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What is thrombosis? Vascular thrombosis - veins and arteries: types, signs, diagnosis, treatment. Acute thrombosis and its signs

Has a direct impact on the treatment regimen. The types of pathology largely determine the patient’s management tactics and prognosis. What causes thrombosis? The disease occurs due to the appearance of microparticles in the vascular bed that block the blood flow, thereby disrupting tissue nutrition.

Symptoms of thrombosis usually start with inflammation of the vessel wall. Often, pathological reactions occur in the venous system of the lower extremities, less often in the upper parts of the body.

Diagnosis of thrombosis

Thrombotic masses can be detected in superficial and deep vessels. Their presence is rapidly increasing, affecting more and more venous lines. This process significantly disrupts the natural blood flow in the riverbed. Types of thrombosis are characterized depending on the location of the formation.

The arterial thrombotic process is considered the most dangerous because it blocks and narrows the lumen of large arterial vessels. In this case, the blood supply to the organs is disrupted or completely stopped. Thrombosis provokes ischemia and death of body structures.

The parietal element of the atrium develops with heart defects, aneurysms in the aorta, disrupting the functioning and rhythm of the organ. In addition, myocardial clots can enter the brain vessels. In this case, it is possible to diagnose extensive lesions, numerous hemorrhages and bruises.

Heavy blood loss often provokes small blood clots in capillary network vessels. Pathology coronary vessels necessarily provokes infarct changes, the development of cerebral arteries.

Principles of classification

It has been proven that the disease can appear suddenly against the background acute pathology or some time after it.

It all depends on the compensatory capabilities of the body, the condition immune reactions. Much is determined by the functional ability of the nervous system, endocrine systems.
With thrombosis, the symptoms of the pathology can appear quickly (against the background of brain diseases, with hormonal imbalance, exhaustion). In this case, the pathology and consequences of thrombosis are unpredictable and dangerous for further existence. Patients with this diagnosis are indicated for urgent treatment.

Arterial thrombosis - what is it? Similar form The disease usually begins with a fibrin film at the site of injury. Platelets and other things stick to it shaped elements blood. The thrombus gradually grows and becomes larger.

Blood clot formation

How does thrombosis manifest itself in two forms? Usually as follows:

  • red thrombus, which occurs when there is little blood flow and sufficiently rapid clotting;
  • white thrombosis, the formation of which is caused by rapid blood flow and insignificant coagulation force.

Known specific types pathology. What is layered thrombosis? This is the spontaneous disintegration of a long-term, “old” formation that occurs during revascularization, restoring the patency of a damaged vessel.

Course of thrombophlebitis

Signs depend on the location of the thrombotic masses (for example, retinal thrombosis leads to permanent loss of vision).

Features of the pathology of some vessels:

  1. Damage to the mesenteric structures causes an attack of severe pain. At the same time, bloating, vomiting, bloody diarrhea. The abdominal muscles are tense, signs of peritonitis are increasing. Heart failure worsens and blood pressure drops. The pathology is often called wall necrosis. The only way to save such patients is to carry out emergency surgery. The presence of gray, burgundy areas of the intestine indicates gangrene (a complication of thrombosis).
  2. Thrombosis of the renal elements causes infarction of the organ. A sharp pain develops in the lower back, not radiating to the abdomen and perineum. The kidney is enlarged and hurts. The stomach swells and blood appears in the urine.
  3. Pathology of the vessels of the spleen provokes. Sudden pain in the left hypochondrium causes tension abdominal wall. When breathing, the pain intensifies. On palpation, the affected organ is enlarged and painful. Hyperthermia is noted, and immature blasts may appear in the blood.
  4. Defeat of the system portal vein liver is manifested by a sudden onset heavy bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity.
  5. The pathology of the deep main elements (femoral, popliteal artery) is manifested by significant swelling of the affected area, paresthesia (prickly, numb in nature), and pain. Ulcers and necrosis of soft tissues quickly arise and progress.
  6. Spicy coronary syndrome characterized by chest pain and problems with heart function. Patients note pallor, shortness of breath, and confusion.

