear along with acute gastritis. Acute enterocolitis is divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Chronic enterocolitis is caused by the manifestation of an acute type of disease in the intestine as a result of a long course. It may also be a consequence long-term treatment, which develops into chronic enterocolitis.


Depending on the reasons that provoked the active development of the disease in the human body, enterocolitis is classified:

The reasons causing the development of the disease in the intestinal mucosa are the influence of various microorganisms, such as streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, helminths, pathogenic coli and amoebas. If in gallbladder and the pancreas undergoes a similar infection with microorganisms, then untimely treatment entails not only exacerbation, but also the occurrence of disease in the intestinal cavity. In women, the cause of the disease is problems with the pelvic cavity.

If you take medications incorrectly, from the group of antibiotics or laxatives, the consequences can cause intestinal upset, and then develop into colitis. Also dosage violation antibacterial drugs or taking them independently without the supervision of a doctor leads to dysbiosis, after which it develops into a complication - dysbiosis. Dysbiosis in a complex form develops into pseudomembranous enterocolitis.

The appearance of the disease is also affected allergic reaction for food or medications, which were consumed at leisure. Poisoning by various chemicals taken orally, as well as in case of kidney and liver failure, can be a consequence of the onset of the disease.

If a person does not comply with the food consumption regime, i.e., irregular intake, frequent fasting, long breaks between meals, nutrition without proteins and vitamins, as well as consumption of alcoholic or alcohol-containing drinks, all this leads to the appearance of intestinal disease. In case of digestive dysfunction, cardiovascular systems or other organs may indicate the subsequent manifestation of colitis in the intestines.

Acute enterocolitis manifests itself in the form of a sharp sensation of pain in the abdominal area. Abdominal pain is accompanied by signs of diarrhea, which have various types of manifestations. This may be the presence of blood or mucus in stool, as well as purulent clots. Often a person can observe the disease enterocolitis and its symptoms in the form of increased gas formation, vomiting with subsequent discharge of eaten food, as well as the appearance of sounds in the stomach (rumbling).

If the disease is provoked by infection of the body, then a person often notices a rise in body temperature to 39 degrees, weakness appears in the body, especially in the legs. At such moments, a person wants nothing but sleep, headaches appear, as well as weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs. Bloating (flatulence) occurs in case of damage to the rectum and is a consequence of increased gas formation.

Chronic enterocolitis is characterized by the appearance of various pain syndromes. These pains can intensify and subside, especially often intensification is observed in evening time before bedtime. A person with aching pain does not get enough sleep, but in the morning the pain subsides. The intensity of the appearance of pain symptoms depends on the location pathological sign. If in the large intestine, then a person tends to feel acute pain, which decreases after defecation. When the disease develops in the small intestine, painful symptoms of a long-term nature, but of moderate significance, are characteristic.

If the process is characterized by a prolonged course, then the appearance of constipation and even diarrhea with “loose stools” is possible.

A person’s body weight begins to decrease sharply, so weight should be controlled by daily weighing, and especially at the first signs of illness. The reasons for weight loss are clear: vomiting, frequent diarrhea, lack of desire to eat, etc.

Important! When the first signs of enterocolitis appear, you should not try to find out the accuracy of the diagnosis yourself and try to recover folk remedies, such actions are fraught with exacerbation of the disease, and, therefore, complications of the treatment of enterocolitis.

The signs of infectious enterocolitis are the simplest, but very similar to those serious illnesses, such as Crohn's disease or necrotizing ulcerative colitis. The last two diseases, if treated incorrectly or untreated, can lead to disability.

If poisoned by poor-quality food, after two hours a person experiences pain before bowel movements, as well as during any physical activity. Such pain spreads and contributes to frequent visits to the toilet. When emptying hard feces there may be a complication of its release, accompanied by the appearance of cracks, and ultimately hemorrhage.

Symptoms in children

Enterocolitis in children has slightly different symptoms than in adults. At the first sign of the disease, the child experiences, first of all, a dull pain in the lower abdomen, especially in the navel area. At such a moment the child feels discomfort and becomes irritable. Headaches occur and dizziness is possible with increased pain symptoms.

A few hours after eating, the desire to go to the toilet arises, and diarrhea begins. The desire to visit the toilet becomes more frequent and at shorter intervals; the child asks to go to the toilet more than 6 times a day. At the same time, mucus, foamed rot and undigested food remains are found in the excreted feces.

On the first day, nausea accompanied by vomiting. First, all the food eaten is excreted from the body, and then vomiting with saliva or bile. Abdominal bloating occurs, accompanied by colic.

