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How to get rid of fermentation in the stomach. How to get rid of fermentation in the intestines. Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia

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Few people like to talk about their intestinal gases; it’s customary that this is a very delicate and intimate topic, but almost everyone likes to joke about it, making their neighbor blush.

If there is a malnutrition and digestion, protein and carbohydrate foods in the small intestine are not completely digested (there are not enough enzymes and intestinal juice), but stagnate, ferment and rot.

As a result of such phenomena, nutrients that are not digested in the small intestine are broken down and feces are formed.

Possible causes of excessive fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines:

  • eating disorders, especially overeating,

  • insufficiency of digestive enzymes as a result of diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, including if food is washed down with plenty of water or other liquid (the concentration of intestinal juice decreases),

  • intestinal motility disorder,

  • in case of imbalance intestinal microflora, including intestinal infections,

  • ulcerative colitis, cancerous tumors colon, adhesions as a result of operations and other intestinal diseases.
In the case of intense fermentation and putrefaction, an excess amount of intestinal gases is produced. A person may also experience other symptoms and digestive disorders.

Causes of increased gas formation in the intestines

There can be quite a few reasons for increased gas formation, and the process of formation of a large amount of gases can be associated with almost all stages of digestion, starting from food intake. And each person is individual; not everyone experiences gas formation in the same way. U different people Various mechanisms of disruption of the formation of intestinal gases arise, as well as the volumes of their release, even when exposed to the same factors and pathological processes.
  1. Air entering the stomach from outside:

  2. Eating foods that cause increased gas formation(more details in the next section of the article).

  3. Drinking fluids during and immediately before or after meals.

  4. Binge eating, eating after fasting, the habit of eating before bed.

  5. Enzyme deficiency:
    • physiological factor: early childhood or old age,

    • stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer,

    • gallbladder diseases and biliary tract: biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis,

    • different types of hepatitis (viral, toxic, alcoholic), cirrhosis, acute or chronic liver failure,

    • tumors liver and pancreas,

    • pancreatic diseases : pancreatitis,

    • congenital digestive disorders : celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, lactase deficiency, phenylketonuria, abnormalities of the liver, pancreas and other digestive organs.
  6. Imbalance of intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis): an insufficient amount " good bacteria"(lacto- and bifidumbacteria), a large number of putrefactive bacteria. As a result, the processes of putrefaction in the intestines and gas formation are expressed.

  7. Gallstone disease and condition after gallbladder removal surgery.

  8. Intestinal infections and helminthic infestations.

  9. Impaired intestinal motility (peristalsis):

    • poor lifestyle and nutrition: inactivity, insufficient amount of fiber consumed in the form of vegetables, fruits, grains and so on,

    • diseases of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, stroke and others),

    • violation of blood circulation and innervation of the intestine and mesentery: osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, atherosclerosis abdominal aorta, intestinal infarction, liver failure With high blood pressure V portal vein and so on,

    • adhesive process after surgical intervention V abdominal cavity,

    • pronounced violation of posture, wearing corsets, things with a tight belt or belt.

  10. Intestinal tumors.

  11. Ulcerative colitis, proctitis, appendicitis and other pathologies of the digestive system.
  12. As we see, increased formation of gases in the intestines can indicate both a disturbance in the process of eating and severe pathologies, including congenital, oncological and neurological.

    Products that cause gas

    Many foods, even the most common ones, can lead to severe gas formation. Moreover, the list of such products is different for each person, and the intensity of gas formation for certain foods also varies depending on individual characteristics. In addition, the process of gas formation is influenced by the amount of food eaten, this is the main factor in the development of flatulence.

    List of foods that promote education

    Product type Product
    The intensity of gas formation, depending on various factors
    High degree of gas formation Product variant that reduces gas formation
    • raw white cabbage,
    • sauerkraut,
    • Chinese cabbage and other varieties,
    • cabbage salad seasoned with vegetable oil,
    • stewed and boiled cabbage.
    • beans,
    • peas (any form),
    • cocoa beans contained in chocolate,
    • It is undesirable to take beans along with meat dishes, as gas formation increases significantly,
    • lentils,
    • beans or peas soaked in water for 12 hours before cooking.
    Potato In any form-
    Tomatoes In any form, including sauces-
    • fresh,
    • marinated,
    • fried.
    • stewed,
    • boiled,
    • steamed,
    • baked
    • fresh,
    • marinated
    heat treated
    Greenery Parsley,
    arugula and more
    freshheat treated
    Fruits and berries Bananas,
    apples and pears,
    apricot and peach,
    melon and watermelon,
    citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits),
    kiwi and so on
    • fresh fruits, especially if eaten on an empty stomach,
    • unripe fruits and berries,
    • when combined with dairy products,
    • heat-treated (baked, boiled),
    • if you eat fresh fruit after main courses or as a snack.
    Cereals Corn,
    whole grain porridge,
    wheat sprouts, etc.
    except rice, which does not contribute to gas formation at all
    • whole grain products combined with meat,
    • It is not advisable to drink it with water or other drinks,
    • soufflé and puree from whole grain products,
    • whole grains eaten for breakfast.
    Flour products containing yeast Baking,
    bran, white and black bread,
    • freshly baked and fried products,
    • crackers washed down with milk drinks,
    • crackers,
    • "yesterday's" bread,
    • Brown bread made from wholemeal flour.
    Eggs Chicken and quail eggs
    • fried eggs,
    • omelette,
    • mayonnaise,
    • boiled,
    • fresh raw.
    Dairy Whole milk,
    sour cream,
    fermented milk drinks,
    butter and others.
    • milk and fermented milk drinks for adults,
    • any types of cheese, feta cheese,
    • milk and dairy products for children,
    • fermented milk products for adults, if consumed separately from other foods, for example before bed.
    Meat Mutton,
    offal (liver, heart, etc.),
    meat broths.
    • meat of older animals,
    • grilled meat,
    • smoked meats,
    • when taking any meat dishes, including broths, before bedtime

    • meat of young animals,
    • cooked meat,
    • steamed cutlets,
    • any meat in the morning
    Fish and seafood Fatty fish,
    when eating this food before bedwhen eating seafood in the morning
    Sweets Sugar,
    sweets and confectionery
    any, especially those containing starch and gelatin.-

    Any carbonated drinks
    juices with pulp,
    fruit drinks.
    • carbonated drinks,
    • any drinks taken before, during or immediately after a meal,
    non-carbonated drinks taken 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals.
    Most spices and herbs If you wash down spicy and salty foods with water.Dill, fennel, cumin, marjoram, mint.