Embolism is always sudden, sharp signs of pathology. Thrombophlebitis can have a gradual course and an increase in clinical symptoms. The slow progression of the disease makes it possible to sufficiently compensate for blood flow due to collaterals. Therefore, specific complaints last for years (weakness, painful legs, lameness, erectile dysfunction). There are several ways to determine or suspect the disease during examination: the presence of pallor of the legs, the absence of pulsation of the foot arteries.

Diagnosis and therapy


Evaluation of patients with thrombosis is not an easy task. Many manifestations resemble other diseases of human organs. May indicate thrombus formation laboratory tests blood (biochemical, general). Ultrasound reveals thickening vascular walls, inflammation, disruption of the configuration of vascular elements.

The main method for diagnosing thrombosis is angiography ( X-ray examination vessels with contrast).

Introduce into the central element of the channel contrast agent, a series of photographs is taken to control the passage and distribution of the substance throughout all zonal vessels.

There are several basic methods for treating thrombosis of vascular structures:

  1. The conservative method is often used when this disease is suspected. Not all clinics can perform angiography, so at the first manifestations of the disease, treatment of thrombosis includes drug therapy(drugs that dilate and relieve vasospasm; anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting; pain relief, blockades; pressure chambers; the use of lytic medications directly at the location of the pathological formation, while the procedure is possible with a “fresh” blood clot, without compactions).
  2. Surgical treatment of thrombosis involves removal of the blood clot (thrombectomy), resection of part of the vessel (vasotomy), followed by its replacement with an alloplast.
  3. Another way to cure thrombosis is to apply knowledge alternative medicine. For this purpose, alcohol-based tinctures are often used. They are prepared for compresses and oral use. The use of drugs significantly reduces varicose nodes.

The most popular healing tinctures:

  • from white acacia (in the form of compresses, rubbing);
  • from white cinquefoil root (for oral use);
  • from honey (for internal use).

White acacia decoction

Pathology of deep, superficial vessels lends itself perfectly to such therapy. There is a minimization of pain and swelling of the limbs. A decoction of tannic root is often used. To enhance the healing effect, it is important to wear stockings and bandage your legs. It must be remembered that after the procedure you should not perform various loads. Therefore, it is better to take healing baths before going to bed.

Consequences of therapy

Complete control over the disease is possible only with timely treatment. Initial stages diseases can be overcome modern therapy, warning further progression illness.

Compliance (mutual understanding, trust) between doctor and patient is important. Strict implementation of all recommendations will achieve good results therapy at any stage and prevalence of pathology.

Disease prevention includes various methods fight and prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis). It is important to diagnose and combat heart defects, disturbances in its rhythm and activity. How to prevent illness through nutrition?

A proper diet necessarily excludes animal fats, smoked, spicy foods, and preserves. It is necessary to eat enough fruits and vegetables (the beneficial components of these products can prevent severe complications and consequences of the disease). IN complex therapy thrombosis special attention given sufficient rest, control over body weight, complete cessation of smoking, and moderate physical activity.


Vein thrombosis is characterized by the appearance blood clot(thrombus) in the venous lumen. The thrombus causes circulatory problems and changes the structure and size of the veins. Thrombosis can occur without complaints, in 20% of cases there is pain and limitation of movement in the affected limb.

Danger of thrombosis

Please note: complications of thrombosis can be life-threatening.

Approximately 25% of the population suffers from various thromboses. Vein pathology is more common in women (5-6 times more often than in men). Uncontrolled reception medical drugs, overweight, environmental factors contribute to the development of the disease.

Most often, thrombosis affects the veins of the legs. The venous network of the lower extremities consists of two sections - superficial and deep. We can see the processes occurring with the superficial veins visually. But the pathology of the veins of the lower extremities often remains unrecognized due to its external inaccessibility.

We recommend reading:

Most vein thrombosis of the lower extremities occurs in the deep section. The thrombus forms within a few days and is loosely attached to the wall of the vein. It is at this moment that it can break off and move along the vascular bed of the body, causing blockage in almost any part of the circulatory system.