Enterocolitis in newborns occurs as a result of intrauterine infection. Also the reasons are birth injuries, long labor, untimely breastfeeding, etc. It is especially worth highlighting the manifestation of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns who were born earlier than their due date, that is, premature. Chronic manifestation is often accompanied by alternation with acute form. At the same time, a newborn baby constantly cries, sometimes even screams.

Necrotizing enterocolitis in children and newborns, especially premature ones, is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • prolonged constipation, alternating with diarrhea;
  • an enlarged tummy, when pressed on which the baby begins to dodge or cry;
  • short sleep, while the child wakes up crying and screaming.

In children, this disease has pronounced symptoms and is very easy to diagnose. If such symptoms are detected, it is worth visiting a doctor to examine the child for a possible disease.


In the hospital, the doctor will conduct an examination using a device such as a coprogram. You will also need to take a stool sample, and based on this data, the doctor will make a diagnosis. In some cases, problems arise with diagnosis, this is especially common in adults, so sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be additionally prescribed. These devices will help to study the intestinal cavity in more detail and identify affected areas.

When examining the patient further, the doctor may take tissue from the affected area to study the nature of the disease in more detail. Using a blood test, the disease is diagnosed by lipid and protein imbalance. The coprogram will show food residues, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that have not been digested. Diagnosis is often possible by the accumulation of leukocytes.


Treatment of enterocolitis depends on the correct diagnosis of the disease. The infectious type is treated with antibiotics. These include cephalosporins or sometimes the penicillin group of drugs. If you frequently go to the toilet and vomit, you will need to increase your water intake to avoid dehydration. You need to drink: herbal teas, dried fruit compotes, but not fresh fruits. Effective way is gastric lavage, i.e. enemas with decoctions of oak bark or St. John's wort.

Pseudomembranous enterocolitis, in addition to the main treatment, is eliminated by taking drugs containing microorganisms that restore intestinal microflora: Colibacterin, Bificol, etc.

Treatment of the disease necessarily involves complexity. Proper nutrition is also important acute form diseases. A properly chosen diet for enterocolitis will optimize the functioning of the digestive system and the intestines itself. The food must be divided into small parts.

For newborn babies, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. The most important thing is proper nutrition: breastfeeding in small portions, as well as artificial nutrition with prebiotics. For severe colic, the child is prescribed Espumisan or Infacol.

The course of a chronic disease depends on the time of its diagnosis and the beginning of taking appropriate therapeutic measures, therefore than earlier illness discovered, the greater the chance of recovery without complications.

Enterocolitis is an inflammatory process of the small and large intestines. It usually begins acutely, but incorrect treatment contributes to the transition to a chronic form. At acute course Only the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, and with a long-term chronic process, deeper layers can be damaged, irreversible changes in the mucosa occur, which leads to digestive disorders. In this article we will look at the symptoms and treatment of enterocolitis.

Symptoms of enterocolitis

The acute form is characterized by sudden and bright severe symptoms: acute pain in the stomach, bloating, rumbling in the intestines, nausea, sometimes vomiting, coating on the tongue. Often accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea). At infectious nature diseases, bowel movements may be foul-smelling and contain mucus and blood. The patient experiences signs of general intoxication of the body: elevated temperature body, headache, weakness, It's a dull pain in the muscles.

With an exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis, the pain is localized in the navel area, but can spread throughout the abdomen. Increased pain is felt in the afternoon, during physical activity, 1.5-2 hours after eating, before defecation. The patient has no appetite. Fermentation or putrefactive digestion disorders often occur, which leads to bloating due to excess gas formation, as well as constipation alternating with diarrhea. If relapses are frequent, body weight decreases, lethargy appears, general weakness, fatigue, impaired attention, apathy.

If signs of enterocolitis appear, you should contact a gastroenterologist.


Define acute inflammation intestines are usually just characteristic symptoms. It is also important to clarify the patient’s diet in last days. To confirm the disease, a bacteriological analysis of stool and a coprogram are done. If necessary, rectoscopy is performed.

To recognize chronic enterocolitis, colonoscopy is also prescribed, which makes it possible to determine the extent of the affected areas, the presence of ulcerations, erosions, destruction of the mucosa, and also to perform a tissue biopsy. At x-ray examination changes in the intestinal lumen, the nature of the structure of the folds, and defects in the intestinal walls are visible. A blood test may reveal anemia, dyslipidemia, and ion imbalance (a consequence of impaired nutrient absorption).