    **This table is calculated for people without severe illnesses gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of allergies, diseases of the liver, pancreas and other pathologies, any product can lead to increased gas formation.

    As you can see, the list of products that increase gas formation includes almost all the ingredients in our menu. But this does not mean that you should give up on them; on the contrary, they are all necessary for our body, they contain essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and many other useful things. They just need to be combined correctly and processed correctly.

    So, for example, all fried, pickled and smoked foods, regardless of their healthiness, will increase the amount of gases, but boiled, steamed and baked foods will always be beneficial. Fresh fruits and vegetables stimulate a large amount of gas mainly in people who are not accustomed to such foods. This phenomenon persists for no more than 3-4 days, then fresh vegetables and fruits are well tolerated and are beneficial without unnecessary gases.

    Many foods produce gases if washed down with liquids (including tea, coffee and compote), so it is useful to drink water half an hour before or half an hour after eating. It is also important to reduce the amount of salt and sugar. The time of day you take certain products also affects the process of gas formation; most of the products from the table are best consumed in the first half of the day, and certainly not before bed. And physical activity improves intestinal motility and the removal of gases from the intestines, so it is very important after eating not to lie down on the sofa or sit at the computer, but to do household chores or go for a walk.

    Symptoms of increased gas formation in the intestines

    Frequent passing of gas (farting)

    During normal intestinal motility, gases formed in large quantities, are displayed unhindered. The more gases are formed, the more often they are released. In this case, other symptoms of increased gas formation may not develop at all. And if you are still concerned about other complaints from the intestines, then after the release of gases into the environment, many symptoms recede, according to at least, temporarily.

    Unpleasant smell of gases

    An unpleasant odor occurs as a result of a pronounced process of fermentation and putrefaction in the large intestine. With severe gas formation, in which air has entered through the stomach, the gases may not have a distinct odor.

    Abdominal pain and intestinal colic

    The pain is paroxysmal and can even be cutting in nature. The pain is eliminated after the gases are removed from the intestines. This symptom is associated with stretching of the intestinal loops by excess volumes of gases. Intestinal colic is more common in children of the first year of life.


    Bloating- this is a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, the abdomen may increase in size. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of bloating and increased gas production. With bloating, the amount of gases formed may be normal; they simply accumulate in the intestines due to a violation of their excretion. Increased gas formation may not be accompanied by bloating or a feeling of fullness may be present. short-term nature, if gases are freely excreted through the rectum.

    Rumbling in the stomach

    This symptom usually occurs when there is increased gas production due to overeating or eating after fasting (for example, breakfast in lunch time, transition to animal food after fasting). In this case, a large lump of food is formed, the movement of which increases intestinal motility, while the person and the people around him hear characteristic sounds.

    Abnormal stool: diarrhea (diarrhea) and constipation

    Abnormal bowel movements are associated with malnutrition, low fiber content in the menu, in a sedentary manner life, impaired intestinal motility, with intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis and many other diseases of the digestive system. Increased formation of gases and diarrhea or constipation are mostly symptoms that occur in parallel and have common reasons. During stool, a large amount of gas is released, which leads to relief and elimination of other symptoms.


    Belching is a normal process of removing excess gases that have entered the stomach from the environment. Typically, belching of air occurs immediately after eating. In diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas, belching occurs some time after eating and often has an unpleasant odor.

    So that gases do not interfere with your enjoyment interesting situation, you should completely reconsider your diet. This will be useful not only for the mother herself, but also for her baby. Also, if the pregnancy is progressing well, it is important to move a lot, walk in the fresh air, and not go to bed after eating.

    Carminative drugs, although not absorbed into the blood, are still prescribed in extreme cases when normalization of nutrition does not help. In this case, preference is given to preparations of Simethicone and herbal origin (fennel, dill, etc.).

    Increased gas formation in late pregnancy

    On later pregnancy, in addition to the effect of progesterone, there is a mechanical factor - compression of the intestines and internal organs enlarged uterus. As a result, food retention in the stomach and intestines, a decrease in the amount of excreted gastric juice and liver and pancreatic enzymes. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, intestinal colic may occur, which can even imitate uterine contractions and premature birth, forcing a frightened woman to run to obstetricians and gynecologists.

    In order to reduce gas formation, as in early stages, you will have to strictly adhere to proper nutrition. The main condition is to eat often, but in small portions, avoid foods that increase gas formation, and do not eat before bed. Pregnancy is not a pathology, a woman needs to move, walk more (if there are no indications for bed rest), this will promote better removal of gases from the intestines.

    Flatulence after childbirth

    After childbirth, in addition to the hassle of caring for a newborn baby, a woman may be tormented by flatulence. And this does not have a good effect on the baby, who receives excess gases from the mother with milk and may also suffer intestinal colic, because part of the excess gases from the intestinal lumen is absorbed into the blood and ends up in milk. The main reason for increased gas formation in a young mother is the movement of internal organs and intestines into their place, because during pregnancy the enlarged uterus squeezed them, in which case the gas problem will go away in 1-3 months.

    If a woman was prescribed antibiotics after childbirth, dysbacteriosis may have developed. If the birth was carried out by cesarean section, then anesthesia was used, which inhibits peristalsis, promoting the retention of gases in the intestines, but after anesthesia, intestinal function returns to normal within a few days.