Causes of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities

Most common reasons thrombosis become:

  • hereditary and congenital diseases vessels – weakness of the vein wall, insufficient functionality of the venous valves, dilation of the veins (), fistulas (shunts between arteries and veins, leading to the reflux of arterial blood into the veins);
  • tumor processes – causing increased blood clotting, thickening and thrombus formation;
  • hormonal factor – dysfunction of exogenous and endogenous glands, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, hormone therapy. Female sex hormones (and) promote the formation of blood clots;
  • excess body weight – when in the body in large quantities an analogue of female sex hormones is formed - leptin, which causes increased adhesion (sticking together) of platelets, which affects blood clotting and promotes thrombus formation;
  • bleeding injuries, fractures and surgical interventions – lead to increased formation of tissue thromboplastin, causing blood thickening and thrombotic alertness;
  • paresis and paralysis of the legs – disruption of physiological innervation and muscle immobility with atrophy cause slowdown and disruption of blood flow in the veins, which leads to the formation of blood clots;
  • heavy infectious processes – septic conditions ( general infection blood), volumetric purulent processes, burns of a large surface of the body, severe inflammation of the lungs. Microorganisms secrete toxins that promote the formation of thrombotic masses;

Contributing factors to the causes of blood clots include:

  • old age;
  • sedentary lifestyle and work (office workers);
  • super heavy loads;
  • alcohol abuse and.

How does a blood clot occur (mechanism of development)

The most common theory of thrombus formation is Virchow's triad.

It consists of three main mechanisms for the development of the thrombotic process:

  1. Damage (alteration) of the vein wall. Traumatic rupture of the endothelium (inner layer) of a vein, mechanical compression or stretching creates conditions for the formation of a blood clot.
  2. Increased blood clotting. The release of tissue thromboplastin, thrombin and other coagulation factors into the bloodstream leads to the cohesion of blood cells and the additional formation of substances that promote this process.
  3. Disruption of the dynamic processes of blood flow. Prolonged bed rest, forced immobility, cholesterol formations (plaques) in the vessels contribute to disruption of the normal flow of blood through the vessel. The resulting “vortex-like” flow also favors conditions for thrombus formation.

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis of the extremities

When a blood clot forms, patients note:

  • increasing heaviness in the legs in the evening,
  • bursting, pressing, aching and tugging pain at the end of the day;
  • paresthesia of the lower leg (feeling of numbness and “pins and needles”);
  • severe swelling and increased volume of the lower extremities;
  • pale and bluish skin, thinning of the skin;
  • for inflammation of the veins (phlebitis) local and general increase temperature.

During the examination, the doctor determines:

  • glossy skin tone;
  • swelling and loss of sensation in the lower leg;
  • increased pattern and blood filling of the superficial veins of the leg (due to the outflow of blood through collaterals from the deep veins);
  • more low temperature the sore leg compared to the healthy one.

Diagnostics and tests

To confirm the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of the extremities, a contrast X-ray examination is performed venous vessels– phlebography.

The phlebogram clearly identifies signs of venous thrombosis:

  • “chopped vein” - interruption in the flow of contrast in the affected area;
  • pronounced decrease in the lumen of the vein;
  • "rough" inner surface vessel as a result of the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • unstained formations fused with the walls of the veins (thrombi).

Ultrasound Dopplerography – allows you to evaluate the properties of blood movement through the veins, due to the reflection of ultrasonic waves from blood cells. Atraumatic diagnostic method with 90% accuracy. Dopplerography measures the speed of blood passage, the volume of blood flow, and the difference between these indicators on symmetrical limbs.

Have informative value specific signs functional tests:

The study is complemented by sphygmography, skin thermometry, phlebotonometry, and radioisotope techniques.

Treatment of deep vein thrombosis of the extremities

In mild cases, outpatient treatment is allowed. But in any case, with bed rest for up to 2 weeks.

Conservative treatment

It is based on several specific groups drugs:

Drug therapy is supplemented by bandaging the diseased limb with an elastic bandage. It is important to follow the correct technique - the bandage is applied in a lying position, with collapsed veins, from the toes and above.

Please note : instead of bandages, you can use special compression garments (stockings, knee socks). The size and degree of compression is selected by the doctor. You need to put on your underwear in bed, before getting up, and take it off when you can lie down.