Chronic enterocolitis requires a diet that excludes salty, spicy, sour foods. fried foods. If expressed putrefactive dyspepsia, limit consumption coarse fiber, fermented milk products, complex proteins. With the fermentation option, reduce the consumption of cabbage, rye bread, milk, sugar. They use enzyme preparations that improve food digestion, pre- and probiotics that restore microflora, agents for normalizing intestinal motility, vitamin complexes. Local treatment carried out in the form of microenemas. For diarrhea, infusions of plants (St. John's wort, oak bark, bird cherry) are administered, for flatulence - chamomile decoction, and for constipation - sea buckthorn oil.

Adequate and on time Taken measures provide complete cure of acute enterocolitis within 3-6 weeks. Long-term remission chronic process can be achieved by maintaining the right image life, following a diet, appropriate treatment of the first signs of inflammation.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have intestinal inflammation that is not accompanied by severe fever and vomiting, you can contact a gastroenterologist, but if there are significant signs of intoxication, it is better to immediately call “ Ambulance", which will take the victim to an infectious diseases hospital. Additionally useful information can be obtained by consulting a nutritionist.

Damage to several nearby sections of the gastrointestinal tract is not uncommon. Digestive system affected by the same bacteria, which can simultaneously or alternately About one such disease we'll talk in this article...

What is enterocolitis?

What is enterocolitis? This term applies to inflammatory process, which is the small and large intestines. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic: the symptoms subside, but the disease begins to destroy the deeper layers of the intestinal walls.

According to the form of its course, enterocolitis can be:

  1. sharp;
  2. chronic.

According to the pathogens that provoke the disease, enterocolitis is of the following types:

  • Overeating junk food. Wrong food intake. Dieting.
  • Ingestion with food heavy metals, chemicals, poisons.
  • An allergic reaction of the body to food.
  • Abnormal stool and dehydration, which also provokes irritation.
  • Abuse of alcohol and medications.
  • Complication of other gastrointestinal diseases: gastroenteritis, colitis, enteritis, etc.
  • Abdominal injuries.

Symptoms and signs of enterocolitis of the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines

We will consider the symptoms and signs of enterocolitis of the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines according to the forms of the disease:

  1. Spicy:
    • Attacks of abdominal pain, especially after eating.
    • Rumbling and bloating.
    • Nausea.
    • Plaque on the tongue.
    • Possible vomiting.
    • Frequent urge to defecate.
    • Diarrhea (diarrhea).
    • The stool may be mucous and bloody with a foul odor.
    • Pain in the head and muscles.
    • Weakness.
    • Heat.
  2. Chronic:
    • The pain is localized in the navel area or spreads throughout the abdomen.
    • The pain intensifies before defecation, after eating, and during physical activity.
    • Flatulence, bloating.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Constipation alternates with diarrhea, as with diverticulitis or ileitis.
    • Fatigue.
    • Lethargy.
    • Disruption of the digestion process.
    • Apathy.
    • Weight loss.
    • Weakness.
    • Attention disturbance.

Enterocolitis in children

Enterocolitis is common in children. It usually occurs in children in bacterial form due to the lack of sanitary and hygienic standards for eating, licking fingers, various objects, etc. Children also often transmit the infection to each other. The transmission of bacteria is the main factor in all gastrointestinal diseases of a child.

Enterocolitis in adults

In adults, of course, enterocolitis also manifests itself. Here common cause is unhealthy food, which people love to eat in large quantities. Women often experience diet days when they eat little and then gorge themselves to death. In men, enterocolitis occurs when working in hazardous industries, as well as when consuming large quantity fast food.


If you identify symptoms of the disease, you should urgently contact a gastroenterologist for help. He will diagnose enterocolitis based on existing complaints, upon examination external signs illness, as well as using the following procedures:

  • Coprogram (stool analysis).
  • Rectoscopy.
  • Colonoscopy.
  • Tissue biopsy of the affected areas.
  • Blood analysis.
  • X-ray examination.


Treatment of enterocolitis is carried out depending on the form of the disease.

At home, treatment is carried out only during the recovery stage. The patient continues to follow a diet and take prescribed medications. Recommended after bed rest increase physical exercise during the recovery period. Are being added physical exercise. It is recommended to undergo sanatorium treatment.

Life forecast

The prognosis for life is favorable if the patient treats his illness. Recovery occurs within 1-1.5 months. How long do patients live without treatment? It all depends on the complications that the disease gives: thinning of the mucous membrane, chronicity of the disease, disconnection from the digestive process, protein deficiency, blood composition disorder. How long can a person live in this case?