    In any case, a nursing mother will have to adhere to a diet so that the baby does not have a tummy ache or develop allergies or diathesis.

    Why does gas production increase after ovulation?

    Indeed, one of the subjective signs of the onset of ovulation (the release of a mature egg) is increased gas production. As with pregnancy, it's all about hormones. Immediately after ovulation, the luteal phase begins menstrual cycle, which increases the level of the hormone progesterone. It is the effect of this hormone on the smooth muscles of the intestines (their relaxation) that leads to increased gas formation and a delay in the excretion of gases through the rectum. But this phenomenon is quite short-lived, disappears after a few days, when progesterone levels decrease. If this condition bothers a woman, then she just needs to reconsider her diet for these days and exclude foods that increase gas formation.

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Pain and discomfort that occurs in the stomach after eating food occurs according to various reasons. Fermentation in the intestines is the most common disorder of the digestive system. Pathology is observed equally often in children and adults. During fermentation, gas formation noticeably increases and the stomach bloats. This occurs due to the fact that the food is not digested enough and causes a fermentation process in the intestines. You should not take pathology lightly; if measures are not taken in time, complications will arise that will harm a person’s health.

General information

Fermentation in the intestines is accompanied by noticeable pain and a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal cavity. As a result of the digestive process, some food components are not absorbed, resulting in the process of fermentation and rotting. This pathology characteristic of the large and small intestines, but is mainly observed in the second. This is due to the fact that in the small intestine there is more absorption and release of acids, which are broken down.

Carbon dioxide, which is formed in the internal organ during the digestion process, causes flatulence.

In children and adults, fermentation and rotting in the intestines occurs due to the fact that the internal organ reacts sensitively to certain foods. The more complex the composition of the product, the more effort must be expended to process it, and accordingly, more acid is released. The pathology is often observed in children under one year of age, since their intestines are not yet capable of all the qualities of digestion. You should carefully monitor what foods you give to your child so that they do not cause fermentation in the baby.

Reasons for fermentation

Sweets enhance putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines.

The main causes of fermentation in the intestines lie in an incorrect daily diet of a person, as a result of which the formation of gases in the internal organ increases. In addition to this pathology, other disorders arise that are more difficult to treat. With a lack of alkaline acid, the digestion of foods is disrupted, they stagnate and the person feels bloated. The reason is insufficient gastric juice. This often happens among those who like to eat acidic foods. Doctors consider the following to be the main causes of pathology:

  • unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of foods that cause fermentation.
  • slow digestion and passage of food;
  • significant disturbances of the internal organs that are involved in the digestion process.

The pathology is affected by a violation of the intestinal microflora if there is no proper blood circulation in the organs. When adhesions or tumors form in the intestines or other digestive organs, food stagnation occurs with subsequent fermentation. Foods rich in carbohydrates and protein slow down the process of digesting food, as a result of which a significant amount of it settles in the intestines and rots. First of all, you need to monitor your daily diet and reduce or completely eliminate foods fermentative in the intestines.

Symptoms of fermentation in the intestines

Fermentation in the intestines is manifested by bloating and excessive gas formation

The symptoms that a person experiences during fermentation can be completely different. One may complain of mild discomfort, while the other may experience severe symptoms. In any case, when fermentation occurs in the intestines, bloating and excessive gas formation are observed. The person also complains of the following symptoms:

  • rumbling sounds in the abdominal cavity;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea is observed);
  • colic or painful sensations in the stomach.

If the patient has other pathologies of the digestive system, adhesions or neoplasms, then the symptoms increase and become more pronounced. It is worth taking this problem seriously, since at the time of rotting the intestinal mucosa is not protected and bacteria easily penetrate it and injure the organ.

What foods cause fermentation?

It is not for nothing that doctors and nutritionists advise paying due attention to the diet and not consuming foods that cause fermentation, since they lead to serious deviations. Consumption of fried foods has a detrimental effect on the digestive organs, in particular the intestinal mucosa. To products that cause increased fermentation include the following:

  • spicy dishes and food with a lot of spices (pepper, cumin, rosemary);
  • sausage purchased in a store;
  • sweets and sugar-containing products;
  • beans, lentils, peas;
  • cabbage;
  • raw plant food.

Drinks that increase gas formation in the stomach are also added to the list: beer, kvass and all other drinks that contain yeast. If you do not abuse the products listed above, then the likelihood of unpleasant symptoms occurring is low. In case of excessive consumption, especially in evening time, will arise unpleasant consequences who need treatment. If you eat foods that cause fermentation before going to bed, they will not be able to be fully digested, since digestion slows down at night.

Treatment of pathology

For proper treatment pathology, be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment of fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach primarily involves influencing directly the source of the pathology. If there are no others serious illnesses digestive system, then the problem arises due to non-compliance with proper nutrition. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor with the problem, who will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe medications to suppress fermentation and recommend a special diet.

Diet for pathology

In order to remove unpleasant symptoms and reduce the frequency of their occurrence, you should adhere to proper nutrition, which excludes junk food. The list of prohibited products includes alcoholic drinks, coffee, fatty varieties meat, sour and salty foods, all fruits and vegetables are excluded. Doctors and nutritionists advise including in your daily diet:

  • bread containing wheat flour;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • fermented milk products with minimal fat content;
  • buckwheat, millet, rice;
  • low-fat soups;
  • egg (no more than 1 piece per day).

It is worth adhering to a special food intake system; its calorie content should not exceed 2000 kcal per day. It is recommended to reduce the salt content in ready meals. Take food warm, since cold or hot food injures the intestinal mucosa, as a result, bacteria can easily penetrate into it. During cooking, you should give preference to the following cooking methods: stewing, boiling, baking or steaming. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, portions should be small.

Medications are used to suppress fermentation.