Surgical treatment of thrombosis

The operation is prescribed if:

The operation is contraindicated for:

  • availability acute phase process;
  • in case of decompensated heart and respiratory diseases;
  • acute phases of infections.

Methods of surgical treatment of thrombosis

Modern medicine knows a wide variety of proprietary techniques for the treatment of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities. Our task is to familiarize yourself with the main ones.


The most commonly used surgical techniques, the task of which is to remove an existing fresh (up to 7 days) blood clot, restore normal circulation blood through a vessel, or through collaterals.

Troyanov–Trendelenburg operation

Through an incision in the groin a large saphenous vein, which in different ways can be sutured, or secured with special clips that allow blood to pass through, but fix the detached blood clots.

Installing filters

Special umbrella-shaped filters are sewn into the cavity of the inferior vena cava. This creates an obstacle to the spread of blood clots through the bloodstream and their entry into important vessels.

Traditional medicine methods in the treatment of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities

To alleviate the condition and prevent the development and spread of a blood clot, it is recommended for home treatment:

  • juice onions with honey (mix juice with honey in equal proportions, leave for 3 days and keep in the refrigerator for 10 days). Take a tablespoon three times a day. The effect is due to the presence of natural anticoagulants;
  • white acacia tincture – contains glycosides and oils that have the ability to thin the blood. Rub the tincture on the skin over the thrombosis and take 5 drops orally 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month;
  • decoction of hop cones. Take half a glass 4 times a day for a month.

Nutritional features and diet

If available overweight you need to get rid of it. The diet should contain enough fortified foods. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels - rose hips, cabbage, dill, garlic, watermelons, sorrel.

Products containing copper are useful - seafood. Copper serves as a source of material for elastin, which is part of the vein wall.

Important : limit – alcohol, excess fat, chocolate and coffee, mayonnaise.

Prevention of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities

As preventive measures, physical activity, healthy running, and long periods of exercise are important. hiking are natural ways preventing venous diseases.

Regular dousing and bathing cold water lasting a few minutes significantly reduce the risk of developing vascular diseases. Quitting smoking and alcohol are also beneficial for vein health.


Higher education:


Kabardino-Balkarian state university them. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Level of education – Specialist

Additional education:


State educational institution "Institute for Advanced Medical Studies" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia

Diseases associated with disruption of blood flow, with the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, are the most dangerous because they have serious consequences for life and health and are the most insidious because they develop secretly and manifest themselves only when they have developed to their full potential. Common blood flow disorders:

The problem of thrombosis is acute and concerns many. Thrombosis is becoming more and more common widespread and are increasingly being diagnosed. It is easier to prevent them than to treat them and eliminate their consequences.

What is thrombosis?

Thrombosis is abnormal pathological formation There are blood clots (clots, plaques) inside and on the walls of blood vessels, which prevent blood from flowing freely and supplying the body with oxygen and nutrients.

Normally, blood clots—clumps of platelets and fibrin—form only when blood vessels are damaged to block a wound and prevent blood loss. When deviating from the norm, such “plugs” form in intact vessels and narrow their lumen. Vascular thrombosis leads to the most severe consequences for human health - heart attacks, strokes, hemorrhage in internal organs, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypoxia, atherosclerosis.

Free blood clots separated from the wall are dangerous; they are dangerous because at any moment, without symptom and, it seems, for no reason, they can tightly block a vital artery, which almost always leads to instant death.

What causes thrombosis?

There are several main causes of thrombosis:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excess weight, excess adipose tissue
  • Poor nutrition (alcohol abuse; overeating; passion for sweet, starchy, fatty, smoked foods).

How to avoid getting sick? Preventive measures.

We have already found out that thrombosis is unpleasant and even dangerous disease. Should you be afraid of him? Let's consider the risk group:

  • “Bedridden” patients – paralyzed or paralyzed after surgery.
  • Heart patients.
  • People with atherosclerosis.
  • Cancer patients.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with increased blood clotting.

How to reduce the likelihood of disease? Here are the simplest and at the same time effective ways to prevent blockage of blood vessels:

  • Normalization of lifestyle, adherence to sleep and diet;
  • Drinking enough liquid. The norm is determined individually. On average - two liters of clean water. For those prone to edema - less, for those engaged in physical labor - more;
  • Consume products with a blood-thinning effect;
  • If you suspect thrombosis or detect symptoms, do not self-medicate or dismiss the problem, but visit a doctor.

Remember that blood clots practically do not form in “liquid” blood!

What are the consequences of thrombosis?

Blood clots in the vessels and heart impede blood flow and significantly increase the risk of developing concomitant diseases. Among them:

  • Angina pectoris.
    Painful pressing sensations behind the sternum, in the intercostal space, in the heart area, in the left shoulder blade.
  • Myocardial infarction.
    Necrosis (death) of heart tissue due to acute disorder blood circulation in the heart muscle.
  • Chronic heart failure.
    Impaired heart function and obstructed blood circulation.
  • Arterial hypertension.
    Constantly elevated to dangerous and close to dangerous indicators blood pressure.
  • Ischemic stroke.
    It's heavy dangerous condition- cerebral hemorrhage with characteristic violation its integrity and with persistent lifelong dysfunction.
  • Pulmonary embolism.
    Dangerous blockage of an artery or its branches.
  • Intestinal infarction.
    Blockage of intestinal vessels with rupture and effusion of blood into the abdominal cavity is accompanied by necrosis (death) of intestinal tissue, stagnation of fluids (asystoma) and intoxication (poisoning) of the body.

  • Inflammatory disease of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Blood clot detachment.
    An event that often results in death.

Pathogenesis of thrombosis

Thrombosis is preceded by changes in the walls of blood vessels, slow blood flow, and circulatory disorders (blood stagnation). Violation of the blood coagulation mechanism is another precursor to thrombosis. The disease thrombosis sequentially goes through a number of stages:

  1. The speed of blood flow decreases.
  2. The blood thickens and its composition changes (protein levels increase).
  3. Inflammation occurs inside the walls of blood vessels, the vessels themselves narrow, and atherosclerosis begins.
  4. The ability of blood to clot increases.
  5. Platelets stick together and dense clots form.
  6. The thrombus adheres to the wall of the vessel and begins to impede the flow of blood.
  7. Oxygen starvation begins in the affected area.
  8. Tissue necrosis develops.

Symptoms of thrombosis

The presence of thrombosis in a person can be determined by very characteristic features, namely:

  • Pain in the affected part (limbs, sternum).
  • Coldness and pale skin.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the affected part.
  • Impaired limb function.
  • Swelling.
  • Feeling of pressure, bursting from within.

Outcomes of thrombosis – favorable and unfavorable


  • Self-resorption of small blood clots under the influence of drugs.
  • Blood clot replacement connective tissue and subsequent restoration of vessel patency.


  • Development of thromboembolism
  • Septic thrombus melting
  • The detachment of a blood clot and its blockage of vital arteries leads to death.

How to treat thrombosis?

Folk remedies

  • Clean drinking water. It replenishes the lack of fluid in the body, accelerates and accelerates metabolic processes and improves digestion.
  • Natural (unpackaged) juices from vegetables and fruits: carrots, cranberries, oranges, pineapples. Smoothie (whipped in a blender and diluted mineral water puree) from cabbage, cucumbers, apples, celery stalks. These products perfectly clean blood vessels and normalize blood flow.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. Good for the circulatory and cardiovascular systems horse chestnut, hawthorn, wormwood, lemon balm, sweet clover, chicory, willow bark, acacia, mulberry, clover, licorice root.

Steamed, boiled or baked foods do not directly thin the blood, but reduce the risk of blood vessel blockage. There is almost no bad cholesterol, which lines the walls of blood vessels from the inside, drying out their lumens and increasing the risk of thrombosis.

For diagnosed thrombosis, as well as for suspicion and prevention, the following is indicated:

  • Vegetables with high content water: cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, beets, tomatoes.
  • Fruits with increased content acids: lemons, pomegranates, grapefruits, oranges, apples.
  • Berries: strawberries, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, all types of currants, blueberries.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from them and their mixtures.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, flaxseed, sunflower, sea buckthorn.