Use medicines inevitable if complications arise, and without them it is impossible to suppress fermentation. They can eliminate unpleasant symptoms, including reducing bloating. In case of pathology, the doctor recommends taking medications such as Activated carbon, "Dimethicone", "Sorbex" and others. In case of constipation, it is recommended to empty the intestines with laxatives. Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own without consulting your doctor. This will worsen the problem, causing complications or an allergic reaction.

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow us to adhere to food culture. Snacks on the run, late dinners, eating fast food - our body tolerates all this for the time being, periodically giving distress signals in the form of rumbling and pain in the stomach, heaviness, and flatulence. Who among us has not experienced such manifestations and who has seriously paid attention to it? Certainly not many. But in vain. All these signs may indicate the development of dyspepsia in the body - a pathology that is the background for the occurrence of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In our article we will deal with issues related to dyspepsia. Let's find out how pathology is related to such a phenomenon as the rotting of proteins in the intestines. We will also consider the causes and treatment of the disease in the materials of the article. Let's try to understand what can be done to maintain health and avoid such pathology.

What is dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract associated with indigestion.

Pathology occurs due to nutritional disorders and can often manifest itself due to insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes in the body.

Dyspepsia is a disease that is a consequence of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and in itself is not fatal, but significantly reduces a person’s quality of life. The consequences of dyspepsia can be such phenomena as the rotting of proteins and amino acids in the intestines, the processes of food fermentation in the intestines, etc.

Depending on what type of enzyme is missing, there are:

  • cholecystogenic dyspepsia - a disease resulting from impaired bile secretion;
  • hepatogenic dyspepsia - the result of liver diseases;
  • gastrogenic dyspepsia - a pathology resulting from dysfunction of the stomach;
  • pancreatogenic dyspepsia - a consequence of a lack of pancreatic enzymes;
  • enterogenous dyspepsia - a pathology that occurs due to disturbances in the secretion of intestinal juice;
  • mixed dyspepsia is a pathology that combines the signs of several of the above varieties of the disease.

If left untreated, the pathology progresses to chronic form and can cause serious functional disorders body, for example, metabolic imbalance is a fatal phenomenon for patients diabetes mellitus, and etc.

Digestion process

A simplified process of digesting food looks like this. From oral cavity food enters the stomach, where it begins to break down under the influence of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid. Food is digested and partially enters the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach. Since the food mixture interacts in the stomach with hydrochloric acid, the balance of acid and alkali in the organ changes - acidity in the stomach increases. However, the pH level returns to normal after the digested food enters the thin section intestines.

The passage of processed food from the stomach to the intestines is carried out through the pyloric valve, which periodically opens and closes with constant changes in the environment in the small intestine.

Excess acidity is neutralized by intestinal juices. Due to the neutralization of intestinal contents, the pH level periodically changes with alkaline environment to sour, and vice versa.

The stomach and small intestines (albeit for a short time) are protected by increased acidity from putrefactive microflora, which contributes to the rotting of decay products. In these parts of the digestive tract there are no microbes, including putrefactive ones.

Due to insufficient enzymes, food is not completely digested. The decomposition products undergo pathological processes, the formation of toxic products of rotting proteins in the intestine occurs, accompanied by the release of gas.

Types of dyspepsia

Any food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The percentage of these substances in different products is different. Therefore, a person’s diet should be varied - he should receive all three components with food. However, the abuse of any products can cause disruptions in the digestive system and lead to the development of dyspepsia.

There are three forms of the disease:

  1. Putrefactive dyspepsia is a type of pathology that develops as a result of excessive consumption of protein, especially protein that takes a long time to digest. This could be red meat, pates, sausages. A favorable environment is created in the body for the development of putrefactive microflora, which causes rotting of proteins in the intestines. Treatment of this form of dyspepsia is aimed primarily at unloading the gastrointestinal tract and restoring the balance of normal
  2. Fermentative dyspepsia occurs with excessive consumption of foods containing carbohydrates. These include flour products, sweets, cabbage, legumes, honey, as well as mash, kvass, pickled vegetables. Such products contribute to the development of fermentation microflora, which results in fermentation in the digestive chain.
  3. Fatty dyspepsia is a type of pathology that develops against the background of increased consumption of foods containing large amounts of fat. These include pork or lamb lard. Fat dyspepsia is sometimes called soap dyspepsia.

Causes of development of putrefactive dyspepsia

Putrefactive dyspepsia develops not only due to overuse eating foods high in protein. The cause of the pathology can be stale meat products, as well as a low amount of enzymes in the body - intestinal proteases, pepsin, trypsin. Enzyme deficiency is often caused by a person's lifestyle, but can sometimes manifest itself as a congenital defect.

If there is a lack of substances that decompose proteins in the body, or there is a lot of protein food, then it does not completely decompose, but in a semi-processed form ends up in the body. colon. There it decomposes, but not under the influence of normal microflora, but under the influence of opportunistic microflora.

The latter, developing rapidly, suppresses the normal environment and contributes to the occurrence of dysbiosis, and opportunistic bacteria penetrate into lower sections small intestine and start rotting processes in it.

The putrefaction is aggravated by additional proteins that are secreted by the intestinal walls during increased peristalsis. During the decay process, toxic substances are formed that are absorbed into the blood and cause intoxication of the body. The main task in the treatment of dyspepsia is to find a way to stop the rotting of proteins in the intestines. And the ways of neutralizing toxic products in the body also need to be determined.

It is important to remember that, within reasonable limits, eating the above foods does not lead to pathological disorders in organism. However, an excess of such food or eating it in the evening, when intestinal activity decreases, causes undesirable consequences and has a negative effect on the body.


As noted earlier, dyspepsia is a background for the development of diseases of the digestive tract, therefore the signs of pathology are similar to the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Manifestations depend on the type of pathology.

Fatty dyspepsia, for example, is manifested by heaviness in the stomach, belching, and flatulence. Patients report abdominal pain that worsens when eating. The stool is quite copious and often contains inclusions of undigested food.