Drug treatment is aimed at thinning the blood, resolving blood clots, removing inflammatory processes in blood vessels and their strengthening.

Traditional medicine offers drugs to thin the blood acetylsalicylic acid(cardiomagnyl, aspirin, aspirin-cardio), which are taken as prescribed by a doctor and with mandatory adherence to the diet, as they can cause peptic ulcers of the digestive system; clopidogrel is less aggressive, but works well in preventing blood clots and thinning the blood; statins, which tend to lower cholesterol levels.

Surgical removal of blood clots is used in acute and threatening conditions.

Lifestyle after thrombosis

After diagnosing and treating thrombosis, it is necessary to gradually, without putting excessive stress on the heart and blood vessels, increase activity:

  • Give yourself some physical activity
  • Reduce calorie intake
  • Monitor cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Regularly take blood tests for clotting indicators

Thrombosis - what is it? This is the accumulation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels, leading to obstruction of blood flow in this area.

Why is thrombosis dangerous?

Without acceptance necessary measures treatment and prevention of thrombosis in the affected vessel, blood circulation may completely stop. If a blood clot blocks a vessel carrying blood to vital important bodies, there is a risk sudden death . Blockage of the veins of the lower extremities can lead to amputation.

Characteristic symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease will directly depend on the location of the thrombus.

Veins of the lower extremities

This is the most common type of disease.

What is vascular thrombosis of the lower extremities? This blockage of the leg veins by blood clots, which impairs blood circulation. The following symptoms are observed:

  • swelling of the limb;
  • hyperemia of the skin at the site of thrombus formation;
  • numbness of the affected limb;
  • convulsions;
  • painful sensations at the site of thrombosis;
  • feeling of fullness in the limb.

Forecast at proper treatment favorable.

Femoral and iliac veins

Symptoms of this type of thrombosis are:

  • the skin of the limb becomes scarlet;
  • severe swelling of the limb;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the leg, which can radiate to the groin.

Clinical manifestations of cavernous sinus

Blockage of blood vessels in the cavernous sinus of the brain.

What causes cavernous sinus thrombosis? Most often, factors contributing to the development of the disease are hemodynamic disturbances.


  • attacks of severe headache;
  • sharp decrease in vision;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • seizures;
  • swelling of the skin of the eyelids;
  • loss of facial sensation;
  • the most severe manifestation is considered coma;
  • fever;
  • protrusion of the eyeballs.

This type of thrombosis is dangerous, and without timely treatment entails the development of serious complications:

  • complete loss of vision;
  • stroke;
  • pineal gland dysfunction.

It can also be fatal.

Retinas of the eyes


  • a veil before the eyes;
  • feeling dark spots in the eye;
  • incorrect vision of objects;
  • partial blindness;
  • complete blindness.

Another name for this disease is hemorrhagic retinopathy. Most often it affects patients with diabetes ( diabetes mellitus), elevated blood pressure, frequent vasculitis.

Hemorrhoidal vessels

More common in women after childbirth, accompanied by symptoms:

  • itching in the anal area;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • fever;
  • bleeding;
  • sphincter spasms.

This is very serious illness, treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist! Symptoms of fever and bleeding indicate urgent medical attention.

Thrombus damage to the subclavian vein

More often manifested in people with increased physical activity (athletes):

  • burning in the limbs;
  • feeling of fullness in the limb;
  • throbbing pain;
  • edema.

This type of thrombosis is usually completely curable.

Damage to mesenteric vessels

A rather dangerous condition that poses a threat to human life.

  • severe pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • increased heart rate (heart rate);
  • blood pressure drops rapidly;
  • necrosis of the intestinal wall develops.

You can help with immediate surgery.

Renal artery disease

A serious pathology that can cause organ infarction.

  • acute pain in the lower back;
  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increase in the size of the affected organ.

Thrombosis is an important signal from the body about disturbances in blood flow.


The disease thrombosis is considered very common and dangerous. At the first signs, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe qualified treatment.

, leukocytes , fibrin . They interfere with normal blood flow. Such blood clots can be attached to the wall of the vein and be mobile. But in general, this disease is considered very dangerous and requires immediate treatment. However, the insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that thrombosis, depending on the location, nature of the thrombus, as well as the extent to which it blocks the lumen of the vessel, can develop completely unnoticed by a person. The absence of symptoms is especially characteristic of a blood clot that moves. Such a blood clot poses a particular danger to the health and life of the patient, because during movement it can move into pulmonary artery and provoke its complete blockage.

Causes of thrombosis

There are a number of conditions due to which poor blood circulation is observed in the veins of a person’s lower extremities. This is typical for varicose veins, , long-term stay in a sitting position. As soon as the movement of blood becomes slower, the prerequisites arise in the body for the appearance of blood clots in the veins.

Thrombosis also often develops in those patients who suffer from too high blood clotting. In some cases, this is inherited. However, more often similar phenomenon occurs due to severe dehydration of the body. In turn, dehydration can result from heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages, a long period of retention high temperature body, as well as the use of a number hormonal drugs contraception.

Thrombosis can occur in the presence of damage to the venous walls, due to the pronounced influence of pathological microorganisms living in soft tissues.

It is customary to identify a number of factors that can provoke the development of thrombosis. These include age, a tendency toward obesity, previous operations on the abdominal cavity, limbs, joints, long-term due to prolonged bed rest after surgery. More high level The risk of developing thrombosis is also observed in pregnant women: this is a consequence of increased blood clotting due to an increase in the protein content in it. The uterus enlarged during pregnancy can also worsen blood flow. Blood vessels can be damaged during childbirth, as well as due to injuries of a different nature. Therefore, thrombosis often occurs in postpartum period. Trigger, leading to the formation of blood clots, often leads to the development of cancer.

Recently, cases of thrombosis of the upper extremities have also become more frequent. In this case, other causes of such pathology are determined. Thus, the emergence in upper limbs may be a consequence of the presence of a catheter in the vein of the arm. Due to long stay in the vein, the catheter provokes irritation. As a result, a blood clot may form on its wall. Thrombosis also sometimes manifests itself due to the presence of a cardiac defibrillator or artificial heart pacemaker, as well as with malignant tumors in the vein area. Too strong physical activity on hands can also become a predisposing factor. This type of thrombosis usually affects well-built people who play sports. In this case deep veins are compressed by the developed muscles of the shoulder girdle and, as a result, their patency is impaired.

Symptoms of thrombosis

In a person with such a disease, there are clearly severe symptoms thrombosis First of all, he experiences very severe pain of a bursting nature, often the pain manifests itself in the process of walking. If you compare the color of the skin on the affected area with the color of healthy skin, then in the first case a pronounced change in color will be observed. Skin due to stagnation venous blood takes on a bluish color. Symptoms of thrombosis occur as the disease develops. Patients experience swelling, redness of the skin, body temperature may rise, high sensitivity or pain in the thighs, calves, or when touching the area affected by the disease. Such sensations intensify while walking or standing for long periods of time.

However, during the diagnostic process, it is important to distinguish the symptoms of thrombosis from signs of other diseases. After all, the same symptoms can be observed with Baker's cyst , at cellulite . This significantly complicates the process of diagnosing thrombosis.

The first sign of deep vein thrombosis may include thromboembolism pulmonary artery . This condition is characterized by sudden blockage of the pulmonary artery. Very often the cause of this is a blood clot that appeared in the deep veins of the lower extremities and advanced to the pulmonary artery. In this case, the patient will feel sudden appearance, increased heart rate, pain in chest, which will get worse if a person breathes deeply. The patient may suffer from coughing attacks that produce blood, and he may lose consciousness due to this condition.

Complications of thrombosis

As complications of arterial thrombosis and blood flow disturbances, the patient may subsequently develop quite serious illnesses. In some cases, a complication of this disease is infarction of the blood supplying organs. It could be , ischemic disease , thromboembolism .

In some cases, thrombosis becomes the first step towards the development of inflammation of the veins - phlebitis . In this case, veins are affected approximately three times more often than arteries. This causes slower blood flow in the veins, which contributes to the manifestation.