Fermentative dyspepsia is characterized strong rumbling in the intestines, flatulence. Patients also note frequent trips to the toilet. At the same time, the chair has sour smell And liquid consistency. Fermentation in the intestines also results in frequent constipation.

Symptoms of fermentation should never be ignored. Lack of proper treatment leads to gradual contamination of the intestinal walls. At the same time, the protective film of the mucous membrane ceases to be produced, which will subsequently allow pathogenic bacteria to become active. Over time, fecal stones form in the intestines.

Patients suffering from fermentation dyspepsia also note external sign manifestations of the disease are the so-called “fecal” belly. It occurs due to the fact that the intestines sink down under the weight of unprocessed food.

Manifestations of putrefactive dyspepsia

Dyspepsia of putrefaction leads to the release of toxic substances in the body, such as cresol, skatole, phenol. As a result of the reactions, gases are formed, causing manifestations flatulence. The gas tends to expand and put pressure on the intestinal walls, resulting in disturbances in the abdomen. The reason for this is the rotting of proteins in the intestines. Symptoms pathological condition complemented by unpleasant colic and painful sensations. An inflammatory process develops in the intestines. The organ narrows, and “plugs” form in narrow places, which stretch the non-inflamed areas.

With putrefactive dyspepsia, intoxication of the body occurs, so the patient feels a loss of strength, weakness, and decreased performance. He may be bothered by dizziness and headaches, and sometimes during illness there is a slight increase in body temperature.

The pathology is also characterized by nausea and vomiting, bloating and pain in the abdomen, frequent mushy dark chair with a foul putrid odor.

Putrefaction dyspepsia takes two forms:

  • chronic,
  • spicy.

The acute form occurs after excessive single consumption of protein, for example after overeating kebab at a picnic. This type of discomfort is temporary and goes away quickly on its own or with the help of medications, which contain enzymes.

Chronic dyspepsia indicates serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and requires diet, changes familiar image life, drug intervention.


Screening for dyspepsia is quite varied and includes many components. In addition to examining a doctor, there are methods laboratory diagnostics, revealing the putrefaction of proteins in the large intestine - biochemistry, OAC, as well as instrumental research techniques.

During the examination and conversation, the doctor determines symptoms that may indicate the patient has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, draws up a general picture of the patient’s health status, and decides which diagnostic methods to resort to.

In almost all cases, the patient is sent to general analysis urine and blood. Often, a patient is given a detailed blood test if there is a suspicion of protein decay in the large intestine (biochemistry).

To determine the type of dyspepsia, an analysis of the patient's stool is performed. Sometimes a breath test or stool antigen test is required. A breath test allows you to determine the type of microorganisms that lead to disturbances in the digestive tract.

The occurrence of dyspepsia is evidenced by a large number of unprocessed muscle fibers V stool, feces contain ammonia and have alkaline reaction. In a healthy state, the environment should be acidic.

Helps differentiate dyspepsia from inflammatory process in the intestines - in the case of the pathology under consideration, there are no red blood cells, white blood cells and mucus in the biological material under study.

The diagnosis is also confirmed by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - intestines, stomach, pancreas - identified during instrumental examination methods.

Instrumental research techniques

In order to correctly prescribe a treatment regimen to a patient, it is necessary to establish which organ of the gastrointestinal tract has malfunctioned. After laboratory tests are carried out, if there is a suspicion of protein decay in the intestines (biochemistry, OAM, OAC), they begin instrumental methods research. At this stage, it is necessary to exclude from consideration organic diseases with symptoms similar to dyspepsia.

The range of research conducted today is diverse. The most common examination technique is endoscopy, during which the condition of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines is examined. During the procedure, a small piece of mucous tissue is often removed for histological analysis. The study allows us to judge the presence or absence of the spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body.

In addition to endoscopic examination, the following are carried out:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics, which helps to identify diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, etc.
  2. Electrogastrography and electrogastroenterography are procedures that help identify disruptions of gastroduodenal motility. The technique is based on studying the ability of the muscles of the walls of the stomach and intestines to contract under the influence of electrical impulses. Electrogastrography examines gastric motility, electrogastroenterography is a fairly young technique that examines intestinal motility.
  3. Stomach scintigraphy helps identify indigestion caused by low activity of the stomach muscles (gastroparesis).
  4. Esophagomanometry is a procedure that evaluates the ability of the esophagus to contract.
  5. Antroduodenal manometry allows you to evaluate the motility of the duodenum, as well as the stomach. The method is based on recording pressure in the stomach, duodenum and jejunum, which is performed simultaneously.
  6. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a manipulation that can be used to identify ulcers, stomach tumors, and reflux esophagitis in a patient.
  7. Radiography.

Treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia

Treatment of patients diagnosed with putrefactive dyspepsia begins with a strict diet. This measure is necessary in order to relieve the gastrointestinal tract and stop the rotting of proteins in the intestines. And the neutralization of toxic decay products released during putrefactive dyspepsia can be avoided by food restrictions. Initially, the patient is prescribed a fast for 1-1.5 days, and is allowed to eat only weak unsweetened tea and water. The following is a diet that excludes from the diet for several days:

  • carbohydrates - bread and baked goods;
  • dairy products;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • fried foods;
  • semi-finished products.

If there has been severe intoxication of the body, the patient is prescribed intravenous drips with nutrient solutions (5% glucose solution, etc.). Carbohydrates are gradually introduced into the patient’s diet, but at the same time the consumption of plant fiber with coarse fibers is limited. As a rule, after a few weeks the patient’s condition returns to normal; protein can be gradually introduced into his diet. Fermented milk products help stop rotting processes.

Normalization of stool helps to take astringents, adsorbents, such as activated carbon, help get rid of flatulence.

Antispasmodics (“No-Shpa”) relieve the patient of pain by relieving spasms of the intestinal muscles.