Also, this condition often becomes a prerequisite for the development of cerebral thrombosis.

The pulmonary artery should not be blocked by a blood clot. In some cases, the consequence of edema is followed by amputation of the limb.

Diagnosis of thrombosis

Before you use instrumental methods studies to diagnose thrombosis, specialists use tourniquet tests. To do this, the legs are bandaged with an elastic bandage. After this, the patient’s sensations, the nature of the filling of the veins and blood flow are assessed. As a rule, a march test is used to establish the level of patency of the deep veins. To do this, the leg from the inguinal fold to the toes is bandaged with an elastic bandage, and the patient walks for some time. If a person feels bursting pain in the legs, and the saphenous veins do not collapse, then we can assume a violation of the patency of the deep veins, which arose as a result of thrombosis.

Today, several methods for diagnosing diseases are successfully used, both invasive and non-invasive methods. The most accurate method for detecting thrombosis is phlebography . To do this, a contrast agent is injected into one of the veins, which is located below the tourniquet, to direct the contrast to the deep veins. After this, an X-ray examination is performed lower limb. Thrombi can be identified on x-ray as a contrast filling defect.

Sometimes it is prescribed to detect blood clots ultrasound examination vessels. With its help, you can determine how the speed of blood flow changes, the condition of the vein walls, and also see blood clots.

Using radionuclide scanning, you can find out the level at which the blood clot is located. To do this, a special radioactive drug is injected into a vein in the foot, which then accumulates in a blood clot. After this, the clot is scanned.

Treatment of thrombosis

Considering that the consequences of thrombosis are serious complications, a person diagnosed with thrombosis should be hospitalized immediately.

If there are no contraindications to this procedure, then in the first five days the person will have the blood clot removed. If there is a loose blood clot, the veins become constricted. As a rule, this procedure does not provoke the occurrence of side effects, and the patient recovers very quickly.

If symptoms of thrombosis occur in older people who suffer from many ailments and have a predisposition to blockage of the pulmonary artery, special traps are used that prevent blood clots from entering the patient’s lungs.

If a patient is diagnosed with blood clots attached to the walls of blood vessels, then very often various medications are used to treat thrombosis.

In this case, it is advisable to use anticoagulants , which reduce blood clotting, as well as drugs thrombolytics , fibrinolytics , antiplatelet agents .

Most often prescribed to patients intravenously and subcutaneously. The dosage and method of administration are determined in individually. Can also be used in parallel with heparin indirect anticoagulant (dicoumarin ). Such treatment lasts at least several months in order to prevent relapse of the disease. During therapy, blood status is often checked to possibly change the dosage of medications.

In some cases, a disaggregant is prescribed - . It destroys those cells that are responsible for blood clotting. Aspirin is also considered to be effective in preventing thrombosis. This medicine can be used to prevent thrombosis.



Prevention of thrombosis

First of all, to prevent thrombosis, all measures should be taken for timely treatment varicose veins veins and other venous diseases. It is very important to know whether there is a family predisposition to thrombosis. If similar diseases have occurred in relatives, the person should undergo a blood test for thrombophilia. People who have certain risk factors for thrombosis should also undergo a similar study. This heavy smokers, people suffering from leg vein diseases. Also considered risk factors are constant sedentary work and a high level of .

It is important to carry out therapy on time diseases cardiovascular system , oncological diseases , diabetes mellitus .

In the process of preventing thrombosis, one of the defining steps is to ensure an adequate level of daily activity and constant moderate physical exercise. Healthy image life should be led constantly, and in certain periods life (during physical overload, surgical operations) you need to take special medications.

People prone to thrombosis should take all measures to activate the work of the venous heart. During sedentary work, it is important to take regular breaks, which are accompanied by several exercises. Walking is beneficial fresh air. It is also important to prevent thrombosis drinking regime, because to maintain water balance you need to drink enough fluid.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary complete failure from smoking, healthy food. People prone to varicose veins should wear compression hosiery, take medications nicotinic acid, vitamin complexes(B vitamins are important, ).