When a patient is prescribed replacement therapy, together with which it is recommended to take B vitamins.

In some cases, antibiotic therapy may be required, which is relevant when there is a threat of infectious or inflammatory diseases intestines.

Fermentative dyspepsia. Traditional medicine recipes

Therapy for fermentative dyspepsia is similar to the treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia. At the initial stage, they resort to fasting - for 36 hours the patient eats nothing except unsweetened tea. Next, food is gradually introduced in small portions. The patient's diet should consist of foods that do not cause fermentation processes in the intestines. These products include:

  • fruits, vegetables, berries, milk, almonds - food containing alkali;
  • plant foods, which are recommended to be chewed as long as possible and not consumed in the evening;
  • mineral water.

Drinking regimen is incredibly important for dyspepsia; patients are recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

In case of enzyme deficiency, patients are prescribed chemically synthesized substances, with an emphasis on the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases that have led to a lack of the body’s own enzymes.

There are times when an appointment is necessary antacids, reducing stomach acidity, as well as taking prokinetics - drugs that activate digestive functions.

Dyspepsia occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Treatment of fermentation processes in the children's intestines is also carried out by following a weekly diet based on minimal consumption of foods containing carbohydrates.

In addition to treatment with medications, sometimes they resort to prescriptions traditional medicine based on the use of plant materials. For example, decoctions of dill, lemon balm, chamomile, and pomegranate peel help with flatulence.

The general recommendation in the prevention of dyspepsia is one thing: you need to chew food thoroughly, do not eat at night, and do not overeat. And remember that the balance of acid and alkali in the body is very important. With a reasonable approach to nutrition, your body will feel great.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. Dyspepsia is a pathology that is a consequence of improper human eating behavior. It leads to the development of serious gastrointestinal diseases in the body.

IN medical practice According to the classification, there are several forms of dyspepsia. One of these is putrefactive dyspepsia, which is inextricably linked with the phenomenon of rotting proteins in the intestines. Biochemistry, endoscopy, ultrasonography- all these methods are actively used in the diagnosis of dyspepsia. With timely screening, the pathology is highly treatable.

As you know, the entire digestion process is quite long and multi-stage. It begins in the oral cavity, under the influence of salivary enzymes, then enters the stomach, is processed by enzymes there, and only then enters the small intestine. There, food lumps are already processed by pancreatic secretions and bile, which contribute to their further grinding, and after that they are absorbed by the villi of the duodenum and other parts of the small intestine. Next, chyme (food masses that have undergone all kinds of biochemical processing) are sent to the large intestine, where further processing occurs under the influence of bacterial enzymes, water is absorbed and a small amount of fiber is broken down. Then undigested food debris accumulates and becomes denser (mainly in the sigmoid colon and is excreted).

As already mentioned above, all digestive processes from beginning to end depend not only on the nutrient substrate and the action of the glands of the human gastrointestinal tract, but also on the intestinal microflora, which exhibits a certain metabolic activity. It is she who is to blame for the fermentation processes (some physiologists call this process rotting, which is correct in principle).

Regarding the extent to which fermentation in the intestines is a physiological process, we can say unequivocally - it is normal, completely healthy person, this process is taking place. This is how it should be and this is absolutely normal. However, the question is that the intensity of this process can be completely different. This is explained by many factors, the main ones being:

  • The nature of the digested products. The thing is that only those substances (nutrient substrates) that have not been absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract at a certain stage are subject to rotting. That is, if, passing through the small intestine, the food masses were not properly processed for some reason, or the content of certain substances exceeded the required limit, then these substrates linger in the digestive system and begin to rot, which is quite natural and logical. To make it easier for you to understand this process, draw an analogy with the refrigerator that is in your apartment. You put the food you eat daily there. In the event that for some reason you put it in the refrigerator more product than you need, then it will be logical that you will not use the excess. They will lie there, of course, for some time, and then they will begin to rot under the influence of certain microorganisms - everything also happens in the intestines. Undigested nutrients are decomposed by fermentation bacteria;

  • The nature of the microflora. It is reliably known that the microflora of the small intestine differs significantly from (just like pH, anatomical structure, physiological characteristics and much more). In the event that any dysbacteriosis occurs (a quantitative and qualitative disturbance in the composition of the intestinal microflora), then, accordingly, the function assigned to it will undergo changes that will not slow down to affect the general health of the human body;
  • Duration of stay of food masses in the human body. Let's go back to the refrigerator example above. Presumably, the food stayed in it for some reason longer than expected. It is logical that after a certain time food rots. The same thing happens in the intestines - there is a violation of peristalsis (contraction of smooth muscle cells, due to which movement through the intestines occurs), for this reason food masses are retained longer than expected. This causes fermentation in the intestines.

In which part of the gastrointestinal tract does this process occur?

What is most interesting is that, despite how different the large and small intestines are from each other in anatomical and functional terms, the fermentation process occurs in both sections. Naturally, in view of the characteristics of the microflora (different bacteria inhabit these anatomical structures), as well as the fact that food masses remain in the large intestine much longer than in the small intestine, many times more often all putrefactive processes occur in the large intestine. However, fermentation (putrefactive processes) is also observed in the small intestine. Although this moment is for clinical manifestations(features of symptoms) or the choice of tactics for managing the patient does not matter.

Indeed, in essence, fermentation (even if enhanced) cannot be called a disease - it is nothing more than one of the physiological mechanisms, which by definition cannot be pathogenic in nature. Moreover, it is carried out by bacteria of normal microflora. Increased gas formation, flatulence is just one of the manifestations of dyspeptic syndrome. Considering that it is characterized by much more unpleasant processes, no one will talk about fermentation as a pathology. Although, be that as it may, this question remains relevant, and it is necessary to prevent excessive fermentation in order to get rid of unnecessary discomfort.

Factors (or immediate causes) provoking the occurrence of fermentation

As in all cases associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the key importance (the most important reason, meaning) in the development of all fermentation processes has a nutritional character. In this case, the provoking factors (reasons) are the use of large amounts meat food(it would be more correct to say protein, since plant or any other protein also contributes to the development of the processes under consideration). In cases where fermentation and flatulence are particularly pronounced, protein often generally predominates in a person’s diet (as a rule, this kind of situation occurs among athletes who strive to increase muscle mass and strive to consume as much protein as possible). That is, it becomes clear that it is the processing of proteins by bacteria that leads to fermentation processes. The more substrate, the more intense the process will be, everything is correct.

In addition, risk factors are those processes that lead to problems with peristaltic movements (violation of their strength and rhythm). Naturally, these include stress, nervous tension, unhealthy diet, with reduced content insoluble fiber, and many others. So even if the food has a normal protein content, but “stays” in the intestines longer than normal metabolism requires, then an increase in rotting processes is guaranteed.

Also, uncontrolled intake will lead to increased fermentation processes. antibacterial drugs or any other factor leading to dysbiosis (common causes). The thing is that putrefactive processes are not stimulated by all bacteria that are part of the intestinal microflora, and when antibiotics act, these bacteria, as a rule, do not die and replace other bacteria.

There are other reasons that lead to increased decay in the human intestine, but they are quite rare. First of all, the conversation is about those diseases that are accompanied by intestinal obstruction, complete or partial (that is, blocking the intestinal lumen). As a rule, this condition is caused by an oncological tumor, a postoperative scar, or atony of a certain area of ​​the intestine. Sometimes severe helminthiases lead to it.

A separate topic is the fermentation process in children younger age. The reason for its sharp increase may simply be a change in diet. This happens especially often when moving from breastfeeding on a mixture or replacing one mixture with another. It is necessary to introduce the necessary bacteria into the child’s intestines with the help of drugs.

A few words about symptoms

As already indicated, the most pronounced manifestation of fermentation processes is increased gas formation and flatulence. Quite rarely, there are other signs of dyspeptic syndrome, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or nausea. It should be noted that in children these symptoms are much more pronounced than in adults - due to incompetence of the gastrointestinal tract.

How should these symptoms be relieved, what should be the most justified treatment?

Naturally, all treatment begins with a correction of the diet - some foods can increase fermentation (you can even do without a single medicine). First of all, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of protein food consumed (in this case we mean meat products and various legumes - soy, peas, spinach). In addition, you should eat as much food as possible that contains insoluble plant fiber ( healthy foods(list) - oatmeal, whole wheat bread).

Oddly enough, increased fermentation is one of the small number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for which the consumption of alcohol is allowed (meaning medical alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, beer and wine are excluded). True, the effectiveness of drinking alcohol has not yet been proven in any way at the molecular level; in practice, most people use just such treatment if they encounter increased rumbling in the stomach.

In addition to correcting the diet (meaning starting to eat other, healthy foods), it will also be necessary to work on restoring normal intestinal microflora. This treatment will already be considered medicinal. For this, probiotics (Linesa, Lactovit or Bifidum-bacterin) and prebiotics (lactulose-based preparations) will be quite sufficient.

Don’t forget about sorbents – atoxyl or white coal. They will help remove dissolved toxins from the human body. This is called detoxification treatment.


Fermentation (putrefactive phenomena) in the intestines is a completely physiological process, but normally it should not proceed particularly intensively (that is, so that it is in no way noted by a person, does not “manifest itself”). If, for certain reasons, fermentation (rotting, in other words) begins to occur too intensely, it is necessary to think about the advisability of correcting nutrition and using certain medications, and conducting gentle treatment.

However, it should be remembered that especially pronounced manifestation pathology associated with fermentation (rotting) processes will not cause dyspeptic syndrome. This is due to the lack of a morphological substrate that will become key reason to the development of some more serious pathology.

Disorders in the digestive tract are the result of a huge number of factors associated with pathological formations, poor nutrition and nearby additional conditions. Problems with digestive process always unpleasant - this applies to both individual situations and general well-being person. The most common ailment, or rather, digestive disorder, at all ages is fermentation in the intestines.

Fermentation in the intestines: the essence of the problem

Fermentation in the intestines causes discomfort and pain

Fermentation in the intestines as a problem is considered in the context of bloating and increased gas formation. Due to the processing of food under the influence of acids, products are broken down, and their individual components are absorbed through the intestinal walls for further transportation. Fermentation is an anaerobic process, meaning the reaction occurs in an environment without oxygen. One of the main elements that are formed during the reaction is carbon dioxide. It is he who causes such an unpleasant phenomenon as.

Fermentation can occur in both the large and small intestines, but in most cases the problem is localized in the small intestine. This is due to the fact that the level of absorption and release of digestive acids in the large intestine is tens of times less than in the small intestine. Foods that actually have no significant value enter the large intestine. energy value Therefore, their decomposition does not cause the release of large amounts of acids and gases.

Features for a child

A feature of the process in children and adults is the sensitivity of the intestines to cleavage products. The larger and more complex the compounds, the more difficult it is for the digestive system to cope with the absorption of enzymes. In children, as we know, the intestines do not have the same quality potential as in adults, so most often the problem occurs in infants who are faced with new foods in their diet.

What causes the problem? Main reasons

The fermentation process begins in the body if the intestines cannot cope with the digestion of food, then the reaction becomes pathological. The main cause of the problem is poor nutrition, which leads to malfunctions of the digestive system. A negative process can be caused by certain products, which provoke the release of gases.

The syndrome is also diagnosed if the body does not have enough alkali that can completely break down food. Then large pieces of food in the intestines begin to decompose under the influence of released acids. Most often, this condition occurs if a person’s diet contains a large amount of acidic food.

The causes of the disease are many and varied. Fermentation can occur due to ineffective contraction of the intestinal walls, hence the slow passage of food. The disorder can also be caused by various pathological formations:

  • adhesions;
  • tumors of different types;
  • anatomical narrowing of the intestines, etc.

Doctor's opinion: disruption of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract is one of the main causes of fermentation in the intestines. This can occur due to complications of certain diseases, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the large and small intestines, etc.

It should be noted that pathogenic microorganisms that are present in the digestive system can provoke both disruption of the movement and decomposition of food, and the fermentation process itself.

Food products that can cause violations of this level:

  • sausages;
  • White cabbage;
  • plant products (fruits, berries, herbs, vegetables - especially those containing a large amount of acids);
  • sugar;
  • various spices;
  • food vinegar;
  • starch;
  • legumes

Photo gallery: foods that cause fermentation

Legumes cause gas formation, so they should be excluded from the diet. Most fruits can cause fermentation Cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which is the cause of increased gas formation. Sausages - enough fatty product, therefore its use is not recommended

It is necessary to understand that healthy, measured consumption of the listed products cannot lead to any violations. However, if you eat something in large quantities, especially before going to bed, the negative consequences will immediately make themselves felt.

Manifestations of fermentation in the intestines

The disease may manifest itself various symptoms, based on the process of rotting undigested food. Among these constant manifestations, the following should be highlighted:

  • bloating due to high content gases in the intestines;
  • rumbling in the peritoneal area;
  • stool disorder, which can manifest itself both in the form of constipation and in the form of mushy stool;
  • uncomfortable or even painful sensations, manifested in the form of colic.

On the background pathological changes anatomical structures or in the presence of neoplasms, the symptomatic complex may acquire a number of more complex manifestations and signs indicating significant disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment most often comes down to normalizing the nutritional process, the correction of which in most cases is enough to normalize digestion and prevent fermentation reactions. However, in case of serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to resort to drug treatment, which will be aimed at treating the main disease, after which it is cured and will go away.

Nutrition correction

In order to correctly develop a nutritional system for a specific disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, you should familiarize yourself with its main criteria, products that are allowed and prohibited for consumption. The main recommendations for creating a nutrition system include:

  • you should reduce the calorie content of food to 2 thousand kilocalories per day. This can be achieved by reducing the amount of fatty foods you eat;
  • significantly reduce the percentage of salt in dishes;
  • refuse solid foods, as well as too hot or cold, which can mechanically damage the intestinal mucosa;
  • give up difficult-to-digest and choleretic foods;
  • the main methods of processing food should be stewing, steaming, baking and boiling;
  • You should consume food in small portions, spreading it over 5-6 meals, etc.

Foods to be consumed:

  • stale bread, better made from wheat flour;
  • lean dietary meat;
  • lean fish;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat);
  • soups;
  • eggs - no more than one per day;
  • tea, etc.

Eggs contain phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and many other useful micro and macroelements, but you should not abuse the amount of eggs you eat
Soups help activate the stomach, are very healthy, it is recommended to dilute the broth Low-fat cottage cheese is an indispensable component of proper nutrition. Milk contains a huge amount useful substances that will help normalize intestinal function

Products whose consumption is prohibited:

  • fat meat;
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • sour and salty foods;
  • almost all fruits and vegetables;
  • cocoa and coffee;
  • spices, etc.

Medicinal effects on the disease

Drug treatment is required in situations complicated by additional syndromes, the “arsenal” of which includes fermentation in the intestines. For this reason they are used special drugs aimed at suppressing the disease. Symptomatic treatment is also possible, which will consist of drugs that alleviate general state patient, removing gases and decay products due to fermentation from the intestines. The following medications are usually used for these purposes:

  • Activated carbon;
  • pepsin;
  • dimethicone;
  • polysorb;
  • sorbex;
  • laxatives, etc.

Important! To carry out treatment, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications. Taking medications without the doctor's knowledge is an ineffective and risky way to get rid of the disease, which often leads to complications, allergic reactions and drug poisoning.

Traditional treatment

Traditional methods of treatment can also be effective in alleviating the condition of a patient suffering from strong gas formation. Decoctions and infusions from the following products are perfect for this:

  • dill;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • walnut;
  • peppermint;
  • pomegranate peel, etc.

Photo gallery: folk remedies to relieve fermentation symptoms

Peppermint contains essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and bitters, so necessary in the treatment of fermentation Chamomile has a calming effect and is used in various medicinal purposes
Due to the presence of magnesium and iron salts in dill in a highly digestible form, hematopoietic processes are significantly enhanced.
Melissa is widely used for medicinal purposes

The method of preparing infusions from the described products is classic: you need to take a tablespoon of the main component per glass of boiling water. After infusion and complete cooling under the lid, the composition is filtered and taken. For example, mint infusion should be consumed one tablespoon every three hours.

Therapeutic exercises to prevent gas formation

In order to keep the digestive system in good shape, you should perform a number of gymnastic exercises that will prevent the occurrence or progression of diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Among these exercises it is necessary to highlight:

  • bicycle for 30 seconds (performed while lying on your back with your legs slightly raised and bent at the knees);
  • lying on your back, pull your bent legs towards your stomach (perform 10 times);
  • from a lying position on your back, you should try to throw your legs behind your head and touch the floor (15 approaches);
  • in a standing position should be done deep breath and draw in your stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, relax your abs (no more than 30 repetitions), etc.

How to avoid problems with intestinal disorders?

Within preventive measures your diet and diet should be normalized. Eat foods containing various acids needed in small quantities. This also applies to fried and fatty foods, the remains of which can remain on the intestinal walls, leading to fecal impactions. It is important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner if discomfort in the intestinal area or peritoneum. Untreated diseases, the treatment of which has been delayed, can lead not only to disruption of the digestive process, but also to more complex problems.

Video: bloating and flatulence

The fermentation process in the intestines causes a number of extreme unpleasant symptoms and is a prerequisite for flatulence. The problem often plagues children when new foods are introduced into their diet. You can get rid of this phenomenon by normalizing your lifestyle and taking medications.